The wheels have come off the Miscavige Bandwagon.
Here are the latest “Good News” reports from Flag, courtesy of Jeff Mintz and his Silicon Valley alter ego Sandy Dodwell. As always, at the bottom I have added these stats to the earlier reports that have been tracked since fairly soon after GAG II was released in November 2013.
This forms perhaps the most accurate and complete record of the ACTUAL production of Flag over the last year and a half.
One can easily see there is NO expansion.
They deliver Super Power and the Running Program now, but those volumes have stayed level throughout this time period. The other stats have similar trends. The Purif is clearly going down, “No Report” means it was too pathetic to even include in their hype-sheet.
We receive these routinely, but don’t bother publishing them until there in occasions such as this, as they are truly just same old same old.
Note on this last one they seem to have forgotten to add another 18 to the total Running Pgm completions… Their cut and paste is pretty perfunctory. In fact, BOTH Sandy Dodwell and Jeff Mintzmeat sent out the IDENTICAL pieces — with the SAME ERROR.
Compared to the earlier postings, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, the latest reports added to the end — it is now 27 week’s worth).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 16 19 15 19 19 19 18 14 28 24 25 26 40 24 22
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17 21 15 19 22 19 20 16 20 24 24 21 20 25 30 18 18
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30 22 63 25 23 22 16 29 29 32 28 32 25 33 29 24 35
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 8 NR 16 9 10 9 10 8 11 13 7 10 13 13 10 10
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8 8 8 16 9 6 9 9 9 9 8 6 6 5 9 5 7
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20 NR 19 19 23 25 25 25 18 21 20 15 23 25 16 19 25
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 14 17 16 11 13 18 25 19 NR NR NR nr
Now that we have established reality, let’s take a look at what David “Let Him Die” Miscavige announced to the sheeple at March 13 about Flag — taken directly from the International Scientology News:
Does anyone possibly believe this idiocy? Or do they just all attribute it to “a bit of overstatement, but we ARE doing so well and expanding so much that COB is allowed to boast a bit.”
The Five Fold Expansion is one thing. Plainly ridiculous. And not supported by anything. If there WAS any expansion it would show up in their FINAL PRODUCT which is OT VII completions and as you can see, that’s not changed for 18 months, averaging less than 10 per month. So too the number of clears.
But as ridiculous that is, the “imminent world clearing” is simply insane. Total delusion. Put DLHDM on heavy psych medications as he is hallucinating wildly and appears to be a danger to himself and others. Next he will be announcing that he going to be in the starting line up of the Los Angeles Lakers. And that using LRH notes he has developed a “standard tech” car that runs on air and water, has unlimited range, seats 6 and goes from 0-60 in 3 seconds. And both of these statements would demonstrate a closer touch with reality than world clearing being imminent.
He is a mad clown driving a clown car, veering wildly out of control. A serious crash is inevitable.
I don’t think anybody is really above clear or going into the ot levels as everyone was stuck doing the bridge from the beginning so ot 8 completions is not really a correct stat to judge
Beyond angry pope….. How can non scientologist help bring light to this travesty? Newly on board. Map quested our local Scientology ctr. Crazily, I live in 4th largest city in US, Houston. So looking forward to buzzing around this place… No worries… I’m mace packed and Taser ready. Probably can’t do much on my own….. But lets take Pope ‘s lead and storm ” the Dungeons!”
Just read thru all the nonsense and minutia that is the so called ‘ Expansion.’ Lot of errors in their story telling, no doubt. Miscavige is falling off his game and proofers are scared error prone. So many comments…. But what’s the point? This wayward cult, no matter how well initially intentioned objective….. We, those who are bound or held captive, physically or emotionally, must continue to make a huge stink for those who can not speak
A mad clown driving a clown car! That is too rich. What an image!
When DLHDM said world clearing is imminent, I think he actually meant word clearing is imminent — in response to all the typos in publications.
Mike, someone, please help. I’m experiencing DMNW (David Miscavige Nickname Withdrawal). I’ve just promised to use only His actual name in my posts, and I’ll keep that promise but…the reality of this has just hit me. Never again will I be able to call Him “Mismanage” or “Apple Box Boy”. Someone, please tell me you understand. That’s all I need. Thank you.
Acute symptoms.
Doesnt matter if you use any name you want as long as you ALSO include his full name.
Of course, duh, you’re right, Mike! Thanks, me so happy 🙂
Me also so dumb to have not figured that out myself. Oh, well…
I seriously think he is a danger to himself and to others. I’m not kidding. These promos are embarrassing to everybody except Desperate Man. Scientologists don’t want to see those promos because their absurdity looks like absurdity. That’s called a “cognition”. So many suppressed cognitions are calling out to be heard!
Watching the BBC Secrets of Scientology for the first time. It is unbelievable the difference in the way you look Mr. Rinder, when in and then when out. A victim, haggard, thin, stressed, to someone who has light in their eyes, a jump in their step.
I know many have said this before, but you are a true hero. Willing to be honest and confront your past, and yet keep fighting so those in the future can be saved. Thank you for sharing. Thank for you honesty. And keep on fighting.
The Cult is going down in 2015.
How about you miscaviage donate some of other’s millions of dollars to the Red Cross for the relief effort in Nepal you useless piece of shit.
Let him Die David Miscavige will put the squeeze on all the usual suspects
such as Benny the IAS Czar in the Sandcastle..
The majority of the money will go into the Punching Pontiffs accounts offshore.
A small amount will go for Way to Happiness that get handed out in Nepal.
A photo Op will get overblown C of $ PR
D.M. would never give anything to the Red Cross because he can’t micromanage it.
One thought that comes to mind here: sectors of Scientology are kept specifically compartmentalized. Staff in the orgs are not allowed to cross-talk to one another about orders or compare notes about anything.
I’ve always felt this enables these sorts of lies to be forwarded and believed, regardless of how crazy the hyperbole. If someone looks at their own area and sees the incongruity to the promo, what kicks in is the self -introversion mind control thing, giving the person the idea their area is “out of step” with how the rest of scilon is doing. Fucking evil.
What an amazing con.
While pretending to their fellow orgs that all is upstat, each org, so pretending, believes their is the Only ONe Not With The Program, the ONLY Out-Ethics Org. All orgs lie to each other. All orgs withold from one another. Each staff member everywhere has a continuing missed withold from fellow staff in other orgs, with all the phenomena that goes with that. Amazing. Have to hand it to you, David Miscavige. Hats off to you, Sir. You’ve really got your SP hat down. Nobody does it better, Sir.
These insane criminals need to word clear “imminent.” The fucking crooks have a fucking MU.
Why doesn’t he list the lawsuits vs. Scientology?
45 lawsuits against Narconon
dozens of lawsuits seeking refunds
lawsuits regarding harassment, forced abortions, unpaid Sea Org wages, building code violations in the ideal orgs, etc.
Mike, “in a a new unit of time”, thank you once again for this blog. Every day you pour out more truth about the cult that is the Church of Scientology and its supreme ruler, David Miscavige.
Well, now we know how Miscavage had 200 extra Sea bOrg to send to Los Angles. They didn’t have any work in Clearwater. Even with special ‘missions’ to out of the way places like Scotland and Sacramento and Portland, they still can’t fill up the Stupor Powerz building.
The regging is going to get extra nasty in the year to come. The few whales that are left will be tasked with keeping the lights on in more and more mOrgs and even they won’t put up with endless sec checks and Dun and Bradstreet reports.
Well, at least with it being baseball season again, Denver can rent out their parking lot and maybe keep the lights on for the summer. I do hope they don’t need air conditioning, that is not included.
Don’t forget El Con. He is in the running too!
I saw a photo on Ortega’s site showing a man with his
NED auditor cert, thanking Louis Farrakhan for showing him the way to clear people. Hey David Miscavige he is thanking Louis Farrakhan NOT YOU and NOT HUBBARD. Think about that David. I see a possible problem there Dave. Not to worry though, I doubt it will affect all the Flag Good News stats…….yet.
“Does anyone possibly believe this idiocy? Or do they just all attribute it to “a bit of overstatement, but we ARE doing so well and expanding so much that COB is allowed to boast a bit.” ”
Followers have to figure out how to be the good subordinates and engage in tasteful acceptable boasting so as not to upstage the Chairman of Boasting.
“Promise everything and Deliver Nothing”
Napolean Bonaparte
Let Him Die David Miscavige
Thanks for the news from Flag’s completions.
Have I missed anything from any of the 1,524 Flag “Super Power” completions?
Have any of these fifth-teen hundred people demonstrated any “Super Powers” worthy of reporting?
Is the world missing hearing of any of these people’s special new abilities that might drive the masses to jump aboard Scientology?
I think the wheels to Hubbard’s spaceship are at best his fiction skills.
In Hubbard’s fiction books, the wheels stay on his spaceships.
In real life, Hubbard’s Scientology fiction abilities fail to transport any of these SuperPower graduates anywhere.
How much more can the cool-aiders stomach? I get similar cheery, up-stat communications from my employer, which I have no beefs after all these years, and I still cannot take over and over and over . . . .
So I do not read, and delete and delete and delete . . . .
“He is a mad clown driving a clown car, veering wildly out of control. A serious crash is inevitable.”
Proof beyond any doubt that Scientology “werks”. The final E.P.
And it is best to give the ‘hole’ sordid seething mass of ‘do gooders’ a wide berth. When the crash is heard and seen, you really won’t want any of that toxic mess on you ……. without protective clothing.
And when Sandy and Charmaine are moaning and groaning about it all, step over them and give the able a hand as needed. If Dave Let Him Die is there, well, do what Dave would do ……………. !!
That first paragraph is excellent advice, Newcomer. Thank you.
A name that has consistently and repeatedly come up in the auditing I do to help others through the looking glass church experience – Sandy Dodwell…The close second – Charmaine. To follow the OZ analogy – these two are the flying monkeys sitting at the left and right hands of the evil that has paved the yellow gold bricked road to nowhere.
The lies of expansion roll off their tongues in between breaths as they invalidate and manipulate people till they see their opening to swoop in and capture their prey.
cob must be so proud of their emulations of him and his abilities to use the strings he had them on. Such a repelling scene.
Congrats. It must be ‘fun’ to unravel all the mess. I’ve never had a problem with Scn data or tech, only with people who mess it up. Done even reasonably well, even rote, it works like a bomb. Sound like you are using it very well with real purpose in mind.
Sandy was shilling for Flag in Joburg in 1985 when I got in and she was pulling the same shit way back then. The degree was much much less though. She went over to the U.S. sometime in the 90s.
Way back then in the 80s she already looked like a wrinkled old hag, I shudder to think what she looks like now. She must be what? pushing 80 or so by now?
I’ve seen some people get locked into patterns in their lives – the past seems to become their only sense of direction. Some C/S probably could explain in depth, but I get the notion it’s pro-survival people who can see reasons for change and can adapt, while contra-survival people – maybe that’s the 20% of the population – just get locked into the reactive mind, unconsciously or semi-consciously repeating things out of ‘tradition’ or ‘personal conviction’ that was established long ago, resist changes, and stay there until someone pulls them out of it. There’s some weird stuff to observe, but there’s much more stuff, and more rewarding stuff, on the plus side of things.
I’ll go out on a limb here and offer up a NO!
At this point, it seems the stats have never been honest. Was there a point where records and stats WEREN’T falsified?
Ever since L. Fraud Flunk-Out said that stats had to go up every week (and yet there are still some Indies who believe Admin Tech is the bee’s knees…), it’s been lie after lie after lie. Remember, figures lie and liars figure.
Yep, Espiando, I even figured that out myself.
Heidi, short answer, no.
Reality dictates that there is no way a statistic can continually climb every week for eternity, there is a time when it will have to dip. There are a finite number of ways to make a statistic rise, so a statistic has to be altered artificially in order to make it look better, then the next week, it has to be altered again and again and again and again, you get the idea. At some point, all the hot air holding a statistic up will fail and the statistic will crash to the ground,
Per LRH edict, if a stat went down in your division, your entire division suffered from a lower condition, so for the entire history of scientology, stats have been falsified to make them look as good as possible so people could get things like sleep, food, etc.
Because scientology bases its entire day to day existence on statistics, every day, someone is suffering because some statistic is not higher than it was yesterday. Sad but true.
Exactlly right, Valerie. If I ran my business on the necessity of stats always rising I would very soon have no staff, no product and no business. Its just impossible to run an organization of any kind with this huge arbitrary as a stable datum.
Constantly raising stats is a totally insane way to run any organization. However, it seems to fit the cult to a “T.” And by this, the “T” stand for torture.
I saw it mentioned at Tony’s blog some time ago. that it would be best to always actually mention David Miscavige by his name in posts, as the search engines don’t know enough to associate words like “DLHDM” or “Miss Cabbage”, etc. with David Miscavige. (Check it out yourself by searching for any of the various nicknames people have thought up for David Miscavige. You won’t see an association.)
If everyone always wrote about David Miscavige’s abuses and attributed them to “DLDHM” and the Church continued to only use his proper name, then searchers would only find what the Church wrote about David Miscavige.
Search for David Miscavige and you will find lots of criticism, but it’s from less knowledgeable people: gawker, tmz and the like. Granted, these sites have huge followings and excellent SEO, but has more real information that is of greater value. MikeRindersBlog would stand a far better chance of coming up in these search results if David Miscavige’s proper name was used. .
This is why I always address the Queen-Empress Royal Governor of the Valley as NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON, with ALL-CAPS as cruise control for cool (and emphasis) and both identities in there to try to bump up search results for this blog when doing searches for this deluded psychopath who let her fiance bump himself off due to involvement in this cult.
The truth is out there. Google will bring you to it. But even the real-life Skynet needs a little help now and then.
That is why her royal governess of the Valley Nancy Cartwright Bart Simpson prefers not to be referred to by her real name or mentioned in the same sentence as David Miscavige. Ashamed of her reality much?
Dan Locke and Espiando, I’ve heard this before and it makes sense. I’ll miss using my favorite nicks for Him but humor needs to support purpose, so from now on I’ll spelling His full name in all my posts. Thanks for the reminder about this, gentlemen.
The OSA stats make OSA sort good news from bad news. So David Miscavige’s name associated negatively credibly, like “New Revelations of the Most Recent Ex Int Base Staffer’s Witnessing David Miscavige’s Beatings at the Int Base” type of clear statement gets to count in the bad news/David Miscavige stat that OSA keeps.
That was my understanding.
David Miscavige’s name negatively associated in an article counts in the negative pile of Scientology news.
That’s a very good point Dan. Even though it’s fun to use nicknames to address DLHDM, it will eventually make a wider impact if we, the commenters spelled it out: DAVID MISCAVIGE.
I honestly think we are deluding ourselves if we think anyone outside of scientology actually cares who he is. That said, the name David Miscavige crops up verbatim in virtually every discussion, along with sufficient nicknames so people know who is meant. Never fear, Miscavige cannot hide, and we can still have our fun, even if some might consider it “low toned”. It’s sparce enough payment as it is for being involved in a cult as crappy as this one.
“I honestly think we are deluding ourselves if we think anyone outside of scientology actually cares who he is.”
I think that there are plenty outside of scientology who actually care who he is. Perhaps not so much here, but at Tony’s blog (as an example) there are many who say that they were never in and yet are very interested. And, lets not forget, he is the “ecclesiastical leader of the world’s fastest growing religion”!
I think you are right though, his actual name generally does come up in most posts. However, in this particular post we are commenting about, only “Miscavige” was mentioned!
But I’m probably attempting a little tempest in our teapot, anyway! Grab your teaspoons, we’re going to come out of this okay!
Dan – The notion of paddling a rowboat with a teaspoon is about what it feels like sometimes! Lol!
I disagree. Outside of scientology (and by that, as I guess I should have explained, I mean the world concerned with it) David Miscavige is irrelevant and a nobody. I can’t imagine why anyone who was never in would google his name as the first thing. It’s the scientology brand that is widely and toxically known. David Miscavige is just a detail you stumble on once you’re down the rabbit hole.
Agreed Dan, and it’s even difficult for me to follow.
” Does anyone possibly believe this idiocy? ”
Unfortunately …… yes! With Sandy and her sec checking sidekick Bill Batchelor in tow, they tag team with the rabid Clive Rabey from Flag and conduct ‘world tours’ to help the less fortunate lighten their load of cash.
I need to thank them for delivering a 4 x 4 blow to my head in 2009. When I walked out of the spot check interview (AKA sec check to find out if I had any money left) following Clives ‘briefing’ in Sacramento in the Fall of 2009, little did I know that the 4 x 4 had left it’s perch and was on it’s way to the upside of my head!
After three hours of grinding away to find ‘some out ethics situation I must be involved in’ we took a break for dinner. Yes, I took a break from ever picking up those cans again, got in my car and began the two hour drive home. An hour into the drive my wife started getting calls on her cell. “No we’re going home, the interview is OVER”. Gasp, but Bill’s not done with the interview, you HAVE TO COME BACK! “NO, THE INTERVIEW ‘IS’ OVER!” Those were my words and my wife was stuck in the middle not knowing what to do.
The next day at work on Monday, Bill and Sandy showed up to ‘finish’ the interview. I told them both, “The interview IS OVER. What in the hell are you doing with these on the fly sec checks? When did that start? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
On the way back down the hall from the mens room, Bill was on his cell to someone ……. I overheard “well they are qualified.” I would later come to find out that when my wife was at Flag a few months later, the IAS regges including Michelle, Paul Miller and other perps forced my wife to max out the credit cards without my knowledge or agreement.
On December 11th at about 10:30 AM (burned into my PEA sized brain for eternity) I began receiving calls from the Credit card companies about delinquent accounts and non payments. I said, ” I’m sure you are mistaken, we do not keep balances on our credit card accounts”. The answer, “I can assure you Mr. Kessel that you have substantial balances on your accounts!”
Head ……. meet 4×4!
My first action was to call my wife. Yes it was true (she was obviously disdraught, having done what she did because she had been convinced it was THE ONLY WAY to save the planet).
The second was to send the Cult an email stating that I wanted no part in a organization that would promote lying, cheating, stealing and general third partying of well intentioned parishoners. (I think I actually sent it to my wife who gave it to her MAA…………probably the wonderful Jasmin Arellano.)
Three years later that email would show up in an SP declaration. On the 12th of Feb, 2013 they finally figured it out. (although I have never seen it) Yes, I am dedicated to stomping out out ethics in general and the cult masquerading as a church specifically; it was official. They then told my wife and kids to cut all ties and disconnect. The wheels were all off at that point! So were the gloves.
Yo Dave LHD,
The 4 x 4 is coming back atcha good buddy! But I think it is looking more like a 12 x 12 this time. And BTW, no, I won’t be doing any services at your cornerstone of the most fucked up uncivilized group on the planet. And tell your cronies thank you for the wake up call and to stick the 12 x 12 where the sun does not shine!
Rant over ……….. back to regular programming. Sorry for those who have heard the story before but Mike got me fired up again this AM.
Coop, I had not heard the story. Thanks for it. It stiffened my resolve. Sometimes I need a laugh, sometimes I need a reminder that this isn’t all fun and games and that this is real people’s lives they are messing with. Yes, they have destroyed peoples’ lives, their financial eternities, for the sake of a buck. So glad you escaped. Sorry your family didn’t “fly the Coop” (pun intended) with you.
Hey, still waiting for your call.
Hi Val,
Geeze, I think I misplaced your phone number. Can you send it to me or call my home and leave it on the message machine. 209-928-4822
Yo Dave,
You or one of your goons can give me a call too if you would like to discuss anything in private. I’m sure I can give you some good advice.
No need to apologize for retelling the story. It “rehabilitated” my own reasons and purposes for leaving the church for good, and knowing that I and many others were not the only ones who went through this sort of crap. I think it’s good that you retell your story now and again, and people can resonate with it.
Mr. Kessel, I can see that you and your wife must have been very dedicated, and “good” Scientologists. Flag staff would only pull these kind of stunts on the well seasoned parishioner. The ones they know are solidly on the hook. This is how the good ones are compensated for years of faithful activity in the church. It’s too bad that your wife and family didn’t see things the way that you did, and I’m very sorry for the outcome that your family had to face. I hope you are doing well today and will continue to speak out about the cult. Rants included.
Thanks Pepper,
No one said life would be easy. I think it is the ‘pursuit of happiness’ that is referred to in the Constitution. Well, bumps and hiccups not withstanding, I can say that life is really really good and the most pronounced difference came from waking up to the fact I was on a heavy diet of ‘belief barbiturates’.
Coming to terms with the fact that my kids and family members are all adults and have the same freedom to choose what path they take in life has been interesting to say the least. My Mom, who will be 94 in June, has had her rudder in the water her whole life and one of the more interesting comments she made a couple of years ago was “well I’m really glad to see you finally woke up!”. And she will never give up on her grand kids either but at the same time says that she will not ruin her life fretting about it.
Here is a lady who at 12 years of age, found herself (with her family) during the winter of 1933, on a ranch in northern New Mexico, having lost there home in the depression and only depending upon themselves for survival, helping to harvest the last of the vegetables from the garden and can them with the meat from two bears my grandfather shot, to make it through the winter. So, as Mom often says, “not to worry, it could be a lot worse!”
Yo Dave Let Em Die,
Don’t worry, IT WILL!
I’m very happy to hear this, Newcomer and God Bless your Mom turning 94!
Yes, it is interesting to watch our children grow into adults and see the path they choose to take in their lives. Things don’t always go as we might expect either but this is a part of living, and what we have to bear. The best part of this to me is that life never stays the same; it’s always changing and people do as well. While this can bring sadness or loss at times, it will also bring joy. That is what I look forward to.
I love it when you rant, Coop. Keep it up. It’s good to be reminded about what this fight is all about – on so many fronts. It’s not JUST felony assault or false imprisonment, etc. It’s about your story of rip offs and lies and disconnection and my story of psychological torture and criminal TE’s and programming based on qualifying and the use of disconnection as a form of blackmail. The list is extensive. So many of us have a story of abuse.
Please rant any time you want, Coop.
Thanks McCarran,
And as my uncle would say, “fuck em if they can’t take a joke! ”
Yo Dave Let Em Die,
From one joker and degrader to another good buddy …..fuck you!
Ok, enough is enough for one day. Now on to the fun stuff!
Rant on Newcomer! I think we all love it when you get on a tear, start naming names, and rip open the kimino of the beast! I think you are as Neil Young sings ‘out of the blue and into the black’. Rage on and celebrate leaving that 1/2 life!
That’s a great story. David Miscagive knows there are more than a few people out there highly motivated to bring him down. He knows everybody else agrees with them. Your story gives insight into why that is the case. You were a fool for a while and you’re angry at the one who exploited it then tried to make you into a bad guy for being angry about it. Yes, I’m enjoying the story of David Miscagive as it draws to its inevitable conclusion.
I know, I know. I sound like a broken record. But, this PROVES that’s it’s all make believe. It’s all made up on the spot. “We don’t need no stinkin’ true stats!” But, I will say this. The claim of, “Flag makes world clearing imminent” is so far fetched and ludicrous that I spewed coffee all over my keyboard! It was worth it, though. Their desperation is raising at an exponential rate. As is the loss of members…
Purif and Objectives have exhausted the few sheeple that was left in the Church and is basically at 0 or very low.
If these are pre requisites for Super Power then, one can safely assume, Super Power will be having soon the same NR, NR, NR….
When you deal with destruction of other’s lives, rather than in building something, you will end like DM:
NR=No Remedy. No Recourse, No Responsibility, and whatever else you can think of.
Okay Dave. I am going to help you out. Close your eyes, click your heels 3 times and repeat after me.
“There is no place like reality, there is no place like reality, there is no place like reality.”
I can just see Dave waking up surrounded by Yeager, Wilhare and Guillaume. Oh, oh, I had a terrible dream. Marc you had no balls and Gregg you had no brains and Guillaume you were eating cheese and had no heart. I,I was a GREAT POPE of hundreds of millions of people and countless BTs!!!!
It’s okay Dave. You just drank too much while taking your medication. You are still in the same old desert compound you’ve been in for almost 40 years, surrounded by a bunch of beat down, incompetent, SPs.
“He is a mad clown driving a clown car, veering wildly out of control. A serious crash is inevitable.”
Priceless! Thanks for making me laugh.
David “let him die” Miscavige’s stats are irrelevant because they are all recycled people who attested to these levels one or more times already. There is no new blood anywhere.
Exactly, Cindy. My think on it is that, given the paucity of staff, if any NEW blood were being infused into the cult they’d be far too busy to give DeadFiled Me the time of day.
I think there is some on the streets in front of PAC. Most everyone there whether staff or public has a scab missing with some telltale leakage!
Yo Dave Let Em Die,
A friend of mine accused me of being a ‘scab yanker’. We’re comin for your pleebs good buddy, better go for the Johnson and Johnson …… and I’m recommending band aids although a good supply of vaseline is always handy when visiting your local Cherch of $cientology.
“Since opening Combine it all, and Flag has now attained a fivefold expansion of delivery.”
So I guess since the time Flag land base opened in Clearwater 40 years ago, and if you combine everything such as the Flag Service Org for public and the international training org for staff, then there is five times the capacity to deliver training and auditing to people.
Additionally, if one considered that training an auditor and having him ready to take a person into session, whether or not the person was actually there>>to be audited could be construed to be “expansion of delivery”, then this 5X statistic (hold your breath) might actually be TRUE!
Hallelujah! [Cue breathless Jeff Pomeranz voice] “This year, a SCI-EN-TOLOGY STATISTIC HAS AH-TAINED THE STATUS OF…TRUTH…RAH-VEALED!!!”
Your analogy of Psycho-Miscavage (nice ring to it) is quite, frighteningly true. Though the way you write is quite humorous, it nonetheless strums chords of horrific truth that indeed will lead to a crash, causing many casualties.
Certainly these figures and claims are easily refuted, however, I think they are perceived differently by the sheeple. I can still recall the True Believer mindset. I don’t think anyone still-in thinks World Clearing ® is going to come about by auditing, one-on-one each man, woman and child on the planet.
Even the church has recognized the absurdity in this, and has tempered it by saying not everyone has to be cleared in order to the Clear the Planet, that most of its inhabitants were merely animals; instead, one simply has to handle the theta-entheta ratio. By converting entheta to theta the planet begins to destimulate and effectively clears itself! It’s magical.
But, Scnists are predisposed to magically ideas and concepts. When I was in, I actually believed that Scn would reach some sort of Tipping Point (which had nothing to do with membership or enrolment); that through the power of auditing and the OT Levels, the planet would come around and get inline with Scn.
I think DM plays into this delusional propensity. It’s not about what is happening in Scn that keeps one faithful – it’s about what MAY happen.
Yea, like Hubbard’s labeling the OT levels, with the word OT.
OT itself is a constantly repeated and drummed in “magical” non existent soul power supposed ability.
There are no OTs!
No OT abilities, and none of the OT 8 Scientologists who completed the “SuperPower Rundown” have any increased magical soul abilities of worthy note.
Witness NO news media have been impressed with the Super Power grads’ abilities.
I’d love to see some superpowers, but no one gets OT, no one gets Super Power, they only get acquired delusion placebo anecdotal coincidences as “wins” in their lives.
What exactly is the ability you’re supposed to gain from super power?
Statpush, you’ve nailed it. When I was still in and drinking the K/A, what you’ve just detailed was my (hazy) concept of how planetary clearing would be effected which I recognize today as having been one of my own, uninspected stable datums.
Every so often, back in the day I would wonder to myself about how enough auditors could be made to audit the world’s PCs, and always it was too much to contemplate so I I would fall back on this hazy, comforting concept of theta somehow overbalancing the planet’s entheta with everything somehow coming out fine in the end.
Today, I look back on this absurdity of mine in amazement. I can only say, in my own defense, that I myself had benefited a good deal from auditing and training, and, sure, based on my own positive experience I did want a clear planet, and so I foolishly trusted, I fatuously believed, and believed that it could not be possible that I was being manipulated, conned, lied to. For years I didn’t even entertain the possibility of this!
Post Script: thank God and the angel over my shoulder that something, a very little thing, opened the little window in the house of my own Prison of Belief ,which in turn prodded me to begin the looking, inspecting, querying process which freed me from the cult.
My experience will always be my experience. But no more blind trust for me. Today its i “Trust, but verify”. (Yes, Ronald Reagan said this but I’m neither Republican nor Democrat, I just think its a good way for me to operate in life.)
Yeah Aquamarine, Great post thank you from my heart.Ann B Watson.
” church has recognized the absurdity in this, and has tempered it by saying not everyone has to be cleared in order to the Clear the Planet,”
What about all the horseshit coughed up on the OT VII materials? (oops, sorry to all horses everywhere, should be Daveshit or Let Em Die Shit) Clive is working out the math that all the freed body thetans who have been cleared and moved off will now pick up new bodies and be already clear. I’d like to see one new sucker that comes into the cult saying that he/she/it can start right off on the OT levels cause “I’m a reconstituted thetan from Flag last lifetime. I’ll bet the C/S would shit all over himself on that one, not to mention Paul Miller and the regges.
Good point Newcomer. That aspect never quite mad sense. So here you are, you have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and decades to get to this point where you can spot a dead (or nearly dead) body thetan, give ’em a nudge and say “get along lil’ doggie” and just like that the fucker is CLEAR??!!
How is that remotely possible? If there’s any True Believers lurking, please enlighten me.
Shit, I’d rather be a BT 🙂 It’s cheaper and takes far less time.
Well Statpush ..I’d say you are as enlightened as one needs to be to know the truth. And remember, according to Davee Poo Miscavige, Mr. Let Em Die his-self, there are really only two BTs (Big Thetans) on the planet at one time! …….. and they are both cheap cowards!
I used to think that these horrific stats would convince people I cared about that are on the Inside of IT that something is wrong at the top; that It’s not the SP’s out here or Big Pharma or the Psychs that are crashing the church; it is the Big Head Honcho in the church. BUT! I have come to realize that they don’t care and in fact, they love the hype and lies – gives them their support and justification for becoming Gold Meritorious or for redoing the Student Hat.
It depresses me. So, I’ll tell a joke that I just heard from a tween: What’s the difference between a well-dressed man on a unicycle and a badly dressed man on a bicycle?
(A tire.) 🙂
LOL = a tire..
Okay, Hubbard himself give the ultimate blame the followers statement in Keeping Scientology Working, where Hubbard says the only failure of the subject is the members who fail to get results!
No results equals failure, equals followers who didn’t follow Hubbard’s 10 points of Keeping Scientology Working.
So the followers can always fall back and blame themselves too, since Hubbard gives the final backstop blame to the members!
Whee! Join Scientology. If you fail, it’s YOUR fault!
Scientology lawyers ensure this final clause is on ALL their legal docs!
You fail, it’s your fault Scientology didn’t work for you.
If you learn to lie real good to yourself that Scientology is working for you, then you win!
You win Hubbard’s delusion Scientology!
Aye Aye… So sad. But if there’s anyway that any of us can be instrumental to even one person by hitting a note or striking any chord, we have to. Have to keep our due diligence in’ speaking out for those who are unable to.’ Were free people, many of us American s… It’s in our blood. It’s coming. It is
Speaking of out of control, run – don’t walk – to the video of the Basel idle mOrgue opening and enjoy the rope trick.
For instance, this one :
Any of the stats are suspect, even these dismal ones. But I still wonder, if they are true, how many of these are the lucky 1-2% of the 2000 seaorgres on staff there just to make these stats. Any guess as to how this translates into revenue? (Other than flat or down?)
10 OTVII per month or per week Mike?
scientology newsinternational was saying expansion = 10 times.
well, I imagine it was ten times the idea missy cabbage would have given.
Courtesy of Wilfried Handl the whole of the Basel Org opening ceremony can now be seen over at the Underground Bunker.
You say that Slappy is “hallucinating wildly and appears to be a danger to himself and others.” His Basel speech would seem to confirm that, as he seems to think that the ribbon-pulling ceremony on a crappy little pseudo-church in a second-league Swiss city is “a long-anticipated turning point in European history [signalling] ..a new era, a breathless moment that will never be forgotten so long as sun shines and planets swing.” A breathless moment? Really Slappy? A breathless f***ing moment? What planet is this guy on? No it’s not a turning point in European history. Unless of course Slappy really does think he’s another Napoleon, Hitler or Stalin?
PS: If there’s anything worse than Shermanspeak it’s Shermanspeak broken into baby-bites with consecutive German translation.
Maybe they will get a lot of new big-paying customers from the huge Novartis campus next door.
Maybe heavy psych meds would pop Slappy out of his hallucinating, but I think he should be hooking himself up more to his copper ground-wire device. Looking forward to the Ideal Crash!
Doesn’t 5x seem treasonous as compared to the much heralded affluence of 47x initially claimed last year?
Scientology Lies – Straight up and Vertical
Expansion – Nothing
One wonders what, these days, is meant by “clear”, Mike. And since there is no evidence to support it, what is meant by “five fold”? One might also ask what pills The Shermanator is taking in order to write this drivel. Does he really believe it?
Thank you for, yet again, for the joy I feel in having left this lunacy.
I’m wondering how many of those Clears are re-treads. OTs coming back to kindergarten to play in the sandbox.
Robin, I’m with you there. My golly. Yes, thank god we’re out of it!