Things are looking pretty dim in the world of scientology, even at Flag, the last bastion of “look how big and cool we are.”
They actually have to round up anyone who has been given a certificate ANY TIME in 2017 to come for their photo shoot at FLAG???
The photo below shows no more than 150 people (can’t be bothered counting them, so giving them the benefit of the doubt).
With their ongoing 47X expansion, greatest year of greatness in the history of histories, GAT II and faster Bridge progress than ever, the amazing Super Power and Cause Resurgence making planetary clearing a reality and being the coolest religion on earth — this should represent one Friday graduation.
An entire year’s worth?
And THIS is the biggest photo shoot of the year?
Remember back in the good old days when Jeff Mintz used to send out his “Good News from Flag” and I kept track of their stats?
Each week he would send out “We had 7 OT VII Completions this week, 9 Clears, 35 Purif Completions, 17 Grades Completions” etc etc. He (and I guess his target audience) thought this was all very impressive. When compared to every other org on earth it was YUGE — more than one clear every week is unheard of anywhere. Put in the context of the planet it was ridiculous. But even worse, I actually graphed these statistics week after week. This is the last post of a long series.
Their statistics were long term “Emergency” (according to Hubbard), gradually getting less and less. Some of the stats they simply stopped including. Cause Resurgence (Running around a pole program) was the last to go into a steady decline. They got all the easily available existing public from around the world, it was relatively cheap by Flag standards (only $5000 to be told to “keep running”) and easy to deliver (no auditor required) so it went well for a while (though 20 or 30 people a week on the entire planet is not going to shift the needle of even the most sensitive Quantum Earth EMeter, not even a tick). Maybe the inevitable decline in Running Pgm completions as they got through the 1000 hardcore scientologists on earth was the death knell for the “Good News”?
Either that or the “Good News” was considered a security breach, and Mitz was eventually ordered to stop sending them out. Even the blind being led by the blind could see that the numbers were getting smaller and smaller.
And now this. A different index of failure, but very consistent with every other piece of information that seeps out of the bubble.
Apparently the “Friendliest Place in the World” is now flat-lining.
They’re afraid to come near Scientology for fear of being regged…
Most fiction goes out of fashion sooner or later.
It’s quite sad.
It’s now 35 years scientology is downtrending since Miscavige took over. It’s almost dead.
And we let it happened.
Because scientology is ruled by a suppressive, it was destroyed in the inside. And the members were turned into detractors in one side and robots on the other.
It’s a real failure.
I believe the destruction was in the DNA.
FG, scamology started its crash in ’75/’76 in numbers of new members and new people taking services.. When Miss Cabbage was a child. How you give him credit is a study in insanity.
From my own experience, from 75 till 78/80, stats were going up. It was visible by number of WD hours, course completions, huge hours of student auditing, number of people in the shop.
My org was full, full. Couldn’t sit on course ! It really was kind of St Hill size (the idea didn’t exist at this time) and it would have been the time to have an ‘ideal org” !
But when we moved in a bigger building, nobody ever asked a dime to anyone, not even to help to carry things, they wanted students to study and auditors to audit. At this time, the concept of fundrising was not existing in scientology.
Of course at this time, there was already outside and inside suppression (Gardian Office was led by Jane Kember who was a real fascist, and IRS wanted really to do scientology in.).
Winsky I can understand that you are against it, but if once you were a scientologist, didn’t you like it sometime ?
I am not a scientology fanatics, far from it. I’m very much opposed to any kind of oppression against people free will. And Miscavige is the opposit of scientology.
Not from the natural DNA, this is true bullshit.
He is the DNA of all autoritarian piece of shit who have made history a great sorrow. They did take over states, religions etc. and caused wars, destruction and death.
And you’re right Winsky, in my area where scientology was new, it was going up. But in England at St Hill it was already a poor old conservative provincial thing. Lots of english red necks, quite stupid. Of course they had the G.O on the Manor. For me it was like the headquarter of the Gestapo.
And their dusty british college style was anything but new and Hubbard says Dianetics and Scientology are new !
Now it’s so much an old thing that nobody bother if they survive or not !
Irrelevant blather FG. World Wide (including US) it was falling as of ’76 and NEVER recovered.
Your best bet is to seek REAL professional mental health treatment for your denial problems.
I won’t keep on this thread as you need real help. However, I will counter your pathological lying in the future as I have now and in the past.
You didn’t even read what I wrote !
The people in the photos are basically saying, “Hey look how dumb I am, I paid tens of thousands of dollars for these crappy posters.”
If each of the people in the photo converts fifty million others then the planet will be cleared in no time.
We knew Flag was on the decline in 1995 when they would not let my wife and five year old son use the toilet facilities. I thought “$150,000 and they won’t let us in the Fort Harrison.” It took ten more years before they even got around to declaring us. Scientology was “American Trash”.
Mike, I am wondering, of the upper level exec’s still at Gold,(presumably they are all in the hole) who do you think would be most likely to leave the cult given the opportunity?
The next one to die ……….given the opportunity!
Tonight, in Clearwater ~~
Thanks Karen. I missed that one this morning here in Tampa Bay.
Hope you attended George, love a debrief !
THIS is fantastic. Pastor Willy Rice, THANK YOU!
This photo looks ackward. All of their recent photos appear manufactured. It wouldn’t surprise me that this is staged bullshit. I’m wondering what DM’s completions are if he isn’t participating in auditing. Is he even OT8?
I have a question that I’d love to hear some thoughts on: How long can they reasonably survive if public keep leaving? Will they be fine unless they lose several big donors?
My $.02 cents worth:
With 3 billion in reserves, paid for buildings and low to no wages to pay, the biggest dollar drain is food and utilities (oh yes …. and flights and PIs )… so how long could Dave tread water?
Until the Cult is recognized for what it is rather than a religion. Then things will change fast. Watch for Dave to head for His rust bucket and points South.
Didn’t Bob Duggan blow recently? He was the biggest Whale of them all…
I wonder how they explained to the clams that they all needed to travel back to Flag at their expense so they could hold up their big stupid certificate for a photo shoot?
And at least 10 of them will have to fly from Russia.
This is a bit off topic but it does have something to do with the epic fail of our favorite cult. I received an email from Greg Andrews regarding an Oh Tea Seven who wants to move out of LA. The mailing list still has my name on it as well as the rest of the Sacramanto still-in die hards from years gone by. For the record I was declared five years ago, Sac Org went idle in 2012 and I am still on the WISE mailing list …… much for updated central files.
From: Greg Andrews [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:12 PM
To: ‘Greg Andrews’
Cc: ‘Alan Cox’; ‘Alexander, Denise’; ‘Allaway, Jerry ‘; ‘Alley, Tony’; ‘Alston, Thomas A.’; ‘Andrews, Cathy’; ‘Andrews, Tad’; ‘Arbuckle, Tom’; ‘Arcuch, Joe’; ‘Austin, Shirley’; ‘Austin, Shirley’; [email protected]; [email protected]; ‘Bernard’; ‘Bernard, Lisa’; ‘Bertolucci, Joe’; ‘Bertolucci, Joe &Becky’; ‘Bevan, Jeanie’; [email protected]; ‘Boeger, Arlene’; ‘Boeger, WIll’; ‘Boggs, Mike’; ‘Bousfield, Sam’; ‘Bozeman, Daryl’; ‘Breakey, Matson ‘; ‘Breana’; ‘Briones, Hermie’; [email protected]; ‘Cambigue, Bruce’; ‘Cooper & Sheri Kessel’; ‘Cota, Jeff’; ‘Craft, Erika’; ‘Crane, Rachel’; ‘Cunningham, Lyle’; ‘Daellenbach, Brian’; ‘Daly, John ‘; ‘Daly, Kay’; ‘Dangberg, Paul ‘; [email protected]; [email protected]; ‘Doughty, Lisa’; ‘Jen Difuntorum’; ‘Michael Carlson’
Subject: FW: Resume
Attached is the resume of an OT 7 Janet Jensen from LA looking to relocate to our area. If you know of anyone hiring please let her know.
Greg Andrews
WISE Charter Committee Chairman
From: Janet Jensen [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: January 5, 2018 1:04 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: Resume
Yo OSA and Julian,
Better get Janet set up for a leaving town sec check. My bet is she wants a little more distance between herself and yer cult …..if ya get the gist good buddies.
Someone from LA working on TWTH thingy left my ex a message on the answering machine at home. We have been divorced for over four years Random acts of desperation I would say. I wish I would have been there to pick up and help with the enlightenment process.
I wish you had, too! Knowing you, your message would have been spectacular!
A cult must have a leader and dedicated followers. There are some monetary needs, too. The CoS has the money, left over from better times, but it is squandering it on real estate that has little market value compared to the money sunk into it. The despotic leader is incompetent in so many ways it is a wonder he has stayed in power. Followers are treated with disdain and are diminishing in both absolute numbers and total ‘donations’. The only way I see Scn surviving is to ditch the absolutes of LRH “scripture”, ditch the mean-spirited and ill-educated hierarchy, and replace them with thoughtful, worldly people determined to give the church a philanthropic bent.
Yeh. Right. Ain’t gonna happen.
There’s more people in my fishing club.
What is “The Flag Building”? Is that the Super Power building? Is it the Sandcastle? Have they renamed an old building to now be called the Flag Building? Just curious.
It is the Super Power Bldg. but soon it will be renamed to the Giant Echo Building of greater Tampa Bay.
Oh, very good!
Yes! And, we’ll get to run around the pole FREE! I can’t wait until I do the oiliness table. Almost sounds kinky…Ohhhhh….oiliness. Mmmmmm…
Kinda slippery …………… kinda like the hole cherch thingy!
OSD can we use the oily tables like a Slip-‘N-Slide?
The Flag Building was originally intended to be named the Super Power building.
The Sandcastle is for upper levels of Scientology.It is located a few blocks from the Flag Building.
The Ft Harrison Hotel, built in 1927,across the st. from the new Flag Building .commonly referred to as the ” FH”. Is the original Flag building.
The “Flag Building” used to be called the Super Power Building because that is where Super Power would be and is now being delivered. But why change the name to Flag Building? Maybe when DM read all the comments on Mike’s blog about the SP building and the J and D about OT’s having Super Powers and how they will go to the oiliness table to hone their super powers etc, maybe that is why he changed the name. He doesn’t want media and news reporters and critics making fun of Super Powers that this building will bestow on people.
There’s way more people in my Cannibis Club. Way, WAY more.
I expect they are a lot higher (on the tone scale) too!
Not only higher, but, they’re allowed to laugh, too. It’s a happy social club.
And the club members, when having a group photo taken, wouldn’t need to stand on stairs or on the floor. To paraphrase a line from Neil the hippie from the Young Ones album Neil’s Heavy Concept Album: “They feel like they’re just, like, floating.”
That is so rich. There is plenty of room to the left of the people in the front and middle, yet they put people all the way up the stairs and onto that balcony to make it APPEAR bigger.
I counted 127 certificates being held up by an unknown number of people. Of course, most of them could just be the frame inserts that tell the size of the frame rather than actual certificates.
That’s what I was thinking. All those certs they’re holding up? Who knows what’s on certs. And the people on the second floor? No way to know.
But, I do know one thing: Desperation is quickly over taking their minds.
Was that Wog counting? Wog counting is bigoted, sacrilegious, provable bullshit,
I know it is, hgc. But, I still gotta use it. It’s in my contact.
Mike, I took the liberty of digitalizing the photo and enhanced the Certs so some of them could be read. Here is what I found (Warning J&D Zone Ahead):
AG Certified to have run around and around to State of Spinningness
FR Certified to Fully In Sane on Truthfulness Undiscovered
BC Certified to an Empty Wallet and No Further Assets
RP Certified to 3 SecCheck Intensives after laughing in the lobby
JL Certified Clear State nullified by subsequent Reg Cycle
WP Certified Total Effect upon joining Sea Org
DF Certified Post Traumatic Stress Completion on Objectives
GR Certified Course Completion upon looking up “Coma”
They will have the planet cleared any time now. Prove me wrong!
What about CC – Certified Certificate to show Certification in Being Certified?
Mike you’re being generous with your 150. I bet 50% in this photo are sea borg dressed in their best ‘wog’ attire.
You may be on to something, Ms. P!
I think the total figure is closer to 120 – 125. The other 25 odd only had little unframed wastes of paper…I mean certificates…and were in the basement.
Thank you so much for this post Mike. Statistics the bane of my existence was Thursdays @ 2:00pm & to see how Flag is free falling feels sweeter each time the cult trots out it’s expansion lies.????
So glad you’re out, Ann B. And doesn’t it feel great! I can’t imagine your thoughts at 2:00pm on Thursdays. What a mind twist that must have been.
Hey Mike, that graph you put there is a lie too!
The heartbeat at the beginning shouldn’t be there!
That’s because…we don’t need no stinkin’ heartbeat! That’s just for sissies.
How did your photographer manage to make your atrium look so small with so few people?
DM is valiantly battling shrinkage!!
Which kind of shrinkage were you thinking of? I mean, when it comes to the dwarf.
Hmm. I really can’t (wont) say. ? I guess it depends on what Dave means by straight up and vertical. Stats are down, memberships down…
I’m glad to see they are flat lining. I knew about scientology but that was as far as it went with me until I started watching the show you and Leah are doing (please don’t stop!) and I found out that I didn’t know anything. I just recently finished The Unbreakable Miss Lovely and was horrified at what happened to her! I’m now reading Beyond Belief and finding out that the cult doesn’t even value members of their own family. Knowledge is power! Keep putting the word out! There’s aren’t any cult orgs here or I would be camped on their doorstep protesting.
I don’t know. There is something about portions of this photo that feel….off. Could some of this be ‘shopped? For example, the four people on the descending steps near the back- if the steps in the back match the ones in the front then what are those people actually standing on? The perspective is wrong. I think. Also, all of the people on the staircase seem out of focus compared to the the rest of the picture, but I’m not a professional photographer so maybe I’m wrong. There also appears to be a certificate floating in the air all by itself on the front staircase near the bottom on the right side. Down and to the right of the floating cert. is a man holding his just near the top of his head, that certificate seems smaller than those around him.
There are some other things, including a faceless shadow person on the back right side of the photo, also that there seem to be people in part of the crowd without certs. but who are clapping- padding the numbers or ‘shopped in? Anyway, last thing- woman in red, left of center near the middle of the crowd seems to have some extraordinarily long, thin arms. IDK- maybe it’s just that I would’t trust anything COS produces.
I think you’re right. Also that big bunch of certs in the middle of the photo are brighter than all the other ones.
It almost looks like that entire bunch of people are from somewhere else.They’ve been ‘shopping group and audience photos for probably 20 years now. Such a low-res version of the image makes it hard to see all the cut and paste, but a bad job of it is noticeable anyway. Also there are just enough people to conveniently fill in the stairs and all around the balcony. So yeah, this has been messed with. Final answer. 🙂
I doubt FSO has more than 50 NON-staff on course or in the HGCs these days.
They CANNOT be a primary support of Int management as Hubtard decreed they be. With so little people on paid service they cannot even cover expenses much less send money up the pipeline to the 5 or 6 management levels above them.
$cientology – the science of “smoke and mirrors”
I noticed when I was in that they cared more about GOLD hotties coming to take a photo shoot of the smoke and mirrors $cientology was filming so we could convince ourselves it was expanding….then they cared about people.
We were the only ones in the photo and no one new was coming in….CRINGE….
I stayed.
Hubbard copied P.T. Barnum’s TECH –
How to create an ILLUSION using Smoke and Mirrors….
Flag is the Mecca of Carnival Barkers!
Do some research – it is all there on the internet.
I used ‘Smoke & Mirrors’ once. But my reflection scared me as I was coughing up a lung.
Just one nit to pick – they can’t be in an emergency trend when they’ve never gotten out of non-existence. THEY are the ones were and are talking about changing the entire civilization on a planetary scale, creating a new species (homo novis), clearing the planet, etc. So they should be evaluated on that scale. And other than a glimmer of a possibility that they may move up out of non-existence when Jeff Hawkins was doing his thing with the volcano commercials, they’ve been firmly planted in non-existence since their creation.
Arguably they can be judged as a greater success as a Real Estate Investment Trust, although the number of beneficiaries of any success in that field is severely limited.
Apologies for Off Topic: For the Sea Org girls trapped at Int Base and elsewhere, my postulate (and self-cure for occasional insomnia).
Small and tan and mean and ugly
The Guy from Golden Era goes walking
And when he passes
The Sea Org lasses go “Ugh”
When he walks its like a Nazi
With RTC his personal Stasi
So when he passes
Each one he passes goes “Ugh”
Oh, how they watch him so sadly
How can they tell him they hate him?
Yes, they would leave Int Base gladly
And each day as they muster at 3
They plan how one day they will flee.
Small and tan and mean and ugly
The Guy from Golden Era goes walking
And when he passes they smile
And plan to be free
They need to be free
They want to be free