Been a bit busy and backlogged some of these reports.
If you read the first Mintzmeat report, you will observe the Super Power/Running Program completions have settled down to between 10 and 20 per week, in a long term Emergency trend. And OT VII completions are almost always under 10 per week.
The first two stats don’t come close to justifying the massive SP building. This is lame as hell.
Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 16
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17 21 15
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30 22 63
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 8 NR
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8 8 8
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20 NR 19
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR (Given up on reporting this)
But now read the hype emanating from the “D/Captain Flag AO” Clive Rabeys about the people pouring up the bridge at the Flag AO. Well Clive if it’s so wonderful, where are the completions?
They have “over 1300 people on Solo 1 and OT VI Part A” and 10 of them are actually attending course?
Perhaps you failed to note that this is the number of people they have calculated have to redo those courses if they can get them into a courseroom? Honestly, Clive, if you had 1300 students ON these 10 day to 2 week courses, you would be completing HUNDREDS every week, and don’t you think that would be being shouted from the rooftops? “Highest Ever Solo Course Completions at 175 THIS WEEK”….
But, there isn’t a word about it. Not even in the weekly Mintzmeat and he tries to pull raisins out of the turds for every edition of his “Good News” circular.
Don’t you even feel SLIGHTLY embarrassed that your lies are so transparent?
FROM D/CAPTAIN FLAG AO“…it is up to you to get up the Grade Chart and through New OT VII, Solo NOTs, and avail yourself of this new discovery.” LRH – Ron’s Journal 39
Eleven months after the release of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II the number of people moving up The Bridge at the Flag AO is literally rocketing:
We have more than 4Xed the numbers moving through OT I to OT III!
We have now completed over 1,300 Scientologists on the Golden Age of Tech Solo I Course and the Advanced Solo Auditor Course (New OT VI Part A)!
The total number of OTs is in affluence!The total number of New OT VII Completions is again running in affluence and is well up on last year’s Highest Ever!
And last week we finished our first New OT VII from Kazakhstan!Following are key points for FSMs; please see the Flag promo for full data on these services:
Solo I, with the 13 Basics Books completed, takes on average 160 hours (15 days on a full time Flag schedule) with the fastest students completing in 140 hours (10 days). This course was taken back to just the pure LRH which is exactly and only what someone needs to be able to Solo audit.
Traffic in AO Qual has reduced considerably (almost to zero) since the release of this course. Public are now regularly completing OT I through OT III in 2 to 2½ months.
What is often missed is that the Solo II Course was completely stripped back to the LRH Course exactly as LRH had it at Saint Hill. With the arbitraries removed, Solo II now takes 40 hours (3 to 4 days on a full time Flag schedule) compared to 7 to 10 days previously.
This course has also been taken back to pure LRH and covers only those points that a Solo NOTs auditor needs in order to get through Solo NOTs.
The Advanced Solo Auditor Course (New OT VI Part A), with the 13 Basics Books completed, takes 165 hours (16½ days on a full time Flag schedule).
If the Golden Age of Tech Phase II Solo Part I Course has already been completed, the Advanced Solo Auditor Course comes down to as little as 1 week.
Any Golden Age of Tech Phase II auditor training also reduces time on the Advanced Solo Auditor Course to as short as 3 days. Reduced donation rates are also available for G.A.T. II trained auditors.
Preps are still variable, but with the Survival Rundown and Basic FPRD Form (10A) done, a Clear or Power (Grade VA) Comp will get through in 1 to 2 intensives. (Basic FPRD form takes 3 intensives if not already done.)
OT Eligibility at the Flag AO is always completed in less than one intensive.
Average session time is now 8 to 10 hours.OT I to III:
Though quite variable Pre-OT to Pre-OT, OT I to III is normally being completed in 2 to 2½ months at Flag.
NEW OT IV (OT Drug Rundown):
New OT IV is completed in less than 1 intensive and in 3 to 4 days in almost all cases.
New OT V is completed in 4 to 5 intensives and usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to deliver.
See above for the Advanced Solo Auditor Course (New OT VI Part A).
OT VI Part B, the confidential theory of Solo NOTs takes 5 days.
OT VI Part C, the solo internship as such for Solo NOTs takes 3 weeks.
New OT VII, Solo NOTs is also very variable, Pre-OT to Pre-OT, but if someone gets in 6 solo sessions every day, they can expect to complete Solo NOTs in 2 years, with some getting through much faster than that.
SSDD and again SSDD… bored with same sh__, different day……… lies anyone?
Bizarrely, I got these two emails recently and I’ve been a special person for years. I count 13 instances of bragging about speed of delivering of EPs in direct violation of Technical Degrades. The group has zero integrity.
How fitting that the architect of Speedy Scientology is a failed auditor. He sets quite a standard.
Dear MS Thomas, What a true tortoise and the hare fable we have in Scientology now. Just like the CRRD what goes around comes around.
Rocketing up the bridge are they?
Like Richard Bransons spaceship.
I wish them luck then!
K Francis – thanks!
I love your Idea Indie 8 Million.
Mike and crew – I just had a little epiphany.
You know how Ron says to use Scientology to solve problems in life. Even if you’re not in the org and dealing with people outside, use Scientology technology?
Why don’t we all make a group effort to write one specific “Things that Shouldn’t Be” report per week and send it to all or the key orgs?
OSA INT, Flag, AO, CC, ASHO, St. Hill, Int Base
And maybe have some kid put copies on all of the cars around Big Blue and Flag?
Even if we just sent them in to the org, HCO will have to read them. There will be a conspicuous pile of mail in HCO every week. lol
Just be sure to wear gloves during the whole process, if you’re UTR, so they can’t find your finger prints on the paper or the envelope.
It might be like throwing potatoes at the Japanese fighter planes, but you never know…it might get through to somebody.
Oh, and the FBI, CIA, etc.
What do you think?
Oh, and Mike, you could take a little trip over the int base and toss out a couple of thousand of them. Feel like another ride in the chopper? There might be a fine for littering, but how much could that be?
And we can’t forget the phone number to help people get out of the SO.
Anybody wanna play?
I have send about 1500 letters .. in all of it I said: correct the bullshit and do it right in the sense of ARC .. but as said above in my comment .. everybody took LRK literaly .. and then came David Miscavige with his semicolon and other stuff .. nobody has ever at any time tried to corrupt the writings of LRH .. only some staff had tried to give additions .. my favorite is still adding Confusion as an ethics condition .. because it ruins everything .. find out where you are .. producing some order as extension part ..
Ohh, I know, you can take confusion as an ethics condition .. but you can run that forever as such, it will never handle the confusion .. it will throw you only into more confusion ..
Letters about: Things that shouldn’t be .. is nothing else than handling the mind ..
Sounds like fun to me heheheheh.
“…try to make him look like a goof while you get a laugh out of a few people…”
It’s not hard to make LRH look like a goof. Really, the guy was sort of like that crazy uncle who’d come to holiday dinner and regale everybody with stories that they all knew were bullshit. But, he was mildly amusing, so they’d force a chuckle here and there and tolerate him.
The “circling a star” story is no more silly than the one about hanging out in the Van Allen belt (“you’d be surprised how warm space is!”), or becoming a cop, or saving the world from nuclear disaster by showing up at Cal Tech and clueing in all those stupid scientists, or finding his hidden stashes of gold in Sardinia, or becoming a blood brother of the Blackfeet, or, or, or.
There is no shortage of stories, all prime-grade bullshit, that make LRH look like a goof.
Obviously Gus you take things too literally. Perhaps you should do Hubbard’s PRD? Thing is that this person (LRH) you call a “goof” created the only workable technology of the human mind and spirit. Something no one else has ever done.
Hi Foolproof:
With all due respect, the assertion that L Ron Hubbard “created the only workable technology of the human mind and spirit. Something else no one has ever done,” is an opinion and not a fact.
Foolproof: I’ll assume this is sarcasm. What is a PRD?
You are sure that that is true .. I share your meaning to some degree, I found some interesting things in scientology .. I thought it could be workable for all man .. but I found out it did not, most man are not interested to study a whole life about his mind or other minds .. and the further to it, some parts of LRH tech has workability .. others not .. if you count it down, there is only very little which is really only originated by LRH ..
Lets take his PTS/SP Tech. Nobody before LRH has ever spoken about PTS. Right? So this is a good thing .. sure .. but it handles nothing .. you can only disconnect and go into fear for people who misuse you against your good will .. but see, everybody went always away if the connection was not for benefit. It is not new in the hearts of people .. it is only new that LRH spoke about .. so he called as the cause of it a suppressive person .. and he meant then also that if you have no progress with his tech .. you must be PTS .. he erred here quite badly with his own analysis ..
Put it together. The only workable technology has a lot of holes. See, if you cross such a hole the only (absolutely only) answer is: you are PTS .. which is a lie .. this because LRH was so deeply conviced that he found the truth of this universe and so that everybody has to follow him literally for becoming free .. and if not done properly, he must be under the influence of suppression ..
But at the end of the game you would be likely the same being/person as LRH .. a pharao in the old egypt times did also convince all people to go for him ..
There are others who gave a workable technology .. I do not evaluate LRH ..
Who are these “others” then, that have created a workable science of the mind and spirit? I am waiting with baited breath but I don’t think any sensible answer will be forthcoming.
PRD is an acronym for the Primary Rundown, which makes one Super-Literate and able to think in concepts.
Foolproof….super literate? Really? Do you read the flyers and other materials from the Co$? Littered with spelling and grammatical errors. Sea Org members forced to drop out of high school at 16 in order to clean dumpsters…how does that create a ‘super literate’ organization?
I also wait with baited breath for ONE example of this ‘workable tech’. What EXACTLY did LRH create that: a) he did not swipe from another or b) that has been proven to be effective.
Scientologists are always telling others to “read a book” so I am going to suggest the same for you. Read a book not written by LRH about brainwashing.
If you want some help giving some of these people a good kicking let me know mate.
I wonder sometimes how many have had ECT, are on heavy Psych drugs, or are just insane.
Whatever it is I think you waste time answering them.
They cannnot think in concepts because they have never run an engram to erasure and glimpsed what is possible within the human mind.
These comments come a solid sheet of charge so heavy I doubt they even think in color, let alone concepts.
Foolproof. I seriously thought you were exhibiting Monty Pythonesque humour! Where have you been? LRH plagiarised what others had written and synthesised them into a brilliant moneymaking scam. He did dick all original research and has been exposed as a liar and a cheat. If you really believe what you have written you should drop the last five letters from your handle.
This sort of back and forth, as I have pointed out before, is useless.
You will never convince Foolproof that LRH did nothing useful and everything was lies and cheating, just like he will never convince you that LRH did anything useful and told the truth.
So, resorting to name calling is the usual end of the “argument” in which neither side listens to the other.
You are wasting your time.
Chee Chalker – I suggest you read my former post which contains the answer to your question, or can you not read? You accuse others of doing exactly what you are doing. Read my prior post instead of quickly flashing out a biased comment.
I am still waiting – with baited breath – as to which “technology” of the mind Hubbard is supposed to have plagiarized. I don’t recall all of the hundreds of Grade Processes in any other “therapy” book, nor how to (even) fly rudiments or handle an upset, or an assist for injury, or TRs, or running engrams, or losses. Shall I carry on? I could list probably hundreds of processes and actions that have never been even thought of by other philosophies yet alone tested and by result proven to work. But then we know all this, really, do we not? Sorry if it upsets you, but well, there you are…
So – all the people who criticize here, are you also then criticizing these so-called other therapies then if and when they exist? Or do you reserve your criticism for Scientology only? If so you might ask yourself as to why you are doing so? What is so important for you then about Scientology if it is all “plagiarized”?
Chee chalker…
nice idea – the VM’s could even give him a
‘Touch Assist’ at then end of the game… 😉
But honestly – what do think would happen to DM mentally,
if he knew that the greater percentage of his audience in
front of him KNEW and HAD this non-confidential
Imagine people reading/hearing just that one paragraph
on the first page – they will NOT forget it!
“We are going to do the Ethics Repair List.
I’m here to help you.
There isn’t anything so bad that it can’t be undone,
or forgiven. Is there any reason not to begin?”
What would happen, if some of those ‘rebels’ would just
leave a copy of it somewhere, so staffmember or public
can see and take it. It would go viral! You can’t hide Truth!
PS: And it’ld be easier to get Tech in as well… ! 🙂
Completely OT, but I have an idea for Dear Leader and since I know he reads this blog, here goes….. I know a way to boost attendance at the next grand opening, ribbon cutting, rededication, next major event of earth shattering proportions……all Dave needs to do is a high wire stunt, like Nik Walenda did this weekend here in Chicago! Police estimate the crowd to be 50,000… there you go. Dave doesn’t even have to do it blindfolded….all he has to do is use his ‘natural OT’ (or whatever he claims he is) and walk a tightrope between Flag and Ft. Harrison (not sure if those are two separate buildings). Piece of cake! Also of interest in Chicago this weekend, the amazing All Black NZ Rugby team handed the US its pants……74 – 6 was the final score I believe. Is there a slaughter rule in professional sports? There should be….and there were more than 61,000 at that game. So if Dave doesn’t like the tightwalking idea, he could volunteer to be the rugby ball. I don’t think I have ever seen bigger men in my life!
Astro Quaoar….
let me explain it to you:
There are 57 perceptions. (
During the SuperPower RD those perceptions are getting drilled/re-accustomed to.
Everything clear sofar? Okay.
Well, now the “Ideal Standard Stats Illogics” set in…
The flyer says 64059 drills / 57 perceptions = 1123,842105 persons have done all 57 perceptions ONCE.
That can mean, some persons have done some drills more than once.
But it can also mean:
They are already counting the drills of those persons, who still haven’t completed the
whole SuperPower RD yet.
Perhaps thats the difference between 1123,842 persons and those 1063 on the flyer.
BUT THEY SAY “a total OVER 1063 SuperPower completions”.
So, you can’t really find out, what’s true and what’s an ‘acceptable truth’.
And when you realize and understand THAT, than you can laugh and be happy for them.
PS: When talking about ‘truth’ – why aren’t those perceptions on the list….?
“perception of untruth”
“perception of acceptable truth”
“perception of truth”
…though there used to be a lectures series called
“Perception of Truth”… mmmhhhh.
Another out point – you have 1063 Super Power Completions and only 887 Resurgence Rd (it seems they count it separately). This makes a difference of 176, is it because those completed on Super Power saw the chared and decided not to do the Resurgence Rd?
When Clive mentions ‘OT Completions’ they include OT VI Part A and B, which is a sort of padded stat.
Another outpoint is NOTs used to be delivered within 2, maximum 3 Intensives; now they raised it to 4-5?
I assume they need income and Value of Services Delivered otherwise this ’emergency’ trend would be in straight down and vertical Danger.
Either way, the state of Flag is a disaster.
“With GAT II, DM has made the runway impossibly long. So long that veteran Scnists with decades invested cannot seem to get through it.
Game, set and match to DM. The goal of keeping people down has been achieved. Orwell could have taken lessons from the DM school of how to destroy in the name of good.
You said it before I could, GTBO. And, even knowing all that I know, its still hard for me to confront – that here is a real 2 1/1 percenter.
Edit: “…a real 2 1/2 percenter.”
😉 13:00
Aqua I liked your Freudian slip of a 2 1.1 percenter. He certainly is that!
“Traffic in AO Qual has reduced considerably (almost to zero) since the release of this course.”
The reason for this, of course, is because no supervisor is going to say someone needs correction – after all, COB told everyone how easy and fast it all is! Add time onto someone’s progress through the super fast super easy super lrh courses and auditing on GAT2…I don’t think so!
From my experience, the time estimates quoted by Clive are pretty much what they were when I did the OT levels 7 years ago. And from what I gather, its more or less always been that way. So really, GAT II has had absolutely zero impact on the speed of progress up the Bridge. I would say the reverse is true,
GAT II has significantly INCREASED the about of time it takes to move up the Bridge. People tend to over look the HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of hours they are required to audit on the SRD, or the many months they will spend in the course room getting through the Basics. All of these things must be factored into the time estimates to take one from wog to OT.
With GAT II, DM has made the runway impossibly long. So long that veteran Scnists with decades invested cannot seem to get through it.
Well, unless the C/Sing and Programming has become more honest, these time estimates are more lies. If you are qualified to be able to give more, than these estimates will compliment your income. That’s more of the truth of the matter. It’s truly criminal.
Wait…WHAT??? People are not rocketing up the bridge in record numbers??? Seriously, statpush? My God! My stable datum is now shattered. I shall walk the earth aimlessly until I get it back.
True, people are on the SRD for months doing hundreds of hours of Objectives. It is also very exhausting too. I know at least ten people who have done it or are on it now, and it’s the same with each person. They are extremely worn out and all say that doing the SRD is very time consuming. All but two of them are working full time too. They look like they need a rest.
There are a few who rave about it, one is an OT VIII and she says it’s the BEST auditing she’s ever had. That made me glad I never did OT VII or VIII. Saved myself lots of time and money.
“Comrades!” cried an eager youthful voice. “We have glorious news for you. We have won the battle for production! Returns now completed of the output of all classes of consumption goods show that the standard of living has risen by no less than 20 per cent over the last year. All over Oceania this morning there were irrepressible spontaneous demonstrations when workers marched out of factories and offices and paraded through the streets with banners voicing their gratitude to Big Brother for the new, happy life which his wise leadership has bestowed upon us. Here are some of the completed figures…”
Parsons…sat listening with a sort of gaping solemnity, a sort of edified boredom. He could not follow the figures, but he was aware that they were in some way a cause for satisfaction… It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother to raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. Parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of an animal. The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who would suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grammes. Syme too– in some more complex way, involving doublethink, Syme swallowed it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”
George Orwell, 1984
That’s scientology!
2 minutes worth watching.
Incredibly worth watching! Scary! Thanks, LRHBT. Just like scientology.
very apt.
From Clive’s briefing: “Reduced donation rates are also available for G.A.T. II trained auditors.”
Interesting. Prior reductions were membership discounts but you couldn’t do it anyway if you weren’t a member and packages of several services purchased at one time.
“OT Eligibility at the Flag AO is always completed in less than one intensive.
Average session time is now 8 to 10 hours.”
So it ‘only’ takes 8 to 10 hours (at what, $500 per hour?) to find out if your arrival at SP was premature? Perhaps the prospective OT should know that they are eligible before they get that airplane ticket and the room at the Grand Clam Hotel?
This is how DM had 250 SO available to send to LA, they didn’t have anything to do in Clearwater.
And they won’t have much to do in LA either, except check out the internet.
If you use plenty of brown sugar, cinnamon and exclamation points in your mincemeat, no one will suspect the source of your raisins.
How telling.
Dido – End of Night
Why the sudden surge in Ls completions.did they order a bunch re-do’s?
Wondered the same thing Mike. ANd the fact that they didn’t make this into the greatest news in the history of the universe made me wonder whether it was simply a typo….
I think it indicates that the paying public are not buying the bullshit about Super Power and Cause Resurgence, and instead are putting the money on the tried and proven “rocket boosters.”
How many staff are they supposed to have now at the FLB?
According to their statements to the media, 2300.
What’s YOUR best guess, Mike.
Does FLAG have enough work for 1500 SO workers?
Nope. But of course, as stats go down, there are more dumpsters to be cleaned with toothbrushes and that is a very labor intensive activity 🙂
…and more IAS memberships to sell. Almost as distasteful as cleaning dumpsters, etc.
I wonder what Clive is going to do for a life after $cientology?
I don’t know…loan shark?
plain shark …….. and very hungry too!
69,000 perception drills???
My God, I am soooooo glad I got out when I did…”This course was taken back to just the pure LRH….” These guys wouldn’t know “pure LRH” if it fell on them.
“This course was taken back to just the pure LRH …”
How did this course ever get away from pure LRH? When did this happen? Who was in charge?
I have 3 new words for Sci Mgmt, which they may find useful. Root Cause Analysis.
This is an interesting question.
The “old SP transcriptionists” boogiemen/women are kind of hard to use any longer. “COB” has been personally handling (doing it HIMSELF, not even just overseeing) the “purity of the tech” now since his first great discovery with the Golden Age of Tech in 1996…
Miscavige is still using the ‘SP transcriptionist Boogey-Man/Woman’ explanation and the public is still buying it.
I guess that explains why they need to redo their Objectives, (the SRD) and come into Present Time.
HGC 10
I am convinced that D.M. floats out tech for control and money. When it backfires
he hangs some smuck who takes the blame, If nobody resists and he get away with it,
it’s all LRH and he has saved the tech no matter how destructive the end result.
The answer to your question is the same individual in both cases.
And if I were a customer, I’d be asking: Why was COS selling non-standard tech for so many years until now? When and how did it go from standard to non-standard? Date & time — no generalities, please. This is a basic requirement. If the organization of technical perfection cannot or will not describe, in detail, what adulterations happened and why, and at whose behest, then it’s impossible to have any confidence in the quality of the corrected tech. What if the squirrel who did this is still running the show? Heaven forfend!
Obviously, I’m not literally asking for myself, because such details are irrelevant to me and I couldn’t care less if the tech is LRH standard or XYZ supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. But putting myself in the shoes of a current customer, I would have to have this explanation before moving forward. But then again, being the type of person who would expect such an explanation pretty much disqualifies me from membership anyway. So that’s a moot hypothetical.
New word: mootathetical.
Word clear that, suckers!
“And if I were a customer, I’d be asking: Why was COS selling non-standard tech for so many years until now? When and how did it go from standard to non-standard? Date & time — no generalities, please. This is a basic requirement. If the organization of technical perfection cannot or will not describe, in detail, what adulterations happened and why, and at whose behest, then it’s impossible to have any confidence in the quality of the corrected tech. What if the squirrel who did this is still running the show?”
Your question is very apropos. I can’t think another outfit saying words tantamount to it’s your fault if you didn’t get wins from it even if it wasn’t pure LRH. No we can’t give you a refund. You have to ruin your finances and start again. But this time it will be non-squirreled and quicker, though not cheaper, and we will need you to pay upfront. No discounts apply.
It seems everyone is too scared to say anything to the Ever-Shrinking Big Man. If you were to express an opinion you would be out so fast. And your “secret” confessions would be spread around to blackmail you into silence.
Ohhhhhh pleeeeeeazzzeee!
Let’s not start that allllll overrrr again….
it restimulates way tooooo many of…… MY OWN overts and omissions and Q&A’s.
Having told exactly that to some very high level OT’s, their reaction was PURE PANIC!!!!!
P-A-N-I-C !!!!
One got ill, and had to do PTS handlings right afterwards.
The other was terribly upset – but nevertheless openly said:
“I do not want to be a guinea-pig anymore!”
when asked about OT IX&X.
That’s a sad state of affairs.
Makes me wonder just what in the hell people are attesting to within the Cof$. One stat I don’t see measured is asses licked, wait a minute… yes I do… it’s all of them!
The lack of self-evidences of an OT organisation with the embarrassing stats they produce are a universe or two away from this one.
Maybe they have moved onto target two after all since Davey discovered this one is overrun with SPs.
The word needs to spread that LRH is out doing the OT running program, as he told Sarge Steven Pfauth that he intended to go circle a distant star when he died. That’s the theory written in the Running Program (Cause Resurgence Rundown) raw advices, I read them carefully back when I had to give someone else starrates on them. The running program is an OT objective used in ancient space civilizations where OTs (pure soul OTs no bodies) co-existed on advanced space civlizations and those OTs needed some “case” handling, the handling was go make big ovals or circles in space “causatively” to rejuvenate or fix up their cases.
Same for Ron.
His telling Sarge his intention to go circle the distant star is him saying that’s his next C/S.
Telling Scientologists the FULL details of what Ron’s supposedly out doing, and how important the Running Program is for even the greatest thetans in the universe, would help their sales, I’m sure (not). It’d be the truth though.
The running program seems to be like those Christians (usually Mexicans, reported in the US media) who get themselves crucified at Easter. ‘Do what your Savior did’.
If the clams want to be like Lron, why don’t they just take pinks and greys and wash them down with booze?
‘He’s not the messiah, he’s a naughty boy’.
those OTs needed some “case” handling, the handling was go make big ovals or circles in space “causatively” to rejuvenate or fix up their cases .. I have never heard about such stuff .. it sounds like training of horses or elephants .. so that there can stay where there should stay ..
Either that or he was simply bat-shit crazy at the end. But, even that can be spun to be a super, incredible, totally awesome state.
No…no such word needs to be spread at all. Chuck you have told this story a number of times now about LRH’s intention to do the “Running Program” after his death. It’s pretty clear you are making fun of LRH and The Cause Resurgence RD. and try to make him look like a goof while you get a laugh out of a few people
Having recently completed the CRRD I can assure you LRH is not circling a distant star somewhere still on this program after 28 years. I completed the program in six days in a body here on earth and that’s with layers of OT case still hovering over me. My guess is that LRH would have been anywhere from a few hours to maybe a couple of days on this RD. LRH would be the first person to tell you that any process which requires 28 years in not a useful process and he would have ash canned it immediately.
I loved the CCRD and I’m sorry to see that it has just been turned into fodder for jokes here. I am certain enough in its workability that I intend to follow in LRH’s footsteps and when I lose my body I hope I still have enough orientation to be able move myself out over a Pacific island or towering peak and do the process again. I figure three days and I should be done.
There are many Scientology processes that cannot be taken seriously if you only take a superficial look at them-For example old “Book and Bottle” also known as Open Procedure by Duplication. How does walking back and forth across a room picking up a book and a bottle and briefly describing their weight and color supposed to do anything for anyone? Yet, it very often will exteriorize someone.
Chuck you’re not that funny.
congratulations for the completion of your CRRD.
PS: Do YOU have any idea, where LRH is?
Exactly and that is the same point some time back I tried to make about this RD.
Mike and a good many others in the Sea Org never did The Cause Resurgence RD. They did the Dave Miscavige created…. I’ll Crush Any Cause You May Think You Have Left In You RD. The first can lift you to a higher state and the second is intended to crush you as a being. They are not the same.
You cannot make it on a RD when you don’t want to be there, your rudiments are out, you have no hope for personal gain and you have an SP and a team of his henchmen bearing down on you.
And yes, I do have an idea where LRH is.
Kevin Francis, well said. Good points
+1 – yeah, knock it off Chuck.
KFrancis – did you do the CRRD in the independent field?
Simple…..Yes. You can contact Ronit Charny in Portland if you’re interested. She can C/S you through it.
Sounds absolutely fabulous,except for IA trolls roving the halls for your money,
MAA’s gouging you for off line crooked scams, servers for three meal a day hit you for books to third world countries. Benny the IAS Czar wants to sell you a ton of recycled Russian DVD’s ,your Bridge progress depends on it. It’s a wonder Davey finds as many Brain dead public to do anything at all who have dump trucks full of money.
Benny the IAS Czar is also waiting for you when you get out of your auditing session, just to check if you had a cognition while you were in session. Hint Hint.
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla
All a bunch of shit. There are no raisins in the shit, Mike. If I could speak freely to anyone about to get onto VII, I would ask, “When you talk to people on VII, what do they tell you about it? They will tell you about their plans for finishing it or how they think they’re almost done or if they could just audit their four to six a day, they’ll finish….” The goal of everyone I knew who was on it, was getting off of it.
Also, I don’t know one person who was on VII that looked forward to going in for their “Refreshers.
“Think about it.” is what I would want to say, but since I’d still be IN, I wouldn’t be able to say any of these things because it’s the Church of Fear.
Any group that promises spritual enlightenment around so much fear of losing something, is no religion. These states and statuses count for nothing.
Correct McCarran. A close friend of mine spent over 10 years on the level, then completed, and in a moment of unfiltered clarity said “Thank God that’s over.” OTVII will bust your thetan balls. You cannot successfully get through the level with your personal integrity and identity in tact. Simply not possible.
This same individual, after completing OTVII, was in utter confusion about himself and his life. Did not have a clue. I looked at him and actually had pity on him. He was sold the promise of super powers and supreme spiritual enlightenment, and all he got was huge, HUGE debts, the inability to recognize truth, and a horrible state of non-existence.
That, my friends, is the reality of the glorious state of OT.
That is so sad.
When a highly trained OT VIII was asked about OT IX&X the exact answer was:
“I do not want to be a guinea-pig anymore!”
And when asked about “fundraising and so…” the exact answer of that OT VIII was:
“Managment is nu..!”
that OT was sort of in ‘confusion’…? …didn’t know who he was?
Well, perhaps there is more to be known. Let’s see if it clarifies.
When a being goes DOWN the spiral it hits these stages:
absolute knowingness->not knowing->knowing about->forgetting->remembering
So logically a being going UP the spiral again, will come accross:
remembering->forgetting->knowing about->not knowing->absolut knowingness
These are simply steps, one would go through. That’s all.
What if the BIGGEST MISUNDERSTANDING in Scientology is the word ‘you’?
Let’s see what is meant by that by the use of DIFFERENT kind of spellings:
you – SINGULAR i.e. one human, one homosapiens, one wog
YOU – PLURAL i.e. a group in general, a group of Thetans, BT’s, Cluster
Y-O-U – SINGULAR i.e. THAT ONE Being, that is aware of being aware. Simply you! 😉
Now let’s look at the LOWER CONDITIONS and pay attention to the spelling:
CONFUSION – Find out WHERE ‘you’ are. [Lower Bridge]
TREASON – Find out that ‘YOU’ ARE. [OT III]
ENEMY – Find out who Y-O-U REALLY are. [OT VIII]
That’s just a suggestion – it’s him, who actually has to take a look for HIMSELF!
Hope it helped.
And bytheway you might want to show him also these non-confidential references:
– HCOB “The Nature Of A Being”
– Book “History Of Man”
PS: 10 years is “good” – know one who is on it for 17 years!
But, what else can you expect from a ‘religion’ based on space opera?
I think we all know some people who were on OT VII for a very long time. I know a guy who finished after 22 years. Seriously, 22 years. He audited regularly too; worked from home and did his sessions all day. This person looks horrible. He’s very obese and not very happy either. His 22 year old daughter remarked that she never knew her father not on OT VII. He was on it her whole life up to that point.
I know a few others who were on it for well over a decade too. None of them are doing very well physically and don’t seem to be exceedingly happy in life. Perhaps being deep in debt has something to do with it, along with the long-term stress.
Stress can have severe effects on an individual’s physical well-being:
I would add that cancer is probably an increased risk as well, as a compromised immune system would be less able to detect and destroy tumors than a healthy one.
None of these people are embarrassed about the lies …. because there are no lies. There are no lies and there is no truth regarding what they are told about the CoS or about Scientology. You have to understand that these people are BELOW (way, WAY below) any type of recognition of truth and lies. They are at the level of recording devices which just receive data and store it and in that way recognizes some legitimacy as to having been given something. THAT’S ALL. Until something breaks them out of that condition, they will never be able to be sane in this area, to recognize similarities, differences and identities. When it comes from the “legitimate” authoritarian source, IT IS ALL GOOD NEWS ALL THE TIME. And whatever that source says is true is true.
“They are at the level of recording devices…” Yes, that’s it! Way below the ability to evaluate. Even very young children who are given data from their parents, people upon whom they depend for everything in life, even small children of 3 or 4 will ask, “Why?” Not these beings, oh no.
Hey, sorry if this is off thread, but check out Tony Ortega’s site. Dani Lemburger, founder of the Dror Center in Israel, is suing Scn and DM for over $800,000 for slander and libel. It’s a big deal.
I remember when my 3 year old son asked me a question a gazillion years ago and I told him the answer. His response was to turn to his 6 year old sister and say “is that right?”. You’re right, recording devices are way below the level of young children.
That is so insightful. There are some people for whom there is no distinction between truth and falsehood. If they say it, then it exists. It becomes a legitimate object of discussion and defense, and loyalties get attached to it. One cannot relate to such people without getting frustrated, or enraged, or succumbing to their world due to one’s own weaknesses, desires and fears.
Right, Dale A. “One cannot relate to such people without getting frustrated, or enraged…”
A faction of my family are/were Christian fundamentalists Its a very simple, black and white world for these people. If its in the Bible, its true, If it isn’t in the Bible, its not true. Talking snakes, living in a whale’s belly for 3 days, an ark that held a male and a female of every living creature, (I always wondered how they all FIT on the ark, but never mind) – these biblical stories were held as complete truth, because – well, because that’s what the Bible says, that’s why! Furthermore, the Bible was not to be questioned, nor could one interpret any of the text, nor could one cherrypick what one believed or disbelieved, it ALL had to be believed, and, if you had ANY doubt, well YOU were going to the bad place, case closed, because it didn’t matter at all what you did in life, good works, so forth, you had to believe and you had to believe it ALL.
And these people – very good people, btw – honest, caring and even intelligent individuals – they were not low IQ and could analyze very well on other subjects – these people would PRAY for me to simply accept as complete and utter literal truth what the Bible said, so that I could be “saved”.
Until I did I was (am) a doomed soul, that’s all.
Look, I’m not disrespecting beliefs which provide others with solace and peace, a stable datum. These people, if you were stranded in the middle of the road in the middle of the night, they would stop and help you. If a cashier in a store gave them back too much money as change they would give it back. They are good, honest people, and at least, their church doesn’t scam them for money like the Co$ money grubbers do their sheeple.
But this fundamentalism, this inability to look, to evaluate data, this unwillingness to look – very hard for me to confront. I learned to steer real clear of religion as a subject with this wing of my family and I remain doomed in their eyes, and they’re a little sad about it when they think of me, and they’ve told me they’ll never give up hope that someday I’ll accept the True Word of God and stop doubting certain things in the Bible and trying to make sense of it and just give up and believe and be enfolded into God’s glory and so forth, but for now…
Its kind of funny because the Co$ has undoubtedly silently declared me and now in their eyes I’m doomed unless or until I do my A to E.
This could be the beginning of quite a collection.
Thinking back to my high school yearbook, who would have thought that I’d turn out to be “Most Likely To Be Doomed” 🙂
So true Dale A. It’s a being that’s truly missing.