Another leak from inside the bubble.
Here is the “briefing” for those who are going to be at Graduation — and might possibly be allowed to “give their win” if “it aligns with the overall message” of this “promotional event” and as long as they DON’T use any “LRH quotes.”
It appears there is nothing that is beneath the “OMG, we couldn’t do that, it would be horrendously crass and completely opposed to the fundamental concepts of scientology” threshhold. There is NOTHING they won’t do.
Thanks to COB and RTC for the incredible job of keeping the bs pure.
I don’t understand why writing success letters is still a free service. The Church would start to make money with arrogant people who pretend having wins. Charging the price of one intensive for 12 pages 1/2. At least that would create a minimum fair exchange with COB.
Is this real? Or a joke?
Wow !
That write up is a testimony of how deep Fundamentalism has spread across the psyche of Scientology’s parishioners. It is just incredible how a potentially workable system that indeed does achieve a greater freedom for the individual can be turned into a enslavement tool working for dark purposes. Just incredible.
Nothing fits like a good muzzle.
Do not use any LRH quotes?
Say thank you to the Fucking Dwarf first and the Founder last?
what the hell is going on in this lunatic asylum pretending to be the Church of Scientology.?
I thought the OT committe interogatary the other day was the last straw and then this pops up!
Scientology is supposed to be about making the being more aware, but the current memebrship seems to be so unaware as to be asleep.
They are all in Treason and they deserve to have the Bank accounts emptied and live on the street.
You are so right. And no doubt their bank accounts will be emptied.
I don’t believe this to be authentic. I know that speeches have to be submitted and approved, that the speaker is told to abide by the text as approved. But the above, I mean, come on, who’s gonna wanna speak? A hoax?
Can you imagine being the person responsible for Flag Graduation and having to explain these same points to every single person every week… Of course, you would put it in a handout sheet.
Meja Deja. When I spent a year there in ’11, I saw and heard how for Friday speeches, they not only had to write them up and be approved, but had to do rehearsals before the event. I was impressed. Far out eh?
My biggest win short before I left Scientology. I told it before but you know, I like it so much. Some sort of revenge after endless meetings with clap orgies.
On Friday our boss at the rollcall with 20 or so staff he had a big roll of fax paper in his hands. Telling us the big win that he managed to open 11 or so missions in another country. Now he expected that we go into hype clap orgy again. I did cause that no one did do anything. No clap no oh ah whatever. The boss could not understand that no reaction. He did end this rollcall fast.
As I was typing this, bigger problems as my little revenge appear on the horizon in the world. Ukraine has some problems with a nuclear power plant. I guess they will claim that Russia did cause it.
To all the contributors here: thanks, you are saving me 40p a day. I used to buy The Sun for a daily dose of mirth and jollity – now I only need to read this blog and comments. Thanks and kudos to Mike for keeping it all going, with its ever-increasing popularity it must be a time-consuming job. Although a tad on the early side I’d like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas this year and a relaxed and peaceful Holiday Season.
Oh..and something else—-no staff can be validated or acknowledged for what they do, contribute or their loooong hours of work and dedication. They get a couple dollars pay, crappy food, no personal time AT ALL and no way to plan for their future, either in or out of this marvelous group. It’s set up as the complete opposite of life as we know it and it’s evil.
This is one of the psycho things that happens in the “church.” Which wasn’t the case before from what I experienced.
Anyway, just keep your kids and family members AWAY from joining the Sea Org. It’s a prison camp (at any location…Flag, the int base, New York, LA, Denmark, Australia….anywhere they have an SO location). DO NOT LET YOUR FAMILY OR ANYONE JOIN THE SEA ORG. You won’t believe what their life, or yours, will turn into. Take it from someone who’s been there for too many years and who never wants anyone else to experience the same things.
Yep, don’t use any name of staff….on your video’d speech. They may be declared tomorrow and it will be a pain in the butt to fix your speech. Easier to throw it out completely. Forget YOU! …LOL…This is right on the money. Everybody—pay attention, don’t screw it up. Or else.
Those puppets have more life in them than the canned speech drivel that’s thrown up.from the stage. Good night and good luck.
HAHA! This is a total classic. Haven’t been to Flag graduation in forever, but this seems pretty on the money.
What was that quote by Hubbard in Responsibilities of Leaders where he states something to the effect that if you don’t provide a new or better game, the game becomes getting you. Guess who he’s talking about Dave?
As Redd Foxx once said: ‘That’s a good point. Why don’t you sit on it.’
This is a harbinger of a new, earth-shattering rundown at Flag: The end-of-endless Success Story Rundown and FPRD style SecCheck.
Get off all the overts you have on Success Stories! Be able to deliver SPOT ON on-policy and swiftly approved Flag Style success stories at the end of every action! Remove all counter-intention and theta universe barriers that stand in the way of your required blow-out wins and mandatory over-the-top Success Story Speech!
Remember, at FLAG, if you don’t succeed, you don’t leave.
I think there are missing ingredients on that Briefing:
Like in sitcoms, huge ads telling the crowd shouting : Hooray, Fantastic, Terrific, Applause, Perfect, DONATE.
That is truly an appropriate picture Mike picked of the puppets on strings. This posting today by Mike is a classic. As good as yesterday’s post about the Ethics Interrogatory.
For any pre Golden Age of Miscavige (GAM) scientologist, this issue would have alarm bells going off with the number off squirrely and bizarre points. For the current lot, they really fall into the “What wall?” lot.They couldn’t recognize an out point if it hit them in the head.
Nomnon – don’t know if that is true. I joined staff in late 1970 and I remember my senior telling me what my stat was and then added I should keep my stat up and I wouldn’t get “in trouble.” I started to worry,. Anxiety set in. I was still a teenager and a mimeo operator fercryinoutloud! Did I seen an outpoint? No. Three years later I was Org Officer (and a good Cl IV auditor too) and Roy, our ED, abused the staff, made fun of people, yelled a lot ….. and I didn’t fight him on it (30 years later, that was my number one overt on my tech o/w write-up at ASHO). When Quentin Hubbard died, and no one could talk about in (mid 70s), did I see that as an outpoint? No, I did not. Talking about it would take energy away from our purpose and production (say what?).
The 70s were lots of fun in my org, but also very stressful in a fascistic sort of way. The hammer was coming down then too, only in a lesser way than it did later. When groups go totalitarian, and religions do that quite well and quite forcefully, it is easy to control the members and make them “less aware” or maybe just less willing to BE aware, in order to remain in good standing in the group. That happened in Scientology even in the 1950s from my reading, certainly in the 60s and in my early days in the 70s. It just got worse is all.
Does someone like Arte Maren even SEE an outpoint any more? I doubt it very much. I think he’s a walking circuit, brain dead to the core, on a recording playing over and over. I don’t even think he and other old timers would even know what I’m talking about. They checked out decades ago.
JP. “I don’t even think he and other old timers would even know what I’m talking about. They checked out decades ago”.
So sad and very true.
I had to redo my sucess story after a cram on auditing solo nots in 1983. I wasn’t allowed to go home til I did it. I gave up auditing it after I was summoned to flag again.
I took.a dump and had to redo it. The color wasn’t standard.
Unbelievable really, I have no words to express the absolute obsessive, paranoid control of all aspects of parishioner’s activities and life.
Basically the parishioners is being told that he/she is not good enough about how to express his/her wins so, the magnanimous RTC dictatorship will rule about it. Beyond belief.
Right on Silvia, I got you on no words to express. I can only give my observation, and that is, I see the Scientology bubble imploding by this obsessive control going tighter and tighter until it all comes into a point right in the center of DM’s space forming a carbon cinder floating in dark space forever. In other words “Another one bites the dust.” Oh by the way blogers I went Clear this week in the Independent Field and this gift I give all credit to my Auditor and Ron! none to RTC and DM.
Congratulations Good Old Boy! Another Clear made and done in the free Independent field! I’m very happy for you. Who was your auditor?
The words happy horseshit come to mind.
Ah, I just remembered a speech I made at Flag around 1993 after completing my Class 8 course. I had written something and ‘drilled it’ beforehand in front of Kay Connolly. All was good until after my talk. You see, I’m a jazz musician and love to improvise, which I did. It went over well with the audience, but afterwards, Kay took it upon herself to rip me a new one backstage. It caught me totally by surprise as I thought I did good! Such fond memories. 🙂
Yeah, that sounds about the right time for the paranoia setting in regarding free speech.
You naughty, naughty person Michael, and in 3 part harmony too.
As Duke Ellington says, it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.
I just remembered something and I wonder if anyone else can recall this but I was at Flag during a CS conference back in the early/mid 90s. At a graduation some Aussie got up on stage (all I remember about him was he had a black beard) and apart from his wins he began explaining something about his schedule being screwed up as he meant to be home 2 weeks ago or something to that effect.
Well… Didn’t the crap hit the fan. He was shunted off stage and disappeared but good! Immediately after that ‘rules’ appeared. You could speak if you wanted but had to request it and have your speech in writing so it could be checked.
I guess Flag has now taken it on to meet the 47x expansion of the ways to control anyone who has the audacity to speak their mind – (I just stunned myself) $cientology forbids anyone to speak their own mind. If that isn’t the ultimate in hypocrisy I don’t know what is.
Hey Davey – you truly are a real piece of shit. The day that I witnessed you and your WHOLE family at graduation (in Pa.) for completing your Ministers Hat, I sat in awe listening to all your individual wins NOT SCRIPTED and heartfelt. I thought what a great family, this is the ideal (ha what a joke that turned out to be).
I would have never thought in a million years what you ended up doing to Scientology and your loyal staff. You truly are despicable. A true Sociopath from the beginning because let’s face it the only ones who GOT the tech was your dad, mom and brother and look what you ended up doing to them. I can’t spew enough venom towards you. You’re not worth the time. But as others here say, it is a matter of time Davey – tick, tock, tick, tock.
You forgot to mention the revolving door on your wallet and bank accounts.
The mandatory thank the COB and RTC thing is over the top. In any other church if they jump to their feet to praise Jesus or whoever do they also then drone on the name of the leader of the church who they likely never even met in person and also sing praise to the corporate board? No. It appears to me that any hope this religion had to raise man out of the muck has been purposefully derailed and augured right back in the mud like all the other religions on Earth that had an inkling of the way out. Like the other hijacked religions it’s being gradually disguised to appear it is still leading up and out while it actually makes the participants even more hypnotized and obedient then ever.
Yes, just another Put Your Nickel On The Drum, another My Way or The Highway To Hell, or, if you will, another Theta Trap. Call the deception whatever you like, just promise ’em anything and plow ’em in.
This little memo is just missing the ‘sell’ at the bottom… As in… “But for just three easy payments of $999.99 you don’t have to worry about any of this… We’ll not only write your speech for you, we’ll even throw in a good looking speaker to speak it”
Truman show indeed.
It does beg the more serious question of what sort of person would put up with all that manipulation and still stand up at these mini rally’s.
No one I’d ask directions from that’s for sure.
Hell …. for another G, we’ll even have someone show up pretending to be you and do the freaking service for you! …. hmmm … not a bad idea …. there might be some moolah in this ….. get the Feshbach who didn’t die on the phone pronto …
R2D2 was a “homo novis” compared to what those in the COS are becoming. Sad, so elementally sad,
The sheeple resemble C3PO lost in the desert, saying ‘Oh, my, oh my.’
This is disgusting.
“These should be hard sell…..” “The final point to understand is that Flag Graduation is a promotional event”, (not a celebration). I believe these quotes should be made available to the public, lawyers and IRS too. This helps show the business side of which this organization really is. Thanks Mike it’s super!
Excellent dee.
In Scientology the amount of (thought) control equals the amount of inadequacy.
The amount of control is very high in Scientology.
“The final point to understand is that Flag Graduation is a promotional event.”
I am shocked. Shocked! that promotion is going on there. I always thought it was sincere, spontaneous outpourings of joy and enthusiasm, where you were getting the unfiltered, unvarnished truth from each person whose life had just been changed in new and exciting ways.
I am so tempted to send in a speech to Dylan for approval 🙂
Wow. I’ve been out for quite a while, but I’m still just stunned at how things have changed for the worse. Thanking RTC and COB?!? I must have not been paying attention. I didn’t know it had become so ridiculously blatant.
“tell any…. specific major wins.” Does this ever actually happen? These ‘sucks excess’ stories are full of non-specific generalities along the lines of gosh, wow I can see/hear/perceive/smell more clearly now, but never anything specific which might allow you to get a handle on what a ‘win’ might actually look like (There was one over at The Bunker a couple of days ago, where the specific ‘win’ was a realisation that watching too much TV is a waste of time, but that’s the only one I’ve come across).
If new people are told they need to “sell” at graduation and NOT express their own thoughts or thank who they want, many will say: WTF?? and head for the hills.
Maybe it’s OK to control a cult member this way. They are accomplished liars to themselves and to others. But new people are NOT cult members yet.
As Miscavige’s psychoneurosis filters down and reaches the outer edge of Scientology, he makes the entrance to Scientology look like a bat shit crazy con game of fooling each other to get money. New, able, honest, intelligent people have no place to enter this cult anymore.
How about their local FBI office?
Back in the day, when I comp’ed audiing actions and courses at my org and was asked to speak at Graduations, I ALWAYS thanked staff by name and hat. We all did. It would have been unthinkable not to acknowledge properly all the staff who delivered the tech to us. I’ve even ack’d some of the reg’s sometimes. Back then I don’t happen to recall anyone ever thanking “COB” or “RTC”. It just wasn’t done. We always ended our talks with warm acknowledgement and thanks to LRH.
Perhaps at Flag today they are afraid to have any staff named because if he or she blows or gets sent to the RPF that name might be remembered – “Hey, where’s Harold? Millie said at Graduation he was the best Sup she’d ever had…oh, he’s where?” – and they’ll have some ‘splainin’ to do.
Scientology is one big CIRCUS show with DM as the ringleader bozo the clown
“Scientology is one big CIRCUS show with DM as the ringleader bozo the clown”
Instead of hubbo the clown?
Wow. The wins available from my thousand hours of confessionals are off the roof!
I had massive COGS: It is all my fault! Wow, I finally realized that I don’t exist!!!!
………………and my deepest thanks to glorious Chairman COB, and the Comintern for struggle against whole track SPs, Psychs and the imperialist Marcabian agents.
Long live the People’s RTC!!
David Miscavige musing in his bunker while reading Mein Kampf. ‘You know, Hitler had some really good PR Area Control in the beginning!’
Hm. Actually, this isn’t so bad. I’d like to send in a success story in Shermanspeak and read it with Miscavige intonation – it should be perfect!
Please do, Dollar, as, beyond all doubt and notwithstanding the life-changing effects of all Flag Success Stories to date, yours would be like nothing hitherto experienced or even imagined in the history of this or any other universe.
Hey, I have an idea: could we hold a ShermanSpeak Contest on this blog? Would that be a hoot or what? Someone could even design a virtual ShermanSpeak Award for the winner. ( Mike, no fair you entering.)
I would win; I found the circuit he uses. I’ll give you a clue – he mixes Shakespeare with Cab Calloway and then sends it through a special piece of software that makes monkeys sound articulate.
That would be his asshole.
Why not just make it all affordable, deliver good service, and there will be an inflow of money and happy public. And how about not charging for auditing or case supervision flubs? Oh, that is right, none of this has ever occurred consistently, so we have to keep promoting. What a joke!
Now instead of clapping to a picture of LRH they will have a big poster of COB’s ass and the speaker will go over and kiss it. Hip hip hooray!
Nope! The only one who can kiss his own ass is COB and he will be kissing it goodby shortly.
Making it easier to count the brown nosers.
What appears on this blog defies the imagination – you just can’t make this shit up!
I personally can’t get past the word “success” being used in relation to and associated with miscavige or rtc, let alone combine it in a sentence with the word “story.” Story has the connotation of individuality, originality, personal perspective with something unique etc.
It would take a magician of Shakespearian ability to explain to anyone that the original and only objective of Scientology was to restore ‘self-determinism’ to the individual.
Everything about miscavige, rtc, flag and $cn etc. is opposed to any individuality – go figure…
(You can’t use LRH quotes – give me a break! Where’s the off switch with these people?)
Land the f…ing plane, it’s been hijacked!
I agree with Robin and Jenni S…when we had a graduation on the BC it was for BC and
VIII students. It was all about the tech and people said what they wanted to communicate
their personal wins and successes….from the heart not a pre-written speech approved by anyone.
AND they could acknowledge anyone they felt helped them on their way….including LRH.
Who had the time to pre-approve a speech anyway??? Now that is a hat/post for someone??
I guess the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to the COS.
Off topic….has anyone heard Louis Farrakhan’s recent comments regarding Ferguson, Missouri?
Apparently he does not fully agree with the Creed of the Church.
Maybe David Miscavige should have a talk with Louis unless of course he condones what Farrakhan
really thinks.
What is the point of hard selling the people who go to those graduation events (what a way to spend a Friday night)? Imagine going to a movie, and then seeing a trailer for that same movie right before the movie starts. Like guys, I already bought a ticket, I’m already in the building. You don’t need to keep selling me this shit.
I don’t have a copy of HCO PL 11 Feb 80, but I’m guessing it was about choosing stories to publish or use, not how to write them. If that’s true, it’s a further point of disgust. Someone extracted it and bent it to a purpose that was never intended. Doesn’t matter how wrong or bad or great the original policy is, it’s another attempt to use “policy” to support fascist crap.
That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read! And I thought the Interrogatories from yesterday were horrendous. Keeps getting worse.
OMG. I ran the ASHO/F graduations for over 2 years. They were well attended (often 150 or more), and the purpose was to acknowledge the Academy, SHSBC, and Class 8 graduates. It was always upbeat, never “promotional”, and banning LRH quotes would have been unthinkable. Although I’m no longer keen on the value of completing a course, the fact that Graduations are no longer intended as a way of acknowledging those who’ve worked so hard is disgusting.
Robin: You have a big problem. Obviously you are overly empathetic with fellow humans.and therefore a humanitarian in the old sense of the word Get with the Nu-Speak alignment! Or face an ethics hearing. Please channel your Humanitarian donation through me as two separate checks – one to David who has been hit really hard recently by declining tax free donations – and a personal one to me for my 10% finders fee.
Yes it truly is digusting.
IF you decide that you want to think a thought, here is the policy on it:
1. Make sure it isn’t an LRH quote. This can be dangerous to you and you might get you routed to ethics.
2. You will be allowed to think a thought if it is kindly towards corporate Scientology and COB.
3. Any thought you think that doesn’t match up with command intention will be removed.
4 All thought requisitions must be sent in CSW form. This should follow the PL How to write a CSW.
That is all.
Tony, I’ll have to think about that.
Wow… what a leak Mike. The creepiness of this is beyond belief. Names of mere riff-raff staff are not to be mentioned but definitely thank COB and RTC?
And thank LRH but quotes by him are forbidden? Must be afraid someone will slip up and include a quote that contradicts Slappy.
Well that explains all the “Wow!”s
🙂 That’s funny.
This is truly pathetic. I remember when I joined Scientology in 1969 in NY, graduation was not a promotional event but a way to come together as a group and share our wins in our own words. I am reminded that the sermon at Sunday services used often to be given by a volunteer public Scientologist and concerned the speaker’s experience and examples of a piece of basic tech — in other words it was alive — but now the Sunday service is totally scripted and the sermon is read.
This CULT is over the top insane. If any new person off the street who was signed up on a Div 6 course were to read this they would not show up for the next course period. I think this is one reason why the Mission network (before it was purposefully destroyed) was so popular, it had basic Scientology with minimal cult-factor present. No wonder Scientology has been shrinking in size since Miscavige took the reins.
Excellent comment, Doug Parent, and I agree. As a Div 6er back in the day, even with new-found wins under my belt from the Old Comm Course, Ups and Downs In Life, Personal Integrity, etc., had I been made to breath even one whiff of this uber-controlled, rarified air I would have fled the org and never returned.
It’s like those ‘why we did it’ successes that get sent out after donations, status upgrades, etc. those are not written by the donors – no way. It’s so obvious that they use the same patter and are all on message. One I saw used language the donor never used and words they’re too illiterate to know! Unless student hat is now writing for PR alignment.
Maybe someone used an LRH quote that was also picked for the RTC Rep’s or Captain’s closing speech. And maybe somebody thanked a staff member (by name) who unbeknownst to that public was in “bad standing” with COB so it “flapped”… I keep contemplating these crazy scenarios that must have happened for this rules to be implemented.
This really isn’t totally new. The format I mean. When I finished M1 while on training during the original GAT release, I got to speak. It was a SUPER important night. Heber was there with the Shinto Monks in the front row. I wrote a really amazing speech about the things I had realized while reading the E-Meter books. It was a lot of, what I thought at the time, very cool stuff about art, the universe and why I had chosen to work at CCInt. The Captain, Debbie Cook, came in and told me that my speech was nice but tonight my speech had to be more than nice it had to be spectacular and it had to talk about my training and perfection and how everything I was doing here was perfect and the best etc. I crumpled up my speech, cried a little and then churned out what would later be labeled as the “perfect girl” speech.
When I got up to speak, Heber sat up straight, leaned forward and looked right in my eyes as if to say, “This better be good”. I looked right out into the audience and gave the speech of my life. Ending with the line, “I intend to be the reflection of your perfection.” I wrote that one. Looking back on that speech, the people that were in the front row and the rest of the people there that I was telling, “we are perfect, FLAG is perfect, Scientology is perfect.” It makes me want to barf. To know that I was a major part of the hypnotic command is just sad. Yes I thanked my sups, not by name, I thanked COB and RTC and finally LRH. We all clapped and hoorayed and all that. Now they are just telling you up front.
Yes, BBJ.
Because people are basically social, you inherently know what is expected of you by your group.
I’ve given many speeches just like the one you gave, and I have written many dispatches and even knowledge reports with the exact phraseology that I know was needed and wanted from me by my fellow Scientologists – despite what I really thought.
I’ve been coached and even warned by others not to stray outside the lines of acceptability that my group of Scientology seniors needed and wanted of me, and, just like you, I delivered every time.
I always knew the consequences of not delivering.
We are basically social. And by that I do not mean basically “good”, but social. Social animals like human beings never exist just for themselves like lizards and leopards do, but for their groups, like horses and wolves do.
This is fundamental to any cult control of human beings.
And it is why Hubbard stated as his basic truth that “Man is basically good”.
Both you and I were being good and loyal to our groups, as any social animal would, while L Ron Hubbard and now David Miscavige exploited that in us.
Oh well.
I’m SO GLAD I got out well over 30 years ago. This level of control had not yet been installed. Yet is was already so insane that many thousands left at that time. Truly sick stuff.
I have delivered such speeches too BB Jane. I cringe thinking back how I participated in creating that dog and pony show.
Even back then, after leaving the stage, I would wonder secretly if that wasn’t way over the top.
All the people that give these coerced “success stories” today, shall be ashamed of them tomorrow, when they realize they were following a hypnotic command.
I remember there always used to be this little whisper inside me saying “This is wrong! Don’t do this!!”
Now I realize that little whisper was me.
Beautifully said, Alanzo. I relate.
Alanzo, my niece was talking about a sign of insanity being a voice just outside your head making a running commentary about how bad you were. She cracked me up when she said. “I divorced him.”
BBJ: I read your speech comment earlier and it really hit hard. It’s so ingrained in human nature to want acceptance that we go out of our way to act the way we think people want us to and twist ourselves in knots doing so. Once we are able to untangle the knots we created, we look back at the person we pretended to be to please others and wonder WTH was I thinking? I know it’s small consolation to know you were not alone.
Q: Would you want others to have the gains you now have?
A: Hell no!!
Anyone still wonder who put Heber into his personal prison? Once you start peddling bullshit 24 hours a day for years, inevitably flow zero kicks in.
I’d like to send him a success story (14 point, Tahoma font) about how amazing and life changing it was to leave Scientology. I would definitely thank COB since his brutality helped seal the deal.
🙂 Good one Amy.
I, too, need to thank COB, Command Intention, David Miscavige, DM – whatever the hell he goes by these days. I wouldn’t have gotten out and experienced the freedom to thank him the way I really need to if it weren’t for him.
I entirely agree! life has been great since I left the bridge to nowhere.
Amy please please do send that success story.
I volunteer to pre-screen it to ensure you’ve properly thanked RTC, DM, . . . you know, all the “proper” authorities. I’m sure other readers here will help you out too.
It would be a thing of glory by the time it was sent off. I’m sure we could manage to keep it the proper length and still get the message across. Too bad pictures aren’t allowed.
“Definitely end your speech by thanking COB, RTC and LRH”
Those flag graduations! Nerve wrecking for the unfortunate ones that get selected.
God forbid if you thanked your mom or dad for having forked over the cash instead of COB.
Next phase: From now on mister Dan Sherman will be writing ALL speeches and you are to rehearse them with him! ( That CSMF sits idle most of the time anyway).
If they’d ever let me speak there again, I’d thank my cat with more sincerity
“Definitely end your speech by thanking COB, RTC and LRH”.
Altered Sequence, much?
This is the outpoint that leaped off the page for me, with the prohibition against using any LRH quote running a close second.
What a bizarre group masquerading as a religion!
Can you just imagine a Catholic being given such instructions about a proposed speech sharing his religious wins?
“Definitely end your speech by thanking your Pope, The Vatican, and Jesus Christ”…”No Biblical quotes, that’s not your hat”.
Strange, so strange.
Yep, those things jumped right out for me too.
But it’s has become the new standard in the weird world of His Anointed Oiliness.
Letting every riff raff quoting LRH would be too much for the inflated ego of Pope Oiliness, since HE is the ONLY one who can truly understand what Ron is saying.
…and for guiding me to purity and this incredible divine experience, my thanks go to His Holiness Pope Francis, The Congregation of the Faith, and of course Jesus Christ – thank you Lord!
“…and I’d like to sincerely acknowledge the Council of Nicea for keeping the tech pure…”
CM: Don’t give DM ideas. Next thing is going to be mandatory fill-in-the-blanks Sherman Ideal graduation speeches for $1000 a pop, cash on the nail due in advance of gradualtion certificate issuance,
:)! And i bet the sheeple would agree with it too! It’s pathetic too see so many good people buying so much BS from Miscavige. First everything was “Golden”, now Ideal is the new mantra. So taken any term and put “Ideal” before it and the cash registrar starts rattling again.
My little sister used to joke to me “when I want your opinion, I will give it to you.” That’s how I felt reading this.
Even a list of who you can and can’t thank.
Now, after the speech is written for them erm I mean approved, is their weight, hair, clothing, makeup also analyzed? How many times are they required to rehearse their speech.
Because that’s what Graduation is, hard sell.
That HCOPL has 3 revisions since first written. I wonder when the words hard sell snuck in there.
” I wonder when the words hard sell snuck in there.”
When they realized their bogus tech was hard to sell.
Now that’s thinking for yourself!
And that’s synonymous with severely misbehaving in the cherch 🙂
I didn’t take the time to properly word clear the ‘Success Stories’ HCO PL, so maybe i’m getting this all wrong. The way that I read this is success stories are all about hard sell and getting whoever is reading the success story regged for some service that will supposedly handle their ‘ruin’.
I am shocked, yes SHOCKED that success stories aren’t just spontaneous expressions of one’s experience rather than carefully orchestrated tales of undocumented and unsubstantiated abilities gained.
As the old saying goes, “a fool and their money are soon parted”. That was my experience anyway. I like to think that I have gained some wisdom over the years and the foolishness of youth is falling away. I am truly grateful to scientology for that. It was a painful lesson to learn, but I escaped relatively unscathed compared to many of my fellow travelers. Take your medicine fence-sitters, side-liners, under-the-radars, lurkers, doubters, ‘in-actives’, and ‘dare to read the internet types’. Realizing that you have been deceived by scientology is a bitter pill to swallow, but you are in good company. Many of us have swallowed that pill and are now free to get on with our lives. That’s the real ‘Success Story’ here. I’ll attest to that!
It is more telling than maybe realized that they have phased out entirely any use of LRH quotes. The reason they give doesn’t even make any sense. “That’s not you hat as public speaker”? What does that even mean? I’ll tell you what it means – that Scientology Inc is no longer loyal to Hubbard in any way. His face and name and image are just a front and they’re not eve pretending anymore that it’s any different. They don’t care one iota what the man ever said, as witnessed by the fact that they could care less about the very policy that Graduation is based on and which this “write-up” violates in about ten different ways.
I know we all know that Scn Inc is only about Miscavige now in the same way that N Korea is about Kim Jong-Un. It’s just good to point it out in as many ways as it can be over and over again. Get out now lurkers – there is nothing good in Scn Inc anymore.
Exactly true, Chris.
It means, Chris, that they are afraid somebody might pull out some LRH quote that wakes people up to the fraud of the IAS or the scam of the Ideal Orgs or some such thing. Only David Miscavige has the hidden data line to LRH and knows what LRH’s true intentions were.
David is indeed special. He should run the process called ‘Fight The Wall’ until Marty comes back.
Presumably it is done to prevent publics to use LRH quote in a “serfaccy” way, i.e. to make management wrong, e.g. by using the quote about fundraising barbecues to covertly denounce the ideal org program or to use “the result is the result and time is just and entered arbitrary” from HCOB Superficial Actions to portray Sea Org staff as stat pushers.
I’m just so doggone pleased to be here at Flag after having completed my Objectives for the tenth time! This truly is the friendliest place in the whole world!
Now, I know what you’re thinking – ten times! Well, let me just say that they were never really standard before, not like now, no, not like now. The wins have been nothing short of spectacular. I’ve gained the ability to stare at MEST for hours without any upset or misemotion. My C/S was so spot on I practically floated to the examiner! If any of you have any doubts about whether you should do this action, take it from me, you do! I’ve done all my OT levels and I’ve never had such wins on my entire track!
I’d like to thank LRH, RTC and especially COB who never ceases to amaze me with his semicolon strategy and rescuing Tom Cruise from the degrading Hollywood hucksters who would have been happy to have another psych spouting actor. Well, you didn’t get your chance! The Objectives have made me see the world as it is with no vias.
I know I wasn’t supposed to talk about my wins to this extent, but I had to tell you guys to give you a reality on what’s in store for you! So don’t resist seeing the reg afterwards; he’s really your best friend. Thanks once again to COB. Let’s hear it for the boy!!!
Michael, your success sounds so….so….mesmerizing…. hypnotizing……. 🙂
Oh gosh and gee whiz Wendy. I feel like a walking love bomb!
VWD Michael. Since you are NOW – FINALLY – in PT, please see the reg about redoing all of your OT levels or anything else you did before this – since you weren’t in PT enough to get the full and lasting gains necessary to achieve the spiritual freedom that you said you gained from anything else you did. You were obviously deluded.
Damn, you’re right. I guess my ethics slipped as I was basking in my earth moving gains. Someone from the FSC Office is coming to see me at work. Thanks again!!!
What I like about Micheal’s speech is that it truly demonstrates the EP of L Ron Hubbard’s Objectives.
Hubbard wrote that only a low-toned and very aberrated person would balk at “good control”.
And high-toned, sane people submit to “good control” with out any problems.
Micheal is demonstrating how high toned and sane he is after doing the Objective 10 times.
Hey man – it takes as long as it takes!
Michael, Too bad you acknowledged your C/S. Even though that’s a program, that program was created by a person who may or may not be COB, that’s close to acknowledging that another person besides COB RTC possibly exists. You do know your speech will be edited before you are allowed to give it.
Yes, and I heard they didn’t like the thing about semicolons and the word boy. I was told some of my objectives were unflat. Oh, dear me.
Michael, not to worry, nothing a few more times throu the course (all paid for by you) won’t fix. See you at graduation in two or three years (or two or three Clears).
“Definitely end your speech by thanking COB, RTC and LRH”. Why COB and RTC but not the auditor by name, or the c/s by name?
Everything anyone else does is insignificant – everything COB and RTC does is huge. Hmmmm. SPish Cultish.
Even 15 years ago speakers at the Flag Graduation were tightly controlled. To give a win the person would have to rehearse their speech with a staff member of the FSO and RTC. Every speech had to stroke Miscavige. “and thanks to COB for making it possible for me to do yet another version of the Student Hat!”
Yes, this Flag template was exported to other Orgs – certainly to AOSH UK anyway, although I had never seen this write-up before. But the speakers were vetted thoroughly and drilled before being “allowed” to give their “success stories” at SH Graduation – Craig Matheison being Censor-In-Chief, usually with an RTC Rep looking on.
This post is a perfect follow-up to yesterday’s truly astonishing Interrog leak. The overall picture now is of a desperate cult that only knows how to control, punish, investigate and castigate.
Even back in 1997 at AOLA they were controlling about graduation speeches and made you type it out so they could approve or not approve it. And they made you thank RTC for “keeping the tech pure” and “cleaning up the tech” or whatever it was. I didn’t want to thank RTC for anything as I saw their cold, chrome, steel NO ARC ways even then.
“…control, punish, investigate and castigate.” Brings to mind, if you will, “Method Used To Control Others” from SOS. Say what you will about L. Ron Hubbard, in this chapter he spells out what to expect from an individual or a group operating like this.
Same with on the Freewinds, Mat. Every speech rehearsed. Every speech had to include the wins from FINISHING the Basics, because of course, they didn’t tell you that if you hadn’t finished the Basics before arriving to do OT VIII, it was made part of the “confidential” (so you couldn’t headsup anyone else) checksheet as part of OT VIII. It was a real mind F–k to find out AFTER arriving in the VIII courseroom that now, you had to complete all the Basic books (thank god I already had). But I digress (is there any other way with this church). It was made to sound like the Basics were sooooo effing instrumental in being able to confront and handle the case of OT VIII. What a crock. Then, of course, you HAD to thank COB, RTC and LRH. This elicited a real gag reflex in me to have to do this, but in order to get the hell off the ship, I did it.
The rest is history.
It IS utterly amazing that nobody so far has actually thrown up on stage while delivering the
canned success story!
Mare, I’m sure you had serious acid reflux when thanking Tiny Dick and his band of Brain-Cell Starved Merry Men. You did what you had to do. You were surrounded by some pretty sick, demented people who had the power to mess with your passport…. and your life. I’m glad you got off that Rust Bucket. I know you are suffering a great loss of your son, but it’s not over yet. Not by a longshot.
Re: …had to stroke Miscavige
“I knew every inch of him.”
All three?
Talk about controlling! They make the SS look like amateurs.
This is a real scoop, Mike. I never thought to see the actual template for all those cloned graduation “success stories”, until after the cult had imploded and the process of raking through the wreckage could start. No wonder the speeches all sound so similar if they’re subjected to such a Stalinist level of censorship and obsessive-compulsive control—including the obligatory sucking up to Miscavige at the end.
Anybody else feel tempted to send a few home truths to [email protected] in 14 pt Tahoma with the margins set at 1″?
9000 Internets to you, good sir.
That’s all I’ve thought about since reading this!
I’m already working on a few!
Thank-you, kind sir.
Mr. Gruntfuttock, I’m a little more tempted to use 13- or 15-point Tahoma just to mess with dylan.p’s head. But that would be mean, I guess.
I agree that this is a cool scoop. I love learning these little inconsequential things like the “approved” Flag house style. It reminds me of a scene in Le Carre’s TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY where Karla the Soviet spymaster has captured a British operative, but during the interrogation all he asks about are little pieces of gossip from inside the Circus. The message is scathingly clear: he already knows the big secrets, so he’s just indulging his curiosity about things like who is sleeping with whom, does Smiley still have that picture on his wall, does Control still drink his tea out of that old chipped mug.
I kinda feel like that’s where we’re getting with Scientology. Thanks to people like Mike and his special correspondents, Jeffrey Augustine, Chris Shelton, Karen De La Carriere, Marty Rathbun and many others, we have a pretty clear overall picture of the sordid workings of the church. It’s a damning picture, and more of it is coming into public view on a daily basis. Now we’re down to sifting through the debris piling up in the Stasi courtyard as the place empties out.
Richard Grant,
David Miscavige drinks Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica brewed in
purified bottled water. It’s $100. per pound from three separate estates in Jamaica.
“tempted to use 13- or 15-point Tahoma just to mess with dylan.p’s head” Or use 14 point Verdana instead and be really disruptive 😉
Great illustration Richard. These seemingly inconsequential things are very revealing, of the complete lack of understanding of The Bill of Rights, not to mention, common human decency. Telling another person how to speak or what to say is one of the rudest and most arrogant things I can think of. Can you imagine being one of those who submitted a request to speak at graduation and was then rejected? So you paid through nose for squirrel auditing and anal probing, had kinda sorta finished something, with way too many FN swings and NOW, your win is too lame and off task for you to speak. Wow.
@richardgrant make it subtle. Go 13.5 point. See if he blows a gasket.
And Jose, thanks for the little piece of gossip. My son in law is a big shot in a coffee company so I’ve actually tasted the stuff, brewed on a French press (though he doesn’t have to pay through the nose for it, he gets it free). I know he doesn’t read this blog so I can honestly say. I don’t get what the fuss is. I would be willing to bet the reason David Miscavige drinks it is because someone told him it was good and it’s all about appearances and spending other people’s money.
By now the Scotch, no matter how expensive has probably destroyed most of his sense of taste.
In a conversation today, a friend told me he could think of only one person he ever wanted to see jailed. (Not DM and not someone famous). I laughed and said wow! Three names just ran through my head while you were saying that name. You are either good or naive. His response, which really made me think was:
Most people would be hurt a lot worse by a dose of real life than a life in prison.
I wish David Miscavige a dose of real life.
Peasemould recognizes the influence of Joseph Stalin on Scientology.
Any ideological organization must always uphold the truth of their ideology – especially when it is false.
The Church of Scientology, the Catholic Church, the Communist Party are all ideological organizations.
And no one knew how to Party like Papa Joe.
An analogy can be drawn here with Scientology. Vladimir Lenin introduced a cult of personality in Russia, and his successor, Joseph Stalin took that to an even greater level. Lenin criticized Stalin only on one point. Stalin was too harsh and rude and lacked finesse. Interesting to note that Lenin died of a stroke. After his dead, Stalin was his unchallenged successor. And anyone who did dare to even look funny at him was taken care of.
This is a TEMPLATE for other orgs’ success stories…OMG, and I thought it was just for Flag Graduations.
Amazing. Another cult gem. Thanks, Mike and SCs.
Now is the right time to make use of Bruce Willis’s immortal line in Die Hard to express the relief I feel at being no longer controlled by this crazy cult: “Yippee kay-ay, motherfuckers!”
And I forgive myself for having been so gullible for so long. I trusted, I believed, so I didn’t look, didn’t inspect. But that changed, eventually.
As the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”.
I certainly was stupid, so enjoy your wins, David Miscavige. You earned them, so enjoy them. Though you’d best keep them rehabbed, as new ones will not be forthcoming.
Nothing says individual freedom like “see if it aligns with the overall message.”
That document is so rich in awfulness that it might well be the juiciest thing you have ever posted. Today’s lesson is to note the common cult characteristic wherein customers/adherents are drafted for marketing/recruitment efforts, ritualized. From both LRH and the author of this nutty doc: this is a sales event — your personal salvation is to be framed within that purpose.
That letter was polite and encouraging compared to many of the coms I’ve seen lately. Of course they need people to do this or they don’t have much of a show.
Tell me again the scientology definition of freedom?
That’s when you check your values, integrity & morals at the door and agree to become a mindless robot. Now that’s freedom!
🙂 This is so true.
You’re right!!!! I just had a mind-blowing cog!!!!!!!! Freedom from decision-making!!!!! Freedom from thinking!!!!!! Freedom from observing!!!!!!!!!! Now that is taking the theta experience to a whole new level never before seen in this or any other universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, OSD. I owe you. I promise to get my exchange in once I’ve come back down from the clouds.
Jeez, you’re good…
Thank you, Grasshopper! You have snatched sarcasm from hand…time for you to leave temple (cult). And may you never return again.
I don’t know, OSD. I think I’ll go back to the temple. You know what it’s like when the high wears off…
Oh, God! Do I ever! My buzz wore off an hour ago! You’re right though, Dollar, let’s just stay in the Temple. They have a great bar as well as medical (you-know-what).
I know you’re joking, DollarMorgue, but I actually do think that “freedom from uncertainty” is one of the things that draws people into cults. I’m not talking about people who are second or third generation, but never-ins who sign up…
Yes, Margaret, I think you are right. Some people sign up because they need a Master.
Margaret, there are probably as many reasons for joining as people. As you know, Scn uses its dissemination drill to find out what is troubling a person most, make them wallow in the pain of it and then offer them a way out and to greener pastures – through scientology. Other cults may simply love bomb and may not have techniques down pat, but I’m sure they have all perfected the art of manipulation.
Some people just want to help make a better world, but have no faith in the establishment and (often being young) no real grasp of the magnitude of problems and effort required to make life better on a realistic and broad scale.
As we saw in the Interrogatory the other day, scientology (and probably other cults as well) first puts you in fear, and then offers you an easy way out. At that level, you are not thinking or responding rationally. To that degree they control you, and easily.
Some people might join cults to have certainty or be better than others, but I think most probably join to improve their own lives and the lives of others or the world in general, yet lack the experience and knowledge of manipulation to the extent employed by cults.
On the other hand, when I look at some local Christians, they are very, very certain they are right – and they are not a wayward group. The desire for certainty is a common human condition, as is the pain or discomfort of uncertainty – and certainty found in scripture or idealogy offers an easy way out.
“Definitely end your speech by thanking COB, RTC and LRH.”
And by definitely we mean, anyone not overflowing with gratitude for Dear Leader Kim Jong Miscavige isn’t getting close to a Flag Graduation stage. You’ll also be sec-checked to find out why your speech wasn’t reverent enough.
Flag Land Base: The Shadiest Place on Earth.
So what if you get your speech approved and you go rouge and “gasp” omit the thanks at the end of the speech or somehow otherwise alter the approved speech? Do they force you back on stage to complete or march you straight to ethics?
Valerie, if someone did that, they would disappear into the RPF for several years until they get “Their mind right.” Because, “What we have here is a failure to communicate.”
I’ll take “Straight To Ethics” for $500. 🙂
OSD, you can’t RPF public can you? I thought you just made them pay to give up their overts a la Leah Remini until they saw the light (or blew) – oh I guess that’s the public version of RPF.
Actually, you are correct, Valerie. However, if you fuck up bad enough, the demand you hand over your first born male child. I know…that’s what my parents did with me. It was a passing band of gypsies. I still have fond memories…or flashbacks.
OSD, give up my firstborn male child huh? Really? Where do I sign up 😉 oh wait I really love his kids. Come to think of it, I’m kind of fond of him too.
On a serious note, Almost every day that I read this blog I thank my lucky stars that none of my children ever went in that black hole.
Ps why does my iPad insist on autocorrecting your name to OCD? Is there something you’re noy telling us 😉
Oh, hell yes, Valerie! As an Old Surfer Dude, there’s lots of things I’m not telling you! Although I’d love to tell you the reason your iPad is changing OSD to OCD, I can’t. The secret society I belong too would pull my card. I can say, though, that I like the interior of your home and the furniture too! I’ve said too much already! Gotta go……….
Right on the money, NOLA Girl!
Thank you OSD, I am a long-time fan of your posts here.
Well, I don’t always recommend downing a quart of Jack in the morning, but, it always worked for me. Thank you for the (hick, hick) kind words, NOLA Girl. You made this Old Surfer Dude smile.
COB should just get Danny Sherman to write a whole bunch of success stories that contain all of the necessary points and then pass them out to the graduation speaker of the week. I am sure Danny with his eloquent writing ability and his ability to make things up could write some fantastic speeches/success stories.
Danny Sherman Mad Lib Success Stories. Maybe they have to buy it before they even start the course so they can be putting the proper words in while they are having the “wins”.
Go one step further…actors reading the success stories.
Interesting idea, but IMHO, it looks like anyone reading a success story right now is an actor reading a success story. Why should they pay people to do it?
So, Dean, it’s come down to pre-packaged “success stories” I guess. Nothing original from the student. Can’t risk it. I remember when I was on staff in Hawai’i, I did a course. It was ok, I guess. But, I decided not to write a success story. I mean the course wasn’t earth shattering or anything. Well, from the ED’s reaction as well as the other execs, you’d of thought I had just said “LRH was a complete fraud!” The amount of hostility directed at me was quite intense. These folks were REALLY pissed off! They told me I would have to do the course all over again. That’s all it took for me. I wasn’t about to redo a course that I thought was just ok, so I wrote what they wanted to hear. You talk about your thought control mechanisms…
It goes to show how insecure they really are. Like, if every completion is not acknowledged with a success story, training and auditing might stop. Unfortunately, they already have, but it has nothing to do with the success stories.
Beryl, they are so far out of a limb, it’s about to snap.
Protip, you Flag asshats: Nobody “wants” to speak at Graduation.
Nice job making it even more unappealing than it already was. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse.
I am really enjoying this whole ‘Village of the Damned’ thing the newer, super greedy, controlly, mindless automaton-ish, Scientology-ish thing Dainty Davey is dishing out. He ought to put their informercals on Adult Swim.
Btw David, your new hair color looks like shit.
LOL Sammy!
That was just the right amount of snark, a perfectly appropriate acknowledgment to this pathetic, self-important, delusional blather now coming from “management.”
Mike Rinder, thank you. You are so very good.
At graduation at Flag there are “watchers” from HCO to note public’s indicators.
Not clapping enough or cheering wildly or not standing for a standing ovation are huge crimes.
Any infraction you will get a call from HCO senior MAA or ethics summons.
Once on the SHIT list you really never get off no matter how many millions you give D.M.
Is that true or you are joking?
Jose, it seems this must be exaggeration. Do you really know for a fact that this actually goes on?
Well, I suspect this is true. Though I have not seen it at Flag graduation myself.
But on the Freewinds when the new What is Scientology book was released to the world (93 I think?) I was seated in the front row. Part of the function of anyone sitting in the front row is to “lead” the applause and standing ovations. I didnt give a standing ovation when Miscavige expected it (neither did anyone else). I was removed from post and sent to the bilges by Miscavige and then escorted back to LA.
You will note there are always some RTC/CMO shills there in the front row of any event to leap up and garner “standing O’s”. Believe me, if the RTC Rep in the front row leaps up like a barking seal, everyone behind follows suit. People remaining seated during “standing O’s” are considered to one step removed from a bitter defrocked apostate.
Wow Mike, truly incredible. Sent to the bilges for that is like spanking a baby because he shit in his diaper. Miscavige and his ilk are beneath contempt.
“These should be hard sell”…
…and there’s one of the fundamental problems with the whole thing – you can’t talk about your case, except to tell everyone how wonderful and life-changing your wins are. This means that everyone thinks everyone else is having a great time, and they must be the only one doing something wrong.
“These should be hard sell”…
Well, isn’t that typical of the Evil Dwarf to turn a short-lived illusory improvement in a person’s life into a “hard sell” to draw in other victims and their money. LRH would never have done that while He was in charge.
What… you say this came for an HCOPL… that LRH wrote Himself?
Well, He probably meant it in a very positive way.
Can’t ANYTHING be simple, honest and genuine? Can’t people just speak naturally about their experience? Does EVERYTHING have to be controlled, reviewed, vetted, massaged and approved? Gawd, this is brief moment when the student or PC can communicate to their peers – and even that has to be other-determined.
Statpush: Answers to your questions.
Qs 1&2. Uhm ….. no
Q3. Uhm ….. yes
I could not have said this better.
“Does EVERYTHING have to be controlled, reviewed, vetted, massaged and approved?”
In a simple word: Yes!
Otherwise, the sheep might start getting ideas of their own. Dangerous stuff.
I’m blown away. You can’t even thank your auditor… the person who helped you through all the hard stuff… and yet you HAVE to thank David Miscavige. It’s like taking little dog and pushing it’s nose in the poo. This gets more and more diabolical as it goes along.
Control, control, and more control. The best success storiez I ever heard were off the cuff, spontaneous and genuine.
Now that ‘s been taken away (probably for a while now) after the post yesterday and today’s little gem, I am so glad to be out. !
I no longer have to deal with this unadulterated bullshit.