Don’t look now, your desperation is showing…
6 people including 2 NOT’s auditors, a Super Power Auditor, an AO D of P and AO Sup….
Apparently they don’t have public to deliver to in the Flag AO so they are sending them out to try and press gang some suckers to show up at Flag.
The massive international expansion, 47X, straight up and vertical is all happening “somewhere else.” Problem is, only David Miscavige knows where “somewhere” is because it only exists inside his head when he sits down with Dan Sherman to collaborate on a speech.
Which reminds this is one of the all time best quotes about Going Clear from Auntie Beeb (BBC):
” You might have to go back to Darth Vader’s first appearance in Star Wars to see an entrance as mesmerisingly ominous as the one made by David Miscavige…”
Dear Leader is introduced at the podium before one of his styrofoam Nuremberg Rally sets babbling incoherent Shermanspeak. It is what former scientologists have seen at every event they have ever attended. But for the uninitiated, it produces gasps of amazement/disgust/horror/incredulity.
The rest of this review contains many colorful descriptions, it is well worth reading just for the entertaining style in which it is written.
And now I want somebody to change the Music cue when David Miscavage goes to stage be Imperial March
Sorry, been a bit “out of it” so this comment is very late on the chain. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the name Pier Till – she is an old OLD South African – she must be geriatric by now, surely? She was old when I was a young teenager kicking around the org in the 80’s……….. If this is their “cream” tech staff after all these years, that’s just sad. And very telling that no “newbies” are on the block…… they leave before they can get anywhere. Edy Lundeen – another ex-pat South African. And bat-shit crazy. Flag is welcome to her. They deserve each other.
That the church is an horrible bureaucratic mess with this “white collar” little man is an real horrible situation. Miscavige is really nothing more than a fascist little businessman pretending to be an ecclesiatic leader.
But, the film, is showing Hubbard like a kind of sick paranoid. He maybe was at some point. But the way it throw in the dirt the whole subject of scientology, I don’t like.
They would call tone 40 a kind of abuse. Come one! For me there is scientology and there is Miscavige. This little bureaucrate should really be thrown in the street and spit in the face. He is the incarnation of horror and lies, he destroyed scientology. But please don’t mix this blue eyes, well combed, little fascist with scientology.
The Flag MAA on mission at AOLA is there to assure just about “anyone” that they can now get onto Ad Courses at Flag pronto. Once you get there, the IAS pumps you dry while you wait for Flag MAA to approve your existence and allow you onto Ad Courses, which never comes. Instead you route onto PTS/SP course, etc… while you get hit up again and again for more and more money to buy your way out of ethics….. these guys all work together (IAS and MAA) and they think nothing about lying to you to get you “to arrive” at Flag just so you can be properly fleeced.
LOL…one of the top film reviewers in the US, Owen Gleiberman (Entertainment Weekly) just compared Miscavige to Darth Vader! I’m dying here!
I guess getting compared to Darth Vader is a step up from everyone else compairing him to a Nazi, what many of the articles I’ve been reading for the last week or so state. After all, Darth Vader only pretend-killed people, so your stats are up, Davey-boy!
I wonder how our boy is feeling about becoming an internet meme?
In related news, did anyone see the most recent episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia? The whole episode ridicules Scientology. It’s called “Ass-Kickers United: Mac and Charlie Join a Cult.”
I simply don’t understand. Is Flag recruiting at the AO in LA to come to Clearwater and do your AO stuff all the way across the country instead of in LA, where the (hypothetical) recruits live and work? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Not a single customer will be poached from AOLA because there aren’t any there either.
These roadshow sales pitches are like digging ditches and filling them back in again: useless busywork. Every activity, every effort, every waking moment’s activity for employees/slaves of the cult is about as useful as teats on a boar. About as useful as a sand merchant at the beach. About as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike… you get the idea.
This PR BS showed up on my yahoo news page today:
They must be scrambling around trying to come up with some good PR news to counter the impending doom.
A whole press release about “Youth for Human Rights” and they fail to mention that, in Scilonese, “human rights” means anti-psychiatry and nothing else.
Thank you for posting the BBC article. Some thoughts that have come up after the movie that blow me away I used to think due to this DM mesmerization crap:
I was doing a lover condition of Doubt back in ’83 and I never could finish because I honestly said “I’m in Doubt but I don’t want to be”. Finally got part of the ‘hang-up at doubt’ processes 20 years later and why was ‘Out Ethics in my environment’ yah ya think. Then in ’85 when I finished last 87 hours of NOTS/not clear supposedly auditing my last comment to the auditor as we got up to see the examiner was : “I’m so glad we have COB to fix everything up for us”. When I fist started posting on Marty’s blog I used to say to Marty and Mike and other comments “LRH would be proud of you”. Haha funny looking back.
I fell asleep when ‘Going Clear’ showed DM’s event opening. My partner had to wake me all 3 or so times when it got overwhelming for me. Anyway, when DM first started speaking at Int events I complained every time to my husband that he rarely looks at the audience. Also I tended to sleep through those too so I just got in lots of trouble for skipping out. It was always something exciting just around the corner those days – condition assignment, all-hands order, backlog filing, event call-in crap. It’s no wonder I left after 20 years extremely healthy and fit. You had to be to survive….
Hasbro should make a Dave doll. Wind it up and it blabbers incomprehensible platitudes interminatedly until shut off. Could be a big hit in the aftermath of the Going Clear documentary.
Unfortunately, like Dave, it won’t have an off button that works………it just keeps droning on.
It would be great as a treatment for insomnia.
Poor old Emily Becker. She came to my house (unannounced of course) about 7 years ago, trying to “recover me”.
Makes me think of recovering an old sofa or other piece of upholstery to make it look good as new.
“CoS: “Where the parishioners are one of the props.”
Isn’t this the Emily Becker that was in the Universe Corps in UK?
Emily Becker has been down at AOLA since at least 2007. She used to faint during musters and, after a good medical check, it was found she had very low blood pressure. She has been a Sea Org Member since early 70s, but heaven forbids if she were to get into further physical difficulties at Flag and cause a PR “flap”; thus she has been at AOLA doing interviews and some auditing trying to get people to Flag.
Nevertheless, the point of sending so many terminals at once indicates lack of arrivals at Flag. 47X what?
47x new HBO subscriptions!
If anyone in Atlanta has HBO please invite me over on the 29th and I’ll bring pizza or something.
The end of everything is because of entropy. The universe ends with everything being waste heat. Scientology has already reached that EP. It has all degraded to just hot air. (Shermanspeak)
The BBC review is the most powerful piece I have read yet about the evil of Scientology. Its closing words literally made me sick to my stomach – it hit on a deep level of understanding of what the human cost has been:
“The twisted genius of L Ron Hubbard is that he figured out a way to define and exploit contemporary soul sickness. He was right about the disease. But Going Clear makes a powerful case that he came up with a cure that only made it worse.”
Loved the Auntie Beeb review. The one sentence that ends with calling the church a “hamster-wheel of greed” easily one of the best descriptions ever.
Yep! You gotta love it! “Hamster-wheel of greed!” Still laughing!
So, is Edy Lundeen now posted in LA? Because I thought Jon Lundeen was moved to Flag and the two lovebirds would finally be reunited. Oh well, the course of true love never did run smooth.
She has been posted in LA for many years
So in other words, Jon Lundeen did not protest his reassignment to the other side of the country. (I did see Edy L a couple of times on “the street.” I just thought at the time she was on tour.)
Thank you, Mike for the link to the review. The last two sentences are something worth reflecting on IMHO.
“He was right about the disease. But Going Clear makes a powerful case that he came up with a cure that only made it worse.”
When you punish up statistics and Reward down statistics
You get down statistics
This is True in any group.
Thank you Auntie Beeb
A very well reasoned article. Some people are capable of logical thought and some are not.
It seems to me that as scientologie’s super-confidential secrets spread over the main stream media, the number of people not dying from pneumonia provides evidence that there were other reasons for keeping the mystery in place.
Money comes to mind.
I think if you actually look at the OT3 document it says, quote – “The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it. This liability has been solved by tech development.”
I am not in anyway way endorsing, condoning or expressing any virtues of the process, story, bullshit, (whatever) known as OT3 but I have often wonder how someone could read into that the mere reading or dissemination of the data would kill people. Surely verbal tech doesn’t exist, does it?
“Attempting to solve” something is entirely different from reading about something. It takes into consideration and recognising that a problem must exist in the first place and some sort of remedy must be formulated as it obviously doesn’t exist because there is a problem etc. Calling it all bullshit, not understanding it, gradients or not recognising it as a problem = there’s nothing to solve anyway. I’m not a Hubbardian fan here or an endorser of the OT3 story, fact or fiction as it sure sounds, that has got nothing to do with my comment but I think a reasonable doubt has been created by the term “attempts to solve it.”
Those who wish to make everything wrong about it will of course read into it whatever they want and the hype and monumental out-reality security crap surrounding all the OT data created by the dickwads that want to make money and then more and more money will of course shroud the whole thing in voodoo & not to even mention the status hype and crap of being OT and presenting a carrot on a string for us gullible freedom seeking mortals to forever chase.
Of course the emeter is a complete hoax too, it’s been proven beyond doubt over at Ortega’s site but why does it read so well on that bullshit? Skin galvanising cooties perhaps?
Sometimes I feel like I’m the inner bullseye target at 100 yards at a machine gun range.
Also, the text – “This liability has been solved by tech development.”
That is way to hot a sentence to draw comment on here, I left that well alone for obvious reasons.
I’m amazed I haven’t been challenged or “corrected” on this.
Ever since I first heard someone (way back in 80s) say reading the OT3 materials without being ready for it will give you pneumonia and all sorts of bad things will beset you – all I could think at the time was, “where’s your MU man? That’s bullshit!” I still think that – it’s written quite plainly on the page – “to attempt to solve it.” Hubbard already did and that’s what you’re reading – the solution!
A sort of analogy is we read about the situation of ISIS in Syria – that’s a problem, a big one, but in reading that no one comes busting through your door and machine guns you. But “attempt to solve it” and there’s a very good chance you will be machined gunned.
As I said I’m not vouching for the tech here but a lot, and I mean a lot of people have dubbed in something which simply isn’t there and it’s gone viral!
You are certainly entitled to think/know it’s all bullshit – but telling one lie to counter another is just as crazy. Even I think the OT3 story is a bit far fetched but geezers it reads pretty consistently on a meter and that’s not just on me – why is that?
It reads on you because the meter is full of shit as well. It’s a primitive lie detector at best, just a Wheatstone bridge with a few adjustment dials. Plenty of actual engineers have taken one apart and/or looked at the schematics. In order for OT3 to have any validity as “something”, the e-meter has to be detecting “something”. And the e-meter doesn’t detect anything of significance.
As a ‘Never In’ I can assure you that watching Miscavige speak is like getting a root canal done without anesthesia. It is utterly painful to watch, and the man is incomprehensible. I’ve often wondered how Scientologists can stand listening to him.
As to the poor bastards at Flag – no doubt the entire. Unch will be RPFed because their stats are down. The same thing will happen at all of the other Advanced ORGs, with new Sea Org members taking over. Six month after those Sea Org members too will be RPFed.
Soon the entire Sea Org will be in RPF, leaving no one to run the Church of Scientology, except members of the Cadet ORG. Chaos will ensue.
Damn you Autocorrect! The above should say:
As to the poor bastards at Flag – no doubt the entire bunch will be RPFed because their stats are down.
That Flag is desperate is good news. The 47X expansion claim is a massive lie. Let’s hope that by the end of the year, a majority of $cientiology whales have left or stopped contributing. The collapse of $cientology is coming, the only question is when. How long can the criminal leader of $cientology (David Miscavige) keep the cult going on reserves?
It will have run out of reserves more than a decade ago. These days it is kept running by diverting the IAS funds. That is why there is such high pressure for people to “up their status”. Without that, the Church would not have enough money to keep functioning. And this is here to stay. No GAT phase is ever going to get raw meat coming into the Orgs. The current membership don’t like or want GAT and resist it to the fullest extent they are able to. So nearly all their income these days will be redirected IAS funds. But having said that, it is clear that in 2015 that this is what is keeping the Church running as there is no way that their running costs are covered by auditing and training income, no matter how hard they apply ethics pressure to get people to sign up for it. So the people giving to the IAS in 2015 and upping their status know full well that their money is being used as the main source of income for the Church to keep it solvent. If they stop giving, they know the Church will collapse – and this is not something they will ever let happen.
Just in case anybody is incredulous about this idea that IAS funds are being used to keep the Church running on a day-to-day basis and keep it solvent then I would refer people to the application for IAS membership, where people who apply for membership of the IAS agree to the following:
“All donations will be used towards the protection of the Scientology religion and the fight for freedom for all mankind.
“I also understand that membership dues, donations and contributions are not refundable.”
Obviously, if income from auditing and training (due to GAT Fail-Tech) is only enough to cover 10% of the Church’s running costs then the future of the Scientology religion is in jeopardy and by the IAS agreement then it is perfectly legitimate to use IAS funds to protect the Scientology religion by paying for its running costs and making up the shortfall in income. There is nothing illegal going on. True, the membership at the yearly IAS gala event are told about how the IAS funds are used for expansion of Scientology and helping people, and I am sure that some of those funds are used for those purposes, but maybe only 2% of the funds are used in this way. The members who make contributions in 2015 are fully aware of how their money is being used just to keep the Church solvent and they welcome it. Through their contributions, they are keeping the Church of Scientology alive.
I loved the Star Wars quote when I read it yesterday,since I left in the beginning of 86,never got see one of his mesmerizing speeches.i remember Emily Becker on staff at Aola in the early 70s. Amazing. The other flag crew never heard of.desperate times, ots make it go right.
In his utterly inimitable style, COB has once again saved the day. Here are some of his favorite quotes you can use right now to speed your progress to OT and get all Orgs and Missions up to snuff and Super Ideal.
“It’s going to have to get a lot worse before it gets better.”
“The night is darkest before the dawn.”
“Straight up or shut up.”
And last but certainly not least, the release you’ve all been waiting for. This is the reason you got in Scientology in the first place and the ultimate solution to turn the whole scene around and bring about unprecedented expansion the like of which has never been known in this or any other galaxy. GAT 3!!!™
Here’s the Real WHY and the HANDLING:
Since ethics are out, tech and admin can’t go in, so by implementing this program stats will boom like never before.
Welcome to the Golden Age of Goldenrod (GAG)!!!!!!!
Here is what public people say about the Church of Scientology after seeing the recent biography of the Church of Scientology aired on HBO:
Carl Reiiner says:
“Saw excellent, disturbing documentary on Scientology and empathized with all the poor souls whose lives were shattered by this organization”.
My point is, that anything COB might say pales in comparison to raw public getting a full fledged hatting on Scientology right from their own TV’s in their own living rooms WITHOUT having to sit through SERVICES in an “Org”. Can it really make sense to the people in that church that if COB says “Don’t watch TV” that they need to listen?
The technology the Church of Scientology denied other people is the exact thing that is going to do them in. I have to laugh when I envision someone receiving a COMMAND INTENTION Public Order “All church members are to DISCONNECT from HBO, from Comcast, from Time Warner until the truth is known”. That HBO broadcast IS the truth. So to any member of the Church of Scientology my advice to you “Don’t hold your breath waiting!” 🙂
For a tiny short time, I did a little help on the styrofoam cutting assembly line out at the Int RPF ranch site in the late 1990s RPF there at that time.
Int RPFers did a lot of the set elements, and styrofoam cutting with a hot thin wire, jerry-rigged variable voltage on the wire to just the right temperature to do the cutting, there were a lot of talented RPFers who did all those glorious set elements.
We even made the shorter than normal podiums (Jeff Kretz, I recall, was quite talented at making those).
Wow, and mention of Emily Becker, boy, if she’s the old Apollo vintage old Sea Org vet lady, she’s been around almost 40 plus years in the Sea Org.
I often wished all the old Apollo vets would have a forum and tell their anecdotes, the good and the bad.
Not just the hype that comes out in Scientology’s promo.
I remember when Emily used to sleep in her car parked in the parking garage of the Fort Harrison, while she was on the RPF there, during that same time period when Nancy Many was pregnant and forced to be on the Flag RPF.
The rest of Scientology’s history only comes out from ex members, I hope a lot are coming telling you the latest Mike.
The old vets like Emily ought write their books when they get out.
Yeah. Emily was the examiner when I was on the internship on the Apollo. She goes ‘way back.
Chuck, did you ever meet a guy named Walter Wilkens from Germany? He was for the longest time props at Gold.
I remember his name, I wasn’t Gold staff, I was only a visitor at Int/Gold most of the time I was in and out. I remember his name though, and likely saw him in passing only. I somehow recall light brown hair, and a mustache, sort of tall and lanky, hair combed so it fell over his forehead slightly, correct? I think he must have left by 1990 or early 1990s though, blown or routed out, or is he still there? Ask Jeff Hawkins or Marc Headley or Amy Scobee, they’d know.
“I often wished all the old Apollo vets would have a forum and tell their anecdotes, the good and the bad.”
Looks like there is a forum in use…
Thanks for the Auntie Beeb review link, Mike. It’s one powerful piece. I’d have missed it otherwise.
Why would they include an MAA in this delegation?
I wondered the same thing. And a chaplain. I’d hate to think what the qualifications for flag are these days. Part of the conditioning, imo.
Qualifications for Flag would be a living, breathing, ambulatory mass of human protoplasm with enough money.
I am inventing a rumor here and now.
He’s for New Ethics Fix called Mobile Sec. Checking or MSC. A specially prepared van or multiple vans show up at ether your house, mission, idle morg, wise-guys business, etc. In the van is a Complete Ethics Office on wheels. With a high ranking MAA readying to declare, get you to rat on friends, or admit to made up crimes just to avoid being declared, etc. Mobile internet so Dave can watch and record the whole show. You know the usual MIA stuff for downstats who are stopping the 47x expansion. Of course, your MAA is double hatted as an IAS and Idle Building Reg. Should you want to thank Scientology for freeing your evil intentions!!! Finally Miscarriage will be able to declare everyone who’s CSCI which is everyone. (Hopeful that rumor is not yet true but nothing surprises me anymore.)
They can bring that mobile truck over to see me as long as they are also cooking some tacos or cheese burgers.
Sorry, only PTS patties.
Oh, I love this, from83. The Cult’s answer to MASH – Mobile Ethics On Wheels. (MEOW). Ethics has to make house calls now because tech can’t go in until ethics go in, and “with no intention to overstate it but YES this IS the answer to Planetary Clearing for all beings this lifetime!” (Huge applause with10 minute non-stop standing O for Captain Miscavige).
There just might be a need to trim a few sharp edges off your soul before trying to cram your square wallet into Dave’s round hole.
Richard, your question might be better phrased as why are they only including ONE MAA in the delegation. The goal of the delegation is to rope in as many bodies in the shop as they can who are either potential Flag public AND as many LA area people who are supposed to be at Flag right now but are not. In Scientology think, the prime reason you are not continuing on your expected service and coming up with the loot for the reg is …. drum roll …. an ethics scene. In one way or another, the MAA is supposed to locate and handle whatever the stop is so that … the MONEY FLOWS, baby!
Nice touch with the Chaplain and MAA. You know; to show how much they care; straighten out your concerns about abuses you keep accidentally hearing about. Oh! But wait! There are no such thing as accidents – so bring your KY.
Thank you, Auntie Beeb!
The BBC review is absolutely a must read!
Fabulous…simply fabulous.
It is. If only they displayed as much courage with their programming. “Auntie” is not the most popular kid at the lunch table again here in the UK. This time it’s for taking Top Gear off air due to a minor scuffle between Jeremy Clarkson and a producer. A petition of over a million people is being ignored in rather typical “we know best” Beeb smugness. But, if they do buy up the rights to Going Clear all will be forgiven – in my eyes anyway!
Well, Auntie does have Louis Theroux’s laser-guided nuke in reserve, so there may be a chance for redemption for them.
Agreed. Loved the article.
“…appears to have turned Scientology into a hamster-wheel of greed….” is a great quote from
Squirrel wheel of greed.
The Hamster-Wheel to Total Freedom needs oiling.