Sorry I have been neglecting the blog of late — I was ill with the flu and ended up in hospital and then had a long planned commitment out of town and just got home last night and am now trying to get back to normal. Seems like the world has been upside down since right before the XMas holidays…
I got this in my inbox and it struck me because of the level of effort they are putting into this. Flag have sent 6 technical staff (“And more!” they say, but don’t name them which seems a little strange), to try to get some arrivals. Desperate times call for desperate measures it seems.
Not only featuring the Lead Solo NOTs C/S and Lead Class XII C/S and the Super Power D of P and “Perceptics In-Charge,” (I guess they don’t have anyone to service at Flag, otherwise these people could not all just desert their posts to visit the empty Valley Org) they also have a real shindig planned:
Live Music
Kids Activities
You know when scientology gives away free food (It’s not a potluck and it’s not “$50 per person” like they do at Flag) times are really tough.
If you happen to be in North Hollywood this evening and want to drop by for a free meal, leave your cash, checkbook and ID at home and head on down to join the half dozen others who will be there. Cannot guarantee the quality of the entertainment or food, but can 100% guarantee there will be a heavy presence of people wanting your money…
Do they accept IOUs?
The schadenfreude is real. Thank you for pointing out the truth that these staffers would never fire across the country if their in baskets were full.
Good to see a update, and no need to apologise, we are grateful for the content.
Looking at that flyer theirs no indication that the food is free, personally if I saw the flyer I wouldn’t have assumed that I wouldn’t be paying for me tucker.
Does look like a appetising menu, I should go grab myself something to eat !!!! Meat pie and lamo here we come !
Hey Mike.
I imagine you get lots of advice from lots of people.
But if you want to get your body as healthy as possible to fight off all these things that can arise, get on a Nutritarian diet. Listen to what Joel Fuhrman has to say.
Makes too much sense to disregard. Just check it out.
We want you around for a long time.
Don’t forget the credit card.
It might also be a good idea if you left your brain at home as well and just send the body on autopilot with pre-progammed with a series of responses:
Why are you here?
I came for the food.
Are you enjoying the program so far?
I came here for the food.
Would you like to make a donation?
I came here for the food.
Would you like to join up?
I came here for the…buurrpp…time to leave.
Have missed you Mike.
Good to see you back.
“And more” are usually regges. So we have a platoon of desparate people that must come back to flag with products and report to DM…good luck. In scn nothing is free.
Don’t feel bad about neglecting the blog Mike, so many of us are just glad you’re fighting the good fight as they say! In these trying times the focus must be on yourself and your health, and your family, and people will understand completely. Looking forward to the blog getting back to normal though, and new videos and podcasts too!