Flag is not putting out stat reports every week any more.
That alone tells you things are really not going well. According to L. Ron Hubbard this is the WORST indicator (no report) and indicative of a looming collapse….
The last report before this was 23 April. That is 6 weeks ago.
And you can see from this latest report: even though they were willing to finally put it out, the number of Super Power and Running Pgm completions combined are lowest since they were first released (the running tally of reports is below — the latest week added to the end in bold).
No wonder they have a 20 man “Flag World Tour” camped in LA trying to round some people up to send to Flag….
Things are not looking good at the Friendliest Place In The World(tm). I bet the regges there are in an absolute frenzy, cannibalizing the few Eastern Europeans and Venezuelans who remain.
And this is yet more proof that the 64X expansion is only measuring the magnitude of the lies they are telling in a desperate effort to pretend the all is well aboard the Titanic.
Compared to the earlier postings, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, the latest reports added to the end).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 16 19 15 19 19 19 18 14 28 24 25 26 40 24 22 14
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17 21 15 19 22 19 20 16 20 24 24 21 20 25 30 18 18 14
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30 22 63 25 23 22 16 29 29 32 28 32 25 33 29 24 35 26
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 8 NR 16 9 10 9 10 8 11 13 7 10 13 13 10 10 11
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8 8 8 16 9 6 9 9 9 9 8 6 6 5 9 5 7 5
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20 NR 19 19 23 25 25 25 18 21 20 15 23 25 16 19 25 17
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 14 17 16 11 13 18 25 19 NR NR NR NR NR
Seems they have completely run out of Purif marks…
I am wondering if miscabbage isn’t just wringing out the last pennies and getting ready to bolt and hide, if he hasn’t already. I mean surely, they have to know the tech as is is NOT making money, and nothing is being done accept to re-do tech. And no thursday stats!??.. WTF!!!… THAT is major out tech!
Why not re-count me as a completion from 1988?
Great news about Flog, Mike. Me so happy!
Maybe it’s growing too fast for them to keep accurate statistics. I mean, their membership is “definitely in the millions”.
Hi OSD, Your post on Ron & his Kools.You are so on source I go exterior when I read some of your posts.Always Ann B.
For the love of Xenu, just close up shop in Clearwater and retrench to Big Blue already.
Hi hgc10, Please not Big Blue! How many nightmares do I have from getting that building ready & GOI fun& games! Take Care Ann B.
ROFL! Now I have to apply the AED and yell “CLEAR!” before pressing the button — except I’d rather the crime syndicate die instead. 🙂 Such massive human rights crimes Scientology commits against its customers deserves a slow, painful death.
If Flag is flat lining then the paddles must be working overtime to zap life into other orgs the world over. Certainly that’s the case in South Africa. A real sorry state of affairs indeed.
Hi Overrun In California, Thank you for helping me out with Jane’s name.I do remember when you said she was hitchiking the years do roll by.Smart to carry a vacuum cleaner hose for chasing dogs.I was not allowed to carry anything not even Id which I did not have anyway in the SO,however the person who dropped me @ Griffith had a riding crop in the car.If I did not get out fast enough & start running it would be smacked on the dash board.Always thinking of ways to motivate SO members!Take care.Ann B.
Yea, it was sad what happened to Jane. She was young, and very pretty. She was a model. Definitely should not have been hitch hiking. Anyway, it wasn’t a vacuum cleaner hose, it was the aluminum hard pipe section. Lightweight and packed a punch.
Hi overrunincalifornia, Boy am I getting old! Can recite the Division Chart backwards & forwards but don’t know the parts of a vacuum cleaner.Ann B.
i guess the “influx” of NOI hasn’t helped stats much.
And let’s not forget, those Super Power completions are a measure of EACH rundown step completed. I’ll bet my life on it. C/S 53 to FNing counts 1, Ethics Repair List counts 1, Personal Revival Rd counts 1. That tells you how little is actually occurring in the SP Bldg these days.
Do you really think they want foot traffic in there these days messing up the decor?
Scn’s business model, if it can be called that, is that through the study/practice of Scn one becomes more and more able, and as one’s ability increases they will have the wherewithal to purchase more and more services, thereby ascending one up the Bridge. Yeah, right. That’s never really worked from my observation. I don’t know anyone who has become affluent or wealthy due to their practicing Scn (excluding IAS Regs and FSMs). I do know wealthy Scnists, but they were wealthy before they became Scnists. Nowadays, the only way a Scnist can become a millionaire is by becoming a billionaire.
Anyway, the point I wanted to make is that the bulk of a staff member’s time and effort (e.g. MAAs, Tech personnel, Qual) is spent trying to get existing members “more able.” This is a never ending process. And is the reason why we still see “How to use the Tone Scale to boom your business” seminars over and over, with the same people in attendance. You’ve been to 10 Tone Scale seminars and done the PTS/SP Course and still haven’t been able to boom your business, then there must be something wrong with you, or you’re doing it wrong, you have an MU or worse, you are PTS. This only works on customers who have been fully indoctrinated to believe the tech is infallible.
The church pushes the false idea that the reason you are not moving up the Bridge is because there is some piece of LRH Tech you are not applying in your life. Solution: give them some money to get the tech. Result: Little or no change. LRH did the same thing in “Handle it with Auditing.” Scn cures whatever ails ya. And for active Scnists not moving up the Bridge is pretty much an aliment.
From my experience Flag has always been the place people went to get debugged. Stalled, not doing well in life, etc, were shipped off to Flag to get sorted out. Occasionally we’d have a wealthy doc go to Flag for the Ls, but mainly it was regular broken Scnists going for “case cracking”, OT Debugs, or rarely, a CCRD.
But, that whole customer base is dwindling away; either leaving, getting declared or dying. And there’s not enough new people joining Scn, and doing enough Scn to get their “case” fucked up, which would warrant a trip to Flag.
Quick! Open up AOSH Canada and AOSH ANZO to take some of the pressure off of Flag and allow them to serve their customers better.
Mr. Hornaday’s post is spot on.
Now the Flag World Tour can complete with all the tours bands are doing. I think you’ll get a better crowd at the Culture Club show then at Flag. It has to be a world tour, no one area can refill the Stupor Powerz building.
I though the ‘purif’ was returned to local control, just so the missions and mOrgs had some money to keep the lights on. Soon, the World Tour will hit those giant mustaches in Hungary and Bulgaria. Haven’t
they suffered enough? The next step will be a whale funded ‘scholarship’ program to send clams up the bridge. No one else has any money…
Great catch Mike, the cumulative numbers really do show a Conrail sized derail……..
The snake is eating it’s own tail…
More like, “The dog has returned to its vomit.”
Maybe the church didn’t come out with weekly reports because it’s so busy with all the expansion and WINNING that’s going on. Why interpret a “no reports” situation negatively? A pessimist will look at an empty glass and say, “That glass is empty.” But an up-stat will look at the glass and say to that pessimist, “WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES???!!!”
Hi Roger,Love this post thank you for the laugh even tho the upstat bit is so very true.Always Ann B.
Reports? Reports went the way of War with Eastasia.
So what do they do, when they have a week when no one is on course? I’m not being facetious. The numbers are low, and trending lower. Sooner or later, they’ll have a week when ‘The Friendliest Place on Earth’ is empty.
So what then? The morale of the Sea Org members staffing Flag would take a tremendous hit. These are people who signed on because they believe they will make a difference, and they are faced with an empty Org. That is going to really hurt. We could see some drop into depression, and decide to ‘drop the body’. We could see others make a run for it. Others might develop PTSD, or other mental health problems.
What I’m trying to say is that we could see some really nasty problems develop at Flag among those who don’t blow, and we should probably expect to see the number of ‘blows’ to spike.
If I’m right, we need to see if we can organize help for those escaping.
This is guesswork on my part, based on spending the last couple of years reading about Scientology. What do you think Mike, is this likely to happen?
The last sentence of the Solo NOTS course is
LRH imploring for more auditors.
OK, where the fuck are they David Miscavige ?
take all the money and just go away , it’s the decent thing to do
and bring your trash staff with you.
David Who??????? What company is He with?
Dewey, Fuckem & Howe LLC. “Attorneys with Attitude.” That’s where little Davy is…
LOL 🙂 I thought he fired those assholes for being to backoff. Word on the streets is He is in bed with Findem, Fleecem and Floggem out of Hemet!
if they have been publishing a weekly report for 60 years and suddenly this april it’s become erratic, that’s actually VERY telling.
the stress inside must be off the charts.
what a trajectory they’re on, the worse it gets the more the most decent still in leave.
you get this process that is producing a concentration of incompetence and ineptitude.
like boiling off the gold and keeping the impurities.
there is no coming back in it’s current state. it’s already not what it was up to even 10 years ago.
A guy from Flag tours showed up to my house the other day….uninvited of course.
After a couple pleasantries on his part he asked me what my name was. I said you come to my
home uninvited and you don’t even know my f–king name??? Did you go over my CF file I ask.
After mumbling a few words he said he was there to see my wife…not using her name either.
Then he asked if I was “invited” or “uninvited” to Flag. Gotta make sure I’m not a heretic I guess.
Finely he asked for a phone number so as to call my wife later. Once again I alluded to our CF files where
he can find phone numbers. He stared at me like a deer in headlights, told me to have a nice day and left.
Amazing to me they make such a fuss over keeping CF files up to date but then when they want to ambush
you at your home they don’t bother to even look at the file.
He showed up in a black Mercedes with a guy driving…..appropriately it looked like a car the Mafia would drive.
Hi Potpie, What a day that must have been.Those CF Files,sometimes I am stuck there in my dream & can’t get out til I have them all filed by zip code!Spent enough time @ Asho F’s that is for sure. Take Care Ann B.
Dang it Potpie, how come you get all the fun? I even post my phone number and can’t get so much as a drive by. My stats are in the toilet and I had better find my crimes!
Yo Dave,
Please sent your most top notch sec checker over for a visit. Don’t bother calling and he/she/it does not need to know my name ………. you know, the usual drill………..just make sure to provide a good limo and one of those Whorehouse Ate meters to be sure nothing gets missed.
You could always send Jasmin out from Flag, Rick Kimura from the Fleecewinds or my daughter Haley from the HGB. They might at least remember my name and how to get here. It would be fun. I’ll light up the BBQ so we can have a good roasting!
Hi Newcomer,A fantastic post.Thank you, the BBQ roasting sounds divine.Got to hold the top notch sec checkers feet to the fire,& no BBQ for them cold beans instead.XO Ann B.
potpie, you must be one hellava upstat to have them come to your house uninvited. Dang, Coop and I are treated like were chopped liver! So sad…
Wow! Lucky you, getting to play and have fun like that.
Haven’t had a staff member harass me for years. The last ones that did are still wandering around aimlessly looking for their stable datums.
Thanks for the moment of merriment, nice post!
I’d love to see someone sneak to us the absolute corroboration of the pimp sheet’s numbers: occupancy rates at the Fort Homicide. The reason a lot of the staff has had time to go Clear must be that they don’t have to do sheets-and-towels duty on the rooms or KP at the We Know The History Of The Burrito Restaurant.
It’s a shame that such a beautiful hotel with what I have to admit are pretty nice restaurants is sitting there empty, but, hey, that can be said about any Scientology building these days. Other than the “beautiful” part, of course.
“…Saint Hell…GAT II: Electric Boogaloo…The Fort Homicide…”
You’re in especially fine form today, Espiando 🙂
Thank you Mike. The free flowing information on the internet is killing the monster that the Radical Corporate Scientology Cult has become. I wish for a soft landing for those who are still in. They have a daunting path to traverse back to reality.
Thank you Doug Parent a beautiful post & JT not in the way you use this word when I use it it is for those who are out with heavy hearts for those still in those that lost their minds & bodies because they could not break free.Take Care Ann B.
Since years, even two or three decades, scientology is not getting most of its stats visible, and doesnot issue the major mags since long as well, at the rythm which was given by Hubbard;
In the medical arena flatlining is extremely serious and
needs extraordinary measures right then if there is still any
hope to prevent the final outcome of such a state.
A 20 man Flag World Tour is a drop in the bucket to handle.
Better to add in a half a billion dollars on an ad campaign.
But that needs surveying countries and right “Whys” etc
and who is going to do that? The Eval Corp and marketing
and missions? Oh my! All the brainpower gone.
Completely run out of “Purif Marks”
Ha, that’s funny
Here is definition from Wiki about a “long con”. Sound familiar??
The intended victims are known as “marks”
A long con or big con (also, chiefly British English: long game[3]) is a scam that unfolds over several days or weeks and involves a team of swindlers, as well as props, sets, extras, costumes, and scripted lines. It aims to rob the victim of thousands of dollars, often by getting him or her to empty out banking accounts and borrow from family members.[4]
Yes, that is good news. Thank you for your reporting.
As the flier says, Good News indeed.
Great report. Always nice to read good news in the morning!
My super powers are telling me Charles mason has better stats than flag!!!
Based on the evil dwarf actions, Charles Mason was an upstat…
I think the fellow you are referring to was Manson. He was kinda like Miscavige because his name begins with the same letter!
Hey, I had another senior moment, Coop! I did mean Charlie MANSON. And do you know what I love doing? Walking up to scientologists and letting them know Manson was a member of their Cherch. I believe he declared himself a “Theta Clear.” If he hadn’t gone to prison for life, he might have been their poster boy.
Good obs OSD. I’m glad El Con figured out the bottom line in TWTH when he said “Do not Murder”. Wow El Con……………we could never have figured that one out on our own. I’ll bet he really helped out old Charlie! What a guy …….. mans best friend is not a dog …..it’s El Con.
Yo Dave,
Perhaps you can shed some light on this issue. Now that you are full bore on the GAG II stuff are you going to change up any of those precepts. I mean since my Daughter figured out that parents were simply the bodies that created her there was no big reason to stay connected and all. And since thetans are immortal then what’s the big deal with old El Cons statement about not cycling through a few of them?
OH!!!! I forgot for a second……it has somethging to do with happiness. Well, what is the difference anyway. I mean if you decide to never see or talk to someone isn’t it kinda the same thing? In other words you can achieve happiness if you just lose the bastards rather than having to get involved with the murder thing.
Wow Dave, I really wanna be like you and El Con when I grow up. I’ll bet you guys are the happiest dudes around!!! BTW, have you kicked any dogs lately?
Hi Newcomer,I hear you & just know I’m with you.I could never have kids because of an emergency hysterectomy but I have four legged kitty’s & hot dog dashunds,but losing your family & my having cancer I believe started with the policies of Ron & David Miscavige.I just cannot look @ the damage those two did any other way.And now that my Kool Aid is gone I look back at things I wrote hell I even kept a notebook for many years of SO pictures etc.& letters from Ron.Well Mike & this blog set me free.Forever thank you Ann B.
Scientology is now operating in direct opposites. Good is Bad. Bad is Good. SP’s are howling and we are winning. No one is coming in – highest ever. GAT II – total failure! Scientology – GAT II is clearing the planet for real.
Miscavige has utterly failed. Heads will roll, I am sure.
Staff are in complete desperation – tick tock tick tock.
Sounds like a wonderful turn of events IM!
Idle, I always laugh when I see the line, “We are clearing the planet for REAL!” Really? What the Hell were they doing these past 6 DECADES? Playing tiddly winks? Faking it? Pretending? Who knows! But lately, it’s FOR REAL! I believe this to be false enthusiasm…or brainwashing.
Hi OSD.You know I love this post! Always Ann B.
Ann B, I’ve got to call ’em the way I see ’em…FOR REAL!
Yeah it’s like they developed a tinge of a failed purpose or some cognitive dissonance after over half a century of saying “we are clearing the planet” but then still seeing war, violence, corruption, poverty, riots, bombings, etc. So they needed to breath some new life into the phrase, and somehow they are convinced by adding “for real”. Even though adding “for real” actually implies doubt about the phrase by the people saying it or the people hearing it or both………….. but nevermind that. If they didn’t add the “for real” you would know that they didn’t really mean it. I’m so glad it’s for real this time.
Running the process, “Look around here and find something really real to you.”
They’ve been running that as a group process for 60 years – not flat yet… (soon though, Davey keeps promising).
Reminds me of Bob Dylan’s Idiot Wind:
Now everything’s a little upside down, as a matter of fact the wheels have stopped
What’s good is bad what’s bad is good you’ll find out when you reach the top
You’re on the bottom.
The EP of the CofS game!
In my early days in Scn in Joburg, I was persuaded to do L11. Sandy Dodwell threatened to bring a basket and sit at the foot of my desk until I produced the money. I BELIEVED her and never shat my pants as much in my life. The thought of that little Jewish leprechaun invading my work space… I got the money together, something I always regret – I never did the L.
Just curious what the relevance of her being Jewish had to do with your comment. Would it have been any more or less relevant or mattered differently or even mentioned at all if she was Baptist, Anglican, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.? Thanks.
Another question is how one can be Jewish and a Scientologist?
” Would it have been any more or less relevant or mattered differently or even mentioned at all if she was …..” (A SCIENTOLOGIST?)
Yes. Persons should be clearly labeled as ‘potentially hazardous to your well being’ with a footnote to watch your finances when such persons are in your vicinity.
The same way someone can be Indian and a scientologist, that doesn’t mean being Hindu and a scientologist. I don’t think he was referring to her practicing Judaism, just that she’s of Jewish ancestory (whether it’s true or not I don’t know).
Maybe she said Jewish Leprechaun because she wanted to distinguish from a Catholic Leprechaun which I hear are different.
The summer is when the public have vacations and time to spend at Flag. It has always been the best time for Flag in terms of statistics. If they are having problems now, wait until this Fall. They can’t cannibalize the same 4,000 to 5,000 Flag public forever. There is a limit to how many times someone is going to pay $5,000 to run around a pole for 3 weeks in an effort to get “super power”.
I’d say it’s about time for GAG III Mat. The Cause Resurgence will have been deemed incomplete and the poleeze will have to finish by running in the opposite direction around the pole for the same number of revolutions as it took them to comp in round one.
Any failure to immediately ‘know’ how many trips around the pole you did will result in a false attest, sec checking and some date locate activity before you will be allowed to ‘run’ on. Oh yes, and prepayment for services never to be delivered will still be part of the package.
Yo Paul Miller,
Not sure how you are doing these days but if your scene has not changed I suggest you kick the cigs and get going with some physical exercise. I know where there is a pole you can run around and you can be chasing your prey while doing it!
But, Coop, kicking cigarettes and exercise are arbitraries, not to mention they’re against Source. The Ol’ Man chain-smoked and never got off his ass to flick his ashes, and if it was good enough for him, it’s good enough for the clams.
Then again, I’ve just switched to e-cigs to start my quitting process and I have to do a Data Series on whether it’s worth getting out of bed to piss, so I really can’t say anything about this.
Hi Newcomer,Loved your post today.I can picture running in opposite directions around that stupid pole.@ least I got to run in Griffith Park long ago,good thing I was not murdered raped & tortured like a public Scientologist was by the Hillside Strangulars.That was one frightening time.Actually one night I was waiting for the city bus @ 2:00 AM alone on Temple St when my CO drove by & ordered me into his car.He said the Hillside Strangular was nearby & the very next day a poor young girl was found in a raveen one or two streets from Temple.It was a very bad moon rising time.XO Ann B.
But…but…Coop! Hubbard said: “Smoking doesn’t cause cancer! Not smoking ENOUGH causes cancer. I really you’re being a bit mean spirited, good buddy! You might want to tell him to get up to 3 or 4 packs a day so he doesn’t get cancer. Hey, I’m just looking out for Paul’s heath (per Hubbard). Am I on source or what!?
Coop, I think we can work out a new Rundown for GAG III, “The Bullshit Detection RD”. Perhaps a good use for those old meters that are hanging around, they could be set up in a square or some geometrical shape that works for the number of meters available. The pc runs to each one and jumps up and down on it screaming “I am cause!” and then runs to the next and does the same. The EP is when they finally say, “This is all Bullshit”
“good thing I was not murdered raped & tortured like a public Scientologist was by the Hillside Strangulars.”
Yes, I knew her and remember her well. Jane KIng was her name. Although I think she was hitchhiking at the time. she was a nice person.
Whenever I did the rubberized sweat suit running pgm, I carried a length of vacuum cleaner pipe, (mostly for dogs that would chase me).
Raindog, I’m a graduate of that particular course! I’ll never forget my floating needle as the EP hit me full force: “THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!” You otta see my cert! It’s as big as my garage door!
Such fond memories! Thanks Raindog! That was a nice walk down memory lane…
Hi Raindog,Love your post about The Bullshit Detection Rundown.We are really getting our shit together on this blog.With Mike’s post today about Flag stats I believe a glimmer of light may be breaking into cos.How will they ever expand if no one is paying $ for that expansion.I am beginning to feel David Miscavige will check out with all his ill gotten goods. However I know for a fact all the money in the world can buy materialism but not spiritual happiness. Take that David & shove it! XO Ann B.
Great point Mat! I remember the HUGE boom during the summer. And then all the lower condition assignments when September came for allowing the stats to crash (people went home and back to work).
Matt, the running program might be a success in “The Valley of the Fatso’s” or some such place where truly obese people may need to run a bit to shed some pounds. But to go to Flag and pay that amount is preposterous for such a thing and I do not believe it imparts Super Power. My services at Flag were the worst including the so called “auditing” I got. I have more case gain laughing at Flag’s failures than its successes. 🙂
Laughter, Lawrence, is truly the medicine we all should take. And laughing at the cult is the best of all…Imagine filming a series in a SO Org with all the screaming, threats, beat downs, lack of sleep, stints on RPF & working with DAVID “LET HIM DIE” MISCAVIGE. Now that would be a heck of series! I’d pay good money to watch it!
” My services at Flag were the worst including the so called “auditing” I got.”
I think they call it a gang rape out in the real world Lawrence! But in the Cult is is just good old one on one communication.
My services at Flag WERE the worst because they WERE at Flag. My first auditor didn’t know what a secondary was, my second auditor not-ised my metab test. Don’t you think that as a PC you might remember if you got 2 or 8 hours of sleep the night before? As my good lady friend Tory Christman would say, both ot them live with their heads up their asses. It is hard to disagree with that isn’t it? At least for me. 🙂 Good night. 🙂
Mat, putting the word vacation and Flag in the same sentence is an assault on the thinking gear. I had trouble with that and have to shake my head to free up some brain cells to cope with such a concept.
Vacation at Flag?
Religious retreat?
Christmas at Flag?
Birthday treats at the Sandcastle?
Saturday night at the Fort Harrison?
Friday Graduation parties?
And my personal favourite, Flag, the friendliest place on the planet?
I predict one day you’ll see B grade movies like, Freddie Krugger’s Flag Experience … I jest not (much)!
One also wonders if Clears and OTs are being rushed through and “completed” no matter the indicators.
The word on the street is the majority of the “Clears” are staff….
Did you notice they claim 59 Clears in May…..that does not seem to match up with the weekly stats. Shocker.
Chee, also note “second highest ever” with those 59 Clears. Weren’t they doing multiple Clears per day at Saint Hell back in the 60s? How could an average of less than two per day be “second highest ever”? What is this “second highest ever”? Is it for Flag? Is it a GAT II: Electric Boogaloo number? What exactly do they regard as “highest”?
For a cult obsessed with numbers and stats, this seems to be a pretty blatant gap. It’s not as pretty as those charts with no vertical or horizontal indicators, but it’s a number that would make any rational person think.
indicators? Indicators? We don’t need no stinking indicators!
LOL Potpie 🙂
The good indicators at Flag are never seen, they occur only in vehicles heading to the airport or away from the complex for the last time. Taxi drivers and aircraft companies appreciate the real results of Flag,