Jeff Mintz is not as regular as he once was, and for a while I thought he had been given the permanent heave-ho. It’s a terrible thing when “good news” turns up on this blog as proof of stagnation.
Then, after a month of silence, the FSC San Jose stole his thunder and put out the Mintzmeat(tm) report from herself. She even stole his format, but changed it from blue to red (Mintz had changed “Good News” to “Late Breaking News” probably because of how much fun we had with his “good news” but Ms. Dodwell seems oblivious for now).
As always, I have added the latest figures to the end of the list of same stats that Mr. Mintz has been putting out over the last year.
It shows a completely unchanging pattern. The same volume (in some cases declining) week after week, month after month. There is no expansion evident at all at the “top of the bridge” even though they are taking public from orgs all over the world.
These statistics are excellent proof that the “monumental international expansion” is monumentally missing. Straight up and vertical is instead limp and flaccid.
There is no part of organized corporate scientology that is expanding — from groups and missions to orgs and ideal orgs, to sea org orgs to Flag. They are ALL in decline.
And note well, the “Top of the Bridge” produces way more Purif and SRD Completions than OT VII’s — or even Clears. And they have more people on Objectives than any other service (realize the vast majority of these are locals who don’t attend regularly). Flag is no longer the “top of the Bridge” it is really the “insatiable maw” that sucks in anyone from anywhere that can afford the plane ticket to get there.
It must be really “entheta” at the executive council meetings and daily product conferences. This org has been in Emergency SINCE the opening of the “Cathedral” and release of GAG II. What a slap in the face to Dear Leader — and you know he takes things like this very personally. When his stupid strategies don’t work, he finds someone(s) to blame for “counter intention” to his command. Surprising Harvey Jacques hasn’t been busted yet — probably because he scratches and claws enough money to the IAS that he has “ethics protection.”
But even that isn’t going to keep him around forever. The next CO FSO will be someone who has been groomed from the outset as a loyal Miscavige-bot. Someone who will follow orders without blinking or wondering whether they are “on policy” or make any sense at all. You heard it here first.
Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 16 19 15 19 19 19 18 14 28 24
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17 21 15 19 22 19 20 16 20 24 24 21
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30 22 63 25 23 22 16 29 29 32 28 32
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 8 NR 16 9 10 9 10 8 11 13 7
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8 8 8 16 9 6 9 9 9 9 8 6
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20 NR 19 19 23 25 25 25 18 21 20 15
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 14 17 16 11 13 18 25
Joe Nocera has an excellent column in the New York Times this morning.
The “invincible” walls of scientology are rapidly crumbling. When the NYT reports on it, you know it has reached mainstream consciousness.
Some good observations and questions, Yawnalot.
I think that there have been a lot of arrogant negative statements made on the blog today about the beliefs and viewpoints of others with great, oh, such GREAT certainty by people who who have relatively little personal experience with the subject. They kind of remind me of many of the current spokesholes who Mike has been exposing who are currently representing the COS.
I would like make a general comment here.
I take offense at being grouped into the generality of being referred to as a”Scientologist.”
Especially one that refers to throwing my money away and blindly following L.Ron Hubbard.
Hubbard said quite plainly and objectively to seek your own counsel and make your own decisions. What happened to change that is called corruption.
So the term Scientologist has been bastardised and doesn’t mean what it was originally meant to mean.
I take the same offense at the way the word ‘Muslim’ is thrown about negatively too, not all of them are fanatics that blow shit up. There are millions of them who are peace loving people, raising families and getting on with life.
It’s depressing that such intelligence levels exist that cannot and refuse to differentiate the difference between people or the objectives people have. No wonder society has the problems it has…
However, got to have a hobby and I like a scrap as much as the next guy.
what prompted my initial comment was you saying “i don’t know why people say the tech doesn’t work………”.
i gave you a rational for why people say it doesn’t work. what it takes to make people say it does work. why it takes that and why what is offered as proof is rejected by those “people who say the tech doesn’t work”.
if you really want to know why people say that, you need only to re-read my comments and seek to understand them as they are meant and not what you can choose them to mean.
you can believe what you want, your wins are your own, you have no reason to be offended by anything i said.
i did not offend you or anyone else. my comments speak for themselves.
That’s easily understood.
But you critique your own statements with your own ‘rationale’ and expect me to follow just because it makes sense to you. Some of your rationale supposes and takes for granted you speak for ‘a’ greater majority – I stand by my own experience and don’t profess to speak for others. I’m more answerable to you to prove anything than I am to my neighbour next door.
We are both allowed to have opinions and experience but please don’t throw generalities at me, you’ll always get a negative response and very soon no response at all.
The granting of beingness doesn’t need any further explanation in my opinion.
+ 100
+ 1
We in RTC wholeheartedly agree with COB that Church spokesman Ken Delusion should be the next CO FSO.
We think that Flag needs Delusion to handle the staggering “Statcrash in the Cathedral.”
Harvey Jacques is just not cutting it; he would be better off making furniture or mopping floors.
If Flag and LA are doing poorly, then the scam is pretty much over. Of course, if there is still a lot of money, the cult may be around for awhile. When DM retires, the question is: Will anyone else even want to take over?
The real problem Beryl is that there is a type of army of workers called the Sea Org with a chain of command and a regimented lifestyle (in other words they accept/obey commands readily and without question) and are directly under miscavige’s command. A lot of them are young kids unfortunately and others are long term personnel with no life experience whatsoever. They do have the wherewithal to walk out and many have no possessions and zero money and know nothing else but what miscavige has allowed them to know.
It breaks the heart when you realise what sort of lies and betrayal they are subject to. Miscavige is a monster and to think someone else might take over in the same manner as he has run the organisation is a horrible dark thought.
The objective is to stop the abuses, and in order to do that so it doesn’t self perpetuate, also expose and break the system that allows someone like miscavige to exist in a position of power in the first place.
When one really looks at the system miscavige has evolved, it’s enough to turn the stomach of any sane individual. It needs to be stopped!
Meant to say… “they do NOT have the wherewithal to walk out..
So true, Yawn. Miscavige is a Who, not a Why. Someone worse than he is not only possible but likely, unless Fair Game and Disconnection are abolished, for starters.
Beryl, DM will never retire in the sense that you are thinking. When he leaves all meaningful assets will go as well. I guess the “Indies” can take it over then. But, why wait ’till then? They should just rebrand and build orgs today…
Do scientologists who are in never check on the crapola that is fed to them?
I ask because a few weeks ago, i sat down and added the numbers that Mike had supplied. I realize that those numbers were for only 6 months or so, but they don’t add up.
I assume that Mike has published anything and everything he got his hands regarding these completions.
Maybe I am odd, but I find id unreasonable that someone who is has not done the work themselves and added up the various totals
HBO is now running trailers for the Doc’s March 29th showing….
This Op Ed article just made my day. Mr. Nocera hit it out of the park and guarantees that the Gibney film will be a classic, viewed far and wide by many people long after its March 29th debut on HBO.
Mike, I’ve said it before, please consider doing a book someday. You write so well.
“Flag is Limp.” Nice title Mike. Well you got me going and I just can’t help myself. Flag is indeed limp able only to erect sales stats that are flabby and drooping.
Has anyone heard anything from these Super Power completions? Are they running around and super-powerfully doing super-powerful things?
They can smell the stench from the rotting cult better!
Poor suckers.
LMAO! Yes, in their own mind. Like El Con used to do.
Well, I heard one member had the power to fart “America the Beautiful.” I mean, that’s pretty impressive, isn’t it?
It was Dave. He was the only one with a sphincter muscle (spelled mussel) that had seen enough exercise to see it through.
From what I remember the early Super Power Releases simply left the church like coon. They actually could look around and see what was there all along aka CASE GAIN. This of course, at the very least didn’t look good. So DM and his cronies had to get to work removing the SP tech that allowed people freedom of choice over their wallets.
They left the SP Bldg and disappeared.
Here is what I was sent
Personal Emotion
Wow! That is to say the least. This is the perception I have had dormant for some time now. I mean, I remember when I used to wonder why I couldn’t move up the tone scale or why I often felt sad or angry around certain people. Now I know that I am totally aware of my personal emotion and can handle it with simply perception and ability to change it. Additionally, I found that sources that kept me lower on the tone scale were TV shows, magazines, media, non-optimum environments…you get the idea. All the wondering is completely handled and I am excited to use the perception of personal emotion in the future to keep me moving towards survival and high on the tone scale. – CT
I have a new friend called Time! I was always fighting against time! I had the same feeling of case change like on SRD the process where we increase the number of matches up to ten. I feel now I am cause over time! My pan-determinism is rehabilitated! I was doing this drill for a long time and finally with the help of my supervisor I could do it very very easily! It is a wonderful and relaxed feeling! Time is totally with me and I can postulate any time! I am really thankful to all of you guys here, it is the most theta place!!! Thanks also to Ron, for finding this miracle of theta clearing! – ZB
This was amazing! It is actually incredible that I do have a perception of time and if you don’t invalidate it, you can use it and know time. It is also very interesting to see the definition of time and drill it in. I also saw how it is a physical universe perception because if you were just dealing with a static or nothingness there is no time. This drill was beautifully put together and is so aesthetic. Thank you to my drill supervisors for coaching me through this with such patience! – RP
I loved it! I saw and realized I have an ability to perceive time without need for moving objects, watches or anything else. This is amazing! You guys are awesome! Thank you! – IG
Wow, I never thought I would have been able to perceive different wavelengths. To know that I am fully aware and can focus in on either high or low frequencies is awesome. Sitting here, I realize that I do use this perception daily, yet the awareness is what most definitely allows frequency recognition.
– CT
I have always been told that I have great eye sight but I was a little afraid I wouldn’t do so good on this drill because I had to run sight in session. I actually did amazing! I feel great about my sight more than ever now! – KZ
Cellular & Bacterial Position
Wow!!! That was a super cool drill. Also I noticed that I am using my other perceptions that I drilled earlier. I can direct my attention and look into my body. That is actually really amazing. This is a super exteriorizing process. I can look into my body exterior. I can feel the heart beat, blood circulating, position of cells and bacteria. And I can direct my attention inside the body and perceive different areas of my body. Super cool!! J – DS
Touch – Oiliness
Wow!!! That was super cool! I went completely exterior. I got my touch perception fully restored. I am getting a full 3-D picture of the object and its quality from friction and oiliness. It was incredible! – DS
Perceiving self-determinism is a huge win for me. Before coming to Super Power, I had lost it but now it is regained. I can perceive it! I found that it commits of a decision and once it is made, you have the ability to do all you desire. – CT
Personal Position on the Tone Scale
I realized that by being able to perceive my own personal position on the Tone Scale, I have taken 100% responsibility for myself. By knowing and I mean really knowing that I have the ability to perceive my tone, and can, I no longer can make justifications on why I am high or low on the Tone Scale. This is actually a very amazing win for me. This perception allows me to handle my tone immediately and by doing so, I see how my production can be increased with this perception alone. I am in control of my personal tone 100%. No more depressing music. Only theta sounds and views. And finally, as an exec, it is very important I have this perception in use always for the good of the group in leading. – CT
Emotional State of Other Organisms
In drilling this Perceptic, I was able to handle the not knowing of where other organisms were on the tone scale. Before, I had a very difficult time handling others and as a result of never being able to perceive their emotional state, I never handled them. Knowing where another is can definitely help in bringing one up the tone scale. My perception can definitely allow me to move slightly above them to do this. Also, I see how this can help me on post as a communicator and enable me to help. This is a very good perception to always use…may great benefits come from it. – CT
Awareness of Others
In doing this drill, I cognited that your perception of others is very beneficial and important…I mean extremely! As an exec, I work with over 140 staff so my ability to recognize their abilities and perceive them can definitely increase efficiency for me. This also helps me find those staff and place them in the right post so they are successful and can flourish and prosper. As a mom and an elementary school teacher as well, my awareness of others can enable me to help my daughter with study tech. Any difficulties or troubles can be handled with my awareness of her. Another great thing I found is that when I can be aware of others, I can create better ARC with them. I can also help them as needed. – CT
Relative Sizes (external)
This drill was amazing! It was a kind of solo SRD! I felt a real case change. After that I had lunch and outside I realized that my 3D sense was remarkably improved!!! It was really amazing!!! Thanks for the super theta supervision! And to LRH for finding out that drilling perceptions ends in huge case gains!!! – ZB
My ability has definitely improved to be able to differentiate among pitches. This is really unbelievable that I could improve that! I never expected it but I started to feel affinity to play music! Thanks for that win and my theta supervision! – ZB
It was fantastic! I felt that my sense of rhythm has rehabilitated! I feel the rhythm is everything! Wow I am really very open to playing music. It could be a big fun! I continuously felt during this drills of sound that my senses had continuously adjusted! Basically I am being adjusted for the physical universe to feel and perceive PT as much as I can! This is fantastic! Thanks for the very theta supervising! – ZB
This is the last step of Super Power! I want to help you get this gain. Please call me or write anytime for anything.
Barbara Dews
Flag Service Consultant
323 872 3585
The column in the New York Times is acknowledging the big accomplishment of the many that spoke out since 2009. One of the goals was to declaw the church. Taking away their ability to harass and destroy anybody who dares to speak the truth about the CO$. The article confirms this ability of the church is greatly degraded. Today they are more like a snarling and barking mad dog behind a fence in a kennel.
The power they once had in tinseltown is gone. Their top gun with his career and private life in ruins is these days just a bad joke. John Travolta showed in his Oscar performances he is willingly embracing the image of the nutty Weirdo Scientologists these days enjoy.
This was achieved because many people have made great personal sacrifices and put themselves in the line of fire. From the voices of the Truth rundown, over the different blogs to now established Filmmakers.
I am grateful to all of those. They did a great service to society.
While it is not over yet, this is an important milestone in breaking down the criminal organization called CO$.
Congratulations to Mike, Marty and all the others. This is not a small feat and the price you paid was steep. Thank You for that.
My sentiments exactly, Gerhard.
Gerhard, really! To compare the current behavior of Church of Scientology to that of a snarling, barking, mad dog behind a fence in a kennel is rather unfair, a gross exaggeration, and no small insult – to caged mad dogs everywhere 🙂 Please apologize to our canine friends, as a dog will not go mad and become vicious unless it has been trained to be so, or else severely abused.
My apologies. It was not my intent to insult any dogs anywhere. 🙂
+1. From a dog lover.
Bwahahaha (insult to caged mad dogs). We all get the point and what a spot on analogy. You reminded me of an old dog joke. This is a potentially politically incorrect joke (to dog lovers, anyway), so if it doesn’t make it to the blog, oh well, you live and learn.
A man walks into a bar one day and asks, “Does anyone here own that rottweiler outside?”
“Yeah, I do!” a biker says, standing up. “What about it?”
“Well, I think my chihuahua just killed him…”
“What are you talkin’ about?!” the biker says, disbelievingly. “How could your little runt kill my rottweiler?”
“Well, it seems he got stuck in your dog’s throat!”
The fact that the media is revealing that they were in fact a bit cowed by the aggressive tactics of the radical church, is an important milestone. “Release the kraken” comes to mind. Once the media in general joins in the open discussion, without fear of being the only one who is harassed and bankrupted, the floodgates will open. Fair game, may well be the karma of the radical church, and the world is disconnecting from THEM. Justice is a beautiful thing.
Well said, Hallie Jane. Yes, Fair Game and Disconnection, the duel-edged sword by which they have lived, is the sword by which they will die. How does it feel, cult, to get a healthy dose of what you’ve been dishing out for decades?
You also have to wonder what these violently insane criminals are planning to do with their brand new empty “Svp3r P0w3rz” building. They have no customers, and if they tried to sell that monstrosity it would have to be gutted by who ever bought it to try to make the building actually useful.
Maybe similar demolition charges plus_______ could be used to implode the building on itself as we saw
in 9/11…
I’ve always said that with a little bit of renovation, the SP Building would make the greatest gay bathhouse/gym ever. They already have the saunas and a running track, and we 1.1s know how to properly use that Oiliness Table.
🙂 And maybe Bette Midler could headline at the Grand Opening. Back in the day she got her start singing in gay bathhouses.
Brilliant Espiando! Redo the inside in Roman-Greco.
Come on! All they need is Gavin Potter or Grant Cardone. So far they sold their expertise to the publics, this is why they don’t have it for themselves. 😉
I usually hate the NY Times, but they writer sure nailed this article, and the comments are extremely interesting (182 last count),
BTW, remember when the SO took over the L.A. Org and started body routing? Whatever happened to those 600 people they said they brought into that org (in 1 day? – in 1 week?)
Just wondering…
They walked out the front door, sat on a nearby step or bench, pulled out their smart phone and googled Scientology. Immediately thereafter they ran like hell.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Now that’s some funny shit! Thanks for the laugh, Michael!
First public was David Copperfield who made them vanish.
The place is empty.
Oh, what a shame! Now, what are they going to do with ALL THE EMPTY BUILDINGS?
They are all still out on the streets. Any word on whether there are still body routers on duty?
They have gotten BIG Promotions to Int. Base Double Wide trailers.
My thoughts after reading the NY Times piece…..
Fearing a bully in the past has been an easy thing to do. These days it appears confronting a bully
is an easy thing to do. At least when it comes to David Miscavige.
Miscavige is like a person on meth after being tasered, he will continue to kick, squeal
and fight like crazy to the very end. Eventually he will be overwhelmed by many who were
once in fear. The who in present time is David Miscavige. Our continued attacks on David Miscavige
as he squeals like a piglet will eventually overwhelm him into submission. There will be no more lawyers
to protect him, no more PI’s to do his dirty work. He will flee, probably with the money, but he will be gone.
Then the real work begins. Handling the huge upsets of broken families and reuniting them all.
“This past week there was: So why in the first set of stats do they use “this past week” 3 times, if it had already been established at the top of the page? And then twice each of the second and third set of stats?
That “past week” must be something special! My “past week” was ok, but, nothing special.
The W/E April 2nd should be a real barn burner!
Yo Dave,
Trust us ……. it will be SOMETHING SPECIAL! Really, really special for you and your clan of kool aide consumers to say nothing of the apostates out here in never never land.
We will be cheering big time as we watch you disappear into the abyss good buddy. Have a nice …rest of your miserable life!
is miscavige guilty of legal crimes or just ruining scientology as a whole?
if the organization is a criminal one then it would follow somebody deserves to go to jail.
what is the scam, the lies about expansion or is it the failure of the tech to deliver what it promises?
the tech is posited as fact and it is supposed to deliver a scientific, measurable result. it fails to do that.
if someone wants to believe it was worth it for them, that’s their business, they can think what they want. but secular people have to evaluate it based on the claims it makes verses the results it produces.
by that criteria we have to say it is a fraud.
the tech says it will do X and it does not. it has NOTHING to do with a belief system.
the scam of scientology is not just miscavige’s failure to expand and lies to hide the failure.
that’s just plain truth. you can believe in the OT state but you can’t expect others to when one can’t be objectively produced. the tech is not vague about what it can produce, it is very specific. but when it comes to the results it is very vague.
we can’t say a faith healer charging money to cure cancer is not fraud because it would offend christians. it is fraud. they can’t cure cancer. does a person have a right to put their faith in it? yes. but society has to label that a fraud and it does. if you go far enough and claim facts, you must deliver as promised or it is fraud.
the scam is not just lies about expansion. everything starts with book one on out.
scietologists consider their wins to be significant. fine, but that has nothing to do with everybody else. your claims about your life don’t matter to anyone else and this is our world not yours, so it matters to us that you prove your facts. you can get as offended as you like, that doesn’t matter either.
what matters to society at large is “clear” and OT is being sold and it is not delivered. that is fraud.
WhiteStar, those that STILL cling to Hubbard “tech” as being factual will NOT understand what you just wrote. They will misunderstand it and take it as a person assault. Part and parcel to the hypnotic trance that they are still in. They do not think that there is a difference between opinion and physical universe fact. Part of the intentional hypnotic data El Con built into the “Tech”.
Whitestar you are absolutely right….Clear and OT are being sold and not delivered… what?
Is that fraud?… your eyes I guess it is. Really though if you take a look it is by design by
David Miscavige. The who in present time is David Miscavige. I would think your attention would be
to rid ourselves of David Miscavige so we can then repair and reunite broken families. Selling and not delivering Clear and OT does not even deserve comment. Not until Miscavige is gone and all families are
everything is built on the original fraud.
when identified, that is is what has to be kicked out and everything else automatically gets relief.
so where does the “fraud” begin? that is the question. no doubt there are many opinions on that.
a lot of people here will say it started with miscavige and others would say it was hubbard all along.
everyone has to come to their own understanding in their own time.
this just came to my mind, i never really thought to ask it before.
for people who still want to clear the planet,
do you really want to live in a society where nothing bad can be thought or said about hubbard?
doesn’t that sound sorta not right?
then there is no talking about one’s case.
so in a cleared, uptone planet, it would be forbidden to talk to anyone about your spiritual life and it would be forbidden to think or speak a bad thought about hubbard.
when it’s put like that it doesn’t sound too appealing.
if people want to defend scientology on a self help basis then it has to remain as “helping the self” but the rest of the stuff that has to do with other people like me, who do wish to be clear and do want a cleared planet, has to go.
what are you going to do with people like me if scientology started to grow?
when TC said “why ask permission, we are the authorities” wasn’t he drawing on KSW?
if scientology started taking over the planet, they wouldn’t ask my permission, they would tell me what is best for me, they are the authorities. that is KSW.
The fraud started with Hubbard.
1) you do not need glasses after Dianetics
2) Leukemia can be cured with auditing
3) The old grade chart that was 100% standard before it wasn’t, claimed to make you OT: exterior with full perception. That was a lie, no one ever attained that state, not even Hubbard.
4) Ron is the incarnated Buddha
5) Scientology increases IQ
The list is endless.
Scientologists have their personal wins in Scientology cemented in association with Hubbard as a wiseman
When you criticize Hubbard they equate that you are attacking their wins as Hubbard was the reason they had those realizations.
The difficult work is extricating the truth from the lies. The first step in this is embracing Hubbard was not who he promoted himself to be.
Hubbard the linch pin. But years of threats of punishment for being critical is a hard nut to crack.
Hatred of, or anger and upset towards critics of Hubbard, is evidence those threats are alive and well in the psyches of true believers.
Criticism = being attacked.
That’s Ron’s psychological profile at work in those that have allowed his psychological profile and cosmology to become their own.
Q: ” is miscavige guilty of legal crimes or just ruining scientology as a whole?”
A: He is just running $cientology as a hole!
In todays world …….. I doubt it is a crime but it is definately a travesty. Don’t expect our legal system to right the wrongs of a cult gone mad. We will take care of it as an ‘internal’ matter where we know justice will be done.
Yo Dave,
We’re comin for ya good buddy. There is an ass kicking on the horizon and unfortunately for you, we are wearing the boot! Man up asshole ………………
You are in hot water. The temperature of the water in the tub that you and Lou are sitting in, is rising toward the boiling point. Those nooses around your necks are tightening. March 29th is just around the corner. Your mainstay propaganda advertising megaphone, The New York Times (America’s newspaper of record) is now in the business of exposing “scientology’s chilling effect”.
Please clarify – “your claims about your life don’t matter to anyone else and this is our world not yours, so it matters to us that you prove your facts. you can get as offended as you like, that doesn’t matter either.”
Please understand I’m not having a go at you but I would like to know if you’ve ever been a scientologist? Have you ever had auditing? Are you a trained auditor? or been on staff, maybe a unhappy public. It would be nice to know how qualified in the subject you are as you make very strong statements about it and the people in it, both past and present.
What is it about people who’ve been in Scientology and their willingness to whip out the Fallacy of Appeal To Authority? I guess once you’ve been indoctrinated into the L. Ron Is Always Right Club, it takes a long time to break out of it.
We don’t need to have been involved in the subject to be qualified to pass judgement. I know enough thanks to wog education to know that the bases of Scientology (engrams, the Purif, etc.) are wrong.
TYPO- my comment should have read “do NOT wish to be clear and do NOT want a cleared planet”.
yawn, I’ve always been a wog.
unless you are OT8 i probably know more about the subject than you. no i have never been audited or set foot in an org.
i speak as a wog.
you, scientology, mike rinder and every human being live in the wog world.
we really do exist and we are concerned with our world and what people do in it. we do not believe in the tech. we the wogs have collectively studied the tech inside and out, up down and around…….we know everything there is to know.
We, Human Beings have done everything you can ask us to do, we have done it all, looked at it every which way, gone from the bottom to the top of the bridge and back and still no OTs
they sell OTs and they don’t deliver. in the wog world that is fraud.
i am happy as a wog, i never want to do scientology and so i want proof by my wog criteria that it works or it is a fraud. as i wog i do not recognize scientology methods as valid. a person’s “wins”, while it might be great for them is moot.
we live by wog rules not scientology rules. this is a wog world run by wogs who have the right to demand proof on wog terms.
something like “dox or it didn’t happen”.
Espinado & Whitestar,
OK, you win, the world is yours and I obviously shouldn’t exist in it without your permission. All I did was ask your qualifications upon a subject you are technically appraising and using generalities like there is tomorrow in which to attempt to make people you don’t know feel inferior and degraded.
I did 10 years on technical posts in a Scientology CL5 org and walked out in 1996 and had nothing to do with them after 2000. I was fully interned as supervisor, auditor & Director of Training plus I made it onto OT7. If it makes you happy and feel more secure, I will admit to you that you obviously know far more about the subject of Scientology than I ever will. Geezers who needs experience and study anyway. Think and react away… it’s much more important. And your natter if fantastic! Just love it. You would fit right in with your kindred commenters on ESMB & Ortega’s forums.
I’m glad you are spreading the word about how expert you are on a subject you have never studied and only have negative opinions on and look forward to your informed comments as the unravelling of miscavige’s corrupt organisation continues. When he is gone along with his organisation I’d love to have a beer and a chat with you about life, I really would.
I was also severely injured in the defence of my country after completing 6 years in the army and was honourably discharged on medical grounds. That was in the wog world sunshine. You know that wog world you are so proud to set yourself up as it’s prime ambassador and draw judgement upon others you see as inferior. I assume you would far know more about military matters than I ever would as well. Is it OK if I comment on military situations and what life is like as a active soldier or do you want me to run it by you beforehand? Just to be sure it fits in with your expert opinion on the matters of life, both in the wog world and dare I say, the evil Scientology one.
White Star, I agree with you. There is fraud and Scientologists find it hard to come to grips with it.
On the other hand I Yawn A Lot is making the point that it was not all fraud. The very act of going within to look, look at anything can and is theraputic.
Scientologists are learning truths.
So understand, I Yawn A Lot has had great changes and gain made.
So to say all of it is fraud does not consider reality. Nothing is absolute.
But the fact that people were having gains in Scientology is like the cheese and the fraud you are talking about is the mouse trap.
That’s what makes Scientology so diabolical. You start with a $50 course that helps in communication and you end up trying to rid your body of aliens and believing in Ron as Buddha or Lucifer or Beast 666 or Prince of Darkness.
Scientology, to a Scientologist is an admixture of truths and lies. The lies are sold as truth and when in the bubble, differentiating the lies from the truth gets you declared and loose family, jobs and friends.
It takes years to peel off the layers of falsehoods, betrayal of trust, wrong knowledge and to see LRH as he is not who you think he is, nor who he sold himself to be.
He was not just a man. He was worse than any man I have ever known. To not know by this time that he was not who he said he was is sad, very sad. IMO
He was expert at deception. The lies brought him power and control.
“If you want to control people, lie to them” L Ron Hubbard
Now why on earth would a man want to teach us that?
Why would he even care to share this evil garbage?
WhiteStar, you said, “The tech says it will do X and does not”. What tech? I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, I’m just asking to what tech you are referring.
i’m referring to scientology tech. the bridge, auditing, courses, KSW
i don’t see why asking for proof of something that is suppose to be fact takes away or invalidates someone’s personal wins.
doing auditing helps “you”, i ask for proof about something the tech promises. why should that somehow make “you” no longer feel helped by the auditing?
why can’t scientologists just say something like “i don’t know why there aren’t people with OT powers or why clears still wear glasses, but i do know i’ve gotten something out it”.
that would show that “you” understands no one is trying to invalidate them personally. that it’s natural for people upon hearing about such powers would want to see examples and when they don’t and the claims persist would continue to ask for examples.
that’s being reasonable. when did “you” decide to become so unreasonable?
Excellent point WhiteStar. Very good point.
But you must understand, Scientologists are trained in very regimented and controlled ways to never look at the “tech” with a critical eye.
By L Ron Hubbard’s own laws, invalidating or being constructively critical of the tech is an ethics offense punishable by loosing family, friends and spiritual future.
This control assures that the person looses touch with their own innate powers of discrimination and differentiation.
You will agree with me, tow the line, know that I am the only one true world savior, it’s your evil if you are critical or I will ruin your life.
This is the legacy of L Ron Hubbard.
“This past week there was”
If this was anything but Scientology, I would make some comment about grammar being someone you visited on the weekends, but grammar is someone you disconnect from when the trust fund runs out in Scientology. I guess that’s why they never learn it. LRH study tech at its finest.
NYT Article.
Score. Once again, I’m glad I’m a subscriber. I will clip and save when it arrives by mail.
Monumental, never in history seen, unprecedented Emergency stat that has lasted the longest ever. (I guess we should at least add one exclamation mark!)
NY Times article, wow, you have to read it. Like it states: the message here is that nobody fears scientology anymore. Way overdue and I am sure we all agree.
Awareness has been brought up by blogs like this and many other actions taken by other people who stood up, and still do, refusing to close an eye on the abuses. Lets keep at it.
My bet for the next CO FSO is that Brandi person………… She’s young enough not to know any better
As soon as she passes her TR-0 Face Ripping to a full RTC pass she can go to work on Harvey. It always seems to work the best when some young chick takes on the old tried and true and delivers the long overdue ‘humiliate and denigrate’ process for all to see.
Kick ass and take names Brandi ……………… until your turn comes along.
Seeing this downtrend disaster of super preportions I cant help but
wonder if..Brutus and Cassius ie you an Marty had staged some kinda coup de tat! I mean how could you have done it? You mustve
at least thought about it surely? The day you realised you served a true evil devil mustve been a real shock! Either you kill someone like that..slowly or you walk away. May have been easier to throttle him than to walk away from everything you knew, phew! Helluva a situation, theres some cognitive dissonance no one should experience. Did I allow the most evil man in Scn history to carry on his heinous path or was it right to leave and slow cook him with sunshine called truth? Yes, I see it now. Slowly and securely bit by bit does the job. DM tightens his own noose ever tighter for himself doesnt he? Mike you are indeed a formidable opponent. Masterclass, I bet DM wishes he never laid a hand on you now. He knows you have him nearly beat. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
I keep reading here because you have the dope. I dont have to agree with everything said by all. But I sure love to see how many others want to see the church brought down. It couldnt happen at all unless someone told us about it first.
Thanks Mike
I was just remembering how pumped-up Dave used to be, in the months before the GAT II release, the opening of the new building, the shipping of the brand-new decade-old e-meters, and all that. Remember when he appeared at Flag graduation week after week, always ending with the signature line, “I’m still in town!”
Where is he now? The little weasel has disappeared. Scientology is facing one crisis after another, and the Leader seems to have left his sheep to wander around without his beneficent guidance.
Side note: I’m not sure this is a brand-new wrinkle in Scientology fundraising, but a German-language blogger named Wilfried Handl has been covering the scene in Basel, where a new Ideal Org is supposed to open sometime soon. Wilfried just published a flier showing a familiar-looking chart of donors and their “statuses” — but this time, the big spenders include *other Scientology orgs*: Geneva and Zurich were declared “Org New Civilization Builders” and Lausanne and Bern were declared “Org Platinum Humanitarians.”
Has this happened before? It certainly seems to show that the obsession with “status” has spread even to the organizational level. And where did these other orgs come up with the money, since they’re presumably broke themselves?
Anyway, details and commentary (in German) here:
Sorry, the link I just posted takes you to the Comments of Wilfried’s blog. You can scroll up from there, or start from the top:
Es tut mir leid!
Are these other Swiss mOrgs just funding the Basil mOrg because they can’t stash corporate CO$ money in their HSBC account any more? Perhaps the real problem is in a new lack of secrecy in currency transfer?
I think it more likely that DM said ‘get er done’ so he can visit his other back accounts after he presides over the grand opening. It is very strange that any mOrg has enough surplus money to ‘donate’ to this project. Or did the mOrgs take out a 3rd mortgage?
Danke Wilfried Handl, sehr gut!!!!!!!
DM has to remain scarce nowadays because of the risk of being arrested and held by the FBI on fraud charges related to the IAS and other funds he has been controlling, which money is not much to do with expansion or the other stated purposes but rather more to do with diverting the bulk of those funds to the day-to-day running of the Church (and building up a large reserve for himself when the inevitable happens). I guess he has a comfortable bolt-hole ready waiting for him in Columbia and an arrangement with the military government there that he does not get extradited back to the US — but he has to get there first when the shit finally hits the fan.
Any day now, the whales that have seen through the lie of expansion and have worked out that the only way the Church is being kept financially afloat is through their IAS and other donations being redirected for that purpose then a few of them will finally get around to making a criminal complaint, rather than themselves try to take it to court and have to wait a few years. When enough of them have done that, the raids will happen and DM will be held and unable to make his getaway. So yes, he needs to remain scarce. And when he does appear, they need to check everyone, not because they might be critics, but rather because they might be FBI agents there for the purpose of publically arresting him in front of the adoring worshippers.
Besides Sandy’s anemic stats, I found the quote “We can get your friends” chilling. Unintentionally, perhaps, but scary, truthful, and chilling nonetheless.
Alex Gibney’s dismissal of scientology’s ability to wreck havoc needs clarification. His comment “it’s safe” is true for journalists and news agencies. However, individual critics who are not part of a corporation should still beware. There is venom left in the viper.
I say bring it on!
That “venom,” is what has kept people from speaking out. As my eldest said to me when we were losing our son (his brother) and most of our friends who were being forced to disconnect, “If everyone just stood up for what they truly believe, this shit would stop.”
Speaking out for what is right might be painful but done long enough and by enough people, will pull the stinger out of this creature.
Well said. And, after the first bite the venom is pretty much gone. That’s when you move in for the major ass stomping.
Yo Dave,
Yea, it’s me again …….. don’t worry, we are still headin your way bro. We be takin those boot of yours out of the sky and bringin ’em a lot closer to home. Yep, your ass kickin is going to be with your own damn boots…… we’re savin ours for the party after!
True. If enough people spoke out, this shit would stop and the venom would be gone. Let’s hear from some more people.
I did L-11 in 1986 (thanks to Claire Reppen, it was a whole lot of fun). Back then, there was no pre-requisite to be sec-checked before doing any of the L’s. I wonder if that’s still the case. “L-completions” are the only stats that have at least some kind of upward tick.
Now-a-days I think there is a sec check before everything, Robin. HE has to make sure that no one is reading, watching, listening, talking or bitching about HIM.
Also, Mike, you gave your predict on Harvey Jacques and yea, I can see that too. I also think that SO, staff and public who “go away” are being done away with quietly these days within the church because of people like you, Tony, Gibney and the press who, as you can see, are no longer afraid to speak out themselves. I have friends who are being “Dead Filed” and probably quietly declared now. I know people who have been dead filed who did WAY worse than what I did to get declared. HE has finally realized (and too late, as usual) that when you declare one person, it affects AT LEAST 10 others in a negative way. Reverse dissemination on HIS part. Way to go Dave. And “disconnection” is a scientology term that has become as toxic in the mainstream as the word “scientology.”
In the meantime, here is my predict: The Ideal Org Strategy and GAT II candidates are running their course.
He will continue to move SO members to various orgs or offload them and He will start to push in a bigger way the 4th Dynamic groups and activities. Round and round it goes, when it stops nobody knows.
“HE has finally realized (and too late, as usual) that when you declare one person, it affects AT LEAST 10 others in a negative way.” Quite right, McCarran. My friend who was declared last year, was worked on by two local SO who tried to step in and stop him from doing business with a KA drinker “because you are declared…” He replied, “I don’t know anything of the sort because I’ve not seen anything in writing.” They said, “Oh you know good and well that you’re declared.” He said, “Show me the goldenrod then.” They promised they’d get it and mail it to him. Ha! They haven’t and they won’t. Flag and the church in general is busy declaring everyone and their dog for doing nothing more than reading the blogs. But they go off policy by not posting the goldenrod where all can see and they go off policy by not mailing a copy to the declared person himself. So now they simply argue and say, “You know that you’re declared.” How lame is that? The church is afraid to post the thousands of declares that are happening now. My guess is the stat on number of people declared is higher than number completing auditing or training combined. And DM knows this is out PR so he wont’ publish it anymore. What idiots!