If this super dooper OT cause resurgence rundown really produces what they are promoting, then maybe Flag should just take a month off and put themselves through it so they can get at cause over their sinking stats….
Here is their newest begging to “get people to Flag.”
You get some idea of the state of affairs in the “fastest growing religion on earth” when they are proudly announcing their FIRST completion from Sweden. Remember, Sweden has an IDEAL ORG in Malmo and another Class V org in Stockholm. And in 8 months there has been ONE person complete….
And what is it with the twenty somethings lined up like this was an ad for a trendy singles only health spa? Prettiest girls in front. It’s a very strange image for a “church” — but then not many churches get people to pay them for the privilege of running in circles. Literally rather than figuratively.
If you haven’t seen it already, there is another in a continuing series of excellent, fact filled posts on the South African blog giving details about the Ideal Orgs (or lack thereof) in Africa.
“The idea has occurred to me that if one wanted to crush, to annihilate a man utterly, to inflict on him the most terrible of punishments so that the most ferocious murderer would shudder at it and dread it beforehand, one need only give him work of an absolutely, completely useless and irrational character”
The House of the Dead by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I can tell you what that crowd of young staff (in their dark uniforms) do most of their days and nights. They CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN. When they get tires and bored with that, they CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN.
As you may well remember, a ‘nice’ trait of a real SP is to ‘clean cleans’.
Drove me crazy!
All these girls are mad hot from what I can see. Wait a second, are they hiding/ obscuring a “not as hot” girl behind some hot girls (fourth girl on the left)?
They are, but have you noticed they all have their hair back. They all have similar hairdos, not one has her hair open
Those poor kids. I’m sure all of them are children of Scientologists. *Everybody* in that age group has their brain semi-permanently wired to the internet and one hand on the “Search” button. NO kid other than one who has been raised all his life NOT TO LOOK would go anywhere near Scientology.
All were stolen from their parents, who pretended to be happy about it, but who were secretly just gutted. It’s goddamned sickening to see those fresh faces on such wasted lives.
As for the 12-year-old comp, I wouldn’t be surprised if they made her sign a contract already, telling her parents “we’ll be back for her when she’s 15.” Chilling.
The goddamned Sea Org is a criminal organization, and their recruiters are the worst of the worst.
Those prettiest little people up front were recruited on the ugliest of principals preaching gloom and doom and that only Scn can do anything about it, the fear factor. Unfortunately the majority of the population is so dumbed down, they can be manipulated by so many other fields, the politicians are the worst and it’s their actions that will crash our economy and Scn’s are so dumbed dowm they are truly clueless as to the true cause of the decline just as Hubbard was by saying something about the fall of Rome was due to 2nd dynamic behavior!
Only 17 graduates on a good week at Flag?.. for a 2-4 week course, lets see, that would be about 34 to 78 on the Cause Resurgence R/D at Flag? And everyone in Scientology has to do it? And, anyone can can do it from anywhere on the Bridge? And, almost NO training or auditing perquisites? And, it only costs a only few $ grand to go to Flag to do it, compared to normal $30K to $50K for a 2-5 week stay at Flag?
Not too popular a program among the 12 million public…I guess.
Flag must be really empty…
Does anyone know whether the hours run on the Cause Rehabilitation RD that they’re so proudly writing about are being counted as Well Done Auditing Hours?
You can bet your last dollar on that.
It was counted as WDAH on the RPF.
Seriously, Mike? They count running hours the same as auditing hours? Well, I guess that makes sense nowadays since there’s no more auditing.
Holy Shit, what a fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done running minutes. Sheesh. Here’s your C/S : keep running, find an open door and don’t go back to write up your “session”. Keep running until you find out why THEY really are.
edit: find out WHO they really are.
It is no longer a question of Who they are but rather What is it? Nothing you are going to get warm and fuzzies from that is for sure.
Flag certainly cured me of scientology. Friendliest place on earth my ass.
It was like living in a thistle patch last time I was there……..always looking over your shoulder to see where the next poke was coming from.
It’s “a spiritual meat grinder.”
CoS use the word ” therapy” in these briefing. Interesting…………
Every single time I hear about this, I laugh. I just can’t believe this “program” even exists. It is the ultimate epitome of life in the Church of Scientology. You pay them copious amounts of money to literally run around in a circle. I mean, how can they not see the irony? I’m not saying you can’t get wins from Scientology. But this particular action is just too much. This would be the sort of thing you’d expect to see in a Monty Python skit.
The Ministry of Silly Processes….
And your auditor comes straight from the argument clinic!
I hear you and without knowing the LRH materials on the subject it IS hard to understand.
Apart from the body getting into top shape it DOES handle spiritual energy but I would not exactly use this Swedish Leif guy in a promo for this RD….something wrong there.
Chris, Greta is correct here. There is real validity to to the running program. It would be very easy to underestimate the gain that is possible on the CRRD.
This is not just running around in a circle. Once you place the unmoving object into the center of the circle and move around it with your attention on it you have an auditing session under way. Anyone who was sent out to do this against there will was not doing the the CRRD. They were doing the ” Your-an-SP-and-must-be-punnished-RD”. These two are not the same. The first will exteriorize you and the other will crush you and create more case.
Chris: I can just see this program being changed anyway during GAT3 after the Dear MisLeader announces: 1) after many hours of research he had discovered that SP typists had mis-wordcleared LRH’s word ellipse to mean a circle; 2) they need money right away to renovate the stupidpower building to accomodate an elliptical track; 3) everyone would have to totally redo the runaround program on the new elliptical track; and 4) sorry there will be no refunds.
When you see someone who has completed a course holding up their certificate looking scared and a staff member with one arm behind their back, holding him — up . . . in place . . . — it makes you want to
Meanwhile, dear leader laughs all the way to the bank.
Jonsty, I think you hit the nail on the head. When you are lower on the Bridge and have not yet been to the “Mecca of Technical Perfection, the Friendliest Place on Earth,” you have that big goal and dream driving you to make the money to enable you to get to Flag. But once you finally make it there, then you experience the crushing realization that it is nothing like the promo says it is, and your case is not “finally handled.” In fact it is worse. Add on to that the nonstop crush regging, the IAS vultures breathing down your neck, and the demand for money to make good any conditions you are assigned, and it really takes the wind out of your sails. I think more and more people should go to flag and then they will finally have their eyes opened. Get out. It’s never too late to leave. There is auditing in the field that is standard and costs way less. And it is done without the inval and eval and the forcing of wrong items and wrong PTS item terminals on you.
I wonder about these people completing OTVII at Flag every week – are they just running away after getting fed up with it all? I don’t know how they could make case gain in an environment like that. PTP surely reads every session as well as most of the other ruds. And what do they put on their solo worksheets then (for the C/S to read)? And does the C/S “commit an overt” by not sending the guy/gal to Ethics when he reads it (as he wants to keep hte guy/gal on the level and thus HIS stats up). Etc. etc.
When it’s all about money you put the Hot girls up front.
That way Davey can sell anything.
The R/D takes 2-4 weeks but has unlimited use
and can be done many times. That makes no sense
to me (aside from the church wanting more $).
What is the EP of this R/D? Is there an EP?
Does the fact one can do it many times mean
there are many EP’s? All unique to themselves?
An OT whole track objective process like no other?
What are the other whole track objective processes?
And please someone tell me how one can do a thetan
exterior process in a body? What the hell does that mean?
This to me is nothing more than BS double talk that makes
me walk away with absolutely no understanding.
It is quite obvious whoever wrote this is not even close
to understanding what they write.
Yet the sheeple eat this carp up!
I agree Potpie, nothing about this RD makes any sense at all.
It’s a load of hogwash.
“And please someone tell me how one can do a thetan exterior process in a body? What the hell does that mean?”
Exactly what I was thinking, Potpie. It doesn’t matter which way I try and look at it – it just makes no sense at all. Maybe they are getting people used to the idea that a thetan exterior is actually still in a body. This could explain away the stably exterior state thetans are supposed to be in when they complete the Ls?
Silly us…and here we thought we would actually be outside our bodies.
As to wholetrack blah blah – I think they mean HOLE track – that’s the hole you keep falling through to land several levels below where you thought you heading! See – all makes sense!!
The EP is realizing you’ve been had and wasted thousands of dollars…RUNNING AROUND A FUCKING CIRCLE! If that doesn’t pop you out of your body, nothing will!
These are some interesting questions.
The basis for this according to LRH is that on the whole track, it was considered good therapy to have thetan circle a star or planet or other unmoving object. In fact, the LRH last “C/S” for someone who is about to die is to go off and find an object in space and circle around it.
If the point is to place your attention on some object while you move around it in a circle, then it would logically follow that you could do it in a golf cart and achieve the same results without the exertions required to run. In fact, in theory it should work BETTER as none of your attention is going to be on your aching legs or blisters on your feet….
Maybe NASCAR drivers have achieved the ultimate resurgence of cause possible? Wonder if going in an oval or tri-oval counts?
The fact that LRH thought that stars and planets don’t move shows his ignorance of physics on the most basic of levels. The fact that there are people posting here who believe that lie because “Ron said so” makes me despair.
Espiando – I was thinking the same thing. Aren’t planets and stars always in motion (actually the whole universe)? I am not a physics expert on any level but I’m pretty sure that planets and stars are not sitting still in space by any means. By the way, the Earth is round too.
It is a fixed object relative to YOU.
In defense of LRH he in no way thought planets or anything else in this universe was in state of no motion. A planet however can appear to be pretty fixed when you look at it. For the purposed of the Cause Resurgence RD it’s “fixed” enough to circle it and do the process and get the EP – There is an EP worth going for.
Everything is relative Espiando. In your haste to criticize LRH’s understanding of physics you should think a bit. Do you really think that LRH did not know that the physical universe is in constant motion? I suggest you read the Axioms where he states that quite plainly and study a bit of Scientology before making remarks that are ill-informed.
LRH flunked physics. No refuting that.
Nobody is trying to…
If someone is about to die and you tell him to go off somewhere then the next moment he is on his way, he has “automatically” dropped his body. This is only a “trick”. Has nothing to do with the other part with the stars and circle around it.
Someone is telling the community that LRH in his last years used blubberbla toilet paper and then someone else designs around that a new rundown that handles all you failures on the whole track. Details of that rundown are kept confidential.
Stupid is a stupid does.
Somehow you are turning this into something it isn’t. This “C/S” was used for many years and nobody ever made the claim that I am aware of about “automatically dropping the body.” There was no trick. Whether you agree with this theory or not, it was not used to trick people but in a genuine effort to help them. ANd no claims were made about it until it became the “running program.”
Mike, I think the first part (circling planet) makes sense in so far as it would create a stable point of reference and would create space.
Second point of doing it in a golf cart, no, disagree. There is definitely something about mastering one’s body, rising above it through physical effort or mastery, that aids exteriorization.
Quite likely the reason they are evasive on the age limit “There is not really any official limit” on the promo. I don’t see many 89 year olds doing this.
I can’t believe the “unlimited use” and “can be done many times”. It’s like, “Ah well, getting people to repeat actions has worked so well, might as well install the R-factor right from the start”
Well, you are certainly entitled to disagree, but your disagreement does not match the theory of this “rundown.” The theory is that it is done WITHOUT a body. To claim that exercising the body is a necessary element is not what is touted about this rundown. It may be your reality and theory, but it’s not what the church (or LRH) promotes about it. It’s an “OT rundown” that “comes from the whole track” for “thetans without bodies.”
So they could have put in a revolving floor and accomplished the same thing? (people rotating around a fixed object). What a scam to require then to go to flag for this!
Mike: A planet is not a fixed object relative to you under any circumstance. It’s still in motion if you’re observing it from above. A point on the planet will form a path like a spiral from a Spirograph set due to its rotational motion and orbital motion. This is basic Newtonian mechanics. We don’t even need to delve into Einstein, which Hubbard attempted to do in this instance in order to make it sound more “sciency”.
Foolproof: I’m ill-informed? About physics? My undergrad degree is in physics. I don’t need someone who flunked out of the only physics course he ever took to tell me about my chosen academic subject, especially if he has the nerve to dishonor Euclid by calling his bullshit “axioms”. And as for Scientology, I’ve delved into that as well, especially back in 2008 when Anon started protesting; it’s called “Know Your Enemy”. All About Radiation, in particular, is an open sore with me, and it’s one of the reasons why I think the Scientology philosophy must die.
Fact: I know much more about relativity than any of you, and I know much more about relativity than Hubbard ever did. Do not try to snowjob me with Hubbard’s regurgitation of something he never properly understood.
Well, if some technicality of wording is preventing you wrapping your wits around the concept of circling around a point that is stationary relative to you there is nothing I can say that is going to make sense. Seems simple enough to me….
This is not an argument about relativity. And nobody is challenging your wisdom about relativity.
This is a REALLY simple idea. Perhaps you could say it in correct scientific terms how I can circle around something in the middle that doesn’t move relative to me?
“My undergrad degree is in physics…..I know much more about relativity than any of you”
The above illustrates what can happen with education.-You can become so smart that you loose the ability to think in terms of simplicity.
Real knowledge and the ability to tap it carries with it a kind of lightness of heart because of certainty and results in real world application. The brightest folks I have known never referred to their degrees or their Magna Cum Laude graduating status to make their point.
Mike and All,
Okay, regarding a thetan revolving around planets and stars in space (which are not motionless objects), I’m thinking that ‘relative’ or ‘relative to you’ is the key here. So although an object may not actually be still, YOU the thetan are deeming it so, therefore it is. LRH said that when a thetan says something is so, it is because “He’s Boss”. Another way of looking at ‘relative’ is simply a thetan’s point of view from his own point in space out to another point in space.
Does this concept apply? If so, then yes, it’s very simple. I’m not claiming to be a science expert or even very intelligent for that matter, but this is how I can break it down to its most simplest terms.
If I am correct, then I would like to make a suggestion to help the senior public population in Scientology, since that is what the demographic is rapidly approaching. Build another CRRD in that huge empty “Cathedral” and instead of a running track, install a moving circular walkway, so the elderly folks can partake in the action too. Why be ageist? Also the people who’ve had knee and hip replacements could also do the CRRD. Even someone in a wheelchair could be pushed around it on a moving walkway, or they could roll themselves.
My point here is that if this is such a great RD and I’m hearing wins from people who’ve done it, why not make it available to All and not deny those who are physically unfit to run around a track? Why was this not taken into consideration? You do need a *body* after all to do the CRRD, and some bodies simply aren’t able.
Great idea Pepper. It could be like one of those moving sidewalks in airports. You could just stand there, leaning on the rail, going round in circles.
I think I may have just answered my own question. Flag is scared of having someone drop dead on the premises. They also don’t want someone to claim bodily injury resulting from a service. So I’m guessing the idea to service the not-so-physically fit or the elderly is pretty much moot.
There is a lot of yip yapping here about a very simple concept that most people grasped straight away but because they – the yip yappers- now realize that they were a little hasty with their barbed remarks about LRH must continue to bluster and make out they know something about high level physics, but what we are talking about is 3rd grade physics. I would say look up the word “relative” and it has nothing to do in this case with “relativity” – my my, the power of the misunderstood word!
I know this LRH last “C/S” was applied last year to someone in the Indie field who decided to drop the body. Do you have a source reference that you could mention?
The idea of using golf carts to drive around the track with the pole in the middle, as well as any idea of ‘moving contraptions’ around the pole certainly arises from a viewpoint in the comfort zone but would defeat the purpose of the CRRD utterly. YOU RUN TO FULL EXHAUSTION! You give it your all and it IS exhilarating = that’s the ‘Runner’s High’. I am just thinking of the analogy of a battery that gets fully drained and then recharged and then drained and so on.
You can’t do that while sitting in a golf cart or ‘getting carried around’.
People with older bodies or some sort of handicap would simply walk longer and build the body up to get up to speed. A speed they CAN do.
Some people may not get C/S ok to do it.
I hear you. But then it is NOT an “OT exterior process.” A thetan doesn’t exhaust anything, except perhaps his willingness to keep going.
It cannot be both, and that is the only point I am making. If you promote this as an “OT exterior objective process from the whole track” then its inconsistent with running to exhaustion. Somehow they manage to conflate the two things and I am simplyt pointing out that this is inconsistent.
I don’t care one way or the other as there isn’t a chance in the world I will ever do any form of “Running Program” ever again.
As for the C/S, I don’t know. I know it was the LRH C/S delivered to Yvonne just before she passed away and that’s all I know.
Mike, I’ve done the Leaving the Body Assist or Dropping the Body Assist, whatever they called it. The circling of a planet is done AFTER they drop the body and only if they find themselves up in the air and can’t get back down or are having trouble getting back down. Then it says they are to circle a planet or some object in space until such time as they can get back down to earth.
Mike wrote:
“And what is it with the twenty somethings lined up like this was an ad for a trendy singles only health spa? Prettiest girls in front. It’s a very strange image for a “church” — but then not many churches get people to pay them for the privilege of running in circles. Literally rather than figuratively.
Ever seen the movie “Starship Troopers”?
It’s from a novel by Robert Heinlein, and the director of the movie took a very funny and satirical look at it, but some people never get the joke.
I think that there is a huge possibility that the Sea Org is, literally, “Starship Troopers”.
Alanzo — nope, never seen it. Worth watching?
Personally, I love it. It’s one of my favorite movies for style and satire. There’s a lot more going on there than most people perceive.
But when I think about Hubbard and Heinlein once being roomies – it’s even better.
After all, if it’s not fun, it’s not Fascism!
I enjoyed it, tge propaganda preentation was like a briefing. But then as anyone in RCO$ will tell you “he’s just a sick fuck”
The movie does not duplicate the book. The book is about the value of true citizenship. The movie is just action / satire on war.
Most people seem to like it. It wasn’t my favorite though; too much action with ugly insect-like creatures. Not Denise Richards, of course.
worth watching.
Great movie and very underrated. The propaganda videos are a really stylish touch.
The satire in the movie comes from the director, Paul Verhoeven. The book by Heinlein is fascist and takes itself seriously.
Thomas Weeks wrote:
“The satire in the movie comes from the director, Paul Verhoeven. The book by Heinlein is fascist and takes itself seriously.”
Yes. That is exactly my appreciation of the book vs. the movie, as well. It’s kind of like the Tom Cruise interview with Matt Lauer vs. the Craig Ferguson version of Tom Cruise.
That Sea Org recruitment picture that Mike has at the Opening Post, with the chicks out front, screams Starship Troopers to me.
I think the fascist element in Scientology is sometimes overlooked by Scientologists. Hilarity ensues.
If you achieved such a magnanimous cause level in the whole track then, why would you like to do it again and again as the promo states? Typical overrun so you can create more mass in order to keep doing ‘rundowns’ and, of course, the stats and ‘income’ will go up.
i just see a delivery team of children. Reminded me of my last days at Flag. Going to see a 16 year old MAA who told me my PTS item was wrong and that only Flag could tell me if someone was SP or not…complete insanity and out tech. That was the last day for me at Flag. I dutifully read his recomnended materials, wrote a slimey success story, then happily walked out never to return.
For me, going to Flag to “finally get handled” at the “mecca of technical excellence” was what opened my eyes. When you see the awful delivery and realize the promised EP’s are not to be had, you finally open your eyes.
My story is similar. My last day to ever set foot on Scientology Cult soil, my birthday. A 17 year old girl, who was an “MAA” informing me, a 50 year old man, on how to make correct decisions. (nothing to see here folks, everyone keep moving, go home etc) and informing me that all of my CHRISTIAN cousins were PTS because they were distantly related to someone who the cult declared an SP. I saw the handwriting on the wall, told this young woman what she wanted to hear and left the building. Going to Flag was the final exit door out of the cult and my road back to reason. They think they are “saving the planet” …hilarious….the planet doesn’t even recognize them as reasonable ethical sane people in control of their faculties.
yeah, same thing here. The cute young MAA telling me how to run my life .
I said nothing, looked for a sign that she would actually see me, decided right then and there that I would never go back.
The picture is creepy to me when I think of the authority these beautiful people represent.
I had a similar twilight zone experience. I had a family member who was serving in Iraq in intelligence. A very young flag maa, who was shaky and covered with eczema, asked me “can’t she just quit?” His ignorance was stunning. I lost all respect for flag in that moment.
Yea, straight out of Logans Run.
That’s right jonsty. I believe that some of those young people in the photo above are under the age of 18.
I had a 15 year old page in the HGC at Flag tell me to follow her when I showed up for my very first auditing session at Flag.
She grabbed me by the arm, very authoritative and walked me down to the canteen. She picked out a yogurt, a cheese stick and an egg, plunked it down on the counter and said “here – you’re going to eat that”. I told her that I was not going to buy it because I would not eat that and actually didn’t need food anyway. She wanted to argue with me. I told her that I’m one of those rare people who is always sessionable and metabs, and she told me that I would be sent to Ethics if I wasn’t sessionable after refusing to eat before session.
How ridiculous. I had a 15 year old at home and couldn’t believe how this girl was talking to me. I put my Mom Hat on and just dealt with her patiently; like a child who is misbehaving and not minding her manners.
Jonsty: Maybe there is method in these arrogant young people driving old farts (and lets face it when you are that young anyone over 40 is ancient and ready to die) out of the church. Perhaps when the whole house of cards implodes there will only be a few people left to share the spoils that Miscavidge amassed. But the commenters and you leave me a bit aghast that you would play their game – “told this young woman what she wanted to hear” as DP puts it. But I can see now why most adherents are leaving.
“We deliver the Cause Resurgence Rundown in 16 languages . . .”. But what if you run in Braille?
Then you are certain to be over run!
… Or run over. (Sorry,
Yeah, it is really rough to say “RUN SOME MORE” in 16 languages…..
Hmmm. Running in circles. It’s a curious metaphor. Going back to the beginning of the grade chart and starting over. Then doing it again. Up, down. Up, down. Over and over and over again. Sideways. Stopping, Stopped. ….But never OUT. Or never DONE. Always….back in or back down. Seems to me that if Scientology was doing what it is supposed to do then people would just naturally come and go, graduate with improved abilities and then GO live life. Not be consumed with the never ending cycle of fixing, re-treading, re-doing, running in circles, etc. Scientology has become the “thing” that needs to be “handled” or “corrected”. “Incorrect application” fixing the “having the correct technology” part, or this weeks “emergency” or “ongoing WAR against the Psychs” but never ANY DONES. No “WARS WON”. Never any “enemies vanquished” that removes the final barriers for one and all to get up the bridge and ON WITH THEIR LIVES. The only “war won” supposedly being the behind doors IRS deal.
Scientology in itself, as it is being presented, is a trap and a lie and a fraud. You never “graduate” and then go on to live your life in good graces and in good standing. If you go, you are a criminal or a DB. Or a failed case, or you have “other fish” to fry. Or overts. Or evil purposes. The only stats you see are for the organization’s products, not the number of marriages saved or careers rekindled or fortunes made as a result of having been improved. The focus is always on the newest service, product, emergency, reason for fundraising or “major attack” that must be thwarted.
If people could train inexpensively and auditors were free to audit and Miscavige stopped stopping everyone from getting through the sequence of auditing actions then people would get better, and their friends would naturally want to come in as well, and the organization would be well thought of and all would go well.
Instead, 90% of Scientologists have left or are inactive, the church is being attacked in the media daily and it’s most ardent enemies used to be it’s biggest supporters.
Seriously, what is wrong with this picture?
For Davie and his supporters, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this picture.
It’s picture – perfect !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scientology crippled, and still some good money to be had.
And the possibility of an actual OT, completely invalidated !!!
Davie is living a dream that is killing those around him.
just perfect !
I think you are on to Him Doug!
Hey Dave, When are you going to start censoring ALL of the bad news?
Dunno about a health spa team – looks more like 21st Century Euro-Citizen version of the Black Shirts. I’ll bet most of those girls are from Eastern Europe.
Leif looks rather underwhelmed. It’s the staffer who’s punching the air (probably with relief that he’s staved off a spell on MEST work for another week).
“Why have people compared the Cause Resurgence Rundown to an Objective process?” Ummm, because they’re all so fucking stupid they don’t realized this “process” was used as punishment at the Int Base?
I guess all track athletes must be going exterior every time they run a race. And…it’s free!
“We have had completions of all ages, with the youngest at 12……”
That is sickening.
+1. I just couldn’t agree more, NOLAGirl. She’s probably being set up for recruitment by the SO in a few years. These sick fucks will stop at nothing to get kids into their nightmare.
I remember reading about this in another flyer. She is from China or Russia, I think.
It is wayyyyyy beyond disgusting! I did the Purif (at least 7 hours/day, often 8, 7 days per week for 6 bloody weeks) with my 10 year old.
It was that or let him spend all that time hanging out with $cinos. As this was out of the question, it was better to be with me so as to avoid all the regging, etc.
He is now an adult and understands that I felt it was the only way I could protect him, but it was cruel and disgusting.
I assume the poor 12 year old, thought she “chose” to do this absurd Run-Around and continues to receive praise and adulation. Poor deluded child! No one who is still growing should put that much strain on their joints or on their minds and spirits.
It patently a form of child abuse to have permitted/encouraged this.
Shouldn’t her parents, the CS and the reg, be investigated by CPS?
And is there a Cause Wheelchair for 89 year olds?
NOLAGirl and OSD,
I couldn’t agree more on the 12 year old point. Whoever that 12 year old is, he or she is definitely getting recruited into the Sea Org. The attempt is being made, or will it happen imminently.
The Sea Org prizes kids under the age of 16 and would definitely recruit a 12 year old. The Sea Org recruiters like to find kids that are “clean”. This means that they haven’t experienced sex, drugs or alcohol yet. Then the recruits are taken out of their homes where their parents can no longer influence or guide them into young adulthood. Their minds can be molded to everything is Scientology. They learn nothing about money either. What is takes to generate an income and to be fiscally responsible. They don’t earn any money in the Sea Org, so how could they? This also makes it easier to condition their minds into thinking that all money should flow one way; into the CoS and people who want to hang on to some of theirs are nothing but middle-class PTS.
Not that money is everything, but it is an important subject to teach your kids about. They should learn how to do their own banking, how to save money, how to build credit, how credit works and generally, how to be responsible with it. No one in the Sea Org will teach them any of that. Just the opposite.
There are many other outpoints regarding kids going in the SO at a young age but I’ll end on that for now.
My son was recruited at the age of 12 (a few months before his 13th birthday). He was taken into a Sea Org building around CC somewhere and locked in a room with the door barricaded by adults (at least four) for almost four hours until he signed the Billion Year Sea Org Contract under duress. He stated that he only “signed because he wanted to go home”. I had to go in and fight with CMO over this. They actually had the nerve to think that he had to honor the contract just because his signature was on the page. I told them that the contract was invalid based on the fact that he didn’t sign on his own volition and that minors cannot legally sign contracts anyway. They told me that was just a “wog law” and they didn’t follow that. They tried to threaten me with the usual ethics trouble, etc but I just threw it back in their faces that they took a 12 year old boy and imprisoned him to force him to sign a Sea Org contract. They pulled back but went on to harass my son for years afterwards and tried to make him think that he did something horrible. He never joined.
To any public reading this: Your minor children are not safe being left alone at the orgs, even though it’s for services. They could very well be taken advantage of, like my son was. If you think that your children going on course is a good thing, at least go with them and do not allow any adults to take them off somewhere “alone”. Sea Org recruiters always insist on briefing or talking to kids alone, without any parents present. There is a reason for this. You have every right to say what goes with your kids as far as anything regarding the CoS goes and that includes being present at any and all recruitment cycles. You can even say, NO.
Good job Pepper. I hope he’s doing well.
Good show, your standing up to them! More parents should…
Rather than re-hash all the horrible things that may (or may not) happen to minor chuildren in the Damnation Navy, ask yourselves this: What good does the Sea Org actually do? We’ve seen the flyer above – is this as good as it gets? (yes it is – that’s all they can manage…)
Good for you, Pepper. I wish more parents would stand up for their kids like that. Too many parents think that they are sending their kids into a safe environment, away from drugs and bad influences. This is not true – as many kids have attested when they tell their stories of life in the SO as children.
Your children are not just working unnaturally long hours, doing dangerous hard labour for which they have no training. Their minds are also being shaped and warped to fit in with the current insanity in the church. Tons of invalidation gets heaped on SO members of all ages – this at a time when they are undergoing major changes in their bodies and minds.
Just say NO. I know plenty of people who did that and nothing awful happened to them. The way they work children is illegal in most countries – use that to put a stop to it!
Pepper, in my book, you are Mother of the Decade! Good for you for throwing their shit right back in their faces! You’re one tough cookie and I admire you very much. These recruiters are ruthless. It’s ALL ABOUT THEIR SIGN UP STATS! They’re criminals of the first degree! Please tell your son from me that he’s so very lucky to have you as his mom.
Thanks to you all for your nice comments. I only did what I thought was right. I consider that as a parent, it is my duty to be my kids’ advocate and to teach and protect them from unscrupulous people. Unfortunately, I had to go through a similar experience with another one of my kids a few years later with Sea Org recruitment and that one was 14 at the time. This can put a person and family through Hell.
The S.O.recruiters are ruthless, heartless people in my book. They really care nothing for the individual. They steal away the lives of young, impressionable people. The kids are just stats, and new meat into the SO. I don’t care how they justify it, with talk of ‘past lives’ and ‘Loyal Officers’. One recruiter told one of my kids that she was a “past lifer in the SO”. How would HE know that? My kid just looked at him like WTF? She knew better than to fall for that sort of weird false flattery/lie.
I really want any public parents in Scientology to know that they can stand up to the recruiters and they should. They should not allow their kids to be manipulated and lied to. What does this teach kids? They should not allow adults outside the family to have private, unlimited access to their children and that definitely includes Sea Org recruiters.