Some more crazy fun from the clapping clubbed seals at the Flag OT Committee.
These people are so delusional it is hard to fathom, but this is what happens when you are in an echo chamber bubble of the similarly deluded. They are laughable, but they actually have convinced themselves they are masters of the universe, a new breed of homo novis and far superior in every respect to the poor “wogs” who are not as enlightened as they are.
My comments in blue.
Your comment on what a special treat it was that Lori had IAS donation forms to hand out had me laughing out loud. Thank you Mike always for your relentless revealing of the truth about the cult.
Bubbles … it ain’t been the same without you, kid.
Tony Hitchman? THE Tony Hitchman from that interview with Hubbard that Scientology still trots out?
Wow. How has Tony lasted this long in Scientology without getting declared or otherwise made persona non grata?
Will it really be Tony H in the flesh coming there to talk? Or just a showing of that interview again for the thousandth time?
He returned to the US after fleeing due to his involvement in the Reed Slatkin fiasco. The statute of limitations passed.
Scientologists, furiously polishing brass on the Titanic for the rest of the world’s comedic pleasure.
I love all the leaks from the wonderful Still-Ins. David Miscavige must be a joy to be around these days.
LOVE the seal pic. So appropriate and darling.
Mark Bunker has for many years been around videoing Ex-Sscintologists, Ex Sea Org, Old guard and so on.
Mark saw through the fluff and froth of their photo-opped glossy magazines.
Jefferson Hawkins, Ex Sea Org 15+ years, author of the book “Counterfeit Dreams” is interviewed here by Mark Bunker
Mark deserves a true Medal of Valor 📷 for his resilience and diligent and relentless reporting of the darker side of Scientology Inc. the runaway marketing machine to extort your money.
Mark is now running for a City Council in Clearwater.
Here’s a 2 minute clip of Jefferson Hawkins explaining Scn culture to Mark Bunker.
OH man…the pressure! Ideal convention means more money expected with tons of pressure…graduation means lots of regging after giving wins, Puerto Rico needs donations, etc! It’s always money! It’s always pressure! ugh.
rosemarie, it’s ALWAYS about money, more money, get others to produce and bring in even MORE M-O-N-E-Y. I mean, I love the Caribbean; I’d love to be there right now instead of here getting annoyed by Davey’s latest foot/toe amputation. His cult is DEAD, only coasting along on some sort of inertia before it falls face flat.
Don’t know about the rest of you, but my eyes really bugged out when I read “Flag graduation this Friday night: this will be the first graduation in four weeks…” The first in four weeks??? At the Mecca of Tecknikkul Pefection? People aren’t exactly flooding in to touch oil and run around poles, now, are they?
I bet that they didn’t have them because of the Maiden Void events!!
Mike, do you actually believe the stat of 156 Clears made in Venezuela for the year? Sounds inflated to me.
I dont believe any stat offered by scientology. But they are usually so pitifully miniscule that I simply take what they say. THere are 32 million people in Venezuela… If they had cleared 100 times that it still would not be more than the population increase.
Scientology fudges their stats in all sorts of ways, so who knows. Maybe they have people from other Latin American countries going there to go “clear,” because it’s cheap due to the economic crisis in the country.
It seems that these days, stats about “clear” probably include people who had to re-do it. It’s very unlikely that in a country in such crisis, or outside any of a handful of countries that are remaining bastions of Scientology, very many people from the country itself actually went “clear” for the first time.
No “Clears” were made because such a thing does not exist. They might as well have claimed to have produced 156 purple unicorns.
“Clear” is just a dogshit dump produced by a rabid, shaggy haired lunatic who went by the name of L Ron Hubbard.
End of story…
Love this comment
“We are expecting a lot of people so come early to get signed in and get a good seat.”
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. I thought scientologists didn’t know how to tell a joke. I was wrong.
What? They really believe this is true?
Well, at least you get a free t-shirt.
“If we as a group can complete Orlando, we can certainly complete Puerto Rico”
because Orland org was such a little do nothing shit-box with no public or staff to speak of….
How’s it going now, Flag OTC?
It’s now an IDEAL do nothing shit-box?
Funny what they inadvertently give away.
LOL Anna is still in charge of recovery. She did such a great job on Marty and Mossies porch.
How come there are no stats?
Thanks whomever for the leak. Allways a good day re-realizing what we’ve excaped. Unfortunately these people have worse mental problems then the average joe. The worse of all is not able to see the real problems.
Thank you to one of Tony’s bunker guys who reached out to help and found me my disconnected Son #2 addressess. I can send I love you postcards now 💗
You said it before I could, Cece.
“How come there are no stats?”
Where’s the beef, guys?
You know; the STATS?
Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, I’m not holding my breath!
The Fleecewinds has been bouncing around the Caribbean for what, 30 years? So why are there no $cieno mOrgs or missions there? I guess the locals have been warned off by the screams of those stuck on the ship.
I need to make a trip to Clearwater wearing my OT VIII golden bracelet. After all, the OT Ambassador said she is proud to wear her IAS pin. I think it will be a lot of fun. I can walk the streets and flash the golden OT symbol at the Sea Org members crossing the street. I wonder if security will stop me?
Better you melt it down and use the 18K gold to have a beautiful ring made as a present for your wife, or for each of you with which to renew your vows, or a heart pendant that she can wear around her neck. Forgive me, I’m out of line. Just being a busy-body romantic 🙂
I was too cheap to buy an overpriced OT VIII bracelet or pay money for bowling trophies. But these days as an enemy I am more famous than I eve was an OT VIII.
Enemies of this scam are heroes to the entire Human Race.
You deserve to stand tall and be rewarded for joining the few, the proud, the Enemies of The Scam.
not few. There are way more critics than there are Scientologists left. surviving Scientology alone has more subscribers.
This is one time I am happy to be wrong.
The more enemies of this scam – the better.
I believe it usually means ‘Present Time’. You know, as opposed to one of your former lives, or when you were gestating in your mother’s womb (since we all can, of course, remember that time).
Present time for Scientologists basically means – Paying Attention to what you’re doing.
The problem is more and more people every day ARE enlightened about $cientology only not in the way they think nor in the manner that will sustain their dying cult.
Homo Novis indeed. More like Homo Numbskullis or Homo Gullibleis. All smarter human attributes can only go to those who maintain a discrete distance outside the cult, certainly not inside with the easily bamboozled.
Other than the condescending comment about the Puerto Rican people having “no social veneer” (WTF? Is this racist or what?) the odd thing I noticed is they have given up on listing attendees, and the stats of how many attended last meeting etc. Hm. I wonder who was there besides these speakers.
If you are embarrassed by the numbers, and you can’t control the papers from leaking to Mike, the only solution is to stop printing them.
Also, redacting your printed history gets a lot easier as you provide less data.
Frankly, I am somewhat surprised they print any names whatsoever.
Free, the way she used it, social veneer meant a false overlay of sociability meant to deceive, and that the Puerto Ricans don’t have one, a GOOD thing. Believe me, I’m sensitive to word usage, so understood what you were saying, too. Still, ONE org for all of PR is just like asking LA org to ‘clear’ all of California, which ain’t never gonna happen.
I tried to Google to learn just what “PT” might mean in the scam. Most of the results referred to “Part 1” or “Part 2”. It remains a mystery to me.
Present Time
Skyler, ” PT ” is ” present time “.
Interesting, isn’t it, that a big, fake medal that she received in the past
for being a dutiful cult robot ” keeps her in pt “.
Rather than actual PT, that gaudy thing probably keeps her attention stuck in THAT time; when she felt good for forwarding Dwarfenführer’s immediate goals of that time.
Skyler, PT means “Present Time” as in the here and now.
I find that a thumb tack in my ass keeps me in “Present Time” since I do not have a medal.
As a Scientologist, it’s not like anyone else. When you walk past a clock, YOU KNOW, that you are the only one in Present Time.
Damn. I was hoping for a Longines.
Present time? … Really ? … I thought it meant past tense .
I believe it usually means ‘Present Time’. You know, as opposed to one of your former lives, or when you were gestating in your mother’s womb (since we all can, of course, remember that time).
Present time for Scientologists basically means – Paying Attention to what you’re doing.
Thank you all so much for replying to me – Cat W., Mark, Peabody and Miss Dutch. It really warms my cockles to see so many people would care enough to explain even a simple question to me.
I hope that in this context “cockles” does not mean something dirty. But, you know, what with this scam, you just never know. The whole thing is so dirty, filthy and exploitive that I am always surprised to learn what new words and acronyms mean.
Thank you again.
Present Time
Be here now, mindedness, focused
They do training routiens (TRs) to accomplish this in an attempt to overcome the (imaginary) reactive bank engrams that supposedly impinge on life.
When a scientologist gets counseling (auditing) normally they are more in PT after.
That is a ‘high’ for them and addicting.
Cleaver LRH because who doesn’t want to feel in the moment, focused on the day. It’s enjoyable.
Scientologists are Up a Pole like LRH describes born again Christians. They think they need scientology for this and only scientology can assist.
Oh My Gosh! I missed thanking KatherineINCali, Cece and OSD. Their replies were outside of the “Reply” box.
But somehow, I just knew, that someone would think it meant something dirty and sure enough it was my good friend Old Surfer Dude who found a way to warm my cockles (and warm his own, I am sure). I don’t really know OSD. But I feel fairly certain that he must know how to keep his cockles nice and warm and satisfied.
I was never in $cientology, but I believe it stands for “present time”. Pretty lame…
Prick teaser.
You’ve been on the boards awhile now, do you access some of the Scio cult dictionaries? Even adding the word Scientology works on googling.
Present time
I bet her medal reminds her to act like a big being and keep the nose to the grindstone.
The more trained you are, the further up the bridge, the higher your status, the MORE that is demanded of you.
Present Time. It is a commonly used scientology term. If you are complaining about a past wrong, expect a scientologist to say “come up to PT” (present time). Or in other words, quit living in the past, you whiner.
Talking about “Living in the past”, these scam members have some terrible nerve telling other people to “Quit living in the past”. They are still cleaning windows with newspapers because that is what the Old Goof wrote was the only way to ever clean windows. Now, then and forever more.
That is just one of the reasons why this scam is doomed to die. The Old Goof made it clear that if he didn’t promote something, people should never use it. He made it clear that whatever he said was always correct and if he didn’t promote something then everyone should just act as if it didn’t exist. That is why people who are slaves to this cult do not like to access the Internet. It’s because Blubtard never supported it. I think this scam expects everyone to behave just like they did in the 70s and any innovations that were introduced into our society after his “drop date” (the date he dropped his body), must just be ignored.
I take that to mean that we EOS (Enemies of Scamology) …. we, the few, the proud, the Enemies of the Scam are free to use all manner of modern technology in our fight to destroy this criminal cult. But the members of the scam are slaves (in every way) to the past – specifically, to behave the way the Old Goof wrote that people were supposed to behave.
Unless I miss my guess, that pretty much sets up this scam as being doomed to failure. What a blowhard ignoramus!
Her Freedom Medal keeps her in PT…well, you can’t make this up, folks, no, you really cannot. Maybe she saved a scrap of blanket from her baby crib to carry around, when things get really tough
Present Time
Oh My Gosh Again.
You people are just so great to take the time and keep someone like me informed.
Thank you to Rip Van Winkle, ValR and David Mayo for replying to me as well. I’m sorry if I’m spamming you all with my thank yous. But I always feel that it’s important to thank people otherwise they may feel slighted.
Theresa? You see how great the people are who come and post on this blog? They take the time to help an unfortunate WOG like myself to understand these terms. You should know that if you ever need something explained to you or if you ever need some kind of help with your study, this is a really great place to come and ask for help.
PT = Prison Time.
Oh, for Pete’s sake. Hasn’t anyone here heard of the book, movie, or song, about PT 109? (Patrol Torpedo Boat, for you WWII buffs.) JFK was the sole owner of the ‘PT’ acronym long before anyone had any idea that Present Time was something you needed to be in.
Heh Heh! Thanks Scribe and Chris Shugart. I remember listening to some of the speeches that JFK made. I was old enough (though just barely) to understand what he was saying. But I never really listened to his meaning. I was just thoroughly mesmerized by the fantastic power and leadership of the man. Oh. How I long for another president even one tenth as good as he was.
Even Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter and Regan may not have had intellects as powerful as that of JFK. But when listening to them live, I always got the sense that they truly cared about the American people and they truly desired to do good for them. More importantly, I always got the feeling that they treated the Presidency and all the rest of the government with a great deal of reverency. It meant something fine and good to them and they treated it all with a great sense of respect.
Holy Shit! In recent years, …. well …. Mike has made it clear the one thing he does not want to see people post in this blog are cheap shots and other kinds of insults directed personally to any sitting Presidents or other sitting politicians.
So despite my great desire to lambaste some of the other politicians, I will refrain from spitting out the great many insults and similar comments that I would like to make and just say how much I miss men like JFK and others who aspired to his ilk. Aspired ….. but IMHO none of them ever came close. Never even came far. (I know that doesn’t make sense. I’m just so sad that we have never seen any other politician that treated the American public and the American government with the reverence that JFK did). What a great man he was!
I agree with you on everything, Skyler.
Civil dialogue, self control, mutual tolerance and respect for differing views, courage, leadership, statesmanship – these qualities have not been on display for some time now. Possibly they’re gone for good. In their stead we have insults, cowardice, no responsibility, finger pointing and whining. I never thought I’d be embarrassed to be an American. Apparently, a significant portion of the population are quite pleased with this new normal. For me its like a bad dream, and I can’t wake up.
OR, as my buddies liked to say:”PT 54 1/2″ after it was split in half.
Scientologists TALK about being in PT when what they REALLY mean is,”Shut up and listen to me now.”
I just started studying the cult of Scientology and want to thank you for being a voice for the people who are still being brainwashed. I believe David Miscavidge and Tom Cruise need to be put in a chain gang type of prison and dig ditches in the hot Florida sun for 16 hrs a day. Treat them exactly the way they treat others!!!!!! The more I read and educate myself the more disturbed I become. How can this be happening in America? Law enforcement and mandated reporters of the communities need to be educated on cults and the manipulation tools that they use to brain wash members. Of course,through all of the reading I have done,i’m sure the cult is paying off the police, especially in Los Angeles. I will continue to educate myself on this cult and talk about the abuse that goes on to every person I know. I am only one person, but as a human being I feel I have to do something to expose David Miscavidge who I believe is another Jim Jones……Much admiration and respect to you. Continue the fight!!!!!
Hello Theresa. I want to tell you my reaction to your post.
My reaction was, “What a magnificent post! Why do we not see more people making these exact kind of remarks here?”
When you consider everything that I know about America, Slavery, Human Trafficking, Freedom and Justice, your comments are exactly the kinds I would have expected to have heard many by now by all manner of Americans.
I applaud your post and welcome you here. I believe that you will very much enjoy reading Mike’s blog and I’m quite certain most of the other members here (membership is free BTW) feelvery much the same way.
I certainly do hope to see more of what you have to say. It was truly uplifting for me to hear you express those sentiments and to know that so many other Americans feel the very same way. Welcome Theresa.
How can this be happening in America?
How can this be happening in America?
It is a complete disgrace. Their tax exempt status is a disgrace that is more than complete. I surely do wish I knew a word that meant, “more than completely”. So many people throw around the word “totally” that it has become almost meaningless. I know there must be a better word to use. Oh well!
“Utterly” might fit your needs for a word more compete than completely.
Why thank you Cre8tivewmn. How utterly considerate of you!
Tom Cruise very likely believes that we live again and again and that what one is creating NOW in this lifetimes is the quality of one’s next lifetime, and so on. One day when the enormity of his crimes of protecting, enabling and furthering the crimes of Sociopath David Miscavige dawns on him – when or if he realizes what he had DONE and what a criminal HE is, he’ll be facing his REAL eternity and having to confront how much he has to clean up. For someone who believes that we are immortal beings who live again and again in different bodies, THAT punishment is much worse than jail this lifetime, or hard labor this lifetime. He’ll be having to confront his ETERNITY. All the suffering he caused, lied about, and hid from view. Now, full disclosure: I personally believe that we live again and again. I don’t believe in the Christian heaven everlasting, or hell everlasting. I believe that we come back. Can’t prove it, don’t really know, so don’t pile on me, please, this is a free country and I can believe that if I want to, and its not exactly a new concept either btw. Point being, if what one does with one’s life NOW is, in effect, creating one’s future, including one’s future lives (and I personally believe that, and I don’t really know and can’t prove it, so you’re right and you don’t have to believe it for a minute, that’s fine) then it behooves one to create GOOD stuff, consciously, in present time. Not out of fear of the consequences but because its fun to create good, beautiful, positive, helpful things for oneself and others and it has a great positive ripple effect. Now what is Tom Cruise creating, right now? Well, he’s doing some good things. He’s entertaining people, you could say. Giving them some pleasure. And he’s employing people in honest work on his films, so there’s that. But as regards Scientology and his friend David Miscavige – the lying, the covering up, the denial…ooooh…bad. Bad, bad, bad creations, harmful, unjust, cruel. That will all have to be cleaned up, at some point. No, I wouldn’t be Tom Cruise, spewing out this bad energy, creating what he’s creating, this lifetime, uh uh.
Good points. It no point to be responsible for perpetrating lies, deceit and exploitation. Bad karma.
OT Committee is THE place to be on a Monday night!
What, with all 5 people?
“…unless you are someone associated … with someone we consider an SP.”
Even though we have the tech to confront, handle, shatter, etc. suppression, and can communicate with anyone on any subject. Or something.
I can levitate both my arms! I am SO OT!
You can levitate both your arms?
But can you extend your middle fingers in order to give the little monster his double dose of the one finger salute?
For anyone caught up in this scam, that is truly the mark of a superpower!
That’s an easy one! I’m doing it right now!
Great how you get all this insider material Mike. Why can’t the Scientology Body Snatchers and OT Masters of the Universe stop you. Did Xenu slip out of his electronic trap beneath the mountain to lead a secret SP movement. Yeah. I think it’s something like that.
Keep these radioactive Mfkr’s the hell away from me. From us. All of us….
“We are the head of the arrow and everyone is following us.”
Maybe she heard a mother threatening her child :If you do not eat your vegatables but drink Koolaid you will become a Scientologist when you grow up. Is that what you want?
Are you serious?! Ruddy Rodriquez, an OT (or maybe she’s a ”Faux T”), has to wear a piece of metal to stay in PT. WOW! Is this analogous to Slappy connecting himself to a large copper wire to stay grounded? Were not in Kansas anymore.
Yeah, PT is Prick Teaser, right? Ummmm…right…?
PT is pussy tamer, prick teaser, pole toady, pliant tool,
putrid twit, polished taint, postulating twat…
and, for El Con: Pontificating Turd
For the Macallan Malignancy: Penile Tick
What happens you lose your Tick?
I hope no one clues the little guy that the LAST thing you want is to be connected to a good ‘ground’ when a lightning bolt comes through. That would simply make your body part of a very high-voltage circuit, and that would be SURE to fry anything in and around its path.