Some news from the Flag OT Committee. Like to keep up with them every now and then just so there is a record of their zaniness. This first one was obviously from a week or so ago.
I found it especially interesting they brought in someone from Italy on the basis they are “booming” and have “highest ever stats going on!” You just cannot get much more out of touch with reality than that. At the peak of the horrific pandemic crisis in Italy they are promoting their highest ever stats…
And we also have a list of “BridgeFlow Superstars” that I have put in searchable format for posterity’s sake.
It seems “Neighborhood Campaign” is an alive and well member of the OT Committee?
And in the face of her and Matt’s IRS legal woes and bankruptcy, Kathy is still pulling in some income from her selectees.
Other than that, not much of interest here. Only 40 people had anyone start on any service — and the majority of these people are already on a service and simply resigning for their next intensive or extension course, this is not new arrivals. And this is a list from before the lockdown began.
Flag is a pretty good barometer of the health of scientology. It has been on a respirator long before COVID-19 arrived.
The following OTC members are highly commended for getting one or more arrivals onto service this week:
This is Very Well Done !!!
ML, Sylwia Herbst
Deputy Production Secretary
Flag OT Committee
How timely, someone just forwarded me the latest list from today. So adding it here. I would guess the names are generally the same.
for w/e 16 April 2020!!
The following Flag OT Committee members are very highly commended for getting one or more arrivals onto service this week:
Very Well Done to you all!!! You Rock !!!!
ML, Sylwia Herbst
Deputy Production Secretary
Flag OT Committee
I finally got some actual data from my sources.
Number of people on Extension Courses:
Italy: 1665
Russia: 881
United Kingdom: 723
France: 454
Germany: 440
Switzerland: 418
Spain: 337
Hungary: 311
Israel: 212
Austria: 130
Denmark: 109
Greece: 96
Ireland: 62
Belgium: 54
Sweden: 36
Portugal: 18
Netherlands: 9
Czech Republic: 8
Norway: 8
Ukraine: 6
Kazakhstan: 4
Slovakia: 4
Macedonia: 2
Qatar: 2
Belarus: 1
Finland: 1
India: 1
Oman: 1
Pakistan: 1
Poland: 1
Total for EU countries: 6236
Is this an actual number of people or a number of lessons done? Some people do 5 or 10 lessons in a week…
Number of active students.
I can tell there is quite some effort to get people on Extension Courses here in Italy (they are even calling me, and I’m off service lines since a very long time); the number might be accurate or it might be the usual Italian Style stat push.
Most of Milano Org staff members are now calling public to push them on Extension Courses, even if they did them already.
They are asking the public to start (or re-do) some easy course and send at least a lesson a week to be counted on stats and “help the org win the game”; I’m no longer on org lines, but I received some requests like that and that’s the way Italy (i.e. Milano) stats have always been done in the past.
Speaking My Truth. Complimenti. Yes are these people or lessons numbers. Good source by the way.
Well….I think it is HIGH TIME that someone should manufacture a:
“Shelly Miscavige BOBBLEHEAD doll holding a “FORGET ME NOT FLOWER….
A “Where In The World Is Shelly Miscavige”……game…..
with funds going to we can help….& post the AFTERMATH #.
One must never sound downtown! Make something up quick! Highest ever! yeah that’s it! MUST find a cup half full somewhere…make some up some shite about stats that can’t be verified too quickly. Puke. I remember that crap. Those lies really really thicken up the cognitive dissonance in one’s head! Then, staff are left wandering around in a daze of false stats, false highest evers, undone programs, new programs that don’t make sense,…yet this is the most ethical group on the planet and we are the only ones who are uptone!? Meanwhile it “seems” wogs make great movies, they have fun at the beach, they enjoy their family life, all without those highest evers and false stats. Huh? What? oh yeah…my ethics must be out.
PCV pollute the oceans. How can potential corona viruses make it in a cult? The ones in the sea going free from PVC reach the state of thetans but with all the PVC in the oceans. how will people make it to operating thetans?
Paola Lombardi, the Italian Chairman … WHAT???
Paola is the daughter of a declared SP, her father was one of the biggest attackers here in Italy at the time of the Police raids, when all the orgs were closed and many staff members were jailed (late 80s). She disconnected from her father and moved to the US with her mother; she is a Flag public and lives in Clearwater since. How can she represent Italians, if she has no connection to Italy anymore?
She is part of the Flag OT Committee (chairman of the Italian group, which doesn’t mean she has any knowledge of what is going on here in Italy). She is well known for contacting Italian publics who go to Flag for services, approaching them with plastic smiles and convincing them she is their FSM, so as to get FSM Commissions on their paid services … she is just a Scientology parasite.
This is what Flag OT Committee members usually do; I know many of the Italians listed in these commendations and this is their standard operating basis. It is a racket in the racket, just a money making machine for some people (the Flag FSMs) who are profiting from the bigger money making machine (Scientology) in some form of symbiosis.
There is no production going on here in Italy, they are making a lot of attempts to get people paying for services, even if they will not be able to receive those services, a lot of attempts to get donations to the IAS, a lot of attempts to put everybody on Extension Courses and a lot of stupid Zoom meetings in which people explain some basic Scientology data, promoting them as genius answers to life and living, briefings on topics anybody could read from a book without having to attend to a seminar from some Mr. Nobody. They are getting more desperate by the day in promoting this stuff and asking for money, and this makes me think they are really getting nowhere with all these initiatives.
Booming? Highest evers? No way! That’s just PR bullshit.
Back to Paola Lombardi and Flag OT Committee, these people are highly dissociated from reality; they should go to some hospital in Northern Italy as “Volunteer Ministers” to see what’s really happening here … maybe their dissociation bubble will finally blow and they will stop talking nonsense about invented statistics.
SPeaking my Truth. Grazie mille. Davvero. It is really important to be informed of what is going on (scusa… not happening) in Italia.
Prego (You’re welcome).
I’ll try to post more updates here; I’m getting a lot of data from my “sources” these days.
I always like to look over these lists of folks who are still in and trapped in their delusions. Mainly to see if there are any names that I recognize. It has been years since a familiar name has popped up. Thanks the gods for that.
I recently heard an Arabic proverb, that I’ll share with the class.
“Avoid the company of liars,
but if you can’t,
Don’t believe them.”
So everyday I come here and read some poppycock put out by the clams, I instantly think of this proverb.
What honors and privileges come with being a member of the Flag OT Committee? Some snazzy scn jewelery? First crack at the spicy chicken wings? Priority seating at the next pirate dinner?
Mike, permit this KTL-graduate to get pedantic about the word “resigning” in this passage:
“…the majority of these people are already on a service and simply resigning for their next intensive or extension course…”
It’s a common mistake to exclude a hyphen. In certain contexts, almost the exact opposite meaning is conveyed, e.g.:
“I resigned from staff.”
“I re-signed a staff contract.”
Governor DeSantis seen leaving Flag in Brinks Truck after secret meeting with Miscavige and then later in the day announcing at a press conference that Scientology has been deemed the only essential religion organization, group in the state and all residents must attend Scio Sunday Services.
Oddsmakers giving it a 10 to 1 shot Mike.
LOL! That wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Hope this nincompoop DeSantis is reserving enough ventilators for Flog’s inevitable Covid breakout.
“See you there”?
What happened to “Much Love”? Is someone beginning to realize all the love saw what’s been going on and fled the scene?
Asswipes! Dingbats! Dipsticks!
This posting on FB was from Kevin Wilson, owner of Sterling Management Systems. It is ironic how he rails against Starbucks and calls them money motivated when he is the most money motivated of all. He asked all his employees to work for no pay for months to dig them out of the hole in 1991. He didn’t give up anything but asked his employees to give up tons for him. Here is what he posted:
Isabel Carl
AapgurtsilriSpe sionnhi13n hdat s2io:tr4e9nt SdPM ·
From Kevin Wilson;
I stopped supporting Starbucks over 2-3 years ago when I found their agenda aligned with the enemy’s agenda. Look and search for the ingredients of their drinks. Full of poisons. What they support is what I’m against. Let’s stop supporting them or buying any of their products and spread the truth about their views on immorality. They have no morals from all I see. And very money motivated without care.
21Isabel Carl, Patrick William Dunaway and 19 others
I remember the Campaign family – they sure liked to get about a lot, getting all up in your ‘hood.
Sure the orgs have “highest evers” on extension courses – probably not much else, though, and particularly not what really matters like financials and GI.
I do still suspect that some orgs may be trying to surreptitiously deliver auditing. Since they do so little of that anymore, regardless, that if they’re pushing it hard because of coronavirus fears, they could actually be doing a bit more than usual and it might not actually be very obvious. Aren’t a lot of local orgs down to just one or two auditors who aren’t even normally busy full-time?
I know about Milano; they are trying to get some public in the org to receive auditing (so violating the lockdown regulations and exposing the auditor and the public person to consequences if the Police stops them when they go to the org). Maybe some other org, the bigger ones, is doing the same. No training, except for Extension Courses, and they are getting desperate in trying to make some money and “statistics” out of them.
Read my comment to this post, I have listed the full extent of their current activities, a lot of phone calls and emails to convince people to donate money or start an extension course; no real production.
SP, thanks for the info about Milano. Any idea how much auditing they are managing to carry on? It seems that most orgs didn’t really deliver that much, anyway, so keeping close to a regular schedule just for that still might not mean too much traffic. I also wonder if they they are bringing people in for sec-checking to try to maintain control now that they can’t keep members under their thumbs in the orgs in all their off time, and people have time on their hands to do things like starting to look on the internet.
My bet is that OSA has a spycraft-style playbook, similar to the sort of thing they most notoriously did during the “Snow White” era, providing the orgs guidance including coaching members on what to stay if they’re stopped on the way to the org – possibly even providing them fake paperwork about being a religious mission or something, as well – and how to surreptiously slip people in and out of the org without attracting attention, such as using different doors. The question is, how widespread it is; “OnceBorn” has reported evidence of it going on in Plymouth, UK, too.
Ciao PeaceMaker, i’m not getting these data firsthand, I have contacts with some online Scientologist who is telling me how things are going, so I’m not able to give you all these specifics. They are not working at full capacity, though, what I was told is they are managing to do “some” sessions, so number should not be very high.
Milano has only one entrance, no side entrances at all, just walls all around. Their main entrance to the courtyard is not on the main street, though, it is in front of a big parking lot, so people can get in quite unnoticed. The real problem is getting there, they have to get there through a main road where Police may be stopping people.
OSA involvement is mainly on Public Relations, running “Ghostbusters” Volunteer Ministers decontamination (they are cleaning Police cars as well) as a means to get some goodwill (propitiation). Not many volunteers on that line, though; maybe most of them are staff members.
Osa is not really involved with general public these days; all contacts to the public are meant to get money (IAS, advance payments on services, donations for The Way to Happiness booklets, etc.) or enrollments on Extension Courses.
I too suspect that some orgs are delivering auditing surreptitiously, Peacemaker. Well, good for them. Good for them for refusing to be “reasonable”.
“Squeeze the cans, please…thank you.”
“Now, take a deep breath but not too deep and blow it out of the left side of your mouth over your left shoulder very gently…thank you!”
PeaceMaker. This is a good point, probably the highest ever is meant “since the pandemic hysteria started we never did so much”.
But it’s not refering to previous stats.
It is always the way they like PR. Something they do is always bigger than before and ‘wow! You can’t believe it you must be there!’ but in conclusion empty facts. They love underline everything, even the page number.
Maybe on the extention courses it could be highest ever. Thank you! How many were sold in the last years? Maybe two?
One thing they are doing now are these webinars. It’s not streaming stuff, one is there live with the others. The aim is to give you some good news and get involved in something. And since you can’t go out, it will be to charge you something.
The king of the “buttons” that will be pushed is always the good old “help”.
For me, helping means in its truest sense ‘to give or do something without expecting or wanting anything back’ .
Now if someone gives me or does something for me and wants money or something of equal value then it is no longer HELP (as above) but for correctness I must call it EXCHANGE.
They should stop giving to ‘help’ a bad name.
I’ve noticed they just love combining two words like “web” and “seminar” and form a new word “webinar”. I guess it makes them feel “au courant” and superior to the Wogs to do this.
How about combining the three words “WEB”, “BORing”, “tutoRIAL” to get “weborial”?
Or how about describing victims who go broke from CONstant DOnations causing bankRUPCY as “condorupcy”?
Skyler. Just right. I would add, in my opinion, that they try to be “au courant” and “a la page” for their followers rather than for the wogs.
For every social news or tool after a while you see them coming running “us too! Us too!”
Wow. Scientology’s members are so good at TR-L ( lying). I was on the OT Commitee at Flag. I got tired of the ever shrinking stats and re doing the Bridge over and over.
I am watching Jason Beghe’s you tube videos of when he got out.
He is right. There are no Clears OT OT’s.
Scientologists make up stats. The OT committee members will take a course on line and report that
“ people came in”.
I am reading George Orwell’s book ‘ 1984 ‘. The similarities with Big Brother and Scientology are scary.
Scientology reports the exact opposite of the truth.
The Oracle, Hi! Are you the same one using the name “The Oracle” who used to post on Marty’s site? If so, we haven’t heard from you for years. And you were a real Marty supporter, provided him with a snarling defense to all who complained about Marty. Is that you? If it isn’t you, then I suggest you change your name because someone is already using The Oracle as a name. Are you the same one who used to post a lot?
Cindy — I was wondering the same thing.
The Oracle always believed in the “tech”, as well as “clears” and “OTs”.
If she’s (he?) had a change of heart, well praise almighty Xenu. That would be one less delusional person in the world.
Hi Cindy: Rats!! No, that is not me. I did not know if anyone used that handle in the past. There is a large sea of data about Scientology. I have not made it over to Marty’s site yet. It is on my bucket list. There is so much to read and watch it is overwhelming.
How is this? I will call myself “Oracle II”. After spending so much money and time in Scientology, going up the Bridge, I felt I had earned that name. I have ability to see the future, especially for Scientology. I predict Scientology is dwindling down to nothing. They are caught up in so many lies, they can’t handle the truth anymore.
Well let me be the first to welcome you to the fold, Oracle II! I think your future sight of what will happen to the church is a good one and hope it comes to pass. Good that you changed your name because the original Oracle was controversial some didn’t like her and had strong feelings about her.
When Marty went back to the other side, for whatever reasons, I wonder what the original Oracle thought about that? I’d like to know. I met her in person once but don’t know where she is living now as she was moving a lot back then. I doubt she would answer any email of mine as I came out against Marty publicly after he turned coat.
Cindy: Thank you for the warm welcome. I am all about love, hope and peace. I don’t associate with hateful people anymore. I had enough of that in Scientology.
Scientology gets people to covertly hate others due to misinformation. Like the psychs. I have met several and they are wonderful, loving people. They truly want to help people and they do. They are helping me. No drugs either. Just love and care. Peace and love to everyone always.
Before Rathbun flipped and went on his ASC, Anti Scientology Cult crusade the original The Oracle had some unique viewpoints and I enjoyed her comments and some conversations with her. No sense going into details here.
Unfortunately when Marty changed his blog “host” or whatever it’s called the new host listed all comments by date and time so you can’t tell who is responding to whom but there is still a lot of worthwhile information if you go back a few years.
Oracle II – Marty’s “Deconstructing Scientology” posts around 2014-2015 were worthwhile reading for me and helped me sort out true from false and fact from fiction in my scn experience.
Marty’s blog is no longer active since his settlement with Miscavige.
Oracle II, you sound very nice. Glad you’re with us here. I hope you don’t mind, but I would strongly suggest you ditch the name “Oracle” altogether, not because its not a good handle, because its a terrific handle, but because at some point someone will inevitably confuse you with “The Oracle” and unload on you incorrectly, unjustly and possibly bitterly and cruelly. The original Oracle, posting as “The Oracle” is a board certified whacko and her history and decisions are very well known and largely disapproved of and many people who post here and/or on Tony’s site really, really, REALLY don’t like her… Just saying. Totally up to you, just looking out for you a little, and glad you’re here.
Thank you everyone. Okay, well, maybe I will change my handle. I have to figure out a good one. This will be the last time I post as “Oracle II”. It is a shame that person ruined it for me. I loved the handle. Thank you so much for letting me know everything about that situation.
Wikipedia is your friend for a long list of gods, goddesses and deities in Greek and Egyptian mythology. I might assign myself as “Koalemos”. Look it up – haha
We all bid you “You are welcome” in every sense of the phrase.
Hey, I’ve got one for you, Not Oracle!
How about “Teccla”?
Its Greek and it means “God’s Glory”.
I’ve always liked that name for some reason.
I read it somewhere, long ago.
If I weren’t Aquamarine I’d probably be Teccla.
But whatever 🙂
Richard’s suggestion is a good one.
Having a look at those Jason Beghe videos on YouTube is ALWAYS inspiring and affirming. It’s like a gut punch to the solar plexus of delusion. Not for the faint of heart who can’t handle a strong dose of truth. I always recommend those videos to people I know who have found the exit somehow. I can’t say enough about them. Jason is a real hero.
“This is Very Well Done”. Usually I like my meat just well done. But, if that’s all you got, I’ll take it.
OSD. Laughing! Who is satisfied enjoys.
And I enjoy lots of things! Like realizing Scientology is quickly fading away!!! WOO HOO!!!
Everytime I read something like this or Tony’s, I sometimes feel as if “maybe” I’m missing something. Then, I take a sip of my morning Brew, and snap out of it….
You are missing something! The BBQ!
In Italy the situation improves VERY slowly. But it is a general view since in certain areas where the counting came later it is still critical.
Having said that I must say that the OTs will certainly try to give credit to their sessions to their powers or other bullshit. But as I think it is obvious they did NOTHING.
It is thanks to the people who respected the restrictions, the government that did a good job but above all the doctors. The real heroes.
What this wretched clique has really done is just trying to do some stats and commissions. The
Thanks Mike for your comment. Really appreciated.
Nobody has arrived from Italy, Paola Lombardi lives in CW since many years. Italian orgs are either closed or not allowed to have public going in or out from their premises.
TT. Thank you. It seemed strange to me that for once they had actually made an OT number. They keep telling bullshit stories and give PR. The usual.
The stats might be something to do with extension courses. If you attended the meeting, you would be guaranteed to be underwhelmed with whatever they meant by “highest-evers”.
Totally true; see my comment here, I amplified the concept with some more data on Paola and what is really going on in Italy about Scientology these days. Milano is doing some auditing by having the auditor and the public person go to the org, so violating the lockdown regulations and exposing them to consequences if stopped by the Police while they are getting there. Stats are more important to them than the safety of their own people.
LOLOLOLOL! H.E’s in Italy? ~’84 Milano had about as many staff as FSO. So they are saying it is now larger than that? God, how do they lie with such a straight face?
Wynski. Laughing. You remember well. Now I think they just did HE on BS (and it doesn’t mean Books Sold).
STOP that laughing, Wynski!!! You want to wake up the dead?!!
OSD, if they awaken can they count as BIS?
In the 80’s, there were a couple orgs in Italy booming. They won the birthday games, went Old Saint Hill.. I think there was Universe Corps arrival fanfare..for NUMEROUS years they rocked the airwaves, thick accents at the podium claiming trophies and thanking LRH. (we only had one big ego to feed back then)
They were opening missions around them.
LOTS of news about the huge Italian orgs. Hell, as far back -they had good contingents at Flag for the 81-82 FEBC. They arrived with zero English and gave wins of finishing a whole page in a day. But I digress..
Highest evers in Italy 2020?
Bet they don’t boast like that in country. Long time local seals would know the truth, protective of their Glory Days.
Rip van Winkle. Right. That org was Milano, but just Milano. And most of the current extention courses in Italy come from there.
But current Milano org has few to do with the one of the 80s.
And won’t never go back there.
At least it is a virtual meeting and people can participate online.
It would also be more obvious if you were supposed to attend, but didn’t! You could blame it on “technical issues”, I guess. Just let them think you’re a tech dummy!
Well… they probably have recorded highest ever cubit feet of volume sprayed with DECON7!
Does that work on body thetans too?
I’m pretty sure they do. I’ve had Body Thetans for friends for a long time now.
“The Italians are booming and have the highest ever stats going on.”
Do these people ever tell the truth … EVER … about ANYTHING?
No response necessary … I think we all know the answer to that question.
I can’t imagine they’re producing anything over there. You would have to attend the meeting to know what they’re talking about.
So true. See my comment to this post, I added some true data about what is really going on here in Italy.
The lies, the big lies, the huge, the outrageous lies. Blows your mind, right? It never stops blowing mine. Maybe they really don’t know what they’re saying anymore. Perhaps they are that far gone that they actually believe it? Or they’re in some mental realm where its actually really true for them? Dunno.