Once again, as if by magic, the Flag OT Committee Minutes appeared.
A new status above humanitarian! Nothing more important to scientologists than status.
A poem! Oh a poem. And about collecting money! What could more in keeping with the scientology “christmas spirit.”
There will be “good conversation (LRH references)”? Of course no real scientologist can engage in a conversation without citing an LRH reference. You would not want to be accused of thinking for yourself and being off Source.
Interesting that 30 “confirmeds” for one of these events seems to be acceptable. Out of 30 they my get 10 who show up. This out of the supposed 12,000 scientologists in the local area…
And OMG — Bubbles has moved into “Phase 2”. She must have gone to one of those Raffy Pendery seminars where he explains how HE moved into Phase II (he married into money).
Flag OTC members just dropping on an org can give them a real “theta boost”. Maybe some of you big beings could take the 90 minute drive to help out Orlando. Your Ideal Org is emptier than the Sandcastle dining room when the IAS Regges have set up shop there.
They really have a woman who spends hours every week reporting their stats? Why a member of the OT Committee would not be spending their time getting people on service (which is supposed to be their purpose) is only something that would happen in scientology. Just below “status” in the scientology bubble are “stats.”
Clearwater — get ready for lift off! With new bags and pins and LRH quotes, this is sure to get everyone on training.
They have a desert table that is accepting deserts. Wonder if they have a jungle table too.
And now, the main event. The fundraising christmas poem…
“The Christmas party is for our Flag OTC members, their family and friends, and for guests WHO WOULD LIKE TO GET OUT OF NON-E WITH OUR GROUP and become OTC members”
Wow… that’s just so… Mean Girls. “Like you are totally non-existent to us unless you are WITH us, are you WITH us? Or against us? Or like… nobody?”
Mike, you are probably used to seeing labels like “non-e” and you know what they mean and are used to the terminology, but yikes, it’s just a weird frame of mind to put it that way?! Perhaps “guest who would like to ‘get to know’ the OTC” would be a different human-like way than saying the same thing, rather than getting out of the “condition” of non-existence!
Auditors!? They don’t need no auditors. Heck, GAT 3 will magically make everything happen the way the pint-sized pontiff intends it, no orders necessary, written or verbal. The seals will just be implanted with a few cells of Dwarfenführer’s brain; after a few weeks, the infection will spread, giving them the same oversized swelled head and they can all receive their orders and the ‘pure teck’ telepathically.
When the multi-national corporation representing itself as a religion’d “god” is the Almighty Dollar, their “god” would have no problem with fleecing the innocent sheeple. In fact, it’s now a sacrament, don’cha know
Was that guy’s name really ric ALIEN? or was it a freudian slip-and-fall?
I wrote an impromtu poem too:
It is the spirit of Christmas, yes; I sense a lot of forgiveness. This year has been a spiraling one, dwindling even witnesses. Putting aside all old luggage, its time we give hope a chance, poems and commends for all, its almost romance. Under the double triangle S-tar, there’s only one present they find, its a thick red dictionary, of all the the best kind. Disseminating the holiday spirit to good and to bad, abolishing all statuses, giving ol’ saint nick even quite a reprieve, finding the way to happiness. Why, what do they cog? Wishing basic humanity to one and all wogs. The grumpy ol’ execs posit they walk, out the hole they climb, vaulting jagged gates of gold, to the streets of Riverside. In the lowliest of places, often misunderstood, they find the most unlikely thing, its the basic good. Not a dime is spent either, MAAs be damned, no rice and beans neither, this night we’re feasting on lamb. Its the holiest of places, where LRH once stood, this holiday they band together, swapping COB’s gift for petrified wood.
Hi Mike – Great program tonight as always.
I was curious about the clip of Marty Rathbun you showed. What is his status today? He seems to have floated between speaking out about the church’s abuses and carrying water for them.
So glad to hear the story of your friend and really just that story of true friendship that is bigger than any challenges and any fights that come up against it. A story about a man who wants to do what’s right no matter what the cost is so powerful. I hope some people still in the bubble see this and realize like he did, what the underbelly of the ‘church’ is really like.
My favorite part is how the stats lady “spends hours” making sure the stats are correct so the executives can “apply the right conditions.” Dirty rags for all! Merry Implantmas!
Yup, much ado about stinky poo. ?
These folks are utterly serious about a completely fooked and futile culty endeavor.
AND! Believe they are utterly superior and ” senior to ” us poor, reactive meat
sacks who aren’t tuned into their special, illuminated fecal ” wavelength “. Sigh…
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as Scientology.
An org whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the wallet it does digest;
A clear that looks at Ron all day,
And lifts her leafy cash to pay;
An OT that may in Summer swear
To success stories amid fanfare;
Upon whose bank account has drained;
While his mind has been de-brained.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only Dave can run a Scientology.
“A lie stands on one leg, truth on two.”
Benjamin Franklin
What a wordy, worthless, and worst of all boring piece of tripe this is.
That line from the old Wendy’s commercial springs to mind.
“Where’s the beef?”
Yeah, you said it, Grandma!
Indeed, Grandma!
To put it in Scientologese, “Where are the stats?”
Interesting that Flag thinks it needs a “shadow org” … Doesn’t the FSO have its OWN staff members ? Why does it need public to do their posts? Maybe Bubbles and the gang ought to be on training instead of doing staff hats. You know … Becoming AUDITORS, which USED to be the way to “clear the p!anet” before fundraising became the main activity of Scientology … Oh well … What do I know?
“Once upon a midnight DEARY”? (sic). Sounds like a very old prostitute speaking: an eminently suitable tone of voice for a Scientology reg/moneygrabbing whore.
It never fails to amaze me how they keep their tax exemption status when there is no spirituality at all in this religion. The ‘religion’ of ‘fleecing the ignorant’ must make God weep!
Last he heard, they said he was an implant, and his son liked buggering little boys. I’m pretty sure he is in an Old Testament Sodom & Gomorrah mood.
Tiptoe through the bullshit
At the Flag base, that is where I’ll flee
Come tiptoe through the bullshit with me
Oh, tiptoe from the reges
Aren’t you fed up with the slavery?
Come tiptoe through the bullshit with me
Knee deep in manure we’ll stray
We’ll need a shower today!
And if I kiss you in the garden, in the moonlight
Will you KR me?
Tiptoe through the bullshit
At the Flag base, now’s the time to flee
Come tiptoe through the bullshit with me
Kaye informs us they’re in need of a Web Master. An appropriate domain name would be bubbles4bubbledwellers.com
SPs need not apply as this is a non-paying gig. They’re looking for people who are willing to contribute their time and energy with zero net effect on the world outside the cloistered walls of the mecca of spiritual defection.
The Mecca of Spiteful Defecation
The Mecca of Shitty Detritus
The Mecca of Slaving Drones
The Mecca of Sadistic Dave
How about The Get Ready for OT IX and X soiree “typically held at a private home” being held at Thai Sushi? There seems to be a real disconnect from the writer of these minutes.
A typical example of ‘stat fever’. The similarities to the virus of The Walking Dead are uncanny.
Address and gate code? Thanks, I’ll send a crew and a truck right over. Just make sure insurance is paid up, no one is home, security is off, the safe is open, and the dog is outside.
Your friends at Afternoon Surprise Moving Company
“Daylight Property Removal Our Specialty”
Wow A Div2 Prospect Collection & Tracking Officer! Very Creepy Indeed! The Old Letter Reg has been promoted to Lead Attack Dog! Three Hip Hoorays for the Cult of Lies 24/7 Scientology! Gag x One Trillion Thank you Mike I Love your site.
And it’s Halfpint Hasenpfeffer, once an up-and-coming “celebrity” with all the talent of Joy Villa and Kuba Ka combined! Check out his demo reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSB50hdCUMc
“Christmas”? Or rather Implant-mas?
They had the nerve to call that bad emulation of Edgar Alan Poe’s “The Raven” a poem? It was bad, thus proving the adage that those can, DO and those who can’t, write stupid little ditties copying someone else’s great work. It is lack of imagination and originality.
Not poetry, it’s a potpourri.
Xenu almighty! Isn’t it enough that Edgar Allen Poe was found catatonic and filthy and wearing someone else’s clothes, in a Baltimore gutter, only to die a few days later without ever revealing what befell him? Now they have to dig him up and shit all over him with this asswipe’s “poem” about collecting dues! Despicable.
A monthly debit program? Is that what I think it sounds like? They take out your “donations” monthly just so you Don”t forget? If so, that’s is just so money-grubbingly(new word) pathetic and so Scientology.
So it’s not enough that the committee members have to waste their time by showing up, they also have to pay $50 per year for the privilege.
Wee Wicked Wanker has his mind on his money and his money on his mind!
When he’s not slapping and swilling, he’s making a killing.
I wrote a poem, too.
The Spark
The scam that is Scientology
With it’s policy of deep deceit
Uses hate for it’s methodology
Which will ultimately bring on its defeat.
The people within who are searching for truth
With good hearts have been led far astray
Kept in the dark from their earliest youth
And told what to think and to say.
The smallest, most humble are guided by fear
Their darkness, the darkest of all
Lost and alone, anger all that they hear
No softness or love hears their call.
But life cannot thrive in a surfeit of lies
What’s hidden eventually comes out
One small spark of light begins opening eyes
And a whisper becomes a great shout.
No more can this cult continue in hiding
When so many are speaking the truth
Brave voices providing, ignoring cruel chiding
Setting free an abundance of proof.
Light grows ever brighter consuming the dark
Laying bare ugly cruelties quite savage
A new day is dawning, The Aftermath’s spark
Brings an end to the violent Miscavige.
KSW Redux: “If you were looking for Hell and found Scientology it would certainly serve.”
You’re not wrong! Those people are insane and serve an evil master. Dracula’s hypnotized helpers comes to mind. “Yes master, whatever you want master… (please grant me immortality like you promised).”
The human capacity for delusion knows few bounds. And this ‘newsletter’ illustrates that perfectly.
A book of LRH quotes that some dude named Chris “assures us have never been heard before.” Uh huh. Like Hubbard ever spoke without making sure people heard it.
Probably just some memes taken from the part of the internet that scilons are not allowed to look at. They wouldn’t know any better.
Sounds like a “hidden data line.” 🙂
Scientology is a hidden land mine.
These LRH quotes have never been heard before because AppleBoxBoy just finished making them up.
Oh, and did I misunderstand? Not only is an OT forced to join and participate in the farce known as “The OT Committee,” but there are REQUIRED DUES???!!??
I honestly think the members of this abomination should just thrown out Divisions 7, 4 and 5 of any new Org Board. They just need Div 1 for their horrific out tech and off policy usage of Dept 3, Division 3 for the collection of their ill-gotten monies and Division 2 and 6 for finding new things that are now mandatory for the already-in disciples to have, and SELLING, SELLING, SELLING.
I am sick to my stomach to see the full, total and complete bastardization of the Church of Scientology – this group is the absolute WORST example of humankind in any form.
I find it incredible they can still be that interested! And that poem? I give it C-. Possibly a D. I wish they would still publish their stats. 😛
David Miscavige’s stats:
Number of new buildings: Up
Number of new people: Down
Money, money and then more money.
Number of lies told that no one picked up on.
Number of declares.
Number of families ripped apart.
Number of abortions.
Number of new security & surveillance operations, plus the sub stat, number of trees removed.
Number of TC visits.
Number of shots of Macallan consumed
Number of cartons of menthol Kools smoked
Number of Sea Borg Slaves slapped and imprisoned
Number of lawyers retained
Number of law enforcement personnel bribed
Number of bags of garbage collected
Number of smear websites activated
Number of new offshore accounts opened
Number of government decision-makers ” safe-pointed ”
*Ecclesiastical Statistics, In a Never-Ending Quest To Salvage This Sector Of The Universe*
I’m of two minds with the poem. First, the author is aware that “The Raven” exists so that is kind of surprising actually. The rest? Ummm a celebration of collecting more money? That is just abhorrent.
As for the raffle, just do the 50/50 raffle. The people donate cash, the winner gets 50% of the cash the group gets 50%. At least someone goes home with gas for their car that way.
Its not a poem, its a parody. A song can be parodied and so can a story, a novel, a poem or anything written.
I suggest everyone write Kelly Pomerantz at her gmail address on information about The Aftermath Foundation. From a non-identifying email address of course.
Of course people who don’t want to be disconnected from need a non-identifying email, or better yet, should not email at all.
Other than that: I don’t know about the situation in the US, but here in the Netherlands the cult is so pathetic that using your real life email address is certainly an option. I’ve done it for some time now and never got harrassed.
Only one time they subscribed me to some CCHR-newsletter that I didn’t ask for. It took just a friendly email to be taken off the list.
Also privacy laws are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay stricter here.
Sent Kelly a nice email.
Send Jeff my best and ask him where he learned to sound like a carny.
Another little Holiday Jingle
Scientology Style – for the Holidays
Sung to the tune of “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”
It Cost Millions to Achieve the State of Clear
It costs millions to achieve the State of Clear
That glorious state of Homo Novus
From C/S’s who play with my life – so dear
To give me a that cert of Clear.
Piece of protein, some Cal Mag and heat on my feet
From Heaven’s all-gracious C/S
The bubble world of Scientology waits to hear
To hear if I have gone Clear.
The first time attested I failed miserably
Was certain I had rid my reactive mind
I finally read in the ACC’s – that cognition that I was Clear
It costs millions to achieve the State of Clear
and Years of my precious life
Another clubbed seal told me where to go Clear
So I read it – attested and I’m Clear
You are mocking up your reactive mind
You can stop and control it anytime
And now you all are Clearly Clear
That beautiful State of Clear
My dear!
Anna Padlock applied her successful action in Texas, knocking on doors of strangers and asking if they had a standard bedroom set up in their home. When met with confusion, she said she was concerned they might be having incorrect sex and was told this was none of her business and asked to leave. She fully acknowledged them with “I got that” contacting 30 new people, up from 25.
For those who haven’t seen Anna in action, here she is applying KSW. (1.3 million views). I think she should hat the rest of the OT Committee on building a social media presence. Take it away Anna!
Oh boy, it is getting more delusional as the days go on.
There seems to be a difference in the times when LRH was leading the church as compared with the tyranny of miscabage.
Up to mid ’90s public and staff did not have that continuous obsession for money. We did speak and deal with training and auditing. LRH did come up with some concepts that can be useful, like those contained in Data Series and a very few others. And despite his own misconceptions, LRH, in his mind, had the idea to help others with his tech.
Then comes this tiny Miscavige and his leadership has been full of cruelty, physical and emotional abuses and an unbelievable greed for admiration and money. He works on what gives him money, forget about training. He never ever created anything himself except a stampede of scientologists leaving his criminal reign.
I agree that DM’s exceptional cruelty and greed are what most set him apart. What is weird to me is how many critics of Scientology focus on his height (which he can’t control and doesn’t mean anything) yet fail to mention his monumental stupidity. His stupidity is what I personally like about him, not because I like stupid people in general, but because without it Scientology might not be collapsing, might even be flourishing and attracting new members. He always chooses the wrong course, the one that shows how bad Scientology really is. He’s too stupid to rein in his own cruelty and greed. He’s too stupid to see that throwing some of that money he collects to real charitable causes would make Scientology look better than it is. Instead, he uses many of those causes to rake in more money to the IAS/himself, which shows Scientology as it is, a socially harmful force.
It’s really to the point that if someone could prove to me that he is not stupid, I would have to believe he’s infiltrating his own organization to destroy it. Some weird self-programmed sleeper agent.
Cat I completely agree!
His height is only fun to make fun of because he’s affected by it, making sure the podium doesn’t look to high compared to his body or that he has an apple box to stand on. Plus, he is just way to preoccupied with “appearances.” I personally like it when people stick it to him regarding his height or his drinking problem or his mental health issues.
I thought it was strange about making fun of his height. But after being here a while I know some do because he IS so affected by it. Which makes it funnier than it would normally be. Lol. Putting cayenne in people’s coffee! Omg. So many worse things of course but that shows how sadistic his nature truly is.
‘It’s really to the point that if someone could prove to me that he is not stupid, I would have to believe he’s infiltrating his own organization to destroy it. Some weird self-programmed sleeper agent.’
Cat W. – I have No Intention of trying to prove to Anyone that the Rabid Runt is Not stupid. To the contrary, I’d like to point out to Everyone here How Stupid he is really is.
He is paying Millions of dollars Annually to Lawyers who take the money and:
a) not only can’t keep $ out of court, but
b) spend More of his millions in last-minute, desperate settlements to keep Him out of court
c) continue to hire unethical, ineffective, and downright inept private investigators/detectives whose shenanigans have relegated $’s PR to the toilet,
d) have unabashedly and all-too-obviously lied on national television (who can forget Blink Blink Yin-Yang’s performance on 20/20?) and, last but not least,
e) refrain from advising the Mental Midget to just ‘KNOCK IT OFF – No Matter What LRH Said –
THAT’s How Stupid He Really Is . . . .
I would say he’s not stupid; he’s conniving.
“because without it Scientology might not be collapsing, might even be flourishing and attracting new members. ard was in complete control control of the show.
Naw Cat. Scamology was collapsing as far as # of parishioners as of the late 70’s. LONG before McCabbage was in control. That was when El Tard was in COMPLETE control.
That time period, ’75- ’80 was also when Boomers were having to become adults and really grow up. Hence the collapse of new people into the cult.
Thanks for the reminder of that reality. Did you have insider knowledge of Scientology’s stats at that point?
That was a time known as the “baby bust” when the boomer peak passed and suddenly there were significantly fewer young people coming of age. Other institutions like colleges suffered, with some closing, but inside the Scientology bubble Hubbard ignored the larger reality and, typically, just looked for people to blame. Boomers were indeed mostly focusing on establishing their adult lives, and turning into Yuppies; while the first of the Gen X-ers had different, often more materialistic, interests, and even rejected what were criticized as the navel-gazing indulgences of the hippies.
Some of the mission holders more or less understood what was going on, and tried to adapt, which including some pretty exploitative and even rapacious practices, particularly in terms of how they treated staff, though apparently a lot of their clientele was left with happier memories of the time. And that of course set them up for conflict with Scientology management and its orgs, though I think the real causes of that such as you cite, are often not properly understood in their context.
If Scientology had any possibility of flourishing and attracting new members, some of the independents would be succeeding at it – but none of them are. And the history of independent attempts to somehow make it work, goes back to almost the very beginning of Dianetics, and many early practitioners and prominent bright lights (like Jack Horner) who tried and eventually gave up after failing.
There’s just no interest in the subject in the 21st century, no matter how it’s packaged and who is selling it.
Interesting comment, Cat.
Is Miscavige stupid?
I think the answer to that would depend on what his true purposes are.
If his purposes were to expand Scientology then yes, I’d say he is BEYOND stupid.
But if his purposes are and has always been to destroy Scientology while convincing his flock that he’s expanding it and at the same time establishing himself as the only person who gets anything done and amassing a huge fortune for himself too, well, then I think he’s doing a very credible job of it and I for one would consider him a smart criminals.
And thisis my opinion which you may or may not share but I think the uber-control and ultimate destruction of everyone IS his basic purpose and that he’s done an excellent job with his actions almost always in alignment with this basic purpose.
He’s wrecked everything, convinced his flock their religion is growing by leaps and bounds, made himself indispensable, and very very rich. Not stupid. A loathsome maggot *to be sure, but not stupid.
He’s a very successful sociopath. His brains and cunning have been utilized properly and given him many wins along this line and I don’t believe that he has any failed purposes.
*My apologies to maggots everywhere for this simile.
Sorry for typos, etc., too. I miss my edit button…waaaaaaaaaahhhh 🙂
No Silvia, when El Tard ran the church it was ALL about him amassing cash in numbered Swiss bank accounts and squeezing every penny out of orgs (so staff could NEVER make money to survive) and sending to the SO Reserves. (El Con made Managements TOP STAT the Amount of cash stuffed into bank accounts and nothing to do with counting OTs and Auditors made.) YOU were just fooled by his better PR than Miss Cabbage has.
Hello Reality. I do agree with your observation that LRH wanted nothing else but to make money with his ‘Religion’ and, as you noted, he ended abusing staff and amassed god knows how many millions. This is correct.
While he was leading his so called Church there was less cruelty. I don’t deny he had many moments of rage and it seems his close staff lived in terror. On the other hand the public was less harassed to donate and the staff, for sure, was not threatened with no sleep and no food if the quota for IAS was not met and did not rip off parishioners with his Ideal Org’s ‘donations’.
Each had departures from decency, honesty and real care for others.
Silvia, I think the difference was that to begin with, the avarice and cruelty was mostly limited to Hubbard’s personal zone of influence – messengers ferrying suitcases of cash to bank vaults Europe, and children in chain lockers on board his ship. What happened was that the Sea Org that he trained up, then went and and worked to run like that, so that by the end of his lifetime, asset-stripping and totalitarian control had spread all the way to the local orgs and missions.
Yes, there was a time when in many places, people had the freedom to try to implement their ideal of what they thought Scientology ought to be. But Hubbard slowly put a stop to that. Even by the early to mid 1970s, some of the missions were operating more like arms of the Sea Org, particularly in how staff were treated – at some of the missions that were supposedly successful, what went on behind the scenes were things such as long hours and abuse, and even staff being forced to take out personal loans (some missions fraudulently set up their own credit unions, the sort of thing that got Riverside raided by authorities in the late 1970s) to make up for when GI fell short. The missions may have done a better job of customer service, and hiding the ugly truth from members, though.
Sorry, I gotta say this: the ” data series ” is garbage. Furthermore…
There are no ” useful concepts ” to be found within a con that was purposely designed to damage and enslave the folks who paid for it. A successful con always contains bits that SEEM good or beneficial. If anyone reading this is convinced that scientology has ” some good data ” or some ” useful concepts “, I’d suggest doing two things: 1. read ALL of L. Ron Hubbard’s affirmations and 2. take a basic course in critical thinking and logical analysis, making sure that you know about logical fallacies and the basics of rhetoric. Apply said knowledge and skills to an analysis of any part of scientological doctrine that you care to and you will quickly unearth lies, contradictions, and confusion.
Back to the ” data series ” : it leans heavily on ad hominem…and Hubbard’s assumed rhetorical altitude. Yes, all of those scientological words and books and bulletins and courses are just the bits in a jerry-rigged, purposely confusing and ” introverting ” mind-fuck-for-profit. There is a wonderful website hosted by an ex-scientologist who has actually presented a thorough and logical evisceration of Hubbard and scientology; check it out: mbnest.blogspot.com
Let it go…and be saner and happier and smarter. My benjamin’s worth…and you’re welcome?
Thanx Mark! Your posts always make my day ?
Mark, does this mean you won’t be signing up for the DSEC?
Ha! ?
I thank you, and thank you again, for your true and honest revocation of the incorrect notion that there was any good, any tech, any single *thing* worth paying for in all of Dianetics and Scientology.
Of course, as in any barbershop quartet, neighborhood bar, or fraternal organization some people enjoyed fellowship, had some good times, and thought it was because of Hubbard or his tech or his deep “research.”
But there was no benefit to the group by the actions of any individual members. Hubbard said it himself – he was the sole source of anything good coming from Dianetics or Scientology. Anything anyone else did only served to bring Scientology down.
Which was OK in my book.
Mark, I have to say that the Data Series was helpful for me. It was probably the one bit of Hubbard’s drivel that got me to open my eyes enough to see the light and finally get the hell out the door. “Look, don’t listen” was a key phrase for me (the ol’ snake oil salesman probably stole that too).
Having said that, I completely agree with you that the whole of Hubbard’s con isn’t worth shit and once a person has time to clear their head a bit after extracting themselves from the cult, all of your recommendations make complete sense and one can clearly see in hindsight that they were duped by a world class grifter.
But, I’m all for baby steps. Baby steps are often what it takes to find the exit and if that’s what it take to get out that door, I’m all for it.
Baby steps, man, baby steps…
Sorry, can’t make that party on December 15th. The OT Enlightenment Event. Darn.
I’ll be at a party with real friends, some of whom I don’t get to see much, great food and alcohol. I’ll be hugging old and new friends, catching up, drinking wine, eating great food, and gift swapping. I have no idea how many are coming because no one is keeping stats (but I bet it’s more than 30). Nor will I worry or even think about KR’s written on over drinking, tasteless jokes or how much money people donate nor to what charity.
I foresee good people having a good time. That’s all the “enlightening” I need.
Looking forward to it Mary!
Me too:)
Yes Mary! Enjoy that beautiful life and friends, freedom and happiness. ☺?
Please post the party’s address and gate code. Thenk yew. ?
Wave after wave of lukewarm lameness.
Well folks, and here I’m referring to my fellow suppressives, see what we’re missing out on!!! If we would just get back in the good graces of the cult by doing a bit of ‘ethics’ work and then coughing up appropriate amounts of cold hard cash, we too could be having as much fun as these Flag OT Committee members. The spiritual freedom these Big Beings exude truly makes me want to grab my dictionary, spread out my demo kit and embrace the new booklet of hitherto unheard of Hubbard quotes to get me arse rocketing up The Bridge to Total Freedom.
If I were in Florida, I would surely make it to the ‘Get Ready for OT IX & X Event’!!! That just sounds like over the top fun!!! Another chance to go to the Freewinds and chat with the reg (if OT IX & X are ever released in my lifetime)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course there is always that pesky ordeal of OT Preps aka gut wrenching, soul crushing, mind fucking, sphincter puckering, bowel liquifying, totally KSW gang bang sec checking to get through. But it would probably only be a half a dozen or so intensives.
Nothing like an OT Committee to increase the triviality of one’s existence to offset the sinking feeling of despair, knowing deep down that Scientology doesn’t work.
I tried some of the deserts on the desert table, but I found them to be a bit dry.
Me too Ken! ?
That has to be the most pitiful pastiche of a poem ever penned by an adult! Both in form, and content, it is pitifully pitiful!
’til next time;
Poe started to turn over in his grave, read the poem, and decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
That was one sad, little poem.
The “Priority One” focus on fundraising is horrible. This is precisely why I got the hell out of Scientology. I watched it go from helping people to harming people. All for the “Greater Good,” of course! The last line of the poem should read: “No shortage there now I see, we have your Christmas cash!”
Scientology does not help people. Never has, never will. It’s hypnotic and indoctrination routines certainly seem to still have a hold on some commenters here, however.
” Let’s sell these people a piece of blue sky. ” L. RON HUBBARD
I remember Hubbard in his inimitable self-important way, urging staff to ask themselves “what would Ron do” when confronted with difficulties on their post. What a presumptuous ass! FUCK THAT. A better question would be “what should I do” and the right answer is to LEAVE.
‘Everyone will receive a raffle ticket when they arrive. And if your ticket is drawn, you will receive a prize. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DONATE A PRIZE FOR THE RAFFLE GAME.’ Kinda says it all, doesn’t it.
Would be funny if you ended up winning the prize you donated in the first place. ??