I accumulate these and only really include them here so there is a record somewhere of the fakery that embodies the “Top of the Bridge.” I’ve had some of these sitting here for a while, and a few others that were sent to me that I didn’t bother to download. Someone sends them to me each week, it’s just a lot of reading and highlighting needed.
Here is this week’s edition, followed by some earlier ones. What is so obvious is their focus on money. Virtually everything they talk about is money, fundraising and commissions.
It’s also interesting how focused they are on “collecting” the “stats” — things must not be too rosy to be scrounging for “stats that were not counted.”
Perhaps the other most obvious thing is that there are NO specifics. Unnamed people “want LRH tech” (even though what they want is “The Truth About Drugs” which is NOT LRH tech) and “lots of money was raised” and “it was terrific/amazing/epic/wonderful/watershed/highest ever/best ever”…
Some earlier ones:
Some more recent notes:
The results of the Book-A-Thon
Like looking through a keyhole into a very small and tightly controlled parallel world.
I sadly still read these Scientologists faithful attempts to “wear their hats” from the wrong side, I take it from a Cramming Officer’s viewpoint, LOL, I think of how I’d correct them to do better in their efforts.
I was an admin training department staffer at heart, in my heyday years in Sea Org, 1977-1983, then a couple times later in my career, I was course sup in admin course rooms in the Sea Org. And later, when I worked on projects, the computerized routing forms, and even the “SIR” Source Information Retrieval computer system, I did the weekly and monthly tape computer backups of all of Hubbard’s specially avaialble online writings and tape lectures transcripts were online for the various echelons at the top ranks of the Sea Org bases, Int, ASI, HGB level, then on down.
I can only try to view things as if one were Hubbard, since even academics studying someday Scientology into the deepest depths of having someday access to all that Hubbard wrote are supposed to neutrally judge Hubbard on his own words and deeds, that is the outside observer, and internal observer participant standard I use as my viewpoint, foolishly wastefully, still to this day.
Scientology is quackery, Hubbard’s quackery, through Hubbard’s misuse of the English language words has endlessly attempted to elevate to legitimacy, but Scientology absolute, through studying Hubbard’s words deeply, all the way to his original manuscripts and raw material from which all the final posh issues arose, studying into the depths of the “CSW paperwork submission folders” contents that explain why each sentence and paragraph of Hubbard’s written words are as they are, that is foolish snipe hunting, but that is how world history experts would study Scientology, had they the time and money and a place like a university from which to take the decade or two to study Hubbard’s whole pile of quackery crap and administrative framework, would do.
From Hubbard’s views, there would be endless harping on all echelons of Scientology, he’d never be satisfied that the minions were making his quackery succeed.
I so wish Hubbard’s admission of failure would get MORE prominent contextual telling.
More of what Sarge told others, more what Sarge said. More of what Annie Broeker revealed, like to all the people Annie told stories to.
Hubbard’s final flaws need airing. A lot more.
If the quackery empire is to go on, then that merits someone drumming up all the remaining details in the minds of those that talked to Sarge and Annie.
Also, Pat Broeker, truly, somehow that man needs have a change of thoughts to reveal more of Hubbard’s final years that Pat witnessed.
chuck, for Pat to remain silent for all this time means he was paid BIG bucks to remain silent. With that huge pile of retirement cash would come IRON CLAD NDA’s. He CANNOT disclose anything about his time on staff.
But what is the difference between Pat and Debbie Cook? She signed and was paid for an NDA and yet she spoke out. So why can’t Pat now speak out too? They tried to sue her for it and he damning testimony was so bad that they quickly settled. Could this also happen with Pat?
He had a lot of “financial irregularities” concerning the cash that was given to him in briefcases when he was the go-between for Hubbard and Miscavige.
This threat has been held over his head since he was told the potential consequences by criminal tax lawyer Jerry Feffer (Monique Yingling’s former husband who is now deceased).
Thank you for that explanation, Mike. It makes sense that they were sort of blackmailing him to keep him in line.
Jane Doe 2. An NDA has to have a quid pro quo, can’t be made under duress, must be allowed to consult own atty,. All those points made Debbie’s 1st agreements null with the CoS null
My bad Jane. Debbie’s case was interesting because the CoS when suing her opened themselves up for discovery. They then settled to avoid that. Mike has a write up on it on this blog if you use the search function.
Wynski, Broeker seems to have lived a sort of itinerant and minimal life for decades, remaining silent for whatever his reasons were, while being tracked by CofS PIs. If he really cared to speak out, he could have moved to a country where it would be safe to do so, like Gerry Armstrong did.
However, the apparent end of surveillance of Broeker suggests Miscavige no longer saw him as a threat. Broker is older and at the point of looking at retiring, so I think it’s quite possible that he did finally cut a deal with the CofS to guarantee his continued silence. What’s known of his life and work over the previous decades doesn’t suggest he has been paid off all along, however.
I have thought for a long time that money and/or threats of exposure of legal wrong-doing, or both, are the probable explanations for why certain past members maintain their silence once they have exited the scam.
It’s a real pity, because they could do a lot of good for present and potential recruits who are already, or risk becoming, ensnared by the tentacles of this shabby, money-grubbing organization. Two shining examples of what I’m alluding to are the proprietor of this site, and of course the ever amazing and wonderful Leah Remini.
This is all very well and VERY amusing but where are the statistics for “Well done Auditing hours”, Number of Clears made, OT Levels completed. even major course (if any available) completions?
What kind of thing has the COS mutated into when the most important thing in life is how mucg cash has been given over with no service delivered?
LRH must be turning in his grave, revolving LRH I think!
Very, very sad times.
Mike T, it is a GOOD thing that less people’s heads are being messed with by the brainwashing they call auditing and training. El Con Hubtard was happy as long as cash banked securely stat was going up.That was the stat he assigned as the TOP stat in scamology to measure its success. It WASN’T International WDAHs, OTs made or ANY stat from Div 4.
Wake up and smell the criminally insane scammer named Hubbard.
If a person is close to completing NED, they are also invited to attend a Clear event? Isn’t that essentially evaluating for the pc?
Well, look at that, my old buddy Sean Tyrell is STILL drinking the kool-aid. I worked with him for a few years on some projects for other scientologists in the DC/MD/VA metro area and I worked with his dad, Steve Tyrell, at the founding church in Washington,DC. Nice people-and totally deluded, KSW-loving cultists. Sean was born into it. I remember when he joined the Sea Org. What a fucking waste of his youth, of his life…
Mark, I have enjoyed reading your no-holds-barred musings here and on the Underground Bunker. Do you have a link to your story of getting into and out of the cult? If not, that’s OK…I’m curious just to know if you had the kind of clarity and attitude that you do now back when you hit the exit door. I would love to have seen the enturbulation (sic) you might have kicked up on the way out.
Hey, Francis, here are some musings and rememberances:
Feel free to comment or ask questions there.
When I left, I was a flattened, whipped shell of a human being.
It has taken a few years to get my groove back. It’s a work in
Gracias, Mark!
I thought I’d heard a lot about CoS until I read yesterday’s post from Newcomer. As a wog, for some reason or another I was absolutely stunned by that post. I read it 3 times. I know these same circumstances have happened to many others but this post really upset me. It’s a miracle anyone could survive this. I think I was awake most of the night. I’m so glad, Newcomer, that you have some peace and a new love. God bless you.
You can’t blame the people who show up at your home any hour of the day or night to harass the living shit out of you… they are just following Hubbard’s tech which they are brainwashed into.
“Tone 40”
I disagree, Robert King. Respectfully, I disagree. If what you are stating is true then there is no hope for them, and I don’t believe that.
They don’t HAVE to do what they do. They HAVE a choice.
WE had a choice, and here we are. We looked the scene over and (sooner or later) decided, “NO”. This is NOT ok”.
Mike Rinder and countless others, steeped from a young age, born into the cult, the most brainwashed of the brainwashed, decided “NO”.
What WE did, THEY can do.
You think they don’t SEE what WE saw?
I disagree.
I think they see it, have always seen it.
I think they see it and it makes them angry and confused, inside.
I think they see it and it makes them sick, physically.
And very unhappy.
Just as seeing it all affected US, so it affects them.
Just as WE were trained not to show disagreement and disaffection, so are THEY.
No, they see it. And the decision is still THEIRS. And nobody says its easy.
Was it easy for us? No.
But we did it anyway, didn’t we? As tough as it was? As wrenching as it was? We did it!
Well, so can they. What we did, THEY can do.
We were “brainwashed” and yet WE exercised our power of choice, somethow. Well, SO CAN THEY !
In the meantime, until and/or unless they do, they are criminals and/or enablers of criminals, which is the same thing, and they will suffer all the consequences of this criminality, now and for a time afterwards, as did we. End of rant.
A degree in fundraising?
What will they think of next? Pop corn?
What I find chilling is the call to get groups of people to just show up at a public’s home & harass them to get back on service. You can run but you can’t hide from this greedy organization
Greed is in their blood.
They have been doing just that for at least 12 years. A dear friend in her late 70’s was part-time auditing and C/Sing for the Albuquerque org. She and the org owner had a PERSONAL contract for this part-time work when the lady was up to it.
Around 11 PM two female SO knocked on her door. “You have to come in to a all-hands cycle in the org!” “We don’t care about what you have going with the org exec, you are on board and will come with us NOW!”.
My lady friend pulled out her phone and told them she was calling the police to get them off her property, to which they screamed declare, declare, declare and ran off. My lady called her org friend , advised her of the event, and nullified the agreement. Later attempts to get her back to help the struggling org were refused.
They are their own worst enemy.
Wow FPjr. That is quite a story. Glad your friend stood up to the bullies. Hopefully the remaining public are not afraid to do the same.
The one thing Scientology really excels at is creating enemies.
And make total asses of themselves.
Major kudos to that lady FPjr!
Ahh the pointless & futile money raising from the cult clueless for the DOA Idle Morgues never ceases to amaze me. Just proves how strong the human gullibility factor can be to constantly accept the cult charade when all signs point to a gigantic in-your-face flim-flam. Though once free of the shackles of brain washing and the prison of belief can become an even more powerful force against the dark and nasty forces of LRH & li’l davey miscavige.
Wherever LRH is now I hope it includes a daily routine of mocking and excruciating torture from the dark lord down under. So richly deserved.
“…and every check goes right into your Flag account.” So does that mean the FSM doesn’t get a real check that represents money he can put into his own bank account? OR does it mean the money gets put on account at Flag to be kept by Flag as an “advanced payment” towards auditing or training? I would hope these FSMs get real money they can spend and that they don’t have to turn around and keep it on their Flag account because that means it just goes back to Flag.
And the fact that they are now allowing you to give away your training awards to others and that you and they can use them for the two Solo Courses done before OT I and OT 7 shows how hard up they are to get people onto OT VII. By letting them use training awards for the OT 6 Solo Course they can get more bodies on course for OT VI and VII. So the course rooms must be very small and almost empty.
Sounds illegal as hell as they are hiding the FSM’s income from the IRS.
No nomnom. It is up to the FSM to report this type of “income” when it is realized. When it gets used.
As no one walks into a mOrg these days and takes ‘courses’, all the remaining minions are tasked with bring in the $$$. Any FSM who got 9k in commissions, took in 90k. That is a pretty good living if you do it every week.
And all of the OT committees are being yoked to the plow to harvest more money. That is what $cientology is all about these days.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the days are getting shorter. Especially for the Clampire.
So happy to be off that merry-go-round!!!
Is the Tampa Bay Expansion Convention goin to try to revive the closed Life Improvement Center in St. Petersburg? Or are they just going to have their rah-rah event while ignoring that fail?
And what about the Org Board titles or posts? – OT Operations Officer, Production Chief (Div.4), Scientology Network Project I/C, US Culinary Team to rehearse a dinner, Chocolatier I/C and Fundraiser I/C,
Maybe these are all new because Miscaviage decided to change some post titles after Shelly, his ex-wife, had proposed a New Org Board based on posts LRH had named…oh, but the leader did not like it and, he not only disappeared his wife, but also adjusted the names of some posts.
Hum…he had to be right no matter what!
Chocolatier I/C? Wtf…is this a real post or just something made up on the fly because they were handing out chocolates? They need to get a t-shirt that says “I donated thousands to Scientology and all I got was this lousy box of chocolates”.
So Oat Tea Eights need a lecture on how to handle 1st Dynamic problems? LMAO!
You may be laughing your ass off, but, I’m ROTFLMFAO!!!
Yeah! Hilarious, isn’t it? All that money, all that auditing, all that time and effort for all that enlightenment and case handling and they’re still not Cause over their First Dynamic. That tells me all I need to know.
Not only not cause over their First Dynamic, but I read the stats on number of OT VII and OT VIII’s who were dying. Far more dying than in the regular population at large.
“…donated directly to your Flag account.”
I guess this means no cash paid out? Just a number in a Flag account that can be used to buy services?
It’s Green Stamps all over again!I remember Mom had a couple of books filled with Green Stamps, total value almost nil at the Green Stamp Store (yes, we had one of those as late as the mid-70s, maybe later – the store shelves were pretty bare because not much was offered). It took innumerable books to buy anything of value like a ten dollar GE toaster. Heaven help you if you were saving for something big – you tongue would fall off from glue poison.
So Scientology and Green Stamps have things in common. First, what the offer is pretty much worthless. Second, you can’t trade anything you earn for cash. Third, too much contact with either can be poisonous. Finally they both are defunct, or nearly so.
Great post, Alamo! Yes the green stamp analogy is a good one.
I remember as a kid we took in literally a box of green stamp books to redeem at the green stamp redemption center in our town. We were all hyped up wondering what all of our books would allow us to buy. My mother had been saving them since before I was born and I was 12-13 at the time. We walked out that day with a brand new GE toaster…I kid you not. My mom used it till it finally gave up the ghost about 10 years ago and I bought her a new one for less than $20.
Mike, there are certain times when I am reminded of how thankful I am for being out of Scientology – reading ‘OT Committee’ notes, and the Thursday Funnies. The constant pressure to give ever increasing amounts of money is so repulsive. It’s part of the very fabric of Scientology and it just never lets up!
Zola, not only that, but now it is becoming harder to be off lines or UTR as they are sending Flag auditors and FSMs in teams to your house to recover people who have been off service for 3 months or longer.
That would ARC-break me.
OMG, I am so glad I’m no longer in! I’d go ballistic on a team of people showing up on my doorstep uninvited. Even when I was in I wouldn’t have tolerated this, and as for now, fuhgettaboutit!
The highlight which jumped out at me was the pilot program of doing it simultaneously in Puerto Rico. Fund raising, activating and recruiting, all simultaneously. This seems slightly different to my previous impression of completing all the new orgs simultaneously.
I just don’t see how this fake church is anything more than a money making operation. It’s a business. It’s a sin that the government ever let this happen. Yes, it would have tied things up in court for years, but IMO that’s what our tax dollars are for. Look at how much money this despicable organization has been permitted to withhold but even more pathetic how many lives have been torn apart because they have been allowed to hide behind the protection of being granted church status. Hiding in plain sight.
Yes, Peggy L, it really is a fake religion. Completely and utterly. And they want ALL of your money. Every single dime.
One good thing is the CULT is rapidly shrinking! Hip, hip, go fuck your selves!
Remember to catch your loved ones when they fall (or blow) out.
You make a very good point. They will need help. Lots of help.
🙂 Yea Old Surfer Dude, what you said!
grisianfarce, there are so many really good people still in that I hope there are people there to do just that.
Wow. Reading some of these highlights bought back some not-so-fond memories of Sea Org members showing up at my house, late, to get me to come into Flag for services. I HATED these late-night visits and in fact, I went embarrassingly ballistic on one of the auditors that showed up at my door around 10:00 at night. BUT! I’m sure things have changed and the public LOVE it now.
I’m sure the public really appreciate being love bombed at 10pm in their own homes, and then given a free one-way ride to Flag.
A free one-way ride to Flag? Is that a new ride? It sounds scary.
It reads as uncomfortably close to kidnapping to me.
I think that’s the sort of thing causing members to move away from Clearwater, as we hear about from time to time. The number of public seems to remain relatively small – a couple of things lead me to guestimate around 1,000 or slightly less – and perhaps even be declining somewhat, I think because while a fair number move there seeking “mecca,” as many or more get burned out by the high-pressure hothouse environment around Flag.
“I think that’s the sort of thing causing members to move away from Clearwater, as we hear from time to time.”
I definitely agree and wish I could give you specific details showing why.
Members moving far, and I do mean FAR away; I know 2 supposedly still in families who moved FAR out of the cult’s reach.
Well, hell! Maybe we can give our son all of our Training Awards that we didn’t use. We already gave him the Briefing Course we had on account at ASHO – oh but wait – There is no more Briefing Course. Worthless.
Yes, Mary. “worthless” is the perfect word to describe this scam.