Here is the latest from the Flag OTC — pre-prepared to launch once MV was over…
This is one well-oiled machine — or perhaps a well-oiliness machine?
May the Force be with you. And blessings from the Galactic Samurai.
Wow, nothing like some absolute BS to get things off to a roaring start. Can you imagine how many people they send this newsletter out to that are NOT on service and it just confirms for them that the “OTC” is a sham.
Woww — they are listing the BUSINESSES that have “all their staff” on service.
Wonder if this is going to be used the next time one of these business is sued for enforcing scientology on their employees. Every time in the past they have tried to claim “Oh, they have a choice” (and they generally lose), but this pretty much confirms it — AND THEY PUT IT IN WRITING!
The “OT” Committee are having great wins on the SRD and Student Hat. Wow. And Sue Young has even copy-texted from the promo pieces “recovering her infinity of future.” Amazing. Exclam, exclam, exclam.
For a 400 man OTC they sure don’t have many posts filled on their org board? I don’t even understand why these names are on there? It doesn’t even include Head Brownnoser (though it DOES include quite a number of ex-SO, including Sue Young and Drew and Maria Robb). Anyone got any idea what this is about?
I didnt see DSE or David Singer Enterprises on the list of Clearwater businesses on course. What happened? Do they leave him alone after making him pay millions in royalties to WISE?
Wow, Sue Young has done OT 8 and all three L rundowns according to this site:
Now she’s back at the BOTTOM of the Bridge touting how good it is to receive objectives processing, which is the most basic auditing in all of Scientology. Hell, even druggies and wogs can get objectives. This is how Miscavige recycles the public for all they’re worth…
What’s next for Sue? Life repair auditing?
I just reread her success story. Maybe the assumption that the OT levels and the L’s are more powerful than objectives needs to be rethought. It could very well be that there is much more gain in doing the Objectives than there is in auditing Ron’s imaginary incidents on the whole track. Objectives were always my favorite thing to CS because of the wins. And there are always more to do. I’d just alternate between Objectives and lower level subjective processes like ARC SW, especially SA lists for maximum case gain. Grade IV stuff is great too when the pc is up to it. Though of course I wouldn’t rerun processes that the pc has already ep’d. LRH probably pushed the upper levels because he felt he had no choice, marketing wise to keep his public jazzed and paying. And then convinced himself as he went downscale on all his own dynamics. Or do you think he was actually an “OT” when he finally kacked, out the bottom in body and mind, completely PTS to Davey, his first son and his own overts against his wife and staff members (well, I guess that’s “false PTSness’ to be exact) But that doesn’t mean a lot of the lower level auditing stuff isn’t fantastic, cause it is in my experience anyway. And most of SOS, 8-8008, COHA and many other books are great too. *ok, maybe I’m being too harsh here. Ron was an OT in the sense of a big being causing big effects, certainly creating the CoS was no small feat. Just not an OT in the senses he promised.
Actually, the strategy of maximizing the number of “Scientologists” already existing is a pretty good one. (I put “scientologists” in quotes, because no one truly knows how many of these people are currently involved or the exact degree of their involvement) Let’s say 2,000 people are visited and 300 of them are convinced to come into the org. That could easily result in let’s say, close to a half million dollars just in the first year of their re-entry, and that 300 could even turn out to be 600 or more. The genius of Miscavige is that you can get rich off of just a relatively small number of people. As these people would be paying for running and sweating and going over misunderstood word theory AGAIN, there’s no more overhead costs even if you get in another thousand. The payroll doesn’t go up. You don’t need any real auditors for these actions either. Very sound strategy …. just keep milking the folks who once thought Scientology was the way to personal salvation and the saving of humanity. So, this is very smart really.
Of course, what has yet to be seen is how the non-active “Scientologists” respond when the hordes of grinding salespeople show up at their work and home. Well, if you choose to live in the Tampa area ….
An ideal field would be a bunch of people with their integrity in, communicating to anyone they pleased and doing what they feel is right for them, according to their passions and priorities.
Hallie Jane – your expression of the ideal field is of course wonderfully stated and I agree completely. but when in Scientology has it ever been the policy that a person can communicate to anyone THEY pleased or do what THEY feel is right for them, according to THEIR passions and priorities. From the first day I joined in 1970, it was doing what RON wanted or told you to do or what the HIGHER UPS in the org (or up lines) told you was correct. I admit that at the start of my Scientology career, which would last over 35 years, I did not really understand the full implications of this agreement, whether in greater or lesser degree.
I know what you mean Joe P. One thing I’ve learned from all this great communicating by the lovely apostates is, that experiences are extremely varied depending on their unique location, job and perspective. I know in 1974, at my CL V org, altruism was high and there were a lot of people who fought for their point of view and challenged LRH, especially, at the beginning. I had extreme authority issues and was an auditor, so I just went in session and pretty much ignored most execs, avoiding issues that others couldn’t. As an exec, my hubby had scads of wrong condition assignments that he’s had to come to terms with, but I had none. I get bitter still. about not being paid for ten years. Like I said, different experiences. Also some of this was just a bunch of young people, in a group dynamic, with all the regular problems that any group has, unhattedness, annoying bosses, too much work etc. People can have varied issues regarding their Scn experience and I don’t always think it’s fair, to place every outpoint or lapse of integrity under the Scn umbrella. Sometimes we just fuck up. I never gave up my constitutional right to speak freely or read freely, never, and I know many who felt the same way. I understood the code of honor to be applied from my point of view, and others theirs, so this rcs expectation of lockstep compliance is simply not Scn in my opinion. I guess I just never agreed, that anything that thwarted the process of as-isness, couldn’t be rejected.
Nicely stated, Hallie.
almost forgot,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! !
show that is exhausting!!
Hallie – spot on as usual. So agree with you, we all had our own experiences in Scientology. And I also followed my Code of Honor and just annoyed MANY with ignoring their arbitraries. Many a time some idiot would try to get me to do something ridiculous and say the obvious, “well that’s what LRH says” and many a time I replied with, “well that’s ridiculous I guess I’ll have to write Ron a letter and tell him so”! Needless to say there was always a horrified look on the others face. Which always delighted me. Even back then I knew better but continued with blind faith. Oh well.
Strange. I have the same wins as Sue Young since I left the church…………..!
Okay. Almost the same…….
Hi Mike,
Some groups have 50% and some have only 10% on course? They wish! I generously estimate that including both staff and public, that there are currently no more than 7,500 active Scientologists today, worldwide. ~ Chris Thompson
Active Scientologist’s is actually two groups.Those inside the C of $ and those
outside including Indie field, Freezone, etc.
6,500 to 7,000 in Cof $, the big numbers are on the outside.
More public are getting audited outside Scientology than inside.
There are probably quite a large number of very decent people in that cadre who would honestly like to make the world a better place. If these guys could just just stand back a step and take a deep breath, look at what needs to be done to make their OWN group a little more sane they might make some progress. The stat push of getting 100% of their own bodies in the shop shows just how much they are cannibalizing. Just a stat push to glorify Dave on his next video extravaganza.
Also, if there are over 5,000 scientologists in the Clearwater area, isn’t 400 a bit of downstat?
Also, just found out some info from an old friend who is recently out and winning. He said that you have no idea how many people read Debbie Cook’s email and are secretly planning their escape. Maybe even a significant percent of the OTC’s membership are actually bitter but not-quite-yet defrocked apostates?
Maybe they are just pretending to be “with dave” in order to avoid losing their jobs or their children?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the actual number of devotees in the US isn’t well below 8,000 and shrinking fast.
Les. Their last claim was 10% of the local community are scientologists. If that is just Clearwater that means 14,000. Tampa Bay it’s 400,000. N Pinellas county it’s 30,000. I would guess that excluding staff there are less than 2000 left in this area unless you count declared and “disaffecteds” which would double any number.
Since you can count on them to lie by at least an order of magnitude of 10X, that would mean 1,400 in Clearwater. Probably fairly accurate if you include all the staff and RPFers.
Stat pushing is right. The lack of differentiation, in the needs of a variety of people is a life threatening illness in the rcs. God forbid you have a newborn at home that needs attention. This invasive lack of privacy is such a turn off. The power of choice is so disrespected.
i used to wonder what it was like inside the bubble, the culture, the day to day administration, the minutiae of being a bubblehead. this blog has really filled in a lot of the color, texture and detail.
it makes me feel like i’d be living with my head in a vice, slowly twisting tighter and tighter.
what a sorry picture it all paints. while you’re saving the universe, who’s saving you?
you can’t go on thinking nothings wrong.
what’s it like inside the bubble?
does your head ever give you trouble?
it’s no sin, trade it in.
hang on, help is on it’s way,
i’ll be there as fast as i can,
hang on, help is on it’s way,
somewhere deep inside me is a man.
“A cheer went up around Clearwater, the OTC had won”. Ouch. When you are fighting to force people to be on service and you cheer because you win that battle. Although we know it is a lie, wow. Imagine people marching to your home, your workplace to force you to start your next service. The whole thing sent a shudder down my spine. Yet they glorify it! Wow I am glad I am nowhere near CW.
It’s right there at the top of the newsletter in their Mission Statement. “…… the greatest good for $cientology”
Not drug addicts, not natural disaster victims, not humanity, not the 4th dynamic. Nope. Greatest good for $cientology. The Galactic Samurai knows what’s best.
Actually the purpose is from the HCOPL on OT Committees which is basically boiler plate these days since the real purpose of OTCs seems to be to reg money for ideal orgs and fall in line with “command intention” which has nothing to do with forwarding or advancing Scientology.
In fact in my opinion you can take “command intention” if actually and truly stated and circle it in red.
I will never understand how someone who has been in the racket all the way into the OT levels and a spews excitement about paying $2500 for the Student Hat. Surprise! You have never done Scientology correctly.
Oh, is your old meter destroyed yet? Better get the new one or you will be in ethics for being a squirrel in Miscavology.
Man, here’s hoping for a whole series of families “Pulling a Remini”!
So they’re bragging about sending out goon squads to harass people at home and work? Good lord! I wonder if John Allender, Ed Bryan and Joanne Wheaton are lending their unique expertise to this operation.
And it’s interesting that 4 of those businesses also recently received “President’s (U.S.) Volunteer Service Awards” after Flag “became a certifying organization for these awards.”
Clearwater Community Volunteers
Washburn Academy
Clearwater Community Volunteers
East Coast Golden Age Theater
Well it makes me grateful that I’m offlines in the middle of nowhere. The goon squad can’t afford anything but the occasional call and email, as gas costs over $4/gallon here. I don’t think they can afford it on staff / SO wages.
I notice that they listed NTC which is working hand and glove with the “International Bankers” and assigned thousands of mortgages to MERS before it was proven to be a fraudulent scam but hey they’re big “contributors”.
Sorta like (non) Survival Insurance which continued to sell invalid “insurance policies” yet scored the coveted Model Standard Admin Award for ripping off their public before Richie went bankrupt.
Mini program step 12 was deleted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12. Absolutely no jumping on couches on National Television.
Everything is going to be just Peachy
“Emails flew and phone lines buzzed”……
Wow….I’m starting to feel a little left out. The only email I got yesterday was from Groupon and although I spent the day staring at the phone it never rang at all.
Being an SP can be a lonely affair.
Mike, regarding the names and posts…just above it, it says “welcome to post”. So, I have a feeling these would be the people who are recently posted, as opposed to those already enslaved into the OTC org board…poor souls.
Aha — missed that. Though Sue Young has been there, “authorizing” the Minutes for as long as I can remember. So, if she is the definition of “recent” they need to do something about the lack of enthusiasm for “getting on board.”
Maybe they are trying to pad things out to look a little bigger than it actually is…Nah! They wouldn’t do that!
Perhaps she just got a new, more important post title.
The wins on SRD, Student Hat and Super Power do not mention COB. Especially Rosie thanks LRH in one own paragraph. This is silent protest!
She writes very interesting lines: “It is the most exteriorazing an the most awakening auditing….”, “..I can create the effects I intend to” and “My eternal theta love and support to you(LRH)”!
Yeah, don’t be surprised if there is a new edict that goes out from Dear Leader that nobody is to mention him because he doesn’t like being made fun of by the small handful of unemployed bitter defrocked apostates on the fringes of the internet.
Couldn’t resist.
Now that I’ve lost my illusions of you
You say you wanna start something new
And it’s making me happy you’re leavin’
I ain’t a-grievin’
And when you get to prison, take good care
I hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there
Oh, Davey, Davey, it’s a wild world
It’s hard to get by just upon lies
Oh, Davey, Davey, it’s a wild world
All those inmates won’t be treating you mild girl
You know I’ve seen a lot of what you tried to do
Couldn’t stand being number two
Think I’m never gonna see you a again dude
You always were rude
And when you get to prison, take good care
I hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there
Oh, Davey, Davey, it’s a wild world
It’s hard to get by just upon lies
Oh, Davey, Davey, it’s a wild world
All those inmates won’t be treating you mild girl
I too wouldn’t be surprised if there is such an edict. GAG II is a historically significant bust. It’s a crushing blow to all existing Scientology and by now he can see the straight down and vertical stats. He can never be wrong, so he will separate out and blame it on someone else. Just guessing…
For our upcoming, super special OTC Country Night, one of our members wrote this for Dear Leader. Come sing along and join us in the aesthetic band. Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!
Sometimes it’s hard to be a sheeple
Putting all your faith in just one man
You’ll have bad times, and he’ll have good times
Doing things that you don’t understand
But if you trust him, you’ll forgive him
Even though he’s hard to understand
And if you trust him, oh be proud of him
‘Cause after all he is the man.
Stand by your man, give him your cash to cling to
And something warm to come to
When orgs are cold and lonely.
Stand by your man, and show the world you trust him
Keep giving all the cash you can.
Stand by your man.
Stand by your man, and show the world you trust him
Keep giving all the cash you can.
Stand by your man.
That they have to go all around their Ideal Field with recovery teams plus the Captain FSO moving on this low Div 6 lines to demand arrivals is just an indication of lack of public on lines at the FSO no matter how gibberish their Ideal Promo says.
But they have an Ideal, Dream, an Ideal Game and lots of Ideals lies.
After writing the above re: buzzwords, it occurred to me that buzzwords could be used to descibe the Church of $cientology and its leader, the Demented Midget (DM). I would suggest “evil madness” as a buzzword.
I would bet that a lot of these buzzwords are preplanned, according to what they think will be a button for people. It’s an intentional effort to tamp down all the complaints that I’m sure they’re getting. Part of the duplicity of the rcs is manipulating instead of actually caring and handling the person in front of you. Producing an actual win would be far less work.
Jeepers! Organized “Stepford Wives” outreach to the community 100% standard mini programs for sharing to really change the whole civilization so that everyone can move up into a really big Stepford Wives like world!
I wonder if any of them have thought of taking responsibility to become the Ethics Officer of those OTC groups, and employ maybe some LRH INCOMM computer advices, the Chug Advices, to set up an Ethics Data Base that rides their members once they agree to being run on the Mini Programs!
I mean Miscavige ought to leak the Chug Advices, and let the members USE the LRH tech for using the computer to ride themselves out in their Scientology business world, and drive them with the “TNT” (Target Nudge and Tally) old INCOMM computer program based on the LRH Chug Advices), and have their computers telling what everyone’s next step is, on auto pilot!
Some of the old INCOMM ex Sea Org members in Clearwater ought to just make up the computer program that makes zillions of mini programs, and load all those targets onto the computer, and have their computer start nudging everyone to KEEP donating, KEEP going on their next service.
I mean, I’d have thought INCOMM would somehow become involved with using the computer to do a little work, like LRH said it should be used!
Miscavige just isn’t taking advantage of the computer, if you ask me! He’s so long term sour on INCOMM’s failures, he doesn’t see the easy use the computer could be to drive even more of his flock to do his bidding!
Count that as a blessing.
I can’t imagine the havoc the Church would wreak if it actually applied the Computer Series and Advices or misapplied them as the case would likely be.
Think 2001, primates and the obelisk.
From what I remember Incomm has been relegated to scanning in ethics reports on staff and public.
Very, very important point of fact: monolith, not obelisk.
Sheesh Chuck. You know he reads this blog. Poor sheeple. Now they will have robocalls too.
Too late Val,
Already had several calls from the Scientology robo caller.
That said.
I did note that the robo caller had much more ARC than the average Churchie these days 😉
This is a good way to lose weight. I read this stuff and completely lose my appetite.
I knew Sue Young when she was a real person. So sad.
“Insouciane” is, like the phrase “dauntless, defiant, resolute”, a buzzword designed to make Co$ members and whales/suckers feel good about giving ALL their money to the Demonic Midget (DM).
Mike is right that claiming 100% participation in a newsletter will tell the “off the radar” folks that indeed, Co$ is a corrupt scam machine.
The Emperor is enraged that peasants living in the shadow of the castle walls are unwilling to indenture themselves further to Him. He’s loosed press gangs on the peasants to raise their taxes, to claim their children as His slaves, and to order them into His workshops at night and on weekends. If His entreatments are ineffective, He will persuade the peasants’ Lords to reduce their pay and to end their employment.
Mike wrote:
“The “OT” Committee are having great wins on the SRD and Student Hat. Wow. And Sue Young has even copy-texted from the promo pieces “recovering her infinity of future.” Amazing. Exclam, exclam, exclam.
I knew you were an ex-clam, Mike!
You dog.
I used to think OTC loved me, now baby I’m sure
Getting me back in the fold, my future’s assured
Now every time I go to the org, no way I can frown
Had this giant cognition, I’m coming around
I’m falling for bullshit (whoa oh)
I’m falling for bullshit (whoa oh)
I’m falling for bullshit (whoa oh)
And don’t it feel good (HEY!) Alright now
And don’t it feel good (HEY!) Alright now
All right now yeah! (HEY!)
I used to dream GAT was the answer, now I know that it’s true
And I don’t wanna spend all of my life with SP’s like you (SP’s like you)
Now I don’t want Flag for the weekend, not just for a day, no, no, no
I’m giving them all of my money, got insouciance in spades!
I’m falling for bullshit (whoa oh)
I’m falling for bullshit (whoa oh)
I’m falling for bullshit (whoa oh)
And don’t it feel good (HEY!) Alright now
And don’t it feel good (HEY!) Alright now
All right now yeah! (HEY!)
Tell us the name of the songs you write lyrics for. I know all the American Songbook songs… some of the others I’m not sure of. I want to be able to sing them in my head as I go along (I’m a singer/songwriter).
Walking on sunshine – Katrina and the waves.
Think these are just “new posting”?
The best analogy I can think of for this group is a dog chasing its tail, with the statistics “Number of enthusiastically executed circles” and “Number of times tail almost caught.”
Hilarious. I’m still laughing.
I wonder how often they have to scrape COB to re-provision the Oiliness Table?
Ba-bam! lol.
Scrape…or squeeze.
The local boy scout & cub scout troops are on staff? That doesn’t seem like something Scouts of America would be cool with.
I was thinking the same thing but found this:
So as long as the scout is not an atheists or agnostics they are allowed. Even Gay scouts are now allowed but I’m sure these scouts would do their best to keep something like that well hidden.
As a parent my main concern would be if this group would be used as a recruiting pool for the SO which I’m sure it is.
Wonder if they have any special merit badges for their group:
How to stay off the internet
How to disconnect
How to donate without an income
How to write Knowledge reports on your parents or friends
I was looking through that link and noticed this specific line taken directly from the scouts
“The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God.”
I’m sure they’d be concerned if they new scientology taught that god was only an implanted idea.
But yeah, the main concern would be the fact that they will try and recruit the children. Someone local with a kid (so they can bs about just dropping in to see if it’s something the kid’s interested in) should swing by and check the place out, see if there are flyers or propaganda around because that could be enough to lodge an official complaint.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew! Man, that takes a lot of work putting in exclamation points. No wonder they’re not getting anything done.
Dude, within the CoS those aren’t known as exclamation points, those are known as seal-club points. To have real impact on a lowly seal you’ve got to club them! again! and again!!
The Club of Seals did not become known as the CoS by using foam clubs!! These are high impact stat-getter clubs!!!
One must pity the pummeled pups. Pity you say? Pity I say. It’s uptone from their usual pummeled shame, pummeled blame and double pummeled regret!!!
Well, hell, Mike they *have to* exclaim on *something* or they’ll get sec checked for out-something-or-other. LOL It doesn’t even have to make sense as long as the Head Clam sees that they’re still in his corral.
HA! I remember when I was on staff at a scn business, making only $6 an hour, just barely able to survive. I was the Ethics Officer. And we were all reamed out one day because one of the requirements for being on staff was that we had to pay for our IAS lifetime membership which back then cost $1,000. No way I could afford it when I could barely feed myself and my son. I had to quit. Glad I did. I found a less stressful job for more pay doing something I could win at!
You don’t miss all that humongous humanitarianism?
Nope – not at all.