More from the hushmail fairies.
This is the annual report of the Flag OT Committee — combined with the Tampa OT Committee.
As usual, it contains some interesting reading. And it certainly contains proof that the largest, highest trained, most active group of “OT’s” are like a pea shooter facing a battleship when it comes to making any sort of impact on society.
Not to try to pick apart everything they say, but just a few notes of interest . From reading this, you can see they have gone to school on how to present information — where there is no news, pick out a tiny example and make it seems like its just one of many, where there are not stats resort to Miscavamatics with weird percentages that give no actual numbers and where there is something completely irrelevant that happened, twist it to somehow fit to make it seem like something is happening when there really isn’t. This IS what you learn if you can stay awake through the Shermanspeakaramas at Ruth Eckerd Hall.
Here it is, some commentary between pages to break up the blah blah blah…Gotta say, for the overwhelmingly monumental releases, these 6% and 7% gains just don’t make the grade.
10,000 on Solo Nots — which really should be THE single most important thing for the Flag OT Committee as it IS what will gain control over this planet — well, this performance is just feeble. They talk about number of people attending briefings and then pick out a couple of “examples” (no doubt the BEST they have) and one of them is that the guy ended up being “interested in” the Purif. Way to go guys.
That Neighborhood Ideal Field Project sounds like it needs a debug. Two people started on GAG II (when EVERYONE has to redo Student Hat, Purif and Objectives).
Tours? David Pomeranz? The Philippines? What does this have to do with Flag OTC?
Fundraising for Vancouver? Why? I thought the “Flag Alliance” was Orlando, Miami, Atlanta and Puerto Rico? Why aren’t they doing something to help Tampa Org? There aren’t even 10 missions around Tampa Org — just as an off-the-top example, (the one they opened in “Old Tampa Bay” closed down, apparently Ocala is open only a couple of hours a week, their “test centers” in St Pete and Plant City are empty or maybe closed down). The staff in Tampa are not even being paid a living wage…
Well, at least they are hot on the IAS (no surprise “We ARE the IAS”) — it seems to be the ONLY common denominator for the “OTC’s”.
But the Freewinds is getting short shrift. Michael Chan’s amazing seminar was attended by 68 people and they “flowed” $2300 to their next service. This must be ONE service out of 68 people (and with substantial discounts). Hardly a booming scene for the Freewinds. And the much lauded and promoted Michael Chan would appear to be in need of some mirror time to increase his efficiency. This IS Flag public. It’s not like he was in Orlando or something.
Reading fiction works is an OT Committee activity? Amazing…
Not to mention the irony of all their good works uniting for human rights.The efforts to achieve PR area control in the Tampa Bay area are really paying off….
But what is totally rocking is the report on getting everyone onto GAG II training and processing; “About 50 members attended the OTC Christmas part to go over the OTA Program…”
In a year they have gotten 27 First Service Starts from Valpacks Ads, Google ads and FSMs. That is one every two WEEKS. And they are jumping up and down about this?
Don’t have a total number of books sold, just an “example” of one “team” that sold 10 books in just 5 hours. You know that if they had sold 1000 books in an entire year they would have been shouting this from the rooftops. Or at least saying it was an increase of 5% or 1/70th of a percent per day for the entire year.Really, they have attended “no less than 5” community events in a YEAR?
Wonder if the Tampa Police Chief and her deputies have really been toured through the Tampa Org? Wonder if they know anything at all about what is really going on with Sea Org slave laborers — no doubt some of them still coming over from Pinellas to work out of Tampa….
So Deborah Otto sells one book a week and is a member to be emulated and publicized? Not exactly a ball of fire but perhaps the best in this day and age. Tampa is fast becoming the capital of CO$, and this is best they can do? There must be tumble weeds and dust storms in the hinterlands mOrgs.
LOL as regard to books sales. I used to sell about 25 DMSMH a week by myself + having to work … Was not difficult = being in communication, meaning “really understanding the person in front of me”, caring for them …. What are those guys doing ??? Oh yes, they are on the IAS !!!! 🙂
This was really painful to get through, like eating sawdust. I can’t get past the idea of mandatory charity work, not to mention that it has no real charitable value. These so called 4th dynamic projects are such a joke, to distract from fundraising for nothing. The only reason for Scn to exist was the wins of pcs/preots and well trained auditors. This bears no resemblance.
Both! shame and sham.
When I came home tonight I had some free time and I sat down to read this post. Usually, I would move on to something else because these reports are such nonsense. But something keep me interested that made me want to endure every word. I looked at it like a process where I expected to have a cognition at the end that would make it completely worthwhile. As I endured the minutia of these people who have no idea what the real purpose of Scientology is I realized that every report had one clear purpose in the communication. Just like the Nazi’s in World War II, these people are scared to death of offending DM and have to do anything to please him. This the perfect example of being PTS.
If the cherch was upfront and honest they would put on the grade chart the extras one need to pay for enabling one to do the OT levels, like Patron, plus! What a status farce shame it has turned into.
I meant Sham!
OH, funny that you should be talking about stats today, Mike. Look what I happened upon. Stats at CCI from the month of January, 1992. Just a little bit different than today…
Here’s the short list. Click on the link to see all of the happy people (at the time):
Celebrity 250 [ circa January 1992 ]
Quick Stat Snapshot:
316 completions
254 individuals
54 different services
The following list of Scientology service completions appears in Celebrity 250 [ circa January 1992 ] :
August 1986
Celebrity 200 [ circa August 1986 ]
Quick Stat Snapshot:
161 completions
142 individuals
54 different services
The following list of Scientology service completions appears in Celebrity 200 [ circa August 1986 ] :
Look at the increase in stats from 1986 to 1992.
Full list of Clears over the years.
Apparent growth stats. Look at the graph in blue. Want straight up and vertical? Check 1070 through 1983. Then the graph went flat for about 20 years. Even then, it wasn’t from the STCC and puny little extension courses and then, post Basics, the stats are falsified there too.
But I thought that you all might be interested in seeing what the deal is and how straight up and vertical it WAS before Miscavige got on the line, took over, killed all the missions and who knows who or what else.
Whoo Hoo! More leaks via HushMole!
This time lot of thick, gluey, subjunctive-mode prose from the Flag OTC poured on to distract from their pathetic stats with a lot of enthusiastic burbling which says nothing yet might still convey the concept of significant expansion to other Still-Ins who can’t read!
Well done, Moles! Thank you for your latest RCS Truth Installment.
“Mike’s Moles – Coming to Burrow in an Org Near You”.
“Mike’s Moles” 😉
Sorta like Mighty Mouse.
Total genius AM 🙂
What a snore feast!
I admire your dedication Mike for being able to decipher this TS SCI tedious trivia.
I’ve often wondered why the Government classifies documents and concluded that in many cases it would be just too embarrassing to reveal to the public in general.
Seems to hold true with the Church these days.
Man these stats are dismally pathetic or pathetically dismal.
Five books sold in ten hours.
I knew book sellers who would be totally RFLTAO.
Then they sold $2300 of services to 63 people either meaning that the crowd could either only scrap up about 37 bucks each or some poor sucker bought themselves a purif redo or the new (used to be free with any major auditor training) Student Hat.
Anyway it looks like the real money’s going to IAS Patronuptheiranus statuses and “Ideal Borgs”.
Thanks to Hungry Howie Becker and his side kick Kathy Flashback.
(Knew Howie back at NTC supposedly he was slated as KTL/LOC Review on the pilot then ended up being a Reg.
Probably like Miscavige he found out he couldn’t audit and decided it was easier to rip people off which is pretty much the level of “exchange” in the Orgs these days.)
Moving on.
Human Rights?
How glib can it be to recite the Charter of Human Rights and then violate it in their back yard.
Ironic is right.
Much like Nazis complaining about antisemitism.
I mean Freedom of Speech and Conscience is something that is no longer allowed in the Orgs these days.
Never mind the Human Rights charter.
They can’t even stick to their own Creed.
Much like our State Department lecturing on about Human Rights while secretly endorsing torture, extrajudical assassination and having the highest prison population per capita in the world.
But I digress.
Oh yes the Drug Free thing with talking points supplied by their friends in the DEA. Seems the anti drug message has worked so well internationally with civil war in Mexico, Columbia and Ecuador to name a few hot spots and the above mentioned burgeoning prison population here at home.
One wonders what this Marijuana thing at Flag is going to be all about.
Likely more BS endorsed by their buddies in the Drug Enforcement Agency that pot is a “gateway” drug.
I mean Ron himself recommended the stuff should have been legalized back in 1950. Yet we have the “Church” leading the anti drug charge to oblivion.
So much for doing what Ron says.
‘Nuff said.
It’s too bad that 70 year old didn’t just burn the $50,000 because if he burned it, at least it wouldn’t go to DM to pay for lawyers to intimidate judges and litigants and to hire Private Eyes to follow and intimidate his enemies. That is where your IAS donations go. That is what your IAS donations buy.
Something I also noticed Cindy was the guy was in the Non Interference zone (mid CC) according to all the tech I know on it.
Yet they stick him on the Purif and the SRD.
Not only that but the “Special” and “Exceptional” (two PC terms for retard) ones in the False III Committee brag about it.
Way to go!
Church of Squirrel-o-tology
Oh, that poor guy “in his 70s” who sold his property “for more than expected.” Christ, they rooked him for Patron – that’s $50,000.00! $50K, flushed down the toilet, from a guy in his 70s. Seriously, becoming a Patron of the IAS is exactly like flushing $50,000.00 right down the toilet. He may as well have burned it, for that matter. Gawd, that’s just horrible.
There’s so much more fail in there, but that’s just where it started.
Not that it matter to him now, but that $50,000 would have gotten him his own Class VIII for 40 intensives (500 hours) of really good auditing. Just an approximation, but my bet is, that would have taken him straight C/Sed through the Clearing Course, OT I-III, Audited NOTs, Solo NOTs, OT IV-VII with AT LEAST a few thousand left over – which he could have used for training. With a take-it-easy time factor thrown in to make it more $$ comfortable, he could have hung on to his property. Most audited hours are taken up on Life Repair and Grades. Above Power, it’s on to solo auditing, with minimal audited hours. OT I-III might be 2 audited intensives – and maybe one or two for C/Sing. Audited NOTs is to get the hang of procedures, and the solo should not run longer than six months. OT IV-VII is an intense two week action (and a work of pure genius). Giving a pretty hefty margin for error and heed for clean-up and repair actions, the $50,000 would have taken him up the LRH Bridge (and probably made a Class IV auditor or higher).
1. They are jumping up and down in glee for small numbers because deep down they are amazed they are getting anyone in these days.
2. Question: one of the publications seemed to connect Patron status with getting on a level. Do you have to attain Patron and other statuses before you can get on some levels? In other words, is this yet another oxymoron “required donation”?
3. I was stunned that they have the chutzpah to trot out the Human Rights declaration. I’m familiar with it (it can be read at I read through the Articles, thinking I would find a couple dillies that the Church hypocritically violates. Instead of finding just a couple, I found that — per my assessment and opinion — the Church actively violates 27 of the 30 Articles, and one of the 3 it does not violate is iffy. That’s a 10% score for the Church: Flunk; go to Cramming.
Scientology regularly, in my opinion, violates the following Articles:
— Article 1 — by, for example denying dignity to wogs and anyone in the psychology field. Not to mention gays or anyone who is critical of the Church.
— Article 2 — Hubbard had unkind things to say about blacks, Chinese, and non-white Africans. And Hubbard’s word is scripture.
— Article 3 is violated by The Hole, RPF, violations of confidentiality, and so on.
— Article 4 — same violations as with Article 3, but include Baby Watch and other pseudo-scientific and damaging “tech.”
— Article 5 — ditto Articles 3 and 4.
— Article 6 — Scientology denies this right to declared persons and anyone hit by Fair Game.
— Article 7 — violated by policies like Fair Game.
— Article 8 — Scientology tries to block this by suing and other legal system harassment.
— Article 9 — Scientology violates the spirit of this with “declares” with no justice or Comm Ev.
— Article 10 — same as with Article 9, plus add the improper and impartial reviews of refund requests.
— Article 11 — Scientology violates the spirit of this through declares with no Comm Ev.
— Article 12 — Scientology violates this continually for staff and Sea Org members, and even for the public, violating privacy and family through intercepted phone calls, videotaped auditing sessions, pressure put on family, disconnection, opening and censoring mail and other communications, Sec Checks, and more.
— Article 13 — Scientology controls the movement and living places of its employees and even the public at times.
— Article 14 — see Article 13.
— Article 15 — Hooray! I think Scientology is okay on this one!
— Article 16 — Scientology regularly violates this, telling people if and when they can marry, that they must divorce, when sex is okay or not (including auto-sexual activities), when they can or cannot have kids, forcing or encouraging abortions for organizational reasons, and so on.
— Article 17 — Scientology regularly and arbitrarily deprives people of their property, for example in reg cycles, getting people to sell or mortgage their homes, running unauthorized charges on people’s credit cards, etc.
— Article 18 — Scientology completely suppresses freedom of thought, open communication, and the ability of people to change religions — unless it is from another religion to Scientology.
— Article 19 — Scientology actively and brutally crushes freedom of opinion, even labeling anyone who dares voice criticism or disagreement as suppressive; at the lightest level of Church control, one sees an attempted introversion of the person voicing any concern, namely that the person speaking up must have misunderstood words, an ARC-X (ARC break, break in affinity, reality, communication, or understanding), or must have committed overts (harmful acts) and have withholds against the Church. A critical opinion is never taken by the Church as a chance for the Church to improve; it is _always_ the fault of the person with the criticism.
— Article 20 — Scientology squashes this right through forced disconnection, for one thing.
— Article 21 — Hooray — I guess Scientology is okay on this one, too.
— Article 22 — Scientology violates at least the spirit of this by having people work for them all their lives and then providing no retirement resources for them, and during employment providing no medical insurance or other safeguards, and by paying them a slim-to-null pay rate that cannot cover basic essentials for good diet and living conditions.
— Article 23 — Scientology removes choice of work for its members. Even in the public, Scientologists are expected to patronize primarily just other Scientologists. Scientology staff and Sea Org members are not given just and favorable working conditions, or equitable pay.
— Article 24 — Scientology denies its employees the right to adequate rest and leisure, except for the heavily inured COB.
— Article 25 — Scientology denies its employees adequate standard of living and violates the Article’s standards on motherhood and childcare, at times (in LA for example) warehousing babies in large numbers in crowded rooms with scant oversight and no trained overseers, not to mention splitting up parents from their children, sometimes allowing only an hour of interaction a week, if that.
— Article 26 — Scientology pulls people out of regular education into indoctrination systems within the Church. Scientology does not encourage and actively discourages the educational goals of its members in “wog” education.
— Article 27 — While Scientology may not actively violate this, its demands on members, including public, have the effect of leaving no time for anything but Scientology.
— Article 28 — Scientology would actively quash many of the rights in the Declaration.
— Article 29 — Scientology has the effect of pulling people back out of the community to live within the bubble of the Scientology group only.
— Article 30 — Scientology regularly acts against the rights of others as described in the Declaration.
“2. Question: one of the publications seemed to connect Patron status with getting on a level. Do you have to attain Patron and other statuses before you can get on some levels? In other words, is this yet another oxymoron “required donation”?”
Yes, at least for OT VII. It’s expected that someone going onto OT VII will be at least a IAS Patron. My ex-spouse made this donation to get back onto the level a year or so ago.
Your itemized list of UDHR violations by Scientology Inc reminds me a lot of my post on it at from December 20, 2012.
Reading the report … it just struck me that it’s like reading something about Ford’s Model “A” horseless carriage achieving top speed over 25 miles per hour, and running over 90 miles without breaking down …. It’s a time warp window into THE PAST, a bizarre, distant, almost forgotten, and, as far as the present is concerned, a completely irrelevant past, like watching – AH! – an Alice in Wonderland looking glass. It has value as history, for analysis, but in a most odd manner, it gives the illusion of being alive today … and THAT is truly odd.
But glancing at the previous day’s post, that photo appeared for a second like some garden (or desert) clock, indicating precisely 8 pm … with four hours left … tick-tock – tick-tock – tick-tock ….
(I think reading those success stories yesterday affected me adversely, trying to somehow empathize with them apparently has sucked me into some unwanted cosmic surrealness or is it surreality? I’m not the first – someone a while back commented that watching all this circus unfold is like looking at a Dali … or watching a Fellini. I never really liked either of them.)
The real world consists of free Scientology – free to audit, free to study, free to absorb the philosophy. Free from the chains and stones and prisons of hideous mockery. Free to move up the original LRH Bridge in sane peace and quiet, undisturbed..
…and nearly FREE E-meters off E-bay.
Good one Carcha! Sane peace and quiet……aahhhhhh!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!! They report 828,500 people contacted by their TOURS for the year….and then immediately give David Pomeranz credit for 825,000 of that?!?! Holy SHIT!
A musician doing a single radio show and a single concert in the Philippines comprised 99.6% of all TOURS stats for the Flag OTC for the YEAR?
Talk about an Admin Scale that is out of alignment. MIND BLOWN.
I guess in the last year then, Tom Cruise introduced approximately 6 billion people to Scientology. I mean thanks to him, practically the whole world has been introduced to Scientology through press coverage of him, and I’m sure that as a result the tone level of the planet has risen a few points simply due to being exposed to Truth and Source.
Since the FLAG OTC did not include any of Tom’s TOUR efforts in their stats, we can conclude that Tom is NOT participating in the Flag OT Committee. Participation is mandatory. Someone should notify the MAA that Tom has gone off the rails, and this should be taken up with him on his next 6-month check.
Silly you Deep Six. Tom is a member of the INT OT Committee. The ONLY member in fact. 😉
Wow these people have TOTALLY duplicated miscavimatics and how it is done.
They say
which sounds really cool.
Then they reveal that 800,000 of these people “contacted or briefed” were from David Pomerantz going on radio in the Phillipines (where there is no Scientology) to promote an upcoming concert he was doing and supposedly mentioned the word Scientology in there somewhere.
That was a reality check.
Then they go on to say that another 25,000 of this number were attendes of his music concert who were instructed to do nerve assists on each other while at the concert. I assume that means a back rubbing moment during the concert? Although possibly David Pomerantz did get 25,000 people actually doing a full laying down nerve assist in the middle of music concert. But more likely Pomerantz told the OT Committee what he really DID do (yakked about nerve assists and mentioned LRH) and it got completely changed for the purposes of the “briefing sheet”.
So that was David Pomerantz’s tour which covers 825,000 of the 828,534. So the other 78 tours with the other 185,000 miles of traval managed to “contact or brief” a total of 3,534 people. That is about 45 people per “tour”.
But the really, really sad thing is that the only other 2 “tours” they actually mention were IAS regging tours when OT Committee member went chasing the 10% commissions from helping rape the already exhausted people in Atlanta and Taiwan.
Sherman-Speak and Miscavimatics all rolled into one big ugly lie- but being written by the local OTC and SENT to David Miscavige for him to read.
I would love to hear his reaction when the Flag OTC serves him up the same shit he dishes up for them at each event.
It is so cool that he serves this total bullshit crap to the OTs when he does briefings and then when they give him briefings on what they are doing, they serve it right back!
Roy, well you know what they say, “…what goes around comes around…” I hope McSavage enjoys the bull he’s being fed.
No matter what sphere of Scientology one is involved in contributing their time and effort, there is always a pick-pocket interwoven among these cycles standing nearby.
“Distribute that book!”
“Give us your money.”
“Recover a student!”
“Give us your money.”
“Get back on your Solo NOTs!”
“Give us your money.”
“Get them to complete their route to Knowledge!”
“Give us your money.”
“Help them through their Basics!”
“Give us your money.”
“Distribute the ‘Truth about Drugs’!”
“Give us your money.”
“Unite for Human Rights!”
“Give us your money.” …
Random Notes:
It states that tours contacted or briefed 828,534. In the next sentences it credits David Pomerantz with reaching 825,000 in two days in the Philippines. Does that mean the other 78 tours and 15 countries were only good for 3,534 people contacted/briefed?
The big stat is the $17.48 million raised for the IAS. That shows exactly where everything is at for this group.
Not sure how the laws of Miscvamatics work other than zero plus zero equals straight up and vertical…. So your guess is as good as mine.
Just waiting for Micavamatics to become Miscaved-in…..”who luv’s ya? No-one. See ya!”
“Random Notes:
It states that tours contacted or briefed 828,534. In the next sentences it credits David Pomerantz with reaching 825,000 in two days in the Philippines. Does that mean the other 78 tours and 15 countries were only good for 3,534 people contacted/briefed?”
LMAO! ANY of my “wog” friends and FAR more capable than ANY of these “OTs”. No wonder the “COS” is disintegrating faster than snow in Death Valley.
“Creating a New Civilization” Really? A New Civilization? It’s hard to imagine anyone reads this stuff anymore…
They made it sound like the orphanage really needed help and they made a big deal about $500? That’s what, like .0001% of IAS donations? Wasn’t it out-ethics and off purpose of them to not give that $ to the Church? Oh, wait it was for PR, OK I got it. I’m sure Miscavige and the IAS puts their donations to better use than orphans (is this orphanage near Flag, in their OT sphere of dynamic control?).
There’s a new Sheriff in Pinellas County that needs some safepointing. The Sheriff’s Youth Ranch is for this county where Flag is located. seems to be a favorite spot, as well as the Pinellas County Juvenile Board. $500 is not going to cut it though. But it will get them on an invite list for all the other networked community function fundraiser events to do their snooping.
Doing a Field Dissemination Course to support the IAS projects? Are you kidding? Dissemination has nothing to do with ripping people off their money.
I am sure some of the OTC Members remain loyal as otherwise they would loose the chunky commissions they get after “disseminating” others.
Using my OT remote viewing abilities gained on the DTC (Dumping the Cult) Rundown, I have just seen the latest UK OT Committee Minutes. Highlights were:
Tunbridge Wells mission had highest EVER Bodies in the Shop!!! (A couple of tourists asking for directions – but still an amazing response to the new Ideal Carpet they bought).
After an incredible “all shoulders to the wheel” push to get everyone through their basics, another FIVE!!! (Highest EVER!!!) members completed the new Golden Age Synopses. Well done to all concerned!!!
Mike Rickets – who completed his Platinum Humanitarian this week – apologized for his absence but says his repossessed car will be back very soon and meantime is using “cycling tech”. Well done Mike!!! You are really backing up COB and Command Intention!!! Go Mike!!!
Self-licking ice cream cone…that is poetry. May the COS disappear like ice cream in August…
I’m under 70 and I use the coupons from Valpak.
Really just the one for my favorite bakery….killer
As to the above write up, I didn’t read it all….I
couldn’t. But I did notice when names were mentioned
that it was so and so OT VII, so and so OT VIII etc.
I did not see any names mentioned with CL IV, CL V,
CL VI Or CL VIII. To me that is a huge outpoint.
To those in today, training seems to be the Basics.
One day a guy was telling me how great the Basics were and
how it aligned the tech for him…..I asked him if he could
now audit after doing the basics…..he went blank then
said I’m a solo auditor. Nuff said.
“Miscavamatics” – BRILLIANT!!!
A term coined by GTBO. Quite descriptive…
Bystanders new Wiki definition for the Cult is also priceless…
” scientology, Inc today is not much more than a self-licking ice cream cone.”
LMAO ……………and still snickering!!! Thanks for a great start to Friday!
As you point out Mike Miscavamatics front and center.
Everyone else gets the job done because I say they do. You do not! or you would have the stats I tell you they have. Guilt trip? see you local IAS Reg to make it alright (if the dono is big enough)
Notice the subtle difference in IAS fund raising in the report, funds raised (i.e. in the bank) and funds pledged (you’ll get it if I’m not declared or see the light and get out first).
continuing to LMAO…..
Tables and chairs for the Homeless camp ?
UUUUUHHHHH,are these homeless OT 8’s who are not on Student Hat ?
How many Flag public in the block house in the C.W. swamp?
number of parolees up or down ?
Hey Davey, try scotch with your corn flakes, I mean it cant possibly make things worse.
In re the sooper dooper stat about one person buying a book and actually showing up later…
“There’s a sucker born every minute” is a line mis-attributed to P.T. Barnum. Nonetheless, it appears that there is always someone naive enough to take the bait. I should not be surprised that some stray strangers get lured into the building and conned out of a course.
I think that means that the stats for new public will probably remain asymptotic, near zero forever but never at zero.
In this day and age it seems impossible to imagine any cognizant individual being exposed to the $cn material and NOT doing a quick google search. Seeing the overwhelming exposure of the scam, they’d toss the booklet into a neighbor’s trash can in order to avoid the embarrassment of anyone seeing it in theirs.
Given the apparent numbers of people leaving and the paltry number of new recruits, it would appear that that scientology, Inc today is not much more than a self-licking ice cream cone.
“a self-licking ice cream cone.” ROTFLMAO! Bystander, you made my Friday! Thanks!
5 books in 10 hours? Ron would be pissed.
Florida orgs and missions, plus Puerto Rico, minus FLB. Everybody knows what the SP building looks like. Some of these are surprisingly small, and some have closed.
Love your list and photos. Thank you for putting this together. Would you know if the Dyanetics building on Belcher Road, just north of Gulf-to-Bay in Clearwater a mission or something else? Never saw many cars there, and it’s been there since the 1970s, from what I can recall.
The stats are quite excellent – low and horizontal, perfect for a model of negative growth.
That is the world-famous Clearwater Mission of Ann and Carter Manierre. Nothing ever happens there. I have driven past it a hundred times and it invariable looks abandoned.
Thank you for that, somehow it’s not on my map. I just added it, and also to the album linked above. Mapping Scientology is difficult, but not impossible. This is my current map of Clearwater, which is literally covered in Scientology.
I’ve lived in the area of that mission or whatever it is and drove by since the ’90’s and always the same, dead. Amazing!
There has to be some mistake here. How can there be such feeble numbers when I heard Kirstie Alley say on Howard Stern’s radio show that there were “tens of millions of Scientologists”?!
Kevin, after listening to Kirstie Alley on the Howard Stern’s show, I’m fairly certain she’s back on drugs. Either that or she’s finallylost her mind. Maybe the Cause Resurgence Rundown will improve her mental faculties.
The Cause Resurgence Rundown is the only thing left that would help her loose some weight.
The Hole is a very effective weight loss regimen. It’s like being on Survivor but it doesnt end after 39 days…
Mike I love your sense of humor! You make me smile every day! Thanks! (and sorry about all the exclamation points)
She was talking about the unwashed masses, not the lesser nobility.
It’s always future tense. After all these years (decades), it is still future tense.
A “church” that uses Valpack ads! (That’s the packet of junk mail with coupons you have to recycle nearly every day.) Does anyone under 70 actually open them?
And speaking of over 70…..oh gosh,he looks 20 years younger!
Late night infomercials are next.
And that hushmail strategy is working like a charm. Shhhhhhh!
20 years younger than who? Nosferatu?
+ 1
Having read through it all – (a major achievement!), only one word comes to mind: Specious!
From March 1 last year to February 28 this year, and that is all they have accomplished? This is supposed to be a group of OTs? They are living examples of the degradation of the tech.