The brown-nosing has reached all new, extra nauseating heights.
Here is what the Flag OTC put together and presented to Dear Leader in time for his birthday this year.
They commissioned Nina Winters (a well known artist) to produce a bronze sculpture. (She is on the right — Kaye Champagne is on the left).
You can get a closer look here. This is apparently a “galactic samurai.” Looks sort of like a stylized horse with a bag over it’s head to me, but I haven’t seen it in person (I looked on her website and see that it is supposed to be a person (samurai) in a kimono sort of thing with lightning bolts on the shoulder, throwing or wielding a lightning bolt — sort of Harry Potterish… )
Here is what the plaque says:
In case you have difficulty reading it:
“The Galactic Samurai”
There are exceptional beings in this world who reach across time and space to help others realize their own greatest strengths.
“The Galactic Samurai” is an acknowledgement of the Chairman of the Board, RTC, for his enormous contributions that reach into eternity.
Presented with deepest respect by the Flag OT Ambassadors & OT Committee on behalf of the Clearwater Field.
November AD 63.
Well, the most important man on earth is certainly a deserving recipient of such an esteemed title. It’s right up there with Silver Surfer, Captain America and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
These people will be the last KoolAid drinkers to wake up because they are in total propitiation.
Frankly, all joking aides, that’s a sad state to be in.
Kinda looks like the Netflix Flash lol
You have to be pretty creative to come up with the “Galactic Samurai” title, especially since “Obi Wan” and “Yoda” were already taken. Besides, Misccavige might be offended by the “Yoda” title due to his diminuitive size. I bet nobody has thought of this one yet:
With your approval, I’ll start working on the bronze statue…
What a load of utter bollocks.
At least the sculpture is life size!
The “Galactic Samurai” has a major cultural faux pas: the front lapels of the samurai’s jacket are overlapping in the WRONG way….
In Japan, when someone dies, they dress the corpse in a kimono and wrap the lapels with the right-side lapel overlapping (on top of) the left-side lapel….
Thus the Galactic Samurai is dressed as a CORPSE would be! (For a western context: imagine a statue of Davey as a wild west gunslinger—with arms crossed over his chest and holding a Lily ….just like a dead gunslinger would appear in a coffin…same imagery)
Anyone with cultural knowledge of Japan would notice that wrong kimono lapel placement right away.
Maybe the “Corpse-style” dressing of the Galactic Samurai is a Subtle Metaphor for Davey MisCarriage’s tenure over CO$ ????
Oh yes — and any TRUE samurai or swordsman would NEVER wield a sword directly in front of his OWN face —be it a sword or a whimsical thunderbolt….
The picture shows just how close Tom Cruise is to COB! The pooparazzi will be all over this!!!
Hippothetically speaking.
The Hippo picture says it all. This may be the strangest ass kissing ever!
DM tailor made Sec check:
1. Have you ever stolen a religion?
2. Have you pretended to be a Scientologist?
3. Have you committed any financial irregularities?
4. Have you goofed off on post?
5. Are you covering up a crime?
6. Is there some question I shouldn’t ask you?
7. Have you ever beaten a staff member?
8. Do you have any out 2D?
9. Have you tried to get rid of well intentioned people?
10. Have you altered standard tech?
11. Have you ever used a security check to punish others?
12. Have you ever sent another to the RPF because you didn’t like them?
13. Are you guilty of playing musical chairs?
How about 14. Are you pretending to be someone else?
That too as well as ‘Are you impersonating source?’
Have you failed to get rid of any good when
you could have?
14. Have you committed a crime that you could go to jail for?
15. Did you ever fail to beat someone when you knew that they deserved it?
16. Are you exempt from your own policies?
17. Are you trying to cover up the fact that you are a fraud?
18. Is there something about you that you can’t let others know about?
19. Are others out to get you?
20. Do you have an evil purpose connected to running the church of Scientology?
21. What would happen to you if people found out about you?
22. Are you different from other people?
Additions gratefully accepted Tony. Finding an auditor is (w)hole other story!
23. Are you hiding from auditors?
24. Would you like to destroy auditors?
25. What haven’t you done to destroy auditors?
Thanks for your creativity MJ. 🙂
Thanks Tony. Dave offers fertile ground in which ideas tend to almost automatically germinate.
Tony, read your writeup re leaving the church. Good on your personal integrity. Feel free to email me if you’d like: [email protected]
Man, if only that thing had a microphone and a transmitter in it, the tales it would tell! Sitting there on Slappy Miscavige’s desk, listening as He swills Scotch and jokes about Tom Cruise’s PC folders…
Uh oh, now He Who Must Not Be Named (and Who isn’t named on that plaque), the Prophet of Scientology, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige is going to have to have that thing x-rayed and scanned before He puts it anywhere, because we all know He reads this blog! Ha ha, Dave. Better check it over thoroughly! You never know where all those leaks could be coming from…
OK Mike I give I give…I can’t take this stuff anymore…the church has become such a parody of a stereotype of a cult I can’t stand it..,nevertheless the volume of it is increasing…the Stat “Number of Silly and/or Disgusting Words and/or Deeds That Further Degrade Whatever Good Existed in Scientology” is as straight and vertical as can be.
Highest amount of profanity in a text message is also straight up and vertical. How about a new Academy Award category – Best performance of a sadist impersonating a religious leader.
Comparing Samurai and Bushido to a financial criminal like Miscavige is grotesque and nauseating.
I know what I can do!!!! I can ‘clear’ the word ‘CULT’. Then those still in will know what to do! So here goes:
CULT: noun a system of religious veneration and and devotion directed a particular figure or object.
a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or
sinister. (this is from the Oxford Dictionary) Please for your own safety and well being — investigate, go
on the internet, it’s really OK— we are not SP’s. We care about you really. You have to be BRAVE!!!
YOU have seen things that you KNOW are not right…… Now GO and LOOK!!!!! IT’s OK. DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this gift is perfect, Mike. It is a piece of crap. Very appropriate.
I am sure the artist has done better work.
And speaking of crap, your choice of the word “brown nosing” was also perfect, Mike. I don’t know who this person, Kaye Champagne, is but the expression on her face does not quite look like a smile, does it? I’m sure that she has good intentions in presenting this gift, but to me her expression looks more like she has been smelling something rather stinky.
Okay…I confess. I don’t like the sculpture, even though I wanted to appreciate the work of a well-known artists. It looks to me like a weird horse wearing a hat.
Since assuming his leadership position, there have been a number of allegations made against David Miscavige. These include claims of forced separation of family members, coercive fundraising practices, harassment of journalists and church critics, and humiliation of church staff members, including physical assaults upon them by Miscavige.[7][8] Miscavige and church spokespersons deny the majority of these claims, often criticizing the credibility of those who bring them.
In a nutshell, what LRH wanted for his birthday was the expansion of the tech. What Miscavige wants is silver, gold, and BMW’s.
And all he gets is a cheap bronze paper weight made in house to keep costs down. I suppose the fawning adoration makes up for the lack of tangible value though. 😀
Ans thanks to all the Sea Org members who selflessly gave their lives for a dream…
And compromised it for a nightmare.
In this clip Nin(j)a Winters says: “The Galactic Samurai / Confrontation of Evil”.
How far is she from home………….
I have to say that I am impressed by Nina’s creativity. Doesn’t matter what she either does or doesn’t do inside the Co$, she could survive with her work which she sells well. And BTW, Dunham actually knows very little about Nina. I have lived with her and know every inch of her, inside and out.
“Doesn’t matter what she either does or doesn’t do inside the Co$, she could survive with her work which she sells well.”
I really hope she enjoys life with creating these objects, otherwise it is a pitty.
Lots of skill in creating it, but — in my opinion — gawd, that thing is hideous.
Actually the skill may have just been in the metalwork and assembly. As the video shows, the form itself is computerized. I’m sure Ms. Winters developed the first piece, but from there it was evidently computerized and so is reproducible on any scale.
If DM’s was not the original, he has a reproduction on top of everything else.
I never know whether to feel anger or pity for these types of individuals…… I guess I feel a bit of both.
I wonder if any of these four pictured have even read the (now five-year-old) Truth Rundown. I seriously doubt it. All one needs is the internet and some common sense to realize that these guys are worshiping a madman.
Respect Mike respect
Just asking: is AD63 “Anno Dianetics 63”?
I always heard it as After Dianetics, with 1950 as year 0.
Why is anyone giving a ‘galactic samurai’ to someone who couldn’t even be a power ranger? J. Swift’s comment is hilarious, I love ot8isgrrrrtt!!!!!! Is that enough exclamation points?
If you read her website and then google her — you’ll see she lives in Florida AND New England — gasp — what if she’s my neighbor. But her New England is almost a suburb of Boston — whew
In any case, the Samarai Bronze that she was commissioned to do is 6 x 9 feet and is going to Texas — where we are pretty darn sure dm doesn’t live.
So — he didn’t get the “real” Samurai — but the smaller piece
Which I’ll bet she charged all those SO members for.
She is herself a “piece of work”—award-winning-international-sculptor.html
In the bottom picture it looks like there is a ‘putting the plaque on straight tech’ fail. Funny and shambolic all in one.
I am also a bit disturbed by the artist’s smile.
Mike – How did you get this picture? Is it a private one or was it produced for other OTC members to see it?
It strikes me that these people used DM’s birthday present as a photo op. I understand taking a picture with the person being celebrated but DM isn’t there. What is their purpose in posing for this photo?
When giving gifts in the form of presents or money, I just give it to the person and don’t make any fanfare about it. This seems a little self-promoting to me.
If this picture was disseminated to other public, perhaps they are trying to “set an example” of COB worship and “lets get on the bandwagon and start giving presents to DM for his birthday” like Sea Org members have to. Of course, the public isn’t clued into that practice.
Things are looking more cult-like by the day.
COB spreads his disease
Genuflect or he’ll break your knees
mmmhhh…. is it really this years DM’s Birthday present?
It says on the plaque: November A.D. 63 -> November 2013.
But DM’s 54th birthday was on April 30. 2014.
Just wondering.
Mike, I strive to do original work over at my OTVIIIisGrrr8! blog, but for the past two days all I needed to do was to copy your blog to show the shameless the brown-nosing the Church is engaged in with COB.
I don’t even have to write satire when the Church hands it to me on a silver platter.
On a related note, one of the definitions of a “Cult” is group that worships a central personality.
Looks like the only people left in the Church are Miscavige worshipers and sycophants who’ve convinced themselves that their deck chair on the Titanic is actually part of the new Super Power Freezing Saltwater Rundown.
“I don’t even have to write satire when the Church hands it to me on a silver platter”.
Its true, J.Swift. A continual supply of bizarre material, and this is the Church’s Normal operation so you can just follow the formula and not change anything 🙂
If things with the lawsuits and the IRS get really bad, Mr, Galactic Samurai will have to hop in his Galactic Subaru and head for the hills.
That works, since Subaru is the Japanese name for a constellation (Pleiades I think). The great Galactic Samurai heading for the Pleiades in his Subaru!
More Satanic symbolism for COB !! 😉
Maybe a 20 foot Galactic Samurai in bronze with a face that looks like TC would be more acceptable.
Kaye Champagne is a blind follower of DM. She told me once she just put her faith in DM and hoped he was right. Well Kaye, I hate to break it to you but you need to wake up and look at what is happening to your Church and Scientology right now and stop blindly following and carrying out his destructive orders. Kaye also told me she knew Jason Beghe back when he was in the Church and what a great guy he was. Kaye’s explanation as to what caused Jason to turn on Scientology is that he had been PDH’d (given pain, drugs and hypnosis). She said that all OT’s needed to be careful and on the look out as the same thing could happen to them. I got the idea that Kaye thought people were just being snatched off the streets, taken somewhere and PDH’d so they’d turn against the CofS. I’m sure that is what she thinks happened to me. I use to work closely with her on the OTC at Flag for a few years.
Kaye, if you were able to listen to me I’d tell you: I did wake up. Being in the Church the last 5 years (before I woke up and was declared) was equivalent to being PDH’d. You, Kaye, and Sue Moore and Jim Bridgeforth are good people. I know you all care and think you are doing the right thing but you must no deep down inside that something is very wrong. You need to open your eyes and your heart and see -.your religion has been hijacked and subverted by a psychopath. For your sake and the sake of all good people still in the Church, you need to wake up, stop being reasonable, look at what is happening and stand up to the lies and oppression. People are being hurt by your actions (selling Patrons to retired old ladies on social security is not survival Kaye) and inaction when you go into agreement with good people being declared and you disconnect from them.
This is not someone else’s job to stand up and say “No” to this oppression. It is your responsibility to do something about these conditions and at the very least, do what LRH says, not what DM says LRH says.
Very well said Sara.
Wow Sara….reminds me of my hippie days
….HEAVY…..Dig It Kaye.
Hi Sara,
No. It is a real threat! They came for my wife a few days ago and PDH’d her in her sleep! Then last night they PDH’d ,my dog!
Jason Beghe was PDH’d? She actually said that. What is this woman dramatizing? Out of present time much, Kaye?
Bear with me, people, as I’m going to get this ALL out of my system, OK?
Ugly is bad enough, but its also more than a little ridiculous – this incomprehensible figurine with its over-the-top flowery-language plaque underneath. Like one of those awful sculpture-figurines or sculpture lamps of wolves or dogs, eagles or bears, etc with “profound” words on a plaque underneath that are interspersed with the dishes and sheets in cheap catalogues. You flip thru the pages and see some awful thing like this and pause for a moment to consider how funny it would be to send it to a friend as a gag.
OK, I’m done, thank you.
It’s like something you’d find in the SkyMall catalog.
Miscavige’s name is not on the plaque – in the spirit of “he who shall not be named”? And “deepest respect”? Are “deep respect” and “respect” not respectful? Yikes – at least they know how low they need to go – and makes for easier “brown nosing tech”. The plaque also does not say what happened in November AD63 (or any other time) – “his enormous contributions that reach into eternity” are rendered vague…..for eternity.
This is so THETA….. Like REALLY….. TOTALLY>>>> FOR SURE !!
I think its ugly. I mean, I know I’m prejudiced, but still, I’m looking at this thing, and if I didn’t know anything about Scientology or David Miscavige, I would still think it was ugly. If someone gave it to me with a very complimentary note, or as a commendation of me in some way, I would thank them very much for giving me something (that they think is) beautiful, then stash it out of sight somewhere in my house or garage. Then I’d take it out when the people who gave it to me were coming over. That’s hypocritical, I know. It would be kind of a problem for me, because whatever I have around me, Mest-wise, are things I really like.
Of course, this is all very subjective. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet I can’t imagine that anyone would admire it. What I can imagine is David Miscavige receiving it and groaning inwardly, “Where the hell am I going to keep this ugly-ass thing?”
He would never have such a rational sounding thought! The most he would do would be to tell whatever-her-name-is: “Take this.”.
I can’t even begin to conceive of what his concept of ugly and not ugly is (I don’t think the word “beautiful” is in his vocabulary – well maybe when he’s looking in the mirror.)
Aquamarine: “I think its ugly.”
I also think it’s ugly. It reminds me some deep ocean fish. If somebody gave it to me as a gift, I would throw in the trash.
By the way, who paid for this thing? Did the Flag OTC paid it themselves, or they used donations money?
Man, these guys have not learned a thing.
Don’t buy DM stuff that has sharp edges and is throwable.
Those OTs really know who to kiss butt. Tone 40 all the way! Seriously though, we can’t be out done like this. We need to make Mike Rinder something… “space knight 3000” or something like that. “Whole Track Warrior.”
How about Air Chief Marshal, the highest rank in the Royal Australian Air Force?
Galactic Air Chief Marshal Supreme…
I don’t get why there isn’t a plaque and statue with DM grabbing a copper rod?
Lucy, quiet that thought. POS davie (Pope Of Scientology davie) is saving that for GAT 3 or 4. Once everything is sold (at a great profit), he can then cancel the new old and generate new sales with the now new-new stuff (and don’t forget the tin-foil hat in matching colors (or , it that another one of the missing perceptics in the soon to be re-launched super-power revised as per what LRH really wanted, bla-bla-bla.)
“I create monumental sculptures that inspire world peace” ……Nina Winters
If that’s the case then this sculpture really has its work cut out for it on the Int. Base.
Careful with this gift Dave, Nina is sending in a Trojan Horse with a purpose attached to it that doesn’t align with your intentions.
“Then this sculpture really has its work cut out for it at Int Base.”
Lol!! What a hunk of junk.
Given the amount of metal and stone that already exist in Miscavige’s private office and residence does he really need some more metal? The statue is attractive but if you’re going to give this guy a gift possible an orchid or a bonsai tree might add a little color and life into his private quarters.
I’m afraid though that if you give Dave anything that has life in it he’s not going to be able to restraining himself from snipping at it with scissors.
It’s doubtful that the Galactic Samurai Dave, will even begin to try to appreciate the art. The ego-stroke plaque will communicate to him though.
Dave the Galactic Samurai “could care less” what the Flag OTC/Ambassadors thinks of him, or anyone else for that matter. Just as long as it’s good and obeys his “Command Intention.”
Limerick for a Lunatic
There once was a pirate named Dave
Whose purpose was just too depraved
With tech so pathetic
Called Black Dianetics
His legacy lies in yon grave
+1 You’ve chosen words that naturally fit David’s persona … depraved, pathetic, pirate. Jolly Good
He should fly the Jolly Roger from his fortress at Int Base.
VERY good! LOL
The perfect gift for the COB who has everything: a sci-fi turd with a ribbon tied round it.
It is sad that Miscavige returns his flock’s adoration and blind loyalty with pure contempt and hatred. Why else would he crush reg them to financial ruin and rip apart their families at a whim all while holding their immortalities hostage? The Co$ scientologists are weak and utterly dependent on him and he hates them for it. The vampire holds no affection for its victims.
On the one hand, DM will hate this gift. After a string of obscenities, his staff will know what to do with it.
On the other hand, this gift says: “we are completely ignorant of your true nature”. He might appreciate that part 🙂
I say he gives it to TC as a little something to show he was at least thinking of him.
A couple things to note. I know Nina and her daughter Hana-Li (who sings at events).
I’ll note this first…this is not a piece that Nina “created” for’s one of her favorite pieces to make and she has made it often, which makes me think that making it for COB is quite self-serving. She will use this as a claim to fame of sorts.
About 7 years ago, Nina was taken off of OT 7 for having a breakdown when her GROWN ASS daughter wanted to move out of the house to get a place to live with her HUSBAND. The daughter and husband had been living with Nina up to that point.
Nina could not have the fact that her daughter was “leaving her” and would not sleep for months and as a result had a breakdown and was taken off 7. This was 7 years ago. She is still trying to earn her way back on. So just realize this is the mental strength of the person we’re dealing with here.
Nina eventually added a wing on the house so her daughter would move back in (more privacy)
Further, Nina does not make a living as an artist. Although she has a million-dollar home and a very expensive BMW convertible. Nina has never held a job or earned a living as an artist. Nina’s mother is quite wealthy and is not a Scientologist (almost 100 years old), but has been willing to pay for everything Nina has ever done in Scientology and in life. That’s a great mother.
So again realize this is the production level of the person we are talking about. Nina does make art. She just doesn’t usually sell any. I’m not criticizing this point. I like her sculptures. It’s just a fact.
LRH says that EXCHANGE is what keeps the case at bay. Nina provides no exchange in life generally. Propitiation is easy for Nina.
As for Sue Moore (2nd from the right) she was fired from a VERY high-profile WISE consulting company in Clearwater because she was found to be the WHO for a massive amount of 3P that was occurring in the company. It’s interesting to note that this occurred while Sue was literally ON THE SHIP doing OT 8 Elig.
Sue had the embarrassment of being sent home after INTENSIVES of Elig WITHOUT having been allowed on OT 8. So Sue knows the game. Propitiation is the only game one can win at in Corporate Scientology.
I think that she is in trouble. Look:
This says that there is a 7.5 foot one that now belongs to a PepsiCo exec. Apparently living in Dallas FW.
So, DM gets one about 18 inches tall and a Pepsi VP gets one that’s bigger than life.
Right, Dan.
Let’s make sure that DM finds out that the Pepsico exec has a bigger one.
Good catch Dan. Nina may have just closed the door on ever getting back on OT 7. Dave is not going to appreciate getting something smaller than a guy who distributes sugary sodas.
Nina may have to put in a call to her mother to make up the damage here. 10 million ought to be just the sort of salve that soothes this wound.
Not sugary sodas, KFrancis, salty, crunchy snack foods. Dallas is HQ of Frito-Lay, a subsidiary of PepsiCo. Does that make it better or worse, do you think?
Hi Dunham,
Regarding Nina, she sounds like she is in really bad shape.
Someone should tell her that Scientology can help her!
OMG. That is going to leave a mark!
I’ve received bowling trophies that
communicated better than that.
I think when DM sees it he will
immediately think of his best
And yes the plaque has a secret
way to take it off and on the back
it says….from one big being to
another…..ML Tom.
This is so sick. It’s made out of chocolate ,right ?
Oh, I would hate to be around these people when they wake up – the cringe factor is going to be HUGE.
This comment might be a dull faultfinding. But I just wanted to see the samurai wearing the kimono sort of thing correctly.
I mean the left lapel should overlap the right lapel in any case(men or women), at least , in the country of samurai.
It is just a kind of my patriotism and respect for the tradition.
And I’m a little bit worried about whether the Galactic Samurai himself knows the fact that only a dead body wears that way (the right lapel overlaps the left lapel) at a funeral ceremony.
These are the folks who can’t even proofread their own e-mails to catch mistakes in spelling and grammar that an average 8th grader could avoid making.
And I’m a little bit worried about whether the Galactic Samurai himself knows the fact that only a dead body wears that way (the right lapel overlaps the left lapel) at a funeral ceremony.
Given the distorted over-stylized ‘lightning bolts’ in the shoulder area, I’m doubtful that COB knows anything about Japanese culture or cares.
Interesting. So maybe the wrong lapel placement which indicates death, is actually a Freudian slip on the part of the sculptress.
LOL- good catch. “only a dead body wears that way (the right lapel overlaps the left lapel) at a funeral ceremony.”
LRHC makes this comment in passing but this is really a big deal in japanese culture. The top is supposed to be lapped left over right. (left on top) When deceased another laps it for you, still using left over right but from their perspective, so it is reversed as it is in the statue. The same tradition holds for the tying of the belt. When someone else ties your belt, it reverses the direction of the knott. The belt in the statue is correct for the living but the top is for the dead. A confusing image. But I suppose DM is part dead and part living so the error has merit.
Law of Attraction on the artist’s part? Maybe a covert postulate? Thumbs up.
Could that have been an intentional hidden message from the artist, to create the cumulative list:
— The statue is small.
— The samurai no longer exist — all dead in terms of their historic function.
— The statue looks like an anime cartoon.
— The garb is done so that it signifies a dead person.
— Hm. The belt signifies being done for the living and the top for the dead. Maybe there’s a message there. The belt is for the living who may yet escape the thrall of Scientology, and the top is to indicate the Last Samurai is, well, dead.
Could the artist have intentionally woven those subtle and plausibly deniable details into her work?
Another interpretation is that DM wanted to be able to say to buddy TC, “Hey, look! I’m a samurai too!”
The artist’s website indicates the statue is available in other sizes and so Miscarriage’s b-day gift is not the only one. See, he truly isn’t that special is he.
Perhaps we should all chip in and order duplicates for Mike and all the other heroic SP’s who are shining lights on the truth?
How’s this for a dedication:
“The Galactic Samurai”
“There are exceptional beings in this world who reach across time and space to help free others from emotional, mental and physical slavery…
“The Galactic Samurai” is an acknowledgement of ________ for his/her enormous contributions in spreading the ugly truth about the ‘Church’ of Scientology to all corners of the galaxy.
Presented with deepest respect by the thousands of SP’s, Wogs, & other Interested Parties on behalf of all who are disconnected, bankrupted, confused, broken, and still enslaved.”
That way, when COB looks at his little Samurai sculpture on his shelf, he can picture Mike, Marty, J Swift & Karen D, Tony Ortega, Chris Shelton et all looking at theirs…and his head will explode.
LOL! Now that’s a plan!!
OMG I will drink to that diva! Salute!
Now they have really stepped in it. When His assHoliness finds out there is another and it is bigger than his, the OTC is going to be on the shitlist for sure!
As I have (unfortunately) said before. Just when I think they can’t get crazier, Mike unearths another set of gems…….. You just can’t make this shit up.
Yesterday someone mentioned that soon DM would be having photos of himself all over the Orgs just like LRH… And I thought to myself — yep, and then a bronze statue of himself, just like LRH. Looks like we are moving in that direction. This is whacky.
And like an observer pointed out, it looks like a Japanese anime. And a Samurai is about service to an overlord. DM is going to read all these comments and then trash the statue. Disown it. Or at least feel great ambivalence about it. Was the birthday statuette his idea? Or would he rather have had a new Harley?
He can have RPFers put wheels on it. It would be about the right size for COB to ride around on.
“The Galactic Samurai” is an acknowledgement of the Chairman of the Board, RTC, for his enormous contributions that reach into eternity.”
P.S. According to the artist’s website,the senior vp of Pepsi Co got a 7′ by 9′ version. Don’t tell Davey he got the mini-me!
Aren’t they concerned that Dave may consider the piece embarrassingly short?
This brings up an interesting question. What succession plan does Miscavage have for the inevitable time he is no longer there or able to function as the head honcho? Is anyone being groomed for the next in line? From the outside it does not appear there is anyone being prepared for the time when Miscavage is no more. In the case of a nation with an all powerful leader, upon that leader’s demise, there is chaos or worse.
Of course there is no plan. Davey’s only interested in himself, he has no vision of a future for his racket. When he’s gone, why should he care what happens to the leftovers? They served their purpose in keeping him waist deep in luxury and torture slaves, why make plans for them after he’s gone.
Assuming that Squirrelly Dave’s life ends with him still in control of the COS (and not in jail after the decades of degrading confinement I wish upon him), it will just collapse. But I can’t imagine there will much left TO collapse. A few dozens “executives” abruptly released from the Hole by guards who suddenly realize they aren’t getting paid, another few dozen henchmen (and hench-women…looking at your ragged, hate ravaged face, Donatella Kevenaar) who disappear after they suddenly realize they may have legal problems. A few hundred public who will want to hide and pretend they had nothing to do with it. The Sea Org will stumble blinking into the street, hopefully into the arms of their families who will try to put their worlds back together.
And all the money will disappear into the lawyers’ pockets as a flood of lawsuits washes LRH’s legacy into the gutter.
Bob and Doigo,
I have pondered the same question myself regarding a succession plan in the event of Miscavige being unable to “serve.”
I could easily fathom that DM would not have a plan in place just like LRH, as he appears to be following in his footsteps.
However, I can’t help but think that there is some young buck waiting quietly in the wings for his chance to take the lead. Power is very attractive to some people and in the old days, Kings were made on the battlefield.
I predict another dictator sort will succeed Miscavige unless the CoS crumbles into the dust first, which I don’t think will be the reality any time soon.
“I could easily fathom that DM would not have a plan in place just like LRH, as he appears to be following in his footsteps.” This is a fascinating comment Pepper. Care to elucidate?
As far as thinking there is some young buck waiting in the wings for his chance to take the lead, I would hope each and every potential young buck would stand back and say, “No, I don’t wish to be like him.”
Regarding “Young Buck,” I have two words.
I think you’re right Indie 8. Gavin is a mini me wannabe of the mini DM and if he were to take over, it would be a hostile takeover by 1.1 means just like DM did it.
He needs to get a lot meaner.
“This is a fascinating comment Pepper. Care to elucidate?”
LRH did not leave instructions as to who would be “In charge” after he died. Hence, there was a power struggle that ended up with DM running the show.
Actually, this is quite hilarious. Anyone worth their salt and doing a little bit of homework on the history of the Samurai would have found that the word is synonymous with “servitude to their Lords and Masters”. This presentation to DM is actually an insult, as it puts him beneath the rank and honour of nobility.
Secondly, in 1573, it was observed that “Everyone knows that if a man doesn’t hold filial piety toward his own parents he would also neglect his duties toward his lord. Such a neglect means a disloyalty toward humanity. Therefore such a man doesn’t deserve to be called ‘samurai’.” (Source Wikipedia)
But all is not lost, because instead of being deposed in the Rathbun case and thus save face, maybe DM will die with honour by performing suicide by Seppuku (切腹?, (“stomach-cutting”) – also known as harikiri which was either used voluntarily by samurai to die with honour rather than fall into the hands of their enemies, or as a form of capital punishment for samurai who had committed serious offenses, for other reasons that had brought shame to them. .
I’m all for DM falling on his own sword.
“servitude to their Lords and Masters” Black Panther, I love that you did the homework!! And I really hope that dear leader reads this blog. I am sure that he thought Galactic Samurai was so much better than his bff’s Last Samurai – now he knows that it just makes servant to the galaxy! 🙂
Of course, any person who does take a position of command seriously, knows that to command is to serve. I am sure that DM is totally blind to that side of power.
My impression of that ‘statue’ is a samurai lopping off his own head with his ‘light saber’.
It’s looks like a joke trophy assembled from an animae action figure draped in leather. What are we guessing, $50k? $100k? This will be his favorite. A life-size trophy play toy!
Just wait. They will start selling replicas of this in the Bookstore. I definitely wouldn’t put it past “Him” to approve this.
Yes, I was thinking it looks like anime too. Probably intentional by the artist since samurai and anime are both Japanese.
But … it could also be interpreted as “The Galactic Samurai is a … cartoon figure!” And hence the same would fit COB.
Galactic Samurai!! Wow!! That’s sounds more wonderful and powerful than Johnny Goodboy Tyler!!
More like Captain Obvious!
Don’t you mean Captain Oblivious?
Maybe Galactic Samurai will be the upcoming highest ever sponsor level you can reach via donation.
Donate a billion for the privilege of sipping Scotch with Dave.
What a beautiful state of mind to put out symbols and then perceive them back as tangible reality despite all evidence to the contrary.
Galactic Samurai? Is it not too low and too little?
Well, Tom was the Last Samurai. Dave couldn’t be LESS than Tom so he has to be the GALACTIC Samurai.
Wake up, Tom, Wake up, Tom, Wake up, Tom.
DM probably commissioned it himself…and then didn’t pay the artist for it. After all, all creations, comm lines, etc., should be given over to Miscavige because we are nothing.
Well at least it is not life size….. but wait maybe it is!
This is for those who refuse to know the truth:
NOTHING empowers you more than KNOWING the truth, and nothing holds you back more than NOT knowing it. That’s why living a life IMMERSED in as much truth as possible is your fast-track to conscious and deliberate living.
And it is also for you Mike old friend, as an acknowledgement for the great and un-selfish work you have been doing for years.
Well done to you and those who are helping.
Amen to that Alex.
The Last Samurai is what comes to mind, but, besides this thought while browsing through the artist web, in my opinion, I can see she is creative.
Propitiation? Could be, assumedly one adopts this position when trying to avoid harm coming from the one being propitiated; I am not totally sure they are in fear of him.
Is probably worse, they have risen his image into a position of someone to be venerated; but assigning him as Source will cause their own demise. Why? There is no human being that can be the owner of the creation of your own life; the moment you relinquish this you become a low effect in need to “adore” and take as Cause somebody else. Is like admitting you don’t exist…very, very sad indeed Mike.
Completely agree.
Amen Silvia.
I agree with you completely Silvia. Very, very sad.
I’ve never heard it put so well. So true. It’s like 0 – 8. “I am Zero, Miscavige is infinity. Do with me as you will as I am no longer my own.”
Long track of slavery.
Ms Winters has a great sense of humour – too bad the Flag OTC didn’t get the joke.
Great. Now my kid wants to be a Galactic Samurai for Halloween.
Hur hur 😛
“who gets to be David Miscavige”? “I do”. “No, where were David Miscavige last time”, “Its my turn”. “No its not”. “Maaaaaaaaaaa” “Tell him its my turn to be David Miscavige”. “I am tired of being Lou”.
So sad. 🙁 On so many levels.
Mike that was my first thought too when I saw that. These are the people that will have the hardest time when Davie is taken away in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit. It’s so sad. The date is “AD” is that for “After David” as in “after David took over???
AD Still stands for after dianetics for the moment. But I bet Dave’s already imagining his new dating system…AG for after the golden age of tech or AP for after pope Miscavige took charge.
I knew what “A.D” meant. It was my attempt at a joke.
Fucking LOL