Some epic news hot off the press from the mighty Flag OT Committee…
Fundraising, fundraising and more fundraising.
Orlando NOW has 35 staff. Wow! And they are “doing very well on recruiting.” Once again, scientology discloses the fact they are spending tens of millions of dollars for a building for people that do not exist. 35 staff (and you can bet this figure is bs as EVERY figure ever presented by scientology is ALWAYS bs) is supposed to be the size of a Mission. They have another 165 staff to go to be SH size and a real “ideal org.” They’re not even 20% of the way there after 30 years, but it’s all going to happen now. There aren’t even 200 INACTIVE scientologists in Orlando.
But the unreality of this is just ignored. It’s like their statements “we are clearing xxxx” – totally not happening. But they know this is what they are supposed to say so they say it.
And they have a “grand opening” — but they’re not saying what it is. They bought the final buildings on N. Ft Harrison between Cleveland and Drew and have been renovating them to look like all the other Potemkin Village empty storefronts that blight these two blocks. Will have to drive by and see what signs they put on them. You literally cannot tell the difference between the CCHR and Criminon and WTH and any of the other front groups. They are interchangeable and interchangeably empty.
Hold onto your seats — the “latest” news regarding the top of the Bridge from the OT VIII C/S (he obviously doesn’t have anything to DO on the Freewinds as far as C/Sing OT VIII’s so they send him out to do briefings sort of like having the neurosurgeon man the reception desk…) — and that news is that there is NO NEWS. But rest assured, OT IX and X are still going to be released “soon.” Just like they have been saying for 25 years now. What an opportunity to hear that message again.
They can only round up 20 confirms for their next “Clear event” — and you know that means less than 5 will show up. It’s a rocking scene at Flag…
And you see how they count their “starts” — “It could be as simple as having a comm cycle with them.” The QUOTA is 150 and that is going to be virtually everyone on service at Flag because the “OT Committee” probably hangs out in the waiting rooms and restaurants to have “comm cycles” with people so they can count the stats…
This is the best scientology has. The top of the top. The elite of the elite at the biggest and bestest org in the world (about 20 times bigger than the next biggest orgs — the AO’s which are in turn about 10 times bigger than the Class V orgs). Scientology is a proven failure.
The craziest thing about this is that they need volunteers because they still address envelopes. What century is this that people are hand-addressing envelopes. Isn’t that what databases and computers are for?
The only hand-addressed envelopes I send are Christmas, some birthday and thank you cards.
“The Tech” is now whatever Miscavige says it is. It’s his revenge for being dumped from the Briefing Course all those years ago. Thus he destroyed the Briefing Course in its entirety. “Ha! That’ll fix ’em!!!”
Peter Norton, I didn’t know DM was dumped from the briefing course. Can you tell us the story of that?
Peter, “the tech” was always insanity pulled out of Hubtard’s ass. DM doing the same thing makes no difference. A scam is a scam is a scam.
It wouldn’t be in the least surprising to me if this were the reason the Briefing Course has been cancelled. Also Him being a failed Class IV auditor being the reason that he has had to get rid of auditors – covertly, of course. Get rid of them while claiming to all and sundry that His intent is to help them. A true Suppressive, a true sociopath, this man Miscavige!
I am a bit underwhelmed…..WHY would you celebrate LRH Birthday???……one would THINK that since LRH “left his ill physical body”, that they’d celebrate his death because he’d be moving on to a healthier body & begin life anew Something’s not quite right celebrating his “birthday”. Hmmm? Well, then again, he is the “inventor” of Scientology.
Besides then again, if he is to be reborn…..just HOW would anyone recognize him since he’d have different parents & probably look differently. Is he expected to return to his previous form as an adult & reappear in one of those prepared rooms to slide his feet into his slippers & light up another cigarette that have been set aside waiting for him?
What the HELL would the COB even do should “LRH” magically reappear & take command of “the organization & it’s money from DM & then kick DM to the curb like yesterday’s trash?
Inquisitive minds want to know. The mysteries of “the organization” are beyond comprehension…
Christians celebrate the birth of Christ. That’s the only answer I can think of. As for your other questions, WTFK…
So in essence it’s more like:
Just give them all your money, your kids, your loyalty, disconnect from anyone who bad mouths the organization & don’t ask any questions….that sounds about right……………..
I expect he’ll return in the image of God: a Black married lesbian with greatly-loved children (hers and hers).
Is that a pic of the OT committee or some sewing circle? Looks like the latter, from about the ’50s at my first glance
Jere, this is promo for Scientology Media Production’s very first show, very hot, coming soon! Its the cult’s version of Sex And The City, gonna be yuuge.
Oh, the never ending battle of the CF organizing, ha ha ha ha!
It is a mystery to me how all those dynamic OT homo novii can’t just blink the job complete like Jeannie in “I Dream of Jeannie”.
Maybe they don’t have any of the abilities that scientology promised? Scientology can’t be built on a foundation of a con man’s bullshit, could it?
P.S. Every scientologist should look with supreme suspicion at every other scientologist.
Who is leaking these minutes? Who is feeding information to Tony Ortega and Mike Rinder? Hey Daveyboy Miscavige, could even Lou be betraying you? Don’t ever let down your guard for one minute. Remember, SPs are everywhere!
The person writing the report is upbeat and enthusiastic in her writing and at the end invites people to join the next meeting “to share in our fun and theta”. The scary thing is if she actually believes it.
Richard, honestly, I don’t think she BELIEVES it. Never underestimate the ability of a Still In to project “enthusiasm” not at all felt for some activity considered not fun AT ALL and quite possibly loathed. Oooooh, its so much fun! Ohhh, its so theta! They’re really, REALLY good at this at this!
Just like Class V org staff are REALLY good at projecting how happy and cheerful and glad they are to be on staff, what a PRIVILEGE it is, etc. Their dynamics are SO aligned because being on staff is thei stable datum.for their lives. This is all PR.
Their marriages, businesses, relationships, friendships, finances, state of mind etc. are ALL the greatest! Being on staff is FUN!
Scientology PR.. They’ll tell you this, They’ll “show” you. They churn this bullshit OUT – relentlessly!
Aqua – Thanks for the reply. That’s actually refreshing news. A lot of people put on a false face about things they don’t really believe. Maybe there IS hope for humanity.
I was thinking (hoping) that maybe she just wrote a rosy report to impress a senior, or maybe after she was done typing it she thought, “Christ! I’m glad that’s done for a week!”
P.S. In my time in scn up until 1982 people actually WERE enthusiastic and optimistic. Things changed – a bit – lol
True, Richard. Fair is fair. We all do this to some extent. But to our friends, our intimates, we can tell the truth, when the truth ain’t so good. But they never can because that’s “case on post”. For years I walked around believing these people had some sort of secret to life’s happiness and joy. They sure beamed out a lot of it! It wasn’t until I was almost out that I realized it was an act ,it was PR TECH, and that their lives sucked 10 times worse than mine did 🙂 And, lastly, I’m glad for you that when you were in prior to 1982 you saw REAL enthusiasm and optimism. I believe these did exist, once. I got in in 1986.
I just watched this video of Tom Cruise. Is he insane? I mean that seriously. He is complete mental ward material. How did all of his screws get so stripped?
Bill thank you for posting that batshit crazy Tom Cruise video again.
Most of us have seen it, but it is always good to go back and have a look at that useful idiot.
Remember, it is a privilege to be anti-scientology, but we must work at it. So I suggest to everyone, please keep reminding everyone you know about these things. I apply these suggestions RUTHLESSLY on myself. Only we can help. So what do you say? Are we gonna clean this place up?
Yes, wayc
We ARE going to clean this place up! And I’m gearing up to be able to do it, on a gradient..
For example, last night, after cooking dinner, I did the dishes – RUTHLESSLY.
Now, don’t get me wrong; I do the dishes. I like a clean kitchen so I don’t leave them in the sink.
. But this time I did them RUTHLESSLY.
Tone 40 on a frying pan. I slammed my own kitchen’s ethics in.
After all, when there are dirty dishes in the sink, who else can handle them ,really?
That was my cognition. Thanks, Tom.
Ha ha ha. Epic!
We can never let that fool Tom Cruise forget that he is the public face of a criminal organization.
COB has cleared the public and staff ranks of SPs. No wonder nobody is left in the idle morgues. #paranoidmuch?
How sad it must be trying to bail a sinking ship with a teaspoon.
But as long as the ship stays afloat until Thursday at 2 PM, all is well.
For another week, at least.
Xenu’s “body-thetans” are winning, I’d say. Overwhelming the Scientologists left right and center.
Wasn’t Anna Paddock (Stilo) WDC Sea Org for a number of years? She’s doing good, I see on the Flag OTC. (Again I’d say the Scientology analysis comes down to Flag becoming a haven for earth’s “body-thetans”, since if LRH died with a few he couldn’t handle, I’ll wager the movement of Scientologists are really pulling in the BTs.)
Scienrobotology is stuck in a rut of flopped events, and they just keep on with endless fundraising. Thursday funnies really show the current modus operandi of the cherch – forever begging for donations. Aren’t you glad to be free of it all !
In Germany the company is down too. It seems that there are still 1200 to 1500 fanatics there. Three years ago there were 2200 officially counted members. Now it is only based on the shoulders of hypnotized youngsters – who sucked the teachings by mothers milk – or the ever lasting hardliners. But what shall they do? They cannot speak freely to each other nor to the suppressive wogs. As long as they have a “WE” in their mind, they cannot think for themselves. It is an uncomfortable life to be so unfree and living with so confusing fancy answers of the monster called Ron by them. I wish freedom for all of them.
Does COB, David Miscavige, really care about stats anymore other than to punish those that do not make the cut? There is no way he doesn’t see the membership numbers dwindling.
Yet the flock must report any grain of sand that lands in their yard measured in millimeters.
The Wicked Witch (Scientology) at last is DEAD!
All that is left is a few Flying Monkeys picking at the remains.
You said it.Scientology is not dying as we have speculated many years on this forum.
It is now dead not dying.
Like a chicken without a head Scientology is still making spastic movements.
Yep! The witch is gone leaving the monkeys. I hope they get a good home.
Yea, somehow the song “If I only had a brain” comes to mind.
Hail Dorothy!
The Flag OTC is like a Roombah stuck in a corner.
“that means you got a ‘product’ from your outflow”….kinda says it all….people are “products” for CoS….inventory assets that they can get money from. So creepy.
Seriously . . .
Does anyone else see a “parallel” to the last days of Adolph Hitler, during which he was “commanding” fictitious troops in non-existant “battles”, while surrounded by his Staff, who were all too afraid of him to tell him the truth ?
Dave F.
Absolutely! Dave, you just said it all. Great post!
The more I learn about Adolph, the more similarities I see between him and DM.
Actually, Hitler was not very clever. Seems to me that his Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebbels played a huge role in developing Hitler’s image and it was his work in large part, that caused the people of Germany to believe Hitler was some kind of genius and Messiah and until Hitler invaded Russia, most people absolutely adored Hitler. They loved his easy victories over Poland, France, Holland, Belgium, etc. No one ever seemed to ask the question, “How difficult was it to defeat these countries who had no real modern armed forces?” It was especially strange that people thought he was a brilliant commander when his forces easily won in the Spanish Revolution. The opposition had no Air Force whatsoever and their land forces faced Hitler’s tanks on horseback. So how difficult was it for Hitler to win? Did it really take a genius to win under those conditions?
Do you see any parallels between DM and Josef Goebbels? I think DM needed a whole lot of help to form his image and then control.
i do too. Now if He’d only…you know, its possible that He might…it IS possible.
Hmm . . . “ED” Convention . . . “Erectile Dysfunction” Convention ?
Dave F.
You mean I have vote for one of them?
Is it me or are these meeting notes/flyers/posters that we see every week read more and more desperate? And that “comm cycle” stat is more evidence in their desperation to up-stat that the process to measure growth has no integrity whatsoever. It’s just a bunch of made up numbers that have no validity and these notes show that everyone is in on the game willingly.
And, according to Division 4 you have to show up to a graduation to find out what the “grand opening” is for? Who frickin cares? All of their events are some big “grand opening” that the bubblettes are comatose.
I feel bad for the poor bastard in charge of the CF and getting that organized. He’ll have to drag in his extended family to volunteer because everyone else would rather go to Disneyworld.
It will never, ever be organized. Ever. CF is a continuous cluster fuck. Decades from now…it will be the same.
Can’t wait for that “elron teck” to make it’s way into Congress…..Everyones going “clear”!
Mike Rinder, do you and Leah Remini having an affair?
No. She is family to me. Literally replaces my little sister who disconnected from me.
I don’t having affair family member with. I loving my wife.
What’s your definition of “Pure” when english is apparently your third language?
you crack me up! 🙂
Pure Australian. ?. I’ll be the third billy goat gruff. Question for you living the bridgeunder ever getting of across?
Pure Australian needs to brush up on his grammar.
Mike, I’m dying 🙂 OSA desperate much? With these English grammar-challenged “Australians”?
you are freakin hilarious Mike Rinder!!! hahahahahahahahahaha
He could host the, Mike Rinder Show! And I’ll be the first person he interviews! C’mon Mike! Let’s do this thing! And, we can have others on too! And we can all talk shit about the cult! That’s my dream…
Perhaps you could rent air time and film the show at SuMP, as apparently there is nothing going on there anyway.
Mike…you’re the best! This feed has literally made my day! Eheheh
Oh god….hilarious response.
I believe Mike asked you a question Pure Australian. Do you afraid of him????
Yeah PureA. Where go did you?
LOL! No worry! Pure Australian are come back. He are get grammar cram.
Thanks for the laugh, OSA!
Mike. I would have told Pure. Its none of your business! ..
Pure Australian,Rinder is easily a class act and it’s obvious that you’re a plant trying to smear him.Take your Scientologist tactics and shove it. From an Oppressive Person,yeah not Suppressive ,an Oppressive who wants to stand with the rest of the world and watch David Mixed Cabbage and his drones fail.
Zardu, I applaud you. You have cheering me up and I am liking that muchly and thanking you greatly. Mike is being plenty funny guy. Isn’t he?
In the immortal words of Elvis ,Skylar,thank ya ,thank ya very much. To be clear,I do not mean to ravage the name of Miscavige ,as I have tons of respect for Ron and his courage to do what he has done,but the intent is to attack the man-child known as his son. I could empathize with David with his shortness,as I am myself a person of short stature,but I do not overcompensate with throwing my weight around . Apparently, we short people struggle with our lack of height by becoming overbearing douchenozzles to the rest of the world. I apologize on behalf of my fellow little people. You have my permission to call us Hobbits.
Mr. Bafflemaff – Many years ago I had a very good friend of short stature. I never observed it directly, but his you-know-what was quite pronounced, almost to the point of embarrassment, when he wore a bathing suit. To this day I do not make short person jokes. 🙂
Some of us shorties are compensating for something . But the kickstand feature does come in handy once in a while.
Just remember ,in these times of hardship,WE ARE GROOT!
Mike plenty funny. I are having sleepy night with wife tonight.
Pure Australian what… ?
Scumbag comes to mind.
Hi Pure Australian.
You have presented a very good question that we all would love to have answered… do the remaining scientologists have even the most rudimentary grasp of grammar?
You have answered it for us. No, no you do not.
Better work on your comm skills, kool-aid drinker.
I guess Scientologists love dressing up? They are either pirates, superheroes or wear costumes for any era. Mind-boggling that they have that much Scientology event costume wear in their closet… I thought the minutes of the meeting were rather pathetic it sounds like they are pretty much scraping the barrel trying to get anybody to come. I wanted to ask if they can count as a start anyone who tells them to get lost…lol….. pretty soon they might have to do that just so they can get the numbers they want. Please tell me you’re show is coming back on soon. Withdrawal is setting in…I hope you like your new house! Moving is never fun but once you get there and don’t see any more cardboard boxes in the garage or stashed behind closets it’s a good feeling! My best to your family
The profit motive in recruiting is very evident in the instructions. ‘Even if you’re not an FSM…’. The FSM gets 10% from sales of services. So you get a ‘happy stat’, how does that compare to a cut of the action?
‘So please look through your contact list for any one ELIGIBLE to invite’. Have the credit reports already been done? A quota has to be met? Yeah, Les Dane is alive and well.
I have to wonder how many actually showed up?
I really like the optimism of a 100% response to the invitations they send out for the fundraiser – “The target is 500 people in attendance for this very fun event. So we have 500 envelopes to address and get out…”
I guess that’s because they are Tone 40 OT’s and are simply irresistible.
That’s right, Robster! Tone 40 OTs are the most powerful creatures in the universe. And they certainly are irresistible. I just want to pinch their cheeks so bad! Keeping in mind that it’s all make believe…
Hello Mr. Dude, can you be answering one question for me? I am very much wanting to know what will happen once CO$ manages to get every single dollar in this world. What will happen next? What goal do they have in mind for all that money? Will they build many new and beautiful buildings to help all the poor people in this world? Or will they use the money to buy another planet they can control and extract all the money from that new planet too? After all, they will live for billions of years and there must be plenty of other planets to whom they can sell their technology. Also, if the new planet doesn’t know better, they can charge them double their going price and no one will be any wiser.
You are one smart business man!
OSD, how about Tone Deaf 40? I get the picture of them holding their hands over their ears, steadily shouting, “Can’t hear you! Can’t hear you!!!”
Now that’s some funny shit! Well done, Peter!
That really does sound like a desperate RSVP. If there are 35 staff, that’s alMOST15 each to reach 500. Why can’t that get done? ?
And why are they doing the mailings by hand, addressing and envelope stuffing? That can all easily be accomplished by a computer. Oh yeah, Super Ron in his all knowing wisdom did not conceive of personal computers.
Years ago, I went to an OT committee meeting at the behest of my FSM. One meeting was all it took to know it wasn’t for me. My FSM didn’t press the issue when I told her I would not be attending more. I think I told her that I “needed to find a way to contribute that is in-valence for me as an artist.” Haha, I could use the lingo to manipulate them right back!
This OT committee was a bunch of lifeless beat-down people. The whole focus was on getting people to be paid-in-full for flag services. Sort of Flag reg helper-bots. They all had this “now we’re supposed to” demeanor, but I could see, clear as could be, their discouraged unwillingness lying just below the surface.
This was a dozen years ago and I imagine the experience of being on an OT committee nowadays would be even more dismal, with the increasingly evident shrinking of the church invalidating the fake boosterism of which these committees are a knowing part.
Each week: “Would you like another heaping helping of cognitive dissonance, committee members?”
Hello Mr. Doe, Allow me to make a prediction?
My guess is that as the demand for more dollars is every increasing while the membership is ever decreasing, the Tiny Fuhrer will have to come up with a new plan. My guess is that he will invite existing members to bring their friends on a wonderful luxury ocean cruise hosted by Mr. Cruise himself. And on that cruise, he will arrange to have people confined to an RPF prison where their non-essential organs will be harvested and sold. After all, people have two kidneys, two lungs, two eyeballs, two eardrums, two adrenal glands and sexual organs (either testes or ovaries), and two livers. So there will be no harm to them but much good to the CO$ if these extra organs are harvested and sold. Besides which, most everyone hates liver anyway. Don’t you?
The best part of this plan is that imprisoning all these people and then harvesting their extra organs won’t kill them and is completely legal since there is no law in force at sea.
You have quite an imagination there, Skyler. Let’s hope no one gets any ideas from your prediction.
Stanley Kubrick would likely be interested. If he’s still alive.
Two livers? Surely you jest. Please tell me you didn’t get your biology education from Scientology.
Maybe he means kidneys?
Wait………I have TWO livers …………?
I remember a few years back when I was a staff member that we couldn’t get the FSMs to do anything. They were too beaten down and deflated.
Their degree of projected false fun is an inverse index of their degree of misery about the actual, dismal, shrinking scene, would be my take on the thing. For some time now this false tone level has come thru as very determined, maniacal almost.
That’s a good way to put it, Aqua. I have seen the same thing. It even punches through in the promo pieces showing a bunch of people dressed as pirates wearing crazed expressions of gleeful F-U-N!!!
“Crazed expressions of gleeful F-U-N!!!” Exactly, JD.
Scientology has been failing since the 90s.
This is good news. The dwindling continues. Fewer and fewer people are affected by this money hungry scam disguised as a religion.
And it’s just going to get worse for the cult. Far worse.
Ha ha! And the more the dwindling, the more the Still Ins continue to leave, like rats jumping off a sinking ship, the more joyful and maniacally celebratory those refusing to face reality behave. Poor stupid devils.
Feels like I got an engram by just reading their OT msg…Hopefully I will clear it up in a nice nightmare this coming night:-)
I get headaches reading their shit. But, most of the time I just laugh at them. Funny little cult members, ha ha ha.
Dude! want some Ibuprofen for your headaches? I can’t stand the thought of you not keeping up the fight. I so enjoy your posts!
Thanks, Delano. I have a strange sense of humor.
Pat Fantilli is “New OT VIII” that she completed in 2017 but yet she is on staff. How does a staff member find the money to complete OT VIII or find the time given that they work 18 hours a day for next to nothing?
As the orgs, the advanced orgs, flag and the Fleecewinds are empty they have plenty of time to audit each other?
Now that makes sense!
Well, you said it. Jaw dropping. I shouldn’t be saying that at this point but reading this was jaw dropping. Desperation at its best – very easy to glean from all of this nonsense that the “Mecca of Technical Perfection” is a bust, that the Freewinds is a bust, that Orlando is a bust and the way “starts” are counted is a tiny example of how disingenuous the stats are – all of them.
The church of scientology needs help from itself.
So, Mary, if I’m reading you correctly, Scientology is going down a shit Hole?
$cientology is a shithole. It is also going down for the count!
“shit Hole or bust!”
Now that’s a great slogan, Mary!
…but… but … the Tech …