The latest news from the almighty Flag OTC.
I highlighted some particularly interesting or bizarre passages. These people exemplify the most deluded bubble-dwellers, I am almost embarrassed for these people reading this stuff.
Saving lives by donating to the IAS? Perhaps saving the life of a reg who will not be punished for having downstats.
You can get your name on the wall — but do NOT do anything that gets you in trouble between now and whenever this place opens because your name will not only NOT be on the wall, you will not even be allowed inside the building.
What is a “pre-reg” dinner? Is this the one where they plan on who the shills are going to be?
Remember, scientology claims 12,000 members in the Tampa Bay area. The mighty, all-powerful OTs consider an event a “great success” when they get 11 Clears together and ONE person went back onto course. Now, that is some big time production.
You can bet there were virtually NO “raw public” at the event. Why would Flag want “raw public”?
And using scientologyTV with Facebook is an absolute catastrophe unless you limit your FB posts to closed, secret groups. Say anything about scientology in the open on Facebook and see what sort of reaction you get…
AO Africa is “working on” becoming SH Size by getting “helpers” posted???
The “honor” for Bubbles Champagne was a gathering of “top donors”? Tells you what she was all about.
This OT Committee is really off the rails. They’re not “doing what Ron says” or even “Command Intention from COB” – they are now following “Kaye’s vision for the future.” It’s just outright weird. These people will apparently grab hold of anyone to worship and follow…
What happened to Mark Ruthban??
Is he back into the crazy cult again?
I saw a video clip on Youtube where he criticizes you.
I hope they haven’t managed to get him back again!
Life exist in purpose to solve problems in life. Life exist thanks to scientology.
11 Clears and 1 person back on course. That’s what gets me. Their stats are not good. It also looks like the memorials for her are more money raising events? I don’t know how they keep doing that! It’s exhausting thinking about having raise money week after week after week.
The 11 Clears were not freshly minted Clears. They were just old Clears made long ago who showed up to an event. The real stat is that one person is “back on course.” Probably a little Div 6 course or Basics course just to show they are involved and are not disaffected UTR.
This group is out for Money. Blood sucking leaches that will do or s a y Anything to get it. They don’t care about you , THEY are the supressives.
I kept hearing/reading $ci.. preached that when someone “dropped the old meat body” that it was no big deal. No time off for mourning, put your head down and keep on working. So all of the hubbub about 1 of their own passing seems just a tad hypocritical. (If your $ci.. loved one had recently passed and you were told it’s no biggie, would you be a bit jealous of the difference shown regarding this woman?)
Could it be this is more about using her memory for fundraising, than it is about saying goodbye?
(Interesting (?) Side Note – After leading the children of Israel for 40 years, when Moses died they mourned him for 30 days. Bubbles passed on 3/1 and they were still mourning her on 3/31 = 30 days.)
AO Africa – isn’t that where they disconnected a whole family, a bunch of people who were instrumental in keeping an org operational for years? How can they ever get something in Africa SH size if they keep firing the people who are builders? Oh well, the fewer the better.
My Aunt and Uncle saw one of these ads and somehow got the idea the event that was advertising something to do with a Bridge was in fact, a Bridge Tournament.
They showed up with several decks of cards and sat down ready to play.
That was 20 years ago. They are still expecting the tournament to begin just as soon as some famous man takes another meat something and returns to the place.
They are quite elderly and often get befuddled by things they see on The Internet.
So far, they have lost their home, their cottage, their car, all their grandchildrens’ trust accounts, all their bank accounts and their credit cards are all overdrawn to the max. But they told me they were happy to sleep in the parking garage because it was a sacrifice they were making for Bridge Players all over the world.
I tried to explain it to them and the stupid bastards disconnected me and revoked my ACBL membership. Talk about “mind control”! Sheesh!
Reads more like a zoo handler’s convention on quaaludes.
So many memorial services for Bubbles. Kind of shocking.
I remember all the members who died and for which there were no ceremonies, Or when there was one
only 2-3 people showed up. And some of these members had donated hugely during their time too. Disgusting.
A friend of mine who joined the SO died and no one from her unit in the SO showed up at the service. I asked why there were no SO there to mourn her ? I was told “Thurs before 2” and all that jazz.
The Chefs without Borders is interesting. As I look back on previous years, the proceeds from the event were to go to Clearwater Community Volunteers (Scientology organization). This year, however, none of the press releases say the money is going to that organization. From what I read, the money is going to Chefs without Borders only this year.
Yes, Chef Rene Marquis in that YouTube video could not have nicer things to say about Scientology. He gushes about the “church” and the good works they do.
Interesting quote here from a Myanmar cooking blog about the event. They raised $40,000 at the dinner. (The translation isn’t great and it isn’t mine, but I think you get the idea.) “The top of the evening was Mr Jim of Global Power & Gas which donated $25,000 US already by himself and is much looking forward to visit Myanmar, Rakhine, and its people.”
Chefs Rene and Vanessa Marquis are on Facebook and known as “Renessa Marquis.” Vanessa (I assume) posts a lot about how people are mean to her.
They must be somehow involved with Scientology because she has a post about “Concerned Businessman’s Association” of Tampa. I believe that is another Scientology front organization.
Ummm…yeah. Bunch of check-ins at ft harrison hotel. ?
Barry Coziahr – now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. I still remember when he eliminated crime in St. Louis MO and turned it into a peaceful utopia. Now he’s fishing for “likes and shares” on Facebook. What a marketing genius LOL
O/T – this excerpted from the Ron’s Org Bill Robertson info-thought I’d read every outlandish claim of ElRon’s feats, but lo & behold, another one:
“Bill Robertson meet L. Ron Hubbard
The first time Bill met Hubbard was shortly after arriving at Saint Hill. He and a few other students had sneaked into the chapel to have an impromptu guitar jam session. Ron, having heard the sounds walked in and joined them. He borrowed a guitar and taught them a series of raunchy whole track pirate songs he remembered. He had been working as an engineer on the construction of Minuteman missile sites and other secret government projects, but started now to realize that this was’nt any way of dealing with the problems of the world. new students didn’t realize before afterwards to their amazement that they had met the founder of Scientology.”
I can believe the raunchy pirate songs, but ‘…engineer on the construction of Minuteman Missile sites’ ?? Guess I better up my “ElRon twaddle game!”
My father actually worked on Minuteman as an engineer- he never mentioned L Ron, and since L Ron wasn’t actually an engineer, (unless he forged a college transcript) I don’t think the government would have let him within a thousand miles of the work sites. I can ask him if he ever came across L Ron, but I would bet my last cent that it is just another invention.
My husband actually worked construction on the missile sights.
Capt. Bill seems to have been prone to telling even more delusional stories than Hubbard. It’s perhaps telling that much of European independent Scientology stems from such a character, and continues to credulously repeat such nonsense.
ICMB sites weren’t constructed until the late 1950s, and the Minuteman project specifically was mid-1960s – during a time when Hubbard was quite busy with (and making a good living from) his “religion angle.” The story might have had its origins in some tall tale of Hubbard’s, based on his having known pioneering rocket developer Jack Parsons back in the 1940s – but he worked on, um, other things with Parsons.
Hubbard also claimed something about having been among the scientists who developed nuclear weapons.
If Ron participated in any nuclear research it would be before he discovered all the nuclear shit that went on on OTIII. After that it would be a key-in.
Ron studied rocketry under Jack Parsons after WWII. Jack also helped Ron develop his Occult theories. Unfortunately Jack blew himself up when a concoction he was mixing in his garage exploded. Honoring Jack, Ron resumed his rocketry research and many of his discoveries aided in the development of the Minuteman.
(here’s the real deal – haha)
On a television show I watched a forensic scientist using all available photographic and written descriptions concluded that it was in fact an accidental explosion.
Also, I worked at the Las Vegas Org for six months and a woman there who knew Ron said he avoided Vegas because it was “still too hot with radiation” from the 1950’s testing.
There are stories about Ron being a fanatic about not having any perfume scent in his clothing, presumably because in the Occult various scents are used to attract entities. Likewise after discovering OTIII he would avoid areas of high radiation.
That piece of Ron’s history won’t end up in the history books unless that woman came forward with a first hand account. I haven’t seen it. Her ex husband was a big shot at the Las Vegas Org which is how they met Ron, sometime back in the 1960’s I guess. Maybe they invited Ron back to Vegas but he declined because of the radiation problem.
The woman was a good ten years older than me and I dated her for awhile. I heard some gossip that some people at the org were pissed at her for pouncing on some of the younger scientology men. Cougar time at an old time scientology org. From my point of view it was totally by mutual consent.
I think it’s interesting that child care during the graduation event is held in the bookstore. Either they don’t have many toddlers to mind or they don’t have many people in the bookstore. Or both.
So Anna Paddock’s great contribution to the OTC is go the way of Tupperware?? Please, someone burp an seal LRon Hubbard. I’d pay good money to see that.
Yeah, but only downwind. FAR downwind.
I’m certainly not qualified to judge anything, well, some things beg to be judged, but I just can’t help but feel a just little sad for the people “inside the bubble”. To put their entire life into the hands and words, well, even altered words, of LRH is just scary as heck. Worse yet to let that nasty little troll DM, who is pretty clearly wayyyy off the rails, dictate their every thought and move. To think how their life could have been so different, the freedom to make their own choices good or bad. (I suppose they did make the choice to join the cult though) If they ever do have a moment of clarity they will need a lot of help. I do hope they have not reached the point of no return, so deeply thought controlled they are paralyzed.
Donation money raised at A memorial for a person normally goes to that persons family to help with expenses.
Did I get this wrong or was her Death Event used to reg IAS money? Really?
Well, she was one of those most notorious regges of well-to-do and even some of the bigger donors (meaning the little emperor “trusted” her that much…) so of course, why not use her passing, vs anyone else who’s ignored, as the ultimate final reg opportunity in her memory?! Sad… truly sad… and disgusting!
I’m not at all sad for her. That her death would and should be used to reg more money would please her greatly. I have no doubt that she suggested this stratagem herself before she died. Very likely she made it part of her “hat write -up” beforehand. There’s no doubt in my mind that the cult profiting from her death via “events” like this, memorials to her, mliking her demise for every dime, in every way possible. for as long as possible were EXACTLY the instructions she wrote down for others to do, and accordingly her instructions ARE being followed. There’s no cult-cashing in going on that she wouldn’t be happy about. And this above is, of course, all my opinion.
That said – any non-cult family, non cult friends who loved her, if any existed – different story.
For them, I’d have compassion. Not for the rest of them, though.
What the cult is doing now as re her death reeks of “Power Change” Formula to me!
Edit: milking, not mliking her demise.
Hosting a $cientology Home Event would seemingly be a surefire way to lose friends, relatives and neighbors stat and turn you into the local pariah.
SERIOUSLY! I’ve sadly had many a friend turn to the latest MLM opportunity into a switch from friendship to when they know ABSOLUTELY what I need to be doing w/all of my “extra” (w/2 little ones & one on the way… nvm my 2 adult children!!!) time and energy… like Pampered Chef, the latest candle company, etc. that turn into, “I miss my friend, but geez don’t answer the phone and PLZ quit tagging me on social media!”
Since CO$ and related fronts are like MLM on SERIOUS steroids (plus many seem to get into MLM’s in addition) – I can’t even imagine how these newer home events must really decimate relationships w/neighbors and even longtime friends!
Hmmm, curious how that works to be celebrating a third season of the cult’s TV network when it launched only a year ago (March 12, 2018). I’m guessing people got so bored with small number of shows in continuous reruns. They’d be in big trouble if they had to survive on advertising dollars based on ratings… But they don’t have to worry about that because they have all their sheeples going into debt to donate money to the IAS to support it.
Hi, Marty. Last time I saw you was on Ft. Harrison practicing your “nearside swing” (is that what they call it?). If that’s you.
Paul K
In the summer of 2013, when I was still in. We, as local Scientologists living in Clearwater, had the great privilege of seeing His Holiness, The Reverend, Minister, Dali Lama Miscavage, a.k.a. ” COB”, speak live at every Friday night graduation. Every single Scientologist living in the Tampa Bay /Clearwater area that was allowed at Flag would attend these graduations. Here is what I observed while attending the events. The Flag auditorium holds 1500 people, it was packed with standing room only. So 1700 people? Then the ballroom packed, 500 people? The lobby with a temporary TV screen live feed, 100 people? So when all Scientologist that live in Clearwater come together to see Miscavage speak. The total is less than 2500, and about 700 of those attending are Sea Org staff. That is a true estimate of Scientologist living in Clearwater, the mecca of Scientology.
Thanks for sharing
Wow! That’s worse than I’d realized!
I only want to say, as a country girl raised on C&W, I would just LOVE to hear the Russian singer’s rendition of a Willie classic. My belly is still laughin!
If I haven’t lost all of my memory I believe that the Hubtrd’s stated basic raison d’être for OTCs was to bring people into the org for clearing and OT making. Thus, one of their main stats would be arrivals for such service. I saw nothing in this report about that. FSO must be deader than a doornail.
Talking about memories, I’ve got a severe case of CRS. Can’t Remember Shit. BTW, Wynski, WHO are you? Oh, crap. There it goes again.
We got Oldsheimers OSD 🙂
The 11 clears is indeed telling, though perhaps representative more of an effort to “recover” the many around Flag who have fallen away and become disaffected, resulting in their active local membership being closer to 1,000 than 11,000 (the latter probably being more like a count of every member who ever moved to Clearwater hoping to find “mecca” since 1976). And the way that the letter refers to getting “products and sub-products” out of them is a reminder of how de-humanizing Hubbard’s psychopathic worldview ultimately is.
I’m curious that it’s OSA’s job to bring in “raw public” for the Scientology network event. I don’t think they’ll have much luck with that, unless they’re reduced to outright duping outsiders about the nature of the event.
The constant references such as “working very hard on becoming Saint Hill size” reminds me of the old Alice in Wonderland line “The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday – but never jam to-day.” I suppose that chasing rainbows like “clear” and “OT” has always been central to Scientology, but this makes it particularly clear that they are obsessed with keeping up the pretense of pursuing the obviously unattainable.
It amazes me how often Lewis Carroll is in alignment with Scientology and Hubbard.
Slithy toves, Kat. Slithy toves.
“In typical Kaye Champagne style, the service ended with ‘On the Road Again’ by Wiilie Nelson, sung by a Russian singer and a gospel choir.” On a unicycle. Juggling flaming bowling balls.
W T F???
I had the same WTF thought about that one! I picture the trained Russian bears and the Cossack’s dancing as well. Then I got a pounding headache trying to imagine what ‘On the Road Again’ sounds like when being sung by someone with a heavy Russian accent accompanied by a scientologist choir….
Kat! I am crying laughing!!! ???
Flaming Bowling Balls: Grunge Band.
I thought that too!!
Is the IAS scamming money out of Puerto Rico or just using Puerto Rico’s sad circumstances to scam money out of Scientologists globally? Or both?
Both. (I figure the “of course” is automatically understood!)
They aren’t trying to help the citizens of Puerto Rico with hurricane relief; they are building an Ideal Org in Puerto Rice. Fundraising is for the Ideal Org.
The IAS don’t never give ANY money away. Especially to down-stats like PR.
Wasn’t Anna Paddock the creepy woman in sunglasses who appeared at Marty Rathbun’s door back when he was against Scientology? She gave Mrs. Rarhbun a hard time.
Yes. One and the same. Before that she was WDC Scientology! Married to long term OSA Flag apparatchik Glen Stilo.
I just saw her in Walmart yesterday on Highland.
Yea Right. Before the Super Power Building broke ground, the “project” was selling “Cornerstones” with the pitch (or one that I heard) that one would get their name on the building. There are no names on that building. That would be too dangerous. With all the SP names that would have to be deleted from the Super Power Building, it probably would have crumbled inward by now.
So many new names to look into! I already sent a message to the chefs without borders people to let them know they have been co-opted by the cult, and asking them to do some research.
The conceit of these people is amazing. They have to know that the cult is failing, yet they talk to each other as if its still in its hay-day. Is it a willful blindness or are they scared that if one of the others notices that they aren’t toeing the company line they will get punished? It reminds me of the band on the titanic playing their way to a watery grave.
I also noted a studious lack of actual numbers at events, except in Africa where no one can easily fact check. The only ‘numbers’ they discuss were at the small functions designed to be small- a house party and a donor party that didn’t mention how many people actually attended- just how many helped out. No mention of the turnouts at the events that we see on the ‘Thursday Funnies’-which Im sure would have been shared at this rah-rah meeting if there had been any sort of turn out for anything.
I got a chuckle at the pre-reg party. I was picturing it as a diversion: a group of Scientologists eating and having fun while regs broke into their homes and gathered all the valuables up and other regs ransacked their wallets and purses for credit card and banking information. I had a good chuckle at the mental image.
“I was picturing it as a diversion: a group of Scientologists eating and having fun while regs broke into their homes and gathered all the valuables up and other regs ransacked their wallets and purses for credit card and banking information.”
Clever, imaginative, funny. But hey, don’t give those rubes any ideas!
Hilarious image Kat! ?
Kat LaRue wrote:
“while regs broke into their homes and gathered all the valuables up and other regs ransacked their wallets and purses for credit card and banking information”
See there now? Another reason for preparing a drop wallet or drop purse. They cost almost zero to create and can easily save people a whole lot of money and a great big whole lot of wasted time cancelling and reapplying for all theirr credit cards and everything else kept in purses and wallets.
I’m thinking we could start a mail order company in support of Mike’s blog and The Aftermath Foundation creating drop wallets and drop purses and ship them to people by mail – at a fair and reasonable price – of course! We could call it “Kat LaRue Drop Wallets and Purses”. You think?
Alternatively, maybe TAF would like to do that since they are all set up with credit cards and shipping stuff because of the bobble head dolls. I would be pleased if they used my idea. I would be happy to give it to them for free – of course.
People would buy them because even though they cost close to zero to create, they take a lot of time to prepare. But if they were produced on an assembly line basis, the amount of time would drop to just a few minutes or so for each one.
Insert “passed the crack pipe to” between each new person telling the delusional tales of “amazing” that they believe is changing the direction of humankind.
How have they convinced each other that raising $$ for the IAS is a complete sham amongst themselves… no focus on actual delivery of their founder’s tech.
These meetings could be recreated at a dog park: Just licking each other’s private areas (or sniffing). Pure happiness to be together again, no questions asked.
Gawd I am so so so glad I’m far far far far away from all of this wackiness.
**How have they convinced each other that raising $$ for the IAS ISN’T a complete sham…
Got a little whipped up typing too quickly!
No. It’s an incomplete scam. And we’re waiting for the 12,000 members to show up. That will make it a ‘complete scam’.
“…lunch for 40 top donors…” Were the donations that BEFORE or AFTER the lunch?. If the latter, how did the get 40 whales together?(e.g: What pretext did they use on them?
I actually think that giving ten bucks would now qualify you as a ‘top donor’.
Reading this drivel is reminds me of the “old time circus barker”…”come one, come all”….
Add to that comment with COS “come one, come all,…..bring all your money, check book, savings account book, credit cards, retirement account info, kid’s college fund money……….we will make sure WE CLEAR YOU OF ALL YOUR MONEY..
Kay’s vision for the future will definitely guide you….RIGHT INTO BANKRUPTCY……what a bunch of crapola
Now that would be an interesting statistic: The number of people bankrupted by Scientology. If what I’ve seen is an accurate sampling, that would be a shocking statistic.
Ironically, we avoided bankruptcy by following Scientology’s own finance policies, which prevent Scientology organizations from going into debt. They don’t allow borrowing. All money for purchases must be set aside ahead of time.
I wonder which number is higher: people bankrupted or families ripped apart? Probably families ripped apart!
I believe the highest number is people who want to know what happened to Shelly!
tesseract, good question!
The financial pressure caused by Scientology likely contributes to ripping families apart. So as Scientology keeps a family in line with the threat (or even the thought) of disconnection, Scientology-linked debt eats away at the family’s financial base.