Well, the “minutes” have become virtually useless. With no information included, they are certainly not going to inspire anyone into action…
I let a few stack up and if I don’t have anything urgent I publish them just for the sake of having a record. And letting OSA know that their efforts to prevent these from falling into the “wrong hands” are not going so well.
Don’t forget, this is the FLAG OTC — the biggest and baddest of them all. And they have absolutely NOTHING to say other than announce a few completions (Student Hat? Objectives?) and some vague rah-rah about 12 ideal orgs (Switzerland?) as if there are only a dozen left on earth. The pitch for Miami is really weak stuff.
Seems even the cheerleaders inside the bubble are becoming apathetic about this whole show.
By the way, that’s a lot of womanpower devoted to publishing a half a page of “minutes.” It takes 3 people to turn out this masterpiece…
Ane here is the next one. Fundraising. fundraising and MORE fundraising.
Howard Becker and Kathy Feshbach completed the PTS/SP Course? This is the latest “redo” course for everyone to get on I guess? Wonder how many times they have done the course now?
I wonder if they spotted ANY antisocial personalities while carefully studying their materials?
And here is the first two pages of the new OT Ambassador program for this year handed out at MV.
Note, the single most important thing for ALL OT Committees is to “build” “ideal orgs” and if their org is done, to “build” others….
Love that new euphemism. Crushing people for money is “building” — it’s a wonder it doesn’t say their highest priority is to “make humanitarians” which would be an even better euphemism 🙂 (you heard it here first).
Money, money, money. And if your org is an “IAS Sponsored” org then you get to raise money for the IAS. Somehow it just doesn’t seem like much of a “sponsorship”? “If you give us enough money, we will give some it ‘back’ to you by buying ourselves a building that we own.” Hmmmm. Sponsorship, scientology style.
“Howard Becker and Kathy Feshbach completed the PTS/SP Course? This is the latest “redo” course for everyone to get on I guess? Wonder how many times they have done the course now?
I wonder if they spotted ANY antisocial personalities while carefully studying their materials?”
Here’s the answer…..Unwritten quote from the Gatt II PTS/SP Course:
“Der R certain SPs who von is NOT EVER to observe! Dey R to remain completely INVISIBLE FOREVER!”.
So, it is now guaranteed that the course will have to be redone…….”FOREVER!”
Of course once one kicks the cool-aid habit, it is very easy to see those SPs.
They are oh, so obviously right there in plain sight when one just looks.
“Way to Happiness Seminar pilot?” At only $125? I’ll be right back with a chequebook – don’t wander off…
What I think would be interesting is to plot where every org is on that ED’s target 2, against time the org has been at each section. Some orgs I know started way back in ’07 and even after purchase a year later, are still raising funds to complete. It would be an interesting data set to graph and look at. Can you imagine what the SP building would have looked like on that same graph?
Shit. For. Brains.
Un-fuckin believable.
I am SO embarrassed for them.
Mindless. SHEEPLE.
They have no idea who L. Ron Hubbard was or what he stood for.
Not a clue.
Yes. And less idea what Scientology is and represents. Vinaire posted a few days ago that the collective reactive mind appears to be winning. It’s an interesting set of phenomena. You offer a man in the desert a glass of water, he shoots you and spills the water, then claims he didn’t do it. Sounds too weird to be true, but read the stories about some Africans who attack medical personnel, and you see it in real life. The social veneer of life makes it seem mild (LRH said that, or something close to it).
Winning isn’t so much a question of fighting as it is not falling for the distractions and aberrations, and just staying with the simple truth. Sometimes, plain vanilla is best.
OK, It’s an Official Blue on Blue
Shame everything on it a Lie.
Rant Alert:
Some of these people have to have successful businesses. Don’t they see how difficult and next to impossible it is to create a thriving concern by first purchasing and renovating expensive quarters with a large overhead from money donated by people who will be their customers, and THEN hiring and training staff to deliver the goods and services, and THEN promoting for new customers as well as expecting the customers who paid for the expensive quarters to now have plenty of money left over to come in and purchase services? Did it ever occur to any of these guys to read the Esto Series? Is it not really really basic Scientology that LRH’s Emergency Formula says to promote FIRST and THEN prepare to deliver? Doesn’t anyone see that the sequence of steps of the Ideal Org Program is the exact reverse of how LRH says to expand and org? Can’t any of these people SEE this? Its LRH. ITS ALSO COMMON SENSE, YOU IMBECILES! Do you people have some kind of succumb postulates or something? Just look! Is what Miscavige is telling you to do SENSIBLE? Is this how YOU would create and build a business? For crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, I”m done.
Aquamarine – of course you and I and others here can see this (great post by the way – explained Idle Orgs in a nutshell) but the hidden agenda from parishioners still on lines is of course is that a) it is a real estate and rental scam; b) no work apart from regging is required; c) no resources or infrastructures are required – like supervisors or auditors needing to be trained, housed, fed etc. – which costs money to do so; d) it strips parishioner’s bank accounts clean resulting in a (deliberate) non purchasing of training and auditing (which then accommodates point c); d) it is a “statistic” he can get “up” (while all the other important ones are down) by cajoling and harassing i.e. regging the idiots out of their money. There are probably quite a few more one points could add here.
Now one could be reasonable here and say that COB is just “misguided” or has Mis-Us on HCO Policy but the overall result of this “strategy” is that the Orgs, HGCs and course rooms are empty and the numbers of Scientologists worldwide is dwindling to an all time low, as is its PR, so we, who have read and can apply some HCO Policy, can all then deduce what is the real game going on here, can we not? Especially as the “strategy” is never changed – you know – people could make a mistake with a “strategy” or a program and change it after 6 months or a year, but after 30 years of this crap? We could now be reasonable and say “COB needs Product Clearing”. But we won’t.
Foolproof, thank you, because you’ve given me insight I didn’t have into Mismanage’s mindset, i.e., the mindset of an SP who intends to destroy Scientology while at the same time profiting from it hugely. This makes sense when I look from HIS SP valence/viewpoint.
That said, periodically, when I contemplate the viewpoints of the various staff and public sheeple doing his bidding with regard to the Ideal Morgue Program, periodically, my mind keeps getting blown, re-blown and blown again, because some of these people are well known to me as audited and trained in tech, admin and ethics FAR above my own levels of same.
You see, I know that these people know what I do, and MORE than I do, AND have DECADES of staff experience in applying what they know, so these peoples’ NOT seeing what I plainly saw, back in the day, (simply out of reading policies, looking around at the emptiness of my then org, and applying common sense) is a kind of on-going out-reality for me. I just can’t seem to get my mind around them not seeing what is so plain. So, in addition to it being on those highlighted here on this blog by Mike and his MMs, my Crashing MU is on the decades-long highly trained staff I knew, those Class V staff still-in, highly trained in auditing tech, highly trained in admin, and well trained in ethics tech,some of whom trained ME back in the day, NOT seeing what I see. To make sense of it I find myself continually dubbing in reasons why or grabbing at any reasons I read. I’m just so answer-hungry on this!
Foolproof, it doesn’t matter. If scn had EVER produced a singe OT (as defined & promised by LRH) OR, produced a SINGLE L12 comp with the abilities LRH said were there to be had (and were always gained when HE was in charge on the Apollo) on that level, you would not be able to stop the stampede of wealthy people willing to pay countless MILLIONS for even just the L12.
Regging would be unneeded. Think about it, REALLY think about it.
ALL the really big promises made by the Boss were part of his scam. As Mike posted a few days ago about the scammed not being willing to acknowledged having been scammed…
My head is spinning after reading this ED. Talk about “Hey, You”. These poor OTC members – Mismanage has them buttered all over the org board.
Any chance you can publish a list of OT active members in the Tampa area?
I used to know quite a few not far from the Ft Harrison but have not seen names mentioned anywhere for years. No Courses or levels on Church published lists
Do they drop away if they have no money or are they just keeping their heads down?
“By the way, that’s a lot of womanpower devoted to publishing a half a page of ‘minutes’.
It takes 3 people to turn out this masterpiece”.
Thanks for making me laugh, Mike.
Mike, IMO, any leaked OTC minutes, no matter how bland are important simply by virtue of the fact that they are being leaked. I deduce that since the mole(s) still can’t be found, their solution is to gut the minutes so they’re not served up as raw material for you
I think the minutes are all interesting because they are so deluded, that they couldn’t omit spitting out outpoints if they tried. That is the data. Even the efforts to hide and obfuscate are telling and btw, a failure, because the blindness prevents true observation and sane reasoning. We see them for what they are, weak, confused and completely off purpose.
Agreed, Hallie Jane. What is not communicated speaks loudly. Lots of omitteds in these minutes.
OMG, so much to J & D, so little time.
“Production & More Announcements:
Kaye asked members, ‘What does it mean to you to get Miami Ideal Org finished?’ Various members volunteered their thoughts: *Can send people there. *KSW *Shift entheta to theta *Scientology expansion *Freeing Beings and Saving Lives *Sane and stable field *FSMing easier…and more”
(Sharp responses from Flag’s OTC, especially, “Can send people there”.)
“A Miami fundraising video was shown with people dancing around to music including our very own Kaye Champagne”.
(The woman is a Ka Khan, that’s all. Nothing can bring her down.)
Aquamarine – I think that same video you mention is the one on Tony Ortega’s blog today. Mighty Miami, purchased its building some years back, and have now finally fund-raised for the space plans (architect’s planning?) at some 800K or thereabouts. This was done with the help of Grant and Elena Cardone (on the video her name is misspelled “Elana”). Now there is just the small matter of raising funds for renovations. Then they can “send people over there”.
… to screw in light bulbs.
is there an author to the Exec Directive?
I think “whips” has to do with PR gimmicks like pens and t-shirts with company logo on it ….. Am I correct? I seem to recall that term from staff days.
Yes, the term is “hats and whips” in reference to the circus and giving out toy hats and whips like the ringmaster uses.
Speaking of goings on in and around Flag, it looks like Jasja Barendsen was relseased from prison on July 31st, and is under supervised release about 15 miles from Flag:
HIDE YOUR KIDS! HIDE YOUR WIFE!! Naaaaaaaaaaa…..just your kids.
sounds like it would make an awesome movie set to remake “Plan 9 from Outer Space”.
With all this ‘massive fundraising”, ‘fundraise” for the plans, renos et al, how come RTC hasn’t registered the Trademark ‘fundraising’ seeing that it is all they do?
They had me at “Ice Cream Social”.
That’s funny – the ice cream social” stood out to me, too – and that’s where I pretty much went tl:dr and stopped, lol.
I think that was so the otc committee could up THEIR status. Oi vey! As a group they have to go up the statuses as well as personally. Pitiful.
Ah ah eh eh let’s all chant
Ah ah eh eh let’s all chant
Your body, my body
Everybody move your body
Your body, my body
Everybody work your body
Ah ah eh eh let’s all chant
Ah ah eh eh let’s all chant
The Ideal Org fundraising is a real tar baby for the poor participants. Once they start fundraising at all they are hooked and must a) fundraise millions to acquire the building; b) then buy the building and now they are really stuck in the tar patch as they b) need to next fundraise millions for designs; then c) fundraise millions for the renos. This ties the participants into making fools of themselves for years, and potentially decades for some buildings based on track record, all the while the donors are essentially throwing away good money after bad – and even then they are not done, since the have to now repeat it all for other people’s org. I would say they are being nickeled and dimed to death, except we aren’t talking nickels and dimes here.
I heard a joke yesterday (somehow I’m sure it’s applicable to today’s post).
How many Scientologists does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: SIX
Five to do the Admin and one to change the light bulb.
I would like to amend the Answer to ELEVAN.
Five to do the Admin, one to change the light bulb and then five to do the admin on that.
And the one who changed the light bulb gets sent to the RPF.
Love it. I’d like to amend it to TWELVE though… the 12th person is in charge of PR… Specifically to convince everyone else that not only one, but THREE light bulbs were changed and in record time at that!
Well here is another version: Take the 12 and double it to 24. 24 to do international fundraising to pay for the lightbulbs, which are the best on the planet and only cost $1 Million each.
An alternate version. “COB has stated that the bulb is the brightest it has ever been. How dare you suggest that it needs changing!”
Mary – that’s a good joke but don’t forget about the “watchers”. The ones at Flag who dress in black and stand around and watch people do their work. And don’t let them catch you watching them, watching the staff. It pisses them off and they’ll give you the stink eye and a nice hate flow.
And the people collecting donations…
Actually I heard it as 10….. one to change the bulb, and 9 to handle the routing form.
This is a very funny thread. So many ex staff on this site. :o)
So, now I think we’re up to about 123 staff to change one light bulb. Right?
And the whale to buy the building to screw the light bulb into (after the renovations are done so that there is a socket available, but before the power is cut off for non-payment).
You got yourself a job on the planning committee!
Ok, my comment after reading these minutes is just this. It seems that the people who are making any kind of comments in these minutes (see Production and More Announcements) are responding the way well-schooled 2nd graders respond when the teacher asks them questions on a test. They raise their hand and spew back the answers they know are acceptable to the teacher. Pure concise memorized nothing.
What can be done to clean the streets?
Pick Up Litter
Don’t drive as much
Take a bite out of crime
Ah well done children.
Pablum. Now you can go take your mid afternoon recess. Be back here at 4:00 for math. The question is: If Joe DB still has $4973 in his daughter’s college fund, how much of that should he be “voluntarily” donating to the “church”. Hint. Any answer less than $4999 is wrong. – he should also be taking the spare change out of his couch cushions.
I agree. The tone seems over controlled and stiff. Imagine the stress of all the demands, money, compliance to arbitrary orders and robotically delivered misprogramming of cases. Not that anyone can afford auditing. Their lives are not their own.
Reading about what Kaye and Kathy had to say about being on the Ship for MV and regging people for the IAS makes me want to puke. So fun, motivating and a key-out. For them, not for the harassed public who had to pretend that it was just all so wonderful. MV was not doubt a nice wallet drainer for anyone who attended that sorry cruise.
All in all I’m sure it was a wonderful adventure…………..bored the ship, get your passport removed and held for you, take multiple trips through the perps den (Teddy braggin’s office of Internationally famous Sociopaths) to get softened up for the major fleecing which occurs sometime before you need to get your passport back, then attend events and hope Major Domo, (He who has the right to demand anything from anyone) doesn’t have his sights on you to be the fundraising I/C for your local Morgue.
Other than that, you can enjoy your stay and pretend how keyed out you are!
The ship from Hell…
Sounds like fun. Come on, don’t you miss being treated like an irresponsible child who is incapable of holding onto his passport and not losing it or something like that? Oh, and then getting that nice shake down for money. Getting yelled at or thrown out of someone’s office for not purchasing a package of 6 weeks of accommodations that you don’t need or want, or throwing down thousands more for the IAS. Getting yanked out of your room at 11 pm for a briefing. The constant surveillance. Good times, great memories.
That ED sure looks official.
The SECOND most important step is
training, processing and knowledge.
Then not another word said about step 2
in the rest of the ED.
In fact step 2 appeared to be more of an
outpoint in the ED in relation to the true
Well spotted. The actual program doesn’t contain a single step that hsa anything to do with ‘helping’ people get trained, audited or otherwise on course. Then again, to do so would divert much needed money from the building program, so can only be considered window dressing. If a hapless OTC member actually attempts to follow through on point 2, they will be viewed as having other fish to fry and obviously not with the program.
It is completely logical. You have to have a building so people can get all of 2.
In realitiy, nothing of merit is happening in the hemorrhaging scientology world. How nice.
Yes I noticed that. Indicative of the whole equation on all this, is it not? It’s almost as if the writer suddenly realized his/her error and added it in.
I really do think they are responding to this and other blogs in some effort to appease the rumbling masses. Actual bridge seems very unimportant to these people and the rcs in general. I am truly astounded that people keep funding this off policy mess, robbing people of any potential for the real purpose of Scn.
“Javier (IAS) showed us prizes and whips we’ll get for raising IAS funds and went over the games to play to earn them.”
Whips? As is whips? ummmm…
edit: As IN whips?
The whips are part of the Purif now, they lash you and the toxins leak out through your bloody wounds.
As in, “Whip it! Whip it good?”
Damn, I was hoping it was COOL whips. Sorry I’ve been watching all the Family Guy episodes I recorded this summer in one big long marathon.
But yeah, wow, WHIPS? I don’t think they are even a political party or politically correct any more.
Sorry Mike. I’ll quit while I’m behind. THIS is what you get before I’m caffeinated.
IAS found whips a technically proven motivational and fund raising tool. Can also be used at home to liven up intimate times with your 2D.
Destroy CoS comm lines – check
Exactly, Well Done, Davie!
It is not your day to die.
He is helpful with the destruction of the slimmest chance that mankind has.
But don’t forget, once we’re done, he’s got to go.
Throw the dildo in the trash!
One very impressive change from previous OT Committee minutes: they appear to have mastered “Font Tech,” the ability to make things stand out in bold face and in underlining. This is a massive achievement for an organization trapped in the 1940s. Never mind that PC’s with the ability to do these effects have been in common use for well over 30 years.
Now all they have to do is boost the productivity of their cassette duplication lines at Bridge Publications, and they can phase out making reel-to-reel tapes of all those LRH lectures that libraries are dying to put on the shelves.
“Font Tech”, LOL!
‘Font Tech’ will be covered in GAT III.
GAT III will also include the missing tech / skipped gradient (between open real and cassette) of 8-Track tech. This will finally allow the Ideal Orgs to boom “straight up and vertical”, in a closed loop, just like 8-tracks.
John P, your reference to reel-to-reel tapes was undoubtably made in jest, however when I was at Gold only 10 years ago there was still a fully operational high speed reel-to-reel production line. I think the last time it was actually used was in the 90s but it was still there and ready to rock. The recorders were fully vacuum tube powered. As I recall you could run five slaves at 2x or 4x speed for high production. So, if a real Hubbard traditionalist truly wanted to fire up his ancient tubed Wollensac player just like the good old days he could get all-tube tapes straight from Ron’s mouth to his ears, in glorious living monophonic production.
We were also still using serial networks (as in each terminal has its own connection pair to a main computer) in the 2000s. Sometimes you see a photo of an office at Gold – the CRT green-screen monitor with the massive yellowish x-ray filter taped to the front is the so-called “Incomm terminal”, a serial dumb mono terminal connected directly by a serial link to the Incomm WiCat computer farm. You can’t make this stuff up. In later years they started using PCs with terminal emulator software. So it looks like a PC but inside… At Gold you can have a PC, even with Internet access through a proxy server that filters out all the “good stuff”, but when you want to use the “Mercury” internal memo system it is green-screen time again. Or you can use the Source Information Retrieval system, giving you access to all the golden wisdom of the Founder, available in searchable green mono format. How appropriate.
Thanks Bruce.
They are STILL producing CD’s. No MP3 or other cheap, easily transportable media.
Stuck in the horse and buggy era.
Bruce, Ok if I send you a “Merc” on the back channel? haha
And INCOMM has been working on new “state of the art” internal computer systems for probably close to 20 years now, but they never actually get anywhere because his Assholiness never approves any proposals and instead RPFs or Holes CO INCOMM after CO INCOMM. Miscavige is probably demanding by now computer systems which can track every Scientologist just like NSA tracks everyone, and probably would like to have the only Church approved PC for all Scientologists, loaded with extras to keep them spied on and in line.
SSA, The model name is an INCOMM 1984.
Is there any current major crisis at INCOMM? I’m just wondering because they’re letting stuff slide in a way that I haven’t seen since the ALL HANDS effort to remove references to Marty Rathbun (and Warren McShane) from all their websites in September 2005, while letting everything else hit the fan.
Either it’s Yet Another Crisis By Dave, or attrition has finally thinned the ranks to the point that they can’t keep all the plates spinning.
What no 8 track tapes? Well, at least they got beyond stone tablets.
DM’s new internal communication plan.
Am I remembering correctly that previous OTC minutes listed the names of attendees? If so, what would explain the omission of those names now?
They’re shy…
Too numerous to list?
They’re scared…We all know which blog they up on.
Hey Dave, Speaking of how OSA is doing . . . Have any of them had time to notice the new electronic digital billboard messages on the Sunset Strip? — randomly mixing in your photo (from Wikipedia) and the question: DOES DAVID MISCAVIGE SCOHB? GOOGLE IT.