It is the minutes from their last meeting.
Mathilde, Public Sec FSO spoke about the importance of “getting ready.” She said that she knows we’ve been hearing about it at graduations, but wanted us to realize just how close it is, announcing that the New Flag Building will be opened sometime in September, followed by the IAS Event here at Flag in October. She said that as soon as precise dates are known, she will let us know. Mathilde said that now is the time to get everyone on board here in Clearwater, and for everyone to spread the word: Get ready for Super Power and Golden Age of Tech II. [Wow — they only get the hottest news. “It’s coming!” Don’t know what “it” is, or when — but boy, it’s time to get EXCITED!! And you had BETTER be excited or it’s time to write a check for some more sec checking]
Lauri Webster, Super Power Project I/C gave us a great briefing, saying she’s been working on this Project for 18 years, and Super Power is almost here! She said that the magnitude of getting this new building open is like opening 6 or 7 new Ideal Orgs at once! [About the ONLY thing these people EVER talk about are nutty “stats” that they just invent to try and sound impressive. Sort of reminiscent of the old marketing cliches “It’s twice as bright!” “Family/Super/Monster Size”. “Cleans 10 times faster than the old soap.” ]
Lauri assured us that the Cornerstone members are being cared for now. She said that everyone who has donated to this project, at any level, has contributed to getting this done. More donations are needed for final preparations to open, and new contributors and new Cornerstone Members are welcome. Lauri gave us more details about the course room for Cornerstone Members now at Flag, in the Ballroom. She said that in the new building, the entire 3rd floor is course rooms, and the entire 5th floor is for Super Power. [Oh, you have GOT TO BE KIDDING — STILL trying to get donations for “final preparations”? They have been doing “final preparations” now for about 5 years… Oh, maybe the REAL reason the building didnt open is they didnt have enough money to do the “final preparations”…. That’s the best she could come up with? Why isnt she pitching the urgent need for money for the “David Miscavige Auditorium”? After all, they are going to have to demean themselves by holding their big event in a tent.]
Senior D of P for Super Power then spoke, saying she would now give us some “Inside Data.” She said there would be 30 D of Ps in the new building, and 145 Auditors to start off, with another 80 continuing to train and “in the wings” ready to be brought on board as soon as needed. She said intense training is going on of staff. She talked about how at Flag we are making more Clears than ever, and more. [Again, all they can do is spout numbers. 30 D of Ps? That will be one D of P for every 3 public. They are sure going to get a lot of interviews!!]
Lauri Webster gave more data about the massive preparations, and Introduced Trevor Graves, who is now on her team as FSM I/C. She then said that the things we’ll see in the new building are fantastic! Spectacular! Beyond your imagination! [FSM IC of what? And let me reiterate in case you have not heard. This is also amazing, grand, wonderful, supercaligragilisticexpialidocious, off the charts, above Tone 40 and Super OT. And if we keep saying this, soon you will repeat these words back in your “success stories” — in fact, we are collecting “Super Power” success stories from the case gain you have had just HEARING the adjectives used to describe it. Yes, it is THAT powerful…]
Lauri then validated our OT Committee, saying that we are the top OTC on the planet. [Impressive.]
Mathilde briefed us that when the new building opens, there will be a series of events, and that people who will be coming here from all over the world are being told to plan on coming for a week. She said what is needed is for us to reach out on our comm lines outside of Clearwater and promote to them, saying, “It will be a new day for Scientology. There will definitely be a ‘before and after’ this opening. [Come for a week? What game are they playing now?]
Mathilde briefed us that a patter has been written to promote the upcoming Grand Opening New Flag Building and IAS Anniversary Event. Patter sheets were distributed to all members present, and Mathilde asked that we spread the word. [The hype patter is now formalized into some nifty Shermanspeak. THIS is going to be the GREATEST EVENT EVER in the HISTORY of the UNIVERSE!!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT. Reserve your seat in the tent now, you don’t want to be near the back where it leaks when it rains….]
Kaye shared that she completed her Cornerstone Membership not long ago. She said, “Decision is Cause. Stop wishing and start deciding.” [Now THAT is a dedicated KoolAid drinker. Even after the building is DONE she is still giving them money….]
Commendations were handed out for production done in June.
Kaye reminded us to attend Flag Graduation this Friday night, and read a great Success Story from someone about attending the last several graduations. The person started going on course more frequently and getting her family moving more also since going to graduations, and feels very revitalized and positive about the future. [There you go — they ARE collecting success stories from people having orgasms winning as a result of just hearing about GAG II/Super Power or Him telling them “I am still here.”]
Emmett asked that we look at the poster in the back of the room of Cornerstone Members, and pick a name or two of someone we know to get in comm with about getting to Flag. [Oh, I guess all the Cornerstone members havent showed up? Wonder if Luis and Rocio Garcia were on the poster?]
Jim Bridgeforth, Comm Exec Sec OTC made an announcement for Belleair Mission: They are holding an event this Wednesday at 7:30 PM featuring Sonja Jacques and the Belleair ED on Finance. The cost is only $10. [As noted earlier. But interesting it is promoted as “it only costs $10″…. What a deal!]
Back in March 2011, the RCS registered dozens of domains for the names of high execs. It’s an interesting snapshot of who Miscavige wanted to “protect” at that time. (Poor nobody Bob Adams, they registered [sic], and then dropped it a few days later.) Naturally Dave and David Miscavige is well covered. Scroll down to where and who.
Once the “Big Top” up and ready for events, Install credit card skimmers
at the entrances and exits disguised as metal detectors.
This bypasses all the fuss that regging creates and eliminates Counter Intention to the COB
( imagine the savings of sec checking no longer need) Public’s credit cards can be milked dry even as they sit and listen to most anything “HE” can dream up. Even video’s on an endless loop of the COB.
Mike and all,
My big question is this.
What is he going to do to trick people into thinking the building is full of activity?
There will probably be a maximum of a hundred people actually getting services in this building at a time… even less if we’re just thinking Super Power. Any more than that and there would be no more Super Power pcs after a year.
So what else will he do? We already know he will essentially shut down auditing and services anywhere else in Clearwater and move it all to the new building. He’s going to turn Oak Cove into an empty hotel that never gets used (or close some of the many junkg staff berthing complexes and move all their use to Oak Cove).
Will he hold some of those OOTs and bleed the Class V orgs dry even more? Sorry, if you want to do grades, you have to go to Flag. Local orgs only do book one and maybe some purif and objectives.
Will he resort to trickery like putting fake “in session” signs on hundreds of empty rooms throughout the building? Is he going to go full Wizard of Oz? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
And not a word anywhere about the Brodge, completing grades or making new OTs. Just side show upon side show.
The poor OTC. Imagine the day their eyes open to this crap. It will be like a devoted Catholic seeing a UFO land on its lawn.
Suicide material.
“30 D of Ps” – yes, soon as I read that I thought what the hell is going on? Either the OTC person that wrote hasn’t got a clue as to what goes on in HGCs or – they perform other Dev-T off-hat functions (selling books packages or feeding PCs in the examiner queue protein bars while they wait to see if their needle has swung 3 times etc.) – and thus the number required. Very strange! Perhaps they are actually folder pages or whatever and she has lumped them all in to one title.
The desperation is running deep, I got 3 calls today alone to come to graduation at AOLA and other places. DM probably ordered to pull out all stops and even call SPs.
This MUST be BIG. 🙂
Gerhard, you were contacted three times by the call-in unit for an event? Shame on you! Turn in your SP card right NOW! 🙂
More donations are still needed for Superpower – what a surprise…
If the exorbitant cost of these ‘Supah Powah” services can’t cover the cost of this building and delivery after it’s open (i.e. paying off a mortgage, etc) then what does that say about the numbers of individuals left who will be using these ‘services’? Other businesses manage to cover their costs, why not the CO$? Because the money is going elsewhere…
Seriously, the Girl Scouts survive and expand by selling cookies. But the Church of Scientology can’t function without being propped up by donations to MASK HOLES and INSOLVENCY. And every Sea Org Member, staff member, and person ON LINES is contributing to this condition! The Golden Age of begging to stay alive. At least Paul Haggis is surviving through producing and valuable exchange with his fellow man!
He hasn’t morphed into a GIANT SPONGE. Why is David paying HIMSELF as an outside executive and trustee while living off of Sea Org resources? Does he pay gift tax on all the perks? Legal, P.R., food, apartments and houses, travel, wardrobe, staff and servants, telephone, cars, hotels how much money and Church resources does he use annually for his own benefit that he does not report as income or gifted? That is straight up tax evasion. I want an audit done! If the staff can’t get him in an audit I want to I.R.S. and the district attorney to do a financial inspection!
Me too!
Me three. That’s how they finally got Al Capone.
More “donations needed for final preparations”. Indicated they are wholly dependent on donations to survive. She is saying they can not operate by selling and delivering Scientology any more. And I recall when people were miffed at the 5% price increase every month. Can you imagine if they had been told back then it would cost over a million to get up the bridge in good standing? They raise the prices until it’s so unaffordable they can’t sell it anymore, then they just survive on donations. Honestly, you could find a group of girl scouts with a lemonade stand with better financial and management skills.
Who are they going to sell this too? Will they all end up like Matt Feshbach?
I see a lucrative market here for retreads and re-dos.etc, etc. for years.
“More donations are needed for final preparations to open ” Talk about squeeze that stone.
“… and that people (bubble dwellers or normal people?) who will be coming here from all over the world are being told to plan on coming for a week.”
I bet the one week visit from will be a stat push for a short Flag course to “PROVE” that “stats go up when He is here, and stats go down when He leaves”. A two day course to be counted on the Paid Completions and VSD stats, followed by marathon reg cycles by Flag, Super Power, IAS, etc. I think I’ll stay at home that week and do something productive.
Jethro — you hit the nail on the head.
Another thing i don’t get is the big deal about setting a definite date for an event. Doesn’t having a target help a lot with organization and production? Or do they simply fear disclosing event dates because of Anon protests? And as for those targeted publics who are expected to spend a week orgasming there (sorry, couldn’t resist) wouldn’t it make sense to allow them to plan ahead for at least a month?
The problem with setting an event date is that you have to have everything ready. Especially when you are doing a grand unveiling of the greatest thing since the invention of fire and the most magnificent edifice since St Peters Basilica…. And when THAT entails (by public announcement) that ALL the trainees have to be completed and fired back to their org, and the courses arent turning out to be as fast as He said they were, then it’s a monumental chinese fire drill. Everything about Mr. Miscavige generates confusion and uncertainty. Everyone around him is afraid to act for fear of crossing his [undisclosed] plans that they are ALL supposed to be aware of. So, there is no date, but the minions must still promote his event. It’s the “thing to do” so they look like morons hyping an event that isnt even scheduled [but none of the sheeple will even ASK why they can’t be told a date].
It is a VERY strange world when you are inhabiting the planet that circles the sun that is David Miscavige.
Thanks for explaining that, Mike. Its beyond bizarre.
Mike this is just like what happened with GAT I. I was there at Flag on training for that one. We were supposed to be done for LRH’s birthday but the only problem with that was totally RAW staff had just arrived at Flag in January to train as a Sup or W/Cer and getting through M1, Student Hat 2x through, Pro Trs, Upper Indoc, Pro Metering, Pro Sup/W/Cer course and then internship was at least 8 months full time. So we got our “new” checksheets which were the Study certainty course with TR’s 0-9, the metering drills 1x through and then the Sup or W/Cer data. Then we did an internship that was supervised by the first graduates of the program. We received Certs with gold seals. But our Certs said “Flag Special Courseroom Supervisor Course” not “Professional Supervisor Course” which is why EVERY GAT Sup and W/Cer on the planet had to redo their training “for real” Once they got home. The orgs paid Flag to train their Sups and then they send them home “perfect” and yet they aren’t even professional or actually certed for anything. Explaining that to the public was SUPER fun. Good thing we were cocky enough to believe we were perfect.
This new evolution is just the bridge wide expansion of our abridged checksheet. It is the cliff notes version if you will. I am sure the RDD checksheets on the RPF are more thorough. When the last OOT finished we partied like we had just won WWII. We finished with hours to spare before “he” arrived. He was soooooooo proud of us. We were just like this group is I am sure, terrified children who just want to make people happy and not get yelled at. Some of the VERY few original GAT I people are back for round 2. I wonder if they remember all of the gross out tech that went on to get us all done. Staying up till 3-4am drilling, giving ourselves MUs on purpose so we would read on M4s and other super on source ways of getting things done. It would be interesting to survey how many of the original people fired out in 1996 are still even on staff. Forget about their post, most were off that a looooooong time ago. But I would love to know how many are left. Probably not a hell of a lot. We did some seriously fucked up shit to get done. I can’t even imagine what they are doing this time around.
Interesting info, thanks. I was not aware of the phony certs handed out….
Wait a minute- you mean all those OOTs who are cramming through GAG II won’t even get to see the building being opened? I thought those 1000+ would be kinda critical for tent time pictures?
Natasha — No, I am sure they will be kept for the event. Probably paraded on stage as “proof” of our massive expansion. Then sent back to implement GAG II….
How about the simple fact that an SP cannot complete a cycle of action.
He has had decades to release a rundown that LRH mentioned could be available at ORGs in a few weeks in one of his Ron’s Journals.
But I’ve heard a rumor (very recently) that the “Super Power Building” project is to be scrapped.
The NEW idea is an initiative to buy the Sistine Chapel from the Catholic Church !
Of course, this will require donations at a whole new order of magnitude…… 🙂
And then they’ll have to renovate it to COB standards.
Jeez–I couldn’t even read the whole thing because it was so much yakking about nothing. After Lauri Webster admits to these people that it has taken her 18 YEARS to get Super Power going, I kinda tuned out. Now that’s some real efficiency and Tone 40 getting that done for all concerned! Hip Hip Hooray!
More from the Eclectic Electric Kool Aid Acid test known as the “OT” Committee.
Maybe the CIA is hovering in the back somewhere pouring LSD into the coffee maker and sprinkling their snacks with the stuff.
Totally at hallucinatory cause.
Instead of uptight straight laced Davey they should call in what’s left of the Dead and smoke a few doobies.
I mean it’s hard to believe that they’ve reached this level of unreality without a chemical assist of some kind.
Then again it could be the phenomenon that occurs from a combination of overrun purif and objectives.
Instead of running out PT this life time drugs they’re stuck in some heavy whole track drug incident.
I think I’ll go back to reading something more coherent like “Naked Lunch” or “Gravity’s Rainbow” or “Doors to Perception” or……
At this stage of this never ending crap, nothing surprises me! – I’m numb. but at least I’m no longer dumb.
I CELEBRATE YET ANOTHER DAY OUT OF THE CULT! – that is the church of miscavige’s insane asylum.
Breaks my heart that a significant proportion of recently out and currently on the fence will probably be reeled back in by this sort of hype 🙁
IJM you needn’t worry – Not A Chance!
OY! I guess, as a retired woman on SS, I am lucky that I was declared and out of the ongoing crap.
Me too allie oop. So happy to be out. Not before tho, through the smoke and mirrors personal project they fed me, when they got some of my savings. I won’t forget either.
Your right about that.. WOW you could have been homeless.
Is D.M. running low on $500. 00 Egyptian Cotton Shirts ?
Once the Big Top is set up hold a Grilled Cheese Sandwich Festival.
It works in Santa Monica and gets lots of great PR.
Makes money too !
I gave $100 bucks for the Super Power Implant Station some years back because David Light and a public person N.S. came to my house and wouldn’t leave without a check. I couldn’t tolerate the attitude of the woman, so I rewarded her with $100. They never came back again.
Believe it or not, I was recently contacted to “get data for the C/S” , for all the new changes and releases coming. Wowza. Guess that means they need to get ANY BODY in the shop.
David Light is a lost little boy who has thrown away or broken everything that LRH ever gave to him, which was a lot.
He is a disgrace and I think he knows it, but is afraid to begin the process of finding out that he is, who he has become, and who he really is. Apparently, he is too terrified to stand up for what he knows. He is torturing himself and many others by being an agent of Miscavige, ‘lord’ of the “Dark Side”, Master of Money-Motivation, and Destroyer of the greatest hope for mankind — the applied religious philosophy of Scientology.
Until the day arrives when he assumes responsibility for his crimes, he is hereby re-christened DAVID DARK.
That is his new name.
He may not have his original name back until he reforms and earns it back.
CIRCLE THE WAGONS! OTC, The Shit Storm has picked up a head of steam and headed your way!
The forecast is increasingly dark clouds of the brown stuff for the unavoidable and long term foreseeable future!
“Laurie assured us that the Cornerstone members are being cared for now”.
Oh, they’re being cared for, all right. Flag is on them like white on rice.
And suddenly they “have so many Clears”!! (Despite that no real numbers are given)
I bet they are quicking them in order to have the needed auditors to deliver; whereas before, how many times and how many thousands were told not Clear? (in order to get the Advance Tech Value of Services Delivered Stat continuing to go up?)
No shame, do whatever out tech is needed in order to get “Command Intention” done!!!!
Kaye Champaign had a win sent around to all the Flag OT Committee back in 2010 with her win on regging for the IAS. The win was she got a retired woman on social security benefits to give $40,000 for her Patron. Wow! Totally disgusting.
Mike, you are one funny guy. Not only do I get my facts but I get to laugh and dispel the charge that accumulates. Thank you!
Wow I can’t help but feel sorry for these people. I shudder to think what they are doing behind closed doors to put together 145 auditors. I would be willing to bet that of the 145 auditors, 139 of them will be outer org trainees on Flag Internships. I hear the sound of thunder and lighting as yet another massive David Miscavige clusterfuck approaches. Weather report? 99% chance of golden showers for local Scientologists.
Interesting, Roy. If your hunch is correct, these OOTs, sent to Flag in midsummer ostensibly for the GAT II training and afterward to be fired back to their Class V orgs to enable delivery of same, will instead be diverted to Super Power auditor training. But here’s my question: wouldn’t these Class V OOTs need to join the SO in order to qualify for training on Super Power?
“I felt a great disturbance in the Tech… as if hundreds of orgs and missions suddenly cried out in terror and were sucked dry of their staff. I fear something Miscavige has happened. You’d better get on with your exercises.”
Very good Rick – laughed a lot at this. Very creative. Still laughing!
It’s funny because it’s true. 😉
Article: “Mathilde briefed us that when the new building opens, there will be a series of events,”
Mike: ” [Come for a week? What game are they playing now?]”
DM: “Multiple over-the-top DA and cheerleading events to keep the faithful happy (and faithful).”
Reminds me of a Dr. Who episode… there was avampire that kept a pet village to feed off.
“Now THAT is a dedicated KoolAid drinker. Even after the building is DONE she is still giving them money…. ” (ROFL!! Classic!) (Still laughing. It’s just such a good picture of what is going on with these poor people.)
“That will be one D of P for every 3 public.”
I was hoping it would be 30 D of P’s for every public.
on a scale of 1 to 40 how enturbulated will DM have been when he read this post?
I’d give it a 3 — this post is pretty meaningless in the overall scheme of things.
He is more worried about being trashed in ever major media in the world with the Leah Remini/Paul Haggis stories…. It makes him look bad with “the industry” in Hollywood and he is afraid some of the sheeple will see it and decide to put their wallets away….
Still, it’s got to crawl under DM’s skin that his security is breeched at every turn. He already knew he couldn’t trust anyone, not even his Cornerstone cronies or his OT autobots, but it’s just like Mike and the rest of us are waltzing into Flag and pulling up a seat anytime we want to. Cool!
Carefull Mike, the DeMon’s neck veins are popping more than they have ever popped before.
Thanks for the intell!
It’s a 3 ring circus already and the tent has not been set up yet!
Success stories from hype? One has to be on a certain brand of Kool Aid to do that.