Thursday Funnies on Monday.
This is 4 pages of LOL nuttiness, direct from the “greatest OT Committee on earth.”
The delusion is a wonder to behold…
Somewhow Kaye Champagne is has become “ideal orgs IC earth.” Why would she go to South Africa? If you are really going to do some “ideal orging” why don’t you stick closer to home? Philly? Detroit? Boston? Chicago? They all have FAR larger fields than anything in Southern Africa. And apart from their undone, long promised “AO” they have Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Joburg North, Bulawayo and Harare to finish. Bet you this trip is going to have NO effect on the scene in S. Africa. They already have “ideal” orgs in Joburg and Pretoria that are falling to pieces and cannot kjeep their lights on.
Arte Maren? Seriously. He flew to either Slovakia or Prague to do a seminar with 7 people? Must have been electrifying. Especially as there is no org in either place.
Now, you know two things from this report:
- Hardly anyone attended as there are no photos of attendees other than about a dozen women in a conga line
- They collected no money as they are not bragging about it
A roaring success? Two women sitting on a couch and a really strange “success story” about someone who worked “for years” to get “back onto OT VII”????
“Making Ideal Orgs isn’t just about fundraising or creating events.” Ha ha ha ha ha… The evidence all says otherwise.
The Puerto Rico “expedition” was not long after Hubbard flunked out of college, close in time (not sure if before or after) to when he briefly enlisted in the Marines and was sent to the psych ward run by “Snake” Plissken for evaluation, ending with a discharge with notation that he should not be allowed to enlist in the Marines again.
I love the Flag OTC Christmas Party schedule.
* Spectacular Entertainment * Like the stuff below
“Business On Service Awards” Most books sold, most toilet paper stolen from real businesses, so many categories
“Validation of Members” Will parking be validated too? I won’t go without free parking
“What group gives hundreds of commendations each month?” Great, one mention in the weekly newsletter, now the regs really know where I live.
The Lron Hagiography that is inherent in the sale of his ‘rocks’ and his other stuff is so Catholic Church…but then CO$ has borrowed so much from other religions, that I don’t begrudge them this. I do begrudge them everything else.
Those that know her will get a kick out of this post. How many years on OT 7 ?? Now she deserves eternity.
Penny Atwell Jones
Yesterday ·
Shit ! This is SO DAM true for me !! I have been through hell and back so many times but I made it through being the tough tiger that I am !! OT 7 DONE ! My Crown is on ! I have the CO Ship, DOP, and other terminals calling me every 30 min. I love the calls .They want me to come to OT 8 so much . I just got a great pep talk and LRH ref read to me from my ship DOP to ask for help , that I’ve helped so many , that I deserve my eternity . She pushed me through my button . I’m pushing through my last barrier my BIGGEST button EVER of asking for help to get my last bit of funds together to leave for the ship to do OT 8 before I need a walker LOL. OMG I did it ! I asked ! I can’t believe it ! I had to to do it , eternity is knocking at my door . Can I hit the post button !!! I’m sitting here staring at it , Can I do this ? Shit ! this is a HUGE confront for me !
Penny really wrote that? I have known her for years, but that’s a side of her I’ve never known. What the heck is she going to say when she runs out of cash on the ship? A friend of mine got 10 intensives of sec check / setups on the ship for 8. Her husband was shaking his head when he told me about it – he said how was it possible? She’s never done anything wrong. Aieeeyee Mimsey
Everyone’s having a good old time regarding the whole rocks thing, and, yes, it’s worthy of all the mockery and derision that we can muster. However, this is the first real proof we’ve had that Scientology has now gone into the business of selling relics. How fifteenth-century of them. I’ve said before that DM wants to be a Renaissance Pope, with all of the luxury and corruption that goes with it. Now his “church” is following suit. Has anyone in this cult ever cracked open a European History book and read what happened when the Catholic Church tried this same stuff?
Hi Espiando, May you have a 2016 you desire. You know sometimes you make sense to one you might consider a sensitive mess of emotions. Love, Ann.
Its funny, you commenting that he wants to be a “Renaissance” Pope. Without phrasing it to myself quite that way, I’ve long had the concept that Pottymouth the First has some sort Renaissance dramatization going on.
Those sets of his for the Int Events, so elaborate, which position him between 2 pillars, intricate symbols surrounding him and on every available space; the crimson, the fake marble, the gilt, the cloudbursts, sunbursts, and OMG, the ubiquitous della Robia blue…his obsession with this color…frankly I have never, ever, seen such awful taste, and its one more reason (and no small one) why I almost never invited anyone I knew to an event, and the few times I did I was relieved at the refusals.
Seems like FFT came up short:
No daughter to dangle before kings;
No son to keep kings in line;
No elixir of inheritance to benefit to Pope!
Oh, and I never thought about why Sabt was based at the North Pole:
Christmas Party!
Spectacular Entertainment
Validation of Members (who hand over cash)
Fort Harrison Dinner (How’s that different from a Dinner at Denny’s?)
Bring your favorite dessert to share as well as your favorite wallet to share
And remember, we know where you live
At Denny’s, the service is much better and you can arrive and leave at times of your choosing. In general, it is an overall friendlier place without vultures circling the dining areas looking for scraps!
That it is! The vultures, I’m sure, would be roaming around at The Fort Harrison.
Can’t they ever just FEED people a simple, good meal without ALWAYS requiring that their guests BRING something? What IS the big deal? Food is NOT that expensive unless you’re serving gulf shrimp, lobster, caviar, filet mignon, chateaubriand, etc. Tasty meals, casseroles, etc., delicious yet simple tossed green salads, some rolls and butter French bread, and a cake or a pie or something – a LOT of people can be decently fed for $100 if someone has even BASIC cooking skills – this is neither difficult nor expensive. Of course, liquor is expensive but certainly THAT’S not an issue. And Flog has PLENTY of staff who know how to cook – what is their f***king problem, with this indefatigable “bring your own…” ??? Just stop it, OK, Flog? Because you’re getting on my nerves!
And as far as baking is concerned, homemade cookies are a so easy and fast to make – chocolate chips, simple butter cookies – people love them, and they’re so easy. Alright, end of rant.
Hi Aquamarine, I hear you regarding the bring your own food. Even Miss Annie can make dogs & beans palatable.Blue Runner beans,chicken & spinach dogs, really good brown rice and lots of hot sauce to soak up the hot air at the gatherings if I had to feed still ins. May you enjoy great love, Peace and laughter in 2016 and Always. Ann. Look for your posts in 2016!
Hi Ann – thanks. Yes, franks and beans can be delicious, and indeed, what could be cheaper even if one used quality franks, which of course, one must. Yours sounds like it would have a Louisiana flair. Mine would have a New England flair. Well, someday we’ll meet and trade recipes while drinking too much beer at OSD’s beach place. Peace 🙂
Hi Aquamarine, I would love to do that with you at OSD’s. We will. Actually mix my La beans and franks with New England. I cut my teeth on Boston baked beans and brown bread, so I’ll put two great tastes together. Love, Ann.
Looks like Scientology is moving into the Holy Relic stage of religification.
But since Scn has carny DNA we can expect Freak Show levels of crassness…
A lock of hair?
A piece of the plaster cast which donned the broken OTIII arm?
A mummified piece of the Founder’s foreskin?
(a geez…can’t believe I wrote that…)
Hi statpush, That is why I love your posts! Happy wonderful 2016 to you. Still laughing,xo Ann.
And a rambunctious 2016 to you Ann! All the best 🙂
Statpush, I’ll let them have all the rocks in my head if they’re that desperate….
And statpush? I can believe you wrote that! Believe, you’re mild compared to me!
I’m a little short of cash and am posting this to see if anyone is interested in buying a baseball that broke a window of the maid who used to work in a house whose grandparents were distant relatives of a gardener whose 3rd grade teacher once got a haircut from the niece of the president of the local chapter of the Knights of Pythias who once got a glimpse of LRH as he sped by in his rolls convertible. And yes I have the authentication papers to prove this.
Can you authenticate the authentication papers? LOL, funny post!
Damn Amy! That’s what Author Services would call “an investment”.
great laughs; thanks= may we all be able to enjoy the hilarious end of this cult
Hi petlover1948, Thank you for your posts. Laughter is the best medicine for me. May your 2016 New Year bring you all good things, always. Love, Ann
Amy! Amy! Amy! Pick me! Pick me! Just name your price! I WANT THAT BASEBALL! Man, wait until I tell all of my friends! They’ll be green with envy! I pay whatever you want…as long as it’s under $2…
Arte Maren’s still in?
Arte Maren is on a very high pedestal .
After being released from Leavenworth Federal Prison deepest
high security cell “without talking” Ron gave him a huge wood hand carved
award that was by all respects a shrine to the Chosen Race.
I’ve seen it and can attest to this. Arte Is in for life .
Jose, I think it might have been Arte that showed up at the Honolulu mission. I kept thinking it was Bill Franks, but, he told me no. So, did you ever hear about Arte showing up on Oahu?
I saw Arte at Saint Hill and Los Angeles.
He had a beard like an Orthodox Jew ,still does but grey now.
Bill Franks is clean shaven.
Do not know if Arte went to Hawaii although the Church Tax defense lawyer
was a surfer there who’s office was the beach. When I phoned him
you could hear waves breaking in the background and he would comment,
aahh missed a good one. He was the churchs tax lawyer because it was a cool
thing to do between catching waves ( he was a real lawyer)
And Arte used to be such a nice and productive staff member. I’
I’d have hoped that years in a Federal pen might have awakened him to his downward move into criminality. I guess he’d already swallowed so much of the Hubbard “thrust to greatness” that his thinking was forever slanted. Too bad.
He refused to talk and was released in 9 months.
Robin, I met Arte Maren, right after he got out of prison. He gave a speech/lecture (I am not sure if it was a speech or lecture) but it was at Howard and Mary’s Rowers old loft on Hudson Street in New York City. He said that when he was in prison, he met a guy, an inmate that he disseminated Dianetics (DMSMH) to and that the inmate told him, that if he had to go to prison in order to find LRH’s tech then it was worth it for him to have been incarcerated. That may seem like a heart warming sage to some, but Mr. Maren was very rude to my parents and I, just ignoring us, even though there were not than may people there. Is that really what was supposed to happen. I wish him the best at clearing communities abroad where he does not even speak the language of the people he is trying to disseminate to. 🙂
Raising money by selling rocks from a mine “Ron” was at a quarter century ago! I hope those rocks come with certificates of authenticity otherwise it’s a risky investment should you have plans to get any kind of return at Sotheby’s. At least get a notarized statement from somebody who claims he saw Hubbard personally step on one of them.
Why aren’t they auctioning off the precious dirt that was surrounding this magnificent rock as well? Or perhaps the rock was found in a pile of shit, and that’s why there’s no mention of the sale of the precious dirt he walked on, too? To fix that they could say it was lrh’s dump site and it comes with documentation of provenance to boot! Then they’d get even more bang for their bucks! LOL … Hum … Just wondering why lrh only stepped on one rock to get to where he was going. He most likely flew out of body the rest of the way, right? (After reading this comment, I bet little dick’s getting buckets of dirt ready for the auction block. Hey, it’s better than any pet rock or moon dirt, right?)
“Mr. Bill Runyon, D/LRH PPRO EUS held the audience captive [..]”
No doubt.
Ah, and their blue polo shirt and black pants’ uniform looks perfect for an ‘ideal bathroom cleaner’
Ha ha ha… perfect picture Silvia
I think her stay here in S.Africa did about as much good as our current President! In fact I think President Zuma has more OT abilities than this dolly, he causes HUGE effects that get felt by millions! Never ever heard of this lady! Is she a necromancer? The only power that’s needed for the ideal org program in S.Africa is the power to raise the dead..come to think of it maybe she has, there are a few zombies shuffling around in Joburg muttering groans of cash, cheque or credit card! It’s a real party down there now I’ve heard..
She says she went to Zimbabwe to see the public there. Hysterical. The public are prostitutes, junkies and homeless people who have moved in!
Durban org is an empty stand, the building that was bought using millions of Rands was demolished. The building for the new org in Port Elizabeth is in the wrong area and has to be sold and another one purchased. The Cape Town new building – who knows, they’ve not moved in!
Most South African sceintologists are broke. There’re one or two only whales left because the rest were declared.
As Mike says, Pretoria and Johannesburg can barely keep their lights on. They owe their municipalities millions. I’m not sure how they keep any phone lines open. I see only one tele number constantly used when they try to phone me.
Ho, ho, ho. And away we go….!
Note, she doesn’t say how the Zimbabwean public are doing. Lol! That is SO funny.
$cientology does do something right. It trains people to speak a lot of hot air, meaningless prattle. They’re experts at it.
Hubbard was particularly good at it. Sixty minutes his lectures were, sixty minutes of meaningless waffle with maybe one sentence that could made sense. 76 PDC lectures X 60 minutes = 4560 minutes (76 hours!) of nearly nothing. Ask me. I did the complete set of Basics and Lectures and have retained two bit of something from them all that I have used to my benefit.
Hubbard was the Master of Hot Air.
Dawn, obviously you’re from South Africa. I find it very interesting hearing about the orgs there. Maybe every so often, like you just did, you can keep us informed on the situation down there. Only if you have the time.
Your posts are great!
Can do, Old Surfer Dude. I’m rather disconnected from the orgs, I did the disconnecting, but I get a whiff of things every now and again. When I do, I’ll let you know for sure. It may not be often.
Yes, we had 18 people declared in one go. in 2013/2014, most of them OT VIIIs and other OTs, such as those states aren’t/don’t really exist, tee hee. 🙂 More followed so there was a huge exodus here in Johannesburg. After The 18 Declare, there was quite a witch hunt, stupid fools. They’ve stopped declaring people here now because the fall out was more than they bargained for. Many of us are still under the radar and there are many of us – for our various reasons!
Two families were big donors, having fished both Joburg and Joburg North orgs out of trouble many times, who also donated generously to Idle Orgs; and kept Flag going, too. Talk about shooting themselves in the foot!
Talk about giving your money away! So…18 people declared and most of them OT 8s and other OTs? The insanity is building. It’s always been a crackpot operation, but, this is simply ridiculous.
Thanks so much for your updates, Dawn!
Mostly agree with your conclusions on the l ron lectures with one major difference – I don’t remember getting anything useful from them at all. It was a real struggle to come up with anything good to say about them when I had to write the obligatory success story. I’m not saying that all scn materials were without benefit just that the basics were to me a complete waste of several years of my life.
No doubt. But, remember, Gimpy, Davey Dwarf said, I comma out of place and you lose case gain! Or, you know, something like that.
I agree with you, Gimpy. I just got those two things out of it which were useful to me for a while. I managed to complete the basics and lectures by the end of 2009 so got shot of it quickly.
I know people who are STILL on them. They were released in 2007.
Do you realise that while everyone is compelled to complete the basics, no auditor or other training can occur. Not that I’m concerned or care but that was the beginning of the end of the subject as most of us knew it.
Good riddance, as far as I’m concerned, anyway. Miscavige may or may not have realised it would happen. He’s not the brightest penny. Cunning but not too bright. Unless it was planned this way.
Hi Gimpy, Thank you for your post. And all those big reel to reel Sea Org Tapes and all the other lectures I stayed up all night to listen to.Something about that British Accent held me for hours but did I really get anything out of the entire stroll down Ron’s Lane? No, I did not either except a stiff neck! Must have thought evil thoughts about the great one! Laughter. May you have a wonderful,2016. Love, Ann.
There is so much barf in that newsletter.
And by the way I’d rather stick needles in my eyeballs (isnt that a $ci auditing proicedure actually? Vaguely remember) than do a conga line with those people. DOUCH CHILLS.
Guessing they must want you to “raise your hands in the air!!” (so they can stick their hands into your pockets) Why on Teegeack does everything in $cientology have to be so freaking CORNY. Nothing ever has an elevated or sophisticated taste.
I am also really bummed that I could not bid on those rocks. That came from a quarry. Where Ron was. Darn it…
Also just occurred to me that no cycle can ever just end with Joe $cilon just having a good time. It’s always “we’ll let you know whats is needed and wanted”. Well Dave, I think you are getting a does of your own medicine. Nobody needs you, and nobody wants you.
This always mystified me, the corniness of it.
Not a subtlety to be found.
Lots of talk about art, but if someone didn’t “get” your art, well YOU were doing it wrong.
They really act like aliens that are trying to pretend to be having fun on Teegeack, “how to serve man” style.
Twilight Zone Reference! I love it! “Don’t go! It’s…a Cookbook!”
Wasn’t that cookbook titled “To Serve Kaye”? (and of course one must choose the proper champagne to go with the meal … I suggest Boone’s Farm 1970 … a very good year for apples.)
Hi Joe Pendleton, I liked your post. Omg the 1970 Boones Farm apple and their strawberry ” wines ” I drank at college then! As sweet as K-aid but not binding me to a billion years of both types of enlightenment.A very Happy 2016 to you. Love,Ann.
Laughter! More laughter! Very nice post, Joe! “How to Serve Kaye.” And yes, with Kaye, you MUST get the right champagne to go with Kaye….
Gratuitous, Off-Topic, Catty Comment Alert:
Kaye Champagne, you’re stuck in an ’80s mock up. Possibly this is a formula step because 30 years ago was when you were last “doing well”, nonetheless, you might want to shed the shoulder pads, ditch the frizz, and step into the 21st century.
Hi Lurr Kurr, It is good to meet you. Yes Ron was in a lot of rock quarries on various planets and he single handedly tramped around the jungles at 15 too. Loved your post. Ann.
Hubbard should have read Carl Sagan, Brian Cox and Lyall Watson, scientists, to hear what the chances are/were of him doing that before coming up with that one. It’s laughable. Oh, well, he is now a laughing stock as is Miscarriage.
Hi Dawn, I enjoy your posts. Ron never met a book not written by him that would be relevant to his Mission. Laughter! And dm proudly messes the whole enterprise up so badly, he will be the only cash beneficiary in the end. Terrible! A lovely and Happy 2016 to you & yours. Ann
“…members of the OT Committee are being asked to take on fare more responsibility…” Nice way of saying that as members fall of away from the church the remaining slaves are going to have to pick up the slack.
MEP, I saw it the same way too… The incredible shrinking organization.
Make that the rapidly incredible shrinking organization. No ones afraid of the Big Bad Wolf anymore…
Except those still IN!
I stand corrected….Wouldn’t want to be on staff or SO in these times.
Wunderbar, the rapidly sinking ship that is the cult!
Yes, thegman, except those in. What to say about that?
MEP, if they don’t they’ll be RPF’d.
Let me get this straight.
They auctioned ROCKS from a mining site where RON was?
(Can’t make this stuff up, folks)
presumably they were the non-taxable kind of rocks, religious rocks! I want to see the IRS person laugh their ass off when they read that on someone’s tax return, claiming a deduction for money spent on rocks. I wish I could claim shit like that on my tax return,
Well, ok Len, I can see how that would be silly, but, Arte Maren had 7 people for his talk in eastern Europe!!!! Isn’t that a record for them? I wonderful if Arte got the Freedom Medal of Valor. For 7 people he should get that and more!
If last time there was only 1 person, then 7 people means his stats are 7Xed. and they’ll blast “7X’ed” to the rooftops, while disingenuously NOT mentioning the actual (paltry) numbers.
My little org won the Birthday Game like that once. I was astonished; we weren’t busy at all. But apparently we had rebounded from zero or close to zero. And won the Birthday Game.
Let’s say the Birthday Game comes down to 2 orgs. Org A made 1000 clears, having made 800 the year before; Org B made 20 clears, having made 2 the year before: guess which one will win the Birthday Game, all else being equal? As most of you already know, Org B will win.
Its the rate of expansion, not the numbers themselves.
So Org A, with that terrific amount of VFP, with 1000 Clears made this year, having made 800 last year, which would put them in a nice condition of Normal, they won’t win, because with 800 last year they’d have to make 8000 this year to even tie with the rate of expansion of Org B, who 10Xed their Clears Made stat.
And this is only one of the reasons I always loathed the Birthday Game and considered it a complete waste of time and energy.
You’re right, you just can’t make this stuff up.
What’s next bottled seawater at $1k a jar because Hubbard was in the navy?
Oh… he was also a pilot – canned air! Comes with a certificate it was the actual air Hubbard flew through in 1933. And only $20k, quick, while stocks last.
Hey, I Yawn!!!!! BACK OFF!!! I already have the bottled seawater concession! Go find your own scam!
My lawyer has taken an interest in you and surveillance has been organised. We ordered an extra special golf cart and camera hats are being issued as we speak. I wanted the little paddle boat resprayed combat pink but it sank before the paint dried.
Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?
Lol! I’m laughing out loud. So enjoyed this comment, I Yawnalot. I may change my non de plume to I Laughalot! Now don’t anyone else go stealing this, please!
“Laughalot” is a SUPERB blog non de plume. Wish I’d thought of it. No worries, I won’t steal it – I mean, you HAVE copyrighted it, after all – right, Dawn? 🙂 🙂
Alright! Alright! I give! You win! Unless I can hire the two guys that followed tiny Davy’s Dad around! And if I can, they’ll be knocking on your door, I Yawn! Be prepared!
As I sit beside Tony… just find me if you can.
I looked for your blog on why the COS is not a religion, and I can’t find it.
Can you please post the link to it?
You probably will not find it. I don’t think scientology is not a religion. Religion is a different question than whether it is a church or should be tax exempt. I believe people are free to believe whatever they want. Scientology is a religion in the same way that Mormonism, Judaism, Buddhism and Satan worship are religions. You may not agree with the beliefs (unless you are a member of a particular religion, you generally think their beliefs are somewhat odd or even strange or downright creepy) but that doesn’t mean it’s not a religion. One man’s religion is another man’s devil worship or cult. But they all share something in common – belief or faith not based on science.
Would you define religion as a way to aid people to learn the materials even if they could not afford to, and where are the hospitals for the physically and mentally ill. The missions for the homeless , just about anything such as worshipping a papaya can be a religion. Do these groups deserve tax free status?
No, they do not deserve tax exempt status. It is my personal view that all organized religion engenders abuse by those who claim to hold the keys to heaven, eternity, nirvana or whatever.
The ‘Clear cognition’ is one thing, but the ‘OUT cognition’ as stated here is what few attain for real. One of the priceless fringe benefits of having climbed out of the rabbit hole.
Hmmmmm…The OUT cognition. Ladies and gentlemen, this just may be THE most important cognition you’ll ever have. The OUT Cognition! How does it work? Well, you’re sick and tired of turning over your money, right? Tried of the regging? Having major doubts? Seeing shit you never saw before. ARE YOU DOUBTING THE TECH. Well, I have very good news for you. You, YES YOU, can now have The OUT Cognition! All you have to do is realize that you did, in fact, joined a cult and you’re fucking sick and tired of it. All you have to do is click your heels together three times and say, “I’m out! I’m out. I’m out!” Then think about what you just did and rejoice. It works every time!
A positively negative gain. I like that.
It suits that auditing command. “Recall something you forgot.”
Repeat until Ep = “what was that auditing command again?”
End off and forget about the examiner, proceed to the exit and disappear.
I agree that all organized religions recognized as such should pay taxes.
The link to your blog on why the COS should not be tax exempt, is what I wanted.
I am willing to give money in order to find out how much (if anything) people paid for ‘rocks from where Ron was mining’
What’s next? Pay to sit on a toliet seat once sat on by the Great OT? (Of course, being a great OT he wouldn’t need to use a toliet, except to hold his writings)
I don’t remember Hubbard mining anything. It gets weirder and wilder and crazier by the hour.
Does anyone know where the mine was and what he was mining?
You don’t have the rank to ask where the mine was and what he was mining!
No, Dawn, sorry, but, you really don’t have the rank to ask where and what he was mining. Harsh. I know.
I think Bare Faced Messiah said he was looking for gold in Puerto Rico.
He was mining other peoples wallets…… as well as their lives and good will.
Didn’t he do a mineral expedition in Puerto Rico as a young fella?
Don’t know about any ‘mining’ per se.
Neither the United States Geological Survey nor the Puerto Rican Department of Natural Resources have any record of any such expedition. He probably was just prospecting for gold. What he was doing in the “Mission into Time” photo was holding a gold pan in a river probably at Luquillo, Puerto Rico. This wasn’t any “Mineralogical Survey” , but only an attempt to find “luck”. See the links below.
Drawing the old long bow hey?
Another stretch in the imagination arena.
Perhaps that’s what YOU are doing, dear I Yawnalot ; I clearly said “probably” prospecting for gold, and even LRH mentioned something about Puerto Rico’s gold, allegedly, in some of his personal letters or journals. Did you even bothered to look at my provided links ? I guess not.
I AM from Puerto Rico, by the way, and know its history and university sources VERY well, including its mineralogy, and the issue with the gold back then. So it is YOU, that are assuming things here and playing the blind. :-)))
Hi Theta Clear, I had let it slip in my memory that Ron had gold fever for a time! He probably never lost the lust for cash either! Sending you and yours enormous waves of Light, Love, Laughter and Peace for 2016, Always love you Peter, Ann.
Settle down, it was the Hubbard venture there I was referring to as being exaggerated as in “drawing a long bow”. Everything was exaggerated and manipulated concerning his exploits, war records etc etc.
What in world did you think I was referring to – YOU. No I was not. I don’t know anything about you or Puerto Rico, except for what you’ve just said.
My mistake then ; my apologies ; the way it was redacted sounded that way to me. I tend to be a little literal as English is not my native tongue.
Hubbard was in Puerto Rico. It was a trip done on a very small budget. Most of the guys Hubbard had convinced to go with him, left when they hit Puerto Rico. It wasn’t (BIG SHOCK COMING UP) nearly as good as he said it was. I believe the cult calls it the Greatest Mineralogical Survey of Puerto Rico that’s ever been done. Or ever will be. Boy, that Hubbard is something, isn’t he?
Hi OSD, I bet your backyard Paradise is pretty this time of year. That Ron and his geological quest! He just levitated some rocks into his satchel, levitated the rest onto The Morgue and took off to parts unknown! Happy happy 2016 & all sweet blessings to you both. Love, Ann.
Now that’s funny right there!
Auctiono rocks from a mine where Hubbard once went…really? I’m speechless yet have an abundance of laughter.
Auctioning rather…
Ideal rocks?
Lol! Very funny.
Ideally, your Ideal Rock response may be correct.
What’s next? Ideal pebbles?
Nothing like Forced Family Fun: I want all 15 of you to get up and congo for the camera. Wait, do a retake. No one was smiling. Smile this time, damn it!
I’m surprised the org reg wasn’t there to scream at them….
I believe the Reg was stationed at the door to make sure the participants didn’t try to conga out of it…
You know, I saw that happen many times when I was still in! Sometimes multiple regges!
So, yeah, you put together a ‘conga line,’ and turn your back for just a moment….that line will be out the door.
Oh so the Gold shoot crew was taking the photo? At least an hour to do 2 minutes work…. lol
The silent auction featured rocks from a mining site where Ron was. What next – a piece of veneer from the Bluebird he hid out in?
Or a piece of typing paper?
ForLease & Leslie, I’m sorry to inform you but next is the oil from the Bluebird. They’re putting it in little glass jars and sell them for $2500 each. After that, the engine parts….
@Old Surfer Dude: Ha! And then body parts…
Got dibs on the Throne (toilet seat).
All yours, TFB! I hope it fits you!
ForLease, you a sick puppy! I like it! And, I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe they’ll start asking SOgers to “donate” a finger for the auction.
Hagiography at its best: the silent auction to sell off some rocks from a mine “…where Ron was…”
Is that the one he’d tried to salt for investment purposes? Or is that mine actually where he had hunted for pirate treasure during his abortive Caribbean Adventure boat ride?
And how do we know those rocks didn’t come in from out back during a desperate attempt to have something to sell like Scientology? Or maybe they’re just clay communication projects somebody decided to call original art?
Questions, questions, questions! And nobody showed up!
Hi James Morris, I love your post. I like the clay demo model rocks best of all. Laughter, Love, Ann.
When I was in the Army we used to mock the Air Force, a.k.a. the Chair Force. So how does one mock there people?
Laughing at them, Leslie. The really can’t stand to be laughed at.
When I was up in Pasadena one time, checking out the Idle Morgue, I started talking with the two gals that were standing within reach of the front door trying to hand out tickets to their intro film. Once again, NOBODY was taking what they had to offer. As I was about to leave, I calmly said, “You know your cult is the laughing stock of all the other cults. They walked indoors…..
Problem is they won’t be affected. You’re just an SP. I remember when I tried to sell the DN book and the remarks people hurled at me. I felt sorry for them, believing them to be misinformed, unwise. It wasn’t me or Dianetics. It was him!
Oh, no doubt, Dawn, but, it’s just so much fun!
They’re the static people… they’re not going anywhere, they don’t do anything and they get no results. What’s there to mock anyway? I guess stand in front of one them, don’t move and tell you’re imitating a static would work. The one thing about a corporate scientologist you just can’t deny – unless you agree with them you’re a genuine worry and make them nervous.
Scientologists cannot laugh at themselves. Nice and solid, that’s the way they like it.
“They the static people…” Truer words were never spoken.
What’s so interesting is the tiny little groups signifying massive expansion. The bluster in the verbiage simply doesn’t match the number of bodies in the photos. And you know they are going to stage the pics to show maximum attendance.
Looks like about 50 OT committee members in a town of over 10,000 scientologists?
How long can these guys keep up the pretense in the face of underwhelming facts? That is the question.
As long as Corn of the COB is in charge…
Facts and scientology are not related. They aren’t even dating!
science hooked up with reason and ran off to romp and play in paradise, dumping scientology, who, is found again alone with no one to play with but their puppets and empty heads running on auto-pilot, speaking only off their cue-cards penned by the founder, with nothing good to say are just better off not talking to real people anyway. Hello science. Hello reason. Hey, I Yawnalot. Let’s do brunch and we can laugh and cry about the mind-drones we left behind…
OK… but you’ll to say that post in one breath first
You hungry, how about an emotional burger and cries.
sure you aint talkin to no amateur
Sounds good to me.
They’ve never even swapped spit!
Fact is scn-gy never was into swapping spit,
the fetish there being purely mental, and
not really so friendly.
And the idea that information can only arrive from one source,
that’s not just unsocial,
left to fester, that quickly becomes a potential psychotic contagion in both children and the poorly informed.
Truth is, society needs better protection against this and all other suppressive cults and social diseases.
” Looks like about 50 OT committee members in a town of over 10,000 scientologists?”
Yeah but they are the really big beings of the group Les. Only movers and shakers are allowed to participate!
In my day, Coop, we didn’t have OTCs. Nothing of the sort. But, I know OTCs are everywhere and, I guess they are being called on more and more to make things go right. They have to donate time for various and sundry things too. AND, with it all going so very bad for the cult, it’s only going to get worse for the OTC members. Do you think that would be true, Coop?
In your day? WTF does that mean?
You’re borrowing your days now? Get ’em cheaper by the dozen do ya?
Time, the final frontier… these are voyages of the Starship OS Dude. On his 5 year mission to locate his days. Last seen hovering around the Hawaiian beach scene before the CofBorg assimilated his ass.
LMFAO! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit!
I no longer find them funny, Mike. Just terribly, terribly sad. So many reasonably intelligent people with huge blinders on. What a mess.
The stat for “Number of crashing stats” is highest ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An increase of the worst stats ever! YAY!
But you know, Leslie, I know I……I just know if they work just a little bit harder, they can send their stats to the center of the Earth. Then they could all rejoice as they had the WORST STATS EVER! Then the exhausted elite of the SO can kick back for several minutes and bask in knowing that they made it go right. You know, really, really right. The kind of ‘right’ you just don’t see everyday…..
A Dozen women in a Conga Line and no getting hit up for money ?
The great photo op always takes precedence over regging to keep the FARCE alive. Rest assured, as soon as the gold team was done the room collapsed into a dialing for dollars feeding frenzy.
Coop, may the Force of the Farce be with you….
Not if I have anything to say about it.
The force of the farce has been isolated and very soon 100% contained.
Enjoy your freedom and thank you for your participation and support.
This sector is clean.
-First Leutenant of the Galactic Patrol Local Sector
Sir! Yes, Sir! You’re my Galactic Hero! If you get a chance, let us know what Target 2 is like…..
Arte Maren? Really? I’ll bet his trip was out of his pocket! I saw him the other week in CW and he wasn’t looking well at all. When I told him I wasn’t playing ‘The Game’ anymore, he replied with, “That’s a damn shame.” Sure is, I chuckled…….
They put these reports out and don’t even clue in as to how bad it looks.
Boy that says a lot…
all of which is just sadly amusing.
Sejanus, it is sadly amusing. But, they must keep with the party line and put out the stats and then spin the hell out of the story! And we’re the beneficiaries of their Cult ways! It’s just so much fun!
such sadness can ironically only be compensated by party alas
As someone who knows quite a bit about ‘partying,’ your post resonates with me. No really! My entire body is vibrating…..