May be of interest, an email on Tony’s blog today from valley org:
“Skip the Bowling game or the picnic or the movie date. Make up the course schedule if you are scheduled for course. Come take the prize of $5,000!!!! Oh and also help CLEAR THIS PLANET!!!”
Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to blatantly encourage fundraising over courses.
I’m no expert, but isn’t this just wrong?
Final call give the feeling that the spaceship is going to leave for the next galaxy, don’t miss it.
Or it’s now or never because soon will be the apocalypse.
It’s kind of our days are numbered.
Last race against suppressive element which want to destroy the human race, be part of the saviour team.
We are saving manking (reminds me Starship Trooper, anyone saw this film?).
The end of time is approaching embarke on the ship which will continue the war.
Reminds me the last days of the Third Reich. They were still thinking they will win the war. COB has something of Goebbels, making huge events in front of dedicated citizen, few month before the end.
Kind of earlier similar incident to some COB event… Yes Mike, a taste of Final Solution…
Left hand side of the paper: mailing instructions… do not staple.
But they forgot to mention the sharp edges of that paper. Cut your finger while following those instructios (folding that paper) and sue them.
I was thinking that in the Aftermath, as Scientology rises from the ashes that there would be Field Auditors, Groups and small organizations kind of like the missions were. A kind of Association where we help each other. Each group or mission would have it’s own look and feel to it. No robotic, cookie cutter thing. I know this is happening already. Just went to my first Indie party!
I just love Adam Lampert. Maybe there could be the Glam Mission! Here is his song AFTERMATH.
Have you lost your way?
Livin’ in the shadow of the messes that you made,
And so it goes,
Everything inside your circle starts to overflow.
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
You’ll get back what you give away,
So don’t look back on yesterday!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside!
Gonna tell ya, you’ll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you’re not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
You feel the weight,
Of lies and contradictions that you live with every day,
It’s not too late,
Think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play.
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
You give back what you give away,
So don’t look back on yesterday!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside!
Gonna tell ya, you’ll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you’re not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
Before you break you have to shed your armour!
Take a trip and fall into the glitter!
Tell a stranger that they’re beautiful!
So all you feel is love, love!
All you feel is love, love!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside.
Wanna tell ya, you’ll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside!
Gonna tell ya, you’ll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you’re not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
(Gonna tell ya you’ll be alright!)
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
(Just remember you are not alone!)
In the Aftermath!
I also noticed they no longer ask the LSD question. That you used to be the number one question followed by debts. Now they seem more concerned about children and/or a spouse. Could it be the recent media attention like the Jenna Miscavige book is bad for business? Those families really get in the way of production. Or could it be that they can overlook a few hits of acid if you’re willing to work 100 hours a week for $30 and pigs berthing and beans and rice and no time off? But hey, at least you’re on purpose! Time to go buy my second-hand Navy uniform. Hip hip!
Q.What concerns me most about the future of this planet?
A. Whether that waste of space known as the Church of Scientology will still be here or not.
Actually, I can’t lie about this. The fate of the church is so far down on my list of concerns regarding the future of this planet I cannot begin to list the other things we need to address as a priority. It would be nice though if people would wake up proofed against the type of coercive persuasion that abusive groups specialize in.
Please allow me to clarify where I said no new kids were coming up to take their place in the Scientology religion. I meant the Organized, Corporate one. Not Scientology as a religion in itself. There is a difference.
Whatever we may feel about Scientology, whatever our experiences are, it’s important to respect religious beliefs in general and the right for people to practice their own.
It’s astonishing that not one person involved in putting this flier out recognized the similarity between this logo and that of the Communist Party of the old Soviet Union. I am unable (or don’t know how) to put an image in my comment, but if you go to or, you will see the logo. The laurel wreath and star at the top of logo are identical to the laurel wreath and star of “The Final Call.” I don’t think this is an esoteric issue, the Communist Party used one version or another of this logo up until 1989, and for all I know it is still using it. At any rate, to see a famous communist logo with the word “FINAL CALL” is chilling. Someone should inform Barbara Walters that this is what happens when education is considered a waste of time.
Still – I have pointed out more than once on this blog, how the Church of Scientology started “turning Soviet” back in the mid 60s, so I won’t elaborate much here. But you can see all the signs, from the mid 60s onward: the kangaroo court “justice system”, the anti democracy statements, the complete control of “competition” within Scientology, the re-education camps (RPF), the prohibition about petitioning in groups, the constant haranguing of staff in policy as non compliant with seniors, the uniforms and “following orders”, the indoc camps for children, the secret police force (GO and then OSA), the constant INFORMING, and on and on and on. (LRH cleverly hid all this by making statements against “commies”, “one worlders” and “poor woikers”, beautiful misdirection as he set up a communist type organization himself).
In all fairness, the symbol of the communist party was actually a sickle and corn. Variations on the ears of corn are wheat and other crops – not laurel wreaths. Laurel wreaths are generally a symbol of victory taken from classical Greece. The wreaths or ears of food crops represented agriculture, and agriculture and industry was the theme/motif of communism, at least in the Soviet Union. I suspect that winning at all costs is much more the motif of the Sea Org — certainly agriculture and downtrodden citizenry toiling loyally for the state and getting their share of the crop isn’t!
Maria, you mean Sickle and Hammer?
I bought a CCCP (Comm-block, Russian) winter fur hat from a military surplus store. It had the same symbol on it (except the star was red). It was a repro, but still… It was billed as Russian Navy.
Yes, that is the original symbol of the Soviets. Later on though, the various communist parties took wreaths and sheaves of various grains with variations of sickle and hammer. None of them are laurel leaves, the symbol of victory, they are all grains and agriculture, as a symbol of plenty and food for all.
As usual, they are trying to make you feel special and that you are getting in on something big before it’s too late. Join the SO!
It just might be too late all right.
Over twenty years ago, SO members were not allowed to have children anymore. Now it’s a generation later and there’s no new kids coming up to take their place in the Scientology religion (business enterprise now). Existing public had their kids recruited with all kinds of force to get them in, now those kids are young adults.
No new public is coming in to the Church of Sales. At least, very few now with the communication lines open on the internet.
Mike is right when he said that the SP building couldn’t fill up to 20% its capacity. The PAC Base in LA is turning into a ghostown as far as public numbers is concerned. I remember back in the day going early to course so I could get the seat I wanted. Not a problem now, you have the pick of the whole room. The Ideal Org in Pasadena is another emply place, nothing happening there and barely staffed either.
People are still joining the freaking SEA ORG???? You gotta be kidding me! Well, I guess there is still a pool of completely ignorant fourteen year old second or third generation “Scientologists” whose parents or grandparents need to stay on OTVII, so can’t oppose the stealing/brainwashing of their children or grandchildren. Ah, yes, their Second Dynamic responsibilities. Just imitating the Founder in that area.
They are importing them from other countries with promises of green cards. Most of the countries they are getting them from are countries where the average “middle classed” citizen makes the equivalent of 150.OO to 200.00 U.S. a MONTH. So, toss is airfare, a room on a night to night basis, three square meals a day plus visa and possible citizenship and it looks like a deal.
What does the Church WITH HOLD from these people? All data about the RPF, sec checks, looney leader of the Church, the Decks, gang bang sec checks, rice and beans diets, no training, no auditing, all nighters, no libs, no holidays, no medical, no ARC, CMO sadism, and the DOMESTIC ABUSE they will be expected to live with every waking moment of their day under the “Golden Age of David Miscavige”! While HE lays in his tanning bed and his chef prepares two meals at a time for him to choose from, and he manages gangs of domestic terrorism , spies, surveillance, private investigators.
He is by now, the most HATED MAN in Scientology! The “Hitler” of Scientology! King Rat!
He is so DEVOID of empathy he ran a CAN’T HAVE with a dead body, refusing to let a mother see her son, who died under his O.S.A. day care center staff!
He is a walking example of MORAL TURPITUDE:
“Moral turpitude is a legal concept in the United States and some other countries that refers to “conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals.”
“The concept of “moral turpitude” might escape precise definition, but it has been described as an “act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes to his fellowmen, or to society in general, contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty between man and man.”
Crimes involving moral turpitude:
Making false representation
Knowledge of such false representation by the perpetrator
Reliance on the false representation by the person defrauded
An intent to defraud
The actual act of committing fraud
Evil intent:
False pretenses
Larceny (grand or petty)
Malicious destruction of property
Receiving stolen goods (with guilty knowledge)
Theft (when it involves the intention of permanent taking)
Transporting stolen property (with guilty knowledge)
I get these surveys frequently and have been tempted to really answer them, but I dont want to promote any further com. It has taken me years to not get phone calls weekly or even daily sometimes that I just couldnt bring myself to do it although it would have been fun.
1. Case Level:
I was stuck on OTVII for eight years then I was told I wasn’t clear so I got audited back up to Clear
Then I when I hit OTV! I redid my objectives and was told I wasn’t clear and audited back up to clear, I’m working on OTIII right now but even though I’m in the no pn interference zone I am at Flag re re re re re doing my objectives and purif. I am so spun in right now that I suspect to be told I am probably not clear.
2. Training level:
I used to be a CLVIII and a rocking c/S but with the advent of GAT and having to do the basics, I have had all my crest invalidated and haven’t been able to retrain until I can finish the pro metering course, which is impossible because I just can’t get the hang of waiting for the three swing f/n. Oh well, I will be starting at the bottom again soon anyway with GAT2 so I guess my training level is comm course – unless I have to redo that too????
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. Yes
14, 15 and 17, all loyal sea org members I haven’t talked to any of them since they joined when they were 12
6. Yes.
7. Debts. Yes
If so how much. $25 million dollars Regges got from me for my IAS status. Hey!!!! Why didn’t you ask about my IAS status in the first questions? Isn’t that the most important thing these days?
Assets? IAS took all those.
8. Current state of the planet is scary, there is this cult dictator out there stealing everyone’s money.
9. That Miscaviage might continue to get away with what he is doing.
10. You left out HELL to the NO. That’s my choice. I prefer making minimum wage or above and not being berated on a daily basis but thanks for asking.
11. You seem to think that you know somewhere that can happen. Have you been in touch with Rinderpest or rathbu because Miscavige certainly isn’t allowing anyone to reach Clear or OTHER.
But you just know that people at Flag and Int are calling Mike “Rinderpest”. Just two things: 1) They would have to be educated enough to know what rinderpest is, which most of them aren’t, and 2) Rinderpest has been eradicated. Mike will never be.
For those way smarter than me who bypassed the SO, this was the symbol of the galactic confederacy. It was on the EPF course pack long ago, but it might not exist on the current version. It was chosen so it would key in the lower orgers and the wog mud people in order to command immediate respect and compliance.
Yeah, and number of leaves is a number of planets in confederation existed before OT3 incident.
And it worked for me pretty much, I was keyed in when I saw the symbol though I knew nothing about Scn and SO at that moment. Unfortunately SO is not that confederation and seems there is no loyal officers around.
Thetapotata, Well that’s one way to clear the planet, shoot the SO members and DM off into space on the space ships DM secretly built with all the money…. maybe we’ll reach the cleared planet status after all. lol
This is one of Parkinson’s Laws: “Perfection of planned layout is only achieved by institutions on the point of collapse.”
In the chapter “Plans and Plants” of “Parkinson’s Law” (see… ) he makes the point that
“During a period of exciting discovery or progress there is no time to plan the perfect headquarters. The time for that comes later, when all the important work has been done. Perfection, we know, is finality; and finality is death.”
Parkinson reviews a number of headquarters buildings: League of Nations, Pentagon, St. Peter’s Basilica, Versailles,…. He concludes that their completion marked the sunset of the organizations that they were intended to house.
So much to say about Ideal Org and so much to say about the SP Building. Its opening will mark the beginning of the end of the Church of Scientology. And, by the way, didn’t RTC just completed new, beautiful and perfectly planned office space?
I’ve always loved these unambiguous surveys, purporting to be purely for data gathering purposes and almost ALWAYS asking if you want to join the Sea Org. But — The Final Call! Freudian Slip much?
At first, I thought they were going to announce no more phone calls — but alas my mind momentarily drifted towards the sane and reasonable, and then I realized I was reading a piece from the RCS. Sigh!
“The Final Call is a newspaper published in Chicago. It was founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan and serves as the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam.”- Wikipedia. I think this promo piece is a LOT more prescient than is at first apparent. Directly after opening, when it becomes abundantly clear that the “Flag Mecca” is too large for the couple of hundred public still left in Scientology, David Miscavige is going to start renting out lots of the empty space to NOI for offices and start hosting NOI events. They are going to change the name BACK to Flag Mecca. The name changes is needed because staff are calling the building the “SP building”. (All buildings at Flag get called by their two letter acronym- Fort Harrison is FH and so on. So the Super Power building would be the “SP”, as in “I’m going to the SP”, or “I had to work all night in the SP just closing all doors” etc.)
The Final Call is a newspaper published in Chicago. It was founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan and serves as the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam.
I thought I would share this recruitment survey that was sent to me.
I used to get one a week, a small story and then some questions. I would always response “no thanks, please remove my details from your mailling list” But she won’t listen.
This was the last “survey” she sent me, so I decided to really answer her questions.This was also the last survey she sent me. Perhaps she shouldn’t have asked me what I think?
So, dear readers, this is my successful action to stop getting spam. Feel free to used, as you see fit.
Here is one more element from the coat of arms of the Sea Organization which is part of the symbology of the Sea Org. This is the Seagull. I want to share it’s full meaning by LRH with you. Let me know what you think of it.
ARC, Tania
“A symbol of the Sea Org going back to its first origin. The seagull is associated with the power of the sea. Traditionally, a bird soaring skywards is symbolic of the spirit ascending, or freeing itself, and, generally speaking, birds are symbols of thought, or imagination, and of the swiftness of spiritual processes and relationships. In the Sea Org coat of arms, the bird is used in a group of three. Thusly, it represents such concepts as the third dynamic, the cycle of action, and the Be-Do-Have cycle. A group of three also symbolized spiritual synthesis, and is the formula for the creation of each of the worlds. In our terms, this represents the three universes, one’s own, others, and the physical universe. That the seagull is white symbolizes the basic purity of the spirit. The red band ascending across the four divisions of the field (the fourth dynamic) represents the bridge which is strengthened by the activity of the Sea Org and the Church of Scientology in line with Ron’s purpose. ”– LRH, FO 3350
1. What do you think about the above quote?
ANSWER: I think a seagull, as a symbol of the power of the sea is misguided. Have you ever actually watched seagull?
Perhaps you should or rather Hubbard should have.
They are scavengers!! They live off the scraps of hard working sea birds like: penguins, skuas,shearwater,albotrosses,gantes, comorants etc. Seagulls feed on carion and steal the bait from fishermen( very ethical birds)
Just go down to any landfill site located on a coast and what do you see? Seagulls feeding on trash and debris!!
As you can see, Tania, seagulls are not very high up the food chain.
A better symbol would be a Tropic bird, which when raising it young, will fly 100 miles away from its nest in search of specific food for its chicks. Generally return to its nest days after it departed, with a crop full of partially digested food, to feed its young and relieve its partner.
Some species of Tropic birds have been known to circumvent the globe along the equator, always returning to the same island to breed.
This bird shows DEDICATION, COMMITMENT, WORK ETHIC, unlike a seagull which will harrass a breeding Tropic Bird to steal its eggs.
Or maybe Hubbard knew this and THAT is why he chose the seagull as the symbol for the Sea Org?
I really look forward to hearing your thoughts on this..
2. What is for you the most important factor in clearing this planet?
ANSWER: it will never happen
3. In which way do you feel you could participate in clearing the planet?
ANSWER: i can’t
4. Did you ever think about joining the Sea Org in the past? Now? Or in the future?
ANSWER: YES, i would love to join your para-military organization which is based upon communist and fascist principles!
Had to look up the word. Boy, did I have a good laugh!
adjective: (literary) displaying knowledge of events before they take place; prophetic
Hey Dave! Are you just pitching a tent, or are you glad to see that the independent field has you surrounded up the gills? Looks like you are pulling off your flappiest boner ever and trying to shoot your whole wad in the middle of a hurricane. Jizzzzz . . . . what a sticky-wicket mess!
Don’t be so hard on the little one. He needs to be outside so that his copper grounding rods work, otherwise he will be overwhelmed with psychic CI from all the SP’s.
(Note to Mike – this is probably the real reason that Davie does not want to show up in court. The judge may object to running ground cables through to the basement.)
(Note to Davie – Your wife lives / works in a shielded / grounded room. Maybe you should trade places with her.)
Interesting that they no longer ask if you have taken LSD. I had a good friend that was new OT VIII and was dying to get in the S.O. They were also dying to get him as he had been on staff for years.
He earlier told me he was pretty sure he did LSD. While on the ship he was convinced that he didn’t do it.
I deliberately persuaded my best friend to take led with me. I had an ulterior motive, not to have fun (which we had lots) but to make sure he could never join the sea org. It worked but I wish I could have managed to get a tab down three more friends who joined 🙁
Sheldon, reading your comment on how your friend was convinced on the Ship that he didn’t actually take LSD, it tells me the church has absolutely flipped and become what they resisted: Psychs! Psychs have counseling where they give you false memories by asking about such and so in a way that lets you know they expect you to “tell all about it” and that they think it happened, and so this suggestion makes the client mock up an incident to match what the Psych has been insinuating, hinting and evaluating all about, and thus the false track is created. So our church is doing what their arch enemy is doing now. I knew it was only a matter of time before the church snapped in and became psychs. Sad to see it. And look how the abandon LRH tech on recruitment when they get desperate for recruits. “Oh, you’re a mass murderer? Oh well, no matter, we’ll just keep you off public lines and you can do mest work or haul folders for us. ” and “Or better yet, you can bitch slap the errant staff around for Davie. His hand is starting to hurt from all the beatings he’s given. See how the staff are CI to him to make his hand hurt so?!”
” Psychs have counseling where they give you false memories by asking about such and so in a way that lets you know they expect you to “tell all about it” ”
Cat Daddy, to answer your question, no auditing on the whole track does not equal the same thing that psychs do to get false track come up wherein the person can be a victim and then some innocent person, the supposed perpetrator, goes to prison based on these false incidents that the psychs actually convinced you were real. Similarities are not identities. The ability to differentiate is a high ability and is sanity. Whole track recall is a pc’s track and is not the auditor evaluating and telling him what his case and track is.
The Final Call?
That’s great. Now I don’t have to screen or delete messages.
Sometime in the near future the church will announce “The Last Gasp Event”. This is the event where DM will come out on to the stage and very contritely admit that he has been wrong for over 30 years but will need everybody to double up on their IAS Status before they leave the Shrine Auditorium in order to fund the complete overhaul of the church.
Final Call for what? Before the POB Torches the place
and collects the Insurance ?
I mean Debbie Cooks court testimony is on the Internet
and by now the “HOLE” is 4 stories high with a penthouse.
standing room only.
If D.M. was going to open Super Power he would do it now
but my Las Vegas odds makers say the smart money is that D,M. will burn it down and start fundraising all over ,spending the Insurance money cavorting with Ton Cruise on a Lovely holiday by the sea on his private yatch the Freewinds.
Jose — think the Great Escape. Those in The Hole for the last 3-4 months, with DM in semi-permanent residence at Flag, have probably dug their way to Freedom, and have broken through somewhere in the parking lot of the Palm Springs’ WalMart. Free at last!
Dear Odd Thomas,
Great Steve Mc Queen movie. But try another Steve Mc Queen Movie
“The War Lover” Scientology is the B 17 that Mc Queen is flying at the end of the movie
all shot to pieces, crew bailed out, yoke shaking violently as Mc Queen talks to the aircraft to pull up and it flys into the White Cliffs of Dover. Ka
booom !!!!
Mike I am sure you would like to offer your services to your flagging former Org but I suppose you will need to prepare for the Garcia case and for other issues. Shucks!!!
I think they titled it “Final Call” as in this is the last final recruitment for the Super Power Building and you can be lucky enough to get in on the final push to get it ready for opening. But the words conjure up sinister meanings, like the end is near, and final call to board the spaceship headed for Target 2. I mean it is creepy what those words bring up in terms of images. It is dark promo gone bad.
Oh, and did you notice that they no longer call it the Super Power Building, but instead call it “The Flag Building”? Maybe DM changed it cuz he knows he will be ridiculed later on when people finishing up the R/D/s in there absolutely do not gain any super powers and come out worse than when they entered that implant station.
Perhaps it should be referred to as “The Final Blackout”. It is approaching and will be shown at your local Org as the largest event in the history of $cientology.
If it is open to the public, THEN you can expect to see your 10,000 show up and you won’t need seating as it will be one continuous standing ovation. Expect Marty, Mike, Lori, Mosey and the cast of hundreds who have risked their necks and whos personal integrity has shown the light of truth on the beast to MC the FINAL EVENT.
Unbelievable how stupid this questionaire – here the adequate answers:
3.: Yes I know, but I won´t tell you
8.: Sad
9.: Too much (SP-)Scientologists around, esp. in Clearwater
10.: Yes, “in the future” I HAVE been interested…..
11.: “Worthwhile career” includes a proper salary, are you ready to pay it ?
Seems to lend credibility to the theory that the opening of the SP (Super Power) building is in part due to a lack of staff. Miscavige, you have a bunch of people on the RPF and in the Hole………. why don’t you let them run the SP building? What? Oh, they will defect… I see. And that’s bad because…? Oh, they will talk,,,,I see.
Wendy — dont think their problem is lack of staff. When this thing opens there isnt going to be enough public to fill 20% of the building. It will be like walking around in a government building at 6pm. Echoing footsteps down the halls…
Well, the obvious solution is to move all Tech delivery to the SP building and turn the Ft Harrisson and Sandcastle into hotels 100%. But thats a Hill 10 for another day. They could even put the staff courseroom and auditing facilities there….oh wait, there would have to be staff on study and auditing for that one to happen……
Excellent point — then they would at least be on purpose, in real and profitable competition with Motel 6 and Best Western. Or market them as non-denominational spiritual retreats. Mud baths and aura readings for reasonable rates
I guess so Mike – the comparison with the image of the desolation of a government building paints the picture – its like that here too where I come from…….
have very little sympathy for top ranking Scientologists such as Rinder and associates, cowardly men who have stood by in silence and allowed such atrocities to happen to others. Men who have put their egotistical, greedy power hungry appetites before all other spiritual beings and humanity as a whole. However, when Miscavige begins abusing them, they leave the Church apparently still looking out for number one and not because it’s the right thing to do. Rinder is still not being 100% honest, I don’t believe he sincerely cares about what negativity occurred inside the Church; if he did he’d tell the FULL truth about the corruption and immorality he witnessed at the head of Scientology.
I don’t think it matters if a person has been a member for one week or 60 years, if they witness Miscavige or any other Scientologist abusing another human being then they should speak out and confront him. I’m not into threatening or bullying anyone, let alone those weaker or the vulnerable, however if Miscavige would have hit me, I would have hit him back twice as hard before leaving for Scientology for good. What sort of men are those like Rinder to allow a little man to humiliate and physically abuse them and others? Miscavige was ALLOWED to behave in the twisted way he as for all these years by all the Scientologists who knew about it and did nothing. each time. One little man, whose spiritually retarded has the power over thousands of good people?
The majority of ex-Scientologists appear David Miscavige clones… Screaming in Scientologist’s faces and in anyone else’s who dares to disagree with them; you witness it 24/7 online.. Very ANGRY people indeed. More angry with themselves I suspect. Bruised egos who are still In need of acknowledging their soul instead of screaming at the world about how they allowed themselves and others to be treated. They scream insults at those who behave as they did up until recently. Yet they know Scientologists will never acknowledge their criticisms as anything but confirmation LRH was right, yet again. So why do ex-Scientologists waste so much time and energy attacking the Church in this way instead of using one that would actually work?
“Rinderpest” I LOVE IT!! Sounds like you won’t disconnect from them, Mike!
I’ve heard that sec checks now include questions about your site and Marty’s. What? They can’t get Marty to disconnect, either???
May be of interest, an email on Tony’s blog today from valley org:
“Skip the Bowling game or the picnic or the movie date. Make up the course schedule if you are scheduled for course. Come take the prize of $5,000!!!! Oh and also help CLEAR THIS PLANET!!!”
Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to blatantly encourage fundraising over courses.
I’m no expert, but isn’t this just wrong?
Final call give the feeling that the spaceship is going to leave for the next galaxy, don’t miss it.
Or it’s now or never because soon will be the apocalypse.
It’s kind of our days are numbered.
Last race against suppressive element which want to destroy the human race, be part of the saviour team.
We are saving manking (reminds me Starship Trooper, anyone saw this film?).
The end of time is approaching embarke on the ship which will continue the war.
Reminds me the last days of the Third Reich. They were still thinking they will win the war. COB has something of Goebbels, making huge events in front of dedicated citizen, few month before the end.
Kind of earlier similar incident to some COB event… Yes Mike, a taste of Final Solution…
Left hand side of the paper: mailing instructions… do not staple.
But they forgot to mention the sharp edges of that paper. Cut your finger while following those instructios (folding that paper) and sue them.
Ex-Scientologists speaking up at Church of Scientology conference on Human Rights
I was thinking that in the Aftermath, as Scientology rises from the ashes that there would be Field Auditors, Groups and small organizations kind of like the missions were. A kind of Association where we help each other. Each group or mission would have it’s own look and feel to it. No robotic, cookie cutter thing. I know this is happening already. Just went to my first Indie party!
I just love Adam Lampert. Maybe there could be the Glam Mission! Here is his song AFTERMATH.
Have you lost your way?
Livin’ in the shadow of the messes that you made,
And so it goes,
Everything inside your circle starts to overflow.
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
You’ll get back what you give away,
So don’t look back on yesterday!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside!
Gonna tell ya, you’ll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you’re not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
You feel the weight,
Of lies and contradictions that you live with every day,
It’s not too late,
Think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play.
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
You give back what you give away,
So don’t look back on yesterday!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside!
Gonna tell ya, you’ll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you’re not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
Before you break you have to shed your armour!
Take a trip and fall into the glitter!
Tell a stranger that they’re beautiful!
So all you feel is love, love!
All you feel is love, love!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside.
Wanna tell ya, you’ll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside!
Gonna tell ya, you’ll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you’re not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
(Gonna tell ya you’ll be alright!)
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
(Just remember you are not alone!)
In the Aftermath!
oops, that would be Lambert.
Death Throes! It won’t be long now and the empty buildings will be sold to pay back all the refunds.
I also noticed they no longer ask the LSD question. That you used to be the number one question followed by debts. Now they seem more concerned about children and/or a spouse. Could it be the recent media attention like the Jenna Miscavige book is bad for business? Those families really get in the way of production. Or could it be that they can overlook a few hits of acid if you’re willing to work 100 hours a week for $30 and pigs berthing and beans and rice and no time off? But hey, at least you’re on purpose! Time to go buy my second-hand Navy uniform. Hip hip!
Q.What concerns me most about the future of this planet?
A. Whether that waste of space known as the Church of Scientology will still be here or not.
Actually, I can’t lie about this. The fate of the church is so far down on my list of concerns regarding the future of this planet I cannot begin to list the other things we need to address as a priority. It would be nice though if people would wake up proofed against the type of coercive persuasion that abusive groups specialize in.
A Saint Hill size Org is an Emty Org acording to this list David Miscavige is indeed making all Orgs Ideal
If so, I think he should get a dictionary and word clear “ideal”! LOL
Wow! That IS heavy!
Oh wow… This mailer, in the context of the swarms of trouble facing DM, is terribly revealing. Thanks again, Mike.
O.K. so some former bar tender is handling recruitment now. That’s not so bad.
I mean, this IS Earth. Just think of all the people this piece of promo drove into the local pubs!
That’s funny!……….I’ll have a double to go please.
“Final call” “Last call” “Last call for alcohol” Geeze, …………head for the Pub!!!!!!!
Please allow me to clarify where I said no new kids were coming up to take their place in the Scientology religion. I meant the Organized, Corporate one. Not Scientology as a religion in itself. There is a difference.
Whatever we may feel about Scientology, whatever our experiences are, it’s important to respect religious beliefs in general and the right for people to practice their own.
It’s astonishing that not one person involved in putting this flier out recognized the similarity between this logo and that of the Communist Party of the old Soviet Union. I am unable (or don’t know how) to put an image in my comment, but if you go to or, you will see the logo. The laurel wreath and star at the top of logo are identical to the laurel wreath and star of “The Final Call.” I don’t think this is an esoteric issue, the Communist Party used one version or another of this logo up until 1989, and for all I know it is still using it. At any rate, to see a famous communist logo with the word “FINAL CALL” is chilling. Someone should inform Barbara Walters that this is what happens when education is considered a waste of time.
Still – I have pointed out more than once on this blog, how the Church of Scientology started “turning Soviet” back in the mid 60s, so I won’t elaborate much here. But you can see all the signs, from the mid 60s onward: the kangaroo court “justice system”, the anti democracy statements, the complete control of “competition” within Scientology, the re-education camps (RPF), the prohibition about petitioning in groups, the constant haranguing of staff in policy as non compliant with seniors, the uniforms and “following orders”, the indoc camps for children, the secret police force (GO and then OSA), the constant INFORMING, and on and on and on. (LRH cleverly hid all this by making statements against “commies”, “one worlders” and “poor woikers”, beautiful misdirection as he set up a communist type organization himself).
In all fairness, the symbol of the communist party was actually a sickle and corn. Variations on the ears of corn are wheat and other crops – not laurel wreaths. Laurel wreaths are generally a symbol of victory taken from classical Greece. The wreaths or ears of food crops represented agriculture, and agriculture and industry was the theme/motif of communism, at least in the Soviet Union. I suspect that winning at all costs is much more the motif of the Sea Org — certainly agriculture and downtrodden citizenry toiling loyally for the state and getting their share of the crop isn’t!
Maria, you mean Sickle and Hammer?
I bought a CCCP (Comm-block, Russian) winter fur hat from a military surplus store. It had the same symbol on it (except the star was red). It was a repro, but still… It was billed as Russian Navy.
Yes, that is the original symbol of the Soviets. Later on though, the various communist parties took wreaths and sheaves of various grains with variations of sickle and hammer. None of them are laurel leaves, the symbol of victory, they are all grains and agriculture, as a symbol of plenty and food for all.
As usual, they are trying to make you feel special and that you are getting in on something big before it’s too late. Join the SO!
It just might be too late all right.
Over twenty years ago, SO members were not allowed to have children anymore. Now it’s a generation later and there’s no new kids coming up to take their place in the Scientology religion (business enterprise now). Existing public had their kids recruited with all kinds of force to get them in, now those kids are young adults.
No new public is coming in to the Church of Sales. At least, very few now with the communication lines open on the internet.
Mike is right when he said that the SP building couldn’t fill up to 20% its capacity. The PAC Base in LA is turning into a ghostown as far as public numbers is concerned. I remember back in the day going early to course so I could get the seat I wanted. Not a problem now, you have the pick of the whole room. The Ideal Org in Pasadena is another emply place, nothing happening there and barely staffed either.
People are still joining the freaking SEA ORG???? You gotta be kidding me! Well, I guess there is still a pool of completely ignorant fourteen year old second or third generation “Scientologists” whose parents or grandparents need to stay on OTVII, so can’t oppose the stealing/brainwashing of their children or grandchildren. Ah, yes, their Second Dynamic responsibilities. Just imitating the Founder in that area.
They are importing them from other countries with promises of green cards. Most of the countries they are getting them from are countries where the average “middle classed” citizen makes the equivalent of 150.OO to 200.00 U.S. a MONTH. So, toss is airfare, a room on a night to night basis, three square meals a day plus visa and possible citizenship and it looks like a deal.
What does the Church WITH HOLD from these people? All data about the RPF, sec checks, looney leader of the Church, the Decks, gang bang sec checks, rice and beans diets, no training, no auditing, all nighters, no libs, no holidays, no medical, no ARC, CMO sadism, and the DOMESTIC ABUSE they will be expected to live with every waking moment of their day under the “Golden Age of David Miscavige”! While HE lays in his tanning bed and his chef prepares two meals at a time for him to choose from, and he manages gangs of domestic terrorism , spies, surveillance, private investigators.
He is by now, the most HATED MAN in Scientology! The “Hitler” of Scientology! King Rat!
He is so DEVOID of empathy he ran a CAN’T HAVE with a dead body, refusing to let a mother see her son, who died under his O.S.A. day care center staff!
He is a walking example of MORAL TURPITUDE:
“Moral turpitude is a legal concept in the United States and some other countries that refers to “conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals.”
“The concept of “moral turpitude” might escape precise definition, but it has been described as an “act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes to his fellowmen, or to society in general, contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty between man and man.”
Crimes involving moral turpitude:
Making false representation
Knowledge of such false representation by the perpetrator
Reliance on the false representation by the person defrauded
An intent to defraud
The actual act of committing fraud
Evil intent:
False pretenses
Larceny (grand or petty)
Malicious destruction of property
Receiving stolen goods (with guilty knowledge)
Theft (when it involves the intention of permanent taking)
Transporting stolen property (with guilty knowledge)
I get these surveys frequently and have been tempted to really answer them, but I dont want to promote any further com. It has taken me years to not get phone calls weekly or even daily sometimes that I just couldnt bring myself to do it although it would have been fun.
If a clubbed seal could answer honestly:
1. Case Level:
I was stuck on OTVII for eight years then I was told I wasn’t clear so I got audited back up to Clear
Then I when I hit OTV! I redid my objectives and was told I wasn’t clear and audited back up to clear, I’m working on OTIII right now but even though I’m in the no pn interference zone I am at Flag re re re re re doing my objectives and purif. I am so spun in right now that I suspect to be told I am probably not clear.
2. Training level:
I used to be a CLVIII and a rocking c/S but with the advent of GAT and having to do the basics, I have had all my crest invalidated and haven’t been able to retrain until I can finish the pro metering course, which is impossible because I just can’t get the hang of waiting for the three swing f/n. Oh well, I will be starting at the bottom again soon anyway with GAT2 so I guess my training level is comm course – unless I have to redo that too????
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. Yes
14, 15 and 17, all loyal sea org members I haven’t talked to any of them since they joined when they were 12
6. Yes.
7. Debts. Yes
If so how much. $25 million dollars Regges got from me for my IAS status. Hey!!!! Why didn’t you ask about my IAS status in the first questions? Isn’t that the most important thing these days?
Assets? IAS took all those.
8. Current state of the planet is scary, there is this cult dictator out there stealing everyone’s money.
9. That Miscaviage might continue to get away with what he is doing.
10. You left out HELL to the NO. That’s my choice. I prefer making minimum wage or above and not being berated on a daily basis but thanks for asking.
11. You seem to think that you know somewhere that can happen. Have you been in touch with Rinderpest or rathbu because Miscavige certainly isn’t allowing anyone to reach Clear or OTHER.
Damn autocorrect. That should have been CERTS not crest and Rinder and Rathbun. Sheesh
But you just know that people at Flag and Int are calling Mike “Rinderpest”. Just two things: 1) They would have to be educated enough to know what rinderpest is, which most of them aren’t, and 2) Rinderpest has been eradicated. Mike will never be.
OK I’ll bite. What is “rinderpest”?
For those way smarter than me who bypassed the SO, this was the symbol of the galactic confederacy. It was on the EPF course pack long ago, but it might not exist on the current version. It was chosen so it would key in the lower orgers and the wog mud people in order to command immediate respect and compliance.
Yeah, and number of leaves is a number of planets in confederation existed before OT3 incident.
And it worked for me pretty much, I was keyed in when I saw the symbol though I knew nothing about Scn and SO at that moment. Unfortunately SO is not that confederation and seems there is no loyal officers around.
It was the button that got me to join. The Space Obama needs your help blah blah. So right on the last part.
I wonder if the Fifth Invader force is coming and only the S.O. members will be able to leave on the space ships that DM has secretly built.
Only Patron Meritorious Gluteus Maximus with Flashing lights and DM’s private chef, trainer and make up artist, and Dan Sherman.
oops, forgot. and Tom.
Thetapotata, Well that’s one way to clear the planet, shoot the SO members and DM off into space on the space ships DM secretly built with all the money…. maybe we’ll reach the cleared planet status after all. lol
Looks like they are headed off to Target 2. Send us a postcard!
TR R2-45 anyone ?
This is one of Parkinson’s Laws: “Perfection of planned layout is only achieved by institutions on the point of collapse.”
In the chapter “Plans and Plants” of “Parkinson’s Law” (see… ) he makes the point that
“During a period of exciting discovery or progress there is no time to plan the perfect headquarters. The time for that comes later, when all the important work has been done. Perfection, we know, is finality; and finality is death.”
Parkinson reviews a number of headquarters buildings: League of Nations, Pentagon, St. Peter’s Basilica, Versailles,…. He concludes that their completion marked the sunset of the organizations that they were intended to house.
So much to say about Ideal Org and so much to say about the SP Building. Its opening will mark the beginning of the end of the Church of Scientology. And, by the way, didn’t RTC just completed new, beautiful and perfectly planned office space?
I’ve always loved these unambiguous surveys, purporting to be purely for data gathering purposes and almost ALWAYS asking if you want to join the Sea Org. But — The Final Call! Freudian Slip much?
At first, I thought they were going to announce no more phone calls — but alas my mind momentarily drifted towards the sane and reasonable, and then I realized I was reading a piece from the RCS. Sigh!
When I first saw this, I thought that the Nation of Islam and Farrakhan had finally taken over Flag.. “The Final Call” is the name of their magazine.
“The Final Call is a newspaper published in Chicago. It was founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan and serves as the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam.”- Wikipedia. I think this promo piece is a LOT more prescient than is at first apparent. Directly after opening, when it becomes abundantly clear that the “Flag Mecca” is too large for the couple of hundred public still left in Scientology, David Miscavige is going to start renting out lots of the empty space to NOI for offices and start hosting NOI events. They are going to change the name BACK to Flag Mecca. The name changes is needed because staff are calling the building the “SP building”. (All buildings at Flag get called by their two letter acronym- Fort Harrison is FH and so on. So the Super Power building would be the “SP”, as in “I’m going to the SP”, or “I had to work all night in the SP just closing all doors” etc.)
The Final Call is a newspaper published in Chicago. It was founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan and serves as the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam.
Oh My God , what a hell of an Angle to play, Farakhan ready to take over Scientology ? He just needs to exit Miscavige like he did with Malcolm X
I thought I would share this recruitment survey that was sent to me.
I used to get one a week, a small story and then some questions. I would always response “no thanks, please remove my details from your mailling list” But she won’t listen.
This was the last “survey” she sent me, so I decided to really answer her questions.This was also the last survey she sent me. Perhaps she shouldn’t have asked me what I think?
So, dear readers, this is my successful action to stop getting spam. Feel free to used, as you see fit.
Here is one more element from the coat of arms of the Sea Organization which is part of the symbology of the Sea Org. This is the Seagull. I want to share it’s full meaning by LRH with you. Let me know what you think of it.
ARC, Tania
“A symbol of the Sea Org going back to its first origin. The seagull is associated with the power of the sea. Traditionally, a bird soaring skywards is symbolic of the spirit ascending, or freeing itself, and, generally speaking, birds are symbols of thought, or imagination, and of the swiftness of spiritual processes and relationships. In the Sea Org coat of arms, the bird is used in a group of three. Thusly, it represents such concepts as the third dynamic, the cycle of action, and the Be-Do-Have cycle. A group of three also symbolized spiritual synthesis, and is the formula for the creation of each of the worlds. In our terms, this represents the three universes, one’s own, others, and the physical universe. That the seagull is white symbolizes the basic purity of the spirit. The red band ascending across the four divisions of the field (the fourth dynamic) represents the bridge which is strengthened by the activity of the Sea Org and the Church of Scientology in line with Ron’s purpose. ”– LRH, FO 3350
1. What do you think about the above quote?
ANSWER: I think a seagull, as a symbol of the power of the sea is misguided. Have you ever actually watched seagull?
Perhaps you should or rather Hubbard should have.
They are scavengers!! They live off the scraps of hard working sea birds like: penguins, skuas,shearwater,albotrosses,gantes, comorants etc. Seagulls feed on carion and steal the bait from fishermen( very ethical birds)
Just go down to any landfill site located on a coast and what do you see? Seagulls feeding on trash and debris!!
As you can see, Tania, seagulls are not very high up the food chain.
A better symbol would be a Tropic bird, which when raising it young, will fly 100 miles away from its nest in search of specific food for its chicks. Generally return to its nest days after it departed, with a crop full of partially digested food, to feed its young and relieve its partner.
Some species of Tropic birds have been known to circumvent the globe along the equator, always returning to the same island to breed.
This bird shows DEDICATION, COMMITMENT, WORK ETHIC, unlike a seagull which will harrass a breeding Tropic Bird to steal its eggs.
Or maybe Hubbard knew this and THAT is why he chose the seagull as the symbol for the Sea Org?
I really look forward to hearing your thoughts on this..
2. What is for you the most important factor in clearing this planet?
ANSWER: it will never happen
3. In which way do you feel you could participate in clearing the planet?
ANSWER: i can’t
4. Did you ever think about joining the Sea Org in the past? Now? Or in the future?
ANSWER: YES, i would love to join your para-military organization which is based upon communist and fascist principles!
When can I start?
JIP : Priceless!
I can’t stop laughing!
Had to look up the word. Boy, did I have a good laugh!
adjective: (literary) displaying knowledge of events before they take place; prophetic
Hey Dave! Are you just pitching a tent, or are you glad to see that the independent field has you surrounded up the gills? Looks like you are pulling off your flappiest boner ever and trying to shoot your whole wad in the middle of a hurricane. Jizzzzz . . . . what a sticky-wicket mess!
Don’t be so hard on the little one. He needs to be outside so that his copper grounding rods work, otherwise he will be overwhelmed with psychic CI from all the SP’s.
(Note to Mike – this is probably the real reason that Davie does not want to show up in court. The judge may object to running ground cables through to the basement.)
(Note to Davie – Your wife lives / works in a shielded / grounded room. Maybe you should trade places with her.)
Interesting that they no longer ask if you have taken LSD. I had a good friend that was new OT VIII and was dying to get in the S.O. They were also dying to get him as he had been on staff for years.
He earlier told me he was pretty sure he did LSD. While on the ship he was convinced that he didn’t do it.
Yes, I noticed that too. It was the item that always gave me an easy out during recruit cycles. Perhaps they’ve dropped it from the list of quals?
Gee, and I thought that it was just a copy of an old questionnaire.
Where is the important first question “What is your current IAS Status?”
And, perhaps, they’re getting desperate for new staff? Willing to cut corners a bit? Hmmmm…
I deliberately persuaded my best friend to take led with me. I had an ulterior motive, not to have fun (which we had lots) but to make sure he could never join the sea org. It worked but I wish I could have managed to get a tab down three more friends who joined 🙁
Sheldon, reading your comment on how your friend was convinced on the Ship that he didn’t actually take LSD, it tells me the church has absolutely flipped and become what they resisted: Psychs! Psychs have counseling where they give you false memories by asking about such and so in a way that lets you know they expect you to “tell all about it” and that they think it happened, and so this suggestion makes the client mock up an incident to match what the Psych has been insinuating, hinting and evaluating all about, and thus the false track is created. So our church is doing what their arch enemy is doing now. I knew it was only a matter of time before the church snapped in and became psychs. Sad to see it. And look how the abandon LRH tech on recruitment when they get desperate for recruits. “Oh, you’re a mass murderer? Oh well, no matter, we’ll just keep you off public lines and you can do mest work or haul folders for us. ” and “Or better yet, you can bitch slap the errant staff around for Davie. His hand is starting to hurt from all the beatings he’s given. See how the staff are CI to him to make his hand hurt so?!”
” Psychs have counseling where they give you false memories by asking about such and so in a way that lets you know they expect you to “tell all about it” ”
And auditing on “the whole track” does not ?
Cat Daddy, to answer your question, no auditing on the whole track does not equal the same thing that psychs do to get false track come up wherein the person can be a victim and then some innocent person, the supposed perpetrator, goes to prison based on these false incidents that the psychs actually convinced you were real. Similarities are not identities. The ability to differentiate is a high ability and is sanity. Whole track recall is a pc’s track and is not the auditor evaluating and telling him what his case and track is.
Not a single mention of exchange.
Spot on!
F or
I t’s
N ot
A t all
L ooking good
C ause
A lot of people
L ooked and
L eft
The Final Call?
That’s great. Now I don’t have to screen or delete messages.
Sometime in the near future the church will announce “The Last Gasp Event”. This is the event where DM will come out on to the stage and very contritely admit that he has been wrong for over 30 years but will need everybody to double up on their IAS Status before they leave the Shrine Auditorium in order to fund the complete overhaul of the church.
Final Call for what? Before the POB Torches the place
and collects the Insurance ?
I mean Debbie Cooks court testimony is on the Internet
and by now the “HOLE” is 4 stories high with a penthouse.
standing room only.
If D.M. was going to open Super Power he would do it now
but my Las Vegas odds makers say the smart money is that D,M. will burn it down and start fundraising all over ,spending the Insurance money cavorting with Ton Cruise on a Lovely holiday by the sea on his private yatch the Freewinds.
Jose — think the Great Escape. Those in The Hole for the last 3-4 months, with DM in semi-permanent residence at Flag, have probably dug their way to Freedom, and have broken through somewhere in the parking lot of the Palm Springs’ WalMart. Free at last!
Dear Odd Thomas,
Great Steve Mc Queen movie. But try another Steve Mc Queen Movie
“The War Lover” Scientology is the B 17 that Mc Queen is flying at the end of the movie
all shot to pieces, crew bailed out, yoke shaking violently as Mc Queen talks to the aircraft to pull up and it flys into the White Cliffs of Dover. Ka
booom !!!!
Mike I am sure you would like to offer your services to your flagging former Org but I suppose you will need to prepare for the Garcia case and for other issues. Shucks!!!
I don’t like that promo at all.
Why not call it the “Ideal Call”? It matches all the other promo, doesn’t it?
I think they titled it “Final Call” as in this is the last final recruitment for the Super Power Building and you can be lucky enough to get in on the final push to get it ready for opening. But the words conjure up sinister meanings, like the end is near, and final call to board the spaceship headed for Target 2. I mean it is creepy what those words bring up in terms of images. It is dark promo gone bad.
Oh, and did you notice that they no longer call it the Super Power Building, but instead call it “The Flag Building”? Maybe DM changed it cuz he knows he will be ridiculed later on when people finishing up the R/D/s in there absolutely do not gain any super powers and come out worse than when they entered that implant station.
Perhaps it should be referred to as “The Final Blackout”. It is approaching and will be shown at your local Org as the largest event in the history of $cientology.
If it is open to the public, THEN you can expect to see your 10,000 show up and you won’t need seating as it will be one continuous standing ovation. Expect Marty, Mike, Lori, Mosey and the cast of hundreds who have risked their necks and whos personal integrity has shown the light of truth on the beast to MC the FINAL EVENT.
Unbelievable how stupid this questionaire – here the adequate answers:
3.: Yes I know, but I won´t tell you
8.: Sad
9.: Too much (SP-)Scientologists around, esp. in Clearwater
10.: Yes, “in the future” I HAVE been interested…..
11.: “Worthwhile career” includes a proper salary, are you ready to pay it ?
Seems to lend credibility to the theory that the opening of the SP (Super Power) building is in part due to a lack of staff. Miscavige, you have a bunch of people on the RPF and in the Hole………. why don’t you let them run the SP building? What? Oh, they will defect… I see. And that’s bad because…? Oh, they will talk,,,,I see.
Wendy — dont think their problem is lack of staff. When this thing opens there isnt going to be enough public to fill 20% of the building. It will be like walking around in a government building at 6pm. Echoing footsteps down the halls…
Well, the obvious solution is to move all Tech delivery to the SP building and turn the Ft Harrisson and Sandcastle into hotels 100%. But thats a Hill 10 for another day. They could even put the staff courseroom and auditing facilities there….oh wait, there would have to be staff on study and auditing for that one to happen……
Excellent point — then they would at least be on purpose, in real and profitable competition with Motel 6 and Best Western. Or market them as non-denominational spiritual retreats. Mud baths and aura readings for reasonable rates
if I recall correctly, that lS the plan. At least I recall an announcement to that effect about 10 years ago.
(Reply is to Moonshot)
I guess so Mike – the comparison with the image of the desolation of a government building paints the picture – its like that here too where I come from…….
Mike, I love the way you turn a phrase. “…It will be like walking around in a government building at 6pm. Echoing footsteps down the halls…”
I”ll be first in line to buy your book when you write it.
I wager there will be a “Golden Final Call” or “Final Call Phase II”.
I was a little surprised they didnt call it the “Final Solution”…. 🙂
have very little sympathy for top ranking Scientologists such as Rinder and associates, cowardly men who have stood by in silence and allowed such atrocities to happen to others. Men who have put their egotistical, greedy power hungry appetites before all other spiritual beings and humanity as a whole. However, when Miscavige begins abusing them, they leave the Church apparently still looking out for number one and not because it’s the right thing to do. Rinder is still not being 100% honest, I don’t believe he sincerely cares about what negativity occurred inside the Church; if he did he’d tell the FULL truth about the corruption and immorality he witnessed at the head of Scientology.
I don’t think it matters if a person has been a member for one week or 60 years, if they witness Miscavige or any other Scientologist abusing another human being then they should speak out and confront him. I’m not into threatening or bullying anyone, let alone those weaker or the vulnerable, however if Miscavige would have hit me, I would have hit him back twice as hard before leaving for Scientology for good. What sort of men are those like Rinder to allow a little man to humiliate and physically abuse them and others? Miscavige was ALLOWED to behave in the twisted way he as for all these years by all the Scientologists who knew about it and did nothing. each time. One little man, whose spiritually retarded has the power over thousands of good people?
The majority of ex-Scientologists appear David Miscavige clones… Screaming in Scientologist’s faces and in anyone else’s who dares to disagree with them; you witness it 24/7 online.. Very ANGRY people indeed. More angry with themselves I suspect. Bruised egos who are still In need of acknowledging their soul instead of screaming at the world about how they allowed themselves and others to be treated. They scream insults at those who behave as they did up until recently. Yet they know Scientologists will never acknowledge their criticisms as anything but confirmation LRH was right, yet again. So why do ex-Scientologists waste so much time and energy attacking the Church in this way instead of using one that would actually work?
So why bother commenting here?
And you, anonymous person who apparently knows all: what is it that you know I am not being honest about?
Of course, you are entitled to your opinion.
But if I was assuming things about you the way you assume them about me, I would assume you are simply a troll.
Or they could call it IMMINENT istead of final. Isn’t that a word they like to use..?
Ouch :o)
Hmm. is the Nation of Islam’s site.
Perhaps it’s Miscavige’s final call for boarding?
Let’s hope so.
Why do comments have to be accepted?