The news from Flag has not been good.
You may recall I did a post (Things At Flag Are Bleak) in January mentioning they had stopped circulating the “Good News” briefings. And that only happens when there is nothing even the eternally unreal FSC office can present as good news.
But I guess they must read the blog, because 3 days later, after nothing since November 2015, suddenly in my in box appeared a new (shortened) edition of “Flag Good News.”
Since then there have been a few more of these “Good News” briefing.
There are a LOT of missing weeks of really stinking stats. The numbers from those weeks would make these graphs look considerably worse than they already appear.
They long ago stopped including Purif and Objectives completions when they petered out. Then they stopped including Clears when those too dwindled to nothing.
There are 3 stats that have been consistently reported: Super Power (blue line below), Running Pgm (Orange) and OT VII Completions (Gray).
As you can see from this graph — which now represents 49 weeks of “Good News” numbers, theΒ “massive international expansion” must be happening elsewhere.
In fact, the only number on an uptrend is completions on the Running Pgm, and of course, as they have loudly promoted, some people have already done it 3 times over!
The most devastating statistic is OT VII completions. This is the ultimate “product” of Flag. This is the one statistic that truly measures whether Flag is accomplishing its purpose of “moving people to the top of the Bridge.” Clearly not. The number has only been greater than 10 3 times and that was well over a year ago. Now it averages less than 5. This represents the total number of scientologists reaching the top of the bridge on planet earth. There is nowhere else that this can be achieved.
These are their figures. They may even be inflated. But regardless, they are evidence of a steadily shrinking bubble. You can go back on this blog and sequentially see every one of the “Good New from Flag” reports since the release of the “Golden Age of Tech II” in November 2013. What a brilliant strategy that has proven to be….
No OT VII completions at all!
And the “OT VI” Comps consist primarily of the suckers they have conned into redoing the Golden Age of Dreck for OTs “New Solo Nots Course.”
Highest EVER? But it was 38 the week before. Must have forgotten to change the sentence when it was copy-texted into the new version….
On a happier note, I just returned from the Bunker. TheDisconnection Billboard is up. Yesssss! Kudos to Willie and Phil and Lamar Media and Tony, of course. OMG, and it looks AMAZING at night too! Powerful stuff, and its going viral. So jazzed!
PS: This post was intended to be at the bottom of the page, below my ugly rant π
It’s like biff and pow and bam and games without frontiers and more biff and bam and so on and so forth. The ‘allure’ of Flag is admission to the ‘club’. A club that really numbs the senses and destroys critical thinking.. How oily is oily? How smelly is cheese? My ‘perceptics’ work fine, I can actually walk and chew gum at the same time. Does that make me OT 10?
No wonder DM cold move 300 ‘flag’ Orgres to LA so easily, they had nothing to do in Clearwater.
@zeemoo you must be OT 10. I am OT5 and I trip over “air pockets” on a regular basis. As for walking and chewing gum? Wow! I can’t even walk or chew gum with any proficiency, much less do both at the same time.
Running Program Orange) shows a barely Normal TREND. (There is an overall, ever so slight rise. It is ALMOST overall flat but there is a faint overall rise so that qualifies it as Normal)
Both Super Power (Blue) and OTVII (Grey) are TRENDING Emergency.(Overall flat line).
In that the Running Program requires no real skill to deliver and takes a few weeks to complete thereby keeping the person at Flag paying for accommos as well as the course, its no wonder that this is Flag’s only money maker now and is being pushed heavily.
Poor suckers.
I think I should include the fact that the NUMBERS for these completions are VERY low.
The term “Normal” can be deceiving unless its understood that ALL that’s necessary for a statistic to be in a Normal Condition is an ever so slight RISE as one looks from left to right.
It is possible to be in Normal with VERY low numbers or with high numbers,just as its possible for a stat for a statistic to be in an Emergency condition with extremely low numbers, high numbers, or anything in between.
In brief, with one exception, it isn’t the numbers per se that determine a condition and its formula, but the degree of increase or decrease of the numbers from week to week, month to month or over a series of months, which would be a trend 3 months minimum, to be exact.
I’m sure this is way more than any of you want or need to know about Scn conditions formula reading but I thought it important that this be clarified.
By way of illustration, I know of a very small org that won the Birthday Game with extremely low stats which in one year were 2Xed or 3Xed and were STILL pathetic statistics yet won the Birthday game because their RATE of expansion was faster than any other org’s RATE. Of course, this is crazy thinking because it doesn’t take into consideration the actual NUMBERS, which I would think would be QUITE important, but then, this is just another reason why I always loathed the Birthday Game.
OK, end of boring dissertion-slash-rant.
Yes, no comment on the VOLUME, simply comparing this to “Massive international EXPANSION” which means more now than there was before. π
Right. Last month I baked a a pie. This month I baked two. Nothing less than unprecedented expansion (of waist and hips).
Can you send me one of your pies, Aqua? I’ve been a good boy.
OSD – a confession. I was just funnin’ with Mr. Rinder. I never baked a pie in my life. And my cakes, well, never mind. Tell you what, though – I’ll bring my homemade chocolate chip cookies to the party at your place some day. They will be good. They have to be because they’re all I know how to bake and I’ve been practicing my entire life. Deal?
OK OSD and Aqua, I’ve actually won ribbons for my pies, I’ll bring some when the back porch of infinity tumbles over the cliff and I’ll bake a special humble pie for the wee one.
jmth, blue ribbons, huh? Wonderful, tender, flaky, homemade pie crust? Sounds great to me. We’ll all have to bring our specialities when the cult goes down and we converge on OSD’s beach place to celebrate. Pot luck. The gals will bring the food, and the guys will bring the pot – I mean, the beer. π
Aquamarine, you’re in screaming affluence; and yet if that’s all you had to eat for the week, you’re below the breadline.
π No worries. I have low blood sugar. Have to eat a lot of protein and vegetables and other boring stuff. A little sugar and starch go a long way with me. Too much can put me right to sleep. Ditto alcohol. Its embarrassing.
Actually Aqua, the overriding El Con policy it that, Viability monitors all graph reading. The FSO stats shown, if done as per El Con are in Non-E. Not Normal, Emergency, etc.
For what that’s worth. Which isn’t much.
I hear you, Mike W. Good to know. Very good, actually. My recall on this datum or policy is failing me at present but it certainly makes total sense and I’m happy to stand corrected. What this means is that this Viability datum or policy is being ever so conveniently ignored by Flag. God, how they lie! How they can live with themselves is beyond me. With no exaggeration, I shudder at the thought of being them.
Exactly Aqua. LRH would have assigned FSO a condition (by stat) of Non-E as the production level was not enough to be viable for a concern of their size and of their supposed area of responsibility. It is below a level that can sustain itself AND be a primary support for Int Management (a stated purpose from El Con for the FSO)
Thanks. And what you’re saying is now ringing a distant LOC bell, the course whereon my twin and I did some drill or exercise that included the datum “in sufficient quantity to be viable”.
By my calculation, ever single one of the world’s 7 billion people has taken a Flag course in the past year.
Miscavige seems to operate like Hitler, ignoring the facts, doing away with or at least shutting up any top brass who disagree with him, insisting the war can be and is being won against all contradicting reality.
Seems a bit more like modern day main stream media news coverage to me. MSM and Dave are like peas and carrots.
Tell em what they want to hear and as OSD says ” fuck em gently with a chainsaw”. And if they squeal, make em pay ……..
Ok. Not sure why I’m feeling so pesimistic about this. The cult is shrinking and for that I am happy!
sadly reading any self help book, or becoming invested in any belief system will give you the same glorious feelings. Belief in one’s self does not have to come from Scion…….. it comes from self. So glad to see to wasting away of this cult. Can we just put a bag over it and finish it!
Not a member ever………………peggy
Hi Mike,After reading about the promo for the New Solo Nots Course-I have renamed it New Solo Nuts Course.There you go all those who still reach for the OT titanium glitter bejeweled carrot.Thank you for posting all those Flag statistics.Most illuminating.xo Ann.
“OT titanium glitter bejeweled carrot”
What an utterly ridiculous (and perfectly named) goal to strive for! Thanks Ann B, I plan on using that at our Wednesday morning staff “function”. (gawd, as if my people don’t hate me enough as it is…)
Hi Scott Henderson, You go with that damn carrot. The more we love the more they hate.But love is white hot and hate is deep and dark as the blackest night.Love,Ann.
“Gentle sticks of dynamite that melted the thin veil of fog around me…”
WOW, just wow! Gentle dynamite .
“Gentle dynamite, huh? Melting the thin veil of fog, eh? Couldn’t they just wait until the sun came out and the fog would melt away naturally? No? Ok, bring out the Gentle Dynamite and save me a seat…
Isn’t that like getting bitch slapped by Dave?
That little turd couldn’t come up with one good bitch slap. Which is kind of funny as he is a little bitch too.
Soft razors & club bayonets makes as much sense too.
NOTs = New Era Dianetics for OTs, yet it is without any Dianetics in it at all. In fact it’s forbidden to use it! Go figure figure on that one!
Nothing else in life can claim the status of the Scientology mind set. It’s in its own class of bullshit, especially since 1972. Before that… well at least most of us were too young to even guess that the future would turn out like it would for that organisation. Those were the good old days from my perspective, even with the Vietnam era.
Scientology owes a lot of people big time, always will now.
Oh boy, this was a predictable disaster. That is why they can afford to send over 200 super flag trained staff to take over LA Org; otherwise they will be idle, unproductive and of course out ethics.
The Ls completions pretend to be high numbers but, even with a highest ever of 51 and, taking into account that Flag has 50 GAT Class XIIs, it ends translating in one pc per auditor…not good at all baby.
And it ain’t going to get any better- Miscavige and Scientology’s reputation are at the bottom.
I took a trip to Target 2 the other day. Scientology’s reputation there is worse than on Teegeeack.
We are going to catch up soon! Target Too is full of losers!
That’s what they’re saying about Teegeeack!
Fair roads fair weather?
Super flag Jimmy Stuka …. Yes, that’s what needed to take over LA org…my apologies to anybody who gets this…..lmao
Only bad news that public need to give money
to repair with Tech that is nowhere to be found
delivered by nobody or self absorbed by piles
of corpses in the latest terror attack., earthquake,
tidal wave, reactor melt down, fatal virus in Africa,
They’re going down. They’re going down, down, down, down, down. They will never recover. And…it’s accelerating. I’m so excited I can hardly sit still!
Hi OSD, it helps if you jump up and down and scream
Dear M.A.,
You have clearly kicked in some endorphin’s after your multitude of trips around the pole…………..
“Who’s making decisions?” Check in with your MAA about your decision to look.
“What’s at the source of my future?” Have you thought about Dave lately?
” Who’s controlling this body?” Check with Rabid Clive about Bee Tees.
” I am a willing being in present time causing my future from” …..the Kool Aide Stand?
” Free at last and armed to take over the world (of tile)” Good on ya buddy, Dave will handle everything else.
Yo MA,
You might want to re-up on the Cause Resurgence Pgm, you are going to need a lot more of it to get out of the predicament you are in. Here is the deal. You have debts and will pile up a lot more before you take over the world. You have time but you will have a lot less of it the longer you spend chasing endorphin’s around the Supah Powah Endifice in search of your lost ‘ME’. In the cult it isn’t about you, it’s about HIM.
Get into present time and get out M.A.
Yo Dave,
I’m really excited about your new talk show coming out from the new KSHIT Studios. Who do you have in mind for your first guest? I’m available …………….. for a price good buddy.
“Gentle sticks of dynamite that melted the thin veils of fog around me that I knew were there but couldn’t quite see”
That’s some kind of poetry. As in, the worst poetry I’ve ever read. It’s the anti-T.S. Eliot. But what made me laugh is that I was immediately transported to the 1988 movie Heathers, in which a character says (by way of angry exasperation), “fuck me gently with chainsaw.” At least in that case, the speaker was aware of the absurdity and using it in extreme facetiousness.
“fuck me gently with chainsaw.” Been there done that. Don’t recommend it. There’s a slight chance you’ll draw blood….
LOL ………….. π Nice one OSD! Still chuckling.
The blood drawn will not be worse that what you would get in a standard 10 minute IAS cycle.
At 0:50 —
that is my favorite movie… I’m sure Veronica would have something snarky to say about “taking over the world (in tile!)”
Crazy tile?
Mike’s comment: ….These are their figures. They may even be inflated…..
I know Mike is just hinting at what he knows is true – everything the church does is fake.
Fake auditing & training stats
Fake number of Scientologists internationally
Fake impression that SCN is booming
Fake – photo-shopped number of people attending the Atlanta opening of their mOrg
Fake corn on the COB in all aspects but most recently highlighted by his horrible Botox face job, dyed hair
Fake height of the corn on the COB – lowered podiums and lifts in his shoes
Fake concept that their fake technology is going to “clear” the planet
When will the sheep wake up and smell the coffee…and get the eff out of the grips of these liars. Oh, and quit writing success stories about miraculously finding their lost keys that were in their pocket and making it rain due to their OT abilities.
CPO, I’m going out on a limb here, but, are you saying scientology is actually fake? Who would have thunk it…..
If they keep losing their keys and using OT powers to make it rain…..well they may be living in the dessert and/or suffering from Old Timer’s (not to confused with alzeihmers). Old Timers involves telling BS fishing stories etc and telling the time by weird overly complex inventions and growing stuff.
If one were able to subtract out redo’s from these stats they would probably be about half of what is presented. In addition, I GUARANTEE that there are NOT even half as many NEW OT VII starts per week as there are completions. Couple that with the number of VII’s that either die, route off, are declared or otherwise leave that level and you can see that soon, they will have no solo auditors doing it.
That’s what I was thinking, Mike. I mean, with public doing the Cause Resurgence Rundown 3 times over, isn’t that padding the stats? Or, are they just really into running around in a circle. Never getting to where they REALLY want to go.
It’s a habit. Sort of like having an LA Fitness Club membership and running around the track each day — only WAY more expensive…
So, Mike, if I understand you correctly, you’re saying I can do the Causer Resurgence Rundown at my local L.A. Fitness? And it’s included in my membership? And from this I can get Super Pooper Powers? Sign me up!!! Oh…wait,…I’m already an L.A. Fitness member. However, if any of the trainers say I need to be sec checked, I’m moving over to 24 Hour Fitness.
Wait – I’ve missed something here. People are ALREADY doing the Cause Resurgence more than once? This is the NEW Running Program, the one where you run around a pole – that one – and some of the sheeple have ALREADY done it multiple times? If so, no wonder its in a barely there Normal trend! OMG!
You understood perfectly Aqua. It is the whole track OT Objectives process that just keeps on giving (taking? – you have to pay newly each time). Apparently the benefits are not especially lasting….
Holy Cow!
Whoa, there cowboy! Seriously, they have to pay each time they do the Cause Resurgence Rundown? Why? How many miles do they have to run before they’re done? And who decides who is really done and who is not? This is very confusing for my feeble mind.
Well, it’s one of the big selling points for the feeble minds in the bubble. It is 2 command process. No auditor. No Easy Bake 8. Just “start running” and “continue running.” As long as they go in the right direction so they don’t collide with anyone else, that’s all there is to it.
What a business model eh?
You can get people to give you $2500 for this incredible opportunity to run in circles. Special GAG standard tech shorts and t-shirt extra (a LOT extra for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt).
Hi Mike, Loved your post to OSD re: running. May I add what no free Saran Wrap rolls! Laughter! xo Ann.
“Padding” is putting it quite mildly OSD. More like using dump trucks to pile on the B.S.
Mike, the dump trucks will be off loading onto the Fleecewinds very soon. Apparently, they have a tons of room for it.
Hopefully the dump trucks are loaded with lead ingots.
Oh, yeah, that’s standard.
They’re doing it for the exercise and losing weight…guaranteed. Maybe trying to contribute some stats to the cause also so the stats look good at the next event. Most of those public don’t have a clue that the stats are so exaggerated though. If they were flies on the wall at some of the behind-the-scenes BS “meetings” that go on to put those speeches together and making Nothing look like Something…they’d be absolutely shit faced and RUN for the hills.
I feel like Debbie the Downer (who I love the actor lady who plays that SNL character for all time), but a serious “academic” discussion, which is above the place of any outsider who is writing about Scientology today, needs to “seriously” delve into the following.
a) Has the LRH stats system been so decimated and outflanked by the IAS fundraising framework, now, so that the Sea Orger staffers and the Class 5 staffers who staff the Scientology delivery organizations, are being propped up—all out of whack and so distinct from the old “Stats” system of LRH’s, that the old stats are pretty much NOT as influential to the Scientology movement continuing?
b) Secondary question, I have, is is this “normal” for a group that pretends/walks-talks(stronger on talks)-like a duck (religion), for that group to evolve into a donation from its richer members as a means of support for that “religion” which may be what the pattern than Scientology is going through.
In otherwords, due to the IAS straight donations business of orgs keeping staff on posts in the Sea Org and at the Class 5 ORgs and Sea Org orgs, that THAT is the “bare minimum” status quo, using LRH’s ideas of “bare minimum” being how orgs evolve. He said they evolve into a bare minimum status quo of behaviors to keep their doors open.
To me, that’s the question, and thus the stats they have been for several decades using NOT for business actual health purposes, but for PR rah rah cheerleading purposes.
The key stats are the IAS donation stats, of which a cut (commission) payment goes over to the staff upkeep, and that’s how the bureaucracies of LRH model orgs hierarchy are being kept going.
Just saying, Debbie Downer here.
So, then to me, if staffs are being paid, off of their IAS donation flow cuts (commissions) and the doors of the orgs and staff allowances are being trickled down so the staffs can buy their canteen treats and Sunday morning CSP necessities, then THAT is all that really Scientology has to viably cover, since staff dupes are miles from understanding their slavery in this fantasy group, and all the staffs need, are their pitiful allowances to keep them in toothpaste and coffee, comes today from IAS commissions that trickle down, and thus the rich of Scientology, pay the bills, as they have all along, but earlier years the LRH stats system were kind of more of a representation of more “spiritual” type of progress.
Maybe the stats have been PR all along, but earlier years LRH had sold the Scientology stats as something more than what they were all along. Maybe it’s been rich footing the bill all along.
I think a valid study would be, to do a date comparison of those periods at particular delivery orgs when staffs pays were dismally on the bottom, thus driving staffs to quit, and study stay pay vs quitting ratio of staffs.
Staff Pay! I recall Janis Grady being ordered, in the late 1970s or early 1980s, and her doing the “Staff Pay” eval, and that is always relevant, to me.
Staffs pays, and what was coincident with the periods of dismal to non-existent staff pays.
The Scientology official show can go on so long as staffs are paid.
My argument or thoughts in hindsight are that LRH through his mind smothering (to those that join and dedicate themselves as staff) writings are sufficient to keep staffs jazzed up and doing their jobs, and that staff pay is the biggest cause of NOT having staffs in place to even open the delivery orgs’ doors.
If IAS commissions trickling down are covering staffs pays, then “all is well”, simply.
Flag GI, I still would be interested if a Flag Service Org person like Matt Pesch were to today defect with all the ins and outs of Flag GI weekly stats recently, too.
As conditions continue to worsen, there will be more defections. Remember the stats that really matter: WDAH, and student points, both at all-time lows since 1950. The end is near. When DM goes, will it be like the “Eye of Sauron” in Lord of the Rings? Maybe. Another Demented Miscreant might emerge and continue the insanity. Never forget: Disconnection, declares, OSA, and Ethics were created by LRH, not DM. The entire subject is flawed, perhaps fatally. Members aren’t allowed to choose/use what they like about $cn, they must accept the whole thing. Once $cn finds out something a member disagrees with, they will cram that thing down down the member’s throat until caving or a blow. This, from the the organization that claims, “It isn’t true unless it’s true for you”.
Agreed. And if it isn’t the CO$ cramming their beliefs, ie: The Tech, down your throat till you cave, it’s a perfectly programmed, seemingly friendly, scientologist doing it in the name of the church, COB, and even LRH when they see that you are not convinced and are doubting. But you know, if it isn’t true…
So…James. Are you saying that I should NOT sign this Billion Year contract that’s in front of me?
That depends OSD; is it for the Sea Org or the Bidawee Biscuit Company? If the latter it might be worth considering – you’ll have to read that fine print. Everyone likes a nice hot biscuit; most don’t like having their freedoms stripped from them.
Well, since you put that way, and the fact that I love biscuits, I guess I’ll sign the Billion Year Contact with Bidawee Biscuit Company. An eternity of biscuits! What could be better?
Miscavige might be defecting if his name comes up in the Panama Papers scandal. Better yet what if some spin off of the IAS happens to surface in this scandal?
Unless DM has suddenly decided to let people vote to keep him in his position, you won’t see any such movement by him over having personal offshore accounts.
This scandal does not apply to political leaders only. Give it time. The whole mess will eventually come to light.
I never said that only politicians were involved. Where did you read that?
I just said that DM won’t care as no one IN the CoS can do anything about it. If he cared much what people outside the CoS thought, he wouldn’t do MANY of things he does…
Do you understand?
47X the Slatkoff debacle
Why, it would be beyond epic! Beyond incredible! We’d be sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch of Infinity! I just hope I don’t show up in the Panama Papers…
You get your papers from Panama?
Yes indeed! The rolling kind as well as the reading kind. My Spanish is still pretty good.
Hi Potpie, Great to see you.I was thinking about you and like the sun here you are! Hubby and I were discussing the very point you brought up in your post.Hopefully the entire list will be made public and the fun really begins.Love,Ann
I’m still around Ann. College basketball has taken more of my attention than Miscavige lately. He’s too short to play basketball.
Hi Potpie, I totally understand. Miscavige would only be good for a few free throws and since he would be the ball he would be retired permanently.xo Ann.
James, good comment. But I have to add that LRH cancelled the Disconnection policy as well as the Fair Game policy. He cancelled it and DM brought it back into use.
Well, not quite. He canceled it and then reinstituted it. Both Disconnection and Fair Game were “canceled” for “PR reasons” but the fundamental policy/tech was never canceled. And when LRH thought things were slipping out of his control in the late 70’s they came back with a bang. Based on L. Ron Hubbard’s orders.
True dat! It was never really canceled.
OSD, yeah, this is a lie fed to people by EL Con apologists trying to cover up his criminality and culpability in the darker aspects of the CoS. A couple years ago someone made a long a$$ post on iScn trying to convince people that El Con wasn’t a sociopath. Really, he wasn’t…
It gratifying to see that we’re generally getting away from the tendency to blame Miscavige for everything. Mr Hubbard is responsible for most of the pain we see today caused by disconnection and fair game; and actually most of everything else: child labour, general slavery, gross violation of human rights, etc.
Another great post re Flag, Mike.
One thing to keep in mind is that many staff members don’t care if they get paid. Side jobs to pay the bills, one spouse working, welfare, social security, wealthy already…a lot of them just know they won’t get paid much if anything and have other systems in place to pay the bills so they can continue their vital mission to save the lost souls of planet earth.
They don’t leave because of staff pay. They leave when they take a good look around at what’s being demanded of them and how little actual good it’s doing for anyone these days. They leave when the injustice to themselves personally becomes intolerable.
Save the lost souls of planet earth .. do you know what a lost soul is per old definitions .. do this scientologists know what it is .. it is a being who is so deeply degraded that he can only go one way .. has only one view of all things .. and this is a view of another .. fixed on it .. cannot reach or withdraw .. complete effect to that what happens ..
I said in earlier comments here .. a lost being is a being who cannot longer create his own wishes .. all stopped as unwanted and wrong for the guys who create ..
Think a moment. This universe, called mest universe from LRH, was at one time filled with other beings .. we came in and did force them to play another game .. but the game was not good for them .. they lost ..
BTs as Hubbard did explain them stem not fom Xenu .. there was never a Xenu and never a overpopulation .. a lost soul is a being who was lost in a game he could not win .. all of them are our friends .. not enemies ..
Hmmmmm ………… are you on the running program Friend?
Good points, LDW. The Class V org staff who stay, year in and year out, have as you say, other systems in place to pay their bills or they wouldn’t be able to stay in the first place. Most of the ones I’ve known had family or spouse paying their bills. And these staff do fervently believe that theirs “is not a job but a crusade” AND that they are NOT out exchange with their families/spouses for being fully supported NOR is their org out exchange with them. These are the delusions they act out, in real time.
We’d all love to see someone like Matt defect. I suspect however that systems have been put in place to stem the tide of defections. Does this mean increased security, or improved conditions? I have no idea.
But it seems like the number of defectors has dropped recently. Or the defectors aren’t talking, whether because of Disconnection, or because of Scientology legal threats.
Mat Pesch left long ago and posts here regularly.
They have gotten smarter and are paying people in exchange for NDAs. A bunch of those who have left in more recent years have been gagged in this way.
Thanks for the info Mike. That explains the relative dearth of exposΓ© type internet postings over the last couple years.
Mat Pesch is the husband of Amy Scobee.
I think that is right, Mike — that the ones leaving have been told they won’t get any money unless they sign a Non Disclosure Agreement. And when they’d cut off their left arm to finally get out, of course they sign it. They need that money to start their new life. But I’d like to hear from any legal beagles out there: isn’t a NDA not enforceable? They tried to sue Debbie Cook and she decimated them on the stand to the point that they called off the whole trial and paid her again to shut up. Mike, what is your opinion? Are the NDA’s enforceable by the church? Do the leaving staff have to be worried about whether they talk or not?
Totally depends on the circumstances. There are a LOT of factors that go into this so there is no easy question. What consideration did the person get for agreeing not to talk. Were they coerced into signing it by circumstances? Did they have the opportunity talk to lawyer? Was it totally one-sided? The contracts that every staff members signs when ON staff for no consideration and without the possibility of consulting with independent legal counsel are not worth the paper they are printed on. But they have gotten a lot smarter now.
“But they have gotten a lot smarter now.” Smarter in that…..
In South Africa, a contract signed under duress or coercion is illegal and therefore disregarded.
No need for a study Chuck, CL V org staff have never been paid well.
If one could make a living working on staff it would have been far easier to recruit people to join staff. In my entire history (since ’76) that was never the case. It was always a bitch to recruit someone because it was known the pay and hours demanded were horrible.
CL V orgs are not getting “trickle-down”. Delivery has been decimated. Who has money to buy services when every dime they have is stripped from them for IAS or IDEAL donations. Only the most affluent can manage to do both and an org can’t thrive on a few got-bucks, there aren’t enough of them. The IDEAL program is ultimately going to bankrupt every org. 50K sq ft spaces cost far more to run than what all these struggling orgs had before and they could barely keep the doors open even then.
Add to that the number of disaffected leaving and the dismal PR they have and you have a very bleak picture for the future of the Co$. With every “new” idle org made the picture will become crystal clear to those in it’s field when they see that nothing has changed, no floods of new people materialized. Same story, different day. Day in and day out. Words from that infamous song come to mind: “Struggle struggle toil and trouble.” Mayhaps there is an evil purpose afoot? π
These Class V orgs are all operating on bad, unworkable policies (Ideal Morgues, IAS status donations) of criminal level exchange (behind which there is an evil purpose) which is why these policies have never worked, are not working and will never work, which in turn is why the orgs have been shrinking and will continue to shrink until one day they disappear. In the meantime, until that happens, the criminal Co$ will continue to rake in whatever money it can, from whomever it can, whenever.
High Decibal Rant Alert:
Every time I read about a “new Ideal Org being created” I want to SCREAM:
“Don’t you idiots know the difference between an ORGANIZATION and a BUILDING?
For example, if you knew a FAMILY who SOLD their home and MOVED OUT of that home and then purchased ANOTHER home and proceeded to move INTO that home, would you say that a new FAMILY had been created? OR, would you instead say that this family – THIS SAME FAMILY – merely left their old house and got themselves ANOTHER house?
To further illustrate: if a business left its current office space and bought or rented NEW office space, would this relocation be tantamount to the creation of a NEW business, or would this be the relocation action of an existing business into new quarters?
To recap:
SAME family – into ANOTHER home.
SAME business – into DIFFERENT quarters.
SAME Scientology Organization – into ANOTHER building.
Is ANY of this making ANY sense – to ANY of you?”
I’m done.
Aqua, I would love to be at some Model Idle Morgue with you screaming your head off at the staff. I’d be willing to film it too! Now THAT would be epic!
π :).
OSD, I did tell the staff of my old org this. Without screaming and minus any sarcasm or make wrong I said pretty much this entire concept directly to at least 4 staff, each whom were 1) way more admin, ethics, AND tech trained than I was and 2) LONG term staff.
PLUS, I WROTE it to them and to others via emails – not willy-nilly, but, towards the end, when and if I would be asked for donations. With civility and good manners, I wrote back why Ideal Org fundraising and heavy emphasis on IAS was off policy and unworkable and would cave in the org if they continued to do it and I pointed out that the only policy I could find on fundraising was one where LRH literally BEGGED people NOT to do it.
Did any of them listen?
Did I get any agreement?
Forget agreement – by way of response to these communications of mine, did I get from ANHY of these highly tech and admin trained decades long staff what could be construed as the faintest glimmer of understanding?
Nyet, nyet and nyet.
Like talking to a wall.
NONE of them “got it”.
Which still kinda blows my mind.
So, poor me, from time to time, I rant here π