Some more “good news” from our old friend Jeff Mintz.
Here are some earlier weeks of the same stats sent out by Jeff Mintz all under the same heading “Good News From Flag!”:
W/E 3 July 14
* 21 Survival Rundown Completions!!
* 10 Super Power Completions!!
* 21 Cause Resurgence Completions!!
* 17 Ls Completions!!
* 9 Clears!!
* 6 OT VII Completions!! (From the WUS: Rob Tardi, Elke Jaeger, Barbara
Rubio and Murray Marvin!!!)
W/E 12 June 14
* 15 Purif Completions!!
* 20 Survival Rundown Completions!!
* 20 Full Super Power Completions!!
* 18 Cause Resurgence Completions!!
* 21 Ls Completions!!
* 11 Clears!!
* 7 OT VII Completions!!
(From the WUS: Rosser Cole, Mary-Jane Jewell and Don Davis!!)
W/E 5 June 14
– 21 Purif Completions!!
– 18 Survival Rundown Completions
– 21 Full Super Power Completions!!
– 16 Cause Resurgence Completions!!
– 22 Ls Completions!
– 9 Clears!!
– 11 OT VII Completions!!
(From the WUS: Robbie Robinson, Katia Nelson, Kendrick Moxon, and Hansa Johnson!!)
W/E 29 May 2014
* 11 Purif Completions!!
* 6 Clears!!
* 22 Survival Rundown Completions!!
* 15 Cause Resurgence Completions!!
* 23 Full Super Power Completions!!
* 6 OT VII completes!!
(From WUS: Mary-Jo Hyland and Art Stein!!)
W/E 10 April 2014
24 Full Super Power Completions!
14 Cause Resurgence Completions!
29 Ls Completions!
9 Clears!!
18 Purif Completions!!
28 SRD Completions!!
There were 7 OT VIIs Completions!!
(From WUS: Val Miller!!)
W/E 27 March 2014
21 Full Super Power Completions!!
33 Cause Resurgence Completions!!
9 OT VII Completions!!
8 Clears!!
27 Ls Completions!!
Though I didn’t keep every week of his emails, this selection gives a pretty good indication of how things have been going since the first report in March (he stopped reporting the SRD and Purif completions this week — I wonder if he got his hand slapped after I have routinely commented on how absurd it is that Flag is so focused on Purif and Objectives — or whether it is simply that they have basically completed the redo’s on the public they could get in and there isn’t much happening on this any more.
Here is a listing of the stats he reports for each service, starting with 27 March to the present (17 July) (NR means “No Report”):
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 – obviously Super Power is winding down from the pathetic levels it reached at its initial release. 200 auditors produced 15 Completions…
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 – staying about the same. Less than 10 per week. Even after all the hype?
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 – also downtrending
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 – long term Emergency
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 – another Emergency, but he also announces 6 NEW Solo NOTs auditors while 10 completed. The Solo NOTs “HGC” is emptying out.
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR
These stats demonstrate without doubt that there is no “boom” at Flag. The place is limping along with stats going nowhere, even with the opening of the $150 million dollar building and the release of GAG II.
No wonder Miscavige is back in town. It’s looking grim at Flag. And if it’s like this at Flag it must be a complete disaster everywhere else.
15 Super Power and 6 Running Program completions is really a poor show for a 150 million 360,000 sq ft building manned with 200 Super Power auditors…. And with 12 million Scientologists in the world and at least 10,000 in the local area, all experiencing the biggest expansion in history, you would imagine a bit better results than this. At this rate, they will get their 12 million members through Super Power in a mere 15,000 years. Now that is some Sooper Powerz….
Mike, for me the poor show is that people are still coming to Flag for “services” when Scientology or even the promise of it no longer exists.
Great post, Mike. I’ve graphed them and posted them here.
The NRs are down as zero, which is possibly why they were NRd 🙂
Appalling stats for sure but, I don’t see any stats for the independent field published.
Ok there are a lot of “Tech Gurus” in the EU hiding.
Class VIII, OT VIII yah yah no certs available of course and so no way to verify ability to C/S and Audit levels offered.
Perhaps some auditing is better than no auditing LOL.
David Miscavige is to Scientology
as the roman emperor Constantine was to Christianity.
Both were and are destructive psychopaths who tried ruthlessly and shamelessly to ruin something good.
Inevitably, they both fail because that which they seek to kill is immortal.
DM is in Town because he needs to redo his purif, objectives and his SuperPower lol
These stats are extremely poor especially for the millions and millions that have gone into all this. I’m with Pepper….BFD, it’s almost a bore because so little is occurring. I’m hearing more and more nice wins from the indie community. Auditing without all the eval, inval, rape and pillage is available for those who would like it.
No rape? No shit?
Let’s face it- long term, and I mean real long term, as in a few decades, Scn is in non-E. All this celebrating of 10 comps of this and 20 comps of that is either some form of glee or one big-ass not-is. In terms of the size of the world, a population of 7 bil or so, Scn was always in non-E. There was a glimmer of hope that there might be a condition worth talking about when Jeff Hawkins was putting out some real promo, but that was quickly “handled” with a change in operating basis. And what does one get when applying the wrong formula? The condition below that wrong formula! Back to non-E, and staying there for the forseeable future.Way to go big-being-Davey!
I’m pretty much convinced that there isn’t a single person in any org who truly understands conditions, and how to apply them in an organization. They are all slaves to Thursday 2PM. Oh boy oh boy! We had 18 purif comps last week and 20 this week! Yay! Normal Op! Yes, maybe one individual may be, but Scn as a whole? Still in non-E.
I think many of them understand how to do conditions, but they lack data. They can’t apply the correct conditions without the necessary data, or with false data.
I just cognited on what is meant by good news: ANY stats
That’s funny!
Miscambitch has really got his work cut out for hisself.
Flag. The most angriest place on earth.
Those stats just make me say BFD. What a waste of all that time, energy, people’s money, families lost, bankruptcies. All for what? Flag has nothing to crow about and has nothing new to report either.
Correction on the $150. million building , it cost Scientology public
in excess of $250. million. Example is the Cross that was paid for numerous times,
so urgently for Church Image in C.W. and several million dollar paint jobs that
were redones when David Miscavige didn’t like the shade each time. The auditing room mocks up’s and furniture the COB just could not get into the feel of.
What is very shocking that there actually human beings that passed the COB loyalty
sec checks and are Patrons also. Are you sure these are not high tech Japanese robots
that can mimic humans. Or just one where Flag minons change it head ( from a supply of heads in a back room) to look like several graduates from the big Flag Boom.
Are these public cultivated in petri dishes,live in sealed bottles then purchased
by the IAS ? I doubt anyone with a computer in the real world can get a COB pass
on Internet sec checks.( or is that easy to fake reads on an OT8 meter)
“L’s Completions? Over lunch time ? All of this begs more questions than answers.
Sure Jeff Mintz did not write this from the “Hole” to get out of a garbage can ?
I have a YUGO with 100,000 miles on the odometer that gets 5,000 miles to the gallon that I will sell for one million dollars cash( small bills please)
Thankyou for the Flag update Mike.
Yes, I wonder how anyone passes any (“what have you done to DM?” oriented) sec checks in the Church anymore! They must lift a finger off the cans or breathe deeply or something when the questions are being asked! Or the thetan has long since departed. Don’t these people still in have any sense of shame? How they can compartmentalize their doubts I don’t know – they must have some doubts – no one can be that duplicitous – surely? I first heard of the phrase “cognitive dissonance” in relation to those “Scientologists” still in, I’d never heard of it before – perhaps it could have been applied to Soviet Russia or North Korea – but in Scientology? Whose people are supposedly made up galactic revolutionaries or whatever? But of course they have slowly (30 years or so) been replaced by the dregs to the point now where they are all donating subservient “Pod Persons”.
Would he better off being iPod persons.
You also have to understand that these stats, right now, are the best they’ll ever be. These stats reflect all of the die hards that have been in for years. There’s only so many new courses they can do. And when they’re done, it will just dry up. Sure the redo’s, but that will dry up too. Again, the problem Scientologists have to address is that most people on planet earth don’t like them, and think they’re a money grubbing cult. To say the least. There is some good, workable stuff in Scientology, but it’s buried under a large, and growing pile of bs. It’s too bad, a crying shame; but it is the way it is.
Again, in my opinion, the RCS will never address the real problem, but merely continue to milk to the existing resources one in various fashions, i.e., with Ideal Orgs are bait, with lavish events to flatter the whales, whatever – just milk the existing resources until it can’t be done anymore.
Horrible typos, but you get the concept. Sorry, I’m tired.
This is off thread, but does anyone know what Scientology is doing in Russia?
Hoping Putin doesn’t catch on to the scam…..wonder how the gulag compares to RPF?
I’m calling it dudes. Scientology time of death: July 22, 2014, 11:45 am. Really, it’s not even Scientology anymore, just fund raising. As much as the tech was bullshit, at least it had charm. I know building are still open and people are still in, but that’s always going to be the case.
Why don’t they just lie about the stats? They lie about everything else. Why not just give the impression that Flag is booked solid and only the truly dedicated will be accommodated. Nothing creates desire (to certain people) than being told something is uber exclusive
That’s what the Hamburg Org did in the late ’80s they just lied their asses off, and they had beautiful starts with all of Germany believing it.
Could it be that the Chairman Miscavige with all his Golden Age of Something, unprecedented expansions and all his ‘IDEAL’ ideas, orgs, continents (ideal ad nauseam), with all his Silver-, Gold-, Platinum Humanitarians and (Silver-, Gold-, Ideal-) New Civilization Builders and Super-duper Powers is … a failure and downstat?
He’s been driving stats down for – what – 32 or 33 years now!
He should have flown power to LRH, instead of trying to be somebody important. If he’d stayed behind the scenes and put his attention on how to make lots of auditors instead of buildings, he wouldn’t now be imploding while taking down the whole church with him. Sad commentary on a man who really didn’t know his true place in the grand scheme of things.
I think the answer for these crashing statistics is for Dave to pimp Tom Cruise to all the single women in the world looking to get married.
Dave could announce that the first woman who goes from mad crazy wog to OT 8 will win Tom’s hand in marriage. This is the only way to really find the “Big Being” female who is out there and just needs to be found. Mimi, Nicole and Katie were just pretenders and it’s time to get down to business on this.
The Ideal Orgs around the world will be flooded with more crazy skirts chasing the dream than they can possible handle. Stats will be out the roof as the ladies lay down the cash to play the game and reach for the coveted diamond. Betty, Donna and Brittany will be bashing each other over the head with dictionaries in the race to complete their courses first and move on. Think of how exciting it will be around the Orgs again !
A funny picture. Regrettably for this plan, you’ll find TC isn’t that hot any more. There are less tainted single guys on the market.
TC winning a wife from “wog to OT8”, ‘The Bachelor’ style reality TV show would be a guaranteed hit I don’t watch ‘The Bachelor’ but would tune in for that version. Just think of all the scenarios that could be presented…
KFrancis, Funny! You made my Day!
Thanks, ROFL!!!
Um, Yuck. I know you were joking, but I don’t really think there are that many women out there who even find Tom Cruise attractive anymore. The way Katie escaped like a battered wife made a lot of women open their eyes to who the real Tom Cruise it. I think there would be a lot of women avoiding the Tom Cruise brand right now. He’s just a couple of years younger than me to boot. He can no longer attract the cute young things he believes he deserves.
It’s not that he’s old. It’s just that he’s shallow. and he is fixated on all the Scientology crap… and you have to have a “handler” and DM is a 3rd party in your relationship. NOTHING is worth that. ! Tom is in great shape for his age. It’s just like kind of a “Ken doll” (as in Ken and Barbie) type style. Looking good but I can’t feel the heart beating in there. Perhaps the pain of losing Katie and his little girl have penetrated a little. Who knows? I can only imagine that marrying Scientology through Tom Cruise would lock any woman up in a cage for life. Pretty scary. And, from what I heard about him wanting one woman he was dating to have her teeth filed down… a woman might lose her sense of herself pretty quickly. Nothing is worth that. The point of Life itself is to bloom where you are planted and as you are. Pretty hard to do when you’re constantly being hovered over and forced into being something else.
Aquamarine – SO spot ON. He wants a beautiful young movie star wife that is either a Scientologist or would be Scientologist to mold and control in his image. As stated “He wants domestic tranquility and stability and happiness and ARC with a Scientology wife” but at the same time he’s a total CONTROL freak and can’t help himself. He thought he had it all figured out with that little cute, naïve Katie (hmmm) but in the end she was his Achille’s heel and she brilliantly got away from his trap.
Bottom line TC is PTS to his BFF SP and will not find the right mate as long as he’s connected.
I thought Dave and Tom were a couple.
Two big beings in search of a closet large enough to accomodate two BFFs.
Valerie, I have to respectfully disagree. Even today, a very large number of women in their 30s and 40s as well as young girls in their 20s would jump at the chance to marry Tom Cruise, given his fame, enormous wealth and lifestyle. Please don’t interpret this as a defense of him in any way because it isn’t.
IMO the problem for him is not finding a good woman to marry, but finding someone HE wants, i.e. a well-known high profile or up and coming actress in her late twenties or early 30s, beautiful, of course, hot, of course, who is open to Scientology or already in. IMO he doesn’t just want or need a relationship because if that were the case he could have a wide choice amongst the loveliest and most talented females at CC Int. He wants domestic tranquility and stability and happiness and ARC with a Scientology wife but he also wants to be able to put on a big show with a star on his arm and in that way attracting new people into the cult. What he will probably end up doing is to pick some nice, extremely attractive, still-in girl who will be thrilled to be chosen and very happy to play her adoring Scientology spousal role to his glittering star, and he won’t need the kind of security he used with Katie Holmes because she’ll be a already a totally dedicated, proven Kool-Aid drinker with friends, family, all firmly entrenched in the cult. She won’t be famous. No one will know who the hell she is. Her fame will come thru him. Her whole life will revolve around him and he’ll like it. He’ll consider that he has “settled” for this but ultimately its the only way he’s going to be happily married, IMHO.
Such huge problems to have to deal with. Being a celebrity is such a tough life, no one seems to understand the angst these superstars endure when their careers bottom out. As Norma Desmond so eloquently stated – “I am big. It’s the pictures that got small.”
Yeah….It’s time for Dave to trot Tom out there and start an estrogen fueled free-for-all to see who is going to earn the chance to wear the virgin white Armani gown and share Tom’s bed.
Aqua, I didn’t take it as a defense of Tom or a diss on me, just an honest evaluation of real life. Unfortunately you are probably right. I am lucky to hang with people who value freedom, individuality and honest exchange over status, expensive baubles, and the imprisonment that sacrificing your sense of self to please someone else entails. You and Zana both make very salient and well thought out points.
Just my .02, I don’t see Tom being able to be happily married as long as he remains in Scientology, no matter who he marries, they would both have too many people interfering in what needs to be a very personal one on one relationship to make it work. But then again, maybe there is someone as shiny and shallow as him who would be the perfect fit. I guess soul mates come in all types too.
Seems TC popped into London Org yesterday. If it was an unannounced visit without the time to get an all-hands Call In going, I wonder if he was shocked at how empty the place is. Funny the official London FB page and Org web site don’t even mention it. As far as I’m concerned TC filming in London means one thing and one thing only; more road closures and traffic delays. Thanks a bundle.
Wait until Thanksgiving and Christmas time rolls around ( typically a slow time in any year) these already poor stats are really going to bottom out. In fact I would bet these reports from Jeff will come to an end because they expose too much truth about what is really going on.
Storm clouds are massing on the horizon, time to duck and cover.
Yesterday there was a new interview on Tony Ortega’s blog with Jeffrey talking to Mat Pesch . One of the things Mat said which intrigued me was that Flag does about half the business of scientology international. Flag has been denigrating and ripping off the lower orgs for decades, so this makes sense. What also makes this datum add up is looking at the average gross income of most class V orgs. It is now and has been pretty pathetic for most of church’s history.
Looking at this current emergency trend at Flag, in view of the massive hype about super power and GAG II, it does appear that the entire scientology network completely failed to respond with anything but a very brief affluence at the outset of the campaign. This, followed by a sputter, then downstat again.
Dave really should cram on the concept of cannibalizing one’s Central Files to death.
It’s obvious that only a very small percentage of the party-faithful are buying into Dave’s executive C/Sing. Very few are accepting the evaluative and invalidative and WRONG indication that they need to re-do his new and improved bridge to total redundancy.
Be interesting to know how many of the OT VII and Clears listed are just re-dones. Might be all of them.
Overall, if this is the best Dave’s got, it would seem the glory of GAG II is a total failure and scientology internationally is in pretty big trouble. That’s what you get when you let an untrained sociopath dictate tech and lead your group.
If the above stats represent half of sci int’s production, the butter is spread so thin over the other 160 orgs you can’t see it any more.
What does this mean? The entire structure is sustained exclusively by slave labour (excuse me, voluteers), whales and the Sherif of Nottingham (“Rob the poor to feed the rich!). It has no substance, and exists only because people give out of hope and/or fear.
By Christmas, I wish that virtually everyone left in scientology has lost their fear or patience and gone on the net to find out what the fuck is going on, and to find confirmation of their very worst suspicions.
Your last sentence is a perfect statement of the situation.
That’s what happens when you put a bully in charge….like COB like CO FSO!
he put himself in charge. everyone else just followed orders.
And he quickly got rid of those who wouldn’t!
This is in all probability a silly question, but I would rather know than make an assumption however probable it may be.
Question is, when stats are kept of public coming onto courses and services, is there a distinction made, stat-wise, between re-dos of the activity or are fresh never-done-befores lumped together with the re-dos? Because if the latter is the case, then there would be no way to read the stats to learn how many actual new people begin or complete any given activity. Forgive any naivete but I would think that SOMEONE somewhere would need/want to know how many actual NEW people are starting and completing even if for PR purposes the stats are lumped with the re-dos.
Don’t believe a stat from scientology. Just…dont.
The church would never ever delineate who was a fresh new stat and who was a re-do because most if not all are re-dos. Two of the OT VII completions I know for a fact did OT VII 2 to 3 times and were on it for decades: Art Stein and Robbie Robinson. And there are many more OT VII’s like this.
One week in the purif there were 20 people in the box and all except one was a retread. The one was a teenager whose parents sent him there for a drug problem.
Wow, Pete, very enlightening information. Thank you. And out of 20 in the Purif, only one was a newbie, but even that one was really NOT a newbie because he was a 2nd generation Scn, which means cannibalizing of their CF and the offspring of their CF. So out of 20 people, NONE were fresh “raw meat” as they used to be called.
Clive will make his 10,000 but he may end up recycling that last 1000 around a few times.
Yo Dave, Yes you, the one who has a head like a rat turd………….pointed at both ends and hollow in the middle………….if you would get off your ass and fire up Gat III, Gat IV, Gat V and Gat VI you could get the stats up for Christmas and get Clive on his way to target attainment. Whaddya say bro?
I can see this huge building with just a few people here and there…7 Ls Comps is an absolute disaster.
Jeff doesn’t realize that promoting these stats – No Bridge really – is very degrading. Flag, from having been the top Org with tons of training and services delivered has, by now, become what it really is: just a facade to bolster their leader’s ego.
No matter how loud DM yaps he knows his demise is around the corner.
Interesting stal intel, Mike. Its funny how reading it in the format presented gives the appearance of flourishing production but then, when you did the stat analysis it showed a limping scene. Thank you so much for what you continue to do. My appreciation is mixed with a certain awe at how dedicated you are to getting the truth out there, which I am convinced is the strongest and most effective weapon, ala “The pen is mightier than the sword”. Time and time again this has been proven, and you are proving it in the here and now.
The party’s over. Actually, it’s been over for more years than I can remember. On Surviving Scientology, Matt Pesch, husband of Amy Scobee, was being interviewed by Jeffrey Augustine. Towards the end of the hour long interview, Jeffery was asking Matt how SO members can survive once they leave or blow, with little or no money and possibly no family members, who are still in, willing to help. Matt said something that astounded me: Because this is basically ‘human trafficking,’ the FBI will find or give Ex-SO jobs and homes. The FBI had offered this to Matt and Amy, but they had already been able to get a home and jobs. How we can get this information to current SO members, I don’t know. Matt did say that there are many SO members that want out, but, feel trapped. Posters, any ideas? Mike?
OSD – brilliant idea. I would donate to a fund to create these posters and have them put around the base, LA, etc.
Ms. P,, although I was referring to those who post (posters) on Mike’s blog, posters is a great idea! Anything that we all come up with is certainly worth our efforts.
OSD, there is a way. I’ll email Mike today and tell him.
Thank you, Aquamarine! Whatever we can do to help these folks escape the cult. If they only knew what the FBI will do for them, they would leave, almost, in mass.
Thanks too, to everyone else that can come up with workable ideas. Remember, I know they made their own bed, but, with the tiny dwarf, it’s become a hell hole. I would almost say, who wouldn’t want out! Let’s all see what we can do!
You’re welcome, OSD. I just emailed my idea to Mike.
How about some upstat yellow vans with the words
“Feeling trapped? We are here to help! Call — — —- or knock on the windshield and climb in.”
The vans could cruise around the base, Hollywood Blvd (watch out for the CICSMFs that Dave admires) and the Ideal Morgues for fun and during events.
Cooper, I like the way you think! Right in their face! This idea is very doable! Maybe even rent a plane towing a sign with your “Feeling Trapped?” message over Int Base. The phone number could be to the local FBI office.
Sounds like the rudiments of a good plan in these comments. The sooner the FBI gets a lot of requests for this service the sooner authorities will feel they have to investigate and free the trapped.
Definitely, tony-b.
Excellent point, tony-b! And that’s exactly what will happen if the FBI starts getting calls from trapped SO folk.
Yes we need to get the word out that the FBI will help them with jobs and a place to live as they are human trafficking refugees. How about taking out huge billboards in LA and in Clearwater a near the orgs advertising that with the number to call etc. I would contribute to that. If we all contributed, we could cover the cost and make some big effects and help a lot of victims.
“If we all contributed, we could cover the cost and make some big effects and help a lot of victims.”
Ya, Cindy. That seems doable.
It would be interesting to see how many people jump off of SO lines.
Great idea, Cindy!
Thanks OSD. I am glad others would contribute to a big effect like this. I guess the first step is to call the FBI and verify that they do actually help the way it was laid out in the interview with Jeff. I’m not doubting it by the way. I’m just saying let’s make sure that the help that was talked about is actually there and set up and that there is someone on the other end of the phone number to talk to the victims fleeing the church. Once we know it’s all in place and working, next we get gulp “donations” from Indies to buy the media signs. I hate to even say that word. And I hope we aren’t too overrun on that to do it again only this time for a really good cause that actually will save lives and eternities. What do you all think of billboards?
OSD – LOL that I misread your comment BUT nevertheless LOVE the response that ‘posters’ here are willing to donate towards posters, vans, billboards, etc. Let’s get something started!
Yes Miss P, let’s seriously get something started and do it big. Make a big impact, just like Mike did with the helicopter and banner.
Coop’s idea of yellow vans going around picking up rats leaving the sinking ship is a good one, although expensive to buy the vehicles. But I did laugh at the picture of the Flag vans that make the circuit run to the airport to pick up arriving public to Flag. We could have our yellow vans making the same circuit and also include going out by the Hacienda and Qi and other SO berthing places so that any SO who want to defect can jump in the yellow van! And maybe public on the white Flag vans would see it and start asking questions or reading the internet to find out why?
You go, girl! I love the responses too! I hope we can start something here!
I would also donate for such actions. That would have a huge effect.
Well what do you expect with a dude like Harvey Jacques in charge? Send Harv to the Hole now COB – it’s no more than he deserves – LOL! After a while though he will probably be “promoted” to Chief Thug In Charge and start regging the prisoners for their inheritances and for the 10% on anything as well. It is indeed the ne plus ultra of the development of “Scientology” when a man like Harvey is put in charge of supposedly the most theta area on the planet! Says it all really!
I agree. I think he is playing out his failed purpose as some sort of East End gangster. He always relished his hard man image but in practice just looked like a bullying buffoon. One of few people I wouldn’t shed a tear for if ended up in the hole.
Actually he is fom Manchester and is a mancunian thug.
He was declared SP back in the 70’s and did A-E, although when I met him in London saw that he had all the traits of a garden variety SP.
He was the worst example of FOLO staff you could ever meet. He had ZERO training, he gave verbal orders every day.
He shouted and swore a lot and if memory served he got his smacked so hard by the ED Birmingham org he was left on the floor in reception unconscious.
I was suprised he did not get smacked again in London Org as there were one or two people really capable of laying this piece of filth out.
He was sent by FOLO to wreck the Org and the London field and he succeeded with gusto.
I cannot say I hated him as he was a pathetic creature everyone who came into contact with him was repulsed.
I was not suprised he became FLAGs top thug he was the perfect agent of the dwarf.
I am glad to see he is old and grey now his power almost gone and I am looking very forward to seeing how he fares when he gets too old or very ill to be of use to the dwarf.
Then he will get what he so richly deserves.
Has anyone else ever met this sociapath?
Miscavige is in town? That makes since.
Just yesterday I was feeling a BIG BEING
presence in the area.
I wonder if we can get him to step in and finish
up all the construction on US 19.
Judging from the above stats maybe we shouldn’t
let him near US 19.
Maybe we shouldn’t let him near Clearwater.
Maybe we shouldn’t let him……….you can
fill in the blanks.
This just in…..Miscavige is here to do the purif,
objectives, super power, case resurgence, L’s, grades, go clear and do
the OT levels.
He is tired of all this and is going to show all how
it is really done!
This is in conjunction with his all new, never before
known GAT II hatting procedures…..HOW TO BE
A PRECLEAR…….over and over again.
Not a bad idea. A true leader has his flock follow by example. Maybe if he actually pretended to believe in the “tech” he is pushing someone else might be interested in it. Can you imagine how horrific it would be to be on course or on the purif with Miscavige. *shudder*
“This just in…..Miscavige is here to do the purif,
objectives, super power, case resurgence, L’s, grades, go clear and do
the OT levels.”
Check again. That son of a bitch is the most illegal PC on the planet ………… and he knows it!
Recall, Scientology is for the able. ( That statement is no longer true for me by the way) The Cult is for the other determined (and that statement is true for me).
Nice job on the stat eval Mike. Puts it into the correct perspective. I can only imagine what the stats at the Unfriendliest Place in the World will be by Christmas!! Jeff will have ceased his ‘Good News” report by then and be on the RPF I suspect.
Yo Dave,
Who the fuck is leaking this sensitive information to the god damned bitter defrocked apostates? I cannot believe you are helpless to reign in this leakage. Actually I can believe it now that I consider it. Cult leaders are pretty helpless when they run out of plebes to accost and you are running near empty.
Hey Dave, At least you still have some hair to pull out.
“That son of a bitch is the most illegal PC on the planet….:”
Right on, let’s break it down a bit:
B) Criminals with proven, criminal records…..
D) Responsible-for-condition cases…..
E) Persons who are not being audited on their own determinism….
I) Persons who do not b elieve anything or anyone can get better….
DM may fall into even more categories….
If there was anyone left at Flag with some sanity they’d put out a restraining order out against DM!
I love being a bitter defrocked apostate…it’s awesome!
And living out here on the fringes is like being in heaven. I’m almost ready to float!
In this case Cooper, distance does indeed make the heart grow fonder.
there is no OT on this world .. if .. he would be not be in Scientology .. he would not need it ..
Nice analysis Mike
Why are these figures not surprizing?
It’s like listening to the dance band on the Titanic
At least the band on the Titanic didn’t charge the passengers but tried to make the inevitable a more calm transition. I’ll play Gavin Bryars’ Sinking of the Titanic to accompany reading the rest of these comments.