The latest collection of reports from Flag.
Remember, these reports ONLY come out when they have “good news” — the weeks there is no report the stats are no doubt bad.
They used to report the number of Clears Made per week, but stopped mentioning this for the last 4 “Good News” briefings. I guess the “Clears” have dried up.
Months ago they stopped reporting on Purif and Objectives (once they have skimmed the cream of the redo’s by locals).
Also be aware that these graphs go from the RELEASE of Super Power (Green line) and Running Pgm (blue line). So, naturally there are going to be more after a few weeks than in the initial reports. But even so, this shows that since the release with so much fanfare, the GOOD WEEKS average 20 Super Power and 25 Running Pgm completions. This is a couple of thousand a year. In a $200 million building? They had a period of improvement during the summer on the Running Pgm, but now back to the routine.
The one stat that reflects that ACTUAL state of the FSO (moving people up the Bridge to OT) is OT VII Completions. It is the yellow line on the graph. It is TERRIBLE. They don’t even report ANY OT VII completions in this latest report.
Any wonder the Moneywinds is having to beg, borrow and steal to stay afloat? These are the only customers they have for OT VIII.
This is more proof of the horrendous lie that is repeated so often about the “massive international expansion” and how “Scientology has grown faster in the last 5 years than it has in the previous 50 years combined.” It is just not possible to be expanding so enormously if nobody is making it to the top….
Straight up and vertical fail.
Duke Snider — notorious ex- Deputy Guardian US for Intelligence. One of the key people who orchestrated the GO break-ins of US Government agencies.
When I used to Google, “The Church of Scientology denies” I used to get about 320,000 results.
.Since Leah’s books came out, About 970,000 results (0.36 seconds) . Beefing up the Church’s image as pathological liars and no responsibility cases.
David doesn’t get it that injustice RECOILS. And sadly, bitterness, violence, injustice and anger are common threads through DM’s history. Rather than take responsibility for self-inflicted problems, he is quick to blame others.
He has been in the Church for over three decades and nobody has found his ruin yet and handled it. It wasn’t asthma.
His ruin is his hair.
Standing Ovation for The Oracle.
You are correct that David Miscaviges RUIN is not asthma.
Make a list of obvious ruins and run them ,probably you get
soaring TA . Whatever his ruin is it’s nothing you can imagine.
See if he can see cookie dough in front of him, you know,hunt and punch.
Heh. From the second one (29oct) “When i wake up sunday mornings and realize i don’t get to go to work, i get sad!” …said no one, ever.
I mean, really. A propagandist should know to not write something ~no one~ would believe. Propaganda has to at least be plausible!
With all the fine print in the scientology contracts, I’ve come to the conclusion that these are all language tricks. So, “straight up and vertical” simply refers to the buildings themselves, as does the massive expansion and the 5x than in 50 years. Think about it. Technically, David Der “Leib mein Vater Sterben” Fuhrer Miscavige isn’t lying. He’s just not talking about what everyone assumes he means. The buildings start out narrow, and expand massively by the time they’re completed after an all-out effort. That’s “all-out massive expansion!” The buildings, as most buildings are built, are built “straight up and vertical” while undergoing a massive expansion.
L Ron Hubbard had a course in Rhetorical Writing by a guy named Dean Wilbur. He uses Rhetorical writing to “get you trapped” in Scientology. Check out “Gibs” thread on EXSMB. LRH uses lies, deceit and mind control methods to “keep the show on the road”…and quite a show it is indeed. $elling religion is nothing new but it was new to me – I did not know (prior to Scientology) about snake oil salesman wearing a religious cloak. My bad. I have that going for me thanks to LRH and Scientology – my biggest win that costs years of my life and $$$,$$$,$$$ – Religions have no proof of anything – it is all BELIEF – except Buddhism, which L Ron the Con Hubbard, copied from.
Hi Idle Morgue, I really liked your post!I can relate.Love,Ann.
SORRY MIKE — totally off topic —
TODAY is Veteran’s Day — as I watch the live feed from New York City — I reflect that Patrick Gualtieri — who “served” in the Sea Org from 1972 – 2000 — when he couldn’t take it ANYMORE — blew. Leaving behind his wife of many years – Sarah Gualtieri and their 10-14 year old child (not sure of her exact age at that time).
Patrick then returned to his home … to New York … where he was born Brooklyn … and joined the United War Veterans Council — taking a smallish Veteran’s Day Parade of 900 people marching (Vets and Family) to 28000 marching last year 2014.
Patrick was a Vietnam Vet who returned to Brooklyn after his tour in 1967-68. He left Brooklyn in the winter of 1971 after a divorce, leaving a small little girl.
He then discovered Scientology by CHANCE. Driving by Celebrity Center on 8th Street Los Angeles — thinking it was an actor’s studio … but it became untenable for Patrick and he left in 2000.
And then he returned to NYC … and worked tirelessly with Veterans …
Patrick passed away on 21 July 2015.
Those who knew Patrick (Pat) — please remember him. Those who have veterans as family, please remember them.
thought it was important to include a post from Mike Rinder on Patrick:
Thank you — MEP …
It is my deepest wish that Patrick is Resting …
I’m very sorry for you loss, windhorse. He sounds like a great guy! Pat, travel well in your new world…
Hi windhorse, Thank you.A sensitive and timely post about a beautiful spirit.I will remember Pat and all the lost who ever crossed into Ron’s World and could not make their way back out,as he did.As far as David’s World goes I am already dizzy just trying to peer into his ways.Bizarre!Love,Ann.
Beautifully said Windhorse.
This is a day late, but here’s my wife performing her son, Unknown Canadian Soldier.
Song! Damn you auto-correct!
I noticed the comment on L’s Completions ” New Highest Ever!” Total bullshit and a lie. Then it got me thinking maybe it’s a new Highest Ever because they don’t consider anything before GAT II a valid stat anymore. Food for thought.
I find their entire menu indigestible.
I ingested a menu once….
I once ate menudo. Yuk.
Hey Mike! Very interesting post. And, I’m pretty sure you’re absolutely right. You can see it in all the idle morgues! EVERYONE has to take all of these courses over simply because it wasn’t Miscavige who created them. It’s like saying to people who are Clear, “Well, you’re not really clear and you’re going to have to do all over again because it wasn’t part of GAG II.
Will someone please just punch Miscavige out.
Heh Miscavige and OSA – My name “Idle Morgue” was a postulate. I am so Oat Tea it came true!~! Let’s give a hand to LRH for the tech! 🙂
Hi Idle Morgue, A huge cheer for you.Idle Morgue says it all.No-one wants to set foot in those empty,blank,no taste mansions of misery.Love your posts.Ann.
“Food for thought and I thought of barfing….
Leah’s stats this week are epic and monumental.
“Remini’s Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology (Ballantine) lands at No. 4 this week. (The full list will publish on Thursday.)
That’s the highest debut this year for a celebrity memoir. This week, Remini even beats out the new book of short stories by Stephen King, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams, which lands at No. 6.”
P.S. Hey, has Leah’s memoir topped out over Dianetics on the best seller list? Is Dianetics even on a best seller list? Is Dianetics still in print since DM figured all of Hubbard’s original books were overt products before he re wrote and reissued them?
You and Tom can get your own hardcopys of “Troublemaker” at the Barnes and Noble at the Americana at Brand, in Glendale. It is on display right inside the front entry. By the way, Rick Couruso, the developer (and philanthropist) of the Americana at Brand, is worth about 3 billion — without all of your thuggery and baggage.
Why do you think David Miscavige has become a real estate developer?
And book salesman?
Yes, with other peoples’ money and no return on their investment. I can’t wait for it to dawn on the amazingly smug, colossally stupid gung ho Miscavites how thoroughly they’ve allowed themselves to be conned and how complacent they’ve been in their own victimization. I really can’t wait. I can just hear their bleating and ba-a-a-ing now, the furious clackety clack of the typing of outraged KRs which will go nowhere…
PS: You know I’ve shared alternating between pity and contempt for these people? Well today is a contempt day.
As usual, Flag is cannibalizing their public. The stats are meaningless without taking into account Church orgs worldwide. On that level, their stats are anemic at best. In many cases non-existent. You can recycle your dwindling membership for only so long. Only someone who has abandoned their critical thinking skills could consider these number impressing.
Don’t be harsh Murray. Every action counts. 🙂
Not harsh, just realistic. A concept that the Church abandoned years ago.
They just can’t think with negative math. Laughter!
Mike, From the graphs they appear to be long term emergency perhaps danger.
I used to be in charge of the OIC ever bloody wednesday!
Hi Mike,Duke Snider,A huge shadow fell across the room.Guess I should turn the heat on and melt it.Love,Ann.
These success stories blew me away. All of the jargon…how any success in their life can be attributed to only one thing….and most glaringly the narcissistic attitude that cocoons them in the bubble. The chasm of disconnect separating these folks from those outside the cult is deep and dark indeed. Then consider the whole scheme of lies is enabled by slave labor. It’s always worse than you thought…
Kudos to those with the courage to escape.
Spot on, whostolemycog. It’s nauseating and such a sham.
Nobody knows what to say anymore in these “success” stories and so they copy everyone else and they all sound like a band of programmed zombies. Which they are!
Wake up, people!
This past week thousands of people saw the documentary ‘Going Clear.’
More and more people are leaving the cult in droves.
Number of UTR people is the HIGHEST EVER!
The hatred of the cult is HIGHEST EVER!
Books critical of the cult is HIGHEST EVER!
There stats are the LOWEST EVER!
Now people coming in is absolutely, positively, no bout a doubt it, LOWEST EVER!
Staff pay is the LOWEST EVER!
Staff confidence is the LOWEST EVER!
Thinking that DAVID “LET HIM DIE – PROVABLE BULLSHIT – MISCAVIGE is the most narcissistic, self centered asshole people have ever seen is THROUGH THE ROOF!
All in all, it’s been a very, very good week with stats in Super Affluence and climbing….
Going Clear , as we speak on canal+ all over Europe…
Damn! If I had known that, marie, I would have added to the stats!
And top of the morning to you too Dude!
Back at you, I Yawn! A day without I Yawnalot and BlindersOff is well…how do I say this… a fucked up day!
Yessiree, the surf is up from Hurricane Leah, Category 5.
Flag is elbowing out Bodie ( ghost town) for cursed and abandoned town.
She’s a one girl wrecking crew! Dwarf boy must be having a conniption…
Tugboat Leah pushing Dave’s Barge To Total Fleecedom into the whirlpool.
Her pockets were deeper than they thought!
They should not have thrown her overboard. She bought the ocean back in the boat with her!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, for Hurricane Leah, the ocean is her daughter’s childhood wading pool. For the church, the ocean is Terror Incognita.
Gulp gulp glug glug!
Team Leah! Right on, Oracle! I love how the cult is dying by the Celebrity Sword, the very sword by which Miscavige, as you recently pointed out, decided he would live.
Be sure to hold an event. Your group process can be “Please pass me a beer.”
Hey Mike, just an observation. When you google you they have the Scientology sights right there with your picture. They have used different ones but always use a non flattering one. To me it’s funny, it makes it look like you are miserable when you were in and all the pics and you on YouTube after you look so good and happy. It’s like a billboard saying ” during Scientology” , ” after”. Ha ha, look at how much happier you could be too if you left.
“We know Rinder wants back in after he’s done dramatizing his family life Pollyanna thing. Like Marc Yager said to Marty at LAX, ‘ you can still get your ethics in.’ To show our compassion on Veterans Day, we are keeping the door open a crack for Mike once he comes to his senses.”
Not sure if another commenter has said this, but the L completions are (most likely) not accurate. Meaning, a full L completion in this notice is only a full “L10” or “L11” completion, not the full L’s (10, 11, and 12). It’s a minor point, but simply illustrates the lack of integrity the church has in regards to their statistics.
The way they want you to read it is that is had “26 L Rundown Completions.” But actually, they had 26/3 > 8.6 completions. They will misrepresent anything to make themselves look even a fraction better!
Crime boss David Miscavige “opens” more empty buildings to prop up the big lie that $cientology is expanding. It requires massive thought-stopping and cognitive dissonance for the true believers to ignore the evidence in plain view: $cientology is collapsing and dying, as these Flag stats prove.
Ideal orgs are a failure. Miscavige is a failure and a criminal.
“It requires massive thought-stopping and cognitive dissonance for the true believers to ignore evidence in plain view”.
For me, it is one of those days. I’m FURIOUS with these people, today. What IDIOTS!
Perhaps it was this sort of persistent, blind willingness to be gulled which fueled the cynicism of P.T. Barnum when he quipped, “Never give a sucker an even break”.
I have no doubt that Miscavige takes it even further and despises the people who allow themselves to be defrauded.
“My responsability and confront have inceased 100-fold by doing Super Power”
Yoo, this can be true!
Former R&C = 0; Actual R&C 0 x 100 = 0.
“… Within 10 days I had a very high-paying job at a top creative agency.”
I bet N.G. can also tell us how his daughter’s boyfriend’s grandmother’s godfather made $7,000 a month by sitting by his computer playing Snood!
You Know, even if you could keep stats on janitorial work at a candy shop they would always go down after the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years season.
You are right Mike and recent evidence confirms the above by the several e mails a friend in Mexico City recently received from the Freewinds where the price of accommodations was 700.00 for 7 days including room and food, refreshments, shows and so on.
Wonder how long they can last.
SILVIA, you didn’t mention regging. Sure, accommodations for 7 days including room, food, refreshments, for $700 is all fine and good. But the vultures will descend on them like the plague and won’t stop until they have their life savings. And, they’ll be more aggressive since the clams are paying ‘only’ $700 for the trip.
Maybe its time to launch an Ideal Ship?
There must a used cruise ship that’s in better condition than the Freewinds–right?
Scrapped at Alang in India.
Wait…..what??? You mean to tell me the Flopwinds is NOT Ideal???? Holy shit! Someone somewhere is in deep doodoo…….
How do you RPF a barnacle?
Ummm….ummmm…Oh hell! I have no idea!
The Phoebe
Phoebe was rather inaccurately portrayed in the movie Sea Wolves. I postulate that the Pheobe is more than large enough for the hordes of OT7s graduating to OT8, and needing ship time, and compared to Sea Org berthing, it is incredibly luxurious.
For an article about the real history behind The Sea Wolves, there’s an article on Defense Media Netwrk and of course James Leasor’s stunning book Boarding Party.
I think after reading Boarding Party, you’ll agree with me that the Phoebe would be a suitable replacement for the FleeceWinds.
Recycling program tanking out.
This is what happens when you know you’re right despite all evidence to the contrary.
Telex to COB: WTF?
Oh, cool! The stopped using carrier pigeons and went to Telex? Took ’em long enough…
GAT 3 will bring back the pigeons.
Hi OSD, Please do not make me drag that Telex machine down from my mind attic.The messes I created were too funny to be believed.But believe me I was really good at that task,messing up all machines.I am thinking of you surfing and having a heart to heart with the dolphin pod.You are one lucky,creative,funny and endearing spirit! Love,Ann.
Thanks for your kind words, Ann B!
I was afraid of that….
Duke Snider, in the 35 short years from his GO tour, has attained the second highest level of scientology’s spiritual plateau. That’s just barely enough time for a person to go from birth, through medical school, a residency to a successful practice as a physician. Of the two routes he chose the more expensive but now he has extraordinary abilities never before enjoyed by mere mortals. You can’t put a dollar value on that!
And Roger? That’s why I’m heading out to FLAG! I mean, it only took 35 years to get his extraordinary abilities! I mean, how fast is that! And you’re right…you can’t put a dollar value on that!
I’ll tell you about my super abilities when I get back!
He always wanted to play for the Dodgers, hence the name. I think it’s time for Miscavige to be benched.
Duke is proof that one can jet up the bridge at lightning speed. He has been at it since the 70s, so recent!
Oh, c’mon now, OTD! it can decades & decades to get super powers! I mean, this is not an overnight thing. You have to REALLY commit if you want to reach the top of the Bridge to Total Freedom!
Yet just today I managed to find the perfect parking spot, been trying for years!
We stand humbled, Just me, knowing we have spent decades looking for the perfect parking lot spot and here we find you, just me, do it just a few years. Truly we will become your students…
Looks like good news stats to me!
Yo Clive,
How are you doin on the 10K on or above? Looks like target attainment is guaranteed for 2084 ……..or so. But don’t forget to remove all of us cratered SPs from your list. That might add another 20 yrs so round it off to say 2100 for good measure.
Yo Dave,
Have you discussed the massive, rapid expansion with Clive lately. When are you going to break ground on the next AO expansion to keep up with the demand good buddy? Your announcement of the release of IX and X should get the ball rolling. We’re waiting with baited breath ………………………….but you may want to get Clive replaced with some new meat.
Chew on it Dear Leader ………………
Newcomer, I find your comments mean and entheta. Clive is currently on a correction program and the plans for the new LRH Hall are in full swing. We’re really expanding here despite all apparencies. I suggest you re-read your OEC instead of handing out barbs concerning the only group that is doing something about it.
Oh, I don’t know… that’s pretty good considering the shit they deliver.
Sane people have long since disappeared from that joint.
What’s that great line from the Jack Nicholson’s movie – As Good as it Gets. “We’re all full up, go sell crazy some place else,” or some such wording.
FLAG – the seldom used but soon to be forgotten name in the annals of 20th century religions.
The other quote is: “What if this is as good as it gets?”
That’s what every single staff member on Teegeeack is thinking with trepidation. Indeed, what if?
“Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.”
I’m known in some circles as a walking IMDB.
Personally, in regards to Scientology and DM specifically, I like the line, “Lucky for you, you’re here for rock bottom. You absolute horror of a human being.”
I don’t see how the mention of Duke Snider ties in with anything. Some rogue text that should be disbanded?
Never mind, spotted it.
The parking lots at the Sandcastle is so sparsely populated with cars, they can set up a big VM tent and give touch assists to drunks from the park across the street.
I remember that park! Some really weird goings on happen in that place. Saw more than one act of fornication there while eating my sandwiches – no amount of auditing ever erased that mental image let me tell ya!
Yeah, I was there at that time and parked my big rig in the parking lot of that lovely park. And, I Yawn? My bad, I didn’t think you’d see me doing that. And..she was SO. I’m serious about this last part. I was at FLAG playing guitar and singing. This one SO girl took a shine to me. She took me up to her room. It was triple bunk beds on both sides of the room with one bathroom. So, she spent the night with me in my rig. She left the cult a couple of years later.
Hi I Yawnalot,I just had a priceless moment of you and your sandwich(I love sandwiches) and the amazing entertainment you had while enjoying a moment for yourself.And OSD and his big rig.If one could see all us girls packed into a room for two,his truck would have been heaven!Love ,Ann.
It came as a bit of a surprise at the time. I was so glad for the break from study and then to sit in the park in lovely sunshine and witness breeding season in Clearwater!
David Attenborough would have been impressed and it was inter-racial too!
I remember distinctly keeping that info to myself at the time. God knows what KRs would have been written on me if I mentioned what I saw, my smile would have been a overt.
One never quite knows what the staff at Flag duplicate when you tell them something. Living experience is something they lack as everything must be evaluated through Hubbard’s sense of values.
They should rename Clearwater, Hubbardsville – the 1950’s bubble on the Gulf.
Also, Yawn, the Flag SO demographic seems for the most part to be quite young. Its rather a trick to get “life experience” after being dispatched to the Sea Org by one’s parents immediately upon the sprouting of few pubic hairs.
Ann B, I’ve had and lived an incredible life both here at the beach and in Hawai’i. But, this SO cutie was bound and determined to frolic in my big rig bed. She also might have gotten in trouble over it.
Hi OSD,Yup Big Trouble in Scientology City.But she had a little peace away from those wonderful berthing bunk beds,three and I always fell out of the top bunk! Only I could be that creative with a bunk bed!So I actually had six ladies in a room for two.Crazy days & nights.Hung my clothes in the bathroom at times.Only one closet and two dressers Packed in like sardines,which I do not care for either.Love U two.Ann.
Broken record time. I’m just so very glad I dropped acid in college! It saved me from a fate worse than death. Ann B, you must be one very strong woman to put up with what you had to put up with.
Way to go OS Dude. What’s a bit of trouble between waves?
But Ann, even the army is better than what the SO provides apparently, and I’ve slept in some mighty uncomfortable places. Must have been tough, especially when you realised your sacrifice was taken for granted and betrayed. Scientology management has a lot to answer for… it really does.
Hi I Yawnalot,Thank you. Tough yes as you know.However it all makes life outside the bubble so much sweeter!Love,Ann.
More than they can confront comfortably, I’m sure. Betrayal: What Scientology Does Best…
That park has always been a sanctuary from the insanity. Great place to take a long nap when walking between the Fort Harrison and the Sandcastle.
I was at FLOP in ’81. It was just the Fort Harrison then. The park was really very nice. Is that where the Stupid Power building is now?
Straight down and horizontal…
like the rotting corpse it is.
But it stinks like the reeking fumes of hell, don’t forget it’s full of rotten clams! LOL
“Crooked, down, and slanted” is how I describe their statistics.
What, Bob, they haven’t made the cellar yet?
They’ve been below the cellar level, and are heading towards the Earth’s Core 47x faster!
That’s an insult to all rotting corpses everywhere…..
The only word I can think of, Mike, is “dreary”.
Dan Sherman should be banned from the use of adjectives.