They’re boasting about their accomplishments again — and their boasts are the best evidence of their complete failure.
Super Power and Cause Resurgence
A couple of notes at the outset. It seems they have adopted the IAS “successful action” — to get people to show up for reg events these days you need to offer free meals. Flag, being the Mecca of Technical Perfection and the Friendliest Place on Earth is going one better. Flying in their own chefs “as seen on [sort of] TV” to whip up some pizza and gelato. Should generate massive crowds. I do note they never show any pictures of my son in their team of chefs. He is one of them.
Also, how desperate are they to get some bodies in the shop. TWENTY Flag Registrars (“Consultants”) in addition to the “Chef team” — for VALLEY ORG? What an enormous waste of resources.
Now, to their amazing statistics. Remember, this is Flag, the pinnacle of the scientology pile. It is also the ONLY place where you can get Super Power (even though Hubbard said it would be available at all St Hills in 6 weeks way back in 1980 or so…) and the Running Around in Circles (“Cause Resurgence”) rundown.
Super Power Rundown completions now “exceed over” 6400. Remember, there are 12 or so individual rundowns that make up the whole thing, so no doubt they count each one as a separate completion. Especially when they also list the Running Program completions as 6600. And that one people do more than once. They heavily promote the fact that Rafferty Pendery has done it 3 times (I guess he didn’t get at cause the first two times — or maybe it was like a gym membership and he just keeps renewing to keep using the running track). In any event, the Running Program costs little compared to Super Power (and a LOT compared to a gym membership and really a lot compared to running in the park) so there is no doubt that 3 or 4 times as many people have done the running around in circles rundown than have done the Super Power rundown and conquered the oiliness table and the blood saline level perception drill.
Super Power was unleashed on the world in November 2013. This was promoted as THE thing that would make planetary clearing a reality (before that it was the Golden Age of Tech, before that it was SRD, before that it was OT VIII, before that it was KTL and LOC, before that it was Solo NOTs, before that it was NOTs, OT III, Clearing Course, Grades etc etc etc
Let’s give them the BEST case scenario. In excess of more than 6400 individual people have completed the entire Super Power Rundown and 6600 have Run in Circles.
This is about 1000 per YEAR. For ALL of scientology… Because anyone can do either of these “rundowns” no matter where you are on the Bridge — they were both invented by Hubbard to deal with incompetent, goofing staff, and if there was a requirement of being OT or even Clear, most staff would not have qualified.
At 1000 people per year, it will take them a mere 25,000 years to get just 10% of the population of the US through this level. That is a MODEST target, if you actually claim you are “Clearing the Planet” — just 10% of the US.
To get just 1% of the planet through the rundown will take them 70,000 years.
Here is what they were saying about Super Power in 2013:
“Super Power is the answer to a sick, a dying and dead society.” LRH
Super Power!
It’s the series of technical rundowns that LRH most closely associated with planetary clearing.
It’s been in the making for some 30 years. And for good reason.
It’s a technology where small results simply aren’t even conceived.
A 7th dynamic boost to our power as a religion and your potential as a thetan, in ways you can’t even imagine.
Super Power’s release is 21st Century Scientology to the core.
These are moments that haven’t yet existed on the Scientology time track.
And moments that will be hard to surpass in our future.
Our next epic milestone is closer than ever……
“A Super-fantastic, but confidential series of Rundowns that can be done on anyone… that puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing the Super Power of a Thetan… It consists of 2 separate high-power rundowns which are brand new….” LRH
This is the attainment of an LRH vision: the release of Super Power and opening of the new Flag building.
“Some time ago I realized the resolution of this scene would require a powerful tech, tailored to check this downward spiral at each step of the way and get it reverting upwards.
I set about to study and research and develop processes that would accomplish this.
The result of that work is Super Power.
Super Power is the answer to a sick, a dying and dead society.
With it, we literally revive the dead!
With it we have the means to put Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create a new world.” L Ron Hubbard
Super Power will be released and available for public sometime this year. The building is ready. The perception equipment is installed. The auditors and technicians are currently training.
The only prerequisites are drug handling complete and you can’t be in the middle of any other actions.
I want to help you get there.
Call me or write anytime for anything.
Barbara Dews
Flag Service Consultant
Solo NOTs
Wow — they have “recently” made 6500 ON or THROUGH Solo NOTs. That is EVER. And it includes everyone who has died and everyone who has been declared if they were at one time ON or THROUGH Solo NOTs.
But apparently they don’t think anyone is paying attention.
Here is the first part of an email sent out by Clive Rabey from Flag about the number of people on or through Solo NOTs that I published on this blog back in 2014.
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2014
From: Clive Rabey
Subject: Re: Completing the First 10,000 On Or Through Solo NOTs target
I thought it was time for a quick update on the First 10,000 On Or Through Solo NOTs target as we need you heavily promoting this vital campaign out there to all your area Scientologists. As of last week we are now at 6,433 in our quest to get to that 10,000 figure – 3,367 to go! We are aiming to be at 6,500 by LRH’s Birthday and 7,000 by the end of this year, so we do need to get you to urgently promote this message and get you area OT Vs to arrive ASAP!
Oh my goodness. They have added 67 people in 5 1/2 years.
There is no math to be done on this. It is simply proof positive that the number of scientologists in the world is actually shrinking.
No wonder the Freewinds can never get anyone onto OT VIII these days.
Yes, according to their OWN figures in more than 5 years, there have been 67 people added to the roster of those auditing on or completed OT VII. It’s almost exactly ONE PER MONTH.
Believe what you see”: Like the empty orgs, zero-dollar paychecks, etc; vs. the fake “stats” at the various MANDITORY events you’re subjected to periodically … CONSTANTLY.
Clearly, Miscavige has determined that it is not in his best interests to allow someone to complete OT VII. This probably began when he realized it was bad for someone to complete OT VIII. He did an investigation and discovered that the root cause of someone completing OT VIII was them being allowed to complete OT VII.
The Super Power numbers are telling. This rundown was promoted forever. It seems like any scientologist in the world who can afford to go to Flag and do it would have done so. If you want a count of people who not only call them scientologists, but who also have enough money to actually help keep the church afloat, I’d guess that’s below 5,000 now. Maybe far below!
scnethics, DM FIRST realized it was dangerous for anyone to START OT VIII! That’s when he changed things again, at least eliminating the Tubby-as-antichrist issue, IIRC.
By now, he’s eliminated or destroyed anything that SEEMED to work. Yet he maintains the same income targets, which the clamming seals — or is that clapping seals pursue relentlessly, despite all evidence of its stupidity.
I figured it out:”As seen on TV” means the chef learned how to cook by watching TV: presumably cooking shows, I suppose.
For that low of a rate of VII starts, the AO (OT 4&5) HGCs at FSO, AOLA, AOSHUK AOSHEU, AOSHANZO, & AF must be almost completely EMPTY. The Solo courses have to be the same also. That means management payments internationally are basically ZERO. No orgs other than FSO and AOLA paid enough money to int for more than gasoline for the Security force’s dirt bikes.
NEPI & BPI are probably also now defunct as income sources. So it is down to IAS vampires to keep $ flowing in.
It costs about $30,000 annually to be “on the level” internal slang for auditing the attached spirits on the body and exorcising them>
There used to be a time where a flat fee paid for the level, however Flag Service Org injected a pay as you C/S service so you pay for on going Csing.
2x a year, being little trusted you must have 3 swings of the needle Floating to 70 confessional questions probing to see if you have been reading the internet or know of anyone who is !
The boards of solo Nots are color coded:
Green : daily auditing and reporting of STATS
Purple : Has a medical condition, may or may not be Ok to audit
Red : Outnesses observed, something wrong, not returning phone calls or reporting STATS.
Black : OSA particles. Is Facebook friends with critics or has been knowledge reported with adverse affiliations.
Wow. Big changes since 1987 when I was on OT VII. I paid $1,600 every six months for the C/Sing and checks.
Here is a little more information from a post on ESMB in 2010 by Michel
Here are some data for you guys.
There is a tag status for each Solo Nots auditor:
Green tag: audit 4 to 6 sessions daily and comes on time for his 6 months check.
Grey tag: audit less than 4 sessions daily and doesn’t come on time for his 6 month check.
Orange tag: Not allowed to solo audit because of out ethics situation.
Purple tag: Not allowed to audit because of illness or sickness.
Black tag: Disaffected with the church.
See the way it works? One starts the level with a Green tag then, depending on his “ability to be Cause over Life” one keeps his Green tag or, follow the dwindling spiral to Black tag.
There are about 5,300 Solo Nots Auditors worldwide and about(depending on their current status):
1,000 Green tags
1,100 Grey tags
900 Orange tags
800 Purple tags
1,500 Black tags
The 10,000 on Solo Nots is just a dream. There is only 1,000 of them auditing regularly.
I was Solo Nots D of P Europe and i personally met the following Solo Nots Auditors. They were all with advanced cancer:
THERE IS much more in the post
Whoops I meant to include the link to Michel’s post
It is
dechoiceisalwaysrs, Thank you for this link to a Solo Nots D of P from Europe re the cancer and suicide rate of Solo Nots auditors. America probably has its share of cancers on OT VII too. I personally knew 5 people on SN with cancer and some of them died. Some may have died since I left the church too. But two of the deaths were people who bought into the church idea that doctors were mere “medicos” as Ron called them and they didn’t get treatment fast enough and/or tried alternative methods when it was already too late (too little too late). Some of them beat the cancer, but they were the ones that got treatment fast.
One guy in particular that I knew had been a “good Scientologist” by paying for 6 month checks on time, donating a lot to the IAS , volunteering for different Scn causes etc. When he got cancer, Flag dropped him like a hot potato and he was forbidden to come on base. No one ever came to give him an assist, talk to him, visit him, see how he was doing, nothing. He ended up paying a NON Scn to be his care taker cuz no Scns would. The idea that you have a community, a group in Scn, is a sham. It’s every man for himself in that cult. Other churches rally around their sick and offer all kinds of assistance and succor. Not this “church.”
I always wondered what the Board IC’s were looking at and what all the different colors on folders meant.
I always wanted that colored sticker on my folder that meant meant I was finishing the level.
Now , they can color me DONE.
Scientology has a label AND A RITUAL for everything.
Always wondered what those colors meant and what the Board IC’s were looking at.
They can color me done.
So, in the last FIVE YEARS 77 ADDITIONAL people have gotten onto OT VII. That is slightly more than ONE PER MONTH ONTO OT VII!!!
I’m off the mailing list!!!!! Woohoo!!!! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 I’m off the mailing list!!!!!! 🎉🎊👏
Good on ya, Arlene!
The So Cal Scn experience does manage somehow to limp along. At its core, there are probably about 300 to 400 old time vets who’ve slogged their way through the Scn trenches since the Seventies and Eighties. That’s my guess anyway, based on a survey I’ve done many times of their FB pages.
Two things stand out. First, these old time church members have near matching lists of FB friends–virtually identical. Not coincidentally, they’re also nearly identical in numbers—about 300 to 400. The other detail is much more telling. None of them utter a peep about Scn. Mind you, these are Scios with considerable pedigree–lots of auditing and training under their belts, many with staff experience, many with successful businesses. And though you’d never know it from their FB pages, many have stayed connected to the orgs in their respective areas, such as Valley, Pasadena, and Foothills.
The big picture I see of these old-guard So Cal Scios, is a sort of sub-bubble world of the greater Scn community at large. They’re smart enough to know that publicly advertising their Scn backgrounds has only a down side outside of their cloistered network. At the same time, they want to show their strength-in-numbers solidarity as loyal Scios. It helps create the illusion of an extensive church following. And perhaps just as important, it maintains the images of those Scios-in-good standing who are just trying to stay out of trouble, seeking UTR status.
My big picture conclusion answers a big picture question that many have asked and others have attempted to answer. Why do they stay? As a group, it’ hard to tell. Each has their own story to tell, their own set of circumstances, and their own perspectives on their Scn experiences. Having said that, I believe that there’s a common consideration that runs through all of them to one degree or another. They all certainly know that leaving their church would instantly extinguish all of their Scn friends and family relationships, and cut off all of their business connections.
Nowhere is “riding the tiger” a more apt idiom. Whether you’re out or still in, or a never in observer, we all know the fate of the loyal Scio who dares to step off the beast and try to walk away. They’ll become subject to rapacious maulings by a brute with no feeling, no remorse, that resents the freedom to which prisoners of the COS aspire.
Astute observation Chris. The thought at the back of their minds is probably something on the order of “I sure hope Dave’s right.”
Scribe:”something on the order of “I sure hope Dave’s right.”
More likely:”I hope he isn’t as WRONG as it seems.”
Once they realize it’s a crock of shit they’ll be able to get real hope.
Chris, that 300 to 400 in SoCal may fit with the 500 “in good standing” that they came up with as potential arbiters in the Garcia case. That’s also in the ballpark of 35 to 50 for each of the approximately dozen local orgs in the area, which then fits with what we see in photos from org events.
FPjr, funny you should say that. A few days ago, a friend of mine sent me a picture of the cover of a magazine that was out at the grocery store. The whole front page of the mag was about Scn with a title of, “The End of Scientology?” So this is how the Non Scn world sees Scn after viewing the latest in the Remini series.
“US Weekly”, Sep. 2019:
Super Power RD completions: Over 6,400!!!
Cause Resurgence RD Completions: Over 6,600!!!
Golden Age of Tech: Over 10,000!!!
Solo NOTS: Over 6,500!!!
Sing along with me! Bull shit! Bull shit! Bull shit! Bull shit!
They’re the laughing stock of Cultdom! And their members are leaving in droves!
OSD: The smell of this particular bool-sheet in the morning, though quite rank, makes me smile😁
May the cult implode, and may McSavage get his due.
How come they don’t name these culinary awards that their chefs received? Could it be they don’t exist? Hmmmmm……🤔
I was just wondering the same thing. Maybe it’s sort of like “Grammy considered.”
Of course they exist! But, only in their minds.
A story of tragedy for the Mecca of Technical Perfection.
And if they do send 20 Consultants, it is only because tase staff are idle and producing nothing at Flag. Too many for a small event and a trickle of attendants.
Some of the high-end buffets in Las Vegas charge $100 per person. The up-side is the fact that, when you are finished, you just walk out. NO Reg to go through. Nice.
I bet Super Power completions per year crashed after a couple of years, as they did for OT VIII – once all the people who had been waiting forever for the promised release rushed to do it, demand dropped off to almost nothing. I vaguely remember that there were indications a while back that they were down to low single digits per month, which would be low hundreds per year.
Claiming numbers of multi-year or all-time completions seems to be their latest ruse to hide how bad their current stats are.
Mike, good catch on these numbers. I’m glad you save the promo etc where they list numbers and then you can compare them 5 years later to the numbers they give, and see how bad the stats actually are, or how they pull these numbers out of their hats each time so they really don’t represent the real scene.
George, the amount of money, time and effort to get to OT VII for little or no result has finally caught up with the Flagship of Fools. I routed on to OT VI and never got past the first step on the checksheet. At that point I never continued. When I look back on my visits to Flag, they were surreal. We were all just characters in a video game controlled by Hubbard, his minions and then Miscavige and his scieborgs.
It was insane and still is.
Very True
To George and BKmole,
For me, as an ex-staff member who had minkmal auditing outside of
Objectives, it is gratifying to hear a couple of old-timers talk frankly about
how surreal their experiences were and how useless the ” tech ” actually was and is. It seems to me that both of you have extracted the maximum
value from your cult adventures: wisdom, good humor, and intellectual vigilance.
Thanks Mark. I enjoy reading your comments because you can really “cut to the quick” about scientology. It has taken me years to get to this point and I still improve every day.
Flag(s) both east and west have been caught poaching on other franchisee areas for ‘courses’ that are usually done at lower level missions and mOrgs. Often the PUrif or SRD are discounted or just advertised in another area.
It is a sign of desperation when the upper level of your pyramid scheme is poaching on the lower levels.
With 4 per month quitting or going UTR and about 6 dying in 25 years there should be less than 500 people or so on or through Solo Nuts.
I think your assumption that their doors will still be open in 25 years is…… optimistic.
FPjr, you are a master of understatement:
“I think your assumption that their doors will still be open in 25 years is…… optimistic.”
Mike, do you recall how they justify counting people who have subsequently left Scientology and/or been declared SPs in these stats? According to their own beliefs, wouldn’t such completions empower their enemies rather than themselves? Same goes with Miscavige suddenly revoking Clear and OT statuses — do they still count the original Clears and OTs in their stats? If so, how could they possibly see processes that they’ve determined to be invalid as helping to clear the planet? Seems to me that Miscavige knows it’s a con, but what about people like you when you were in? You were a true believer at the time, but could you believe Scientology was working when the stats were so blatantly inflated?
Cat, they don’t “justify” anything. As long as today’s number is greater than last week’s, it’s all gravy.(over the rice&beans).
When you’re auditing on or have completed Solo Nots, you become what the name implies – a snot.
Like, if you’re nose is runny, you may think it’s funny, but it’s snot?
“you become what the name implies – a snot.”
And when someone asks you if that stain on your sleeve is mayonnaise, you can just tell them: “No, it’s…not.”
Sorry; couldn’t resist.
LOL! ROTFLMFAO! Nicely done.
When considering the subject of Scientology, the possibilities of humor are nearly infinite. Can you imagine David Miscavige doing stand-up? Tom Cruise walks in an Org… 😂
And slips on a banana peal. And when he gets up, he realizes that Miscavige really is GOD.
Scribe, OSD, Bix…
Y’all are killin’ me!😂😂😂😂
Scribe, that deserves a rim-shot.
“When you’re auditing on or have completed Solo Nots, you become what the name implies – a snot.
“And slips on a banana peal. And when he gets up, he realizes that Miscavige really is GOD.
More likely that he’s dog.
Ahh, the falsely inflated, sunshine and happiness world of Scientology- where no one bothers with actual reality and no one questions the bottom line. You would think that SOMEONE would do the math and ask themselves the tough questions. Year after year after year, these folks are promised the Pie in the Sky, yet they never even get a glimpse of that promised treasure. I am beginning to think the willful blindness is the only protective mechanism that many still ins have. They can’t do the math because it would shatter the illusions and make them actually take stock of what “gains” they have not made.
It’s amazing that the higher ups actually keep publishing the abject failures they have sustained like they are accomplishments of great magnitude. Eventually they will publish one that people can’t ignore. The only other possible reason for the still ins not seeing the vast discrepancies is that they started ignoring these posters a long time ago and simply don’t look at them anymore.
When I was in the realm of the Borg(scientology), my eyes would glaze over and my mind would get foggy whenever the fake statistics were blasted at us at painful volume at the scientology events. The cumulative effects of study tech, ethics, objectives, social pressure, and milieu control put me in a greater or lesser degree of continuous disassociation. I can vividly remember the sensation of fatigue and suspended critical thinking that would manifest whenever I heard scientology stats, ESPECIALLY after I joined staff and knew, on a barely occluded subliminal level, that they were utterly made up or presented in a disingenuous way. Talk about massive cognitive dissonance! So, yeah, there IS definitely a willful denial of reality, more or less amplified by the long term effects of undue influence. The memory of that zombie state, 8 years out of the cult, is still disturbing…
Kat:”Eventually they will publish one that people can’t ignore.”
Those currently in demonstrate that they can ignore ANYTHING, including what’s kicking them in the face.
They sent me a whole bunch of marketing materials lately, promoting FLag as a 5 star resort with wonderful opportunity to do some auditing during seaside vacations)))
I don’t know how to upload photos here but believe me it’s really funny.
I started to save the Source mags that come out every other month. They list between 20-40 VII comps per mag. Just by my small collection mags, they’ve had way more than 67.
Maybe they do take off the declared?
Maybe. But completions were already counted as “on” and most people take 10 years to “complete”.
I would bet that today there are in fact less total “on or complete” who call themselves scientologist than there were 5 years ago.
Source mag 254, November 2018 22 VII comps, 79 VI comps.
Source mag 255, January 2019. 31 VII comps, 104 VI comps.
Source mag 256, March 2019. 42 VII comps, 110 VI comps
Source mag 257, May 2019. 16 VII comps, 88 VI comps
Source mag 258 – – – – can’t find it. 🙁
Source mag 259, August 2019. 34 VII comps, 83 VI comps
(if anyone has the stats from the missing mag, please fill it in for me) danke
OT VI comp puts the person onto VII. There is no wait or stopping. OT VI had part A, B, C. The last part was practice sessions of VII, hence, finishing VI meant you’re now auditing VII.
I did not do GAT II OT VI, but my understanding is that the changes were to “streamline and speed up” and ALL the promo brag was on speed.
The comps were crashed across the boards in 2013 leading up to the release of GAT II and continued to be crazed in the OT area after due to the bulk of OTs ripped off their programs and put through the new secret Purif, TRs and Objectives pilot.
Then SRD became the new thing (again) (oh, hello 1980)… So all the people in the various levels were put onto months of objectives on the SRD.
The VI comps stay was dismal. = Eff all people growing the On or Through stat. Six comps are announced in the lobby, lunch\dinner break gatherings. It was acknowledged that the flow was down and would be due to all the SRDs ..aaaaaaaand! AALLLLLL OT VI and VIIs doing the NEWWWW Advanced Solo Auditor course.
Watching people arrive for six month checks, later huddled with staff, getting handled on an extra 2 months added to their planned 2-3 week stay….everyone was forced to do it, do it or off the level you go!
The GAT II OT section was released after I left. This was touted to be so much quicker. The Advanced Solo Course had been a bear, 13 exams all through it, a huge practical and huge theory exam at the end, OT VI C had 40 different ridiculous scenarios to magically find and handle… apparently Davie decided we didn’t need all this and did his GAT magic on it….
So the stats would surge over some time as the “backlog” was caught up.
From the names on the comp lists it appears that Flag is fishing in Asian waters these days.
I first started keeping AOLA mags, I wondered if their stats were padded, if they announced the same names in successive mags.
Hope this is mildly interesting or helps in any old way.
Thankd, that is interesting.
Are any of these names duplicates?
Obviously, this doesn’t add up. They average about 90 OT VI Comps per issue (or 45 per month). These are presumably new people onto OT VII and should be being added to Clive’s 6500 number…
Unless: they are retreads. The names of OT VI Comps are duplicated from issue to issue…
Back in the day I completed OT V at AOLA. Then about a year later, a Scn practitioner I was seeing congratulated me on comping OT V. I asked how she knew? She said it was in the AOLA Magazine list of comps. I told her yes, but I comped a year before that. So they do keep putting old names on each magazine edition to pad the stats. I don’t know how many issues I was in there as comping, but at least two, maybe more.
yes, I did lower OTS at AOLA and I always looked for my name in the mags. I found that my name sometimes showed up in the next mag after my comp, and sometimes the following one after that.. (months later) I never saw my name twice for the same service but I did see that a couple comps were missing. I think my OT II was never listed, or something. Sometimes I saw my fellow student/friend names on the list, listed in 2 different editions for the same service. It wasn’t rampant, just here and there. (it seemed more of a mistake than a padding)
some years later, I was at Flag doing set ups and getting onto VII. I saw that my name was listed properly for the services generally in the next mag.
The Advanced Solo Auditor Course is/was identical to the Solo Course and was OT VI A. You didn’t get an announcement for it. Not until you finished all 3 parts of VI, and your name only went in the mag at VI comp.
So… I’ve seen duplicate names years ago in the Advance! mag of AOLA. .. and as I’ve told Mike above, I’ve not actually compared the lists of names yet.
I haven’t done a thorough comparison between the names on the lists for VI comp. just a quick look hasn’t shown anything right off the bat.
(sorry, it’s a ‘someday I’ll get to that’ type thing for me)
It IS weird that the number isn’t higher. Maybe they did take off the declared/dead/persona non grata … with the idea that the list was going to be published sometime?
I KNOW that through Nov 2013 into a big part of 2014 the comps on VI were in a low range. It wasn’t a thing, they weren’t pushing it as hard because they were talking up about how the rest of the OT levels would get the GAT II treatment, and new levels would be released.
During that time they were pushing, promoting and bragging about all the Cause Resurg, Super Power and L’s comps – (with all the NEW L’s auditors, rah rah)
The price of an intensive used to 8 grand and change. With GAT II all Flag intensives were 5 grand, no sliding scales. L’s intensives had been 10 grand, and they went down to 7 or 8 grand instead. (sorry, don’t recall exactly)
GAT II for OTs was released in late 2016? (google gives me your blog entry)
so that’s when the new big push would have been brewing to get people onto 6 and 7, and that’s why we’re seeing higher than usual numbers now.
I still view it as the ‘backlog’ stat. They’ll run out soon.
(I was there for the release of GAT II and had to do the new Advanced Solo Auditor Course along with the rest – Flag was CRAMMED to the gills during this time. EVERY Solo Auditor was having to do it… the course room was insane, filled over into other areas, etc. When I came back for my next 6 month check?
Trouble finding a twin for e-meter drills empty.)
Same old same old. Push the new thing, get the stats, crow a bunch, then scramble for the next blanket of wool to start tugging on.
Has anyone figured out that LRH was a con artist yet?
Wait. He was?
I’m shocked! Shocked I tell ya!
What? You mean he really was?
Flag is sick. I completed Solo Nots in 1987. They were talking about 10,000 back then. There are only a few occult oriented people left. They are counting me in their stats and I have been out for over thirty years and declared suppressive! Super power was part of OT VIII in 1988. They have unbundled it and made it more expensive. Very rich people needing tax deductions have supported this cult for decades.
Looking back at Hubbard, he seems so out of date. Scientology was nothing more than a “venture capitalism” religion. A group of us threw money at it in the hope that Hubbard had something valid. In the end, this uneducated moron was going in the wrong direction. Good bye Scientology.
” Good bye Scientology.”
And good riddance to you as well.
Yo Dave,
When does ‘simultaneously’ happen ……. exactly? You will be long gone and forgotten good buddy!
“I drink Macallan and watch celebrity 2D Sec Check videos simultaneously. Hope that answers your question.”
DM will not be forgotten just as Hitler and 9 11 has not been forgotten.
Bill:”DM will not be forgotten just as Hitler and 9 11 has not been forgotten.”
In that those he’s punished won’t forget, I agree, but I believe DM’s already passed into obscurity outside of those ranks.