Things are not looking any better….
It’s surprising Harvey Jacques is still around. In earlier times he would have been long since gone. Probably he has the Golden Age of Brown-nosing Tech down to a finely honed skill. As he certainly isn’t there based on his stats. And these are the ones they announce as “Good News”, not a single one of them is on an uptrend. They simply think that because 5 Clears a week blows every other org away, it is “good.”
There is no relativity to the outside world inside the bubble.
I wonder if anyone EVER stops to think that less than 10 OT VIIs per week means less than 500 per year (a LOT less, more like 350) — but even at 500 per year it is going to be well beyond 2020 before they reach their 10,000 target (and by then a very large percentage will either be declared or dead….)
Let alone less than 10 Clears a week in this era when planetary clearing is being made a reality.
Here is one from a few weeks ago.
And this week’s, both have been added to the end of the accumulated numbers below. A few weeks in between apparently didn’t qualify as good news. They must have been REALLY bad.
Compared to the earlier postings, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, the latest reports added to the end).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 16 19 15 19 19 19 18 14 28 24 25 26 40 24 22 14 21 21
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17 21 15 19 22 19 20 16 20 24 24 21 20 25 30 18 18 14 20 21
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30 22 63 25 23 22 16 29 29 32 28 32 25 33 29 24 35 26 32 22
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 8 NR 16 9 10 9 10 8 11 13 7 10 13 13 10 10 11 9 5
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8 8 8 16 9 6 9 9 9 9 8 6 6 5 9 5 7 5 7 7
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20 NR 19 19 23 25 25 25 18 21 20 15 23 25 16 19 25 17 25 NR
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 14 17 16 11 13 18 25 19 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Seems they have completely run out of Purif marks…
And Objectives must be hitting the bottom of the barrel too…
Richard Lloyd-Roberts says
I wonder if anyone noticed that Bob Lippmann completed OTVII. This is news? He was OTVII when I worked for him 15 plus years ago.
Mia Hunter says
The Oracle says
Thanks Dave:
You really handled the hell of that didn’t you? You are so incompetent you can’t even suppress people who aren’t in a damned daze and in the middle of CURRENT TRAUMATIC STRESS SYNDROME!!!!
While your BEST and most devoted soldiers were doing everything to cover your ass, you hid under your girlfriend’s panties and berated and abused them. Meanwhile your ability to confront is F&%*(NG low you can’t even send a text unless it’s on a via.
The Oracle says
P.S. HEY! Would one of you Miscavige supporters get that man through a communications course? The mere fact that he can’t pick up the phone or shake someone’s hand is costing the Church MILLIONS every year!
The Oracle says
What a F&^*^NG Idiot David Miscavige is!! Billions of dollars, thousands of slaves, ideas to improve conditions, and he can’t fill one F&(*^NG course room or HGC on the PLANET!!
EARTH has become an ARC broken field because of his out P.R., sadism, lies, domestic terrorism, greed, criminality, and pathological lying.
He has a restraining order on him in Texas for domestic terrorism and he has not been removed from post or fired! Testimony of his sadism and abuse is so widespread he has RUINED himself.
He took a potential golden goose, F&^(ed it up the A&&, choked it to death and left it in the middle of the road as road kill.
He alter ises so fast he lost the flock, they can’t even yo yo with his manufacture.
He worked his own father like a damned slave 110 hour weeks for decades, and now says, “He has always taken care of his father.” in press release.
He describes people that worked for decades as virtual slaves to help others, as “liars, criminals..”, and whatever other slander he can muster up.
You people that are spying and reporting and being snakes in the grass behind this F*&^%ing DB are just as sick and twisted. You ENABLE it. A person would have to HIDE IN A CLOSET to avoid seeing the results of having this menacing particle running your organization. COWARDS!! MASOCHISTS!!!
The Oracle says
No wonder Flag Stats suck. Those pesky irritating dilettante missions are empty. The Sea Org should have a huge win! Just read John Sweeny’s book “The Church of Fear”. David Miscavige really knows how to contact, handle, salvage and bring to understanding. NOT! I guess that exercise would be a real stretch for him. He can’t just BARK, YELL, read a teleprompter, or SLAP. No wonder Flag is empty. David alter ises contact, handle, salvage and bring to understanding to Stalk, Terrorize, Threaten, Squash, Alienate , Confuse, Disturb, Mislead, RUIN RUIN and RUIN and Establish Potent Enemy! Why? It just makes him feel better!!
RolandRB says
The Flag stats suck if you think the purpose of Flag is to get people through auditing actions. But it isn’t the purpose of Flag. Flag is there to Reg money out of the chumps. If, for every completion, you multiply that number by $10,000 for the amount they on average Reg from each chump then the stats look a lot more promising.
One Point Won says
Dear Mike Rinder,
I love your command of truth…”There is no relativity to the outside world inside the bubble.”
You are piercing the Psycho-Bubble indeed…thank you for your ever inspiring observations!
Much love, One Point Won
Jose Chung says
Harvey Jacques is still there because of Sonija Jacques.
Every public at Flag signs an 8 page legal document
with each legal agreement line initialed. That done
they are fair game for every dollar that can be run through
the multitude of wringers at Flag. The first thing the MLO
does to check how healthy you are is get all your credit card numbers,
really !!! A task force in a secret room goes to town checking each one for higher credit limits and unsecured loans who forwards this info to the person who monitors the hidden microphones at each regs desk.
Fredric L. Rice says
What a shame, I had hoped that my invisible murdered space alien infestations could be scraped off, now I see that the Scientology humanitarians organization is dying and on the edge of being non-existent. 🙁 Gives me a sad knowing I’ll always be covered in space cooties. 🙁
Old Surfer Dude says
But, wait, Fredric!!! For between $500 and $1,000 AN HOUR, the cult will help you scrap off the space cooties you have attached to your body! That’s a bargain anyway you look at it! Of course since you have between 2,000 and 3,000 space cooties attached to you, you may want to take out a bank loan…
Jens TINGLEFF says
So, given that everyone has to redo everything, is it not safe to assume that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is actually declaring members at a higher rate than taking in new victims?
RolandRB says
They are not Declaring members because the chumps actually DO redo their levels when they are told to do so. They have become stimulus-response mechanisms. Say “Epic” and “Mega” and they jump to their feet and applaud. Say “new new GAT II Purif” and they all want to do it. Give them running around a pole as an Epic GAT II level then they will try to outdo each other by repeating it as many times as they can in a year. And when they are regged they will donate. Every time.Reg – donate. Reg – donate. And if they are told that the planet is being Cleared at an unprecedented rate and more work and money is needed from them, then they will give it.
DM knows that and is milking them for every cent. They are not capable of critical thought so they won’t rebel and so there is no need to Declare them. He knows that outside people are not stupid enough to join their ranks and that this will never happen. It is all to do with getting yet more money out of the chumps who have been trapped in there for years.
Aquamarine says
Beautifully said, RolandRB.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Mike,I love that success story from a West Coast public who just finished oh joy LII.Say what? Their universe is calm & serene yet they are now ready for serious butt kicking action? And they paid how much now for this new ability? Really twisted, strange and scary.Always Ann.
Ann B Watson says
Hi OSD, Go Ron Senior=me too! I would like very much to read his book when it is available.Ann.
Pepper says
Thanks for the twitter links. I saw the Vanity Fair article about Ron Miscavige Sr’s book and the response from his ‘son’ to the press. That comment ending with “provable bullshit” has permeated the press and makes the CoS look trifling and tacky. No doubt David Miscavige loves it though and thinks he’s really given everyone the one-two punch. I hope Mr. Miscavige’s book comes out very soon and he gets all the help he needs to make it a success.
Old Surfer Dude says
Hmmmmm..”provable bullshit,” in my view, is everything that happens inside the cult. It’s all “provable bullshit!” And tiny little Davy boy needs more than a one-two punch. He couldn’t knock out a 10 year old.
Go Ron senior!
Delilah says
OSD, completely off topic, but you have got to read an article in the June 1, 2015, New Yorker entitled “Off Diamond Head: to Be Thirteen, with a surfboard, in Hawaii” by William Finnegan.
My guess is that it can be found online. You will enjoy it!
Aquamarine says
Hey Pepper, I second the motion for the success of “If He Dies, He Dies”.
Frankly, I don’t think the book could have a better PR rep than his own son, David.
Captain Miscavige DELIVERS when it comes to promoting books and films written by people who strongly disapprove of him. He EXCELS at making sure that those works which label him a fraud and a tyrant get very wide press.
He certainly the PR team for Going Clear, didn’t he?
And now he’s generously focusing on his Father’s book, kicking it out of the park with “provable bullshit”.
What a guy!
Pepper says
David Miscavige delivered very well for the “Going Clear” documentary. He really boosted the ratings. Let’s hope he does the same for his Da’s book. Let’s not hope that disparaging articles showing up in Freedumb mag. An elderly man who doesn’t deserve that treatment should not be subjected to it. It would be pretty hideous to see that happen but I wouldn’t put it past a guy who wishes his own father dead.
hgc10 says
I think that LHD really thinks that when he slams his fist on the table and says in a press release “provable bullshit” that is carries authority and cows people into submission. That’s how he’s used to handling anyone who has in-person contact with him. But, like an unschooled infant, he can’t distinguish the difference between the two situations — personal contact with the people he controls through threats and beatings and contact with the world at large.
Roger Hornaday says
“…but at the same time I’m ready for some SERIOUS butt-kicking action.” A.C. has apparently had a scientology “WIN” after L-11 and wants to do some “butt-kicking” but presumably means that in a happy way as in doing something positive and big.
A psychiatrist would probably say something like, “Tell me why you use the term, ‘butt-kicking’ as a way of describing the accomplishing of good things”.
That’s a valid question. My answer to that is scientology has always had an adversarial relationship with the world and life itself. It sees them as broken, unruly things that must be conquered and modified to suit your own personal likes and dislikes.
That attitude toward life and the world is inculcated from scientology day one. The world and life are against you and you must be AT CAUSE. Naturally any kind of accomplishment will be seen as kicking the world’s butt. That rather domineering attitude engenders many other personality deficits over the long haul like LITERALLY kicking peoples’ butts as means of getting what you want.
And as for the stats, I don’t believe there are OTVII completions each and every week. I simply don’t believe it.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Roger,You tend to make me feel better & you did that with this post.Thank you.I do not believe the weekly OT stat completions either.Unless the OT fairy waved her OT wand & the OTs wildly at cause waved their certs in OT glee.I’m OTed out.Always Ann.
Pepper says
How many hotel rooms are there at the whole Flag base? Surely these dismal stats must include locals who commute to the org. The Fort Harrison, Oak Cove, Osceola, Coachman (still in use?) must be pretty empty. It’s summertime now, not the Holidays. I wonder if people staying the hotels notice this, what do they think about it, and what are they being told if they mention it to the Staff?
gorillavee says
Someday, someone might realize that the whole of Scn is operating on a completely wrong basis. Their week-to-week stat obsession is just one of the many significant factors keeping them small. The CEO and the big exec’s who are immediately under him are supposed to be looking at the big picture, and the big picture only. Their graphs should be annual, not weekly. Instead, the CEO is micromanaging the space of his victim-du-jour, and his immediate juniors are too cowed and in a state of terror masked by glee to change anything.
They talk about big games, planetary clearing, but themselves operate, and manage juniors like the lowest level employee. And that is why the whole of Scn has always been in Non-E, and at best remains there (in spite of the condition of treason that the CEO occasionally rises to).
The only person I know of who operated on a proper scope was Jeff Hawkins. And they beat him into submission and eventually right out of the door with micromanagement of weekly stats. The guy should have been reporting stats annually, if not biennially. He was their only hope to actually get out of Non-E, he was doing it, and they blew it.
I once mentioned to a SO reg that a person can simultaneously apply an affluence formula to his big-picture, annual level operating basis while applying an emergency formula to the short-term, weekly modus operandi. He looked right through me with a completely blank stare, and went to a totally different subject. It was that far out of his reality, I don’t think he even heard me.
Snake Thompson's Ghost says
I can never not think about the kind of constant, breathlessly excited announcements of (true or false) economic and production statistics that sound wonderful at the micro level but are divorced from the context of a larger picture, that was common to the Soviet Union, Communist China, and North Korea, and Oceania in “1984”..whenever I read these bulletins.
“And last week, there was 2,922 Well Done Auditing Hours delivered in the Super Power HGCS ALONE and 1,196 Perceptics Drills completed!”
It would take another George Orwell, may he rest in peace, to properly analyze CoS’s bad writing and hysterical claims, and I’m only the ghost of someone LRH knew as a boy. But as always, one comes away with an isolated seven-day statistic divorced from any larger context or meaningfulness. They can assure you that there were 2,922 WDAH and not 2,921 or 2,923, absolutely and precisely Sir, but not what the number means with respect to targets/objectives, number of bodies in the shop, or capacity. It’s like the amazing CoS graphs without any numbers explaining the (upward) trendline.
I’d like to think that that Hubbard kid, who was bright in his way, meant something better than this by “management by statistics,” but can’t say for sure.
Aquamarine says
Great post, gorillavee. I recall from one of my courses that LRH said that the further removed a management body is from a scene then the wider apart in time it’s graphs ought to be. If not the wording, that is the concept. David Micromanage obviously disagrees with this datum to the extreme detriment of Scientology.
If I ran my business of 24 years with weekly stats and weekly conditions formulas applied thereon, I would be business-less very quickly. I utilize conditions formulas, but Icherrypick the times and reasons for their usage, ( I apply them to trends, not stats) and this has worked well for the business over the years.
Aquamarine says
I actually just shuddered while mocking up what it would be like to be under that gun each week as a staff member, or working in a WISE business with weekly stats and conditions write ups with some arbitrary time each week to have it all done, or else! I would never treat people that way. Besides being Its simply insane! And self destructive. From day one in Scientology, I disliked and disagreed with the Birthday Game.
1,874 super power completions for a new century religion that has unprecedented expansion? Are you kidding?
WhiteStar says
Mission Implausible: Over 20 years and $200 million for 1800 super power completions.
whostolemycog says
Excluding operating costs, it breaks even at 40k completions…20 years or so. Of course, the whole planet will be clear by then…
Old Surfer Dude says
Of course! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Sorry. Sometimes I just can contain my maniacal laughter…
Newcomer says
That works out to 1800 Kool Aide consumers parting with 112k apiece or 3600 at the stand getting fleeced for 56k. I’d say the cult made out ok.
And Charmaine probably pocketed 10% of half the total. I wonder if she prudently invested her 5 to 10 million well? I’d say Matt Feshback managed to lose some of it for her, the cult no doubt took back some too but she probably had enough for services.
Yo Charmaine and Brucy woosey…….
I assume you both have your OT nine and ten paid for with accommos on the Fleecewinds? Good to have your eternity fully secure ……………………..isn’t it?
Old Surfer Dude says
Sarcasm 101. You got a doctorate in the subject, didn’t you? Because you are the master of sarcasm! I like it!
Newcomer says
It was my elective of choice at the Kool Aide Univ.
RolandRB says
If you look at the outgoings from Flag before they got IRS exemption then in those days they needed income of $100m per year to break even. Scale up to today’s costs and their huge expansion of property then that would be at least $200m a year and possibly as high as $300m a year. So this is making them a huge loss and yet it continues to go on. It is all a show put on for the whales to get them to keep on giving donos which is the “real” income of the Church and the only stats that matter.