Crazy Edy is at it again.
This woman was once posted as the Quality Executive International! And now is shouting “speed of auditing results” from the rooftops (and offering coupons for smoothies to encourage you go to Flag to be wallet raped by the battalion of regges).
Right now there is no better time to go to Flag and get onto New OT VII! It is fast and we have unique offers to make it more affordable.
Here is how long some recent public took to
Stay All The Way to New OT VII:
1. Idan Gov Ari from Isreal did Solo II, OT Elig, OT I, OT II, OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI A, OT VI B & C in 3 months.
2. Rafferty Pendery from the West U.S. did Solo II, OT I, OT II, OT III, OT IV, OT V, Cause Resurgence Rundown, OT VI A, OT VI B & C in 3 months and 23 days.
3. Ivonne Fang from Taiwan did Solo II, OT I, OT II, OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI A, OT VI B & C in 4 months.
4. Jonas Molinder from Sweden did Solo II, R6EW, Clearing Course, OT I, OT II, OT III, OT IV, OT V, Student Hat, Cause Resurgence Rundown, OT VI A, OT VI B & C in 5 months & 3 weeks.
5. Angela Damiani from Italy did OT Elig, OT IV, OT V, OT VI A, OT VI B & C in 2½ months.
All public who Stay All The Way to New OT VII in the Sandcastle, Osceola, FH or Oak Cove get:
- Free breakfast in Sandcastle or Palms daily
- 15% discount on all the new standard vitamins
- Weekly coupons for your choice of free protein shakes, protein bars, desserts, coffees, etc.
- Free solo auditing briefcase – $100 value!
- Given highest priority on room availability, event seating and other amenities upon request – basically, they are RED CARPETED!
This is Giselle Lima from PANAMA. She is one of our more recent OT VI Completions. Here is her success story which tells the tale:
“Today I attested to my OT VI!!!
Four and a half months ago I arrived to the Flag AO as Clear, for my Solo course and my OT Preps. It has being an amazing journey through my OT levels. Staying all the way has been the most amazing thing I’ve ever done. The data and the abilities I have obtained are way beyond I ever expected.
Now my journey as a Solo NOTs auditor begins! I have learned that this is the most important thing to do in this lifetime. The responsibility I have acquired is on all my dynamics, and now I am working for clearing this planet!
Thank you to all the Sea Org and the AO staff: Without you, achieving this could have not been possible. I would like to thank RTC and COB for this awesome Golden Age of Tech II which has made it easy for me to become a solo auditor.
And of course, thanks to LRH. Thank you, Sir, for sharing this technology with me!”—GL
I want to work with you towards this. Please call me or write anytime for anything.
Edy Lundeen
Flag Service Consultant for the Flag AO
323 309 3601
And here is some more enlightenment from Queen of PAC Crazy:
LRH Stated:
“There’s only one security, and when you’ve lost that security, you’ve lost everything you’ve got. And that is the security of confidence in yourself; to be, to create, to make any position you want to make for yourself. And when you lose that confidence, you’ve lost the only security you can have. And yet a man, as he lives through life, postulates away to himself that self-confidence. Self-confidence is self-determinism. One’s belief in one’s ability to determine his own course. As long as one has that, he’s got the universe in his pocket. And when he hasn’t got that, not all the pearls in China nor all the grain and corn in Iowa can give him security, because that’s the only security there is.”
– LRH (Postulate Processing – Lecture of 15 October 1951)
The latest news on the 10,000 on Solo NOTs Campaign:
There are now
WUS has had an affluence first quarter 2015
New OT VI Completions
Monica Ayers | Erika Melrose | |
Cindy Levine | Kevin Furland | |
Katherine Landers | Curry Chaudior | |
Colleen May | Jessica Sudalnik | |
Alan Smith | Randy Stryker | |
Uliana Levant | Kirill Levant | |
Tim Herrington | Cathy Clarke | |
Rafferty Pendry | Charlotte Fine | |
Helen Kizler | Mark McGovney | |
Shon Gregory | Nancy Nishamura | |
Shawn Windle |
Getting onto and through New OT VII has never been faster.
If you live in the LA Area, do not miss the Flag World Tour Event on Saturday, 7 pm, May 23rd at the Pasadena Convention Center.
There is a massive tech team coming from the Flag AO. They will answer your questions, give you an up-to-the-minute TE, and assist you to arrive to Flag!
Write to me or call me if you want to be part of the 10,000 on Solo NOTs! I will help you do it!
323 953 3230
Edy Lundeen
Flag Service Consultant for the Flag AO
7,000 on or through Solo NOTs EVER, including those who have died and those who have been declared, let alone those who have simply drifted off into the sunset.
And this has only taken 30 years or so. So, of course the “next target” is 10,000. Not 7,500 or even 7,100 or anything sensible.
Based on past history, the 10,000 target should be rolling in sometime in 2027! Hip hip hooray!
Lucky this is a cumulative stat and they never take anyone off, as I bet it is actually going DOWN.
The “top of the bridge” is the end of the road. A dead-end.
what more proof does someone (e.g. the IRS) need to find that this scientology is definitely a business
My “Clear Cognition” was that I was being defrauded and CS´ed for the money and that the “church” was not a church and Scientology was NOT a religion but a business designed to rip people off, and that during my years in Scientology I had become unbelievably uncritical, gullible, stupid and naive and that I needed to leave this greedy and unethical organization immediately. This happened 3 years ago. WHAT A RELIEF!!!!
I was talked into buying for more than $6,000 new materials. Today I don´t own a single book. Again, WHAT A RELIEF!!!! – And yes, NOBODY was willing to give even a single dollar for the whole collection.
I just can´t describe my happiness that I never reached the OT Levels. I probably would have believed in all that too if I had still been in. Now my life is mine, my money is mine and my time is mine.
If Miscavige wanted the planet to “get handled” he would have opened the door for Scientologists to get on OT7 FOR FREE. Instead he set up a toll booth with a revolving door that never let you off until you were broke. Nothing else needs to be said, just LOOK. Scientology: “we’d rather see you broke than more able”.
Correct Doug. Scn has been that way from day one. It was about amassing mega wealth for the “CEO” since its inception. DM is just better at not getting charged with crimes than El Con was.
Wow…Vitamins, Smoothies, and a new briefcase to boot, Count me “IN”, Therefore, I commit myself to the Sea Organization for the next Billion Years. Some of you actually did it. God Bless You for getting out, and discouraging/educating others from entering the process of ultimate and total degradation. The real work continues. Free the Sea Org, and abolish the RPF.
Probably the most indicative thing about Solo NOTs is the fact miscavige hasn’t done it.
In fact miscavige hasn’t been in session since 1997 I believe. And since he’s a failed CL4 auditor, thrown off the internship at Saint Hill for striking a PC, it stands as a pretty ugly testament that the religious leader of scientology will have nothing to do with the technology/faith/beliefs/whatever he peddles. What does an intelligent person do with that sort of information? Intelligence doesn’t seem applicable in the “let him die” world of miscavige though, stupid is a pre-requisite for all Flag services.
Image if the Pope never went to Mass, a priest never gave a sermon or a witch doctor never had a bone put through his nose. Pretty wishy washy I’d say.
Making the able more able indeed! RCS is funded by stupid people.
I Yawnalot , I don’t what it says. The founder of the cult of scientology tried to get a staff member to aid in his suicide while on that level. Considering that the entire thing is a scam I would say that it makes DM smarter than the average cult member… And, at least as evil as the founder.
The word ‘cult’ really works well with scientology doesn’t it, and yes dm is smart for a sociopathic liar, cheat and criminal. He must chuckle to himself ‘what suckers’ when people hand over millions to him – no matter how hard I try I just can’t image what that must feel like.
I Yawnalot, I suspect it feels good momentarily and then starts hurting. Probably why those types end up “self medicating” until they die.
That to me is really astonishing: one would think that the leader of the CoS for the past thirty years, a member all of his life, would have perfected himself in every aspect of the faith through long studies, acquiring certifications, and earning his way up a Class XII auditor Galactic-level. It’s just like expecting the Dalai Lama to know a lot about practicing and teaching Buddhism, something that seems like it would go without saying. Instead of which Miscavige is just the CEO of a real estate holding company, with a ship.
with several million members and only 7,000 on NOTs there must be a whole lotta dilettanting going on.
WINS, we don’t need no stinkin WINS!! Paraphrased from that great movie, ‘The Treasure of the Sierra $cienos’
The time periods quoted in the ‘sales brochure’ seem rather excessive to me, but as a never in, what do i know. Taking 3 or 4 months from work/life/family to pay 100 thousand or more for the privilege of becoming a Lron or Miscavage clone is past ridiculous, it is past ludicrous and into insanity.
If you consider this as a marketing maneuver, it really warns off more customers than it entices. Given the traveling salvation show that the FLAG sales team is putting on, more and more clams are going to either jump over the fence and escape, or sign up for free smoothies and discount vitamins and granola bars. All to keep your place in the flock of shepple.
DLHDM doesn’t care much about how many he drives away, the pyramid scam usually ignored dropouts, except at ‘recover’ time, when phone calls and visits were used to try to bring the escapee back to the flock. This gives the ‘sales force’ the time needed to work over those more willing to part with their hard earned cash.
The coupons and free brief case really hammer in the ’boutique’ experience of FLAG. You even get the ‘concierge’ treatment.
All of this is at expense of long term growth. By driving away anyone not willing to redo the OT levels for 3rd time, they cut out the time and expense of trying to service the unwilling, and rake in the danegeld from the willing. That is what Lroon was always about, raking in the money.
Well, before I left in the mid eighties the story was that ten thousand people through solo nots would clear the planet.
And that was also when more OT levels would be released.
People I knew who were on Solo Nots felt obligated to get through it for these reasons.
God what a relief to be out from under that “most important thing this lifetime” ideology.
How depressing was that?
Anyway, I wonder if this magic ten thousand number and accompanying rumours are still around.
Maybe someone with their ear to the ground knows?
In an article today, it mentioned some lady using a concoction of chlorine dioxide to cure autism. The article said it was invented by an ex-scientologist by the name of Jim Humble. Anyone know this guy? He started HIS own religion called Genesis II, or something like that. All medical practitioners have called it bunk. Even claiming it to be dangerous.
The lady doing this had to flee to Mexico however the ex-sio uses it in his “church” for cleansing. I think this group is another step child of scientology. .
What a surprise that some clam channeled Lron and set up their own scam. Cure Autism?? It takes a lot of balls to fix a genetic problem with any chemical, but clorine dioxide? It is used in water treatment facilities to kill bacteria and other bad things.
This quack calls it the ‘miracle mineral supplement’. Any scam will work on those who don’t check the facts. Beware of overdosing on hydrogen dioxide.
Yes, heard of this guy. He’s one of those numerous alt med practitioners who for some mysterious reason became obsessed with dosing people with bleach. Can’t remember if he’s the kind that promotes drinking it or having it as an enema.
But do note that both exist.
Kenist, I want to say he uses the enema way.
I wish someone would swap out that standard tech cool aide for some chlorine bleach next time Let Em Die asks for a stiff one!
I’ve read about this guy’s “product”, MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement), somebody was quietly trying to market it in my old hometown of Seattle…Humble claims it can cure not only autism but also cancer, HIV, malaria, H1N1 flu, the list goes on. It is 28% sodium chlorite, a toxic level similar to industrial bleach, it can cause life-threatening damage including kidney failure…but some people are still willing to take the chance, shows the desperation out there, especially when it comes to autism, sadly.
And most of those quacks position themselves against the eeee-vil money-hungry “medicos” and “big pharma,” while they charge outrageous sums for their own quack cures. Cash only in advance, of course. Slimeballs.
Gus : of course cash in advance. If I were selling concentrated bleach to someone who were intent on drinking it on my advice, I too would make sure to be paid in advance, and be far away when they finally drink it.
I despise quacks more than I do drug dealers. At least a good drug dealer tries to make sure their clients don’t do stupid things that will kill them. They have to if they want to go on having them as clients.
I don’t know him, but with a quick search I found that he has the cure for cancer (but nothing to cure Scientology Ha..) and “5 million customers” and thus making him into “the magical potion millionaire” –
“Jim Humble gives away his recipe for free, even if he has books and other things for sale.”
That sounds familiar? …. research was free so lets keep it that way….ha
It seems Jim was in Scientology for 25 years and apparently he learned a few things….(I can’t verify his training because website is down…. probably OSA dirty tricks department earning their pay)
Chlorine dioxide is good for cleaning stuff…. but what else can it be used for? Cure cancer?
MMS is quite popular in the CW SCN community. I have 3 bottles of it in my cabinet. I actually like it.
When the slaw of MMS was about to be banned in the U.S. The local SCNs bought up all the inventory that was available.
Of course with the new survival rundown finally being recovered by COB (Peace Be Upon Him), one can now do Solo 2, and OT 1 through 6 in 12 weeks flat. I mean OF COURSE! What other result would you expect?
It used to take 12 weeks to finish OT 3 alone just a couple years ago, but never mind that. Somehow the Survival Rundown has enabled pre-OTs to get rid of Body Thetans THAT MUCH FASTER!
Thank you COB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“…COB (Peace Be Upon Him)…”
Bwaaaaaaaaawa ha ha ha ha haaaaaa ha! OMG, I just sprayed my drink all over the keyboard. That is really funny. I do believe I’m going to use that, with full credit due you, of course 😀
I know, huh? Now that’s some funny shit!
er boasting to the speed of making a grade?
Clear to OT VI in a few months?
No wonder the Tech is so bad at Flag. I would love to get their OT III’s on a meter and check a list or two and find them “loaded”
The BS emanating from the church never ceases.
what about quickies?
Edy Lundeen was a total psycho 35 years ago. I see that she hasn’t changed…
She was a little indiscreet with P.C. folder data when she was a C/S. Her hubby was dir registration F.S.O., and anything that came up about money in a session, he was told same day. Once, this guy confessed he had scammed some drug dealers. Long but very interesting story. He had the money stashed. He figured out pretty fast the news had spread around the entire base, hours after his session. Courtesy of Edy. I guess she may have been getting “bird dog commissions”. That’s where you point to the money. Anyway, he left the base pronto with God knows how many registrars on his tale. In TERROR. He never went back, he could tell the whole base knew. And this was so old, it was like a former life for him when this happened. It had been YEARS. Something that happened when he was a kid. I was just a casual friend and I had known about it for years. It was a huge take, and it was not illegal. Nobody pressed charges. 🙂 That is just one story. There were MANY very interesting stories about where the very wealthy had obtained their money and how. I have noticed quite a few of the “whales” are people that had to confess shady issues with their wealth. And when they did, Edy was there to get all the details and pass them over to Jon Lundeen. Jon, I knew him, was actually a very straight up guy. Very forthcoming and honest, as much as he could be given he in was charge of supplying Miscavige with the funds to keep his private infra structure going. At the end of the day, Jon and Edy were good people that just got twisted by the torture and deprivation. Put in a sane environment, those two people could have done a lot of magical things for their fellow man.
Maybe, although I’d have to say that anyone who exploits “confidential” data from PC folders for personal gain deserves to rot in hell, or worse yet, whatever the SO does with them when they get to old and creaky to produce. That applies to an awful lot of regges and other SO, too. IMHO.
The regges die young and at their desk. Gretchen Shwartz, Morton Astruguard, Enid Byrnes. R.I.P.. Worked themselves to death to pay for David Miscavige to have two choices prepared by his chef at each meal.
Edy doesn’t have net. She probably doesn’t even know that the Scientology organization is competing with Internet counseling now (at 35.00 an hour, seven day free trial). Read some of these success stories compared to the ones at Flag, where the Sea Organization is praised as a sign of “success”.
“Free solo auditing briefcase – $100 value!”
How much will “Stay All The Way to New OT VII” cost, on average? $100K? $200K I’m thinking a $100 savings isn’t going to provide much financial relief.
Better name: Stay All The Way to Bankruptcy!
You can’t measure it in dollars, you need to measure it in ‘gallons of vaseline needed’
Ouch! That sounds painful, Coop!
Stay All The Way To Bankruptcy And Beyond…Then Join the Sea Org! It’s Your Only Hope!
I have self confidence and self determination and it only costs me belief in myself and good parenting and I didn’t have to go to FLAP meant to misspell, or spend dime one!
“Flap”! “The Flap Land Base”. Gorgeous. Now I can’t decide what I like better: “Flap” or “Flog”.
Or, just “Flap Base”. Laughter!
Thanks for the invite Edy, but I think I’ll wait until GAOT VI comes out. That way I can avoid paying for GAOT lll, IV and V.
Plus you’d have to hand in all of your Super Ultra Mark 9 E-meters and replace them with new models.
And just think of the $$$$ to be saved on sec checks and eligibility!
LOL, Oracle. I told a Flag terminal something like that. Said I was so glad I hadn’t done GAT, and would not do GAT II, and to catch me on possibly IV in about 30 years, when by that time, the training line-up would assuredly be “just the way LRH wanted it”. That snark was so appreciated by Flog.
Nice, Aqua, nice! Love your snark!
Yeah, we love snarky!
Interesting. Of all the recent examples given, only one American. And he was born into scn and didn’t have to pay for his services. Scn is DEAD in the United States. Even the Indie Cult groups in the US show less and less activity. Most of their websites show a flurry of activity starting around 2009 and then almost nothing in last couple of years.
I can understand that lost being dominated by non-Amrricans. It makes more sense for overseas people to bundle as much of it together as possible, that way it’s going to cost them less for international airfares etc. It’s easier and cheaper for Americans to zip back and forth than their overseas companions.
But I also do wonder if many of these non-Amrricans are simply unaware of the constant regging that goes on. The locals may be in the ‘once bitten, twice shy’ category.
If they’re from Western Europe and employed, chances are excellent that they have far more paid vacation time than Americans do, as well.
That’s not the reason Cat. (the flight costs are trivial compared to the overall cost) It is the same reason that new SO members are coming from oversees in MUCH larger numbers than from the USA. Scn is dead in this country. Same pattern.
Snake, I ran companies in Western EU. Employees get about one month (sometime in the Summer) and individual days (Christmas, bank holidays, etc.) scattered around the year. In a single block of time, about 2 weeks more than Americans…
Nearly right. The ones who stay and finish are the non-English speakers who keep saying to the IAS and other Regges “Me no speeky Eenglish” and get believed and so they are allowed to start and get on with their services. The English speakers get regged out of all their money before they can even start their services.
It is dead, John! The body may be twitching, but, all the major organs are shutting down. I can’t imagine how regular staff are dealing with this situation. And you’re right about oversee staff coming to FLOG. Many are Russians. And, of course, their passports will be taken from them for “safe keeping.”
I was shocked that a person from Sweden was on that list. My friends there say that Scn is deader there than in the US. I can believe that. OSD, yep the Russian’s are put in the scn gulag, lol. RolandRB, that’s funny but probably true!
You are so right John Locke.
In the US and places like Sweden, fresh, new meat that have money or an IQ or both are not coming into Scientology. The cult only has 2nd & 3rd generation Scientologists trying to please their parents and grandparents….or 2nd gens that are now disconnected and trying to please the cult. Poor bastards…And poor parents and grandparents..
I read one Flag communication a few months ago that said “strangely enough” most new staff and public were coming from Russia.
I am confident what this means is NOT the success of Russia, but it is saying there is a disappearance of $ and staff from US, Sweden, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Switzerland and so on. These countries were the main source for Scientology’s power and it has dropped to zero or near zero..
Ah, yes Robert. That makes sense. The “bread & butter” countries of the FSC offices are a changin’…
I have a friend who is planning to go to Flag for all of the bottom of the Bridge service re dos. He hasn’t been in an org for years. I’m looking forward to hear what he has to say about it. This is a person who has pulled his life together quite well after not being in an org for some time, both professionally and financially. As do most others who do the same, and I hope he’s able to keep it together.
When he comes back, let us know his experience.
Geeze Pepper, why not take him to the movies before he goes ………….clear!
She stated a wrong why. (Another?, yes, afraid so).
So, Eddy writes: ” to make it more affordable.” – Now someone has the belief that they are crashing on public arrivals due to being too expensive, which may or not be, but this is not the point.
The people is not only leaving, but also are staying away in droves due to the amount of alter-iss of the subject that somehow had some benefits many, many years ago; because the NO CARE for the individual, and because of the unbelievable betrayal of the leader in saying ” we are here to help”.
Or maybe they just get tired of having their certs cancelled, called blind, made wrong for everything they have done.
Naah Oracle, why would you think that 😉
Agree valerie, Oracle is definitely being too harsh and needs some sec checking! 🙂
Yes, Oracle, I agree. After a while, it gets boring. Let the poor sheeple be right about SOMETHING, for God’s sake.
Free snacks and breakfast? Sounds mighty tempting I have to admit, but given the eventual financial investment (setback) for the client, shouldn’t the church throw in a new car along with those granola bars?
I think I got banned from FLOG permanently in 1981 when I did my schtick in the Lemon Tree Restaurant. Now, don’t get me wrong, the pubic LOVED me as I had them in stitches. The staff, ummmmmm…not so much. Senses of humor are banned at FLOG. I will admit I did step over the line once or twice…Alright, alright! I not only stepped over the line continuously, I brought the place to a full boil! BUT, since I was public, they didn’t want to rock the boat. Remember everyone, “Speak softly & carry a big schtick,”
And I just decided, Flog, I want an ice-crusher too, or no deal.
I took a screenshot of this article starting with 1. The guy from misspelled Israel down to the free protein shakes, and asked someone who had never been associated with cos to read it and give me their opinion.
His first response was “multi-level marketing convention.” The second was “how do all these people get all this time on their hands?” The third was “whatever it is, sounds like a small group of people trying to hype people into thinking they’re something.”
When I said “it’s Scientology”. He said “pfffft no wonder everyone laughs at them. How stupid.”
FWIW, Mike, I think your goal of 2027 for 10000 on or through Solo NOTS is way optimistic unless they count redos like they do with clear because I doubt 3000 new people will get near there in the next 12 years. Now that I say that, I wonder how many of the existing 7000 are recounts….
I agree Valerie. In fact I’m going further out on the limb here but I say daveshit on them ever making 10,000 comps. That group of con artists is going down long before they even get close!
Yo Dave,
Can you spell GAME OVER? I think it’s time for you to pull an LRH and go into hiding so you can research and compile OT IX and X. Find an outhouse somewhere and compile away good buddy! Have Lou watch the door for you.
Mike, the list of OTVI comps for 2015…is that just for PAC or total for Flag? 21 is SFA for five months of production.
All ot vi or ot vii comps are at Flag.
No, I understand that, just wondered since its a PAC event, if they’ve filtered the list.
I’m guessing but I highly doubt if the list is filtered. I think it’s a grand total.
It’s pretty much stated that it’s the OTVI completions from WUS. The West Coast editions of Jeff’s Mintzmeat always list the WUS “successes” by name, and I presume the Crazy Cat Lady’s done the same in order to give a “hey, we know this person, and if they can do it…” vibe to the pimp sheet.
What? No set of steak knives?
Third prize is you’re RPF’d.
(Picking up the reference to “Glengarry Glen Ross”!)
With Jack Lemon, Al Pacino and one of the Baldwin boys. Great movie!
Classic. Top-notch cast. Including Kevin Spacey. Lemmon’s performance is pure genius.
Always thought all ex-staff members should watch it.
Holy crap! I forget about Kevin Spacey, statpush! He was the heavy. What a cast! And Lemon’s performance was pure genius. As a lifetime salesman, it was tough to watch at the end when he’s taken away for stealing leads and his daughter in the hospital…
Forget free steak knives, I was hoping for one of those handy-dandy little veggie choppers, free if I act now. Oh, well, looks like I’ll have to pass on this. Sorry, Flog.
Seems like it would be better to wait for Golden Age of Tech X, by then they will be able to take everyone to OTVII before we even arrive at Flag. OT by time travel.
For me, Flag has become Flog. Where you will be flogged for weeks on end, for every last nickel, and sent home like a whipped dog.
Seriously, who leaves their family, friends, jobs, lives for months at a time? There is nothing left in Co$ but victims and abusers. Hope you’re ready to run Miscavige, it won’t be long now.
We call Flag the Fraud Scam Base.
The Mecca of Technical Deception.
The friendliest criminal extortion ring in the World.
Get Flogged at the Fraudulent Mecca of Technical Extortion – Flag.
If they were forced to be truthful this is what their fliers would say. That place has to be getting more nightmarish by the day.
Wish I’d thought of that Idle! Brilliant post!
🙂 🙂 priceless. Thanks all for a great laugh! Flog is purrrfect NOLAgirl!
Happy to help Coop. Hope all is well with you and yours. 😉
I had heard a rumor that, preparing for their inevitable RPF assignment and then breathtaking escape from Pac, Edy and Jon Lundeen had put together a “Captain and Tenille” tribute act which they have already marketed to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada as the new lounge act there. Anyone know anything about this?
The success story of the woman from Panama gives a thanks to the Sea Org. I find this interesting because I recently had someone make a similar remark to me acknowledging “the Sea Org”. This is not something I have heard much in the past. It’s usually “the staff”.
I think there must be some PR campaign being run within the bubble in order to counteract all the revelations that have come out about the sea org and its atrocities.
I think you find that primarily at Sea Org orgs. At AOs, SHs and Flag it’s done quite routinely.
Great catch! Yes, this IS a change! IS there much staff left, though?
No – Staff are leaving. I am still connected with a few of them and the Staff are disillusioned and getting Wog jobs. Sick of being broke and no one coming in.
We are winning.
SP’s are suppressing Scientology.
Very well done!
Yesssssssssssssssssss! Thanks for the wins IM!!
Good catch, Frank. I think you’re right. Now they are being told to thank the SO in all success stories and graduation talks as a way to counter the bad publicity the SO has had recently. When RTC first came out, then we were ordered to thank the RTC in all success stories and graduation talks. In fact, before they would let you talk, they had to read your written out speech and approve it or not. And you had to thank RTC. Now it is you must thank SO.
This is so funny! Too bad the Nazi Party didn’t think of something like this back in the day. When the surviving holocaust victims were released from the death camps the Nazis could have stipulated that they “give a hand” to Adolph Hitler and Heinrich Himmler “for the tech”. I’m sure that would have gone a long way toward countering all the bad publicity!
I think you’re right Cindy. There is always a pattern in the success stories and graduation speeches. The pattern may concentrate on a certain entity, depending on what’s “going on” in the church.
I noticed the same thing when I went to the last IAS event. Every single IAS Freedom Medal winner thanked their FAMILY first before anyone else. Each one of them went on about how important their parents, then their spouses and children were to them. I had never seen this before, and it was a definite set pattern with all of them. I knew that this came about because of all the bad PR about forced disconnectiion.
Since when are parents routinely praised in IAS speeches by all medal winners? That was the first time I had seen that. Last I knew from being a parent in the CoS, was that I was basically a “kid blocker” for the Sea Org, or that I was engaging myself in “playing with dolls.”
Only breakfast at two places? Wait until Thursday at 1 pm when Edy’s more … amenable … then hit her with any food any time of day any place all you can eat … she’ll cave on that one, hey, she ain’t cookin’ it, is she? As for me, know how quick I’m doin’ all this stuff? In no time at all.
Laughter! And look at Edy, one of the Sea Org’s finest tech people alter ised into the town crier and a beggar.
David Miscavige is a twisted little warlock.
Yep, Edy has turned into the town crier and beggar and she violates KSW by boasting at the speed of delivery of auditing and tech. Back when I did my OT I – III at AOLA, if you finished III in less than 2 to 3 months you were suspected of quickying it. Now per their flyers, 10 to 12 services are done in 3 months’ time. Oh how the tech has changed. I was on OT VII in the church and amongst us, we talked about wanting to finish it or hating to go back for “Refreshers” that were anything but refreshing. Many talked about the feeling of relieve when they were finally on the plane coming home from a refresher. THAT was the win they were having on OT VII.
Per Mike’s figures they’ll have 10,000 on OT VII in 15 years. Let’s see, most of them are 60 or older now, so that makes them 75 when they hit their number. How many 75 year olds do you see being sessionable for 4 to 6 sessions a day? No worry, by then they’ll alter the tech again so that you can go in session without a metab, just to keep the stats up. Heck they Sec Check SO without metabs, so next will be public.
Once again, TO, I must take umbrage!!! Calling DAVID “LET HIM DIE” MISCAVIGE a twisted little warlock, an insult to all warlocks everywhere. Poor little creatures are probably really pissed off right now…
OSD, Laughter! True that!
Cindy, I was at the base as staff for approx six years, public there before that. Part of my job was to “handle OTVll’s” won’t go into detail. I was not a tech terminal. Never an ethics terminal. But I should not have been put on that post. I was only at “clear” on the grade chart and the public assumed I was an OTVll or an OTVlll. It felt fraudulent to me then. But as a Sea Org member you are expected to wear any hat. And that is what I was told to do.I would never retell any of the stories. But Honey, those people were some VERY UNHAPPY, and some, very dysfunctional, campers. Probably what made it easy for me walk away, not even caring what it would cost me in terms of “spiritual freedom”. I couldn’t believe it! A LOT of people blew off of OTVll, I would say two out ten while I was there. A lot of people blew after OT8, I would say five out ten. Left the Freewinds and vanished. Majority of blows at the base came after OT3. The length of time and money a person would have to spend at the base, it would burn them out on the group. They could see how bad the staff had it. They could see other students and p.c.’s that were not winning. They couldn’t “get out” until they were finished. The ones that came from Europe and out of the country. Several OT8’s blew after having to deal with Donnie Webster for the few short months he was C/O Ship. He literally manhandled the public and called them names. What looney! Last report on the internet about an elderly Class lV he threw furniture at. And his wife Lori, would torture them at the base. Once she wrote a K.R. on one for “out 2D flows” she “percieved” coming from the OT8’s space.
The truth is the Flag Land Base is a mean and brutal environment and most of the staff are in shock, numb, and suffering from PRESENT traumatic stress syndrome. You look in their faces and there is just nobody home. The public are pushed stroked and cajoled into arriving, then once they get there, they are shoved,prodded, told to wait, interrogated, berated and begged to death. I would love to see a statistic on how many people come to Flag and NEVER return after the first visit. That would really drop a bomb!
Great post, TO! It gives the rest of us an idea of what’s happening at the “Friendliest Place On Earth.” Being on staff was bad enough for me. I can’t even conceive of being in the SO. What a nightmare!
Of the 7,000 people who started OT 7 over the last 30 years, I wonder how many lost family and friends to disconnection. 50%? 75%? 95%? My guess is 95% or more. How many left in financial ruin? How many wouldn’t give you a dollar for all of LRH’s books? How many years on staff and how many dollars were gotten out of those 7,000 people? How many feel a responsibility to warn others?
Matt sez: “How many feel a responsibility to warn others?”
I’m going out on a limb here and declaring that is the only reason that this blog exists.
I think we are responsible to tell others and don’t understand those that don’t.
I’m all in Matt on your entire list! But the last one in spades until that cult is disappeared!
May the cult disappear like the morning fog when the rising sun hits it.
I’m one of those many you mention. I lost my family. I lost a shitload of money (spent more my last four years and the 2nd time on vii than my entire bridge I did from ’73 to ’91 (ot viii; perm class 6). It was such psychological torment, I was DONE.
The thing I noticed about people on ot vii is that all you hear from them is how they want to finish, how they’re going to audit their 4-6/day so they can finish fast. You don’t hear a lot of wins. Just how they want it to end. Why? Because the whole process is torment!
I remember years ago, I went to a “closed door briefing” with Clive Raby about all us slackers getting our asses onto OT7, before we became too old.
The whole pitch was that it was a weighty obligation, a heavy responsibility, and that if we delayed, we were letting down the entire 4th dynamic. Hell, the entire universe!
ONE sentence of his hour long talk was something like, “Yes, yes, you’ll have wins beyond your wildest imagination. But that’s not important.”
So I guess his “successful action” was to sell OT 7 as a dreary task to be done, so that people wouldn’t expect any of those nanny-pamby wins and shit. That’s for the raw meat new people.
The WIN is finishing it and never having to go back in and get sec checked, tailor-made sec checked some more, add’l FPRD just to drain some more hours (money) off of your account, get tons of extortionistic-style regging from IAS,etc., or if your bad enough, from your MAA.
IF the cherch’s true intentions were to save the planet, and IF OTVII was the lynchpin in bringing that about (and these are very, very big IFs); then OTVII should be the EASIEST level for a person to get on and stay on. It should also be the least expensive or even FREE.
Now, the truth is, auditing on OTVII is NOT saving the planet, the universe or anything else (except maybe Flag’s balance sheet).
It has been said that auditing on OTII is like digging a ditch, that said, OTVII must be like digging a freak’in canyon. Wins? What wins? Anyone else notice that the hype, the “daily miracles”, the “OT phenomena”, the “handle ANYTHING in life” PR that was prevalent in the 80s and 90s as all but disappeared?
Folks I knew on the level were trying their best just to stay on the level, and were counting down the days when it would all be over. Doesn’t sound like much fun, or even much benefit, certainly not for something that is expensive and time consuming.
McCarran, “and the 2nd time on vii than my entire bridge”
I wonder if you count 2x in the 7000 number if you’ve done it 2x. False stats are false. This is some of the questions those of us outside of the bubble wonder about when we see those numbers.
Reading these comments, OTVII sounds a lot like chemo. Expensive, torment, time consuming, you count the days til it’s over. Wow, sign me up. Or not.
” people wouldn’t expect any of those nanny-pamby wins and shit. That’s for the raw meat new people.”
It’s only the pussies that want to have wins. You would think that giving away all your money and family would do the trick but NO, YOU WANT SOME STINKIN WINS TOO!!! What a bunch of namby pamby pantiwaste dillitantes. You all deserve what you get!
I know I did! 🙂
Yo Dave,
Thanks for the wins man! Life is the greatest without your loser cult in it!
Hey John Doe! Does “Yes, yes, you’ll have wins beyond your wildest imagination” mean they suddenly wake the fuck up and leave the cult immediately?