On Thursday 26 March, a “Stay at Home” order went into effect in Pinellas County.
I have included the complete order at the end of this post.
The order does NOT have an exemption for “religious organizations.”
Among other things it says that people should stay AT HOME (including in the definition of “At Home” a dormitory, apartment, hotel or motel), remain at a distance of 6 feet from others and not congregate in groups of more than 10 people.
It also specifically states:
“All public and private gatherings of any number of people not meeting CDC guidance outside a family unit, single household or living unit are prohibited,… Any gathering involving groups of 10 or more may be told to disperse.”
Were they following these rules, the operation of the Flag Service Organization should be shut down. Just like many other businesses in the county, country and on earth.
All Sea Org members should be staying in their berthing. They should not be traveling in crowded buses to “work”. Course rooms should be dark. Communal dining should not be occurring (though clearly they could not be expected to feed hundreds of people in a different fashion with no notice).
If scientology were taking this seriously, all Sea Org members who have local family should have been sent home. Everyone else should be kept at the Sea Org berthing, NOT interacting with other Sea Org members or with scientologists from around the world who may be at Flag for services. Those people from out of town (and out of the country) should be staying in their hotel rooms and NOT congregating in course rooms, restaurants or “HGC waiting rooms”…
What are the chances this is happening?
Virtually zero.
Scientologists have been told by their Dear Leader David Miscavige that COVID-19 is a “distraction” and “planetary bullbait.” His pronouncement even hit the headlines:
While scientology is now trying to get some brownie points by putting out a booklet and video telling people to wash their hands and “practice social distancing”, like so much in the bubble of cult-think, it is simply for show. They truly believe if they are not “PTS” and fumigate their organizations with ozone at night, all will be well.
So, Aaron Smith-Levin went out and about for 15 minutes in Clearwater last evening (Friday March 27) and what a surprise.
Here is a bus unloading Sea Org member at the SP Building — business as usual. You can see them crowded together on the bus waiting to get off…
This is a still frame from the video.
Bus turning into Hacienda Gardens SO berthing…
And disembarking more SO Members at the Sherwood Gardens SO berthing…
I noted on Twitter the other day that this might be the time for people who have loved ones in the Sea Org to try to extricate them from the potential dangers of living communally in an organization that believes the virus is a “distraction” from the work they need to do.
I suspect there is little interest in attempting to enforce the order, especially when it comes to scientology. But they are clearly flagrantly violating the order, just as anyone familiar with scientology would expect. “Wog law” is for wogs…
Here is the full order for Pinellas County (all of the Flag buildings are in Pinellas County)
Ah, leave them alone. Maybe they’ll all die off in the same month and Clearwater can get back to normal.
The US now has the highest number of cases in the world:
Total Confirmed
Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty
143,025 US
97,689 Italy
82,152 China
80,110 Spain
62,435 Germany
40,723 France
38,309 Iran
19,784 United Kingdom
14,829 Switzerland
10,930 Netherlands
10,836 Belgium
contributing to the increase in cases should be considered a criminal offense with appropriate penalties.
They will never report THESE stats…how many have it…how many died from it…they will only report how many are ok after it’s all over Then crow about it and say see?…We didn’t fall for their “bullbat…and survived it just like I told you we would. Unless of course the little asthmatic gets struck by it. Boy would that every change things up???
This order from the Gov is not being enforced by LEOs as the order has no legal foundation in either State nor Fed constitution. The order was issued to show how serious the problem is in the HOPE that intelligent people will head it in the name of sanity.
WWRD? If Hub was alive he’d be self-isolating…in his bluebird, screaming at germs, barking orders at his staff, whilst auditing his
microbiomebody thetans.If you see a violation of the “Stay At Home” order in Pinellas County, the reporting number is 727-582-8477. Help stop the spread of COVID 19. All lives matter no matter what your belief systems are. This virus needs to be stopped. Everyone has to do their part in the stopping of this awful disease.
A Knowledge Report needs to be written to RTC about this. But they won’t care.
The $1000 fine for individuals and the $5000 fine for companies breaking the rules was enacted here just days ago. First individual fined was probably a Scientologist xD
Daftendorker Muckypoo is not a virus denier, he’s just terrified that sheepbots may wake up and leave the decaying corpse that is $camology and take HIS money with them if they have to stay at home. Horror of horrors, this could lead to brains starting to work and the possible realisation of waking up outside the strictly controlled and enforced bubble universe of the cult.
Visitors to Flag from New York an other coronavirus hot spots will first be quarantined 14 days.
Gov. DeSantis: Rapid tests, travel checkpoints now part of Florida’s fight against coronavirus
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
To help stop the spread of the virus in Florida, the governor also expanded his travel restrictions from hot zones in New York and Louisiana, saying there will be checkpoints for those who try to drive into the state too.
He says there is already a checkpoint along I-10 by the Panhandle, curbing traffic from New Orleans and redirecting anyone who may be infected with the virus. He said he plans on doing the same along I-95 for anyone driving in from New York.
These restrictions are on top of the flight mandates that travelers from those locations must be quarantined upon arrival in Florida.
“I don’t have the ability to shut down flights,” Gov. DeSantis said, explaining flights are under federal jurisdiction and beyond his power as governor. “I think its an issue when you have people leaving hot zones and coming to different parts of the country.”
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
‘Don’t come here’: Governor authorizes checkpoints at state lines to keep travelers from COVID-19 ‘epicenters’ out
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
TALLAHASSEE – Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday he is adding New Orleans and other areas of Louisiana to a list of COVID-19 hotspots, requiring travelers from the state to self-isolate if they come to Florida.
With New Orleans seeing large numbers of COVID-19 cases, travelers from Louisiana will be treated like people coming to Florida from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, DeSantis said.
To enforce the Louisiana restrictions, DeSantis said he would authorize the Florida Highway Patrol and local enforcement agencies to establish checkpoints at Florida entry areas along roads such as Interstate 10. DeSantis said the restrictions would not affect commercial drivers.
DeSantis on Monday issued an executive order requiring all travelers from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to self-isolate for 14 days when they get to Florida. DeSantis issued the order after President Donald Trump refused to limit domestic air travel.
On Friday, DeSantis said his executive order had the intended result of reducing travel between the greater New York City area and Florida, particularly Southeast Florida.
Still, people continue to visit the state after the order, and DeSantis said Friday that officials, working with the Florida National Guard, had screened more than 3,400 travelers from those areas, telling them they have to self-isolate.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Reporting them as a danger to public health should be a community effort. If enough complaint calls are lodged against Scientology for flagrantly violating a public health order, the city must take action. A little nudge from the press in the form of a scathing article , wouldn’t hurt either. Public officials often respond to a shame based push. Shame them often and loudly for failing to enforce their own ordinances for the good of the many . Once they find the majority is demanding action, it’s usually taken.
Queen B. I agree this should be done. Here in Italy they started to break the bans but got caught by the police. Ignw bulletin 88 is senior to common sense (to them). And is gonna bring them to make additional mess.
As I left the cult over 10 years ago I have rarely checked in here in the last few years but somehow just thought about all the people that travel to Flag for “services”.
KNOW this. The income is going to dry up and if they do not heed the percautions, this virus will spread.
My compassion goes out to all the poor souls caught in this trap. It took almost 5 years for me to fully understand the overwhelming brainwashing that I enthusiastically accepted. Thank God I am out! My prayeres to all. Please stay safe.
Another discrepancy in the “Tech”. Definitely there is a clear policy of seeing a Dr (via MLO lines) when sick and not allowed to go in training, auditing, etc . . . Except it’s almost NOT by fear of virus or bacterial contagion, it’s because of the potential of deranged actions of the PTS, but it also had become almost some mystical PTS contagion. This Medic policy, which makes sense to most of us, is then thrown a curve by the Asserted superior truth that “by the way between us boys and girls, of course the true cause of the person getting sick is Case, which is the ultimate solution we are engaged in to salvage this sector of the universe.” So at the time, I remember myself feeling like, well we’ll just “play the game” of the medicos, because we have to . . .
A separate point: This “play the game” did have a spiritually inspiring effect on me. And when I look at it I zero in on the underlying root cause that there are people that have a great ability to inspire people by their words, concepts, and attitude, REGARDLESS OF THEIR TRUTH! If one can turn on the innate power of human beings to create and imagine any thousands of superior states of being and feelings, the truth of those trigger words or concepts becomes almost as real and valuable as what has just been created. If only by association. We are many times the victim of our own imagination, just as much as we greatly benefit from it. Undeniably, for me, that is what LRH did. The height of inspired creation and elevation overwhelmed the burden and responsibility of really verifying the truth and reality of what was being said.
But then it becomes in sober fashion, how much elevation was created against how much detriment? It’s almost like we went through war and, yes, maybe some of one’s demons got put to shame but what is the value of flying high if it is to better see the left-over devastation.
Yikes! My lessons-learned is to always revel in inspiration and those that can create those moments, and keep the dreams alive, but, Jeez! Keep an eye out for confusing your dreams with reality.
Nice words well said.
I concluded PTS tech is simply scapegoating. Tech, when Hubbard uses the word, translates to “quackery”, I just replace “tech” with quackery everytime I think of Scientology technology, and especially Keeping Quackery Working writing, if you substitute quackery for tech, then you see how desperate Hubbard is to blame the followers, blame outsiders, for his quackery not working.
The Sarge and Wright interview, in the “Going Clear…” expanded Kindle edition, playable on Ipads and Iphones, shows Hubbard’s private admission of failure to Sarge near the end of his life. That’s to be expected, his won quackery won’t even work on himself.
But he wasn’t man enough to pull the plug on his movement’s marching orders that blame everyone and never blame Hubbard for his impossible false claims and for his quackery.
I highly recommend seeing the Sarge interview, plus also reading the final pages of “Going Clear…” they are the ultimate “Source” briefing.
Thanks Chuck Beatty. You mention “seeing” the Sarge interview. I remember only reading Marty Rathbun’s account in his book of his interview with Sarge. Is there an actual video of it?
Wrong knowledge that does not match reality is dangerous. “Smoking cigarettes does not cure cancer, all sickness comes from SPs, auditing cures leukemia, only LRH knows the truth, unwanted thoughts are alien body prisoners.
The list goes on almost indefinitely.
This may be a turning point. If they get this evil beast In their ranks it will devastate them. It will prove beyond a doubt that auditing does not do what’s promised.
Nothing like a slap in the face from Mother Nature to knock arrogant, ignorant humans off their self righteous pedestal of wrong knowledge.
She always has final say.
I said it in another post….how willing will the COS be when one of their members becomes seriously ill….what will happen to THEM? With NO insurance, where would they go for medical care, or does COS intend to house them like they did with Lisa McPherson?
They sure as Hell won’t admit someone show has moved up the BRIDGE to (nowhere) is SICK, maybe deathly ill as aren’t they SUPPOSED to have “Super Powers” to ward off all illnesses.
OMG I can’t imagine anyone who has family who are WILLINGLY staying in…or perhaps “confined to remain in” but no one will ever know it.
I hope Mark Bunker brings THIS to the table….Clear Water needs to know about it as does the world.
Sorry it should have read: Need the return of the EDIT button!
“They sure as Hell won’t admit someone somehow has moved up the Bridge…..to nowhere is SICK, maybe deathly ill as they ARE supposed have Super Powers.
Seattle Org closed their doors too. Probably wise since most of the staff are old and unhealthy. Of course this is a flap as stats are down.
Did Seattle really close, or did they only make it appear that way while still letting members in through the back door or whatever, like other orgs have reported as doing as recently as a day or two ago?
I went past the Class V Sydney org in Castlereagh Street this morning. The doors were shut, with a notice saying they are complying with government ordinances. The lights were on, but I couldn’t see anybody.
Whether by design or accident, the way the interior is designed, you can’t see more than about 2m inside, so I couldn’t verify if anyone was in there. I’m suspicious though, because I don’t trust them.
Hey David great leader of the spiritual group that will save the planet and this part of the galaxy from 3rd and 4th dynamic engrams.
Speaking of world hysteria and bullbait on covid 19. Unfortunately in Italy we are leading the way. ONLY TODAY, 889 deaths in Italy. TODAY. With these we are 10.023 official deceased in less than 2 months ONLY for the virus. Look at the stats.
NYC is likely to become the next Wuhan. Your Ignw bulshetin 88 is a colossal bullshit. And you know it! Other than hysteria. YOU and your bullshit must go into quarantine. FOREVER!
Since Trump is so big on making America First! he is mismanaging this virus crises so poorly that America is now First A) in positive tests, and B) soon to be First in deaths. aarrrrg.
Jim. I know. When certain people have an exaggerated ego, greater than the ability to be humble as it is necessary to foresee a possible scenario (which is already happening elsewhere), here you have a dangerous irresponsible idiot in front of you in all its splendor.
The blame game. It’s not helpful and it’s prevalent in scientology.
It’s a new reality and decisions must be made. After it’s over in hindsight some decisions will be seen as correct and others not. Take care of yourself and someone else if you can.
I thought DM has asthma so doesn’t that put him at very high risk should he be exposed to this virus? I wonder how he is getting along with no one to wait on him hand and foot. He wouldn’t risk attacking anyone right now so he must be just one bored little parasite right now.
One huge problem is that all staff, including Execs, do NOT watch news, TV, access to internet, have no cell phones thus can not even by accident see some news.
A similar thing happened during 9/11 tragedy, we were completely unaware of the Twin Towers in NYC ah, but of course the ecclesiastical sociopath …leader…wrote an RTC letter of Wake up Call or something like that, similar dramatization as he just did now.
The staff will follow the orders as have NO clue of the real situation being lived worldwide.
So much for saving the planet miscabage!
Even if there was one case within the org it would be hidden. Time for the police to enforce the 6 ft rule here
Luanne. That’s what I think will happen. If they have someone infected or suspected, they will be moved secretly elsewhere. Without letting the authorities know. Especially in the sea org.
I feel so bad for the sea org members who are berthed close together and going on those busses together and eating in the dining Room together.
It’s like Captain Mis-apprehend the situation, is doing an experiment to see just how bad it can be, when you don’t use social distancing.
There are a lot of older sea org members. And whether they’re older or not, when you’re always in a state of sleep deprivation and stress, and around other sick people, it could get really bad.
Here’s another thing about what the policies of the cult and David Miscavige are going to lead to. Any sea org member who becomes so ill that they have difficulty breathing, is either going to die in isolation or someone will call 911 and they will hit the over burdened medical a stablishment with no insurance.
How many times will this happen? Who’s going to go visit that person when they’re recovering, if indeed they recover.
What ethics actions will be taken on a sea Borg member when they recover?
If someone’s sea org child gets sick and hospitalized with Covid 19, will their parents even be notified?
If someone who’s been declared an SP and has been disconnected from their sea org child and their child dies of Covid, will they be notified?
If someone works with someone else in the sea org and that someone else disappears to the hospital and possibly dies, will they be alerted that their friend died? Or will they be told that they were fitness boarded out?
If a number of sea org members die to a point where it’s quite noticeable, is there any universe in which someone would admit that flouting the rules of Pinellas County was a bad idea?
If someone in government there knew that the cult was flouting the rules, do they have any ability to do something about it?
I didn’t know I had so many questions.
I have heard people being interviewed, saying it’s not that big of a deal. Including Governors. I’m horrified by that. But I’m really horrified that people who have been suckered into “helping” the cult, are being led by the cult, and are not seeing the news, and are not hearing Dr Fauci, and are being led to potential sickness or slaughter.
It’s massively disturbing.
Scientology IS massively disturbing! And has been forever!
Clearly not clear. Also UK prime Minister Johnson was saying that aas a dramatization and that they would have this sorted out. Sorry for him but he resulted positive as well prince Charles. These governors could step back in a few days.
While I would love to see this cult end, I would not want it to end in COVID-9 deaths. This really does endanger people- and the governor needs to take the “bull” by the horns and shut down flag if possible.
I seriously doubt if anything will change.
I agree with you, Kat, that I would not want to see it end up in deaths.
But it has already ended up in deaths from the same kind of bullshit you are reading here. A number of my friends on the Freeeinds are DEAD from the same kind of thing. I also am supposed to be DEAD from the refusal by the cult to follow normal medical procedures. I was told by the Chief Officer Freewinds to go to Disneyland while they waited for me to die.
They took repeated and sustained actions to ensure that I would end up in a grave.
I am still going to die from their actions. I and others only postponed my demise for a few years.
To lose a few more to stop the killing could be the greatest good.
I would be willing to step to the front of the line and be the 1st to die.
But don’t let us all die in vain because it would be impolite or difficult to stop the killing. The living and even the dead are counting on us.
Kat, I agree with your sentiments, but if ANYONE tries to order anything that singles out scientology or a scn entity like Flog, they’ll get hit by an anti-religion (first amendment violation) “BIGOT” lawsuit before the last pen signing the order is lifted, and it’ll be backed by more lawyers and money than they could possibly muster, particularly with key personnel getting sick.
BTW: Have they been closing courts of law and jails due to COVID-19? I think I saw something about some convicts being sent home, but nothing wholesale; could just be mi inattention as I sit here only approaching my dear lady, who can’t maintain 6-foot separation; our bed’s only 5-feet wide (queen-sized) 😉
AS IF we don’t always pass our seasonal colds back and forth throughout the “cold & flu season”. It’s part of the REASON we got married, durn it!
Exactly what I thought when I read this post. My blood runs cold when I think about what could end up happening here.
Stay well.
The worst thing is that in the sea org there is something called a ‘fitness board’ where sick or prone to problems or elderly people can be judged unsuitable and sent off with a good kick in the butt. Thanks for everything and good luck! See you next life! I have seen their faces. Really dramatic.
Loosing my religion: No, the worst thing that could happen is not being FBed out. I know, because that actually happened to me.
Had they not FBed me out I would have been dead anyway from no proper medical treatment.
If I had to stay there another year I would have probably self-terminated ( which I came close to doing anyway)as the only solution to the madness.
Better to be on your own but with even a slim chance than to be 8Ced into a grave.
Bill. That’s right. Even though they sometime keep the guy till doesn’t start to be a real situation. My point was mainly the fact that people that have been there for decades were FB out and had no real place to go. But in the years that problem was known already but nobody gave a damn.
I reported it to the Office of the Chief on myclearwater.com. Along with photos and a link to this article.
Wow! Good job!
Hopefully they get off their asses and do something about it. The CO$ has a lot of nerve to act as if this is some kind of joke.
I live across the street from the Hacienda compound and have been seeing those buses daily. Even this morning when I took a short walk a bus was leaving Hacienda full of sea org members.
I really think it’s only a matter of time before it spreads through FLAG.
Stay safe everyone!
Badafuco, you could take photos and videos regularly as evidence in case it is needed later.
Absolutely, I just posted this on Mike’s Facebook page….
“Hey Mike,
I just drove down Ft. Harrison from Sunset Point down to Court St. And all the Fronts as well as the SP building all have the yellow papers posted by Pinellas County on the doors.
The ONLY people I saw were the two guys always in front of the Ft. Harrison Hotel.
I think they have been ordered closed.”
I’m going down there tomorrow, I will take pics for sure.
Then Scn is exempt from “The Route to Happiness”? I guess that’s “for other people”, not for staff (same as using ARC). To the best of my recollection, isn’t there a precept “Don’t do anything illegal”?
Gorillavee. Laughing!! Loudly. True. But this tells you about the cult: PR PR lies lies.
Yes, there is a Flag Oder that commands one “know the law and follow it”. In my years in I witnessed many dangerous violations of it sadly with no discovery or prosecution.
THEY don’ need no stinkin Resolution from WOGdome!
Gorillavee, there may well be such strictures, but they apply ONLY to non-scientologists. scientologists are ABOVE such petty things, Don’cha know?
Meanwhile, the Flog “OT” crew are primed for a major epidemic because of their overcrowding, substandard hygiene and disdain for any “wog” rules. Society’s hard-won agreements aren’t nothing for the “tigers” the SO indoctrinates and trains its staff to be. The SO will gladly violate every rule and deny common sense in their single-minded efforts to implement “Command intention”, whatever it happens to be today.
Unbelievable. They really don’t give a damn. I’m sure if they have a suspect case among the staff, they won’t report it to the authorities, but will sneak it away somewhere else. Who wants to bet? Pinellas County Health Council: Please keep your eyes on them.
NO, they don’t give a damn for anything but keeping that nose to the grindstone(despite the blood pouring out) and getting those STATS UP.
Jere Lull.
Unfortunately I know very well that you are right.
Me too. I almost bled to death a couple times there.
And if there are cases that finally end up coming to the attention of authorities, such as if people end up hospitalized, if they’re true to form the infected will likely be coached to lie and claim they haven’t been anywhere near Scientology facilities.
This is may well be too big to not blow up on them, but I expect they will try their damndest to try to dodge the bullet.
Peace maker. Absolutely so. And DM will lie (he too has a disproportionate ego) to take credit, saying that the cult has gone through the pandemic unscathed. He will lie to his adepts once more.
I hope that Mark Bunker is on top of this. It’s may be a good opportunity to start out by demonstrating how Scientology actually operates in defiance of, if not even opposition to, civil and legal authority.
Agree. If Scientology can be cornered on Health Care Defiance, we have a strong case.
By “Mark Bunker [being] on top of this”, I hope you mean getting video footage properly compiled as evidence. As a single councilor, he’s got virtually NO power to DO anything else, particularly as there are scn goons already primed to oppose any move he makes. They’ve been blocking his actions for years. It’s a wonder he snuck around their flank to get elected despite their open opposition to his candidacy. FLUNK, OSA!
I agree. This is a real opportunity for Mark to bring this to the attention of government – what better reason to Revoke their Exempt status?
Here’s another thought. Rather than have the dormitory setting or even the several-sea-org members in the same room setting or 8-10 in an apartment, why not put them up in the empty Oak Cove or the Fort Harrison Hotel. They can each have their own room? I forgot, those rooms are for the thousands of public coming from around the world. Oh yea, and sea org members might see just how truly empty those “hotels” are.
Mark. Sea org members are there to clear earth and reorder sector 9. When they sign up a billion years contract they sale “their” thetan to DM. Shitty berthings, impossible hours, unnecessary jobs to do again and again, void ethics handlings where you end up believing to be cause of all bullshit and can’t get out, no own life anymore, etc. And ready to count sign (or else) DM crap as it would be gold.
What a great idea. Since they have no or little public there stayi8ng in the hotels, let the SO occupy the FH rooms, the Osceola rooms, the Oak Grove rooms. Between the three hotels it is more than enough rooms for each SO member to have their own private room. And let them sleep more than the few hours they’ve been sleeping. After all, there are no public to service, so they have time on their hands. And let them do an extension course from their room since they have time and never really get much study time or auditing.
But I also like the other idea posted here, to have families use this time of sickness and quarantine to go rescue your family member and take them home with you. l My guess is when it is time to go back, some won’t report back due to seeing what life on the outside is like and how nice it is to be well fed and rested for once.
Dear Cindy. Sounds great.
When I put in a CSW to go to my parents 50th anniversary, the Captain Freewinds threatened my wife and screamed at the top of his lungs “I don’t give a FUCK about family”.
But then, maybe you will have better luck convincing them than I did.
Cyndi, good point, this might be a ripe time for family to try to contact relatives in the Sea Org – and resort to asking authorities for welfare checks on them, if necessary. For better or worse the Sea Org might be happy to have family take over putting up aging members, as apparently happened recently in Australia where the offloaded about 10 old-timers.
Mary, I’ve long suspected they would turn the Oak Cove into a dormitory as part of a covert consolidation to keep their flagship properties appearing busy while abandoning the far-flung locations that hardy anyone is aware of, such as the current berthing in old condo units on the outskirts of Clearwater. That would also allow them to create a sort of “fortress Scientology” on their main campuses.
I’m sure they could find some way to spin the contraction as “expansion” – in Clearwater, for instance, they could claim that the condo units used for berthing were going to be turned into new and nicer “ideal” long-term guest accomodations. But the people who remain, members and staff and Sea Org, seem so blindered and blind, that I’m note sure they would even notice the contradiction.
In LA, they could set up new berthing on or adjacent to the ‘big blue’ campus and claim that as ‘expansion’ while abandoning far-flung and increasingly under-utilized low-profile properties.
p.s. The Oak Cove might provide isolation rooms for them to try to quarantine and hide sick Sea Org, too – yet another thing for Clearwater to watch out for.
In my mind, this is the last of the final straws for Scientology. This religion should be disbanded and declared an OCCULT tradition. No tax exempt status. Miscavige is a high school dropout educated by Hubbard the STUPID. I am staying home and complying with Hillsborough County codes which are much less stringent than Pinellas County, our neighbor. That Miscavige calls it BULLBAIT really gives one an insight into his deranged mind. Scientologists do not even call it an Occult Virus. At least this would give a clue that they partially understand it.
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
I count that as a second and a third and a fourth in support of this accursed misery.
Our planet has enough filth, misery, criminal conduct and predation to need the Dwarfen Lunatic and all the Liddle Lunatics who follow him around with their brains disconnect while their mouths are in gear.
It is past time to take these turds and find a giant asshole they can all share.
Skyler. That’s poetry indeed!
Buona sera LMR. I am always happy to hear from you.
Hi Skyler
The Dwarfenfuehrer SS does not care if the whole congregation dies.
“If they die, they die”.
What he does care about is getting every nickel out of them he can before they die.
Oh, shit, I just thought of a new one: They will have a new system of statuses where they can take so much from your bank account each week after you die.
They have probably left every cent to Scientology, so miscavige likely doesn’t care how many are sacrificed.
I seem to recall a PL or FO by LRH that says when you allow someone to receive something for nothing you are factually encouraging crime.
So is it any wonder that the cult is criminal.
NOthing left to leave to Scn because DM fleeced them all while they lived. So no reason to keep any SO members alive as he already got his pound of flesh and money from them.
But people are now being charged with terrorism crimes if they walk into a food store and like the produce or scare or threaten people with similar crazy conduct.
Why can’t we get a good lawyer who is familiar with Criminal Law to bring similar charges against the Miscreant? I would be proud to contribute $100 US to Mike if he would agree to look into this and accept the funds to start such an action.
Very proud. IMO, it would be the best thing I have ever done.
I’m not sure how it works in the US. But in many English speaking countries, a private individual can try to bring a criminal action against another private individual if they have evidence that person committed a crime. To the best of my knowledge, that kind if thing is almost never done by a private person. Instead they hire a criminal lawyer to file the charge and make the motions.
I think that by telling people to “never mind” the warnings about the virus, it would be possible to have Capt. Miniscule to be charged with a very serious crime. I would love to contribute some money to Mike if he could somehow launch this action. Or at least arrange to have in launched. Mr. Aaron Levin Smith could be an excellent choice to be the one to give evidence and have this kind of project started.
Wouldn’t it be fabulous if the members of this blog could be the ones who would start this action?
Sorry. I meant “lick” the produce.
“They will have a new system of statuses where they can take so much from your bank account each week after you die.”
More likely, statuses based upon how large your estate’s final bequest is to the organization. Willing everything to a “church” has been SOP for millennia. and is one reason the catholic church got so rich and powerful.