And they are coming in force, because Flag is empty.
I guess they don’t have anyone to keep them busy AT Flag, so they are sending TWENTY TWO people to LA to be the “Flag World Tour.”
Twenty two people in addition to the 20 or so that are in the FSC WUS Office.
Here is a recent message that was sent out.
With the release of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, there has never been a better time
to come in and get moving on your route to Clear and OT.
As it is my intention to see that you make it all the way, and to help you get there, the
Model Ideal Org of Los Angeles is teaming up with the Flag World Tour on the 23rd of May.
This is going to be a fantastic event where you will hear the latest news from Flag including
a brand new video presentation as well as from those that are experiencing a
Whole New World with Super Power and Cause Resurgence.
This will be the largest Flag World Tour in history, with a 22 Man Tech Team, including
Mr. Clive Rabey from the Flag AO, Hank Bourland, Class XII Auditor, Super Power Auditors
for all case levels, Cause Resurgence Tech Consultants and many more!
Therefore, I want to ensure that you are going to be there with all your friends and family.
The event is 23 May at the Pasadena Convention Center. The doors open at 6:30pm and
the event will start at 7:00pm. If you have any further questions you can call the
FSC WUS Office at (323) 953-3230!
I look forward to your response and seeing you at the upcoming Flag World Tour!
Heather Wolfe
ED Los Angeles Org
And for proof, here is a very recent photo of the lobby of the SP Building.
This is the “coffee bar” right in the lobby. You can see 5 of the “2000 plus on service at any given time(tm)” but otherwise the place looks like one of those North Korean “luxury” hotels.
You can see one of Miscavige’s follies in the background. A series of sculptures that were YEARS in the design and making so they would be “perfect” to illustrate “fundamental concepts of scientology” to the “raw public” who would be streaming through the lobby desperate to find out about scientology. The pitch at the time was that this would be needed because of the unprecedented, monumental, milestone “demand for scientology” that the “massive dissemination campaigns,” “ideal orgs” and Tom Cruise were generating everywhere.
As a result, Miscavige decreed that virtually the ENTIRE ground floor of this building is a RAW PUBLIC Div 6 area. With all the FART Div 6 videos that the ideal orgs have, plus a lot more. It is NOT designed for “Flag public.” But somewhere between planning, execution and opening, David “Let Him Die” Miscavige changed his mind and now nobody who is not “cleared by OSA and RTC” can even enter the building. Let alone “raw public.”
But honestly, for anyone who has visited downtown Clearwater, this is the last place you would want to visit. Every window is covered, you cannot see anything inside. Those windows are 40 feet tall, designed to stream light into the lobby and let everyone SEE the “inviting” displays and become curious and walk in. You can see them on the left of the shot above. From floor to ceiling. Same with every window of every scientology building in the desolate ghosttown that is downtown Clearwater. It’s about as inviting as one of those Maximum Security Federal penitentiaries.
The scientology bubble becomes more and more airtight and opaque as it diminishes in size. Those inside looking out are seeing little, and what they do see is becoming more and more distorted. Those on the outside looking at the bubble see it shrinking and becoming more solid as each day passes.
This email just went out. It gives further details on the battalion of underutilized people they have sent to LA:
Hi Xxxxxx,
We have you as confirmed for the upcoming Flag World Tour Event in Los Angeles. As our guest, I wanted to make sure you have some additional details so you know what Flag has in-store for you!
First of all, the entire event has been created by Flag for you. You will be enlightened on a whole new world at Flag, and also have an opportunity for an interview and consultation with the highest-trained Sea Org members on the planet, an ideal scene for your launch-pad up the Bridge to Total Freedom.
For instance, coming in to Los Angeles for this Flag World Tour will be the largest Flag Technical Team in history, including:
- Class XII C/S, Laurel Macaire
- Class XII, Hank Bourland
- Class XII, Krizstina Gere
- AO D of P, Emilio Turquie
- AO Qual Consultant, Myron Rapp
- AO Solo Supe, Pier Till
- Dir I&R FSO, Kurt Atkinson-Baker
- Super Power D of P, Giovanni Peritore
- Super Power Auditor, Andres Guiteres
- Super Power Auditor, Nancy Vasquez
- Case Cracking Auditor, Marc Jesson
- Survival Rundown Supe, Dylan Madigan
- Cause Resurgence Specialists, Jett Elminger & Darren Kuzma
Also for the first time in history, the President FSO herself is flying to Los Angeles to be our Master of Ceremonies.
The best of the planet is coming to LA!
All you need to do now is:
- Make sure you arrive no later than 6:30PM so we can get you signed in and find you a good seat by the time it starts
- Hear from several top Flag speakers
- Find out about Super Power, Cause Resurgence and the powerful effects of addressing the thetan directly with Flag-only Rundowns
- See new videos for the Flag Building delivery spaces
- Hear the wins of those experiencing the miracle results of Flag services
- See one of the many top Technical Consultants from our Orgs and Flag who will be on-hand after the event for anything you need
- And last, but not least, leave the event revitalized and firmly on your path to full OT!
Also, by all means, bring someone with you!
This is a perfect opportunity to set your goals for the top of the Bridge.
If there are others you would like to share this one-of-a-kind Flag experience with, they are invited too!
Tashania Faust
Event Director
Church of Scientology
Western Untied States
“But honestly, for anyone who has visited downtown Clearwater, this is the last place you would want to visit. Every window is covered, you cannot see anything inside.”
It cannot be stressed enough just how sinister, over-bearing and creepy this building is to the observer and all largely down to the fact that you can’t see inside. The security personnel add to this unsettling sense of unease. And that is their mecca.
When I was a WC at flag in 86 I was stunned to see food rotting in the halls because there was nobody to handle it and the refrigerator was broken down.
One poor bastard had to do all the cooking and food prep night and day and a few people apparently doing conditions were occasional working in the scullery (pot and pans). Looked like slavery to me.
The food was marginal because of bad management or policy.
Disney on the other hand contracted Marriott to run their cafeteria like a fine tuned machine and the food and service was always excellent.
Maybe that was because it was cost effective in the long run, but noooo, SCN has to do it all because they know best. They take potential tech delivery people and put them in their hotels laboring for the rest of their useful lives. God told me to “git the fuck on out” and I left soon thereafter.
I’m positive the young woman in the SP picture getting coffee is my daughter. What a waste of her life.
Mike: the backstory on those SP sculptures sounds fascinating; please consider a full post about it someday.
Goodo, Mike. Though perhaps a more appropriate title could be “Flag-ging world tour is ejaculating!”
Since on any given day, we never really know what it takes to satisfy The Leadah’s perverted urges / purges / scourges! — Now do we?? LOL 🙂
Omg,lord help these ppl please!! Running around a pole specialist? Running around a pole they actually believe this is tech,dude we ran around the football field 3 times every day for 3 months in high school gym,guess the oval shape wasn’t giving enough resurgence. Helloooo any body there?!?!!!?!?
The more I read, the more struck I am by the similarities between Miscavige and North Korea’s dear leader Kim Jong Un, both paranoid control freaks maintaining that control by limiting access to outside information…and Clearwater really is like Pyongyang, full of elaborate (but empty) buildings that exist only as monuments to their massive egos…increasingly isolated leaders too, since the members of their inner circles keep “disappearing”!!!
The similarity between Kim Jong Un and David Miscavige is very scary.
Some experts predict tat North Korea’s Dear Leader will be gone within 3 years.
The Pasadena Convention Center sounds like a big place to fill. It might be more size appropriate if the event were held at a Holiday Inn banquet hall. My impression of the bubble world is that no scientologist who can get out of it is going to attend the largest Flag world tour in history.
I think a Motel 6 Banquet Hall would be more like it.
NEW GAME! Guess the date and time that the owner of Scientology finally pulls up stakes in Clearwater and consolidates his shrinking shit show inside a decrepit old hospital building with a butt-ugly paint job in Los Angeles.
Yeah I always wondered about that weird colour of the building. Can anyone shed light?
I think it has to do with Scotland
,I’m a Scott and we use blue in everything! Its the flag,Saint Andrews Cross,its blue and white. I think the blue is a tribute to Scotland
JL, several people may jump in here to answer your question, but I was with the church renovations org for nearly a decade, and know a bit about that.
When the church first bought the old Cedars complex in 1975, the exterior was pretty rundown and badly needed painting. If I recall correctly, it was a drab, off-white-tan color, then.
Anywho, the story goes, that the poor sap who was put in charge of procuring the paint to do the job, wasn’t given enough funds to get the job done right (very typical in my experience), so he was forced to search high and low for a gargantuan quantity of paint that he could get at a bargain basement price.
As it turns out, he finally did succeed in finding such a batch of paint. It was a large order that had been rejected by a company who’d ordered it – possibly (and as the old rumor goes), because of the silly color shade.
But, the price was right.
The Pac Base buildings are now a darker shade of blue than they were after the church first painted them. Then, it was a light baby blue color.
Hope that helps.
Ronnie. The real answer is that LRH selected the color based on the “color depth” chart which shows which colors “pop” on lighter dark backgrounds. He selected the color so everyone would see this building before any other in their field of vision – it would “pop.”
Ronnie Bell probably has the right explanation of the ridiculous blue paint used on the Cedars building. I was public at the time and the explanation to us was that the colors of the exterior and interior were designed according to studies on how people react to different colors and that blue supposedly makes people feel drawn to enter the building. The hallways were painted a different color, designed to make people move quickly. That’s all I remember about the explanation. I thought the blue was stupid.
“Hear the wins of those experiencing the miracle results of Flag services.”
Someone needs to re-do word clearing 101. This sentence right here says Miracle.
Well….according to the dictionary a miracle is – a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. “the miracle of rising from the grave”
So if a “miracle” occurred it’s not by the result of Flag Services it’s a miracle. If it’s a miracle it’s something that can’t be explained or attributed to scientific laws etc., therefore not a result of CoS programs.
So if indeed these miracles actually DO occur…by definition they are not attributable to any scientific study, technology or process created or developed by Scientology. Pretty cruddy PR to say that if there are results, it’s a miracle. You see what I am getting at? You can’t have a miracle if it’s scientifically, technology proven or tested to work blah blah blah, by literal definition. Plus, isn’t part of the study tech or student hat or whatever course…is to make sure you fully understand the word, concept etc., when using it?
I take this line to mean if there are wins from this service it is a miracle and not attributable to CoS.
They probably meant it another way I’m not blind to the intent to grab attention with magical wording, but I would suggest researching the word further to better explain what they really were trying to say. Someone could argue CoS themselves did not invent any process to gain X (miracle) result. That is was merely a miracle and therefore the payer should receive the donation for the service back since the CoS calls it a miracle in its marketing or notification method push, and therefore it’s not attributable to any process CoS provided.
Just throwing out my take on it. Poorly worded. I believe CoB even used an example on the Ted Koppel interview that Mary scientifically couldn’t have been a virgin when explaining a matter of faith versus lets say technology (not exact quote). In that vein, attributing a result of a service of the organization which it claims or implies is a technology can’t be a miracle by strict definition.
I understand this is minor taters, but to a literal point my opinion may be accurate. Suggestion…substitute miracle for amazing. It’s a better representation of what you’re trying to accurately COMMUNICATE. (Rolls eyes)
Not sure if I’m the only one this thought occurred to, but it seems possible the windows to the building(s) are covered so those still IN won’t see how empty the building(s) are when they pass. The relative vacancy of these “orgs” have got to be a dirty little secret in DM’s mind … although I’d bet money most “ins” KNOW the buildings are empty. I’d love to hear their explanations for that …
“…shrinking and becoming more solid as each day passes.” Isn’t that how black hole’s work?
Yep! That’s exactly how ‘black holes’ work, Scott. So powerful, that light itself can’t escape the pull.
Hmmmmm. Sounds like a cult I used to know…
Apparently there is no one left who is “at cause over life, thought, form, matter, energy, space and time”.
The Flag Land Base, Flag Service Org in particular (FSO) is a main financial support for INT (Gold) Base, for OSA INT budget for those PIs, Religious *Scholars* who were traditionally paid off to say good things about the religiousity and so on.
One can only speculate on how much is paid to Lawyers globally in one year, and how much FSO is depended upon.
The “Untied States?” Where are they Tashania?
“Also for the first time in history, the President FSO herself is flying to Los Angeles to be our Master of Ceremonies. ”
True! Last time is was the Prime Minister FSO Itself that came…
This is the FIRST time in history, and she is SO important, yet they don’t even put her name in there.
Where is “President FSO” on the org board, and what has it got to do with a reg cycle?
Hey, (off topic), I bought it up along time ago, when Miscavige rewrote all of Hubbard’s books, the question of WHO was now getting paid royalties as “author”.
Turns out it is Norman Starky and “C.S.I” (David’s company).
I noticed they’ve included the Dir I & R FSO…they really know how to throw a party.
Could Tashania have a more appropriate last name?
:of, relating to, resembling, or suggesting Faust; especially :made or done for present gain without regard for future cost or consequences
The difference is that Goethe’s Mephistopheles was a pretty cool guy. And tall.
Haha, “Flag World Tour”. Being haunted by some mindfucking idiots determined to take large sums of money from you and telling inventive lies to make you travel to Florida where they are going to take even larger sums of money is the best this planet has to offer? Now, if that were true there would be really no reason to save this planet.
Fortunately for the planet and the rest of us almost all other things are better than being haunted by these leeches.
Gerhard; Pretty pathetic. I wonder how many of them will defecr if and when they realise they have been conned and the whole thing is falling apart.
Coffee bar? Isn’t caffeine a dangerous mind-altering drug?
No, but Scientology is.
Nicotine is a dangerous, mind-altering drug too, but since L. Fraud Flunk-Out smoked like a chimney, it’s fine.
Thinking about it, the SP Building may be the only place in Florida where you can smoke indoors.
Actually, Espiando, nicotine is a poison. A poison with narcotic properties if imbibed, but that is its classification, like arsenic. It is still used in insecticides sprayed over large farm areas. If you have a small garden you can put cigarette butts around your plants and the bugs will stay away.
“You will be enlightened on a whole new world at Flag, and also have an opportunity for an interview and consultation with the highest-trained Sea Org members on the planet,..”
Well who knew Karen De La Carriere was going to be there?
Hi The Oracle, Perfect post! Thank you.Love Always Ann B.
I agree, why not send those Flag people, there are so few public anywhere to service.
So many revealing comments from ex-members. I agree with you all. As someone who isn’t an ex-member, I agree that the buildings have a sterile feel. I wouldn’t feel comfortable in a place that seems like a “museum”, the largeness is off-putting, the all-white decor feels institutional, and is not a good choice for large volumes of traffic.(Which it was apparently intended for, despite the fact that it didn’t happen). Maybe a beige-brown print carpet, cream color walls with patches of color… who designed all this? It would have helped to take advice from an expert in the field. I also agree with the person who said the statues are creepy.
I’ve read comments from ex-members who say the best auditing days were when they were in older buildings, with wooden desks, rundown spaces, etc., but so many people were there, all with the same interest, that it had a fun, exciting feel. It wasn’t the buildings that brought people in, it was the personal contact. It looks like that’s been done away with.
It’s probably for the best that the Church is being mis-managed though, seeing all the abuses that have occurred. I truly believe Miscavige cares only about the money, and enriching himself financially. I don’t think he has ever been really passionate about the religion/movement itself.
I’d love to hear others opinions on this… still trying to gain a better understanding of it all. Would also like to know if there is a fund or other means of donating to help ex-members re-assimilate once they’ve left the group. Thanks, T.J.
Coffee shop is cramped, gaudy, empty, dark and uninviting.
But I bet it is toothbrushed clean.
Yep! And probably done by RPFers…in the middle of the night.
Update — list of Flag World Tour peeps added to post
Well I think putting myself in their shoes if I was holed up at Flag 365 days a year I’d be volunteering for the Tour – even if was just across country, just for a change of scenery. I was always looking for excuses to get away when I was working at St Hill, even if it was just to Manchester! Thinking back now, one of my first ever actions in the Sea Org was a mission to HAPI (Edinburgh). I didn’t know what I was doing or why – I’d only done a few Div 6 courses and was 19 years old. I blew the mission but returned to FOLO UK (near Rottingdean in Sussex at the time). Funny, it didn’t occur to me as an option to blow altogether and go home admitting I’d made a terrible mistake…
You made it out, that’s what counts.
It’s never too late
The Super Power Building has become the Super Max Building. Yes, that is perfect COB command intention carried out to perfection. And that truly IS his intention. He is making damn sure that when he is through with Scientology, Scientology will be through, period.
“theModel Ideal Org of Los Angeles is teaming up with the Flag World Tour on the 23rd of May.”
This looks to me like, not only do you get the 24 hungry Flag staff but the underutilized 200 SO members at the LA Model Morgue! Wow! That means that you could possibly be double teamed if you are one of the 100 fools pressured into going. Sounds like a swell time.
I think it is referred to on the streets of Hollywood as a gang rape. Always fun! Dave could even get is a few of His cs activities.
Same ol’ same ol’. Same ol’ shit same ol’ promises. The hampster wheel continues. So glad I got off.
Maybe they should pay people to come to events, the way they pay ballplayers to play for the Dodgers.
I wonder how much a cup of coffee costs at the world’s most expensive cafe? I wonder if even David “I Fair Gamed My Daddy” Miscavige could afford it?
I noticed, too, that cult buildings in L.A. have all the windows covered. Are they that frightened of the Wog world? Or, do they not want their members to see happy people leading productive lives that are not part of their cult? Just wondering…
The Flag Bait and switch team is coming to L.A.
More work for David Miscavige saving the Planet by himself
more public discovering there is no there,there.
Your description of the un-inviting, insular atmosphere at Clearwater’s Flag Bldg is stunning, but so emblematic of the withdrawal psyche that has its grip on CO$ and its Lilliputian Pope D-LHD-M
yeah, 22 “people” for perhapsno less than 22 millions… (BTs??)
Off on a tangent… Mike, is it fair to assume that anyone on this ‘flog world tour’ is some relatively senior person, but still sec-checked to a fair thee well prior to being sent off on this boondoggle? Also, how are they moving around? Do they get airplane tickets? If so, what are they using for government issued ID? Driver licenses,? Do they get their passports back?
Further tangent… When they drafted the 200 slaves to relocate from Flag to LA, how do you suppose they were chosen? Was this a grand opportunity for flag to offload the bottom 10%, or did someone come in and skim the cream? And again, 200 plane tickets, or a 55 hour ride on those blue buses?
Every time a bus arrives at the SP Building to pick up and drop off staff, there is a small team of security guards positioned to over see the action. The door to the building and the bus are just 30 feet apart. All this in the middle of a sleepy little town. They act like they are in a war zone. The Sea Org is in hiding from the top down. At the same time they think are “cause” and “saving the planet”. Trophies and certs for everyone!!!! Hip, hip, hurrayyyyy!!!!
Maybe the security that is there to ensure the SO go from the bus to inside the building, 30 feet, is not there for outside problems, but to ensure no SO take the opportunity to blow. Maybe it is keeping the staff from leaving.
I think they should use chain and anklets and reduce the number of guards. Could even come up with a new uniform with some stripes on it!
Good one, Coop! And as for color, they say Orange is the new Black!
The guards prevent anyone from entertaining the idea of high tailing it out of there or slipping away unnoticed. The life has sure been sucked out of that place. It’s becoming more like Int Headquarters everyday, a far cry from days of old where fun could be had if one was so inclined and not too defeated.
This is such a brilliant opportunity for a TV camera crew. Turn the OSA procedures on them and make it an ostentatious camera crew so the victims of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology will have to react the only way they know how. (It goes without saying that everyone in the crew needs to be on danger money and aware that Damnation Navy victims have had their common sense removed…..)
You can be sure that the lawyers will be parading the minor Damnation Navy victims around and claiming that the camera crew is a pedophile group, or something equally “on purpose.”
So typical of Scientology town in Clearwater. “The friendliest place in the world” is the funniest statement and the most ridiculous. If you are a Scientologist visiting Flag for the first time, like I was in 2005, and you are happy to be there and have high expectations only to be met with security guards ever circling and robotic stiff serious staff members who look haunted, understandably you will wonder why you ever went. That SP building doesn’t look like a place ANYONE would want to go to. Reminds me how icky my experience was there. Thanks for the reminder Mike. 20 staff members on tour. Wow. No surprise.
Hi Doug, I agree with your take on “The friendliest place in the world” is the funniest statement and the most ridiculous.” I found that out to be true in 2011 when I went back for a year, since only a brief visit in ’84, and hoped to find some old friends from Miami or make new ones. I couldn’t believe the attitudes, heavy control and all the security. Of course I hadn’t been on the internet, but was finally led to it from Debbie Cook’s letter in the press. I had experienced and saw how it really was, as she explained much, and then not felt alone, got brave enough to look for answers, finding them and leaving. I don’t mind whatsoever of not seeing the inside of this huge cold building. I’m just happy to have no further part of the whole conglomeration.
Whoever gave you the pics inside the SP Building did a good thing. It creeped me out. Is it just me or do the life size statues of people on the right side going up the side of the building look creepy? And the whole place is empty except for 4 public. One of the public in the foreground, the man on the left, is SO staff. You can tell by his uniform and by the fact that he is dusting or cleaning there. So that leaves only 4 public in the entire building that was built so big to house all the tens of thousands of Scns that will be flooding the place. NOT. And the cold, white chrome décor is so cold and sterile it reminds me of an implant station. Maybe it is one. I have had my suspicions about the spinning machine and the sensory machine being an implant station for a long time. Good job Mike and correspondent.
“Therefore, I want to ensure that you are going to be there with all your friends and family.”
I find it amusing that the violently insane crooks think that their customers still have any friends.
More cult language redefinition: “all” As in all your friends and family, but most definitely not the ones you’ve been disconnected from. (I use the passive voice by intent.)
Regarding the windows, yes it was the first thing I noticed when looking at the pictures. They are all closed into this sort of prison. I remember hearing that it would be open to the public and now it’s more proof how they have dwindled in numbers and become more secretive and paranoid.
The SP building does look like a mega mall Brookstone. But without the massage chairs and neat electronic gadgets. The papered over windows are a mark of how cut off from the real world the clampire has become.
So, 22 high powered GAT 2 certified clams can now tour the country and drum up business. Apparently there isn’t enough business to keep them busy in Florida, so now they get to steal ‘customers’ from the mOrgs? Each level of the pyramid scam has been reduced to stealing from each other.
There are some things Amway won’t do {maybe}, what happens when the current Sea bOrg and staff can’t be paid by the diminished customer base? Well, we saw that when the bOrg took over LA operations and the plain old staff were laid off. What happens when the bOrg are too expensive?
I think the bOrg are already too expensive…….probably why they are being sent around the country to shake their tins for moare moooooonnnnneeeeeyyyyyy…….!
ps: not sure why my login isn’t working anymore – keep having to enter details and then comment goes to moderation before appearing = any ideas anyone?
Yes deElizabethan sure looks like a prison or underground bunker to me too. I hope the kool aid imibers will notice and get the message to split while they still have a couple of bills in their wallets.
Jon Attack wrote some good points in Tony Ortega blog .. he went someway down to the concept why you accept orders .. very interestingly ..
What orders? It is the basic of objectives and the now given SRD .. basically it is okay, because you can run out orders with which you do not agree in present time .. it works in this way .. if you are able .. if not you will stay with more orders ..
When I did my objectives, I asked me for what I am doing that? My idea was then, that I schould handle refused orders which I could not handle .. so the bottle and book process did wake me up .. it became clear to me that I agreed without agreement .. and I erased that .. altough not the purpuse of this rundowns .. but it did work ..
After that the church was always in trouble with me .. but my win was not to agree when I do not agree .. eventually unexpected win .. but I thought at this time that we wanted to handle my misbehaviour about life and existence .. and I found then myself that I should never agree when I really disagree .. never .. forever ..
You may know it or not, but I looked it down for eternity .. if you are stopped you must agree .. and this is what I got out of Jon Attack writing .. you must find another start ..
Maybe strange comment, but maybe not without sense ..
Here is a great question to ask the next (still in cult of Scientology) Oat Tea 7 or 8 who laments the “destruction of Ron’s cherch”:
“Why didn’t you, with your abilities of cause over matter, energy, space & time, go handle or take out Miss Cabbage if you REALLY think that scn is vital to save all the billions of people on this planet and beyond and its use would eliminate that suffering? You weren’t cause enough to handle one little SP who would be the cause of millions dying because the lack of handling the planet with El Con’s miracles? Are you THAT afraid and unsure of yourself as an immortal, “OT” being???
Touché, Monsieur Pussycat! Yes, they are.
The ever-present, unrelenting “demand for scientology” traces right back to the old man. Written in policy it is now unquestioned gospel. Do they not see the disparity? As a former staff member all this did was introvert us. Obviously we were doing something wrong, we were somehow CAUSING the public to stay away from the org. Of course, this is a falsehood. There may have never been a demand for Scientology, certainly not now.
There really could be massive dissemination campaigns, if DM actually desired that. One billion+ will buy you a lot of ads. The fact is he CHOSES not to do this. The irony is, the source of that billion dollars in reserves was the orgs and missions he now chokes the life out of.
The real reason the public are staying away in droves is: Scientology and LRH have been publicly exposed as deceptive frauds. The cat is outta the bag.
Not much different than opening up a Nigerian Prince shop; sure you’ll get the odd customer poking his head to see what it’s all about (“Yeah, I’ve heard of you guys, just curious…”). But no sensible person is going to actually give them any money. And if they do…well, there’s one born every minute.
Have you seen the new TV commercial, trying to interest people in Scientology by telling LRH’s life story, all of his “remarkable achievements” like being such a prolific writer…when I saw it, I was amazed that anyone could think this would be an effective way to counter all the current very negative attention…who would want to get involved with the church just because they thought that LRH was a cool guy??
Ron…he’s such a hipster. I’m surprised DM hasn’t re-released the Road to Freedom album and ordered all Scnists to purchase hundreds of copies (the latest dissemination tool), in order to get it on the charts. Ron the Rock Star.
statpush at 7:09 pm .. there is no reply button for your comment ..
I was all my life a music fan .. I own many thousends records .. also the Road to Freedom album .. I have never found it worth hearing it again .. if every scientologist buys hundreds of them .. so it comes up the charts .. and LRH becomes a rock star .. it were amusing .. the possibility that no one knows the music wauld be very high .. basically the music is okay, but it is played from others then LRH .. but there is no highlight in the music ..
See Chick Corea or others .. they are not longer as popular as they were in older days .. Musicmagic or Mad Hatter is music you can enjoy often ..
Statpush, that is a very sad thing. I rarely make more than one post or comment per topic, so this is one of those rare occasions. When I first got into Scientology, and I mean when I first got into Scientology (after I completed a $10.00 Communications Course (a former course in TR’s that Class IV [now Class V] Orgs used to offer) my TR’s were so good, after just communicating to people, they asked to come into to the Org with me and they signed up for services. I was not even an FSM and I was only 18 at the time. So this was a luxury ability that even the veteran staff of that Org (New York Org) were never able to accomplish even! 🙂 All of what LRH is not correct is not gospel, but a good portion of it is, and it is insane to force staff and Sea Org members to follow a policy that doesn’t work whether anyone in the org that is doing it knows anything about it or not doesn’t matter! 🙂 Whose job is it supposed to be to fix that yours?, mine? 🙂 People that have the correct tech and apply it correctly will get the correct result in or out of an org. So is that not doing the greatest good for the greatest number? I think so. 🙂 My point in fact.
The only MAJOR alteration that the Church of Scientology was able to fix into the Clearwater community, is to prevent any vehicle over a certain height from passing between the Fort Harrison and the Super Power bulding on the street under the pedestrian walkway that connects the 2 buildings over South Fort Harrison Avenue. Other than this, the same criminals still “hang out at Flag” and “enjoy the OT life”. Thank goodness I missed out on something in this life. 🙂
Scientology seems to be positioning itself as a “take over target” by Hilton or Radisson.
Or Trump!
A bit like a black hole eh?
22 man tour – 1 Clive, another Hank B-Class XII, that leaves 20 Super Power Auditors=they have no more Super P arrivals and the ones who blindly followed the GAT grinding, overrun, mind altering re do of Obj., Purif and completed Super P have been exhausted (numerically and physically).
The bubble keeps imploding.
Quite a few years ago the Sea Org sent in a mission to Seattle. There was a black gymnast who was using Dianetics and the Sea Org team decided to move the current Org to a much bigger Org because when this gymnast won in the Good Will Games the public would be “flooding in”. Of course it never happened. Instead the Org was stuck in a huge Org for years that they couldn’t afford and the local $cios were left holding the bag. This was probably one of dm’s brainstorms as well.
Sounds like Charles Lake. Alanzo has the scoop on that one.
Yes, Charles Lakes, with an s. I remember the Seattle Goodwill Games quite well, and I’m surprised that was 25 years ago! 1990!
I’ll have to look up Alanzo’s scoop – I have no idea what’s become of Mr. Lakes.
Phoenix Ideal Org presently has about 12 staff all-total for Day and Foundation. Of those, a staff member laughed while commenting to me that 3/4 are two families.
I observed that within a 30 day time period there were about 10 people on The Purification RD. Of those, two were new public, two staff, one a second generation teenage kid, and the rest former staff members who had all previously done the Purif at least once before (one three times). Except for the two new public, the rest comprised 5 decades of re-cycled Arizona Scientologists (at least 4 were OT).
I did have the opportunity to observe that the parking lot consistently was nearly empty with perhaps an average of a dozen cars at the most for about 30 consecutive days.
In short, Arizona Scientologists are cannibalizing themselves, having already been sucked dry in donating to the new building.
Two families sounds like the hate-filled Westboro Baptist church and if anyone followed what happened when the founder/patriarch, Fred Phelps, died last year his importance was just dropped.
Or brainfart, as the case may be. I mean, c’mon! He’s David “LET HIM DIE” Miscavige. I doubt he EVER had a brainstorm. More more like a brainpuddle.
Now you’re talkin ………. but He doesn’t have brains. It’s all shit from there to the ground. Lil Dave has shitstorms, not even close to a brainstorm!