After months of publishing his “Good News” briefings in inverted commas, Jeff Mintz has now changed the title to “Late Breaking” news.
Whatever he wants to call it — it’s a really poor show. He might as well take the same figures every week and just change the date. This is LOOOONG term flat (Emergency condition). Month after month. And if there was any international expansion happening in scientology, it would have shown up at Flag by now. After all, it’s nearly twenty years since the “Golden Age Of Tech” and more than a decade since the “Ideal Orgs Strategy” and more than a year since the opening of the SP Building.
Flag is the measure of ALL things happening in scientology, as with the old Roman Empire — all scientology roads lead to Flag. So, while they continue to pressure and squeeze the lower levels to send everyone they possibly can to Flag, the continue to dribble along with an empty building and the same stat levels for a year. And these numbers they are so proud of are the number a SINGLE CLASS V Org should be producing. 20 Purif Comps and 10 Clears a week? IF London was doing that, they wouldn’t be scratching the surface of the population of Queen Victoria St, let alone the whole of London. These numbers are only impressive to the seals because they are used to an org producing ONE Purif Completion, NO Clears and a few “basic book” comps a week.
So, without further ado, here is the “late breaking” news from Mr. Mintz, along with the traditional comparison to all the earlier versions of his “good news” from Flag:
Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 16 19 15
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17 21 15 19 22
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30 22 63 25 23
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 8 NR 16 9
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8 8 8 16 9
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20 NR 19 19 23
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR (Given up on reporting this)
Aquamarine says
I was trained to read graphs, real LRH graphs, so when I read data given like this my head starts to swim but I can locate the vital data that is missing. On the other hand, I can understand that someone who has not been admin trained in this manner could very easily dub in what’s missing and go along with it all being terrific news and an up-statistic.
Wayne Borean aka The Mad Hatter says
1,179 Superpower completions.
Superpower is only open to a member in good standing of the Church of Scientology. In business terms it has a ‘limited market’. The market is further limited by costs. Any Scientologist living outside the Continental United States has high costs to visit Flag and do Superpower, costs which many would not be able to afford.
How big is that market? Mike has written several articles about church membership, but even he, as a former high level manager doesn’t know for certain.
My point being that the 1,179 Superpower completions to date are probably a significant percentage of those who:
1) Are chruch members in good standing
2) Are able to afford Superpower
What happens when they run out of customers?
Mike Rinder says
What happens when they run out of customers?
They come up with a “new” thing that everyone has to do/redo and the whole process starts all over again — each time with less and less sheeple….
Wayne Borean aka The Mad Hatter says
Oh, I agree that’s what they will try, but there are basic rules of business and Sociology which no one can avoid. Rather like none of us can avoid gravity.
I was never a member myself. I’m coming at this from a business viewpoint. Effectively it appears, from an outsider’s perspective, that they’ve gotten caught in a self sustaining feedback loop.
Maybe in five or ten years, all that will be left is a dwindling group of Sea Org members…
Abi Ja says
No Ortega – No Rendir !!!!:(
I need my daily fix !
Abi Ja says
Rinder vs Rendir … Not my fault, I can not think or type without my daily fix …. All your fault Mike 😉
DodoTheLaser says
These numbers say it all.
DollarMorgue says
I am confused. Is “19 Purif Rundown Completions” not the same as purif comps?
Michael Mallen says
Jeff is indeed making Flag look like mincemeat.
De-attested ObedientThetan says
Thanks for continuing these posts Mike. It’s great to know what the real stats are. And I wonder how many of those “Full L Rundown Completions” are past L’s comps who just came to get an “L’s review” and are now counted as “Full L Rundown Completions” (even though they were also counted years earlier when they actually completed too).
That one week the L’s comps were 63?! Are there even enough Class XII auditors to make this many legitimate L’s comps in a week? And I wonder if they have started delivering “Super Power reviews” yet to inflate the already sad stat of 1179 completions ON THE ENTIRE PLANET. I can’t believe they advertise the number of comps when the number is pathetic. Do people in the bubble not remember the way that Super Power was promoted? That non-Scientologist OLs/government officials would do Super Power and Scientology would take over the world?! How many of those 1179 were world leaders? Oh wait, wogs can’t even get in the building. Why has scientology not taken over the world yet? Why has there not at least been a huge expansion since the release of Super Power? It was only a little over a fucking year ago that these things were being promised while fundraising for the building was being conducted. Come on Scientologists, you aren’t that stupid or forgetful.
Michael Mallen says
Collective reply: “We do what Dave says. It’s the greatest good.”
RolandRB says
“Come on Scientologists, you aren’t that stupid or forgetful.”
I think they are that stupid and forgetful and have been made that way by totally invalidating their case gain by putting them through their processing from TRs and Objectives upwards back to where they were on the Bridge before. And then again. They feel weak and useless and since they now accept that Scientology is their only salvation then they are forced to give all the money they have to Scientology to better themselves back to how they felt before. There is some cruel Dwarf Tech(tm) in use here to cave them in and the Dwarf Tech trumps the scieno tech.
Next time round then perhaps the pushing of a peanut by the nose along a rough wooden deck could be brought into the Superpower Mk II Rundown. These people are so stupid now that they would pay big money to do it and write rave reviews about it when completing it. DM has only to dream up schemes like this to further degrade the OT whales and he will get more money and the whales will feel more obliged to donate that money.
Zzzzzzz says
Mike Rinder. International Spokesman for Scientology Inc. The one who tells truth. 47X expansion towards truth in past 5 years alone. Running with the Big Dogs in the tall grass.
LDW says
I don’t believe that all of these “stats” add up to over $350,000 in Value of Services Delivered.
Since Flag pretty much does the same amount of weekly delivery as the rest of the network combined, I would say these guys are in a world of hurt.
Likely they are still taking in more than they are delivering. It’s only a matter of a few more lawsuits before they are forced to return unused donations.
The walls of Jerico come to mind.
RolandRB says
So, assuming $700K per week and a mid-estimate of $2m per week to keep the full show on the road with all the Sea Org staff, the buildins maintained and the corporation as a legal entity then two thirds of their day-to-day running is funded by donos given mostly by the whales who have been promised their money will be used for expansion. I’d call that fraud. The whales would call it “yes sir, please sir, punish us some more sir, we’ve got plenty more where that came from”.
threefeetback says
Jeff Mintz,
Your ongoing waaaay-to-late-and-toooo-little news continues to expose the thin veil that barely passes for window dressing for the whales.
Luis Agostini says
Although quite unrelated i just thought:
What would have happened to Super Power completions if Ron
would have included the following perceptics?
Awareness of degree of inner presence of
1. Harmonious coexistence with Greatness (as defined by Ron Hubbard).
2. Abundance of Compassion towards those suffering
3. Intensity of Courage to disagree, to disobey, to examine any viewpoint, to communicate what one is really thinking and feeling.
4. Active pursuit of Independence.
5. Position of seniority of ones integrity in regards to ones needs, wants, and offerings.
6. Strength of believing that Scientology is a lot of fun and should be ruling the world 🙂
Joe Pendleton says
Luis, those are fantastic and valuable attributes of a truly free being that you have come up with. As far as your question goes, it’s a bit like asking what would happen if cows could fly. (the answer to that last question of course is that we’d all be in the umbrella business)
Luis Agostini says
Thanks Joe for your comment!
I am still laughing at imagining your new use for an umbrella.
Abi Ja says
a reprint, a quote from Lily … see the original at
“Who? Tom cruise? His publicist would have to be an imbecile to let him speak the name of that place again. Not after the berating of Brook Sheilds post-partum decision to use an anti depressant, thereby alienating his demographic (40, and older, mostly female). Not after the 9 minute mental roller coaster ride he went on trying to describe his positive experience with Scientology (which left waaaay more questions than answers) and not after his wife feeling the need to use burner phones, aliases, and a team of lawyers to escape while he was filming in Iceland, all in fear of the “Church” of Scientology. Look, when your wife needs burner phones and a safe house to begin the divorce process SOMETHING is wrong there. When people have to deal with Scientology, why do they feel the need to hire a dozen attorneys? Ask yourself that question. When I comment on the crimes of the Catholic Church, I don’t worry about hiding my IP address or using a disposable email account, or changing my screen name. I worry about those and more with Scientology.
Other celebrities? Is Kirstie Alley a celebrity? Or a cautionary tale to stop eating your feelings and get some human friends instead of the pair of Lemurs she talks to at her home zoo. Isaac Hayes (RIP). A handful of actors who do some half decent work. Really no one to fear anymore.
John Travolta? He should be pissed that Scientology hid his developmentally damaged child from sight because Scientology’s silly motto of “We can help with that” doesn’t apply to conditions like seizures, yet all but refuses to allow any legitimate treatment to prevent the seizure this child died from.
Why Scientology has a hold of these celebrities? That’s a great question with a simple answer: every confession of every indiscretion, every sexual proclivity, fetish, fantasy, and transgression is recorded and kept in a file that is the sole property of Scientology. Sure you can walk out the door, but be prepared to have the most intimate details of your entire life (and past life) posted on their new web page. Don’t believe me? Look up any high profile member who has left the business (it’s not a church) and within days the ex-member will have a new web page with all the gories, i.e. WhoIsPaulHaggis? Or WhoIsMartyRathbun? WhoIsDebbieCook? It’s always WhoIs______? and the most intimate embarrassing details. Of course the business of Scientology doesn’t claim this public service, it is a quiet favor they do to warn the public about their ex-members who *gasp* had an affair, or god forbid watched porn, not to mention the things the business of Scientology will simply make up to humiliate people who simply wish to leave. Truth is of no concern to Scientology.
There are many other complicated reasons why Scientology has a “hold” on all its members, not just celebrities. Too many to list here. I do suggest reading The Underground Bunker daily scientology updates. Stranger than fiction. Mike Rinder has a phenomenal blog with jaw dropping historical accounts of what happens to people who try to leave the organization. Even a simple google search will show you recent stalking by high lever Scientologists of a man who’s been out of the church for years.
This upcoming documentary based on Lawrence Wright’s book Going Clear is NOT an attack on Scientology’s faith. The faith isn’t the problem. It’s the actions that violate not just human rights, but actions that end up in murder (Lisa McPherson) kidnapping, extortion, child abuse and neglect, incarceration in the organizations labor camp for months/years, and the systematic destruction of families by forced disconnection. The organizations faith is another matter. No one really cares about their creation mythology. (Okay, it is pretty strange, but so is mine. Not the point) People care about the thousands of victims whose lives have been ruined by Scientology’s institutional use of Fair Game- revenge- which all but requires members to ruin defectors financially, emotionally, and mentally. All this happens under the banner of a “Church” with billions of dollars, and tax exempt status.
I would say I hope it pisses the few Scientology celebs off, but that probably won’t happen because Scientologists are not allowed to watch or read anything negative about the “Church.” If they do come across a negative review or program then they must report themselves to the “Church” moral police and PAY to be questioned on whether or not they now experience negative thoughts about the organization (thought crimes) or if they discussed the show with anyone, and they risk being declared a danger to their family and friends within the church aka they risk being labelled a Supressive Person, in which case everyone the member knows and loves must cut them off completely.
I am not a Scientologist, just a student of comparative Religions. I’ve tried to get the POV of Scientologists, but the most common answer to the question “What is scientology” is “Find out for yourself.” When I watch a video that is promoting Scientology, (titled What is scientology?), I’m bombarded with non-sequitors such as “mathematics” “life” and even “Nuclear Physics” in a strobe like succession, and impart no information at all. If Scientology doesn’t like its public image, or it’s ex-members detailed accounts of abuse, then they should at least try to put out a seemingly rational, cooperative, and relatable example of a Scientologist. Tom Cruise comes off as an arrogant and petty tyrant, and not a very stable one at that. Kirstie Alley – does anyone want to identify with a foul mouthed, angry, food obsessed shut-in? Travolta seems like a nice guy, but his neglect of his son’s special needs to satisfy Scientology’s anti-pharmaceutical crusade is…just beyond beyond.
The people who ought to be pissed after watching the upcoming documentary are the taxpayers, the IRS, and whichever federal agency is responsible for preventing kidnapping, since there are at least a half dozen scientologists who haven’t been seen in years, and are by all accounts being he’d in the “Church” prison camp, called the Rehabilitation Project Force.
Scientology has the power to change their revenge policy, and change their public image. I’ve come across some useful information in my research of Scientology – none of it new, or proprietary to Scientology, just a reheat of an old quiche. Not sure I’d call it faith-more like a system of problem solving. No real problem with “faith” but certainly a concern that this is a criminal, fraudulent, dishonest and dangerous organization and it’s ACTIONS are at best a danger to anyone who is involved beyond the basic introductory communication course. If you like Scientology you are much better off with a group of independent Scientologists who won’t exploit you financially, or threaten your well being should you change your mind.”
Michael Mallen says
Very well stated Abi Ja.
just some guy says
For your viewing pleasure, the numbers in graph format
DollarMorgue says
Jens TINGLEFF says
Sorry, to me it looked like “19 Purification Rundown Completions” on the flyer. Did I misunderstand the statistic you’re summarising on the last line? (Not saying that it’s not 19 too many, but…)
Friend says
I found out that my perceptic about sugar and salt went in trouble .. can I repair this? Maybe someone did the sugar in the salt box and reverse .. I think I must do my objectives again ..
Michael Mallen says
Friend, it’s cheaper to just rehab it at a Chinese restaurant with an ample supply of sweet and sour sauce. You’re welcome!
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey, that’s what I did. Worked like a charm! But, an hour later, I had to go back to rehab again…
Coincidence? Look at the last two digits of Clear – 16, 9 and then look at the last two digits of OT VIIs – 16,9
Knowing the desperation to push the Advance Tech VSD stat (RTC’s one) the ‘clear checks’ borned and the increase of OT VIIs followed.
I can bet those last two weeks they “suddenly” decided that the person was actually Clear (per GAT standards of fraudulent activities) and declared them so and, oh my god, they also realized the pre-OTs had also achieved the EP of OT VII (exclamation marks please!!!!). So, your numbers match 16 and 9 Clears-OT VIIs.
All these stats are the product of the magnanimous standards of GAT tech on how to lie, falsify and abuse public and staff. No wonder they are crashing.
Katniss Everdeen says
Out of curiosity– how are they counting those perceptics drills? There are like fiftysomething perceptics, no? (I was only ever a public dilletante so I don’t remember exact numbers). Still with fiftysomething perceptics, the number of SP rundown completions would be under 1500, so that’s pretty shabby when you look at thay false state carefully.
Kemist says
Like the Heinz “57 Varieties” slogan, which is where it most probably comes from.
Marta says
From the outside of the bubble it is Good News, but not Breaking.
Michael Mallen says
Time to start flying the flag at half-mast.
Idle Morgue says
So revealing Mike.
When I read “Perceptic Drills” at Flag I think of this scenario:
PC and Auditor in session:
Auditor: Feel your savings account.
PC: yes, I feel it. (In my mind).
Auditor: Okay good. Tell me how much you have in there.
PC: Well, let’s see, my father just gave me a $1,000,000 inheritance last month. I am going to pay off my house, put my kids through college and save the rest for my retirement. I already donated $250,000 to the Ideal Org and another $250,000 to the IAS. The Planetary Clearing Boyz got another $250,000 when they showed up at my fathers funeral in Idaho. That was so caring of them to come all that way to support ME in my loss.
Auditor: Okay, good. I got that, now see that remaining amount in your savings account and think about Columbia and how TWTH booklets could clear that Country.
PC: Well, booklets don’t clear anything – I have 450,000 in my basement and I am not clear. I am confused,
Auditor: I got that – very well done, (It’s Wed. evening and stats are down) Now – I want you to let it go.
PC: No, I can’t – I told my wife I wouldn’t donate any more money.
Auditor: (makes a note to write up KR on wife). Says – “NO, you don’t want to let it go? Totally fine. Okay, let me just check something here…I am trying to HELP you. I am not auditing you. Just take a look now – tell me what you see?
What have you done to Scientology? What are you withholding?
PC: Well, I told my wife I thought the IAS regges were crazy, insane and criminal. Who missed it? Every Scientologist and Wog missed it. I justified it by obnosing the obvious. Wow – I feel so good,. Thank you. I love LRH and I love you.
Auditor: Okay, good – now, get that picture of that $250,000 savings account back up in your mind. Go ahead mock it up.
PC: Okay – it is there.
Auditor: Good, now LET IT GO.
PC: Okay, okay – gets out his checkbook and writes a check for $250,000 to TWTH Campaign.
Auditor – takes check and gives PC a Full Ack.
Now….the CS wants you to finish this list and you must have a floating tone arm on all items….
Feel your IRA account –
Feel your Stock Portfolio –
Feel your friends savings account
And the vulture Sea Org Regges are standing by – waiting for the PC to “let it go”.
Flag – the friendliest extortionists on the Planet.
Alex de Valera says
JennyInTheHole (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: Auditor: Feel your savings account.
“Wow! Your TRs are brilliant!”
Richard Grant (@richardgrant) says
How are they still generating $1-2 million a week in income?
Cooper J Kessel says
They steal it.
McCarran says
I’d actually like to know this too, Richard. I mean is Flag really generating that much?
I Yawnalot says
Please supply one provable truth issued from Flag about its income and let’s see if can evaluate it against the $1-2 mil a week.
What is becoming very obvious lately is the greatest fear an RCS member has is honesty.
DollarMorgue says
Services at Class IX and XII rates, accomodations, catering. Not sure if IAS and 4th dynamic salvage campaigns are included in this figure.
RolandRB says
“How are they still generating $1-2 million a week in income?”
Knowing how much money is coming in for auditing and training is important for understanding their finances and therefore their viability. I still hold to the view that “Church” income is largely donos independent from the “fixed donations” for auditing and training. In other words, the day-to-day running of the “Church” is largely funded by IAS and other related Ideal Org donos and that those who donate, thinking it is for expansion, are being defrauded because their donations are used for day-to-day operations and not for expansion. Let’s think about the cost of keeping 7000 Sea Org staff in uniforms and berthed and transporting them about like they do. Also the corporate and legfal framework needed for that and maintaining all their buildings and paying their utility bills. I would estimate the cost per Sea Orger at between $30 a day to $50 a day. That translates to between $76m to $127m per year which would need an auditing and training income of $1.5M to $2.4m per week. I don’t believe they are getting that amount from auditing and training so the whales should question how their donations are being used. They should wonder if they are being lied to and conned.
Jose Chung says
Richard Grant,
They siphon from public accounts who are considered not a high priority
public( 98 percent of Flag Public). They promise everything, you pay, arrive first thing is you sign and
initial 8 pages of legal documents which make you fair game.Your money goes really fast
for everything under the sun except going up the Bridge when you are reg’ed for $250,000.per week.
‘s Flag staff have BI’s and sad if you win and have not paid the hidden agenda fee’s such as Patron meritorious $100,000.( Flag Blue on Blue) Actually it’s $50,000. but they figure if you can squeeze that out, another $50, completely in order. Flag staff are VGI’s and happy when they take your money and deliver nothing. What Flag deliver’s is a small percentage of what is promised, much like Chumming the waters to keep the fish feeding ( public paying in money to go free —NOT)
thegman77 says
I wonder if they been ordered to stop using graphs? Their sheer blindness inspires awe, but not of a good kind. Somehow, they can’t even begin to understand the failure they are posting.
Sammy says
Maybe they need to bring De-Dinging back, Mike! 😀
Then they could get another fake affluence by ordering all those nasty, out-ethics public to Flag to get their orifices inspected for any jewels, or their clocks cleaned, or something.
Btw David: Even with your hair poofed up real high like that, people are still shocked at how small you are. Pompadour + shoe lifts just isn’t working. Overheard at Flag: “OMG did you see how short he is in person?”
RolandRB says
There was a report about this from his Italian tailor, I think. 5’1″ in his stockinged feet.
Jose Chung says
David Miscavige 5 foot 1 inch tall.
Napolean Bonaparte 5 foot 6 inches tall.
Tom Cruise 5 foot 7 inches tall.
Cooper J Kessel says
You just can’t stack shit very high, especially Daveshit.
Old Surfer Dude says
I think you’re being way too generous, RolandRB!
Chee chalker says
Danny DeVito: 5’0
My 10 year old daughter: 4’2
My 13 year old son: 5’6
No wonder DMs so pissed all the time
JennyInTheHole (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: …by ordering all those nasty, out-ethics public to Flag to get their orifices inspected for any jewels…
“[Chairman of the Board RTC] knew every inch of them.”
Cooper J Kessel says
Well the only think you are going to find in Dave’s is one of those whorehouse 8s we kicked up there after Gretas cramming yesterday.
Zzzzzzz says
Nice to see you here Jenny, Dave’s right hand.
But where is Shelly?
RolandRB says
Should that be 9 Clears RE-made?
Cooper J Kessel says
Not to mention Objective and Purif comps. Oh yea, no purif comps. I guess the remaining sheeple at least have figured out that doing their re-purif at their local morgue saves a ton of acommo dollars.
Maybe we should send in our Mike Rinder Blog perceptic drill stats to Jeff as an extension course stat. How many folks are able to perceive that The Way To Happiness is through this blog. I’d say Jeff could move into ‘highest ever’ ranges and have some really really good news.
Yo Dave,
Today your ass is a nail and the rest of the apostates out here are a HAMMER good buddy. Get ready ….2015 is getting close and your New Years Event is approaching …………are you prepared for this?
Michael Mallen says
Dave to Lou: “Honey, can’t you make this damn Cooper guy stop?”
Cooper J Kessel says
Lou (to an empty room): “Yea honey …………. in your dreams. Go to sleep now and when you (finally) wake up …..well it will all be better ….. much better.”