An appropriate question for Mr. Mintz.
Flag is just limping along, with every stat he reports either downtrending or level long-term.
No doubt he doesn’t notice. He just thinks 8 Clears and 8 OT VII’s a week is “good news” so keeps sending it out.
And as long as it has a heading saying it’s good news, everyone apparently buys it.
Explains why so many people were sent from Flag to try to boost the ideal Pacifica Bridge.
Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end).
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 A whole new [lower] range
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22 24 20 17 21 going nowhere
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18 23 26 30 22 same old, same old
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11 NR 19 8 8 same old, same old
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7 11 NR 8 8 ditto
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR NR 26 20 NR this one is only included when the number seems impressive to the Mintzmeister
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR (Given up on reporting this)
Just read the following quote and realized why Miscabbage is referred to as “COB”.
“For planning purposes and to facilitate security screening, media are
requested to RSVP by COB Wednesday April 30th to [email protected]”
COB stands for Close Of Business; how utterly fitting don’t you think?
The only thing wrong with Scientology is to think someone can buy wisdom, knowledge or higher spiritual states. It even does not work in the body healing business. If the sick does not want to be well medicine does not work.
The second thing wrong with Scientology is, that people think they can read some million words and are now wise men. And applying it “by the book” would make them super OT. Sometimes people talk bad about Hubbard. But what would you think about Hubbard if he did not booby trap Scientology and every criminal could get some real OT powers? Or secret service agents that play new wars with those powers? And I think some secret services at least gave it a try.
As Hubbard knew it he or his helpers pulled the plug and made it unusable. With special attention on the word “made”. No accident, not “the others”.
What is “left over” is what we see now. Empty shell taken over by some businessmen.
I wonder how many rooms they have in all the buildings at Clearwater that are EMPTY, UNUSED, LOCKED (for later, when expansion will occur 🙂
Off topic, and please excuse this question if its already been answered; perhaps I missed it, but I’d love for you or someone to explain the following:
Flag just lost 230 staff members which were musical-chaired by David Miscavige to LA Org That is a LOT of staff. Won’t this CRASH Flag? I’m trying to understand how Flag could have been so over-staffed that losing this huge chunk of staff won’t matter! Or, barring that, are they really that DEAD in Clearwater?
LOL Not off topic at all really. Look at the stats listed above. They just sent 2/3 of the 50 auditors leaving only 10 auditors idle and 6 working and 2/3 of the support staff required to support the 50 idle auditors, leaving lots of staff still idle. They had to be massively overstaffed if they had 50 auditors sitting around to audit this kind of stat trickle.
It’s over folks. Not just inside the church but everywhere. Even without the church chasing down and suing independents there is no, and will not be any, rush to get services by “raw public”. The pitchfork got stuck into the subject long ago via truth about the subject and El Wrong being put on the internet. Only inertia and large bank accounts has it looking like it has a semblance of life left in it.
R.I.H. (Dante’s version)
We just openend up a course room for some people around, I mean, who needs certificates? Who needs 47x? Who needs buildings? Just move a bit closer, remove the sofa from the livingroom and put some tables and books there, send all doubt poliferates, naysayer, objection raisers, concern sponsers home and grab your KSW and YEAH! here we go. Hey, it’s fun!
No-one must but everyone may.
That’s the way I like it.
And be sure, there are lot more outside there like us.
+1 I know quite a few really good, caring indie auditors who are very busy, new people too.
Helmut Flasch, Nov 27, 2013 at 7:09 pm:
… “We do NOT do people in SCN already as a common practice at all, as we always have been ‘new people disseminators’ and are having plenty public that way, but might just have to have no choice than to pick up the mess Mr. Mismanage is leaving behind him once more.” …
Steve Poore, July 4, 2014 at 7:04 am:
… “I disseminate to raw public on a full time bases and have for 33 years. The number of handle steps % wise required has not increased over the last years that these hate sites have existed. (BTW, it’s only about 1 in 10 that need any serious handling).” …
Interesting responses. But, NOT to what I posted. “there is no, and will not be any, rush to get services by “raw public”
Of course there is and will be a few kool-aid drinkers peddling El Wrongs materials until they die.
Well honestly, the really good news is that they’re not going anywhere.
One of China’s biggest exports to the west is apparently unemployment, Scientology’s biggest export/exchange/product is that there isn’t any. Management by statistics was the first casualty of miscavige’s Reich. Donations are a one way flow.
Does anyone really believe those 230 SO members exported to PAC in LA are really going to do anything viable? Imagination is a fickle but sticky thing in the minds of those in the gullible bubble.
The Scientology Church doesn’t need any assistance to be ineffective – I just wish those silly people would stop giving it money – let it die the death it deserves.
Their statistics explains it all.
Academy training on no BC? Guess it’s passe. After all, Class IXs don’t have to be VIs or VIIs. They can just be Class Vs and do the IX drills. Eliminating Class VIIIs is all but complete at this point any way. Sad.
0 1 2 3 4 5 9. Yep, I can count. What’s a VI or VII and where’s an 8? Sounds like a disease. And why should they train people on the BC at ASHO . . . oh, wait – that’s what one of the main reasons for ASHO’s existence back when I was supervising the now non-existent SHSBC (SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE) back when I was there.
Odd, I really don’t even believe in Scientology any more, I was gone before the BC became an anachronism, but I do believe that if something is supposed to be taught in a certain order, chaos will ensue if people are forced to learn it out of order.
No matter how hard the teeny self-declared know-it-all in charge swears that things his way are the right way, you can no more make orange juice before you grow the orange tree than you can pilot a train down a city street, both of which the teensy joke of a dictator seems determined to do, even though he is making himself look more and more foolish every day.
And, David Miscavige, I know you hate to have your real name mentioned in blogs, you would prefer we refer to you as Davey McSavage, or Teensy McCabbage, Damnit Miscarriage (do you like how I am associating your nicknames along with your real David Miscavige name) or anything that won’t show up in google when you’re searched for, but David Miscavige, I’m referring to you in the above paragraph, David Miscavige, just in case you were wondering.
LOL, Valerie. I didn’t know that David Miscavige hates us using his actual name when we discuss him. My favorite J & D name for him is Makemerich, and I won’t give it up, but will make sure I insinuate his correct name at least once into anything I post about him from now on. Thanks.
To be fair Knather that’s the way it always was – you didn’t have to be a Class VI, VII or VIII to become a Class IX. That as such is not a big deal. The IXs didn’t walk around making out they were BC Grads, most people on Tech lines knew this was the case. The lack of BC students (and any students) now though is a big deal.
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life! (Monty Python classic.)
That made my day. Thanks!
Good News: The chocolate ration has been increased to 20 grams.
Scientology is at war Eurasia. Scientology has always been at war with Eurasia. Oceania is Scientology’s ally. Oceania has always been an ally of Scientology.
Rick Mycroft, I don’t get the joke. Is chocolate a Scn staff or SO thing? A clue, please!
It’s from George Orwell’s 1984. The government has dropped the chocolate ration to 20 grams, but revises all books and newspapers to support the claim that it was an increase to 20 grams. All evidence that this is untrue goes down the Memory Hole.
Forget the numbers Mintz.. How bout given us some Names?
Sorry! Names are confidential….Besides, who are you and why do want to know?
I am IMPOTENT Dude.. xo
So, Super-duper Power takes on average, 100 hours to deliver. Wonder how much per intensive for this scam of scams? Only the L’s & OT 8 are as a big a scan and waste of $ as this one.
In another life, Jeff Mintz could have been a good standup comic. Too bad about this one.
Gosh, more bad news for Flag, and they just lost a lot of staff, too. COB needs to return to Flag and make everything go right. Woo Him back with a song.
With apologies to Lerner & Lowe, sung by the FLB to Him:
Thank Heaven for COB!
For COB gets meaner every day.
Thank Heaven for COB!
He gets things done the Cold Chrome Steel INT way.
His henchmen always near while he is squealing
And when he’s punching, kicking, slapping, ’til you’re reeling,
Thank Heaven for COB!
Protected by his guards
So he can beat you black and blue,
Without Him what would MAAs do?
Thank Heaven
Thank Heaven
Thank Heaven
For COB.
Bravo Aqua.. 2 thumbs up!
Very good song Aqua – still laughing. There’s nothing like a bit of (COB’s) cruelty for providing comedy. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of spineless worms that allow themselves to be bullied and fleeced. I was always a fan of Charlie Chaplin.
So funny Aqua!
This is off topic but I think it is important so I hope Mike .
Over on WWP Anons are working on an estimate of people still in the COS using data extracted from the big list of ex-COS-members ( ).
WWP-thread is This thread was created from posts elsewhere on WWP so it may look a little chaotic.
Any input from people here is most welcome. ( And don’t mind the poll… 🙂 )
… so I hope Mike lets it through 🙂 Excuse me!
Real Estate Investment Trust.
With these stats on a long range they are practically in non-existence.
And that’s where they should stay, forever.
That cartoon is hysterically funny.
Although 1000 Super Power completions in less than a year is decent, I’m pretty sure the weekly comps will continue to decline. Like when OT8 was first released, there was a lot of pent up demand and there were 1000+ comps right away. Then it took many years before another 1000 were completed.
My guess there were be at most 2500 super power completions 5 years from now.
237 public on auditor training sounds good – but where are any completions? Jeff has yet to mention one auditor completion of any kind. GAT II was supposed to be lightening fast.
Unless I’m mistaken, Superpower is available to all Scientologyists, whereas OTVIII was only available to OTVII, so it’s really not that great a number I think.
Scamofscientology/Foodforthought if the original quals are still in, one must have copleted at least Grade IV before they can do Super-duper Power.
22 Ls completions for 50 Auditors in the chair is practically an empty HGC. Same with 237 people in Academy Training.
Before there were at least 4 courses in the Coachman Building; there were many people in training, including public. Now, these days, the huge Cathedral must be very quiet, cold and definitely empty.
Tsk…Tsk…orders of magnitude.
He keeps reporting these numbers because to him, they are truly outstanding. To be limping along is fantastic when you’ve been in bed barely breathing for so long. As you’ve pointed out, these numbers are pathetic, but they are still higher than last year (when 5 or 6 clears a week was more the norm). It’s amazing that the opening of Super Power, which was supposed to “make planetary clearing a reality”, has produced what can only be described as a “bump” in this stat.
Jeff Mintz knows better, he’s been in the FSC office since the mid 80’s. He knows under Kool Aid flow these are crap stats.
It’s like Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet – if they start to waver, just suck in that aerosole kool aid and continue on the madness.
Just curious – is Anne still around? Are they still married?
@Mreppen – Right! Then he keeps reporting them because other people think they are outstanding 🙂
If these are good stats, it makes you wonder what are the bad stats?? Like: Number of bad press stories? The number of people that want to get rid of Co$ entirely? GI divided by staff? Number of new major training/auditing starts at Idle Orgs?
SO staff and old-time koolaide public may be “holding out” inside the bubble because of self imposed blinders, but the missions and Orgs are empty of new people. Today, new public starts on major services is probably near zero. And, only 2nd and 3rd generation Scn children and 3rd world country’s citizens join the SO.
Milking money from the same Koolaide drinking public over and over with higher and higher statuses and having them re-do the Bridge is a cannibalistic strategy. Replacing LA Org with SO staff is pure cannibalism of staff.
Current Co$ strategy is: Generate a 47X increase in the effort to eat itself.
As far as I know the stat of “Bad press” has been replaced by either “number of press” or “inches of press”
That way the bad press (majority) gets hidden in a generality. There was also the viewpoint that ‘ANY PRESS is good’. That may have changed a bit in view of the overall very bad PR that exists currently. At least for the poor bastards that have to deal with the bad press.
Thanks Greta
Yes, I remember that too…I think there was some “good” in “any press” in the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s when Scn was pretty unknown…. In those days, any press about a “mysterious” cult created greater interest and brought in more new people…. but today there are so many Scientologists speaking out from 1st hand experience (St Pete Times Truth R/D etc….) and there are so many blogs speaking out, that these are actually a new kind of “bad press” that actually makes new people stay away in droves. New people’s curiosity is satisfied by Googling and they have no need to “go down to the Org and find out what its about”. Unfortunately, the Co$ does not keep track of this stat, if they did, they would understand what’s really wrong and why they are shrinking so fast.
I am not surprised by the flat lining statistics. It will make my day when I no longer receive any mail from this group.
All the No Reports from the Purif… probably all the recycled OT’s have finished their 2nd and 3rd time through the Purif, so that is why NR. But also it could be that DM is distancing himself from Narconon and doesn’t want any proof on the internet that he even delivers the Purif, given all the deaths that have happened at Narconons and the fact that Narconons are using the Purif tech. Maybe he is NR on it is to pretend that they have nothing to do with Narconon.
Hmmm. Interesting take, Cindy.
What does “237 public on Academy training” mean? Basics or the learning to audit the grades?
Good question dollar….hell it could mean anything.
A good sounding number that amounts to nothing
more than a generality. Specifics would ruin the intent
to awe.
I seriously doubt if there’s ANY “learning to audit” going on. That would be CI to GAG II.
Probably all outer org trainees and Flag staff.
The number of times the motion censor went off at the Academy.
Perhaps soon they’ll dispense with stats and spin it as proof of something or other. 😉
The saddest thing about this is that my son thinks a Clear a day at Flag is incredible. I honestly don’t know what it will take for those like him to start thinking something is wrong. It’s people like this that keep DM ticking along. He relies on this kind of stupidity.
The term “Stupid is as stupid does” seems very appropriate. It truly is the unknowns of time, and place, of form and event. The Kool Aide stand of $cientology exists in a bubble connected to nothingness Those on the inside only see a reflection and they call it a universe.
I agree. Steph calls it a snowglobe. Sounds like an apt description – with so many on the outside watching from outside of it.
He’ll wake up and realize what’s going on as the months go by. Soon, he’ll be back living with you wondering what the fuck he was doing in a cult in the first place.
Thanks OSD.
Given that stats are always inflated, do you think anything is really happening? Is it really 50% of reported? The same people from last week counted again? How many actually brought in revenue?
You’re going to be ethics bait with thoughts like that! However, I think you’re right on the money. As each and every day passes, more people are waking up and walking out the door.
In any case, the stat of ‘clears’ can be manipulated forever. You undeclare them a while later on, put them on an additional (unneeded) service and then with another CCRD or some R-factor say they have been found to be clear after all.
The “good news” apparently is that somebody has (re) completed a service at all.
This blindness to TRENDS is Ingrained in the weekly stat frenzy – or has anyone ever seen a graph with more than 20 or 30 (usually it is much less) weeks worth of data? I have: it was a student point graph over a period of about 3 to 5 years in the mid 70’s in Munich – and it was DOWN-trending … so it’s not just happening “now” – but that’s the last time I’ve seen such a long trend. I’m sure such long-term graphs exist at Int but they must be well-hidden secrets as otherwise everybody would be in the know.
The fixation on these erratic (or not so erratic) short-term ups and downs completely hides the actual scene … and even allows the application of (apparently) higher mathematics to result in 47X Expansion.
Don’t we all know how to get libs or “ethics protection” for sure …. be REALLY down (or sandbag) the week before.
I should add that FLO (ILO) can call up long-term stats but I’m not sure if every staff member at ILO actually has permission to call up really long-term trends (correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe there are certain “permission levels” to how far back you can look.
George, originally if you had access to stats, you could view the entire period of time. I doubt that has changed. But, that exists only in management orgs. But as there is no one managing orgs any more, it doesn’t matter.
We may have run into each other in Munich. What years were you there?
Greta I know you, of course.
Mike, if you don’t mind, would you please send Greta my mail address.
Greta, talk to you soon 🙂
It occurs to me that, at the current rate of “expansion”, Scientology will soon evolve from “religion” to “REIT.” It may very well be in the “procreate before death” stage that Hubbard postulated. Empty buildings spawning more empty buildings, in a last gasp effort to survive; in fitting and final tribute to the MEST universe, which was worshipped all along by Hubbard and Miscavige.
Mike, excuse my stupidity, but, what does REIT stand for?
REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust. A working definition would be: A security that sells like a stock on the major exchanges and invests in real estate directly, either through properties or mortgages. REITs receive special tax considerations and typically offer investors high yields, as well as a highly liquid method of investing in real estate.
Real Estate Investment Trust
A REIT, or Real Estate Investment Trust is a type of real estate company that receives special tax treatment.
Real Estate Investment Trust?
Real Estate Investment Trust–at one time the “hot new investment” on the block
It’s somewhat like the cult of $cientology; A ponzi scheme that sells like a religion and invests in real estate directly either through peoples belief systems or by requesting outright donations.
In a REIT you might be able to recover some of your investment; with a cult it is more likely that everyone loses everything.
Thanks, everyone!
Really not much different from McDonald. It has never been about hamburgers but about REIT.
It’s the buildings…
This blog is now your one stop shop for the inside scoop on your cult.
FOTFLMAO!!!!! You nailed it!
Mike, we in Global Capitalism HQ know the odd thing or two about REIT’s, since we own billions of dollars of stock in pretty much all of them. We would point out that one of the defining characteristics of a REIT is tenants occupying the building, paying top dollar rent and making the profits roll in. That doesn’t seem to be a big focus of the corporate Church of Scientology, to say the least, so I think that disqualifies them to be a REIT. 🙂
Until Global Capitalism siezes the coming opportunity to low-ball Miscavige for the whole lot of his empty white elephants and flips them for a big return. Hip, hip, hooray for the markets.