You might remember we earlier made mention of the Foothill Mission GoFundMe page (That’s Some Ideal Mission) to raise money to replace their ceiling and thus become “ideal.”
It seems that might have created a problem.
Publicly begging for money to replace your ceiling is not the hallmark of a flourishing and prospering mission.
So, they have a PR story as to why they have taken it down….
I would bet the orders came down once this appeared here.
And this failing joint is a candidate for an “ideal” mission — if that is the case it is a sad reflection of the state of the Mission Network.
As an HR professional i wonder what DM’s resume will say when he loses his ‘church’ and all the money he has stolen from people – and he needs to find a job. LMAO
“Held CEO position for internationally operating maffia, uhm I mean church organisation for decades.
Comprehensive network in all countries, especially in the movies buesiness.
If my staff can’t do it, I’ll do it myself!
Hands on mentality. Always makes the deal! Customer payment certain!
Always gets things done, whatever it takes!”
OMG LOL. What did you start?!
As I said – LMAO! I really do sit and laugh about it! And I really hope they find any money he has stashed in overseas accounts etc!
Sue: When it all goes South, DM won’t NEED no darn, stinkin’ resumé. He’s got enough salted away to keep him well supplied in single-malts for longer than his liver can hold out.
Hi all, remember when Tom Cruise said he applies the principles of scientology “ruthlessly”.
Well his movie is coming out right away. Let’s all apply our boycott of his middle-aged fantasies RUTHLESSLY. Tell everyone you know.
Yes. I remember that. That 9-minute video haunts me still.
“We are the authorities on the mind”. WTF?! Scary, SCARY notion.
Tom Cruise is not the first – and he certainly won’t be the last – public figure to grow self-deluded or to fervently believe his own propaganda. But the fact that this “church” is using this person’s fame for SCIENTIFIC claims is alarming, and depressing, and it should be typified criminal conduct under US laws.
“Scientology” (this name cracks me up) is NOT science. AT ALL. This mention of “tech” is idiotic and absurd. It is amazing that this Hubbard person put such stock in “word definitions” and yet used the terms “science” and “technology” with ZERO accuracy and even less respect.
I find it baffling that these people are left to their own devices switching between “we’re religion” (tax ex!) and “we’re science” (legit!), depending on convenience. They’re neither.
Ana. I agree with all your saying…all TC cares about is himself and what benefits him..beautiful “religion” never!
Why in the hell would a branch of a 3.5 Billion dollar empire need to start a GoFundMe page? You’re making a difference Mike! Thank You and Keep it up!
Laura DeCrescenzo finally got an out-of court settlement from Scientology, after more than a decade of expensive legal battles and harassment from Co$. Now, she’s been silenced. That’s how Scientology dealt with the Rathbuns, too!
Scientology would rather pay huge settlements than let their many crimes be a matter of court/public records. However, by all recent accounts, they’ve changed their practices on extreme over-regging at events and forced/coerced abortions due (in part) to your efforts, and those of many others.
I have the utmost respect for the Headleys, who told Scientology “keep your money” in exchange for the right to continue speaking out against the insidious menace to society that is $cientology.
I thought that the Headleys actually lost their case and have to pay for Co$ legal fees.
… and were made good by the community
dwarmed: Laura’s and the Headley’s cases weren’t connected
I didn’t say they were. I was responding to this statement above “I have the utmost respect for the Headleys, who told Scientology “keep your money” in exchange for the right to continue speaking out against the insidious menace to society that is $cientology” which must be inaccurate if the lost their case rather than refusing to settle. I’m glad to hear they got help with the costs.
When their case was dismissed and costs were awarded against them of about $50,000 scientology offered to forgo the costs assessment if they would agree to turn on others and accede to a gag order. They told them to go pound sand. They paid the whole thing. Afterwards a crowdfunding campaign to collect funds to pay them back did just that.
Wow, that is quite impressive. I did not know that detail. I’m still sickened that they lost.
OT: Laura had her baby yesterday I think, a girl named Grace. Tigger mentioned it on the Bunker.
“I have the utmost respect for the Headleys, who told Scientology “keep your money” in exchange for the right to continue speaking out against the insidious menace to society that is $cientology.” Thank you for a totally awe inspiring comment, L. C. And thank you also so much to Marc and Claire Headley.
Phil and Willie please contact me. I have a great idea for billboard campaign. We put up billboards near Big Blue in LA and near Flag and maybe even in Hemet near Int. On the billboard it says: “Scientologists: What your donations buy” Then show pics and names of Debbie Cook lawsuit, Marty and Mosey Lawsuit, Laura de Crezenzo Lawsuit, Larry Wallersheim Lawsuit. And then over each picture and name, a cross out with the words, “SETTLED”
You could try through or at the Underground Bunker, or at FB
L C: Laura settled? I missed that message, though I did see news of the arrival of baby Grace– On Monday,as I recall. My mind ain’t what it used to be, so I of course could be mistaken. In any case. CONGRATS Laura & Grace.
So happy for Laura D. Lawsuit over, baby born. Wonderful news! Congratulations, Laura and baby Grace!
Now, that’s really fixing the problem with Scientology!
Scientology can fix problems? This is a joke, right?
How many Scientologists does it take to fix a roof?
Only one, but like the one that asks how many shrinks does it take to change a lightbulb; only one, but it really, really must WANT to change.
I swear I had something for this but it slipped my mind. Oh well…here goes nuttin’…
There never has been a documented case of Scientologists fixing a roof, BUT they are the only ones with the correct Tech!
Correct, OSD. What was meant was “fixing” in the sense of paying money for silence or to make a problem go away. The “fixER” is the one who arranges the payoff.
Remember. Old surfer dude. They are the biggest relief force on Earth. .
My ass!
Mine too!!!
Add mine.
Thanks for the interesting update on this mission.
If I recall correctly, in the old days missions were set up by the mission holder franchisees, and then were often successful enough to be able to afford better and nicer quarters, etc. They are supposed to be independent and self-sustaining, not dependent on outright donations from local members. From what I could tell, the reality of many of them for a long time was that they were supported by the mission holders, often people who had field auditing practices and were FSMs, bringing in enough money from selling Scientology to be able to keep the missions operating as part of their overall business, though often in minimal quarters including their houses. In recent years some of the missions have apparently ended up relying on local members to donate money just to meet operating expenses and stay open.
Outside of the go fund me they made $15,000, right! Wonder how much the go fund me page made? Curious, we thought so.
🙂 David B.
Right…they’ve never even seen $15,000! It’s just crap from the top of their heads.
Spot on article, Mike. The Foothills Msn has been failing for years. The Sunland Mission, not far from them has been failing for years. That’s why they combined the Sunland Msn into their space, hoping that combining both publics would give them enough money to stay afloat. Apparently that didn’t work because they could never fix their roof. I did what many other OT’s did: do the required Basics courses there instead of at their regular org because their regular org wasn’t safe to be in. The registrars would line up in the hall just waiting for course to be over or for break time to start, so that they could nab their victim and nonstop reg for money. They even walked you all the way to the car yammering in your ear as you tried to make your getaway. The only other public I saw there were young kids doing the Purif at too young an age, just to give their parents somewhere to put them in the summer.
Like the way you put it:Regular org was not safe to be in.
AFAICT, Foothills “mission” is already dead, with only the empty carcass remaining.
If orgs are unviable decoy ducks used to draw in a golden goose to be squeezed for direct donations, a mission is just a P.O. box or abandoned store front without enough resources to display a decoy duck.
I’m going with the ‘abandoned store front.’ Do I get a prize?
Yes. A dream date with Miscavige.
Their endless GREED will be their undoing.
YUP! DM’s greed in not alllowing missions to make a living wage has KILLED the missions. With no new members via the missions, and orgs sitting back and waiting for DM to magically create demand that’ll flood new suckers in their doors, the criminal organization representing itself as a church is, for all intents, dead. Sadly they won’t close the doors and send the foreigners home until DM’s blown through the billions in his slush funds or lost interest in the games he plays…. OR blown his liver out from the good whiskey wasted in his guzzling ways.
Jere, if the mission concept was still viable, one or more of the mission holders with money, like those who can afford to set up the “ideal” missions, would be making a go of it – those people are probably already subsidizing mission operations as it is because of the lousy economics, that’s not the fundamental problem. And if Dianetics and Scientology were viable, and the problem was just the CofS under Miscavige, then one or more of the indie orgs would be making a go of it.
I think the missions might pull in some very small number of “raw meat” public if they were not so hampered, and not so few, as they now are. But it wouldn’t be enough to significantly change the fundamental situation that there’s no longer much real interest in what they have to offer, and because of the reputation Scientology has gained plus changing cultural interests, little opportunity to even “hard sell” a “piece of blue sky,” either.
The Foothill Mission is still around? And publicly begging for funds? Ouch! How embarrassing!
Real Scientologists aren’t smart enough to feel embarrassed, That emotion isn’t registered on their tone scale.
Command intention trumps all responses anyway, they are told how they will feel and react,
Ok. I’ll give it a try. Ok you DBs! I’m going to work you within an inch of your worthless lives! DO YOU HEAR ME! You’re nothing but down stats!
How was that?
A well done on that. To get a VWD you need to do a retread on ‘How to be a Better Asshole course.’ It’s all the rage and is being heavily promoted by command intention.
Watermelon Festival?
Count me in! I love watermelon!
What exactly does Scientology spend the money on that they extort from people? Surely they can find what they need for repairs/updates without resorting to public appeals etc. Mike, do you know why they took the GoFundMe page down? Who brought pressure to bear to remove it? Or is it a case of not having raised enough, fast enough to keep it going?
Dave took it down because Mike exposed it. This site along with Tony Os and the Aftermath is singlehandedly dismantling the Cult.
Yo Dave,
Where is the Plan B? I forgot, the key to Plan B is refer to Plan A which of course is Plan El-Con. Yer future looks a tad dim these days.
Thanks for the info. I must follow Tony’s blog more closely.
He’s the first thing I read in the morning.
Mike and Tony cross pollinate a bit.
Different viewpoints on the same subject.
I like Mike’s take on things, as he has more insight into the $CN groupthink.
Tony delves into subjects and follows long term stories like a good investigative reporter.
Yes…you must. Tony’s blog is great!
While you have Davey’s ear, ask him how big a check he just wrote to settle that lawsuit.
1. They use funds to settle lawsuits.
2. They use the funds to finish Idle Morgues.
3. Fund MissedCabbage’s lifestyle.
4. Cash is needed to prop the whole structure of $camology up, as membership is failing, money is the only thing that they can use to create the illusion of success.
5. The GoFundMe page showed the weakness of their position, was not in line with the propaganda they spew, and could not be spun (the data was publicly accessible & not in control of $cn); thus it had to dissapear.
Or Dave could just take it out of his wardrobe budget………….thanks for the info and link.
What? That would mean he would have to wear the same pair of shoes more than once. Well at least one of his pairs of shoes one time. How dare you suggest he give up one day of his shoe budget to fund something as insignificant as his real estate empire, which is to be totally funded by his loyal subjects 😉
With all the money he’s saving from his wife’s wardrobe then…….after all the poor woman hasn’t seemed to need a new pair of shoes for some time.?
🙂 Valerie.
those custom made heightened shoes with the lifts built in aren’t cheap!
I feel very sorry for the poor soul whose rectal orifice got reamed once Miss Cabbage found out about the Go Fund Me appeal.
Yo Dave,
Ya gonna open up a Gofuckme account for the forced abortion case ya settled this week?
The narrowly avoided summons to testify probably ‘restimulated’ his colon.
I think he is probably still recovering with scotch and fresh undies.
Yo Dave!
We out here on the Fringes feel yer pain so we gotta Go Fuck Yourself Account set up for ya, what with all yer unexpected expenses lately…………….good buddy.
Sorry if I don’t sound like my usual self but there appears to be this strange virus going around………good buddy!
Much love,
GoFuckYourSelfAccount: That’s what they should be doing to each other.
🙂 Well said Aqua!
I’m sorry, but I just recently came on board. Can anyone explain the purpose of scientoflop? I mean, do they do anything of benefit to anyone except The Mini-Napoleon? If they do not benefit why are they existing?
Enquiring minds need to know.
Like all cons, Lyin’tology has one goal: to enrich the sociopath at the top, nothing else. All those suckers who have donated over the years are merely suckers.
This is the essence of this criminal organization.
yeah, begging for $$ can smack of desperation.
It always does.
They need some fundraising to cover the cost of reprinting the OECs to hide all the policies against fundraising for Maybe to re-re-re-record all the lectures to replace LRHs voice with Miscarriages voice. That way the the blind (and dead) won’t be leading the blind anymore. They can have a re-re-re-release of the Golden Age of Miscarriage.
Hubbard: ‘If the GI is low, just sell more Scientology. Do not resort to selling postcards or FUNDRAISING.’
But almost no one buys scientology anymore. So,they have wring money out of the people who still do.
Dr. Dee, you’re being funny but I think you’re onto something there as regards those HCOPLs in the Green Vols!
A Scientology entity is talking about eliminating fees and percentages on donations. That is so rich.
Perhaps the Watermelon Festival can help?
Watermelon can always help! Especially watermelon shots.
Watermelon is is the cure for so many of the planet’s ills. Love it.
You’d like it more with watermelon shots, Aquamarine. I wouldn’t mind throwing down a few shots with you. Then we can bag on the cult.
Sounds like fun, OSD, but I’ll tell you what, you throw down the watermelon shots and I’ll throw down some ginger ale. Full disclosure: I have a terrible head for liquor. Its embarrassing.. But no worries, I’ll still be able to Bag & Bash 🙂
Adding to my prior comment re Foothill Mission location. I was able to zoom in on the sad little sign. Says the ‘entrance’ is around the back. How apropos.
Anyone who wants to enter would prefer to sneak in the back door so no one sees them entering 😉
I took a look at the actual entrance, it looks like they even share the building with a Dance Academy.
The Foothills Mission address from what I can tell via Google Maps isn’t even a ‘PLACE’. It’s a letter drop between Crackin’ Crab and a Sewing Center. I took a screenshot but can’t figure how to post it. Just do a Google Map search and you will see the little mailbox all alone between the two stores.
Such a sad story…NOT!
Crackin’ Crab sounds like a great place. First watermelon, now crab I’m starving all of a sudden!
Contact OSD to learn how to handle ‘the munchies’.
Jim, why do I suspect that OSD’s handling for “the munchies” would simply be to partake of more of that herb that caused them in the first place? 🙂
As per usual Cult bait and switch ……… you can pass on the Crab; It’s pure crack they are sellin.!
That’s for damned sure.