Desperation in the bubble.
The “senior” officials of the senior orgs of scientology are sending out form letters begging people to show up at “special briefings” about how orgs are going to “clear their zone”/”go St Hill size now.”
Wait, I thought that with the ribbon being yanked on “ideal orgs” there comes automatic “10X expansion”?
Inglewood has been “ideal” now for years. SFO for much longer than that. Tens of millions of tax free dollars expended… And they are NOT clearing their zones? And are NOT St Hill size? Dear Leader has been selling the ideal orgs strategy for 15 years now as THE ANSWER to achieve these very things?
But clearly this is not just a problem of lack of interest and public at a local org level.
How does the head of the org designated to deliver OT VIII, the D/CO of the “Mecca” of scientology and “Continental Captain” have the time to be reduced to doing call-in for local org events? Aren’t they busy servicing their OWN public and all the floods of people moving up the Bridge?
I wonder what the people who get these letters think? Do they even read them and notice that two of the most senior officials in scientology’s hierarchy send out “personal invitations” that are virtually identical? I wonder how many others of these there are that havent been sent to me?
Scientology is truly disappearing up its own fundament.
……..what is the best way to send you things such as the above? Just asking for a friend.
Don’t they know that L. Fraud forbade form letters to C.F.? 😉
Same old shit, over and over and over. It’s so stupid.
Hello Mike,yes they’re all very similar especially in their begging WOW !!!
Mike can you or anyone on here who may know the answer to this question,how many Scientologist are left in the states as well as in the world? Just an estimate thank you!
I’ve seen estimates ranging from 20,000 to 40,000, but no one except the COS knows for sure.
Thank you for your reply, I wonder how much longer they can explain all of that money with so few parishioners? All of those empty buildings around the world, I’ve often thought if anyone had the guts to ask the C.O.B. who’s going to take his place after he was gone, now that would be a sight, I totally believe in freedom of religion but I don’t believe that this is a religion. I thank God I was raised different,my life is so happy and peaceful, I try to see the best in people and step back when I feel the bad but pray for them, thanks for listening, take care of yourself​!!!
“I’m sure it is totally real for you that the Ideal Org Strategy has already changed the face of Scientology…”
Yup. And here’s a towel to wipe the egg off of it.
I don’t understand Hubbard’s quote “..because I couldn’t do it…you couldn’t do it……that’s a good bargain isn’t it? It’s stratospheric in its view point, but that’s all it takes”?
That’s all it takes for what? What’s the good bargain? I’m sooo confused.
The “church” would ask you to re-read it with a dictionary at hand. Remember if LRH spoke, sneezed, burped, or farted, there was some deep truth that our pre-clear minds couldn’t possibly fathom.
Yes Mike, there is 10X expansion at the ideal orgs. A 10x increase in begging form letters.
Don’t they get embarrassed using the same cheesy lines all the time?
If I have to read “correct orders of magnitude” one more time…
For years the orgs have been trying to shame their public into giving up their money and possessions. This has been done in a VERY overt and aggressive manner. The staff have been led to believe the few remaining public that support them are the reason the orgs are struggling so badly. Sounds insane. It is. Staff don’t realize that real evaluated handlings were canceled by Miscavige years ago while he wiped out management. Miscavige lives in a make believe world while holding absolute power within the cult and enjoying unlimited perks. The cherch of Scientology is completely off the rails and the staff and public who try to set it right are just wasting their money and lives. These GROSS form letters are a waste of time and money and scream DESPERATION!!!!!
“Staff don’t realize that real evaluated handlings were cancelled by Miscavige years ago while he wiped out management”.
Thank you, Mat. When I did the Data Series (Hey, you lurkers and UTRs – want the courage to leave? Do the D/S) I began to suspect exactly this. My eyes were open to outpoints (and pluspoints) and the outpoints were leaping up at me all around the org! Out tech, out admin, ignorance and/or blithe disregard of green-on-white – one long term staff member even replied to me, when I pointed out to her how off policy Ideal Org fundraising was, “We don’t have time to follow policy”. And this staff member who told me this, guess what her post was? Just guess.! Tell you what, I’ll give you 3 guesses and a hint: the right answer is the most ironic.
1) Org ED
2) Class IV auditor
3) Ethics Officer
These daft Thetanists love to bandy about vague phrases like, “correct order of magnitude” to refer to the actual number of folks who would need to be trained and cleared for $cn to be succeeding in its “star-high goal” of clearing the planet. Yet, when you begin to do even the simplest arithmetic calculations on what that would mean in terms of real numbers, then the cult just isn’t willing to go there because to do so would make it crystal clear to all exactly how miserably they’re failing.
The earth’s population is increasing rapidly (see here to get an idea of exactly how rapidly ). So, just to keep up with that rate of increase and stay even, the cherch would need to be making over 200,000 clears a day…any fewer and it’s actually going backwards!
To give you an idea of just how BIG of a Fail the cult’s planetary clearing program is, let’s do a little more simple math: If the cherch could somehow manage to boost the average number of clears made per day worldwide to 200 (yielding a total of 73,000 per year) that would still be 1000 times less than the rate of earth’s population growth. But remember, that figure is just what would be required in order to stay even with the world’s population growth rate and not continue to go backwards, as it has been since the day that Elron made that stat the ultimate measure of the cult’s success.
So, even when we take a very shallow dive into the numbers, and give them credit for creating far more clears per day than they’ve ever come close to in their wildest dreams, the “correct order of magnitude” needed to change that around is close to infinity. So, whenever you hear cult spokesholes refer use that vague and purposefully misleading phrase, think “pie in the sky” instead.
Dream on, you silly math-challenged $cilons, at the rate that you’re “succeeding” even the trillions of trillions of years that Elron has calculated that the universe has existed won’t be enough time to reach that goal 😉
Ha Ha Ha! “The correct order of magnitude” for getting out any actual Scientology products (Clears, Releases, OTs, Auditors)…how about more than zero? That would be a good start.
The stupid ot quote again. Maybe it’s their fault…
Can he blame the OT’s and get them to keep shelling out on the promise of OT IX?
Of course. Never deviate from a tried and true method of lying and fleecing your public.
I was reading how they took Jennifer Lopez dad’s money and then kicked him in the ass to move in don’t get why the IRS and the FBI don’t see what’s going on taking people for all there money , I hope someone will just go after this cult
Someone is. It’s called the Mike and Leah Show. Don’t expect a government agency to help out though. They are too busy printing the money they need. Dave has to con it out of unsuspecting people of good will. so He is actually working for a living. ):
Please don’t just rely on the visible “leaders” like MIke, Leah, Tony Ortega, etc…. please just make a small gesture like writing your politicians. It doesn’t take much, if enough people get on board.
I’m sure they are just desperately attempting to break that observation about insanity. Doing exactly the same thing over and over expecting a different result. No luck yet, but give ’em 10 out of 10 for persistence. Sadly it’s the only tool in the shed but have they have to do something to fill in their day.
Surely there’s got be be an off switch for Scientology, for some especially their management it’s busted!
Mike and Leah are the OFF SWITCH I Yawn. After season two, I doubt that the remains will even be twitching.
$cientology is the new toxic wasteland.
Sometimes I wonder if little Miscavige really believes all that LRH claptrap.
Maybe David Miscavige sits in his office at night, guzzling his expensive church-provided scotch, praying that maybe LRH will indeed return at any moment from his interplanet Janet galaxy hopping.
And then, it will all be all right, because LRH will pat little Dave on the head and say, “Thank you Davey, you have been a good steward while I was away, and now go play while the big boys take control of the church.” It would be like a visit from Santa for little Miscavige!
Ah, who am I kidding, LRH would return, take one look at the disaster Miscavige has created, and then throw little Davey into the Hole he created.
“I’m sure it is real to you, the only route for us to clear this planet is making Saint Hill size orgs…bla bla bla…
No. As a matter of fact after nearly 40 years of pushing that strategy and over a decade of pushing the multi million dollar building strategy (because it is obviously real to you that buildings are more important than people) the exact opposite is real to me.
Their real strategy seems to be:
“Come look at our amazing building. Check out our state of the art videos. Aren’t we impressive? Give us all your money!”
The Ideal Org “Strategy” always boggled my mind. It still does. It still amazes me that this makes sense to certain people I knew when I was still in. Back when I was in I was astounded that long term, very admin trained staff embraced this boondoggle, believed in it…I couldn’t stop wondering how, why, they could…I would think, over and over, “Don’t you understand how stupid this is? Don’t you SEE how this will NEVER work, and the harm it will cause?”
So… now it’s the Oateys responsibility to “clear their zones”. They must stick together on this common goal and offer their mutual assistance to those smaller, weaker beings with bigger organization skills in superior orgs because they will not survive if they are not completely responsible for all life and societies.
I’m paraphrasing but, wow! Did Elron really say this??? What a loaded statement!
IOW… show up and then one up each other on their donation of money to save face as it’s the OTs who have all the money!
Yeah, that’ll do it!
San Francisco’s strategy seems to be sending a couple guys to sit in the Powell St. BART station every once in a while with their e-meter and personality tests. Unlike the many buskers playing music for tips in that station, the Scientologists never seem to make any attempts to attract the attention of passersby.
Love that fundament crack, Mike.
I use the phrase “Putting the ‘fundament’ into ‘fundamentalist'” to describe Westboro Baptist. For Scientology, I keep the same phrase, but substitute ‘mental’ for ‘fundament’.
“As I’m sure is real to you…”
There they go again, trying to strong-arm my reality to fit your money-grubbing agenda. Here’s what’s real to me: you are a blood-sucking ghoul who is dedicated to lapping up people’s money and sanity.
What is true – is the truth. $cientology is a total and utter SCAM of EPIC Proportions.
With in the right order of magnitude, right? Oh, and I have no freakin’ idea what that means! It’s all Greek to me…
Whatever that vague phrase means to these silly $cilons, it would have to be a rate of new clears being made each day that is at least somewhat higher than the rate of increase in the world’s population growth, which is approx. 200,000 per day…any less and the cult is getting further away from clearing the planet, instead of advancing toward it.
Obviously, negative progress toward the cult’s ultimate goal is NOT the correct order of magnitude 😉
All is not lost for them, though, despite what the numbers reveal. I have some very special Magic Beans that an wise old super-powered sorcerer, named Drabbuh the Magnificent, bequeathed to me that I’m willing to sell to the cult for only $15 million…guaranteed to make their postulates stick, like a cluster of Gorilla Glue BTs to their host 😉
Well, everything is relative, including the “correct order of magnitude” for the production of something. A short time ago Mike posted how New York Org hasn’t made a Clear since May of 2016. This was per that Org’s Facebook Page. Unless they’ve made one in the last week or so, that’s nearly a year with no Clear made for one of the largest orgs on the planet, situated in one of the busiest areas of the planet, foot-traffic wise. Thus, if NYO makes 2 Clears this year it will put them into “Normal Operation”…too funny.
“I am sure it is totally real to you…” is the line that strikes me.
“…that the Ideal Org Strategy has already changed the face of Scientology.” Oi Vey.
Imagine if the person who read this was able to say right back, “Yea, well it doesn’t look all that great to me. I don’t see new Orgs and Missions being born from these snazzy multi-million dollar buildings donated so much money for. I just see empty buildings.”
Cha Ching!!! Pony up to the bar for another round of sec checking.
People that belong to that church are very dangerous people actually, out to harm others and intelligently cover their tracks as though a religion had done the crimes. Very dangerous people. 🙂
“I’m sure that you…totally real for you…you really need to…”
Phrases like this always made me want to smack them.
I’d bitch slap ’em into the next County. These are unadulterated threats. D
Into the next dimension.
Sounding more and more desperate. To quote Seinfeld….”aww…that’s a shame”
Mike, it is difficult to read your blog because you use insider terminology continuously as if your readers should, by default, understand these terms. Some of us are highly interested in what you have to say but we cannot follow because we need to stop every sentence to Google the terms you use. Perhaps you should create a Glossary of Terms and then link those terms in the body of each post. What is “D/CO” and how would people who aren’t Scientologists know this? How about SFO? I’m just grabbing a few terms.
Welcome to what we went through in Scientology.
Get your clay out – Chris – and your Scientology dictionary with the demo kits…to clear these “loaded language” cult terms….so you too can think and speak in Scientologese!
LOL – just kidding! 🙂
Chris. Yes Sci is ridden with jargon and abbreviations I’ll grant you that. But they are NOT in every sentence Mike writes. And by the way how many hours do you think he has in a day when you consider that he has to put food on the table for his family?
Yes it would be great to have a glossary — but there are a couple already out there on the ‘net. Please help yourself Instead of creating more work for him — just google it. I put “d/co in scientology defined” and the answer is found easily as deputy commanding officer.
Gotta go. My mummy just blended my hot lunch and is about to spoon-feed me.
Mike is busy with shooting the second season of the Mike and Leah show aka Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath right now so the posts we get are somewhat rushed in whatever free time Mike has. Mike usually does give definitions.
I’m a never in like you, but I’ve been hanging around this crap longer than you have, and get many of them now, or at least the context. SFO is San Francisco Org. I know D/CO is a title, but I’m not sure for what, but from Mike’s wording, it is an important Scientology post.
D/CO is “Deputy Commander”, a Sea Org executive title.
SFO is not a Scientology term, it’s the airport code for San Francisco!
I’m a never-in, but I’ve picked up most of the lingo by now. Aaron Smith-Levin and Chris Shelton have both done helpful YouTube videos on the topic of Scientology-speak.
The Xenu-Directory dot net’s glossary is pretty useful for never-ins who want to decode some of the real dense verbiage.
Looking through today’s article:
D/CO is “deputy commanding officer”.
SFO is San Francisco (though this one isn’t Hubbardese – it’s just their airport’s three-letter code).
Some other terms used in the letters:
HAS is the Hubbard Communications Office area secretary, the person responsible for recruiting staff.
CLO WUS is the Continental Liason Office for the Western US, the department responsible for
managing all the church’s activity in the region west of the Mississippi.
Thanks! I’ll look that up and give it a shot.
Chris, thanks for your strong interest. I got that your request was made out it being important to you to fully understand. Suggest you print out one of the online easy-read Scn dictionaries and keep it handy. We appreciate your being here with us, and the effort you’re making to do so.
Yes, the cult loves to use airport initials for cities in addition to the other nonsense names and abbreviations. STL is St Louis, DVR is Denver, JHB is Johannesburg, HOU is Houston etc. I don’t know if it is 100% airportology but close. I used to run LEC (LRH External Communications) and had to type all of his telexes back at INT (International Headquarters) about 35 years ago. I still remember that BS (bullshit) – heck, I can still remember the punched holes on telex tape and what letters they equated to.
Fortunately, the cult hasn’t gone full Airportology. I’ve never seen Kansas City referred to as MCI, for instance. And we in Chicago escaped too, as the org has never been referred to as ORD or MDW. In fact, I’ve never seen a bumf where “Chicago” has been abbreviated. Why do we get to be so lucky when so many are suffering?
“CLO WUS is the Continental Liason Office for the Western US”
but I can never see that acronym without reading it as CLO WNS
D/CO = Deputy Commanding Officer
SFO = San Francisco Org (organization)
Thank you!
Yes! Marildi is right. It’s not Deputy Commander as I said, its Deputy Commanding Officer.
Desperation: It’s name is, Come to the Briefing (and bring a bunch of other people).
If they weren’t such a fucked cult, I’d almost feel sorry for them. Almost…
You’re a kind soul, OSD.