A point of minor interest.
Fred Harris was the original “Flag World Tour” team with Barry Watson in 1975/6. He then made his way to ASI and to Int where he was LRH PPRO Int for a while and GI Exec Int and various other posts.
He also blew the Sea Org at least 3 times, only to be recovered.
If you read Peter Bonyai’s excellent book Money, Power, Servitude you will see he was also the person sent to stat-push Budapest Org so it could be falsely announced “St Hill Size.” Total insanity.
I guess they thought he did well, so he has been sent back to Hungary to try and scrape together some arrivals for the FSO.
It tells you how desperate they are to get some bodies in the shop that Fred Harris is returned to the “Flag World Tour”…
Last I knew (just before I left in 2007) Fred had blown again and was in Canada (he is Canadian) claiming to have a serious heart condition that required him to be there as health care is free in Canada and he could not get the care he needed in the the Sea Org in the US. His wife, Fran (formerly Fran Broeker married to Pat and formerly CS-3 and CO FSO and GI Exec Int) had been removed in one of Miscavige’s purges and was on post as the “trimmer” in Gold, meaning she operated a machine that cut the edges off the lecture transcripts…) had basically given up on him, and though he was apparently seriously ill, stood tough as a good Sea Org member does and relayed the message that if he was not coming back she was divorcing him. It is amazing how someone who has been treated as badly as her remains so blindly loyal to the party line — in fact it may be true that those who are treated the worst tend to stick around for more punishment in a vain effort to “prove” they are really worthy.
I wonder if they are still “married” (though as with many SO members, married is a relative thing — as they don’t live in the same place, often not even in the same hemisphere).
Bruce Easom says
Was Fred Harris the captain at ASHO on Temple St. in the early 1970s. I think he might be the guy who had me comevd just be for my escape.
Monica says
I knew a Fred Harris who was CO AOLA in 1976. Funny because he was also the one who tried to have me com eved or worse, right before my escape. Not his intention but he sounds like he got a lot of people out of Scientology! That does look like him in the photo here, a lot older of course.
hadley says
I most certaintly remember this person first Org They went to was MUnchen then AOSHDK many occassions
I was with them on tour met at locations and assisted them in those wanting to go to flag for L’s.
Hadley UK
dchoiceisalwaysrs says
Is that the Fred Harris who as Executive Director was ‘stompin around’ in his cowboy boots upon the hardwood floors in the Ottawa, Canada org in April 1973. Cohort of Scott and Jackie Carmichael (GO), Alex Beaton, and Bill O’Meara amongst others? If so, was him, who was heavily cheered while up on stage in a Toronto, Ontario Hotel in some relation to Project OP Z but I think he was dedicated to some other more important yet to be revealed ‘mission’.
xTeamXenu75to03 says
You are probably right. check his photo and see if he fits. Fred could play concert piano and did to relax. I watched him praised him, when I became ASI staff in 1992, and Fred was still there at ASI. I was FSO crew lowly TTC member, when Fred and Barry got their Ka Khan awards awarded by Hubbard for their AO 536 LRH Pluspoint Eval tours money accumulating.
Biggest thing Fred and Barry did was help announce Flag was open for business by their tours, which LRH ordered be done.
Scientology sells it’s quackery ,the Hubbard quackery and exorcism, and the theory training in the quackery, and all that parcelled out quackery selling is what makes the sales job nature of Scientology so irreligious.
Fred played the ASI main floor piano at times, relaxing nice playing he did.
Fred and Frannie both exemplefied the ideal ASI staff members, LOL. (I never ever was qualified to be there, but I did notice those who did fit LRH’s bill of duties that ASI staffers were to exemplify, since LRH wrote down in orders what he wanted of ASI staff, I never was close.).
Thoughtful says
Not only that, Fred has come back from the dead… with David Miscavige’s monkey wig! …and voodoo tie—which I’m pretty sure has pins stuck into the back). At least Fred kept his own wrinkled shirt (Lumpy collar? Check! Pale and sickly? Check!). It looks like they propped him up in a wheel chair, shot a photo and got a Hungarian newbie to Photoshop. Is that really Fred or an effigy of Fred made of old vacuum cleaner parts with a wig on top? Trot him out!
I really like the greenish gray hair. Really. Like. That.
racingintheblood39 says
Rollicking LOL! God I love to see this stuff just stream out of Hall’s creative machine. Good to be ‘in touch’ again, Stevianado da Vinci. 🙂
— Calvin.
Thoughtful says
Thank you. Mike can confirm this, but I think part of the confusion may be that there are standard prefixes for Mr, Mrs and Ms, but nothing for “cadaver” or “deceased” or “zombie.” So they took the liberty of pasting on a “Mr” for Fred, but that’s certainly a misnomer. Looking at this photo, Fred has probably been dead since 2005 and was probably stinking up the Hole something fierce out there in Gilman Hot Springs. “Put him on tour!” One thing I would say is, the dry desert air has preserved his features remarkably. He almost looks as if he died only recently.
Anyway, back to the subject — I would recommend promoting him more accurately as, “Cdvr. Fred Harris” or “Dcsd. Fred Harris” or maybe “Zomb. Fred Harris.”
At the podium it all works fine because with his mouth gaping open like that, they can just play a recording. Of course the CoS knows how to put words in people’s mouths. And with no one sitting in the audience since the buildings are all empty, there’s also no one to ask too many questions like “how come your mouth doesn’t move.” This finally solves the dilemma of not being able to trust live speakers at events.
Behold, the Official DM-approved Church of Scientology Spokescorpse.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Thoughtful,What a post on Fred Harris,the picture I got of the cos propping him up and having him lecture to an empty room was beyond price.One thing Scientology has always gotten a very well done for the ability to,put words in peoples mouths.But the best of all is”spokescorpse” that made my evening.Thank you.Always Ann B.
racingintheblood39 says
Oh nooo, (guffaw! ) (tears of laughter!!) You’re on a roll, Steve! (wipe, wipe, dab.) 🙂
indie8million says
Our Spokescorpse bears a distinct resemblance to another wooden-headed puppet – probably born about the same time. Twins Basil?
The Oracle says
I Googled, “Spooky Scientology”. About 300,000 results (0.58 seconds) Some really interesting web sites too!
The Oracle says
I Googled “Spooky Scientology” after I realized David Miscavige is just a talking head.
The Oracle says
P.S. This was one of the funniest articles I have ever read:
indie8million says
That is pretty funny, Oracle. 😀 Funny too that he got busted twice for not being who he said he was. “You look like a writer” and “Are you an actor, because it seems like you’re acting right now.” lol
I don’t care what anyone says about “OT”, people do have innate spiritual perception and some of those people do make it into Scientology. heh heh.
Even though he was being funny, I feel that he really did go in to try to be objective, and still felt it was creepy as hell.
On a side note, wasn’t that guy in the showcase video interesting? It was like a combination of poppin’ and lockin’ and mime. Very creative. Don’t think he was a Scientologist though. A person can perceive these things. 😉
Mreppen says
Fuck, sad. I liked them both a lot.
indie8million says
Mreppen: Fred and Howdy Doody? Maybe they are cut of the same tree.
roger gonnet says
Another interesting fact from the various posts held by Fred or his wife there: scientology is as unstable as its guru was: the people in it are perpetually after a new chair, a new function, so, there is no stability for the mind, since not only staffs can’t guess the week’s income, but they also can’t guess what could be the next function they could fill that week!
This is most certainly for me, as an ex-consultant in companies -before scientology- since nothing can be built on sand.
The only solid things remaining in the cult are nits master, and the money purpose and motivation, as THE stable data.
racingintheblood39 says
Another well-aimed hammer-blow to deeply imbed that stake of mercy, Mike. Who ever said you don’t have “heart”, hey? 🙂
BTW, thanks for using that Jack Nicholson-like “Joker” image for the graphics. I would hate to have seen a pic of Christopher Lee there! I mean, that really would have become the most un-deserving desecration of the original scare-master!! Appreciated, mate! 🙂
SadStateofAffairs says
Well all I can say is that I am glad I got away from that SO clusterfuck and didn’t end up as a Fred Harris.
DodoTheLaser says
Fred Harris was in Cinci Org about 10 years ago, inspecting and stuff. He smoked in Jeanie’s office a lot.
Idle Morgue says
Fred Harris looks grey and dead – the EP of Scientology. Hope he has the EP of SP and blows for good.
Bruce says
The man looks stuffed and plastic — sure he’s not a mannequin?
indie8million says
Bruce. He’s taking a new brand of botox called “The Sea Org”.
Bruce says
Maybe called “SOtox?” (LOL)
indie8million says
😀 Yes! We’re rebranding it starting now! haha
“Eyebrow twitching on your 20th attempt at your 2 hour, blinkless TR0? Having trouble keeping your pie face? Try SOtox now!!! DM will never know.”
Robert Almblad says
Today is my birthday and I am 68… and more than 40 of those years spent inside the cult.
The death of this cult comes, not only from it’s own evil actions, but from not following PR policy.
LRH studied this subject and explained it well, but DM never got it. DM thinks that his power is just having people around him listen to him. In a cult, that’s true. But, it’s a bubble of course.
The end for Scientology is near because there is no PR capital left in the Co$. And, NO amount of money can buy good Public Relations. PR is earned by good works, well advertised…
Chee Chalker says
Happy Birthday!
Observer says
Dave’s PR is straight down and horizontal.
babybunker says
Happy Birthday Robert… We are the exact same age.. It is a fabulous age!
indie8million says
Right, Robert. And all of the people who are really well trained in PR are still in the hole (Heber, etc.) or on the outer fringes of the Internet, using that PR tech to shine the light on Miscavige. It sucks to be Miscavige.
Hope your birthday was happy, Robert!
racingintheblood39 says
Hey, Robert. A belated many happy returns! Ditto for moi. — 68, was 40+ years in, (and also a part-time inventor) entrepreneur.
(high five!) — Calvin 🙂
Idle Morgue says
Robert – Happy Birthday. A suggestion only – you may find freedom with the whole truth. There is more rabbit hole to be had. L Ron Hubbard was a crook, a con man and an evil being that destroyed everything in his path, including his cult.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Robert Almblad,Good to meet you.A day late and a dollar short,but not in terms of wishing you a very Happy Birthday and many more.Thank you for your posts,I always enjoy them. Always Ann B.
Old Surfer Dude says
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Robert! May your day (yesterday) be filled with much joy, love and happiness. You know, the kind of day you wouldn’t have if you were still in the cult. Rejoice!
Robert Almblad says
The purges that DM took over the years were intended to get rid of malcontents that had “ideas” of their own. In the case of Fred, he would NEVER need to be purged. Never. Hahaha..
Still, I always liked the guy.
He’s now too old to escape. This “old guard” will be used over and over again by DM until they are all dead. In the case of Fred, my guess is he is feigning death and will out-live DM… he’s a political character with no peers.
Sejanus says
Fred kinda looks like he overdosed on Jokers Smilex.
Seriously creepy expression.
The Oracle says
The pay average in Hungary today, is equivalent of 500.00 American $$ per month. And these are the best of times for Hungary.
The Sea Org has usually used this pool for staff recruits. The Sea Org doesn’t think twice about out pricing their services for “spiritual freedom” on the left, while hitting up the ones that can scrape along for donations to keep the Church afloat because it is unaffordable to 95% of the planet. And the only way to prop the doors open is through donations.
This is bought to you by the ” International management ” , accustomed to receiving 600.00 pairs of Oakey Sunglasses for Christmas gifts for themselves, and David Miscavige. As part of the “Let’s run a Can’t Have on the Scientology” program for Earth.
Sid says
Fred Harris is the one who introduced me to Scientology back in the late ’60s. In the late ’70s he once tasked me with buying some boats so that he could set up a mini-Sea Org that would roam the Great Lakes and waterways bringing Scientology to the masses. Zero budget. Zero boats.
He had created a post for himself back then called FOS (Founding Org Supervisor) and was setting up Missions around the country. His sister was LRH Comm in Canada for years and years. Probably still is.
I saw him once in LA in the mid-80s but not since.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Sid,Good to meet you.Well Fred Harris has been around,I’ll give him that.But a mini Sea Org with little boats zipping around the Great Lakes! He must recall The Laissez-Faire,tricky little sailboat not much recruiting room but then if the prospect did not cooperate they could swim to shore!I wanted the Sea Org to,send floating big ship orgs all around the planet at one time.Glad I woke up and got out.My best always Ann B.
dankoon says
Jesus, good old Fred Harris. He used to natter to me about how the Sea Org was so much better in the old days on the ship when people could exercise initiative and get stuff done. He had a lot of stories. That he actually went back in after being out does not speak well for him in my estimation. He lived a nightmare for many years, as did we all, and could have made something of his life back in Canada. I recall the day that the base dentist, Bob Horne pulled all his teeth because they had to go. He was misery personified for a couple days despite painkillers and assists. I always liked old Fred and am disappointed to hear that he wimped out and went back for more abuse, though being on tour and out of DM’s reach definitely has its advantages.
Sandy Duncan says
Talk about Stockholm Syndrome.
Toot TO OT says
I never knew Fred Harris but I did see the guy in this photo buzzing around PAC in the mid 80’s. Somehow the photo above looks very similar to what I remember 30 years ago. In photoshop you can gaussian blur to make a euphoric look…or younger if you squint.
Barry Watson. I worked with him for 10 years at executive software (diskeeper, condusiv). I am shocked to hear he was some sort of major figure or influential figure in any SO group or organization. In the later 80’s I think he was 60 or 70 years old. He looked rather weathered. He was very picky about where his desk was located and also not a very good producer amongst other people in his department yet he got away with it.
Maybe it was because Craig Jensen, Henning Heldt and Mary Heldt knew his background or maybe he was bumped out of the Sea Org and sent to work for Craig Jensen?? Barry worked late hours and all the time but his output was lower than anyone else. It never made sense.
He did not fit into software or sales or groups very well.
Bystander says
Time to shoop Heath Ledger…
They say that the real smile is in the eyes and it cannot be faked. These eyes tell you that the smile is a lie.
Potpie says
I don’t know what you guys are talking about…..Fred looks like a very happy guy.
Old Surfer Dude says
You mean for a corpse?
Observer says
He’s under the thumb of Mr. Slap Happy hisself.
indie8million says
OSD – You always get it right.
Robin says
I wonder if this is the same guy I flunked at AO for a clay table that didn’t show what it was supposed to be showing. That particular Fred got furious and tried to make me wrong for flunking him by rattling off his achievements, how he knew LRH, etc. Didn’t matter to me: I’d been a supervisor for too long, with too many students, to be intimidated — and his clay table still didn’t show what he thought it did. Apologies to Fred Harris if the person I’m thinking of is a different Fred 🙂
Ann B Watson says
Hi Robin,Thank you for a post that made me recall a few supervisors I loved at ASHO F.You sound like I would have liked you too.I was flunked for so many things but never gasp a clay demo.Modeled those suckers the way I write.No rough drafts just put it out and see where it lands.Create the concept and dive in.The Fred you post of seems a touchy thin skinned about demos and his ties to Ron.Ron did not help anyone to my knowledge with clay demos.Although I can see him correcting mine if he had done so and I would have said yes Sir and redone it back in my KAid Clay demo days.Always enjoy your posts.Ann B.
Espiando says
Fred looks like the result of the first Human-to-Muppet reassignment surgery (how appropriate given that the Muppets will be back on our screens soon). Obviously, it’s a magnificent triumph for Standard Tech, since no one but Scientology would have even thought of doing this.
RogerHornaday says
Saddam Hussein was famous for having his subordinates executed and imprisoned at whim. I remember a video of an assembly in Iraq where he had a man hauled out of the room by guards to be executed for treason. I remember how everybody stood up and cheered. They were of course petrified and wanted to make a visible show of support lest they too suffer the same fate.
I remember one man in particular danced and cheered louder and more noticeably than anybody else. It was his friend about to be hanged. This dancing man, as it was revealed by the newscaster was executed the following day!
My point is, Hussein’s regime didn’t have SOURCE and see how bad it was?
RolandRB says
What a horrible trick to play on a dead body! 🙁
Markthehungarian says
Here’s a translation of the poster.
Mr Fred Harris is a veteran who has been a member of the Sea Org for 45 years. He was on the flagship Apollo with LRH and took his orders directly from him.
He was there when LRH developed the L’s, Super Power and the Cleverness Rebirth Rundown.
After the Flag World Tour event he will give a personal summary of the story of how LRH developed the rundowns, which part of the Bridge they come from, and how they fit into the Bridge.
2015 August 29 Saturday
Doors open at 1630. The meeting begins at 17:00.
Best Western Grand Hotel Hungaria
Rakoczi ut 90 – opposite Keleti train station
Strange the event wasn’t held in the Org, which is in a much nicer area. And, as one of the commenters recommended, he wouldn’t have had to go far to see the immigration crisis, which is literally taking place outside of the doors of the hotel.
Mike Rinder says
OMG — Fred Harris has as much knowledge of the development of these rundowns as a seagull sitting on the railing outside Hubbard’s “research room” on the Apollo. He was “there”, but all he did was shit on the railing.
windhorsegallery says
Fred Harris will forever be on my own personal sh** list …
He denied my CSW to return to my hometown to visit my father who had been hospitalized with a nervous breakdown. My senior, Distrib Sec FSO approved the CSW and then he gave it to Harris.
My father killed himself 6 months later.
I was not allowed to leave. I never saw my father again. He killed himself 6 months later.
FOR YEARS I blamed myself for not just leaving and going to see him. So certain I was that I could “save” him. It’s taken nearly 35 years to realize that you just can’t SAVE anyone. But in the meantime — it’s been painful.
I hope to be able at some point to genuinely forgive Harris. But not at this point. It is probably his daughter that keeps him connected to scion … I think he really cared for her.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Windhorse, Thank you.I feel so deeply sorry for what you have been through and if I had known that Harris character he would be on my s### list too pronto and more.You are a very special and kind spirit.If zi can ever do for you,let me know.Always Ann B.
indie8million says
I have a similar story I’ll tell some day, WindHorse. About 6 months after a call from Karen Paow, my dearest friend in the world killed himself, too. He said, “That was the most entheta call I have ever had from anybody…and she’s at GOLD!!” Talk about a shaken stable datum.
You’re right. We all tried to keep him from jumping off that cliff, but one day, he just felt he had to jump. I couldn’t have saved him either. Hugs.
Ann B Watson says
Hi indie8million, I am reading your post with tears because I too had dearest friends who did the same.One can try so hard to keep a person from deciding to depart on their terms but once one’s entire entire world is ripped apart by entheta and finding out that the entire Universe that was believed in is wrong and gone,I honestly think spirit or light pulled me from that brink once years ago.I love reading all viewpoints here.Always Ann B.
indie8million says
Thank you so much, Ann. So glad that you pulled back from the edge. What would we have done with out your exquisite posts here? 🙂
Yeah, there’s nothing like the feeling when you really know that the person you worked so hard to keep in the game opted out for the last time. And THEY opted out. They chose that route.
How bad does it have to be for someone to say, “The alternative is better”? Pretty F’n bad. Terrible. That’s the heartbreaker. That they were suffering THAT much.
This person couldn’t get their case solved to save their life – literally.
Pathetic, when we were supposed to have “the tech”.
I don’t think the tech was the fault on this occasion. It was the bitches not applying it or not honestly caring if that person was solved or not.
Left a big, big hole. I’m sure your friends did, too.
Right there with ya, sista. We’re all here for each other.
I appreciate Mike for creating this watering hole for us all to come to for a pat on the back or a good laugh amid all this ridiculousness.
Ann B Watson says
Hi indie8million,You are an absolute sweetheart thank you.Well when I depart the Planet y’all just keep on your kind and beantiful paths.Some how someway part of me will be left with you here.Even if just my words this Blog and all of you have saved my life.Love Always Ann B.
indie8million says
You’re welcome, Ann. And, on us saving your life, I dunno. That’s kind of up to you. We maybe just reminded you of what a wonderful life you are. 🙂
“Can you hear me, Clarence? I want to live again.” George Bailey
Ann B Watson says
Hi Indie8million, Got you about the saving my life bit,this writer writes from emotions,not always the smartest approach as this blog has showed me,but hey that’s me.And this is funny,my maiden name is Bailey! Always, Ann.
indie8million says
Happy to hear that, Miz Bailey!
Old Surfer Dude says
At this point, Windhorse, there’s almost nothing that surprises me regarding this cult anymore. I’m so very sorry for the loss of your father. This is evil incarnate. But, as tough as it is, at some point, you’ll have to forgive. Many of us have gone through the pain you’ve gone through. It’s tough, I know from personal experience.
Thinking of you……..
Robert Almblad says
That is funny Mike… so true too
indie8million says
Mike – made me literally laugh, out loud. Too perfect a duplication of the existing scene.
I’ve met Chick Corea a few times and I STILL can’t play piano like him. Same difference.
Call Me Snake says
When you don’t have a future, all you can do is look to your past.
Markthehungarian says
That photo HAS to be photoshopped.
Observer says
I think they used GIMP as it’s free.
hgc10 says
Fred Harris should head for the Budapest train station and round up some of those Syrian refugees that the Hungarians won’t let stick around in their country. Flag would have no shortage of customers, though they would have to pay in kibbeh and za’atar, if that’s OK.
Observer says
All donations gladly accepted.
Old Surfer Dude says
Are human sacrifices included in that?
Observer says
Old Surfer Dude says
Nice! I’ve got a fairly fresh one for you…
Observer says
No shit?
Old Surfer Dude says
Observer, you haven’t figure out that I’m one sick puppy? Of course, no shit!
indie8million says
Aw, I thought that someone had captured the pygmie. Darn it OSD. Don’t get my hopes up like that.
Old Surfer Dude says
My bad! Sorry to do that to you, Indie! Tell you what, though, I’ll make it up to you when we have the party here at the beach to celebrate the demise of the cult! How’s that sound?
John Locke says
I don’t remember Fred but I believe Barry was of Apollo Start infamy. Last I heard of Watson was about 25 years ago giving a seminar at CCI to elderly scn’ers on how to prepare to die and give their last $ to the church…
John Locke says
typo – Apollo STARS infamy.
Ann B Watson says
Hi John Locke,This blog has a way of getting this old brain to remember long ago stuff.I just recalled Pat and Fran Broeker perhaps because of GO shudder and Barry Watson better not be kin to me,but in my innocent KA days I loved can anyone believe that, the Apollo Stars.On the bulletin board in the course room on The Excalibur,was a place for these big gold stars Flag would do if you did well on the ship.Silly now but I thought those things were made of 24 k gold,nope John not that naive just drunk on Ron’s World and those PLs.Had one hell,of a hang over when I got out.Always Ann B.
John Locke says
Kool-aid coloured glasses will do that Ann B. 🙂
GMan says
As of about 5 yrs ago Barry was running Qual at Ultimate Creations, a small Scn owned company by Big Blue in LA.
Observer says
I think my first bit of cognitive dissonance was listening to the album The Power of Source. No kidding.
indie8million says
Memory jogger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wka6ZKUd8WQ
I worked with Tamia Arbuckle and Charlie Rush and the gang on a couple of projects. Charlie’s a great drummer. Who the hell is playing the trumpet (not so good). Can’t be Ron Miscavige, Sr. I don’t think he was in yet.
John Locke says
There’s no trumpet in that pic. The person on the extreme right is Kenny I think.
indie8million says
Hey John. I meant on the recording – the Apollo Stars album (the first link). Kenny who?
Ann B Watson says
Hi indie8million,I remember Kenny because I wore the grooves off that first Apollo Stars album.There was a stereo in my Hollywood Inn room and us 6 ladies sure took advantage of it also Chick Corea Stanley Clarke ISB ( my loves) and Leo Sayers Journey and Stix which we were given Asho D & F a private show with Stix at the Greek Theater in H’Wood at night.In the audience we were all told to pick a star as in the sky that would always be our star and send it to Ron.I was so KAed I thought that was great,but in fact it was binding me more tightly to the cult.Always enjoynyour posts.Ann B.
indie8million says
AnnieB. Don’t be so hard on yourself for being “KA’d” as you put it. The fault of being deceived is with the deceiver, not the deceived.
Again, the mind is a perfect computer and will make a perfect conclusion, provided it is given correct equations with truthful information.
Having said that, you know, that moment in time was a moment you experienced, pardon the eval, in complete and total sincerity and innocence. With what you knew, you loved. You reveled in the music, you appreciated the company of the people who were in your tribe. That was true and real, with nothing to apologize for to anyone.
Just like you can’t blame yourself for a man being untrue (see the lecture, “The Descent of Man”) you have to let the true owners/creators of the deception OWN what they did, without you taking any ownership of that overt and withhold. That wasn’t your OW.
The beautiful thing is that you loved. xoxo indie8
RogerHornaday says
“Again, the mind is a perfect computer and will make a perfect conclusion, provided it is given correct equations with truthful information.”
indie8million, I wonder whose mind you’re referring to. Maybe you’re referring strictly to the analytical function of the mind and not the emotional function which compels the person to take action. Those two functions of the mind are sometimes at odds with each other. There’s also the matter of minds having unique conditioning giving rise to personal preferences. Computers don’t have to worry about that stuff. While two geniuses may disagree two computers ought not.
indie8million says
You certainly have point about this emotional, elemental factor. Just sayin’, the people with Jim Jones were told that this trip to paradise was supposed to be a communion of souls and worshipful togetherness. The person would believe that because they loved their fellow worshipers and would orient themselves to that mindset, not knowing that there was any other intention, behind the curtain or the mask.
That is, until the sweet Kool-Aid started taking effect.
John Locke says
The 1st link is to a youtube video that has one pic. Of El Con at the keyboard and no one else with an instrument.
John Locke says
indie8million I can’t remember how to spell it but it is something like Campelman. Maybe with a K. I think he eventually ended up being a security guard at S Base.
indie8million says
Oh, ok. Thanks John.
Old Surfer Dude says
Seriously, John? …”how to prepare to die and give their last $ to the church?” Really?
John Locke says
Yep OSD, ’twas what went down in that “seminar”.
Old Surfer Dude says
My God, John! I keep thinking, “They can’t go any lower” and then this happens. I thought you were being funny and now it turns out to be true. The depths they will descend to for the almighty dollar knows no bounds. That’s one sick fuck who put on a “seminar” like that.
John Locke says
OSD, it can go even lower. Here is an intro to the guy El Con learned from and gathered his ideas from to form Scamology. http://www.openculture.com/2014/03/aleister-crowley-the-wickedest-man-in-the-world.html
Old Surfer Dude says
I just finished watching your link. I had known that Hubbard was into black magkic and Satanism. The shore story was just that…a story. Hubbard was an enthusiastic practitioner of the dark arts.
For all posters: The above link is all about Crowley. Very interesting 50 minute video.
indie8million says
Random posting – As I was looking around about the Crowley business, I ran into this article from 1986. I wonder why I didn’t see it before. Oh yeah. I was drunk on Kool Aid. Thought you guys might find it interesting. Heber’s a youngster here. Ken Hoden is the Chaplain at ASHO now. My, how times change.
Old Surfer Dude says
I remember this photo (showing my age!). Thanks for the link, Indie!
Ann B Watson says
Hi OSD,Yes showing our ages and battle scars! Somewhere in a pile of something in a box in some corner there is a black and white series of pics taken of ASHO F in early 70s on Temple St.I was so damn young! Would love to unearth that one day.Thank you Indie! XO Always Ann B.
indie8million says
You’re welcome guys! I confess. I remember that time period, too. Been there, drank that.
Observer says
A thankless job, but a good opportunity to blow!
morelivesthanacat says
Funny how I learn so much about people I once worked with that I had no clue about at the time. I could relate a funny story about Fred, but then the cat would be out of the bag. Now, did they actually photoshop a smile on him, or is that the expression on his face when he died?
Gary W says
Do tell morelivesthanacat.
dr mac says
That was MY first thought! Man, he looks like the walking dead. It shows desperation just to put out a photo like that and not expect people to be scared off. Hell, I’m feeling scared.
Old Surfer Dude says
You know, with Halloween coming up next month, I wonder if I can get him to come to my home and scare the kids? I mean, he’s perfect! I’d have him sitting 3 ft back from our front door. All the kids would think he’s fake, like a manikin. I’d put treats in their bags, and before they turned around, I’d have Fred stand up. Now, I do admit that some kids would probably have to have some therapy, but, hey, that’s what Halloween is all about! What do you say, Fred?
zemooo says
It really does look like his head has been Photoshopped on someone elses body. Like David Byrne of the Talking Heads in that big oversize suit on Stop Making Sense. I am sure that Fred Harris knows that he has to produce sales to keep his job. Stress and medical conditions do not go well together.
threefeetback says
UPDATE on reviving the walking dead:
Fred is looking much worse than when he was on the decks at Int following one of his blows.
“El Chapo” has been spotted in Costa Rica. His days are numbered.
Kim Jong Un’s ‘favorable’ ratings among those programmed to applaud on cue has gone down from the 70 percent range to the 50 percent range. According to a defector: following his purges of his close associates, North Koreans are terrified and Un’s days are numbered, too.
Have you ordered Karin Pouw (wink,wink) and Danny to start writing press releases for when Mike, Leah, Tom, Marc, Claire, and the rest of the crowd have their scientology Graduation Reunion on the Colbert Show?
RogerHornaday says
What’s this about a reunion on the Colbert Show? Is this for real?
Henry James says
The light source on the tie is from the right, the light source on the face is from dead on. The jacket, and shirt are out of focus, and the tie is sharp(I spent way too much time on photo software). Yes, it’s been doctored by a novice. Henry
[email protected] says
I knew Fred from when I was public at the Toronto Org, and got the far from just dubious award of having to work with him after in August 1970 Herbie Strawn (Amanda Ambroses daughter) talked me into going on staff. Spent my time there in Dissem (From letter Reg to Dissem Sec) in Day Org hours and full time Tech training FDN hours. He was one of the scariest staff members I ever met. Except possibly Otto Wilkens, the EO.
Oddly early 1971 (January?) they recruited 10 top admin staff to be sent off to do the FEBC and get what became the Ls. he left with
Brian Levman, Emile Gilbert, Mick Lewis, Paul anderson etc. It was then when I went from Dir of Reg to Dissem Sec. Also Dorothy Anderson, Sheila Nagy, Jackie Lewis etc moved up to take their places. within weeks we had the stats higher than they had ever been in org history aND KEPT THEM THERE…TILL WE GOT BACK THE FIRST FEBCS. Then they moved us all back to our last post, even though the org was in Power. It crashed.
Still many very good people I worked with and loved there.