I have Tony Ortega’s “Underground Bunker” to thank for enlightening me as to what’s been going on in $cientology for about the last twenty years (note to EO: the fact that someone outside the church has devoted almost two decades of their professional live to exposing $cientology’s transgressions should be proof enough to anyone that something is wrong with the church).
In late 2014, I heard on the radio that Mary Sue Hubbard’s house in the Los Feliz district of Los Angeles had gone on the market. Since I live nearby, I checked for that property’s address on the Internet. I innocently Googled the address request, and tumbled head-first into “The Bunker,” where I got an Instant Hat on what life is all about outside $cientology.
A note to the EO: I didn’t intend to search the Internet for “$cientology”; my Google search only asked for the address of Mary Sue’s house. I know I’ve been told to stay away from the Internet; before last August, I admit it, yes, I did look at a few things online that weren’t “official” $cientology websites, but I didn’t look at them in any depth and quickly left those web sites, whatever they were.
Through “The Bunker,” I learned how $cientology had mistreated Class VIII, OTVIII, Trey Lotz, who had been very influential in my life in 1979. Then, I read former Flag Ship Service Org Captain Debbie Cook’s e-mail sent to thousands of her fellow Scientologists for 2012. While I’ve never been a Flag public, I could not question or doubt the validity of Ms. Cook’s message about how twisted $cientology has become.
Later, I read the heart-breaking Declaration of Independence written by Cindy Temps, a friend of mine with whom I shared the American Saint Hill Organization’s (“ASHO”) Specialist Course room in the mid-1980’s. Someone declared Cindy “Suppressive” and created the “disconnection” that has separated her from her children, Melissa and Alan? You’ve got to kidding me! Cindy is one of the sweetest, most helpful and knowledgeable people I’ve ever had the pleasure of sharing a course room with.
Through “The Bunker,” I began taking notes while reading emails, blogs, Declarations of Independence, watching testimonies on YouTube, and, through my research, I began to realize that something is very wrong with $cientology.
OTVIII is a feather in the cap of anyone who has made it that high in $cientology; $cientologists at any level have placed a high value on such an accomplishment. The results of my online research, however, revealed that $cientology sees little value in an OTVIII because many of them have been declared an SP and/or have left $cientology altogether.
My research also revealed how vital it is to $cientology to get rid of, to offload, to expel, to Declare SP, virtually anyone who ever worked for, with or has been trained by LRH. My notes also informed me that many, if not most of the top-ranking officials in the Church of $cientology are missing; their offices empty. Many of these executives are unaccounted for; some are rumored to be in $cientology’s in-house, inhuman prison in Hemet, California, called “The Hole.”
A request to the EO: please look for yourself at the number of ex-high ranking $cientologists who are no longer in the Church who are now speaking out against David Miscavige’s empire, including Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, and Karen de la Carriere.
And then there are the public $cientologist testimonies. Through these, I learned the facts behind Flag’s “6-Month Checks” for $cientologists on the upper levels of auditing. I worked for two angry and sometimes evaluative and invalidative $cientologists on said upper levels. I’ve witnessed the rage incumbent in such a “stellar” level of $cientology, and only now do I acknowledge the frustration that my former bosses must have faced as they tried their best to get through their respective $cientology levels, despite the barriers laid at almost every turn.
My research revealed alteration after alteration of LRH Standard Technology. I now doubt the validity of: The Basics books package; the Golden Age of Technology (“GAT”); GAT II. Yes, I’ve only read and heard about it online, but I also seriously doubt the validity in canceling countless Clear certificates. I’ve heard and read about the horror stories of $cientologists made to, basically, redo the Bridge from the bottom up.
What is up with the feeding frenzy perpetrated by the International Association of $cientologists (“IA$”) and the International Landlord Office (“ILO”)? Since when is it a public person’s responsibility to purchase the building that they’re going to be serviced in? Hey, ILO, are you crazy? Between the IA$, ILO and associated entities in $cientology, it has become drastically and dramatically more important to spend a public person’s money on anything except $cientology training and counseling. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
In 1977, I did various courses including the Communication Course and the Hubbard Qualified Scientologist (“HQS”) Course; it was on the co-audit of Opening Procedure by Duplication that gave me my first glimpse of life in the spiritual realm. As a result, I become a bonafide Scientologist.
In 1977, and while I read LRH’s book, A History of Man between the Comm Course and HQS, the FBI raided Church of Scientology offices in Los Angeles, Hollywood and Washington, D.C. When a relative suggested that I get out of Scientology, Stu Gelb, a Course Supervisor, showed me the LRH reference on Handling the Dangerous Environment. I applied what I learned; my relative never again questioned my religious affiliation, and we stayed on very friendly terms as always. In hindsight, though, why didn’t I look further into the reason behind those raids? Originally from New York state, I had headed west that summer as a writer, determined to find out what makes other people “tick.” Along came Salt Lake City and Scientology, a philosophy that explained those “ticks,” and, when applied, showed results.
A note to the EO: I’m about to write my contributions to $cientology; please note the “up” statistics.
In 1977, I joined the Sea Organization (“SO”) and moved to Los Angeles to work at ASHO. At that time, a fence surrounded “The Complex,” the group of buildings that would become the future home of the Los Angeles Organization (“LA Org”), ASHO, the Advanced Organization of Los Angeles (“AOLA”) as well as a multitude of $cientology organizations dedicated to serving themselves (the orgs that handled berthing, housing, food, management, etc.).
My first day in the SO became an all-nighter in which we finished the renovations of LA Org so it could be opened. I then went to work on renovating ASHO, from the beginning to the very end of that project. I began the SO as a member of the Estates Project Force (“EPF”), the team of about 200 new SO recruits who helped renovate the Complex.
Through this first time in the SO, I never made it to ASHO, who traded me with someone else from Cedar Estates Services Organization (“CESO”); “traded” because I had spent too time on the EPF. At one point as an EPFer and during an auditing action, I attested to “Keyed-Out Clear,” a “state” that the Church abandoned in 1978. But, between that and the handling by Trey Lotz in 1979, I knew that without a doubt, Scientology had completely changed my life (and for the better, that is).
While at CESO, I worked in the galley (the kitchen); we fed the staff at the Complex. In 1978, I served the staff and also washed pots and pans. During this time, however, I witnessed one of the backfires of $cientology: I saw dozens and, perhaps, hundreds of good SO staff mostly erroneously assigned to the Rehabilitation Project Force (“RPF”). People I knew at ASHO were suddenly dressed in blue, unable to speak to me, and worked long hours cleaning and renovating the Complex (they even had their own kitchen unit).
At the end of 1978, I received an okay to route out of the SO, and returned to public life. In early 1980, I accepted a SO amnesty and rejoined the SO, this time joining ASHO, the first org of my choice when I signed up in 1978.
While at ASHO, I worked as the Director of Promotion and Marketing, in an office with Patricia Kettler Foster, the editor of the Auditor magazine, who would later become a Declared SP. Because of my association with her (I worked with her only once), a Committee of Evidence convened. Convinced of my guilt in contributing to the waste of $20,000.00, a fellow staff member actually tripped me in the hallway; spiritually deflated, I left ASHO without authorization; I blew and returned to Salt Lake City.
As the years passed, my spirit for moving up the auditing side of the Bridge and, getting onto CCRD, wavered. Such hopes collapsed when $cientology released a directive addressed to its public, in which it said that if training awards weren’t used by a certain date, then those awards would become null-and-void. Because of that, I lost the remaining awards I had at ASHO as well as all the awards I had earned at AOLA, not to mention $500 in training awards at Flag that SMS had given me. That directive also wiped out the $3,600.00 I had earned for the Freewinds-only Anatomy of Cause Course; for an eight-week period while employed by SMS, I had been recruited by the Freewinds to be the In-Charge of their audits project. I led a small team of hard-workers who handled a backlog of audits from the inception of the Flag Ship Service Org (“FSSO”) and Majestic Cruise Lines (“MCL”), for which I received a nice, handwritten acknowledgment (“this looks good”) from the International Finance Chief.
After SMS, my jobs didn’t involve handling finance. For two years, I handled technical support and weekly reporting for a marketing company not owned by Scientologists. I also worked long-term at various temporary agencies. Later I worked at Management Success (“MS”) a Scientology-owned company, where I aptly handled telephone interviews for Division 5 and entertained a short stint in Division 2.
So there I sat, unable to pay for CCRD; with all my training awards gone, I couldn’t move very easily on the training side of the Bridge. By the time I joined staff at MS in 1998, $cientology had already begun its tumultuous adventure with Captain Miscavige at the helm. Luckily, I wasn’t privy to any of the changes or alterations coming down the lines.
For a long time, I had been a Potential Trouble Source (“PTS”); a PTS can be a $cientologist connected to someone who is opposed to $cientology. Such a PTS condition, if unhandled, can actually thwart or stop a person’s progress up the Bridge. A PTS person rollercoasters; does well one minute, and bad the next; a PTS can be do well with $cientology training and auditing, yet suddenly lose those wins, and become a liability to himself and others. A PTS is connected to an SP, and the way to tackle such a situation is by handling it. When handling becomes impossible, a disconnection becomes necessary.
[email protected]
Congrats, Fred. I really enjoyed your story.
It’s so interesting that one little thing, the news about Mary Sue Hubbard’s home being up for sale in Los Feliz sparked your interest and you looked it up on the internet. Things then took their course from there.
I had a very similar experience to yours. Mine was when an OTVIII called me to tell me not to look at the internet that day, because there was a story about Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman on the main page of MSN. Of course I immediately looked it up and read a Sea Org members account of how she, and others had to stay up all night planting a meadow of wildflowers, so Tom could walk Nicole through it. This got me started looking at the internet with great interest and here I am today.
I’m happy that you’re out of the cult and wish you well.
Re: RolandRB’s comment, posted January 13, 2015 at 6:52 am: “He looks older even than me and I was born in 1954 so how can he have been Jeff Chandler two lives ago if Jeff Chandler died in 1961?”
Fred got your good question, RolandRB. JennyAtLAX, his %#)&*# spokeshole will try to explain in his absence. Fred’s been captured by Sea Org Ethics Officers, who’ve forced him to wear those stupid LA Org outfits, and he has a goal of Body Routing 4,200 people by Thursday at 2:00 PM).
Fred claims that the book, “Jeff Chandler” is an autobiography written two lifetimes later. He counts “Jeff Chandler” as one lifetime, and he counts “Fred Haseney” as one lifetime, thus the “two” lifetimes.
Fred Haseney is 59-years-old, born in 1955. Jeff Chandler died in 1961.
Did you ever see the movie “Freaky Friday,” the story about the mother and daughter suddenly switching bodies? In 1961, as Chandler suffered through four, maybe five operations in what used to the Culver City Hospital, in Culver City, California, the doctors in Syracuse, New York, were getting little Freddie ready for a Tonsillectomy.
One of the “LRH” book series that came out a few years ago (one discussed “Ron the Writer,” another “Ron the Poet,” etc.) had a story by LRH in which he discussed a guy who, spiritual-speaking, came into this life after taking over the body of a 7-year-old boy.
Late one night at the age of 6-years of age, shortly after Jeff Chandler died a rather horrible death, little Freddie woke up completely disoriented, and had no idea where he was. As time passed, he found he could play the piano without formal training of any kind, and even entered a church talent show. Around the same time, he scored the highest I.Q. in his school, who accelerated him mid-year from third-to-fourth grade.
That’s the beginning of the “coincidences” that introduced Fred to “Jeff.”
But it was the multitude of people calling Fred “Jeff” instead of “Fred” that led Fred to wonder, “Who’s Jeff?” The book, “Jeff Chandler,” answers that question
Well Done Fred! Let it be an example for many others for 2015.
I say Fred Haseney posts as JennyAtLax.
Prove me wrong. 😛
It’s &$@+*%! “JennyAtLAX”!
Congratulations Fred! and Jenny at LAX’s comments made me laugh so hard!
Humor is sometimes the ONLY way to fight these bastards! Well done, all of you! 🙂
We love you!
How can you all write such nonsense when we have a serious matter at hand? The poor man has lost his future forever and ever. He will now be forced to live in the present for the rest of eternity.
Poor Fred, he’s &#@(^$ doomed now (and smiling about it)! If living “in the present for the reset of eternity” means sharing that with Balsamico and the rest of those who comment here, let’s do it!
Good going, Fred. I don’t believe I have ever met you, but, hello! Welcome to independence as a Scientologist. There is lots of LRH Tech being applied standardly out here. You can get all that Miscavology tech and Miscabology admin you were exposed to straightened out to a real F/N.
As for “Spokeshole”, as the head bandito in Blazing Saddles once said, “spokesholes? spokesholes?? We don’t need no %#+^&$ spokesholes anymore!! ” At least that’s how I remember it. 🙂
Hello there, Fred, old chum! Good to see you again and good to remember lots of good times.
Fred’s immersed, so-to-speak, cleaning all the toilets in Hemet for Captain Miscavige. Fred did ask that I relay this to you: “Dan Locke, it’s not okay having so much fun while on post! Get back to work, get back to the seriousness of it all, or it’s off to the RRRRRRRRRPF for you!”
We’re happy to see you, Dan!
I want to congratulate you for your official ^#+(^$% spokeshole. She is ^#+(^$% funny! (By the way, I just discovered that “LAX”, in JennyAtLAX, is a reference to LA’s airport – I thought it was a reference to a laxative – 🙂 ).
Please let us know if you need any ^#+(^$%’s ^#+(^$%.
I also want to congratulate you for your “I intend to be an Independent Scientologist, working with other like-minded individuals, people interested in bettering the world with, but no limited to, the philosophy and teachings of L. Ron Hubbard.”
Congratulations and welcome !!
Awesome write-up Fred. You’ve made the correct decision. Here’s wishing you the very best on your new adventure of freedom 🙂
Hi Fred, nice to read your story, loved the sense of humor.
First of all, I’d like to congratulate you on your escape from the “church” of $cientology.
That was a great write up.
What really blew my mind was reading about Patty Kettler. She was the girl who gave me my first
auditing ! That was back in New York in 1968 . I was nearly raw, having been thru the intro lecture
and read thru Evolution of a Science (a much better book for raw public than the DMSMH tome).
It very simply explains the workings of the different minds. Anyway, I experienced a very enturbulating
incident in my life and the next morning I scraped up my dough and plunked all of my 60 dollars down
and told the receptionist “I want one of those things you give people who have a problem” (a review).
I was immediately handed over to Patty who took me in and started to give me an ARC break assess-
ment. In just a few minutes I started to feel like smiling broadly, but couldn’t see the reason and felt embarrassed to be grinning like a fool so I tried to control it. Then she asked me what any auditor does
when she sees an F/N starting: “What’s happening?” Gulp! I was caught! So I told her and she said
“Well, I’d like to indicate your needle is floating”. So I said “What’s that?” and she picked up her Mark5
meter and turned it around so I could see the dial-wide, pin to pin F/N that seemed to be “flowing thru
molasses”, just like it says in the bulletins. That cinched it for me then and there and I became a Scien-
tologist at that moment. The”problem” that had been making me miserable was no longer acting on me.
Like it says in Evolution, it had refiled to the standard memory banks. All that was left was a blown-out
ME! And that was Patty Kettler, a young hippie girl who, like everybody in the org back then was training
to be an auditor. YES, the tech does work. I can’t vouch for every level in Scn., but I know there’s a lot
of the tech that does give great results if applied correctly.
It’s a shame that it has come to the condition where the “church” is today, as you’ve seen yourself.
I’ve always had a special place in my heart for Patty Kettler and have always wanted to find her so I could
thank her. I realize that your meeting her was a long time ago. But If you have any idea where she may be
or if any of you out there know , please let me know.
PS: Mike, if you know anything, please let me know.
Once again, Fred, well done on disconnecting from that suppressive organization. Welcome to freedom!
Fred’s away for the moment, scraping food off the bottom of the trash cans in CESO’s galley, now that the regular staff’s been fed. Those scrapings, along with what the guard dogs ignore on their plates, will be what the RPF’s RPF’s RPF’s RPF are eating for dinner this evening. In the meantime, as his $#*@!* spokeshole, Fred asked me to do something I’ve never done… and that is to be decent and nice, and extend a hand to you for your story well told.
Fred knew that he had to write a Declaration of Independence because without it, he’d be hung up on a “maybe,” and sitting somewhere on the fence between “yes” or “no” is no fun at all.
So he thought long and finally wrote the Declaration, putting me in charge while all hell broke lose in his universe (it’s interesting what $cientology Ethics Officers will do if provoked into overdrive). Fred didn’t see, however, how beneficial his Declaration might be to others; to Mark Plummer, for example, and to you. Being able to share and compare notes after years of being told we couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t takes the lid of it, so-to-speak.
Part of the fun of writing the Declaration is in seeing it published; then answered and acknowledged by so many people. Suddenly, Fred has a few more friends today than he yesterday. Finding out from you about how wonderfully well Patty Foster handled you in a New York session and how it cemented your relationship with Scientology made even me smile (and we all know what kind of a battle ax I can be).
Fred says: Wow, what a letter, what wins, what an EagleEye!
Are these numerous JennyAtLAX comments meant to be funny? The author (a parody of Jenny Linson) introduces each one as if Fred is still in the SO (which we know from reading the article he isn’t). Either the humor is going over my head but is amusing others, or the author should rethink their shtick.
Welcome today the Dark Side, Fred. Glad you’re here
I am glad that another person has left the “church” of scientology. As an atheist, I was disappointed that he still want to follow the teachings of LRH. If you want to follow someone to spiritual freedom, I would first suggest checking out Buddha and Jesus. These guys seem to be a little more on target with helping people than LRH. My opinion. Thank you for posting this Mr. Rinder 🙂
I too experienced rage coming from people on or through Solo NOTS and OT VIII, rage which was all out of proportion to whatever event had occurred. It always startled and amazed me.
Fred, thank you for your write up and I am indeed glad you saw things as they really are within the svn inc.
My, and many others’ hopes, is, for many good people still inside, to be able to see for themselves the real scene and stop any contribution of any kind whatsoever to the criminal activities the church has been involved in for a while.
Welcome and enjoy your life now.
Big wins for you Fred.
Hello, Congolium, Fred’s away, picking through this evening’s dinner’s trash so that the RPF’s RPF’s RPF’s RPF will have breakfast tomorrow. As his official spokeshole (and let me tell, it ain’t no easy job, trying to wear this hat and keep my Mary De Moss-like Lunatic Stalkerazzi seminars running), Fred has asked me to say this:
Big wins for Fred; big wins for all of us.
Fred: This is a long overdue THANK YOU for your “enturbulation chit” (or whatever you titled it) that you wrote on me in March of 1982. You helped me escape the Scientology mindfuck. Due to your report, HCO at ASHO Day issued a “Non-Enturbulation” and “lower condition” order on me and ordered me to vacate the Cedars premises.
Hi, Mark Plummer, Fred says he remembers you well, working in the office (Treasury?) across from the promo dept. there on ASHO Day’s ground floor. He also remembers how someone dumped cold water on your wife, Kathy, as she accidentally overslept a morning muster (when still on the EPF). Fred’s happy to get your “long overdue Thank You (wow, all in caps, too). Fred tells me that he himself had a “Non-Enturbulation” order issued in 1978 (before he arrived on staff at ASHO, while on the EPF in the SO), so maybe he knows where you’re coming from. Fred also remembers Patricia Kettler Foster momentarily losing it in your office (or nearby) when she learned that the org couldn’t afford to produce an edition of the Auditor magazine (she screamed, “I’ll pay for it! I’ll pay for it,” which she did, actually, in a way, when she got her SP declare). Fred’s happy that you’re Alive and Kicking, Mark, very happy.
Thank you for telling your story Fred. I’m a never-in but I thought your story was very interesting. You clearly convey the reasons you kept going until you could go no more. I can see how Scientology is in a class all of its own, and becomes this incredibly complicated and intricate closed universe when someone takes the time to get into the specifics of their story like you have.
I know some people dislike when songs are put on threads as a commentating feature, so if that’s you, please feel free to scroll on by, but anyone who may be interested, please be my guest.
This Carrie Underwood song has 200 words. I only had to change 8 and change the title from “Cowboy Casanova” to “Death Spiraling Super Nova” to turn it into a Scientology tune.
Death Spiraling Super Nova
You better take it from me, that (cult) is like a disease.
You’re running, you’re trying, you’re trying to hide
And you’re wondering why you can’t get free
It’s like a curse, it’s like a drug
You get addicted to (it’s thugs).
You wanna get out but it’s holding you down
Cause you can’t live without one more (win)
It’s a death spiraling cultish super nova
Leaning up against the (e-meter) machine
Looks like a cool drink of water
But it’s candy coated misery
(Miscavige) is the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Give you feelings that you don’t want to fight
You better run for your life (end of chorus)
I see that look on your face
You ain’t hearing what I say
So I’ll say it again
‘Cause I been where you been
And I know how it ends
You can’t get away
Don’t even look in his eyes
He’ll tell you nothing but lies
And you wanna believe
But you won’t be deceived
If you listen to me
And take my advice
Run run away
Don’t let him mess with your mind
He’ll tell you anything you want to hear
He’ll break (up your family)
It’s just a matter of time
But just remember
Oh you better run for your life
Oh you better run for your life
The end – Carrie Underwood “Cowboy Casanova” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM7NQQ0Lfu4
To In Dog I Trust: Fred’s busy running from the Ethics Officers of LA Org, ASHO and AOLA. He did, however, get a quick glance of your e-mail and asked me, his $#=&% spokeshole, to respond.
It never ceases to amaze Fred how absolutely brilliant is a never-in’s observation of what has been happening the the Cherch of $cientology. The way you wrote this is so spot-on:
“You clearly convey the reasons you kept going until you could go no more. I can see how Scientology is in a class all of its own, and becomes this incredibly complicated and intricate closed universe when someone takes the time to get into the specifics of their story like you have.”
Thanks for the rewrite of “Cowboy Casanova,” something I think we should dedicate to Four Feet Thirteen.
Congrats, Fred. I Enjoyed reading your story and am so glad you are out and FREE !
Hi Fred! Congratulations for making it out of that rabbit hole! And thank you so much for sharing your story. By doing that you have added to the large pool of story’s (its becoming more like a large lake every passing day) that might inspire another person someday to leave that mental prison and feel free again.
I wish you the best of luck in your further quest to go up the bridge in the indie-field or to do whatever the hell it is you like to do — total freedom of choice is the essence of real freedom.
Hope you will become part of the commenting community on the blogs.
Do well, see you around!
BFM wrote, in part, “Hope you will become part of the commenting community on the blogs.”
Fred has been part of the commenting community on the blogs; he’s been doing so through me, his official &$@}{* spokeshole. Fred also warmly accepts your congratulations and your good wishes. You granted a considerable amount of beingness when you left the door open for Fred’s continued success, wherever that may take him, and Fred thanks you for that, too.
I’ll bet freedom never felt so good, Fred! You can go to a movie, out to dinner, on vacation, watch TV, use the internet, take a drive, be friends with whoever you want, simply enjoy life! Welcome to the greatest blog on planet Earth as we know it today! You are welcomed by all. When I left staff, it was, at that time, the greatest day of my life.
Great story Fred. Welcome!! Put your name on the Indie 500! 🙂
As his personal &$%@*^$ spokeshole, Hallie Jane, Fred has asked me to “do the unusual,” that is, be polite and thank you for your “Welcome.” Fred has been #478 on the Indie 500 List for the last few months, but it was through reading, in part, what you and others have been saying on Mike Rinder’s and Tony Ortega’s blog, among others, that gave Fred the power to break free.
Congratulations Fred and thanks for the interesting writeup!
It struck me as ironic that orgs seemed very keen to get new staff, but then seemed very keen to waste them. I have met some of the smartest most able people Ive ever met on staff and SO, pity, I hope that changes next time around!
Hi Fred, Trey Lotz is auditing in the Freezone now.
Trey Lotz audits in the Indie zone.
Fred asked me to thank you, Terril Park and cindy, for letting him know about Trey Lotz auditing in the ‘zones. He’d comment on this personally, but he’s busy working on an amends project in Hemet, California (something to do with spit-shining all the bars in and around the “Hole”).
Aren’t the terms Free Zone and Indie pretty much interchangeable?
No they aren’t. Some of the Freezoners are into Captain Bill’s Excalibur stuff.
Way to go, Fred!
Welcome out Fred!
I appreciated you letting the EO know about your upstats as you went alongin your writeup. Very thoughtful.
May you do really well in Indieland and get to realize your dreams.
Hi, Zephyr! Hi, Greta! I’m Fred’s &#@*^& spokehole and letting the EO know about his upstats as he went along in his write-up was MY %#*^&@ idea, than you very much!
Welcome to the free world, Fred! Great writeup. May you make many new friends in the Indie world.
Thanks for telling your story Fred and welcome to the Independent field where real Scn is available.
Thank you, Fred.
It’s so encouraging to hear from people who reached for information (or stumbled across it) from inside scientology, did their own looking, drew their own conclusions and walked out.
Made my day 🙂
Forgot to say; Thank You Fred.
Fred asked me to relay this for you: “Cat Daddy has granted me the utmost care and importance; I know that this is an executive like no other.”
Hi Fred
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
― Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!
Hi Fred!
I remember you. We were on he EPF together in ’78 I believe and we both worked for CESO. I seem to remember you staying with the Carlson’s at one time and we both did pretzels.
Thanks for your writeup. Best wishes for your future.
Fred asked me to send you a hearty “hello,” Michael Leonard Tilse. He would attend to the “Comments” section of Mike Rinder’s blog himself, but the shackles from the dungeon wall won’t reach that far.
(What is it, Fred? Oh, I got you.)
Mr. Tilse, Fred remembers you well, and thanks you for all the good time you spent together on the EPF, at CESO, selling pretzels, and with Dan and Kathleen Carlson and Family. Maybe you could now arrange a daring prison break for him…
Correction, DMSMH book.
As part of the Basics Books package, Fred tried to read “DMSHM” and “DMSMH” and couldn’t make head nor tails of them. It’s good, he adds, that you never did read the revised, expensive version of those books. Just between Fred, me and you: didn’t you think that $5,000 for The Basics Book package was asking for just a bit too much?
Congratulations from me too Fred. Even as an on and off public Scientologist who was always PTS, I loved the DMSHM book. I read that book, the old one, five times. I never read the revised, expensive version that I bought along with all of the basics books. After looking at the internet, I quickly found out that I had been shafted as the Church was far worse than it had even been. And so much of the criticism was for Dear Leader, DM. Good luck to you in your journey as an Indie.
a little Steely Dan to go along with the right Fred said:)
This is the day
Of the expanding man
That shape is my shade
There where I used to stand
It seems like only yesterday
I gazed through the glass
At ramblers
Wild gamblers
That’s all in the past
You call me a fool
You say it’s a crazy scheme
This one’s for real
I already bought the dream
So useless to ask me why
Throw a kiss and say goodbye
I’ll make it this time
I’m ready to cross that fine line
:)Amen … and I’m never going back to my old school.
WhiteStar, Fred can’t comment right now; he’s busy doing the “A to E” steps as outlined on his “SP Declare.” Step “A”: since the $ea Org will be leaving Flag soon and will be forced to flee to Drinkwater Island, Fred will need to reestablish the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (more commonly known as the White Star Line), and raise, by Thursday at 2:00 PM, the Olympic class ocean liner, the RMS Titanic.
Bravo and welcome, Fred, and thank you for sharing your well-articulated and detailed Declaration with us.
With it you hit nails on the head all over the place for me, in particular about Ideal Org fundraising: “Since when is it a public person’s responsibility to purchase the building that they’re going to be serviced in? Hey, ILO, are you crazy?”
Back in the day, that was exactly my own reaction (“Are these people nuts, or what?”) before I decided to go UTR, which of itself was the groundwork for easing myself out the door a year later.
Now on the RPF, Fred is unable to talk to, look at, or make any comments about anything, anywhere, anytime, Aquamarine But, as his %#+^&$ spokeshole, he’s asked me to thank you for letting him know that those crazy fundraising schemes (particularly those for the “Idle mOrgue”) are, well, crazy. He does wonder, however, about what he would have/might have done in 1977 when, as a new public person, he had been asked to help buy the building the $cientology Mission operated in. Because of his wins, he thinks he might have helped them buy the toilet paper needed for the next week, but not the next four hundred years, if you get what he means.
HI Aqua, I loved your comment and would love to read your coming out story on Mike’s. Come in, the water’s fine!
Nice write up Fred
You are like many of us who visit this blog. We share many of your experiences…. Thank you and welcome to freedom.
The Co$ got a lot of 25 cents an hour slave labor from us former staff, but now people like you and others speak out like Debbie Cook, So now they are paying $400 an hour for sleazy lawyers and PIs to defend themselves from these X slaves flooding out of the Church and disclosing the many abuses and high crimes..
This “whip lash” of labor costs from 25 cents to $400 an hour will cause an implosion in RC$ because they can’t get more 25 cent slaves to replace the ones that have seen the light. And, their army of expensive lawyers needs to be continually increased to fend off the ever increasing exodus of slaves like us, Debbie Cook, etc…
Welcome to the party Fred. Grab your popcorn and sit back and watch the implosion. And, thanks for being there and communicating…
Sorry, Robert Almblad, but Fred can’t comment right now (he’s been ordered to scrub the barnacles off the underside of the Freewinds for the next 400 times that ship is in dry dock). As his official ^#+(^$% spokeshole, he asked me to make the following statement (something I am, oh, so good at):
I, JennyAtLAX, declare and state as follows:
Fred’s so glad to be free of that 25-cent-an-hour slave labor job (otherwise know as the “$ea mOrgue”). On his daily walk around Celebrity Centre International, Hollywood, California, Fred couldn’t help but look at things in a new unit of time. Now free from the cherch, he looked at the current slaves rushing to and fro, and thought, “Hey, guys, with me, you failed. You didn’t get me up the Bridge. I’m not a product.”
How many more people out there are like Fred?
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Well, I went to Clear and above and neither know nor care if someone cancelled my certs. *I* was the one who attested and I’m stickin’ to my story. The cert has nothing to do with anything. 🙂
Robert, you wrote, “The Co$ got a lot of 25 cents an hour slave labor from us former staff…”
I averaged 17 cents/hr for my 43,000 hours worked for ASHO.
Hi Fred,
Thank you so very much for sharing your story.
Congratulations!!! Welcome to Freedom!!!
Congratulations, Fred. I really like the way you’ve been able to separate the wheat from the chaff, not losing the wins you *did* have despite the gross enturbulation in which the czerch now operates.
Thanks to his D of I, Fred is busily making amends by painting all the czerch’s “Idle mOrgues” black, but he wanted me to say “thank you” for understanding his path and how he held onto those stable datums despite all odds.
Good for you Fred. Prosper and Flourish.
Hi Fred, thanks for the truth. I hope you get the gains you seek, they are there, it’s just that you really have to want them. Good luck.
Fred’s a little busy scrubbing toilets in the “Hole,” but he asked me to say, “Thank you, I Yawnalot, for being as warm and effusive as ever and happy to see me.”
Welcome to OUT Fred.
Thank you for your telling your story and your declaration. I believe in The Power of One; just your story can and does help in recovering or helping another/others.
Thanks for your story! Maybe you have already seen the list of ex-COS-members speaking out? You are already on it: 🙂
I am one of the Anons working on it.
There is also a list of OT8’s which you may find interesting
Anonymous tried to work on it but I must admit the project is stalled now.
Hi, TrevAnon, as Fred’s %#)&@_) official spokeshole, he’s asked me to:
1) Thank you for thanking him for his story;
2) Yes, Fred saw his name on the ex-COS-members list some time ago. Funny thing is, he worked so hard for so long to attest to the State of Clear while IN the Cherch (but never did), only to receive an “official” declaration of that state of Clear on the ex-COS-members list! Fred states, officially, no, he’s not yet attested to the State of Clear. But he’s flattered, nonetheless, with his appearance on that list.
3) That is an incredibly detailed list of OT8’s; thanks for sharing that. That list shows where $cientology’s “products” are (still “in”) and aren’t (“out”), and is so beautifully laid out.
Hi Jenny
Thank you for thanking me for thanking Fred for his story. Also thanks for the clear correction – lol – it has been modified on the big list.
TrevAnon I have some updates for you re the OT VIII list. YOu can get my email address from Mike if you’d like to comm with me about it.
I’m sorry to say but the OT8 project has been stalled for some time. There is no editor for the google document right now. Feel free to post your additions in the WWP thread at https://whyweprotest.net/threads/ot-viii-project-where-are-they-now.103693/ , preferably includling (links to) proof . You don’t need an account over there to do so. You can also send me the info (Mike is free to give you my e-mail) but I also have to post in that thread. If the info you have can not be given on a blog or forum I cannot add it. You know what anons say: dox or stfu… 😛
How am I NOT on this list?? Nora Crest contact me at [email protected] for any other info!
I sent you an e-mail.
Trev I didn’t get it. Can you send it again?
Way to go, Fred!
Fred’s too busy to make a comment right now (because the International Justice Chief is having him a) chop down his own trees, b) mill his own paper, and c) create the dye necessary for the goldenrod legal sized reams of paper needed for his “Suppressive Declare” Order), but he wanted me to thank you for your support, scnethics!
Jeff Chandler … hmmmmm
I was wondering about the timings. The previous life must have been a tad short.
While Fred runs around a stupid pole in the courtyard for the 50,000 time, he has asked me to let you know that yes, he was ‘Tad Short’ in a previous life.
Hey Jenny,
Before you throw Fred back in the hole. Could you tell him an old friend said hi and that he’s definitely made up for being a “tad short ” in a previous life 😉
He looks older even than me and I was born in 1954 so how can he have been Jeff Chandler two lives ago if Jeff Chandler died in 1961?
Being assigned to the RPF’s RPF’s RPF’s RPF is no fun at all, Fred says, and he asked me to thank you for reading through his lengthy D of I!
Re: Jeff Chandler
“Hmmmmm,” Joe Pendleton writes. Is that “hymn”? “Hum”? How about “ditty,” as in the song, “It Could Happen to You,” something Chandler warbled on his 1958 record album, “Warm and Easy”:
Hide your heart from sight, lock your dreams at night / It could happen to you / Don’t count stars or you might stumble / Someone drops a sigh and down you tumble.
Keep an eye on spring, run when church bells ring / It could happen to you / All I did was wonder how your arms would be / And it happened to me.
(Lyrics by: Johnny Burke; music by: Jimmy Van Heusen, from the 1944 film, “And The Angels Sing.”)
Welcome Fred. We have been waiting with hugs and snacks. 🙂
Fred’s scrubbing the parking structure with a toothbrush right now, and can’t answer you personally, but has asked me to thank you for those warm hugs and snacks!
Jenny, Fred better be in a comfy chair with his feet up, reading all these lovely comments or you Miss are getting a KR written on you that will be hand delivered to Kim Jong Miscavige.
Now, cut Fred loose and go back to the airport. LAX isn’t the same without you. 😀
Glad to see you here Fred. Really glad you made it out and thanks for telling your story.
Fred’s busy (he’s been thrown in “the Hole” for disobedience), but asked me to acknowledge you!
Congratulations Fred on your declaration of freedom!
Hi, Eileen. I’m Fred’s official spokeshole, and you’d BETTER $#_+(!^ appreciate his declaration of freedom!