More of the recent, increasingly desperate efforts scientology is making to try to gain legitimacy.
This “press release” is so lame it is laughable. Absolutely nothing happened. A choir sang some songs. No photo of the attendees, nor any indication of how many there were.
The release, like those that have come before it, is written like a grade school report.
But apart from cloaking itself in the mantle of religion, scientology also tries to pretend they are champions of human rights.
“The Church of Scientology supports and educates others of their rights and inspires people to protect these rights of others.”
And in this case, in particular: “Human Rights Article 18, ‘Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.'”
Except of course if you are a former scientologist. Then you have no right to think, to your conscience or to freedom of religion. If you do think or speak your conscience, you are immediately deemed an enemy and have NO rights whatsoever. In fact, scientology will actively seek to destroy your rights. They will try to take away your family. Cost you your job. Start smear sites on you. Because you no longer believe what they believe you are now shit. This is how they actually PRACTICE supporting the rights of others. It’s not what they SAY but what they DO that is important.
Church of Scientology Celebrates “Freedom of Religion” for all Faiths
CLEARWATER, Fla., July 26, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On July 22nd the Scientology Choir, guest singers and members of the local community came together in support of freedom of religion at the Scientology Information Center in Downtown Clearwater. Guests were treated to the 2nd Annual “Night of the Arts for Human Rights” concert, focusing on Human Rights Article 18, “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”
The 22-person choir was joined by soloists Joe Yazbeck, who has performed with Broadway touring companies and Judy Bechar, an International singer. The Choir performed original songs by Mr. Rexford Essilfie from Ghana as well as other songs encouraging spiritual freedom, freedom of thought, and freedom to live in peace.
“The event was an all-inclusive community event. Its purpose was to raise awareness and increase acceptance of Human Rights and religious tolerance of all faiths,” said Amber Skjelset, Manager of the Scientology Information Center.
Guests also learned their human rights during the performance where Mr. Yazbeck read the audience their 30 rights laid out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to piano accompaniment. The Church of Scientology supports and educates others of their rights and inspires people to protect these rights of others.
“Music is an amazing vehicle. It transcends languages, borders and communicates to the heart and soul. We feel that acceptance of the diversity of people, and their religions will resolve much of what is happening in the world today – and a stable foundation of human rights is the building block of it all. The Scientology Choir is honored to have performed for this cause,” said Linda Ferguson, Executive Director of the Choir.
The 22-person Scientology choir is a blend of performers from across the world. They come from Canada, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Mexico, Russia, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States.
Joanie Sigal and Tom Godfrey, Broadway and Beyond singing duo, will perform at the next concert in the Center on August 19th.
For more information about the upcoming event or the Scientology Information Center please contact Amber Skjelset at (727) 467-6966.
Congrats Mike! You guys won last night. Next… Emmy!!
I wonder where did dear COB got his weird ideas from, regarding their use of the “religion” angle and their acting-out of “Look, he/she is being a ‘bigot’; he is attacking our ‘religious’ beliefs”? 😉 Oh, wait a minute; now I remember how crazy-narcissistic-delusional Elron set up the stage for EVERYTHING with his article in Ability Major, mid March 1955, “The Scientologist : A Manual on the Dissemination of Materials”. Here are a few interesting quotes (the capitalized words within brackets are my own emphasis) :
“Should anyone challenge you for having suddenly secured a relief in a hospital or an institution from some dire malady which balked the efforts of the professional men in charge of it, and should you ever be ‘called upon the carpet’ for having ‘interfered’ with the progress of a case, you should be extremely dismayed, and [ACT IT], to find yourself in the presence of barbarians who do not believe in the power of prayer, in the will of God, or the promises of Jesus Christ.”
The key word here is “ACT IT”, in which case the suitable definition for “act” is: “To behave affectedly or unnaturally; pretend” (The Free Dictionary Online by Farlex).
Can you believe this sheer hypocrisy from LRH, when he very well BELIEVED by then, that “Christ” and “Christianity” were bs and an implant? He then continues :
“And you should point out that, whereas the body was in their keeping, they did not at any time care to take purview of the human soul. And if anything has occurred because the soul, in your province, then reacted upon the body, you believe that they are unwilling to admit the will of God in their treatment of human beings, and if this is the case, you now, while you are being addressed by such people, discover yourself to be in a strange place where men pretending to be Christians doubt God, the Son of God, and the power of prayer.”
He was soooooo full of shit indeed!!! He continues :
“Your entire address to such people, in such a situation, publicly or privately, should be entirely overt, accusative, and not at any time apologetic.”
Yes, my “Commodore”; I understand,sir! You are soooooooo wise, my lord!
But wait, this gets better and better :
“And you should immediately make it your business to place this matter before the proper authorities, that people are in charge of an institution here, are not Christians, and do not believe in God, and you should inform your accusers that you are going to do so.”
But in case that you were arrested for interfering with the ACTUAL medical experts on the matter, then :
“Should you ever be arrested for practicing Scientology, treating people, make very sure, long before the time comes, that you have never used drugs or surgery, and that you have never prescribed a diet, or vitamins, and when that time might come, make very sure that you immediately and instantly, within two or three hours after your receipt of the warrant, have served upon the signer of that warrant, a personal civil suit for $100,000.00 damages for having caused the arrest of a Man of God going about his business in his proper profession, and for having brought about embarrassing publicity and molestation.”
“Make the whole interest during the entire time of such an unfortunate occurrence the fact that the signer of such a warrant, who would ordinarily be a medical doctor in charge of the medical department of some city, had dared fly in the teeth of religion. And use what is necessary of the earlier passage above to drive the point home. DO NOT simply fall back out of communication if you are attacked, but attack, much more forcefully, and artfully and arduously. And if you are foolish enough to have an attorney who tells you not to sue, immediately dismiss him and get an attorney who will sue.”
And finally to fool the ministers that Scientologists found in their way, this is what they must do :
“Beyond explaining one’s all-denominational character, explaining that one holds the Bible as a holy work, one should recognize that the clergy of Western Protestant churches defines a minister or the standing of a church by these salient facts: Jesus Christ was the Savior of Mankind, Jesus Christ was the Son of God.”
“He should also punch home the fact that Scientology believes in the three things Christ intended for man: wisdom, good health, and immortality. In other words, he should make it his business to use such an opportunity of addressing a group to pound home what we think the general public should say to the general public about Scientology.”
And there you have it, why the CofS/DM does what they do with these religious groups. They DON’T really respect their beliefs; they couldn’t care any less about that. They think that they are all under the “Christ Implant” dramatizing the “religious mania” courtesy of the “Marcabians”, haha. They think of them as stupid “wogs”, and they are trained to use their “TRs” to smile and pretend they care; THEY DON’T!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, “Scientology : The Prison of Belief”.
Sorry to pour water on your bonfire of chagrin again, but LRH’s realization or whatever you want to call it about Christ, occurred in 1966 with the OTIII materials, so to accuse him of hypocrisy of stating this in 1955 is incorrect. There was also the factor of the somewhat tongue-in-cheek nature of the missive anyway which you have taken far too seriously.
No Foolproof; “LRH’s realization or whatever that I want to call it about Christ”, occurred way before 1966-67 OT3. Actually, its first mention of it was in 1952, in the PDC lectures. #24 of 9 Sept 1952, “What’s Wrong with This Universe: A Working Package for the Auditor” :
“You’ll find, by the way, another manifestation is preclears will shift identities and borrow facsimiles like mad. There’s what they call the Christ game and that game has been played and played and played and played — honest to Pete, these cards are just so thin. They’ve been laid down amongst the coffee cups and so forth of a whole universe. You’ll find out thousands of years before the year one A.D. Earth, you will have facsimiles and dolls made up like Christ. Fac One a million years ago is occasionally rigged with Christ and a Devil and an angel. It’s a fascinating thing, it’s an old game. Here on Earth there was undoubtedly a Christ. One of the reasons he was…he swept in so suddenly uh…and…and he would go forward so hard is he had a good assist back of him in terms of an implant.”
He thought of “Christianity” as an implant as far back as 1952. You also have the “confidential” HCOB, “Routine 3, Heaven”, 11 May 1963, part of the SHSBC era. This was also BEFORE any OT3, Foolproof. Here is a quote :
“For a long time, people have been cross with me for my lack of co-operation in believing in a Christian Heaven, God and Christ. I have never said I didn’t disbelieve in a Big Thetan but there was certainly something very corny about Heaven et al. Now I have to apologize. There was a Heaven. Not too unlike, in cruel betrayal, the heaven of the Assassins in the 12th Century who, like everyone else, dramatized the whole track implants – if a bit more so.”
Notice that he CLEARLY said, “For a LONG time…..” , meaning of couse that he believed that the whole “Christ” thing was bs, way before 1963.
Thetaclear. There has been a Darwinian force in scamology. Those that remain Ronbots to this day tend to be the bottom of the barrel intelligence wise. Or at least powers of observation wise. Fool being a prime example. A few other nuts like marildi, racinginblood and the like you can find over at Marty’s sucking up to him now that he works for DM again.
“Thetaclear. There has been a Darwinian force in scamology. Those that remain Ronbots to this day tend to be the bottom of the barrel intelligence wise. Or at least powers of observation wise. Fool being a prime example. A few other nuts like marildi, racinginblood and the like you can find over at Marty’s sucking up to him now that he works for DM again.”
Yeah, Wynski; there are some who just CHOOSE to believe; and this REGARDLESS of any evidence against their arguments. It is indeed, the “Prison of Belief”.
And YES, Marildi and a few others, are now kissing Rathbun’s ass at his blog. I am not sure though, how many of those post comments are really from Marildi and others like “Remoteview”, etc; as OSA might be using their nicknames for PR control purposes. But then again, then can always come here and clarify any “confusions”, can’t they?
To call their attitudes “crazy”, is an understatement, IMHO. What they fail to realize though, is that Rathbun has gotten himself into some VERY serious legal problem from which he won’t be able to escape. And we’ll see him again uttering the bragging nonsense, “DM will rue the day when he decided to betray our settlement”, haha. Mr Marty I-love-to-shoot-myself-in-my-foot Rathbun, 😉
Haha you mugs – I have an IQ of 152 (measured by non-Scientology IQ group) which puts me in the top 1% or so, and makes it very easy therefore to spot crackpot lunatics who have a compulsion to destroy anything and everything.
“Haha you mugs – I have an IQ of 152 (measured by non-Scientology IQ group) which puts me in the top 1% or so, and makes it very easy therefore to spot crackpot lunatics who have a compulsion to destroy anything and everything.”
Wow, “Top 1%”!!! Now that’s even better than Einstein’s! Keep talking; you are doing an SPLENDID job! 😉
Hey Thetaclear, you don’t have a Facebook profile? I would like to get in touch with you.
“Hey Thetaclear, you don’t have a Facebook profile? I would like to get in touch with you.”
Now, that’s a VERY strange question to be asked in an anti-Scn blog. Why not ask for an email address instead? I will offer you the benefit of the doubt, though. Let’s do this, you give me your email address, I get to know who you are first, and then we take it from there; how’s that?
My 2nd reply has been disallowed for some reason although Wynski and ThetaClear comments are allowed through.
“My 2nd reply has been disallowed for some reason although Wynski and ThetaClear comments are allowed through.”
In the first place; some of my comments also end in the trash as many of them – especially as a reply to YOU – are mostly ad hominem. You are lucky that Mike didn’t allow my original comment when I was quoting those 2 LRH’s texts for you, because calling them “ad hominem” would have been quite an understatement, 😉 So stop the whining. I assume that 30-40% of Wynski’s also end in the trash can, haha. He is SO much better than me at this, 😉
Do you two ever stop arguing? Goodness
“Do you two ever stop arguing? Goodness”
No; I guess that I enjoy it too much, Marie! 🙂 But you can play if you want to, 😉
Touche’. Good answer! I will give you that one. Lol
“Touche’. Good answer! I will give you that one. Lol”
Yes, music is an amazing vehicle.
I hereby offer to play Taps at DMs funeral.
That is pretty nice of me since I would have been lucky to get a funeral. Surely if I had gotten one my wife would have not been allowed to attend.
I thought that I was an engineer on the ship, but I was just a wiper. The real engineers on the ship did not need to work in the engine room. They engineered my demise from the Bridge of the Freewinds. They only failed in the end because my wife failed to follow their orders to put me in a hospice and I inadvertently received actual medical care instead of the usual drugs to keep me quiet until my death.
In that case, forget Taps and play Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead instead.
All of the puffy details…22 member choir, international singers, orignal music. None of that matters. At all. All smoke and mirrors to distract from truth.
As Heber said, the only way I’m going to get out of here is in a box.
Free Heber! Free Shelley!
I will drive up and load him in a box just to get him out of there right now and drive him to freedom where I would release him from the box. He could live in my home free of charge for the rest of his life. I only wish it was that easy.
The cult uses their minds against them. I hope Heber makes it out…alive.
Wow, OSD.
Heber was a friend of mine but I had no idea he said that. I thought that I held the copyrights to that quote.
I just wish Heber would walk away. But that’s easier said than done. Scientologists are trapped by their own minds…
Annie was dead for months before it was discovered, even her sisters did not know.
The thing that makes me sad is that Heber, if he is still alive, would be 82 in November. I doubt that when he dies, the fact of his death will be made known. That is sad.
If he has a Social Security card his death will be recorded and the number removed from the system, but other than that, I agree, zip.
@aqua, I actually checked the SS death index today and found his father and two of his brothers. That’s how they figured out how Annie was dead.
And I was thinking that that “formality” may not always be followed when people at Gold die especially after Annie’s death got discovered that way.
He’s past retirement age so if he hasn’t been getting SS wages, no need to report them. Then I started wondering whose job it would be to report his death to social security then I decided to back slowly away from the rabbit hole and get some work done.
Doubtful that SO members were given time off to attend and get “educated” on the rights that anyone but them has.
Coming soon: The KKK celebrating Martin Luther King Day and neo-Nazis doing Passover.
I know this is a non sequitur, but last night I finally saw Louis Thereaux’s MY SCIENTOLOGY MOVIE. Absolutely amazing and chilling, but what came across most clearly (for me, anyway) is what a tormented and confused person Marty Rathbun is. He seems to be so deeply scarred and conflicted that he may not even be responsible for his present actions.
Yes I agree. I worry and feel for his wife and child. I recently was re-watching the videos he and Mike made. What struck me was how often Rahtbun would use Scion speak in his conversations. Chris Shelton often points out that letting go of the cult language is vital to freeing oneself from the mindset. I sincerely hope that he can extricate himself from his current predicament.
Dear Mike –
I was curious about why people were leaving Scientology, particularly when it was reported that Leah Remini publicly left the COS. I had no idea what the COS was until I read her book for the first time. Since then, like any other subject of interest, I’ve developed a fascination with the way Scientology has been used (or in the case of David Miscavige -abused) in order to beat down and eventually control the minds and actions of others. I find the policy of disconnection, for example, profoundly disturbing and sad. This is the type of thing that people in my own family have done to one another to “teach hard lessons.” The only thing it does is create a hole in your heart that can never be filled. I am sorry that you are experiencing its effects with your own family. For a so-called church to force that on anyone is nothing short of madness.
I have other feelings, of course, and being a non-Scientologist, I found myself strangely drawn to Leah’s series. I am strongly aware of your presence on that show, for you speak with such poise and authority on the COS matters in which you were involved that I can’t help but pay attention. As Ironic as this may sound, I can see why DM and others would have favored you as a person who could handle administrative affairs and deal very effectively with the public. It’s just too bad that while you were in COS, your obvious talent was misused, and your energy, as you so rightfully put it during one episode in season one of Leah’s show was “misguided.”
I am inspired by your ability to speak with such poise despite the things you’ve suffered, and I admire your willingness to accept responsibility for the things that you did under the yolk of cult policy and scripture. I am moved by your compassion and ability to show such raw emotion regarding your family, and I have nothing but respect for you and the others who have come forward in a united effort to help expose the COS’s two-faced nature, its abuses against humanity, and its function as a money-making machine. As to this article, it serves to underscore the need to keep shining a light on the rampant hypocrisy so evident in the institution and the people who currently run it.
What has frightened me recently, however, as I learn more and more about David Miscavige is how similar he seems to be to people like Hitler, Stalin, and Kim Jong Un. The practice of Demagoguery has never been more dangerous, and we don’t need more Miscaviges in the world. “Napoleonic lunatic” doesn’t even begin to cover the array of problems that man seems to have. I am hopeful that the church comes to an end before he can destroy more lives for the love of his own power.
Thank you for your commitment to the cause. If more and more of our US government officials can stand in the face of tyranny and outright lunacy as you do, then we may yet be able to avoid the possibility of going up in a burning mushroom cloud.
Best of luck in your numerous efforts. I will be following this blog closely.
Wow, Angel, beautifully written. What a lovely, caring person you are.
I agree. Thank you for your powerful words.
Well said Angel.
Very well said! I wish I could write like that!
Is there any chance you were in Utah today? My husband knows I’m a nerd for the show but thinks I’ve lost my marbles because I swear I saw you while passing through….
Nope. Was in LA all day….
We’re going to have to start calling you ‘LA Mike’
I thought you were in LA. I will be there in a couple of days and I would really like to see you, if only for 5 minutes, sir.
Scientology violates human rights.
There is no distraction — like this pathetic example of “PR” — that will remove the focused beam of the world’s outrage at scientology and the craving for justice that the world is demanding.
Scientology violates human rights. That is a fact. The tax exempt status WILL be removed, and the perpetrators of the human rights violations WILL be brought to justice.
Suck on that, Miscavige and enablers. Maybe a loyal scientology lapdog can fetch your cigarettes in jail, but that is all you can hope for.
And , boy, does he smoke’ em!
I know.
I’ve seen him do it!
Hmmmmm….Maybe sell the dwarf cigarettes…
I don’t think he buys them from SPs.
Crimes against artists. Using singers to lull people into thinking that Scientology cares about anyone’s rights. Despicable. Exploiting the choir to shill for legitimacy.
Shame on them.
They will do ANYTHING to get your money.
We dont want them smoking cigarettes.
We don’t want them being allowed to get off easy by dying of cancer after what they put others through.
“All inclusive community event.” – Unless you’re an SP. In which case you’ll be told, “You’re not welcome here. Leave or we’ll call the police.”
I’ve been an SP all my life…SP does mean Special Person, right?
Well, not exactly ‘special ‘.
Big sigh…I’ll keep searching.
OMG!!!! Did they sing “we stand tall” in those snazzy red satin shawl thingies? A video of that would be better than the SNL neurotology spoof!
Oh my glob. I had not seen that video. Thanks for the giggles.
I doubt it unless people’s heads were exploding.
You know. Like in ‘Mars Attacks’ ?
Ok, I’ll try. (heaving sounds). Nope. No vomit today. Sorry, I Yawn.
Scientology campaigning as guardians for human rights is the height of hypocrisy and an insult to those who are doing real work to battle human rights crimes around the world. Especially interesting timing with Aftermath II right around the corner as they attempt to wrap themselves with the banner of dignity which is of course, completely unearned. Spikes pointing INWARD around the compound near Hemet. Guards to keep people IN. Passports confiscated aboard the Freewinds. Holding people against their will. Human Trafficking. Suppressing information when law enforcement would be stepping in. Forced abortions, forced divorces, broken families and broken hearts. Yeah Scientology needs to lose everything and payback everybody EVERYTHING.
“Spikes pointing INWARD…Guards to keep people IN…Passports confiscated…Holding people against their will…Human Trafficking…Suppressing information…Forced abortions…forced divorces, broken families and broken hearts”.
And wait’ll you hear the bad stuff…:)
My how things must have changed in the cult of righteousness since Friday the 15th of February, 2013. That would be the Day Julian Schwartz had summoned my wife to stop on by his office to discuss her freedom of thought , conscience and religion. He also wanted to show her his fine work in preparing a Suppressive Person Declaration on her husband.
Julian, being the fine gentleman he is, made sure our daughter of thirty years and a See Org veteran for half of that, was present to help coach her mother through the difficult task of freeing up her thoughts to disconnect from her husband of 32 years. My wife’s conscience said otherwise, her thoughts were not allowed to run free (unless of course you want to pay hundreds per hour and then have what you say used against you) and she could not believe her religion was telling her she had to disconnect from her husband.
Our daughter told her that she didn’t even need to go home, that they had made arrangements for her to stay in LA. I had told my wife that a day would come when the cherch would come for her and tell her she needed to ‘loose the bastard’. She never believed they would do that but that was the day and it did happen. Our daughter basically told her mom that she divorce her father or that she would loose her daughter!
To be sure, I know that if Haley ever escapes she will have a very hard time coming to grips with all that happened. It will be difficult no doubt, but every one of us that have been involved with that cult have had to do the same.
They told my wife not to talk to me, to hire an attorney and have the attorney handle the divorce. Suppressive Persons are extremely dangerous to be around I admit, (especially me) but they don’t hold a candle to those preaching (saying) “freedom of thought , conscience and religion.” and doing the exact opposite.
Julian is a master…… at arms with the world we live in. He takes his direction from the Mayor of the Snake Pit Himself ………….and I think Julian likes it and thinks he is doing the right thing. That makes a cult like $cientology very dangerous indeed, especially if you have family or friends involved.
Yo Dave,
A toast good buddy to You because You are more irrelevant with each passing day.
“To be sure, I know that if Haley ever escapes she will have a very hard time coming to grips with all that happened”.
True. Because you’ll forgive her, and her mother will forgive her,. You probably already have. But then, forgiving herself? Not so fast. That’s where the going gets tough.
Yes it does Aqua. I am pulling for her and all the others who have trapped themselves in their own prison of belief. Humans seem to be particularly adept at that activity.
When I look around the world on the internet, it seems that the Cult of $cientology has no monopoly on that subject, just a specific strain that is one of the nastier varieties.
Agreed. No monopoly on it at all. Self-entrapment is visible everywhere, on every “dynamic”.
The Church of Scientology most certainly respects freedom of religion.
That is, as long as your religion is Scientology within the Co$
And then, only if you provide sufficient quantities of money, slave labor, and STFU if you witness any criminality and/or abuses within CoS.
If you are a member of ANY other religion upon joining the CoS you will be told that Scientology does not conflict with your religion, but that’s utter bullshit, and they will over time attempt to stop you from continuing to practice your current religion, in other words, convert you. They do NOT respect your freedom of religion if your within the CoS. From the moment you walk in they’re plotting to convert you while assuring you there’s no conflict.
not expressing genuine feelings.
“she flashed him an insincere smile”
synonyms: false, fake, hollow, artificial, feigned, pretended, put-on, inauthentic.
This is what underlies Scientology’s efforts to associate with other religions.
Outwardly they smile, shake hands and love bomb.
Inwardly there is contempt, arrogance and elitism.
Community service is never the purpose of Scientology’s outward show of benevolence.
It’s dissemination and thereby money.
Another word that describes this is: two faced.
The only churches that would associate with Scientology are those who are out of the loop of who and what they are
O/T. Elisabeth Moss and Nicole Kidman working together in Top of the Lake, season two. Awkward…?
Thank you Mike, for me this paragraph it is one of the best explanation i have ever read about the hidden realty of Scientotlogy:
” Except of course if you are a former scientologist. Then you have no right to think, to your conscience or to freedom of religion. If you do think or speak your conscience, you are immediately deemed an enemy and have NO rights whatsoever. In fact, scientology will actively seek to destroy your rights. They will try to take away your family. Cost you your job. Start smear sites on you. Because you no longer believe what they believe you are now shit. This is how they actually PRACTICE supporting the rights of others. It’s not what they SAY but what they DO that is important.”
Because I have the freedom to natter at will, Joanie Sigal, unless she has gotten case gain since I last saw her, is so full of herself that I dare to deem her one of the many narcissists that form the student body of the church of scientology and her singing voice just isn’t that good (but she thinks it is).
Loved your comment, Mary K. When I was In, many a time I had to listen and clap enthusiastically at Scientology events wherein Scientologists were performing – singing, usually. With ONE exception over the years I thought they all sucked. Not only did they suck but they were full of themselves, like they were terrific. Again, with one exception, one performance at my org, a young man with a an excellent voice, a real Broadway musical voice, and I really enjoyed listening to him – other than that, dull, crashing boredom. Sure, they were nice people, but so are lots of people nice people. Doesn’t mean they have any talent.
Mary and Aqua, loved both your comments! Narcissism is a trait many culties seem to possess. Who do these people think they are kidding, besides themselves?
Mrs. B, its like this: the cult SHOWERS its sheeple with admiration..
If you’re pretty,then, you’re gorgeous, stunning. And they’ll tell you so. A lot.
If you can carry a tune you’re the next Whitney Houston.
A successful businessman? With remarkable industry and innovation, not to mention your own personal, innate brilliance, your business is contributing mightily to both its own field and the economy in your area.
If you help out at the org, WHOA! Mother Theresa, move over.
You get the idea.
Its called love-bombing. The cult love-bombs its people to get money out of them for one thing or another. Love bombing is also a standard staff recruitment tactic.
However true or not true, the compliments are issued for these 2 reasons. Appearances to the contrary, the admiration is not sincere, not spontaneous.
But make no mistake, they do it well. They’re good at this. REALLY good!
All of us here have been love-bombed and conned by the cult to some extent.
Thanks for your reply. And I’m sure for people who have low self-esteem or ever felt unloved, that’s powerful stuff.
Aqua, I thought you LOVED dull, crashing boredom!
I do love it, OSD. There’s too much excitement and not enough boredom in the world nowadays. That’s why I do or say whatever I can to totally bore someone whenever I get the chance. It gives me a warm glow, knowing I can do this, and, In my own way, I feel I’m making a difference.
Lets not confuse natter with the facts! 🙂
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Except if you’re a Scientologist where you can be thrown into a slave labor / reeducation camp. And you could spend years there.
Scientology does not believe in Human Rights. Just Scientology rights…
Free Heber! Free Shelley!
As Heber told his brother, the only way I’m going to get out of here is in a box.
Free Heber! Free Shelley!
It’s so sad. DM Keeps Heber locked up because he knows that if Heber ever got out, he knows too much and knows where the bodies are buried.
That’s a very scary thought…
” ‘The event was an all-inclusive community event. Its purpose was to raise awareness and increase acceptance of Human Rights and religious tolerance of all faiths,’ said Amber Skjelset, Manager of the Scientology Information Center.”
Being a witness of such a disgusting manifestation of sheer hypocrisy, makes me want to throw up. And seeing how an incredible document such as the “Universal Declaration of Humans Rights”(UDHR) is conveniently used by criminals to position themselves as something which is in TOTAL contradiction with the actual principles of the UDHR, sometimes feel soooooooo helpless because I feel that they keep getting away with it all. Just why in the name of God has no government officials representative of the USA done something effective against this destructive cult? What more proof of Human Rights abuses do they need BEFORE doing something about it? I mean, this is the mighty USA, for Christ’s sakes!!
I can understand about the difficulties and risks of engaging in an “attack” of a “religion” from representatives of the government, but what about all those Humans Rights supporter groups out there? What about them? To my knowledge – though I could be wrong – none of them have made any official statement about Scn and Human Rights abuses. How can this happen in the USA? The Media is risking their necks – with possible huge suits, harassment, etc – going after Scn, but the government itself isn’t doing any god-damned thing about it.
What more proof could the IRS possibly need concerning the original agreements having been violated by the CofS? Are they hiding something? Is blackmail still an issue for them is some way? I can understand that they backed out in the past – Scn was suing them and others left and right – but now Scn has lost most of their litigation power thanks to all those heroes that are just TOO many to mention in a post. Now the Media and even the “bitter apostates” are not afraid to speak out and report the abuses. So why does the IRS looks the other way? Why hasn’t any US senator or other officials even made a formal expression about all this?
“Freedom of Religion” is a right soooooooo misunderstood, and one that has been kidnapped by “puritans” and “moralists” who have twisted it in VERY crazy ways. No “Right” can possibly exist without the other side of the dichotomy, “The DUTY to”. We are free to believe whatever the fuck we want to believe in AS LONG AS NO Human Right of ANYONE is violated by the practice of such a belief.
I am sure that the ones who created the UDHR never thought that this silly society would twist that document so much to fit political and social agendas. The UDHR is conveniently interpreted as it fit the specific agendas of the groups or countries quoting and using it. It was supposed to be UNIVERSAL, and it carried with it the assumption that it was EVERYONE’S duty to see to it that it was actually applied. I guess that this is a “PR World” to paraphrase LRH.
Exactly my frustration. Remember the name “Rolo Tomasi” in the movie LA Confidential – the guy who gets away with it? The church of scientology seems to have been the Rolo Tomasi of religions.
MANY have come before (WELL BEFORE) Leah’s Aftermath but hopefully we won’t need any more to come after it. If so, there will be more – more books, documentaries, etc., until the abuses inflicted by this “religion” are over and done. It is honorable work to keep exposing, to keep talking about and writing officials and representatives. One day….
As my husband keeps telling his frustrated wife, “The Berlin Wall didn’t come down in a day.”
Another good one, Mary K. You’re husband is right. And there are other examples of extreme croookedness which went on for years – Bernie Madoff, Enron – they kept going, going, everything seemingly fine until one day – POOF! Just like that – gone, over, done, kaput – very quickly.
Edit: “Your”, not you’re.
Grammar Police! RUN!
You’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent…but please don’t 🙂
“As my husband keeps telling his frustrated wife, ‘The Berlin Wall didn’t come down in a day’.”
Haha; you have a good point there, Mary!
I have this sensation – sort of a “calmness” to it, you know – that “The Aftermath” has started – and WILL continue to do so at a much larger scale, with season 2 – a “Domino Effect” that will finally deliver an “Effective Blow” to the CofS. I have so much certainty on that, that I already find myself thinking about possible strategies to unify those disconnected families at the proper gradient, and without having to deny to them (not even discussing the subject of the cultic nature of Scn itself until they are FULLY ready) the right to practice Scn outside of the church.
I am a little concerned as to how exactly that transition will occur, and I think that the parents and family of those disconnected Still-ins should educate themselves with professionals and/or standard textbooks on the subject, about how to deal with them on the proper gradient. Out here, it is easy to forget how we ourselves were trapped in the “Prison of Belief” for so long. Caution should be exercised.
Standing ovation. ???
Thanks, Gflded! 🙂
theataclear, wouldn’t worry too much. A lot of what is in the UDHR are not rights at all but desires. According to the document there are no sovereign nations on Earth.
“theataclear, wouldn’t worry too much. A lot of what is in the UDHR are not rights at all but desires. According to the document there are no sovereign nations on Earth.”
I agree that some (or many) of the alleged “Rights” from the UDHR are more “wants” than actual “Natural Rights”- though it is debatable the criteria to be used to so differentiate them. The subject of “Human Rights” v/s “Natural Rights” is a fascinating one, and there are many great articles out there that discuss this, and discuss as well some inherent contradictions among the list of Rights in the UDHR. I don’t claim to be an expert at this by any means. I do, however, love this subject.
Regarding the statement, “There are no sovereign nations”, I think that there is an inherent conflict between the concept of “Sovereignty” and that of “Human Rights” or more accurately, “Natural Rights”; and I can understand why such a statement is part of the UDHR. A lot has also been written about it, and there are many debatable angles to this, also. We can always discuss this and exchange ideas about it, and learn from each other’s views on it.
That having been said, I do feel that most of what is on the UDHR is workable enough as a good starting point, especially its first enumerated Rights like the ones being discussed in Mike’s post. And in defense of the UDHR (and not of the UN as such), I also do feel that most of those “wants” are noble, sensible, and compassionate enough, though some of them applies to an utopian society which we are VERY far from having, and thus only “serve” utopian goals instead of dealing with the practicability of it all.
I think that we are ready now as a society to open a serious and international discussion about all of this, and to come up with a more actual “universal” version of it all, even if only at an intellectual level and not necessarily at an “International Law” one. But “intellectual” would be a good starting point.
“though it is debatable the criteria to be used to so differentiate them”
It is quite simple to differentiate them Thetaclear.. If you must TAKE something from someone else (e.i. work, property, life, liberty, etc.) in order to fulfill the “right” it isn’t a “right” but is a need or a want.
you said it !
Thanks, Petlover1948
Hey, Thetaclear! Here’s the comedy! I once logged on to the UN website to see if there was any information on the group Youth For Human Rights as the CofS claims that it is supported by the UN. Guess what? Nothing! Nada! Zip! Zilch! And no wonder! The UN has their own organization to promote the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights! This is so amazing! What the hell does the UN need with the Church of Scientology?
Things never cease to amaze me!
Yeah, Alcoboy; the UN has nothing to do whatsoever with the CofS. But because LRH knew that the recently redacted UDHR (1948 right there before DMSMH) was a great advantage to ride on, he used “his” Positioning Tech (see the Marketing Series) to position Scn as a Human Rights “representative”. That initiative wasn’t an original idea from DM; LRH knew was he was doing when he set up his devious scheme. What better way to position a “religion” as this great revolutionary new thing than as a Human Rights “supporter” and “protector”? The guy was a fucking evil genius; there is no denying that!
What people didn’t know was that at the SAME TIME he was violating almost EVERY right from the UDHR document. He didn’t start this in the mid ’60s as many believe; he started this from DAY ONE after he had allegedly been turned down by the American Psychology and Psychiatry Association because they found his fictional DMSMH as a little too much unscientific, haha. From the psychologists and the psychiatrists he followed with the “Splinter Groups” or “Squirrels” as he later called them, and then he followed with the “Critics of Scientology” by mid ’50s – in written form as he was ALREADY psychotic about criticism WAY before that. His 3 wives knew this. Wait a minute, “He never had a 2nd wife”, did he? Haha
Makes you wonder what Eleanor Roosevelt had to say about all that.
Even at my most dedicated I never understood freedom of religion to mean I have to tolerate the religious beliefs of others or that others must not criticize my own beliefs.
You and I can think whatever we like. We can believe whatever we like. But to have the idea we must never criticize beliefs or have our own beliefs challenged is way beyond stupid. It’s actually Scientologically stupid.
Good to know you’re one of those “First Amendment” people, Interested Party. I hear you and agree on everything. We can agree and we can respectfully disagree and critically analyze each others’ religions. and our own as well as other governments. Disagreeing, debating the pros and cons of these is a precious American right.
Also, any religion or religious belief, or political belief worth its salt can stand up to criticism. It either works or makes sense or it doesn’t. To the degree it works equates to the degree its grounded in basic truth, and truth can stand up to any criticism. I was brought up a Christian in a religion that told me I shouldn’t ask question, I should just believe, have faith. That never made sense to me. Why can’t someone ask questions – about anything – when its really important, and the appropriate time?
They played Chopan and Back to keep the prisoners quiet at Auschwitz. Play all the music you want, put on your fake choir robes and pretend to be ‘church ladies’, everyone knows it is a facade. A facade that is quickly falling down.
Offer gas money and perhaps a ‘stipend’ and you can get most any lock ‘artist’ to preform. Take all the pictures you want, no one is going to care. We all see the man behind the curtain.
And Arp Cola is the worst tasting cola, ever.
I think it’s Bach. But, hey, Back may be his nickname…
All inclusive community event. Hmm. Would Mike Rinder, Dee Findlay, Mary Kahn, Christy Collbran, Aaron Smith-Levin or Clay Irwin or any of the host of other local SPs have been welcomed with open arms? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Because Scientology is pathological. Read “The Sociopath Next Door” or “Divorcing a Narcissist” or ANY of Dr. Sandra Brown’s research SCIENTOLOGY is Pathology INSTITUTIONALIZED.
“SCIENTOLOGY is Paholigy Institutionalized”. Yes, because Hubbard wasnt!!
Sorry bout typos!
Yo, Gravitysucks! Don’t let it happen again!
The San Diego org used to do this every year, I don’t know if it’s still doing it. They got together a B-List Muslim, a Presbyterian minister who should know better, and some preacher from some little Latino corner church. They rent space at the Town and Country Hotel for their event, which gives these second-tier pastors a chance to play Mister Important on a Scientology stage.
What’s the betting Pastor Willy Rice wasn’t invited to this ghastly gallimaufry? (“All-inclusive community event”, indeed!)
“other songs encouraging spiritual freedom, freedom of thought, and freedom to live in peace”.
Spiritual freedom, except former scientologists who speak out, as Mike said.
Freedom of thought, except current scientologists who aren’t allowed to think for themselves, especially when a disconnection order against their own family members gets presented to them.
Freedom to live in peace, except former scientologists who wish to practice independently…..meaning they wish to exercise THEIR “spiritual freedom”, and except ex-scientologists who speak out and get Fair Gamed.
Pardon my language, but what a crock of shit……
Counting down the weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds until season 2 Mike. Your whole crew does a great job and I can only imagine the amount of work and effort it is taking to do a TV show as well as keep up with your site. You rock!
What Dan said.
So true Mike.
They can’t get a small group of “public” together for any reason (including religious freedom) because people believe they will get the usual “bait and switch” from Scientologists to get their money or their servitude or both.
Scientology is a mouse trap: the cheese tastes real good at first, you then have to pay with your life.
Who is signing up for their bait and switch these days? Only those that already lost their life to servitude (staff) and their current members that can no longer “be themselves”. Scientology is not about personal freedom. It about personal entrapment. Just ask the mice that got away.
Hope this link works … Countdown to Season 2 …
This is great. :))))
Wow! I sang in the shower this morning. Gotta get that news release out.
I sang in the shower one time. But, within minutes my house was surrounded by my neighbors who had pitchforks & torches…