The Freewinds is supposed to be the “top of the Bridge” where OT VIII is delivered to the teeming masses faithfully following the only path to spiritual freedom.
It is the “advanced religious retreat” off the crossroads of the world.
But the reality is that this ship, like the “ideal orgs” is an overkill of magnificent proportions. To accommodate the OT VIII population (scientology boasts “one completion every other day” in 2015) would not even fill the SS Minnow on Gilligan’s Island.
And this ship is manned with a full crew of “ship” Sea Org members who run the actual vessel, a full crew of “delivery” personnel who provide scientology services to the teeming masses and a full crew of fundraisers to suck every possible dollar out of the sheeple that walk up the gangplank. Added to that enormous overhead is the fact that this is an old and inefficient ship. Keeping the Freewinds afloat, let alone moving, is an expensive proposition not close to being supported by the OT VIII public. One person every two weeks isn’t going to keep a rented paddleboard above water.
So, the Freewinds has become the Moneywinds, which in many respects is fitting for what is symbolizes the “top of the bridge.” This ship stands for what scientology aspires to. It is the pinnacle of accomplishment in the scientology world. And what an accurate reflection of the reality of scientology it has become with its obsession with making money.
Below are a few of the promotional items from the Moneywinds received in just the last week. And this is by no means everything…. Everything IS oriented to making money and handing it over to keep the Moneywinds afloat.
I guess they don’t have any “entrepeneurs” left in the US….
This one is couched as “OT Hatting” — of course everyone who aspires to be “OT” has to lean how to make money. You don’t gain admission to those levels in scientology without handing over a bucketload of cash.
The tools for prosperity. Like everything else they promote — it’s not the “Tools for Happiness” or “Tools for spiritual enlightenment”….
Effective “closing” — really religious.
The keys to prosperity….
Not the “fastest route to spiritual enlightenment”…
And of course, what would a religious retreat off the crossroads of the world be without the moneygrubbers from WISE…
This one week collection tells the real story of scientology better than a million words could.
Scientology is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. That is what is important above anything and everything else.
I religiously retreated from it already.
Mike (and everyone)
Sorry for hijacking the thread.
Probably fair to say nobody knows what’s going on with Marty just now. I posted a comment to his blog, but no joy. It seems to be frozen.
But you are an experienced communicator and your analysis of CO$ material is always laser sharp. So, I’d appreciate your take on Marty’s most recent post – Tony Ortega et all will rue the day… etc.
I think you’d be rolling on the floor if that line came from Karin Pow (although it would obviously have been dictated by David Miscavige). And probably so would Marty under other circumstances.
In my post on Marty’s blog, I applauded his masterful skill in handling the obnoxious squirrel busters as well as the airport posse that stalked and tried to bate him. As the Lone Gunmen (X Files spinoff) would have said, his kung fu is the best.
However, I also said his new post sounded a lot like the ill-judged emails I’ve fired off in anger and regretted the next day. Emotionally satisfying, but deeply flawed.
You probably know Tony Ortega as well or better than anyone posting here. For my part, he seems to be a very professional reporter who doesn’t play favourites, even if that upsets someone. I imagine that is what happened yesterday and Marty quite understandably took it personally.
Whatever the facts, I think one thing is crystal clear. Tony Ortega is not sitting on Marty’s porch with a GoPro strapped to his head. That sort of calculatedly malicious behaviour is organised and admitted to in court by the real villain of the piece – the Church of Scientology.
After victimizing the vulnerable and destroying families (yours included) for so long and with apparent impunity, hopefully it will be CO$ that will ultimately rue the day.
Live long and prosper
I understand this is a topic people want to talk about. Unfortunately, I have no information that sheds any light on it. And I am afraid that in such a circumstance, speculation, no matter how well informed has the danger of causing unforeseen consequences. I wish nothing more than Marty and Mosey have the space and freedom to live their lives as they choose. They owe nobody anything, though a lot of people who are nothing but distant observers seem to think they have an obligation to them to do or act in a certain way. That is selfish. They have to do what is right for them and it is an impossible task to judge unless you are literally in their shoes. So I refrain from commentary on this.
Agreed. We don’t know what is happening in their personal lives and it’s not our business either.
Understood. And thanks for the input.
Kung Hei Fat Choy from Hong Kong.
Where we are completely clear – i.e. no CO$ presence
Solve: “Why there would be a lot of busyness and not a lot of havingness.”
Now that is funny! Orgs are the epitome of busyness with no havingness.
Note to those currently still involved: Prosperity awaits you at the end of the Bridge. End your journey today and embark on your voyage to new-found heights of prosperity never before experienced while inside the money-sucking machine you have been calling your religion. Vast vistas of freedom await you: cause over time & money, freedom to think and do what you desire. All your endless eternities of Thursdays will be fun again! It all starts with a postulate: “I’m out!”. We welcome you!
I very wholeheartedly second that “Welcome”
If this boat is always in the Caribbean then won’t it be at risk for Zika virus?
Obviously I mean the passengers and crew would be at risk for Zika, not the boat… based on geographic location.
Hi Stuart P, Good to meet you. Your post about the Zika Virus and The $Winds in areas where the bug thrives is a good point.Way back on the Excalibur in San Pedro, Ca, I had HCOPL’s that told not to get sun burnt or get mosquito bites.I suppose all that Sea Org OT-ness will totally keep the little suckers away,Right Ron.Laughter,Love,Ann.
has the crooked arm of scientology got ALL you guys by the nads? Statement, something? Throw a dog a bone?
Dave has his thong in a wad.
I’m guessing, probably correctly, that all the “books” that Clouden is trying to flog off on his Accelerated Training Solutions (sounds like a name from $camology) are published by $camology. The high prices for this rubbish is also a dead giveaway. Strangely, I couldn’t find the books listed anywhere else. Gosh, what a surprise.
Hi Kronomex, I’m just wondering. Pat Clouden is supposedly very wealthy from wheeling and dealing in utilities (et al); and he’s trying to snatch up all of them from America’s local communities. (Monopolize) Do you suppose he’s trading ALL the poor org’s over-due utilities’ payments for heavy-duty auditing? LOL …. As it is, he doesn’t need any business courses from the FAILING sci-fi’s because there’s nothing they could teach him about the making-$$$ department! He never needed them!
(Special note to the little dick: Hey, ld, you know that frightened black dude you sent to my house today representing “a new electric company?” Well, he was stuttering and shaking like a leaf. He couldn’t even speak. He couldn’t deliver the con of switching companies for the usual, big twenty-buck discount. He threw a fake ID card at my friend and ran away. Guess what, little dick? — YOU FLUNKED AGAIN!)
So the Sheeple are tapped out because they gave money to Scientology that they couldn’t afford. Scientology to the rescue! You say you want to flourish and prosper? Okeydokey, have we gotta Prosperity Seminar for you!
The true purpose of these is obvious to anyone paying even half way attention. Its hilarious and tragic at the same time, like one of RB’s cartoons.
How was Scientology ever attractive to people? Hippie cults I get, polygamy I get, because those…..well, they do have their fun. THIS looks like corporate training. Boring, mind numbing, soul sucking corporate training. From their dry, dull graphics that look more suited to an ad for a dentist’s office to the no mention of anything even slightly spiritual. What are people who are in seeing that I’m not? God it looks so BORING.
Hi Katy Meyrick, Good to meet you. I understand your post and if you are writing about today 2016, yes all about Sci is boring.Except for a few points. Disconnection is still very real Families are torn apart forever by this cult.Also the abuses mental physical and spiritual did and do still exist.And the scam continues.
I do understand your post,but if you could go back to 74 when I joined the Sea Org it was like graduating from high school into this elite group that was going to clear this planet and put ethics in on the Universe.Very strong pull of all the tides of all the seven seas.Love,Ann.
It was nothing like that in my experience in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. I had never heard of these weird donation statuses, for example. However, by the 70s, the pressure for many was in full swing. And there was the enticing promise, though fake, that someone had found a methodical way to achieve states of consciousness that were definitely spiritual (though I personally always rejected the word religious).
Potter and Weber just look — to me, anyway — smarmy, slimy, and sleazy. Joy Gendusa looks more credible (and see but I’m underwhelmed: her big contribution to the world is direct-marketing postcards? For me, she is contributing to junk mail that goes automatically into the recycling. Maybe she is marketing ethical products at least.
Hi FOTF, She’s probably also selling those dumb-down-America “coloring books with crayons” (advertised now almost all day and night on TV) … The last thing senior citizens, going blind and senile need now are coloring books! LOL 😉
Hey don’t knock coloring books for us elderly. I can’t stand for that.
I gather that it wasn’t always like it is now, I mean LRH certainly wasn’t creating 4 color layouts on a mimeograph machine. (incidentally, my phone’s dictionary doesn’t even recognize the word “mimeograph,” it suggested “mimosa” ?) but somehow DM and his clonebots got stuck in this 90″s image of photo layouts for corporate design. you’re right, it looks like the promo materials for a particularly boring convention put on by a third tier company.
I don’t think even the people who make them are into it anymore; the more of these flyers Mike puts up in posts like this one or the Thursday funnies, the more I notice the same stock photos used over and over, obvious misspellings and horrific use of grammar.
as to the “fun” people used to have in scn, it has been said that there was an excitement and purpose that pervaded the organization in its early days. I think that any joy or excitement about scn has been sucked out of everyone there. people who have to exclaim how much fun they’re having and how awesome their wins are – methinks they doth protest too much.
Who actually RETURNS to the Freewinds after experiencing the constant regging, taking passport, etc? (are the returnees just the VIP types who are treated well?)
Seriously? They actually take the passports of the passengers?
Leslie, not only do they take your passport, they also LOCK THEM UP.
Who returns to the Prisonwinds after being there once? Only those who are addicted to the Kool-Aid.
Hi Mike, I was truly amazed as I read through each promo piece straight through to the last picture of the old Moneywinds with WISE’S stamp of approval,I was amazed to see in one flash just as you posted.The Moneywinds does represent the top of the bridge & OT Heaven, but the catch is one will only get there if they give all their money,then after OTs,down to the bottom of the bridge you go and start over.Mind-boggling!Also the Sea Org Symbol has no glow for me as it did in days gone by,it looks old,tired and used.One of your very perceptive posts.Love,Ann.
I agree Ann, OT 8 was the greatest of all con marketing schemes. When we all looked at the grade chart we all, well most of all I knew, thought that Ron found the keys to enlightenment and OT 8 was the goal.
OT 8’s original definition was an absolutist attainment: Total Cause over bla bla bla. TOTAL CAUSE objectively and subjectively.
This lie and con was the cheese laid out for us. The grade chart was and is false advertisement.
Hi Brian, Lovely to see you again my friend….have that on the Dali ceiling speakers right now for some reason, but you know I do not care for any brand name anything, it is always the spirit behind that intrigues me.
You posted about the Org Board. So True.In March of 74 I was in touch with the SO recruiter for Asho Day and as you know of course I wrote a lot of letters to her.Well I was in an apartment out in the boonies beyond a true Victorian asylum for all sorts of poor souls,in Athens, Ohio. The subdivision I was in had been only a little developed, then the funding had run out and I had a small apartment in one of the houses that had not been sold when the project went belly up.So I had been writing the SO recruiter from Asho Day,and she was warm milk toast, until the Asho,F SO recruiter and Quentin got hold of me.And I will always love him.
Not too long after I got a knock on my apartment door and two dudes proceeded to walk on in with navy blue pea coats on, walked in and spread a huge grade chart over my cinder block pine plank desk, yes boys and girls we did not have all the good stuff in Spring of 74. Well they gave me a song and dance that I could not join the Sea Org at Asho F because I had never had training or auditing.They had driven hours from the Detroit Org.The point Brian, which I know you totally understand, is that I got really POed and called the Asho F SO recruiter in tears saying these idiots tell me I can’t but I can join the SO as I am. He got with them on the phone and they hastily left.
I just zoomed by the Org Board as a ” patch of blue sky ” because something in me wanted so badly to help and wanted un-conditional love.Of course I see now I have to love myself first and how in cos can you do that when in my day all the love I had went to Ron and family and today it is money for
dm’s lifestyle.Have I rambled on. Thank you Mike for the space thank you Brian and yours for the love.Ann.
How about the last one: “Am I a good parent?”
Gee, I disconnected from my ex because he/she went Indy and I made my kids do the same. I did exactly as I was told. I’m a good parent, right? My ex was going all squirrel and what-not.
WOW I feel bad for Gavin Potter. HE was the PB&F Dir CMOCW when I was the Cope off. we manned missions for a few years together at the FLB. He was a crack up. I really hope that he could wake up some day and live. I know for some they have no place to go.
crazy to think of him and so many more that are still in trying to make things go right. I hope they know that when they wake up some people will be there to help them get back on their feet again.
I’m sure there are a few that think Gavin Potter is the exception. He is human even if just barly.
Anybody know the whereabouts of Nevil Potter? I liked him.He was a skilled engraver in England B4 SO.
The most financially insolvent Scientology organization ever, selling its financial secrets to the world. Pan handlers have a MUCH better income to spending ratio.
Yep, can’t argue with that. However, I seem to recall there’s an LRH ED someplace that states OT8 is to be delivered at the AOs, so every continent can deliver it I suppose. It’s all a farce, same as Super Power for staff – what a sick joke that turned out to be, just like the Universe Corp. Bait & switch with every aspect.
The Moneywinds is a good term, it reflects exactly what that vessel is, a symbol of upper level theft. It’s not even Hubbard endorsed but epitomizes exactly what that organisation is and does – the same as throwing your money off a cliff into the wind. What a criminally fucked up thing the organisation of scientology is…
You’re right, @Yawn, LRH ED 301 Int. (Ron’s Journal 30 December 17, 1978) Int not only OTVIII but also (drumroll please) this is the ED that discusses the release of Super Power and The “Sweat Program”. Mike check your email.
Joe Pendleton asks, “Has anyone attended one of these?”
Yes! You are exactly correct in that they are a pretense to get “bodies in the shop” so that money can be collected for the IAS. Once, one makes the mistake of attending, you quickly discover there is NOTHING new about what these idiots are preaching. For example, unlocking your stuck flows by outflowing…MONEY….to the IAS, the amount of MONEY contributed to the IAS is in direct relationship to one’s ability to make it go right and your ability to go OT….etc etc etc.
You would think they must be reaching the law of diminishing returns, on this crap but I guess this also proves – there is a sucker born every minute.
You become rich with scientologese .. your theta inflow will be great .. and that will expand your money inflow .. yes it will be ..
I have no idea what the crew numbers must be aboard a vessel like that but it must be a significant number, let alone the engineering complexity/expense involved. I always give my first thoughts to the rank the file when it comes to most of life’s activities. The group supports everything and those crew must be really bewildered why the ship has no or so few “clients,” or in this case the end products of scientology. The internal PR and discipline must be pretty heavy handed and full of lies to stave off or suppress ‘mutinous rumblings.’ Rice and beans must be pretty common on that tub.
In scientology parlance their ‘silent confusion’ says it all really – that’s the condition the Moneywinds and scientology are truly in. They have hit the proverbial bottom of the barrel and their survival is only accomplished by coercion. What’s the other word you use where you obtain money by lies?
Life without miscavige would be a good start to start for the recovery of mind of your humble crew member!
Ah yes, the Good Ship Lollipop, sailing on the duck pond just starboard off the porch of infinity.
I did the Route to Infinity course on that tugboat and I must say it rivals Flag as the unfriendliest place on earth – judging from the 25 countries I have visited.
The freewinds and the CONS of scientology of las vegas present:
About: Patrick J. Clouden is the Chief Executive Officer of Consumer Energy Solutions, Inc., one of the nation’s top energy consulting firms. Consumer Energy Solutions was founded in 1999 and represents some of the largest energy suppliers in North America. CES has enrolled over 2.5 million residential and 300,000 commercial customers across the United States and Canada including many Fortune 500 companies.
Me: Some how I find this hard to believe! LOL
Pat Clouden sent his many spiders with clipboards and electronic devices (mind ya, not adding machines) to my home about five times—demanding to view my utility bills so they can point out the fees my old company was charging me.
Me: They finally stopped harassing me when they got my response: STOP BOTHERING ME WITH YOUR BULLSHIT CON TRICKS! YOU CHARGE THE SAME FEES. GO AWAY!
The survey they handed me had pondering questions; one was: “Won’t This Just Be Another Bill to Pay?”
Me: No. I’ll just pay the same utillity rates to their company; however, they’ll be keeping my bills coming to me–they said–in my OLD company’s name. Um? … Why?
They slip and tell the truth at the bottom of their con (No bullshit! I kid you not! LOL): “No! Nothing really changes in your life except that you will know that you have made the best energy buying decision for yourself!”
Me: Will I? … C’mon, now!
What you will get from Consumer Energy Solutions: You will get the same energy bill you have always gotten. Me: NO SHIT! I know that! It’s just gets paid to CSE!
More BULLSHIT: You will be a part of the Consumer Energy Solutions *family* which means you will get our renowned customer service, the best in the business.
Me: Yeah, but I already had THAT with my old company of forty-something years — and I wasn’t part of any family BS! … WTF? Who needs their ‘family/CULT?’ rhetoric?
They go on: And with CES (the Consumer Energy Solutions), you have access to energy efficiency advice, help and expertise any time you need it.
Me: See answer directly above!
Another survey question: “How Much Money Can You Save?”
Me: $$$ saved? … NONE! … Consumer Energy Solutions charges me the same amount, only they say it differently! One exception is, if I sign on with them, I won’t be paying my old company’s personal fees and charges (No Shit?) – and they’ll take my account over for free!
Me: WOW, They’ll take me over for ‘free!’ – How very large of them! … Now I’ll pay their personal fees and charges!) LMAO!
Me: Yeah, the right plan for people — where “CES” gets the most $$$ out of them, FIRST!)
Is Gavin Potter old enough to have actually studied under Les Dane? I too can pick up Dane’s book at Barnes and Noble and ‘study under him’. When I last notice Potter, he was running his scam on shore. He was all over the US and even did some dates in Europe. Did he run out of land lubbers to fleece?
The Russian guys giving their own prosperity seminar are just catering to the Ruski nouveau riche who have escaped Putin’s Russia with their own pot of gold. And now $cieno land wants that gold. Does Russia have a floating gulag? Well, they are indeed behind the Clampire.
The bow on pic of the Fleecewinds has been heavily photoshopped. All the dents and bends are missing. Didn’t the Fleecewinds do OT 7 and 8? I remember some blurb about Krustie Ally and one or 2 other clamlebrities doing a course on the ship of fools last year. Or am I hallucinating again?
So the Fleecewinds can’t live on OT ‘courses’. They have been doing various seminars for the last 3 or 4 years, some one has to pay for that multi million dollar refit the ship got 3 years ago.
What surprises me is the addition of the special Russian fleecing seminar. Are there really enough ‘religious study’ visas for Russians? And if they have those visas, why are they not in the US enjoying the good life? Or are they confused by the difference between Saint Martens and Doc Martens? Inquiring minds want to know.
I spoke with a Sea Org member who was involved in the last overhaul of the ship. Per him, this is the last one, the ship’s structural integrity is such that it can no longer be overhauled.
You know what that means? Ideal Ship time!!! Break out your checkbooks 🙂
Freewind’s is BER ( Beyond Economical Repair)
repair costs exceed costs to run per day.
“Krusty?” Peeing my pants!
Correction: Krustie
The Clown?
Hi OSD, As to clowns my whole life I am absolutely terrified of them I hated going to the Barnum & Bailey Circus with my Grandmom who I loved in the 50’s in Boston.I hated all the animals in cages and the clowns drove me crazy.All the kids would be laughing and I would head for the exit.Strange Love U 2. Ann.
Evil looking clowns has always scared the shit out of me!
LOL, I guess! 😉
They make an ot8 every other day? That actually is more than I would have expected.
Wow 175 a year is more than you expected? 500 people per year are struck by lightning just in the US.
I didn’t say I think it’s a lot. I just said it’s more than I expected.
And lets not forget that a good percentage of these 150 per year are, as with everything else in miscavigeland, RE-DOs.
Or…re-doo doos.
There were 3 completions the week I completed in 2005. From what I saw that was about average. What happened to all the stellar expansion? Shouldn’t there be a whole bunch more by now?
Another post, where the insight about what scn really is all about, has been well explained. Thanks again
I did notice the posters use a lot the word prosperity. Of course, in the mind of scn it translates into money; however, they missed to even mention two ingredients that english dictionaries provide as part of the definition of prosperity: health and happiness.
That is the new and upcoming Word in $cientology which is slated to pass ‘awesome’ and ‘exactly’ in popular use by all borg members in 2016.
Every time I see this ship the first thing that comes to mind is “Lock phasers!!!” But since we’re at sea, it really should be “Arm photon torpedoes!” 😉
Hi Brian, I loved your post. Had fun pondering the images.Yet now I do wonder, will dm break out the bucks or actually demand more bucks from the fleeced flock,for a brand new floating con-ship to fool more celebs & whales to the OTs? I wonder…Love,Ann.
Dear Ann,
I am not that Brian. The person with the blue avatar is not me. But hello anyway!!!
Hi Brian, As soon as I hit send on my post to the blue avatar Brian,I went Oh-oh like hitting the wrong PBX knob and sending our CO to the broom closet with his call! Hi to you too, traffic here in getting complicated for me! Laughter.All Brian’s here thank you and to dear friend Brian,Love Always.Ann.
Mike, how can the Moneywinds have a “World Tour” when they only operate in the Caribbean? Is it a surfeit of their OTness?
I believe all the Oat Tees leave their bodies and circle the globe thereby stating it’s a WORLD TOUR!
As usual, Mr. Rinder, your insights are eye-opening. As a Christian, I duck my head in shame at those certain groups of my faith which emphasize the ‘prosperity gospel’ rather than the ‘feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned gospel’ of Jesus. I can see you must feel the same sense of embarrassment.
Hey, reaping! I’m naked and I’m going to stay naked!
another damn troublemaker
Sorry…It’s woven into my DNA…
LOL, ODS, They can feed me, I’ll send my addy!
Hi OSD, Walter says good planning re: going naked,when I am siprit energy I will not have to fuss with clothes and make up! Total freedom.Love,Ann.
You and me both, Ann B!
Hi OSD, Spell kill will kill me.Spirit Suri , pay attention. XO Ann.
Mike, I see you sometimes refer to “GAG”. Does GAG stand for Golden Age of Garbage? And if so, does the Golden Age of Garbage consist of what Scions call the Golden Age of Tech, the Golden Age of Knowledge or both?
YEs, all things “golden age of” (tech, knowledge, OT etc) are Golden Age of Garbage or GAG-worthy
My GAG reflex kicks in just thinking about the cult….
My favorite “golden age of” was the video that you and Marty shot that discussed The Golden Age of Copper!
Here’s the link for a trip down memory lane……….
“Find the exact scale of activities in order to succeed.” That’s the Scientology price list, right?
Of course! What else could it be?
Another indication of failure and resistance of public to step onboard, at least 4 of the 7 promoted events aren’t even on the ship.
Yep, going on the Prisonwinds is a very toxic experience. And, obviously, getting more so. I’m sure word has spread about what happens on the ship of no return……
I was on the ship for 5 weeks back in the early 90’s when this level of regging did not exist. Even still, I never wanted to return again. You’re right, it was like a prison because when you boarded the ship they took your passport away and locked it up so it was not accessible. I felt very weird about that at the time, but having never been on a cruise before I thought it was normal protocol that I was unaware of. Now we all know the true reason for it.
That’s why I call it the Prisonwinds. Taking someone’s passport and locking it up so YOU can’t get to it, is somewhat like bondage. But, you are certainly trapped on the ship.
“A hole in the ocean into which they pour money” has never been more apt when describing a boat! How the IRS can’t see through this floating farce is beyond me!
So, you need a cruise ship to complete your religious training! Sure, makes sense.
Seriously, the collective of IRS auditors REALLY need to grow a pair. A HUGE pair. You’d think they would all be pissed off at what the cult pulled off. Fred Goldstein, you were a coward!
I keep thinking Gavin Potter is trying really hard to be Captain Miscavige. His goals would be better set if he set his sights on being Captain Stubing. He has the right first name for it and the fake uniform so he’s halfway there.
The Freewinds is an excellent example of scientology as a sinking ship.
The Freewind’s is the Nautical Bank of David Miscavige.
The Card machine that embosses IAS Cards is on the Freewinds,
I have seen it. Everything else is window dressing and show
to make it “look”like something else. The promo is smoke and mirrors
to get cash flow to fill the external PR David Miscavige decides
to work his controls on.Much like grease to keep the noise of
real purposes from being heard .
The real ‘grease trap’ on the Fleecewinds is none other than Teddy Braggart IMHO. I may have misspelled Teddy’s name. It may be Braggen but regardless of the incidentals, he does like to stroke himself about his prowess in lying to public in exchange for funds.
I doubt he needs sleep due to his Ohh Tea ness.
He doesn’t sleep??? Wow! I wish I had his Oat Tee ness! I’d get a lot more done!
I am assuming that the primary impetus for these how to get prosperous events is the results of many many reg cycles and surveys wherein prospects not only claimed they did not have the money the reggges wanted, but in fact DIDN’T have enough money or access to credit to satisfy reg demands. Possibly enough Scientologists said they WANTED to know how to become more prosperous and would like hatting on it. I don’t know. But after thirty five very active years in Scientology and an immersion in LRH’s writings, I can’t even guess what “secrets” they would be “revealing” in these seminars that would suddenly make such a big difference. The basics of what makes a successful business are actually very simple and widely known, though of course any business that is having problems could certainly use some help from someone who is VERY able in spotting what outnesses need to be corrected, as well as in advising on any bright ideas that could jump start success. Maybe they are just covering stuff like have a quality valuable product and exchanging in abundance. What could POSSIBLY be covered in these seminars that would make any big difference to anyone attending? Or once again, is it just a matter of “any way you can get the bodies into the shop” and get a shot at regging and/or recruiting people?
Anyone here ever attend one of these?
*I have noticed many “how to get to phase 2” in a number of these promo pieces in the last year. That means that regges and call-in are getting many excuses like “I can’t make it to Flag next month because I have important cycles here in the business that demand my presence.”
You know…there is the dirty rotten capitalist tactic of selling a better product at a better price.
Oh come one now, that’s only for businesses, not benevolent churches like Scientology! Churches should scheme new ways to sell their salvation.
Salvation now comes by way of donations. The more you give, the more you become Oat Tee. You don’t need to do no Super Power! The magic is in your wallet…
Yes,I attended one of the last NOT APPROVED BY DAVID MISCAVIGE’
I was ready to go for one approved by David Miscavige but was kicked off
and never went. Reason was same as what they don’t teach is run all credit card numbers
before event to calculate how much money from each mark. Only “High Dollar” Marks (Johns) can go
low dollar they take your money and tell you to F**k off. (Real secret of getting rich)
Yes, I attended one and what a waste of time and money. 1) someone follows you around all the time since they knew I had money (even into the bathroom while trying to escape a IAS event), 2) someone found us while dining and demanded we return to the ship, 3) withheld my passport until I made a fuss, 4) kept my OT6 girlfriend there an extra week with sec checks, 5) no sex in the cabins I guess, 6) we had it in writing we were just on the ship for vacation and one course–no respect of this letter by Potter. The worst experience in my whole life! It was also a bit scary not having my passport.
Hi Pete2, Wow a great post.And the beat goes on… incredible what you went through on ship,but as we both know too well,standard op when it comes to cos.I would have made such a scene if my passport was taken,& I would have been panicked too thinking I could get thrown off the ship in some foreign land,with no ID.That is frightening.Congratulations to you and yours for getting off the hamster wheel of the cult.Love,Ann.
I have this fantasy of someday going to the Failwinds and then at some port of call leaving the damned ship.
Barbados. That would be a nice place to blow that garbage scow, it’s nice in Barbados.
I’d demand my passport at the gangway and after they fail to produce it, I’d leave anyway. In my wildest dreams, they would even taunt me about not being able to go home without my passport. Hah!
Then I’d waltz over to the US Embassy in Bridgetown, hand them a photocopy of my passport (always keep a photocopy with you when traveling), and tell them mine’s being held by the Fleawinds and they refused to return it to me. And that I would like to go home. Passports are the property of their issuing governments, and they don’t take kindly to them being stolen.
Then I’d go to a local newspaper and tell them all about how the nice local Customs official got my passport back for me on behalf of my Consul, and how I think I’d like to stay for a week and enjoy their country because everyone’s so nice!
But seriously, that’s all anyone would need to do. Go to or call your country’s local Consulate or Embassy and tell them that the cult boat won’t give you your passport. They’ll go take it from them and it’ll really piss off those assholes on the ship.
Hi Gus Cox, Thank you for the great post and all the info regarding passports.I get a new one every ten years even though it does not get used much, it is another form of ID when traveling.Photo-copy stuff is a super idea,makes a lot of sense.Also if I ever had to go on any cos ship,I would load up with costume jewelry,and as I depart the gangway leave all of it for the regges to ponder & I would be gone like the wind!Enjoy yours posts,Love,Ann.
Joe P, I’m sure you’ve nailed the Why for their use of the prosperity theme in so many of their seminars, i.e., lots for feedback from sheeple as to how broke they are and how maxed out their credit is. It is obviously the button.
Freewinds staffed with soulless/mindless PIRATES wearing white uniforms.
1) Do they still reg people? Who are the regges these day?
That boat must be SO stressful. How could anyone possibly relax?
I’ve been on the ship. It was fun but I was lucky to dine/hang with one of the big scientology whales’ families so we got VIP treatment all the time. My favorite part was visiting the islands and snorkeling with tiny jellyfish. I wonder if they still allow that sort of stuff.
2) That Pat Clouden guy. He’s famous for other things isn’t he? Back in the 80’s? Not “goodfamous”.
3) It would be great to see a CURRENT photo of Gavin. I’m thinking he’s been RPF’d a few times since that photo. I’d guess eyes are sunken in and glazed over even more, dark circles, thinner than ever but still full of himself.
4) Alex Weber. I’d like to know what his “most successful online sales network business” is so I can avoid it and alert my friends and family to steer clear. Anyone know? Google searching got me zilch.
I know him personally as Alexander Fischer from Düsseldorf, Germany. He has a lot of Web sites, just google the name I know him by. And no, I would never do business with him again.
My only advice to anyone thinking about going to the Freewinds, especially for OT VIII, is RUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! As fast as you can – in the other direction. I made the mistake of actually reading these promos and my PTSD got “restimulated.” It should be called Prisonwinds… or maybe just Breakwinds.
Fartwinds works for me, although Fleecewinds has a nice ring to it.
“Soon-to-be-gone-with-the-winds,”sounds perfect for all!! 😉
I like it! So-to-be-gone-with-the-winds. Forever more. Never to return. On the road again.
OSD, I truly hope so! Then we’ll get Willy to write up and sing a good adios to them. 😉
You know…even if the Costa Concordia wasn’t being scrapped she would still need a lot of work before she could sail again and the reggs would have to work without sleep to raise the necessary funds.