Get a load of this, apparently said with absolutely NO irony….
Every OT VIII through Student Hat…
But MORE bizarre — the “Advanced Solo Auditor Course”? Anything to get these people to redo SOMETHING. OT VIIIs are supposedly DONE with Solo Auditing — though I assume this is some sort of a “come-on” for OT IX and X without saying so. Yes, rush yourselves through this course so you can be well prepared for all orgs being ideal (though by then it will be GAG VII and it will be the Super Specialist Quantum Platinum Meritorious Advanced Solo Auditor Course — a new modifier is added for each new version of GAG).
They are seriously desperate at the Freewinds. I just received an email from a Special Correspondent that stated one third of the Freewinds staff are now located at Flag to try and round up new business and the the ship is completely empty.
So much for the 47X boom…
Currently it’s parked in Curaçao. I wonder if they picked that location to unload the crew because there are no web cameras watching it 24/7 like in Aruba?
I can speak to a personal and positive experience re: LRH. I got into Scn in 1974, joined staff 3 days later and was an auditor before I finished life repair. I learned everything I know about Scn. from behind an emeter. I was very skeptical that the processes would work as LRH described but I worked hard at auditing, studying, auditing, studying, auditing, studying. Every person I audited had personal wins that they stated to me, because of my actions. When I corrected my actions to be more precise to the technical bulletins, wins and gains became greater uniformly. As I saw what LRH predicted would happen, happened over and over again, I started to trust him more and to expect his stated outcomes to occur. After a few thousand hours of this, my respect and admiration for LRH was very high. I had handled lifelong problems for people, helped physical recoveries, saved marriages, literally created sanity for some and created new stability for others. After a few thousand more hours, because I applied the technical bulletins precisely, my results improved and improved, to the point where I was a seasoned case cracker, where even those who had struggled were having impressive wins of their origination. In my thorough study I found LRH’s attitude to be very caring, with 100% intention for that spiritual being, to be free of charge or case. I remember auditing a severely ill person and in scouring the assist bulletins, I felt so impressed with his thoroughness of handling and his caring. My respect and admiration is extremely high for LRH, even though I’ve heard a lot of negative things about him since, it just doesn’t change what occurred before. I guess it’s like a son that adores his dad, that he grew up learning everything from, to later learn that he’s a drinking, gambling womanizer. But the love is still there, it doesn’t kill the respect. IMHO the technical area has been trashed since LRH’s death by the lowly cob squirrel. I saw scientific rigor in LRH’s work and I do think that it can be assessed. The data is in the folders. If someone ever collects them all and compiles some kind of data pool, I believe the efficacy can be proven and perhaps improved. I think it’s important for each one of us to assess for ourselves, what percentage of our Scn experience was positive or negative, and be real and honest about both sides. Confronting the lies and evil is important, but so is not allowing the positives to be stolen by assholes.
Thank you, Hallie Jane, for sharing bravely your truths about the efficacy of LRH’s auditing tech, about your wins and about the wins experienced by your PCs. Beautiful.
Great to hear your wins, Hallie Jane!
Is that a new posting for Sharron Weber? Not that long ago, she was doing PR letter writing:
Scientology’s Newly Purchased “Ideal Org” Building in Phoenix Will Become a Recruiting Tool — Once the Last of Its Tenants Gets Kicked Out October 13, 2011, Ray Stern, Phoenix New Times
Sorry, Ideal Org begging letter writing. I guess writing begging letters is her qualification for the job.
WHere is she mentioned in the article? It’s too long for me to read right now…
Nothing is totally black (bad) or white (good).
The same goes for Scientology and e.g. the Bible and the Coran.
There are good things in it, and bad things.
The question is: what do you want to see?
And also what is more important for you?
Very often the good things in a philosophy or movement are clouded or destroyed by the followers. Hitler (more bad than good) was nothing without his followers. Same goes for Hubbard and Miscavige. Both are nothing without their followers.
It is the blindness and the fanaticism of the followers that will determine the outcome.
Seeing how Miscavige and his Sea Org operate, the outcome will not be positive for the institution of Scientology. But the words of Hubbard will survive somehow, just as the Bible and the Coran did. And other people will find in it the things they like (or not).
Sure, turn up at the RegWinds and be given the R-factor that you never understood your course materials and you were never auditing out your space cooties the way you were supposed to so you have to pay to do your Bridge all over again.
I’ll tell you, Mike. I appreciate the work and effort that you and other former “top execs” have put in to set the record straight. DM is such a dick.
White Star – you have chosen an interesting posting name. White Star was the name of the company that owned the ship “Titanic”:
It seems that $cientology is meeting the same fate as the Titanic – straight DOWN and vertical.
i swear i had nothing to do with the Titanic:)
Mike et al,
Thank you for all who chimed in on the debate (re: good v. bad LRH). Mike, I agree with what you said about accepting people at face value. I try not to question anyone’s ‘wins’ as I see that as a matter of faith. No more than I would question anyone who said they prayed to a saint or prophet for a miracle.
My question is, when does society step in to prevent a fraud or abuse? For example, superpowers. LRH said OTs would be cause over MEST and free from illness, eyeglasses, etc.
At what point does society say ‘no Mr Faith Healer, you cannot take money and make false claims’.? I guess the FDA did step in and tell LRH he could not make certain claims, but DM is still selling superpowers to this day.
So, where I think most people don’t have a problem with what people choose to believe, many people have a problem where they see abuse and fraud and can’t separate LRH from that.
I’m not trying to invalidate wins, whether they are genuine cognitions or hypnosis induced, who am I to say?
But, for those who want to defend LRH, it would help if there were pro LRH stories that were 1) true and 2) which could be verified independently. Tony Ortega posted an old interview with Forrest Ackerman (LRH’s literary agent) the other day. That was the closest I have ever seen to an honest assessment by someone who knew LRH, was aware of LRH’s faults and still seemed to like him personally.
Ron S. states that “no hate talk of LRH does anyone any particular good except to inflate their agenda….”. Is it ‘hate talk’ if it is true? Does it inflate my agenda (or anyone else’s?)
When did stating facts (LRH planned revenge against Paulette Cooper; LRH planned Operation Snow White, etc) become ‘hate talk’? Why can’t facts just be facts? That is why I was asking for examples of LRH kindness or generosity or ingenuity, etc. I think there was ingenuity in establishing Scientology, but at some point it went off the rails into a disaster. Like you said, its not all black or all white.
Lots of questions asking for a when, who or what answer.
Research what ‘no case gain is according to scientology’ and it might give you some perspective.
Also, a society does not act like a single person as far I as I can see. Lots of history where society never stepped in and stopped abuses. War, persecution & poverty are common place.
There’s an old saying, “if you have to ask what jazz is you ain’t ever gonna know.”
Be your own counsel, make decisions based on what you find that works for you. I don’t think Scientology itself needs to apologise for anything, the way it has been run and profited by is seriously in question.
Blaming Colt or Smith & Wesson for murder has very limited sanity, the nut behind the butt is the real culprit.
The way I see it ‘the nut behind the but’ of Scientology is LRH.
As practised in the Church of Scientology today, I don’t see so much of Ron being behind the type of Scientology they are applying. I think the membership knows it has changed a lot and even gone in the opposite direction to what Ron intended. I am sure they know that Ron spoke out against fundraising. They see the Tech changing many years after Ron dropped the body. They see OT’s routed to do Objectives processing as part of the Tech revamp. They should know that that is obviously wrong. They see Clears who have truly reached the E/P told they are not Clear and have to do it again. They know that is obviously wrong. They see that the practise of Scientology has gone away from training and processing and is now mostly to do with straight donations. Therefore I don’t think they care much whether Ron was a good guy or a bad guy. When they cheer LRH’s photo, they know they are cheering the David Miscavige version of Ron. So I don’t think you will get the members to leave when they find out that Ron was a bad guy. They don’t care either way.
“On the evening of May 3, more than 2,500 Scientologists from across Australia filled Castlereagh Street to inaugurate the Harbor City’s new Church of Scientology Ideal Organization (Ideal Org).”
Well kick my black dog – that is more than all the Scientologists in the entire country and continent of Australia. Forget the loaves and fishes act of Jesus – Scientology can create an extra 500 Scientologists out of thin air anytime they want to put on a big event.
The truth is with empty ships and empty Ideal Orgs and there are now more Jedi Knights than Scientologists. Surely it must be time to pack up and go home. Scientology, like Elvis, has now left the building.
Do not leave out Pastafarians. They are legit such that official religious headgear is a pasta strainer that by law a Pastafarian can wear for a Drivers license photo.
Flag ship to nowhere.
you know scientology’s marketing and sales approach isn’t too far removed from the mainstream.
look at commercials, News, politics and web sites.
same crap.
i find interesting that many of the very same people who decry invasion privacy use google’s browser, a pure piece of spyware and brush it off as nothing.
how the US gutted Habeas Corpus in the name of liberty, how anyone can be subject to a spot police search at any time in order to protect their rights, how socialism is vilified for the masses yet that is the only thing the top capitalists practice for themselves..,,,,,,..there are only a gazillion things i could mention.
scientology type organizations have proven they can effectively control people……and scientology isn’t even good at it. imagine what those how are good at it are doing.
pardon me while i go slip on my new tommy copper compression sleeve for my aching leg.
as bad as scientology is, there is worse on the horizon.
Since the Student hat was completely off source, infested my SP alterations. its reasonable to assume Captain Blackheart will have everyone re-do the basics? It would also explain why a large portion of the sheeple isn’t though them yet too…er…, oh yeah, yank them off the basics and put them through the student hat…?
Hahah,this is so silly even some bubble dwellers have commented to me that they are waiting until everything is clear before they do their next step, as they feel uncertain that their next step might be changed within a year or so. Way to go Davey! The total chaos in your organization is making its way down.
Per there own policy, ie Ethics & study tech from the Ethics book, it’s a suppressive act to sell/deliver anything major without insisting the student hat be done FIRST. The whole basics is a suppressive scam by their own documentation, let alone alteration of checksheets and the other what nots according to that now forgotten, disregarded and highly altered program displayed in all orgs as a huge poster – the Bridge.
There use to be a thing called a TIP (technical individual program) now it’s wise to use the English definition of tip, and the tip is – RUN as fast as you can!
HCOPL “What is a check sheet?” and HCOPL “senior policy” and well, I don’t want to wreck my brains over it…. violations galore!
On the Fleece Winds my TIP strangely only ended when I could convince the Registrar that I had no more personal resources and had called everyone I knew to beg for cash to no avail, and that nobody could be found to engage in some financial irregularities.
Never again! So I followed the English definition of the RUN tip and never returned. The fuckers did manage to reg me for another OT hatting course at my local Org (Ext. & the phenomena of space)… so they owe me that money still. But I am SO done with them they can shove that up their greedy asses.
I love the way she talks to OT VIIIs like she personally OWNS them.
Self determinism my ass.
Dear Sharron,
She DOES own them. OT VIIIs are only At Cause over their pens when they come to write out a check to redo their levels as and when demanded of them.
The FSO has been paying the way for the Freewinds for over 20 years. Their last desperate attempt to
cover their own expenses is when they sold OT 9 & 10. This despite the fact that there is no OT 9 & 10 and never has been. The Freewinds fraudulently took in tens of millions of dollars. When all the OT 8’s were ordered back to the FSO to redo OT 7, the FSO transferred the credit on the Freewinds accounts over the the FSO accounts. No money was transferred. The Freewinds received and spent the money and the FSO took on the delivery burden. Whether the OT 8’s really needed to redo OT 7 or whether it was just one criminal “solution” to cover another, is a separate story.
I would estimate that the FSO has provided over $150,000,000 to keep the Freewinds floating. “PR”. Smoke and mirrors. Despite the slave labor, The “church” of Scientology can not support itself by selling and delivering a service in an honest way. That’s been true for 20 years which is why they have switched over to begging for free money and running delivery and material scams.
The “Church” has never supported itself by selling and delivering a service in an honest way. It used to collect money for services and spend that money without any hope of delivery or the ability to give refunds. It was always a rip-off, though not obviously so. Now it is obviously so and with the membership now reduced to slaves, they do not complain and they continue to hand over the money every time it is demanded of them.
Dear Sharron,
Thanks for your letter. I completed Student Hat shortly after I started Scientology in the 70’s and of course did my solo auditors course when C/Sed as part of my OT preps. Therefore I must have received your letter by mistake. Please recheck your mailing list. It confuses me to think that there is a person out there who would need a solo auditors course and Student hat at the same time. I do hope you find the poor sap and get him back on track.
Not falling for it
Can someone tell me what the fruit salad bars on her chest represents. I have a feeling that they relate more to Scamology courses completed rather than anything vaguely naval. And so the slide of Fraudology steepens and Cap’n Ducks Disease (if you are a Goon Show fan you’ll know what I mean) will be making his escape plans.
Well, it makes sense when you look at it, ZERO! definition of, literally produced per Funk & Wagnall’s definition actively displayed on the Flag Ship of miscavige’s services organisation. Isn’t there another story about ghost ships, ahhh… too close to Bermuda, that’s it – they’ve got their triangles mixed up.
On a sickly serious note, I have a couple of card carrying OTVIIIs on the fringes of my family and recently one of them begged my wife not mention anything negative to her daughter about the Cof$. The game of charades is catching up with them and panic is setting in where once it was defiant arrogance. They are afraid of the truth now, very afraid. I have no good feelings about this, the families are caving in and still there is no such thing as even the slightest hint of human compassion associated with the Cof$ – being right is far too important compared to a daughter’s feelings and sense of family unit.
“I told you so…” just doesn’t seem to cut it somehow but the quicker the Cof$ is brought to justice the better it will be for everyone, they really keep messing things up for everyone by their continual lies. Maybe my skills as an auditor will be required after all.
I’m not sure why, but I get the feeling that ‘get your ass back here now’ is not a successful marketing approach.
Hasn’t that woman been on the fleecewinds for a long time? Why hasn’t she been declared like anyone else is a leadership position? Her numbers suck at least as bad as any other org. Isn’t it about time she got some ‘help’? Or is she the only one with a master’s ticket to run that barge?
Is there some significance to the 6th of June, or is that just D-Day for Davey?
I thought OTVIII was the top of the bridge. Kaput. Fini. These people can make parking places appear but don’t know how to use a dictionary?
Is there a display of seaorg ribbons/medals available so we can all understand what the fruit salad on her toy uniform means?
June 6th is the anniversary of the Maiden Voyage. And if Dave doesnt have something more important going on, he celebrates it each year with a week of scuba diving and a couple of events.
Peggy I would embrace the confusion and give yourself over to it. The only “answers” you will get on this will just be different opinions offered up with few facts to go with it.
Caution!… Labyrinth just ahead and no exist on the other side !…….LOL
I was on the Freewind’s three times. Twice to do the same course
and third time sent home after one day. Further attempt’s failed, all money on account went for
boondogle stuff even accomo’s. . It was good while it lasted, cost a bunch of money,never set foot off the ship. I was heavily third partied from Orgs I was not at . It was like I needed to decode each question with a code key or be a mind reader. I am healthier now and doing what I want to do and more OT as an Indie.
I’m surprised the ship is empty, looks like things got worse after I was Canned.
What are you telling us Sharron? That droves up people aren’t signing up for the Competence and Leadership course (AKA pay to come aboard and clean the ship for us)?
I am not a scion but nevertheless I will admit to being thoroughly confused as to why people, even idiots can not figure out that they have done the same courses so many times that their heads must be ready to roll off their neck.
Where did OT VIII come from? I thought LRH was done with OT VII, and where is OT IX and OT X coming from, Target II?
May LRH is coming back and he needs the whole Freewinds for his BIG BEING SELF? DM and TC are not invited as their can be only ONE!
Anyway, please enlighten me as I am so confused.
“The ship is completely empty…”
Well that’s very good news, because when it finally goes bow up and begins to disappear into the depths no one gets killed.
Mike- over the last few days when I’ve visited your site it’s looked different from normal. Sorry, I’m not sufficiently ‘techie’ to describe it accurately, but it looks like a work-in-progress lash-up rather than the professional site it usually looks like (eg all the sentences in the comments run from extreme left to extreme right, thus making it a chore to read). Is this just me or are others getting this? [I know you moderate all comments before they go public, so if you’d rather not publish this one that’s OK with me, I just thought you’d like the feed-back]
Graham — it looks fine to me on my computer and on my phone…
Anyone else having problems with this?
Hey Mike… me, appassionate lurker from Italy…. having the same problem Graham reported since about 1 week.
Your computer probably needs some sort of correction. It’s been the same as always for me and I check in on Mike daily.
Looks fine on my end too.
Yes. It’s different presentation. Your picture is no longer there. Looks strange.
Well, I don’t think it’s a problem of my computer, because the same problem in visualization is in my smartphone.
Mine is fine… no changes. Width of paragraphs are about 1/2 my laptop screen with 2″ margin on left and 6″ margin on right
Earlier today I had a problem like Graham speaks for a few minutes. I did 2 restarts that didn’t fix it so I got the idea it was Mike’s site because all else was fine on my computer. But I shut down for a while. When I came back to Mike’s site later in the day all was correct again.
in the past this site does look different, it’s a happened a few times for me but not in several months. it’s as if the theme’s style.css hangs while the browser loads the page, then since the page is loaded the style instructions are dropped. i’m guessing that was it because happened only on some pages, other looked normal. if it is, i’d guess it has to do with bandwidth either on the user or server side, or a bloated theme, but this theme is pretty minimal so that’s unlikely.
Graham – If you’re using Firefox look at the top left of the page and click on VIEW then PAGE STYLE and see if it is set to “No Style” instead of “Basic Page Style” which is what you want. In Internet Explorer click on VIEW then STYLE and it should be set to “Default style” not “No style”. This may be your problem,
Thanks Aldo! More than one person seems to be having the problem, so hopefully this helps.
Thanks Aldo. I’m actually using IE 8.1 on a Lenovo laptop/tablet hybrid. Bizarrely this morning I’m getting Mike’s home-page appearing as normal, but when I click to access this page it’s back to the crude basic layout I’ve been getting for this past few days…………
Graham and Mike. Mine has been doing exactly the same thing. Also for a about a week now. This happens on my iPad and have not checked laptop.
It looks fine as usual on my. iPhone.
Captain Dave,
This is your Golden Opportunity to train from the bottom up in a distraction free environment, to determine if scientology works for you.
– L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 9 March 1972, MS OEC 384
Are these courses normally available at any local org? The local orgs that have been offering these courses with gat2 tech for over a year?
So why would anybody need to pay for freewinds accommodations when they could do this at home and stay for free, see their family and keep their job?
Some thing fishy here…
No. These courses were not available anywhere other than the Freewinds. Plus, like I said, it seemed like a good idea at the time – “Take a 2 week vacation, Relax, Tour the islands of the Caribbean, do Freewinds specific courses and Receive Auditing in an atmosphere of Total Safety and Comfort.”
Thanks Bob for writing what you wrote about your Freewinds experience. I have always felt that I missed something because I never made it to the Freewinds. I had the idea for almost 30 years that it really was relaxing, touring islands, studying some, auditing some, and letting the good times roll and I’ve felt I missed that. Now I see that it was all bullshit. Thank you. I’m so happy that I missed it all.
I have never been happier to leave a place than I was
to leave the Freewinds.
Do you think customer satisfaction might play a role in why this boat is empty? The brochures and reges promised, “Take a 2 week vacation, Relax, Tour the islands of the Caribbean, do Freewinds specific courses and Receive Auditing in an atmosphere of Total Safety and Comfort.”
That’s what we bought into when my wife and I drank the Kool-Aid and purchased a Freewinds cruise a few years ago. Did it match up to what was promised? Let me tell you about it and you be the judge.
After shelling out the money for the “cruise” we arrived at the ship to discover that this was only the beginning of a much larger and more expensive reg cycle. Upon boarding the ship, all of our Identification and passports were taken and locked up for “safe keeping.” Removing one’s identification is actually done so there is NO ESCAPE, even when the ship is in port. Without an ID and passport you are effectively, prisoners on the Freewinds and are not going anywhere without permission. You’re trapped with no way off!
Once we were far out to sea, I was given the “R factor” that I had been CSd to do a more advanced course than the one previously purchased, which was thousands of dollars extra. Then our private room turned out to be a shared room which we upgraded. Once the reges found out I had reserves to upgrade, I was fair game. Every other day or so I was body routed to reges to buy more auditing hours, additional courses, food, berthing upgrades etc. – etc. – etc. And those damn IAS reges! It is constant, hard sell regging and what the hell are you going to do? Walk out and leave? NO! If you walk out of a reg’s office in a huff, hell they just come and get you and drag ya back until you cough up some kind of donation. Every day promises to be an exasperating experience at one of the reges. We were also told that our courses would take 5 days full time, but we were there for 5 weeks doing our courses from 9 am to 10 pm, 7 days a week. The alternative was to be sent to ethics and/or sec checked until “God knows when.” Besides, it was made perfectly clear that we would NOT be leaving the ship until we had successfully completed our “programs.” Then, on Friday nights, just when we thought we could relax and enjoy a few hours to ourselves, roving gangs of staff would come to our cabin and beat on the doors until we answered. Then, we were marched off to the auditorium to partake of Friday night completions, announcements and Scientology PR while all the exits were guarded so no one could leave.
But, I have to give credit where credit is due. The food on the ship was fantastic. They have some excellent chefs on staff but sometimes I wondered if the crew was eating rice and beans because some of them looked quite pallid and gaunt, along with their over the top, militaristic attitude. In hind sight, maybe they were just hungry! There was one time, where I found myself on a short break from course so off I went to the workout room for some exercise, but within 10 minutes, a staff member came in and demanded to know why I wasn’t on course or in session. I explained that I was on a break and getting some badly needed exercise. She then, proceeded to berate me for being out ethics and told me that I should be contributing to the motion of “clearing the planet,” not being the effect of my body and wasting time exercising. Now, I understood why the exercise room, filed with workout machines, was always empty! My best guess is that there was a reality adjustment intended for me but whatever it was, it missed the mark and only made me think most of the people on this ship are nuts!
Our Freewinds cruise turned into a stressful, month-long ordeal, but on the positive side this experience started the process of questioning the fact that if all these lies need to be told along with over the top emphasis on regging, just to get people to do services, then maybe… there was something awfully wrong with the whole damn thing.
A story repeated by everyone who has ever been there.
After a while they ran out of people who had NOT been there.
If Torquemada had operated on the business model of getting people to pay to attend a “seminar in a spa like environment with hot and cold running attendants to see to oversee every second of your experience” I dont think the Spanish Inquisition would have last lone either.
Maybe this is a naive question but what would happen in someone refused to turn over their passport and identification?
Doug, I’ve often thought the same thing. I know it must be much easier said than done, but I like to think that I would be able to say ‘no’ or at least say ‘I am not going to any auditorium, I am staying in my room, bite me’.
It’s so hard for me to picture people blindly obeying this way. As the old saying goes ‘never judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his $2500 John Lobb shoes’
I wondered the same thing. Apparently it is standard operating procedure on a cruise ship.
If the boat sinks and people disappear, then authorities have a record of who was there.
Whether it serves a different purpose on the Freewind , is something else obviously.
A US passport is government property. Scientology has no right to withold it and such a scenario would be considered theft. Upon theft you are required to immediately report loss of passport to the state department. Would be interesting if somebody contacted the state department and requested action guidance under such circumstance described above.
I don’t have any idea what would happen, but it was ONE of the reasons I made a lot of excuses so as not to have to take my husband up on his most generous offer of a fabulous cruise in the Carribean!
Other and primary reason… I knew that I was NEVER going to get with the program and that people fall off ocean-going vessels often enough…
There’s many different scenarios that might answer your question, Doug; but the bottom line is that taking one’s passport is another control mechanism used by the church. The church is holding that person’s vested interests over their head with this tactic; so one might lose something of value to them or discover if they stand up to the church that nothing happens at all (except they aren’t allowed back which would be no biggy.)
What I and many didn’t realize is that the church is a paper tiger.
When I went to the Ship they demanded my passport and I was surprised cuz no one warned me of this. I said no. They insisted. I said no again. They insisted and let me know that if I didn’t turn over my passport I wouldn’t be boarding the ship. So I did it but scratched my head as to why are they doing this? Now I know why.
Thanks for the write up. No one in their right mind would ever go to the Freewinds. Ever. To those recently looking in here, search for other stories of visits to the Freewinds, some public and some ex SO. This write up and the others are like essential public services for those still in but looking.
Bob … but other than all that, how was the cruise?
It is normal practise to hand over your passport on a cruise ship, it would appear.
It is for ease of clearing passengers and crew into port — typically it is done en masse when the ship arrives.
I was in the British Merchant Navy in 1979 until 1985 and it was standard practice then even for the crew. As Mike stated its for the port authorities. Nothing to do with Scientology or their ship.
And over at the Bunker a torpedo is being loaded. Ready to fire in May. Scientology’s (Ron’s) earliest, most public act of anti social deviant black ops, is about to become known in detail.
The original hero, Paulette Cooper, who tried to communicate and was brought almost to suicide and ruin by GO black ops (Ron) is finally having her day in the much deserved sunshine.
Finally this “things were great in the early days” will be sunk once and for all. This is the death knell for any hope of good PR from the slave master. I do not know how anyone can still believe in Ron.
Brian — I tend to allow people to post whatever they want as long as it isnt abusive. I don’t think your train of thought is going to convince anyone of anything. You might get some people upset with you and elicit a response, but you are not going to change anyone’s mind with this sort of reasoning. You haven’t yet read the book, but the general story of Paulette is already pretty well known. The most horrendous GO Ops to frame her with a bomb threat and get her committed etc have been public knowledge for a LOOONG time. If there are people who “believe in RON” you are not causing them to change their belief, you are reinforcing their certainty that you are just a “hater.”
I agree with you that the Guardian Orders written by LRH were the basis for a lot of terrible things. And some of his other writings were the basis for a lot of good things.
The “all black” and “all white” views of LRH are equally as flawed in my view.
Just my 2c.
+ 10000
Could hardly agree with you more, Mike. Some of us oldsters got a lot of gains and realized that they were our own, not Ron’s. It is the PC/Student who makes the wins, not the old man. It was always so, though none dared state it.
Mike wrote to Brian:
“I don’t think your train of thought is going to convince anyone of anything. You might get some people upset with you and elicit a response, but you are not going to change anyone’s mind with this sort of reasoning.”
This book will provide the information a person needs to decide whether they want to take on – or keep – L Ron Hubbard as their spiritual teacher.
Most of us did not have the information we needed to know about what kind of group we were joining when we decided to become Scientologists. The information we needed to make fully informed decisions about our own involvement in Scientology was all being hidden from us by LRH and his staff at Int Base who covered for him, and lied about him, and forced others to lie about him, for decades.
Some are still lying about him. (Not necessarily you, Mike)
This book will ensure that present and future generations have the information they need to decide whether L Ron Hubbard was a genuine spiritual teacher – by anyone’s standards.
Mike you bring up an interesting point……much has been written about the evil done by LRH and in his name.
I have not read much about the ‘good’ LRH. I always assumed that was because, aside from the occasionally charming storyteller, there was not much good about LRH.
We know that most of what LRH claimed about himself was greatly exaggerated (his war record) or flat out untrue (the ‘nuclear physicist’ who flunked physics and did not graduate from college).
Can you (or anyone else) please tell us some of the good (and true) things about LRH? I understand he could be charming..I’ve listened to some of his lectures and I could see how someone could find him enjoyable (believable, no, but amusing and amiable.
I’m sorry to use this tired comparison, but I do find your statement to be akin to saying ‘the Nazis did some good things too’ (in actuality, they did revive the German economy after WW I, etc etc)
I have not seen any independent reports of anything LRH did that would benefit society. From what I know, auditing is a form of talk therapy and also hypnosis, neither of which are unique to LRH. I think a full understanding of the man comes with acceptance of the good and bad. The Co$ needs to accept that (but won’t) and maybe the rest of us need to accept that as well. To that end, if there is anything you can point us to, I would appreciate it.
I’ll let others respond to you on this, there are plenty of people who post here that have personal experiences where things in dianetics and scientology have helped them overcome problems or upsets or just made them happier. Some claim they are just dupes. I tend to take people at face value. If they say something helped them, where does anyone else have the right to say it didnt. And there are plenty of people like this. THAT is the good and beneficial.
Thank you Mike for such a reasoned response. I respect you. Yes, I have not read the book, of course. And yes some may take me as a hater. But my feeling is, since the beast is defanged to a large degree because of the Internet, it seems likely that new and a very personal revealtion by Paulette is forth coming.
I would think Tony would not take on such a project if “all is already known.”
Take it as you will, but I think I see things the way I do because I left the church and had nothing to do with it since 82.
I just recently, maybe two years ago, started to get interested on the state of affairs by searching the Internet. I went from Clam Bake to Leaving Scientology to Marty.
What I perceived, in the Indy sites, was a great revelation of DMs behavior and how things got weird with him at the helm. But being out since 82 I had memory of the same complaints that people had back then about Ron. And in looking at the cause of this behavior of Miscavige I know beyond a doubt that his psychological profile resonated with some of Ron’s writings: fair game, Bolivar, the family man is a GE etc.
Then I felt, consider it hate if it serves you, that I wanted to give a perspective of a Scientologist that was part of the great 82 diaspora.
And, knowing that the question has been asked every Scientolgist for decades and decades, “have you ever had a critical thought about L Ron Hubbard,” knowing that if you did it was ethics, declare, RPF, loosing your job, loosing family etc, I would be pounded by people thinking me an SP.
I have been called that and implied that my intention is nefarious.
No doubt we all had wins. I do not agree with Jon Atack that it is all hypnosis. That is rediculous. How can someone getting their grades that has a beautiful realization about life and see things more clear be hypnotized.
I am not judging real gains people have had. A real gain cannot be invalidated by fools like me. Knowledge and certainty is knowledge and certainty.
My only intention is to dispellthe myth that DM is the cause of this craziness.
I am taking the same liberty that Ron took. I am breaking sacred imagery that hides the causes of human abuse.
Ron is cause, Ron is source.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be here and communicate.
Appreciate your reply. That’s what I mean by I do not mind different viewpoints as long as the intent isn’t to abuse someone(s) else.
I think it’s too black and white, but I do understand what you are saying.
Chee says, “From what I know, auditing is a form of talk therapy and also hypnosis, neither of which are unique to LRH.”
And therein lies the problem, “From what I know…” There exists far more testimony early on — regarding not only the workablility of Dianetics, or Scientology Grades for example in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, through perhaps the mid 80’s, but of life changing realizations, and are no less fact because people nowadays don’t believe what they hear or read about it — than there are stories during this same period of spiritual or financial rape.
Hubbard had his dark side, no question, he was hardly perfect. Who he let slip into control he actually predicted the consequences of long before should it happen. It happened.
No hate talk about LRH does anyone any particular good except perhaps to inflate their own agenda, from what they know little of what they speak.
Little Hitler and the current money pit has indeed devolved into a cult of mind control.
Just to be simple and clear, the cause of this human abuse is ideological. It is from the written word that certainty was gained, and demonstration of that certainty implemented by acts.
Certainty of action comes from understanding and certainty of the materials. DM had Bolivar leather bound and sent as gifts.
What is the characteristic behavior of someone who consideres Bolivar holy writ?
What becomes of the traits of a person who considers Ron Buddha and the only savior to get us out of the trap and is instructed to “ruin utterly” anyone who disagrees or is critical?
No one knew the power of words more than LRH.
Teachers teach and students learn.
Fair Game and Bolivar is the art of war. These ideologies, and many more, are the cause of this depraved legacy of Scientolgy.
This argument fails when you come to words like “My Philosophy” which are very grand and express extremely kind and generous concepts. And there are plenty of others that are similar.
Are those words different than the negative/art of war ones? Do you think that anyone who follows the good words is simply displaying their own good nature, but if someone follows the bad words, that is caused by Hubbard?
My experience on the subject of Paulette Cooper and L Ron Hubbard may be unique:
As a young person in 1971 I read the “Prophet”, by Kahlil Gibran. That book got me excited about spirituality and I wanted to read some more books that I thought might help me in my spiritual journey as I was just starting out in life. So, next someone sold me LRH’s “Dianetics – Evolution of Science”. I thought that book was fantastic and I started using it in my life making my life better. I was a blank slate at that time in my youth and very impressionable which I think was a good thing. So far, those two books, both Gibran and LRH, made a positive difference for me. Then, being hungry for more, I was in a liquor store one night down in Alabama and I had enough change in my pocket for a pack of cigarettes plus a little more. And there was one of those metal paperback book carousels and there I saw it. A book about Scientology!!! I was excited. The book said “The Scandal of Scientology”, by Paulette Cooper. I bought it anyway as I thought any book about Scientology and LRH would be interesting even if someone didn’t like the subject. Well I read that paperback and the feeling I had was literally as if someone had served me up the turd out of the punch bowl in my cup of punch. Paulette Cooper seemed so venomous like maybe she was getting paid loads of money to trash talk. She didn’t sway me. And I was a kid with no allegiances to anyone. I was fresh. And I was revolted that anyone could have so much hate. She made me want to read more LRH as he seemed logical and hopeful for people to do better. That is what I wanted. Positive directions. That’s how I felt as a young person.
No, Ms. Cooper shouldn’t have been harassed. It was also unneeded. But really, have the people who are idolizing her ever read her book? I’m still wishing I had my 50 cents back that her book cost me 45 years ago. I can’t imagine that she is being painted as a hero now.
Mike says ” Do you think that anyone who follows the good words is simply displaying their own good nature, but if someone follows the bad words, that is caused by Hubbard?”
Excellent point. I think at that point it’s the psychological profile of the person that determines which Scientology is gravitated to agreed with and internalized.
The danger, in my view, is that there are doctrines in Scientology taylor made for tyrants. Bolivar justifies murder to protect power. I would never kill someone. Yet Bolivar states non murder as a political mistake, a mistake in judgement, a mistake in protecting power. Whose power? Scientology’s power………. Ron’s power. DM’s power. Ron is the one who wrote Bolivar and gave an overview of what went wrong for Bolivar.
As far as I know murder has never been done. But I am not convinced it wasn’t or it wasn’t considered or attempted. Things are still being revealed.
I believe the difficulty in unravelling Scientology is as you stated. There is an abyss of contradiction between My Philosophy and Bolivar. These are not consistent rationalities. This is not a consistent moral code. Gandhi was consistent unto bullets ripping into his chest. His consistency awards him hero status for all people.
If a person reads My Philosophy and practices loving all “despite provocations to do otherwise”, then Ron taught goodness. Then that Scientology is beautiful.
If a person is in the GO/OSA seeking to “ruin utterly” the enemy of the “only road out” for mankind, then Ron taught evil. That Scientology is repulsive.
This is the essence of Cognitive Dissonance. And that dissonance is the result of an inconsistent morality. Love all or Ruin Utterly.
My criticism is in the writings that teach hate and violence. Those writings are the problem. Not My Philosophy. I may buy a can of beans where one bean is laced with arsenic. All the rest of the beans may be great. But pointing out the good beans does not help the poor sap who gets the bad one.
DM has a psychopathic personality. He did not study Mother Theresa. He was taught tools of protecting power. He learned those tools from Ron. DM learned evil not My Philosophy.
The good and the bad can be placed at source: Ron’s writings
Thank you again Mike. Thank you for letting me have my say. May the goodness in Scientology prevail. But in order to do that, Scientologists must come to grips with the reality that some of their subject IS the cause of this madness. To not see this is to be constantly at war with wogs and Ron critics.
I think Indies should be comfortable and get use to the criticism. It is not going away. Embrace the evil that Ron taught as well. Look at it head on and don’t deny it.
The world at large will not allow the Indies to be comfortable in that denial. Because the criticism is reasonable, rational and addresses reality.
LRH did not only issue some tech to handle the mind and make OTs, he also mentioned some highly political stuff that we know now the be true. He mentioned in RJ67 that this planet is run by some people. Now we know that 90% of all possessions on Earth is owned by some hundred people.
He also told us that we have not much time until we are enslaved. Can you see that he had been correct with that assumption? Just have a close look at the developments in electronics. Back in the 70ies we had amplifiers that could create, measure and amplify some gigahertz waves. Now we are in the range of terrahertz. Those frequencies are those of the body aura.
Or let us talk about genetics. They can change your genes by feeding you genetically altered food. Within some years you need to buy some pills to digest normal food. (how many you know that have to do it right now? Like the pills some have to take to be able to drink and digest milk or milk products)
Simply read the stuff he wrote or talked about and compare it to what we know now. OK, there is a political situation outside of Planet Earth that is influencing our fate here. He told so. This is not accepted knowledge right now. Considered “space opera” nuts stuff. Maybe we find out about that some years from now.
Making OTs is not a matter of to be a big being or someone that is “above” others. The aim and intend to make OTs is to handle the situations we have to face on Earth. The root cause. We made some progress as people on Earth know much more about the situations we have to handle. Scientology is not the only group that is or had been working towards that goal. It is a team effort.
Scientology did help, but it does not matter if Scientology is still around or not. This is one name and one organized group. The goal is important.
Wealth has always been concentrated by a few. We just know more about that concentration. If you wanted to be political about it, the wealth gap has gotten worse since 1980 and Reaganomics. I am not advocating socialism. I am advocating socially responsible capitalism. That social contract with the employees and the community has been lost in with the idea the “greed is good.”
You can NOT change your genes by eating genetically altered food. That is nonsense.
You can change the bacteria in your gut by different foods that you eat. Many ethnicities have been lactose intolerant for thousands of years. It was mainly white northern europeans that had the genes to digest lactose. We are more aware of special dietary needs because we eat a more global and varied diet than the US did in the 1950s and news has changed since the 1950s.
Alanzo: “Most of us did not have the information we needed to know about what kind of group we were joining when we decided to become Scientologists.”
I’d have to agree with you there, Al. If I’d had some of the data back in the ’70s that I do now, I probably wouldn’t have gone near an org. And I’d have been the worse off for it.
As unconscionable as some of the past events and actions were, I simply learned things that were too valuable and had gains too significant to now wish I hadn’t had them.
There may be no saving Scientology – and at this point of time no good reason to attempt to save the current Scientology – but fortunately there are groups and individuals out there that understand the valuable parts and will now be able to improve upon it.
Mike, Marty R. and Tony O.have all been bringing to light the horrible abuses & lies that have been going on and are still going on with the Co$. That was and is thoroughly needed to open our eyes to the deceptions we have swallowed over years and removing the ‘not-now’.
As far as the wins most of us who were in are concerned, I don’t see how one can erase good memories.
It is simply NOT POSSIBLE. That is a REAL BASIC! At best one can try to cover them up by suppressing, invalidating + all of the other buttons from a ‘prep check’ (preparatorly check, see Tech dictionary if you have one, a procedure to remove charge from a subject). Many here seem to think that it is easier to ‘throw
out the baby with the bathwater’ and it may be. But likely it is just too darn painful to deal with the losses involved.
Since I CANNOT erase the good memories I have to deal with the good AND the bad of Scientology. The good times is something nobody can take away from me or anybody else.
To call all auditing hypnosis is at best a not fully inspected view. While there are parallels and SOME common elements, each is its own.
On this blog and others the focus is on the bad stuff, so whatever good there has been is relegated to the background. The good has NOT been nullified, it is still there, buried maybe. All J&D (joking & degrading)
is not going to change that.
Let’s take an example: You are trying to find out if a person you are dealing with is a REAL SP, 2 1/2 %er,
(not an administratively declared SP like most of us here are). One looks honestly and openly at this person from the viewpoint of him/her being an ANTI-social personality AS WELL AS a social personality. There will be a mixture of both. If the majority of points is on the Anti-social side, it is certainly safe to create a distance to that person. We have done that by leaving openly or covertly the Co$.
I agree with you Zephyr.
KSW #13, Correct the Technology.
“Hey honey, I’m not going to mess around, I’m going to plant myself on the Freewinds and redo my Bridge from the beginning. I know with certainty I’ll get it right this time with the corrected technology.”
“Oh, and do you think we can spring for a private cabin? I really hate sleeping with three other snoring bastards.”
NOT DONE WITH THE STUDENT HAT, WE CAN GET YOU THROUGH IT IN CHECKSHEET TIME OR LESS ,, I have never done the student hat ,, it looks that it must be really complicated to get the few data in the head of another .. if I remember right the student hat did consist of four rules (if I am on failure here please correct me) ..
LRH and current scientology are interestingly real about fishing out wrong study .. but I think if you study again and again a simple thing .. you wil come to a state where you understand nothing ..
Understand nothing means complete out of ARC ..
An empty ship, eh? Hmmmmm. Empty ship, Empty FLAG. Empty Idle Morgues. Empty minds. Gosh, but that’s a whole lot of empty!
Clear as a bell.
Re Sharron’s message — the message is about as loveless as they come, so the rote “much love” at the end jarred me as a reader.
Also, Clears are not supposed to need glasses. Either she’s not Clear, or Clear is a false state, or she’s PTS?
I would seriously like to know just what each of those individual ribbons on her “uniform” represent. Or do they all get them, misquoting Shakespeare, as representing “… a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”? They have truly become full of themselves, believing themselves somehow superior to any and all below their “knowingness”.
thegman77: Regarding Sharron’s ribbons, based on what I know of her (2nd hand, from a former crew member), they may be for quality & quantity of face rippings delivered.
Yea. Why does she want you to complete that solo course by June 6th? So they can pad the stupid completion stats by Maiden Voyage?
There is no other reason. It’s pretty obvious that Sharron doesn’t even believe that these people are gaining anything toward any greater end. Shameful.
Well, June 6 is the anniversary of the D-Day landings in WWII. Maybe they’re planning to invade somewhere.
Made me lough
I hope it’s not serious…Oh…wait…laugh. My bad.
More like a 47X Kaput…
bizarre and sad.
Release of OT IX n X will be a bigger fail than opening of Superpower. Popcorn anyone?
Except it’ll never happen.
What a Fing, completely criminal organization this “church” has become! The nonsense of redoing Student Hat is one thing but the Advanced Solo Auditors Course!!???? What the F for! They won’t say. And if you asked Sharron Weber, Commanding Officer, “What the F for?” you’ll probably get a sec check. Why? Because you’re too close to the Fing truth about what a criminal organization this “church” has become.
So how many times has the OT VII course been revised now? It was revised in around 1996 and all Solo Nots Completions were ordered to get back on, and pay for being on, the Solo Nots Course then. And now there is a new “Advanced Solo Auditors Course” which means it has been revised twice now since LRH died, and twice now the Solo Nots completions are being made to re-do it. Stops can occur because of Overrun phenomena. Does “Stop” include dying? I think so.
Who’s source now?! LRH who?
They’re a little slow over there Cindy. It’s taken awhile to figure things out. 🙂
I am 47X happier now than before I read this post.
You go, Sharron ! Good luck, Tiny Dick, with making up a plausible OT 9/10. Oh wait…… it doesn’t have to be plausible. Yay !
Keep up the good work, Tiny Dick. You are making it so easy for us !
LOL! Good one Steph!
Most companies understand that most/much of their sales come from products that did not exist 5 years ago.
Scientology has had nothing new for 35 years except for maybe not calling F/Ns to overrun people and a rehash and alteration of Standard Tech with GAG I & II.
There is ample evidence that there is no OT IX or OT X, including LRH auditing on OV VI at the end of his life. The last real OT level is call OT Departed.
OT Departed = OT left the RCS, not Departed this world
I’m not OT VIII but I did the Primary Rundown which allows me to have conceptual understanding of the things I read. That said, my conceptual understanding of their student hat redo is that “DM is full of shit”.
“OK, use ‘shit’ in another sentence”. “OK. DM is really full of shit.”
The Freewinds has been fully manned to DM’s specifications and all are there to help individuals go Totally Fee. You must have a crashing MU, spirit; go back and find your word. (Then retrain everything you did after the Primary Rundown.)
Todays quiz:
How many Fleecewinds staff does it take to reg up a new OT VII comp to arrive at the shit (sorry, I mean ship) for their tour of duty?
Ummmmm. Every single one of them because the new OT VII comp would be the only public on the shit, errr, ahhhh, I mean ship?
Sharron should have included “…….each OT VIII will be expected to pay for one tank of gas for the Freewinds…..”. After all, it’s neither ‘free’ nor does it operate with ‘wind’…..everyone needs to do their part to clear the oceans!
Dun’no, Chee. There gonna be a bean and rice diet for the 2/3 staff still on the ship. I smell some salvage operations beginning and a rename of the boat to the Breakwinds as it is about to become “green” powered.
Then with all those beans it really will be Free Winds.
And bring your own food–all we have is rice and beans.
SLAVEWinds would be a more accurate name for the ship, or maybe ASBESTOSWinds.
Dear recent Medical School graduate: We here at Mayberry Junior High have a special program for you – come learn all about “maturation” and what makes boys and girls different…..
This is about as ridiculous….
Maybe they could use it as a fishing boat?
It is a fishing boat. I think it is called a troller. Teddy Braggin is troller I/C, responsible for bringing in the whales. The rest are just chummin……………
Good one, Cooper. I feel sorry for the bait (people) used to chum.