The Freewinds is having a rough time of it, rougher than usual in this pandemic. Typically they struggle to get enough people on board to cover their basic expenses, in these times they are having trouble getting ANYONE to show up. Being “off the crossroads of the world” has been one of their sales pitches since they set sail in 1988. It’s got a whole new meaning now.
Never ones to take something like this lying down, the make it go right Sea Org officers on the Freewinds are trying to get their public to fill out a survey for the government of Aruba.
Of course, they want their people to let the government know they feel perfectly safe and want them to open up travel right now. After all, they are not PTS, so they’ve got nothing to worry about with this “planetary bullbait.”
I am not sure the Freewinds public are really the people the government of Aruba is interested in hearing from. They land at the airport, drive straight to the Freewinds, and may never get off again until they return to the airport. They certainly aren’t going to have a lot of spendable cash even if they do manage to escape from the ship for a few hours. The regges have grabbed all that before they can reach the gangplank. They are absolutely NOT going to stay in any hotel on the island. They might eat in a local restaurant once a week, but most won’t even venture out to the “wog world” to do that. They are cocooned from the wogs “off the crossroads of the world” remember. And that is a good thing in their minds.
Here is the email they are circulating:
Dear Samantha,
The Aruba Government wants to hear from as many people as possible to be able to make a decision on opening its borders for international flights.
The below is a link that leads you to the survey. This is being done by the Aruba Government.
Please fill out the survey and let us know that you have done so!
Thank you and we hope to see you soon!
ML, Christine McNocher
D/CO for Delivery and Exchange FSSO
Maybe a letter to the gov’t there showing scamology propaganda calling the pandemic a trick (bull bait) spread by big pharma to take over the world…?
Hm, I wonder if I should not have said that I wouldn’t want to see any $camologists there and flouting the health rules because they “know better” and they are so great and terrific and have super powers when I filled in the survey?
(thinks) Was that such a good…shit yeah! (unthinks)
Anyone who goes on a cruise now is just asking to get infected. And the passengers could easily infect the Flag Crew too. Wow.
The Church of Scientology center on Hollywood Blvd. In Los Angeles has also been boarded up.
Good news, good news ๐
If I were a public I would be more than just a little irritated to receive these instructions:
“Please fill out the survey and let us know that you have done so!”
Sure, fair enough on the first part. But REALLY, do I have to report EVERYTHING I do back to “my church?” And then there’s the missive asking me to get back as soon as I read the fundraiser invite, and the one to inform them that I have considered this, that and the other..
Even if I hadn’t started out as an SP before joining them, I surely would become one now from sheer annoyance of how “my church” is trying to manage my life!
“But REALLY, do have to report EVERYTHING I do back to ‘my church’?”
And then, insofar as “sheer annoyance” was concerned ๐
For nearly 10 years, I kept 2 cell phones, with 2 different numbers.
NOT 2 numbers on the same phone, mind you!
2 separate PHONES. One of which was for Scientology – that was the sole purpose of that phone – for calls relating to all things Scientology.
The other was for everything else ๐
I spent $50 per month for nearly 10 years just so I could have the psychological peace of mind of either listening to my cult phone vibrate in my purse or not listen to it at all for days. Then I’d choose which cult calls I’d ignore and which I’d call back.
I lived, worked and recreated on my other phone. Calls or texts on THAT phone I ALWAYS answered.
The cult phone, the one that was in their system and that I gave out at events, etc. – well, I’d average about 1 out of 5 on that one, and I’d save them for a certain time and get them out of the way all at once, and erase the rest with no response.
That was my solution to being micro-managed by the cult. Peace of mind. That $50 per month was well spent.
Using a burner phone I see this is surveymonkey page after the Scientology click counter.
The very first question is totally loaded: “How soon would you feel comfortable to travel to Aruba once the borders are reopened? June 2020, July 2020, August 2020, etc … March 2021, Sometime in 2021, or I’m not sure yet” I might have two months after the borders reopened, but that’s not an option.
2. If Aruba implements a mandatory 14-day quarantine for inbound travel, would you still travel to Aruba. Yes/No/Not sure.
3. Do you have any other thoughts about quarantine on inbound travel? _____________
[The rest of the questions seem to assume COVID-19 is still an active threat but you’ve traveled to Aruba anyway]
4. Would you feel comfortable wearing a mask during your Aruba vacation? Yes at all times / Yes in public spaces / Only if mandatory / No / Not sure.
5. What are your biggest concerns about traveling to Aruba during COVID-19? _____________
6. How important is Aruba’s new Health & Happiness Code [no link to it] to your decision to travel to Aruba? Very / Fairy / Important / Slightly / Not at all / I’m not familiar with it.
7. Any other comments on HH code? ___________
8. Do you feel confident in Aruba’s healthcare facilities and resources were you to get ill while in Aruba? Yes / No / Not sure
[half way mark]
9. How important are these to you while staying at your accommodation? Social distancing | Availability of hand sanitizer | All staff and guests wearing masks | Symptom and temperature checking : Very / Fairly / Important / Slightly / Not at all.
10. Anything else important for feeling safe? __________________
11. How important are these to you when visiting a restaurant? Social distancing | Availability of hand sanitizer | All staff and guests wearing masks [yes, eating wearing a mask is tricky] | Symptom and temperature checking : Very / Fairly / Important / Slightly / Not at all.
12. Anything else about restaurants? _________________
13. Would you prefer to order takeout or delivery rather than going to a restaurant? Yes / No / Not sure.
14. How important are these to you when participating in group tours or activities? Social distancing | Availability of hand sanitizer | All staff and guests wearing masks [yes, eating wearing a mask is tricky] | Symptom and temperature checking : Very / Fairly / Important / Slightly / Not at all.
15. Anything else about tours and activities? _________________
16. Have you been to Aruba before? Yes / No.
17. Gender: Female / Male / Prefer not to answer
18. Age: Various ranges
19. Where do you live? USA / Canada / Netherlands / UK / Other ____________
Thanks for the download. Here are my meaningful responses:
3. Designate a hotel near the airport as the REQUIRED quarantine location for 14 days at the tourists expense.
5. Getting the measles from the ship Freewinds.
I’m hearing that a lot about the ship. Maybe someone should look into it.
O/T. The Church of Scientology Community Center of Harlem is boarded up.
More good news!
The FreeWounds has several daily costs just to stay there and do nothing. This includes the crew basics to stay clean and eating (if the pandemic continues betters if they learn fishing).
This means they are being bailed out on a weekly basis.
Funny that the highest service org in Scn panorama that produces the highest OTs, can’t really do nothing except be bailed out by the SO reserves to remain still alive and anyway conscious to be a future debt.
What an agony!
Because of the pandemic, numerous cruise ships will be up for sale to replace the Freewinds.
ptherles observed:
“Because of the pandemic, numerous cruise ships will be up for sale to replace the Freewinds.”
Maybe, but only the IDEAL cruise ship will be considered: Right at the new Panamax limits of size and draft, with gold fixtures EVERYWHERE, solid marble floors, and numerous onboard pressure chambers for dealing with decompression sickness after the Twit&co have ignored the observed contra-indication of diving while drunk (even on good RUM, nevermind that cheap swill whiskey they favour.
— Rum is one of the major food groups in the Caribbean, don’cha know.
DM already has an expensive rustbucket that is bigger than he needs – but at least it’s the devil he knows, and one that the aging crew of old-timers at least know how to maintain and to sail on calm waters from one port to another. If I recall correctly, the ship’s navigation systems have been modernized – which may even make it simpler to handle – but other systems on newer ships are probably more complex, or at least different, and might require a lot of re-training for old-timers who are set in their ways.
Plus it would take a bigger crew to run a significantly bigger ship, though newer ones may have some efficiencies as well. I could see Scientology possibly upgrading to a newer ship of somewhat similar size, but not a full-blown modern cruise ship – unless they started some of the radical restructuring I expect they will ultimately be forced in to, moving some part of operations from Flag and other major bases on to a ship, which would actually make sense given the worsening under-utilization of the current vessel.
I think ultimately we will see some shell games like that to hide downsizing, combining operations in locations that get sprucing-up or even new facilities, and the declaring of it as “expansion” even though what is really going on is contraction. We’ve already seen some of that, as when local orgs and former standalone “celebrity centers” (like Dallas, Portland and Salt Lake) are put in one new “ideal” building and the latter effectively cease to exist as separate entities except in name.
Weren’t there rumblings a while back that the Freewinds planned to start taking on public before long in Colombia, another port it uses? But sadly, that’s one of the Latin American countries now really struggling with the pandemic, and a check shows that they extended their ban on international travel through July 1, possibly just within the last couple of days.
I wonder if thought they had a plan to be able to start up again, but had it scuttled by the “planetary bullbait” that seems to be beyond even their control over MEST. Aruba apparently just went into a new stage of opening up that still has tourist facilities like casinos shuttered, and says only this on their website:
“A definite date for reopening Arubaโs borders has not yet been announced. The government is still deliberating on certain specifics related to this step.”
My guess is that cruise ships are going to be subject to all sorts of new requirements – except maybe if passengers and crew don’t disembark, which would fit with how Scientology’s prison ship operates anyway.
Peacemaker asked:
“Werenโt there rumblings a while back that the Freewinds planned to start taking on public before long in Colombia, another port it uses?”
IIRC, that was a trial balloon made of lead.
I guess all that can be said is you do have to give the money rakers some props for being creative. What a horrible way of life. I have to wonder if there will come a time when they look back and have deep regret for how many lives they ruined due to their actions.
Mary Kahn wrote:
“I am sorry I could not contribute any more than that $10 to your island. I will never be back. My experience on the Freewinds was one of the most horrible of my life and I never want to come close to reliving any of those memories.”
Mary, I remember watching you recount the whole horrible experience and it was not possible to not realize just that in many ways you were fighting for your life at that point. So very happy that you were able to find the strength and use your knowledge of the inner workings of the cult to break free. I still hold out hope that your entire family will be sitting around the dinner table together again.
Thank you. I appreciate it. Holding out hope for the same for mine and for all other families torn apart by this vile religion’s disconnection policy.
Mike, if you haven’t already, you might consider forwarding this little tid-bit to the government in Aruba so they know what’s going on.
Christine, thanks for the link. I filled out the survey and mentioned one thing I was afraid of was $cientologists wandering around ignoring the rules because they think the whole thing is “hysteria” they can overcome with their “OT” powers.
Hehe ๐
I know nothing about Aruba, but my guess is that it will open up sooner than later. I live in the mountains of northwest Thailand in Chiang Mai, a tourist town, now with no tourists. Many of the locals who depend on visitors are really hurting. In nine years here, I’ve never seen it so empty. I imagine that the folks in Aruba whose living depends on tourism will be similarly wanting things to open up again.
I was in Thailand in 1969 during the Viet Nam War. Never made it to Chiang Mai although it was popular at the time. I spent most of my time in the Temples in Thailand and at the Golden Buddha in the big city. The pictures I have of the Temples are totally outdated and a monk told me I would not recognize the area today.
George, Chiang Mai is famous for the about 300 temples throughout the area and they are all from many many decades ago, very beautiful and varied, and so probably look the same as they did in the 1940s or earlier. There are even two large wonderful Chinese temples near the river, very distinctive designs, dragons, serpents, etc (also the colors are different than the Thai temples). Bangkok is about 450 miles away, and as you noted, some very famous and spectacular temples, like the Golden Buddha, and Reclining Buddha at the Grand Palace.
0/T. Scientology Clear, Super Power completion, Cause Resurgence Rundown completion and PTS/SP Course graduate Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad quotes L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology policy (HCOB of 30 March 1960) on “Interrogation.”
My tweet:
My ESMB Redux post:
Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad’s original Instagram post:
Chris Owen made a very insightful reply to my tweet:
Dear Aruba,
I flew into your Island on Nov 1st. I left your Island on Jan 2. Upon arrival I was driven directly to the Freewinds where, upon entering the ship, I immediately was asked for my passport. Upon approval from many people on that ship, I was able to get that passport back, Jan 2, as I walked off the Freewinds for what I knew was the last time.
The only time I got off that ship between arriving and departure to your airport was to feed some feral cats on the docks there at Aruba. I could go no further. I have heard that once I left, no one was ever allowed to feed the feral cats again.
The only other time I was able to get off that ship and go into Aruba was when I was getting ready to leave the Freewinds to buy myself a necklace for $10, to wear when I gave a pre-approved speech to the people on the ship, letting them know of the rewards and spiritual gains and gratitude to david miscavige, their leader. This was an utter lie. I could not wait to go back to the airport in Aruba and fly to Miami where I literally kissed the ground and turned on my cell phone for the first time in two months.
I do have to say that the Aruba firework display on January 1st at midnight was one of the most beautiful I have seen in my life. I stood on the deck of the Freewinds and took a panoramic view of the island that was filled with fireworks. That night was my favorite night on the ship. I thank you for that.
I am sorry I could not contribute any more than that $10 to your island. I will never be back. My experience on the Freewinds was one of the most horrible of my life and I never want to come close to reliving any of those memories.
Mary, your letter hit me like a โpunch to the gutโ and Iโve heard your story before.
What I want to know is what the Aruban authorities thought about it…do you think we will ever know?
I wish more people would write to the government and share their horrific experiences about the truth of the Freewinds and Scientology. Thank you for what you did and Iโm so happy youโre finally free.
I donโt think Aruba officials know what goes on on the Freewinds. To a greater or lesser degree they are probably aware that they donโt gain much revenue from the passengers that arrive onboard.
Thanks for the survey link Christine.
I completed it and asked the government to ensure the Fleecewinds actually applies all COVID-19 protection protocols and to the stringent standards of the Aruban Health Department.
Well done. I will now do likewise.
Glenn wrote:
“asked the government to ensure the Fleecewinds actually applies all COVID-19 protection protocols and to the stringent standards of the Aruban Health Department.”
Of COURSE scientology has their own trademarked and patented protection procols which are SUPERIOR to anything a rinky-dink government ot the WHO could conceive of. They assert it, therefore it MUST be true!
Is the survey hosted on an Aruban website or somewhere neutral? Or is it Scientology so they can filter out the bullbait replies? Even if real it is classic astroturfing.
Worse than the boat visitors not spending in local businesses, they might try disseminating and littering the island with Way To Happiness pamphlets!
Mike, what do you think are the reasons why they are docked in Aruba and not in Curacao?
I assume that it has to do with the logistics of getting supplies and that Aruba most likely will open up travel sooner than Curacao and it is generally easier from and to the US.
Oh โ and no MV Anniversary this June? All the OTs (Operating Thetans) couldn’t handle this with their postulates and combined OT powers and “being cause”?
Pluvo. Laughing. They will do it from home (it wouldn’t change much anyway).
I heard that OT powers work also on long distances. They don’t need to go to Caribbean sea.
Huge and massive postulates to expand scn. Yeah!
As they did in the last decades. Huge unbelievable expansion as we all know.
If I recall, the ship may just have happened to be in Aruba when things were locked down, and then there may not have been anyplace else they could go (within their very limited range of calm coastal waters). Also, I think Aruba was, at least early on, letting foreigners fly out, so people on the ship who needed to could have returned home.
In addition to not being certainly (as tourism) a source of particular importance, there is another key point.
Right now Covid 19 is literally exploding in South America with tens of thousands of cases per day.
Although Aruba is “off the crossroads of the world” it is not even that far from those areas and any government with a minimum of conscience will certainly close rather than open borders.
They can send as many requests as they want (and they will be the only ones to do it I guess) that it will change anything.
When I was on the Freewinds in 1988, it was steel drum music, five star buffet’s, polished uniforms, great dining, and lots of fun on the beaches. Miscavige completely destroyed the entire adventure. It should have been a safe place to get away from Scientology just like it was originally intended by Hubbard.
I used the link.
Am I a bad person now?
TrevAnon. No you aren’t. I also did it.
Not sure if you noticed it, but the link first directed to a website on the domain, and only after that went to the actual questionnaire.
As I was not using a VPN the COS now knows someone from the Netherlands clicked the link.
Now for me – I don’t give a sh*t. But other people may have a different opinion on that. ๐
TrevAnon thank you. I personally don’t care. Overall isn’t a big deal. My phone results to be in Milano. They can see just the country. Good luck.
Anyhow in case they want to have some fair game I will wait them at the gate. Me, my oncle’s rifle and the dogs.
It is gonna turn into the running games.
This is now my life better they stay away.
As my friends in the south USA would say. “You’all get to running before I loose the hounds. They just love to chase down prey.’
Jim. Laughing. I love it. I will translate it and hang it up on the gate. Big caps.