Regraded Being is on a one week hiatus. I asked if there was an earlier edition the great cartoonist thought worthy of repeating. This one, from January 2015 was a particular favorite (and was way back when Regraded Being was part of the Thursday Funnies). It is particularly timely as Miscavige is off now for his well-earned annual scuba-diving trip on the Freewinds.
Madge Filpot says
That motorcycle of LRH’S.. I donated some of my hard earned Toronto staff $35.00 pay check to help buy that thing for him for Christmas I think it was..could’ve been birthday. 1972 I believe.
Bravebloggers says
When reading a post or comment by Mike, does anyone else “hear” his accent? Every time I read his comments or post, it’s like listening to him speak out loud.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
The newest discovered tech “Breaks Wind!” …
WhatAreYourCrimes says
And the newly hatted registrar, the janitor, has just fleeced me for all I am worth.
No college for the kids I wanted to have one day, I’m f***ed at this point. And the taxpayers will have to pay for me in my old age, as all my money and self-worth was stolen to make sure Tom Cruise could frolic in a field of flowers in the desert with his bride.
Yup, this is a religion for me, deserving of its tax exempt status.
Good religion, that, the one invented by Hubbard.
Humanity is better off for sure.
Uh Huh.
I for one will be forever grateful for the benevolence of the thing called LRH.
… my teats are sore from Miscavige’s milkings, how are yours feeling?
WhatAreYourCrimes says
David Miscavige is in BIG BIG trouble. The Big House kind of trouble. It’s called the BIG house for a reason. David. (I wonder if he knows that.) I hope he has worked on expanding more than his thetan cause, or whatever the f*** he calls it in his fantasy “golden age”, and focused more on expanding his tight little “rosehole”, because he doesn’t have a clue what is in store for him.
… and he thought musical chairs was cruel.
Gad I’d hate to be him right now.
They’re coming David.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
DMSCOHB… that will be a dream relief from what awaits you, oh higher thetan.
Aquamarine says
Hey, RB. Have a terrific and relaxing “well-deserved” time off. Laughed when this came out and laughed again today. You da bes 🙂
Ms.P says
RB – thanks for another Friday belly laugh.
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey, Pal. I don’t know how you do it, but, you’re getting better and better as time goes by. This last one was sheer poetry! And true! It’s just a matter of time until the cult is gone.
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass says
On the Freewinds in around 1994 at Maiden Voyage time there were no promotions except one. There was a promotion to Msm hand written by David Miscaviage on the notice board.
It was written on the person who was serving as the Executive Steward during MV. This staff member was known as a total screw-up by most staff. My wife, then Dir I and R Sharron (now Weber) was upset saying that many deserving staff got squat while this downstat (who she personally had to do his cleaning station every day was promoted. SPs will reward downstats and penalize up stats. It is one of the traits of an SP.
This hand written promotion by DM was the only one I ever saw.
(Balletlady) says
This was without a doubt the BEST one yet! OMG…I only WISH billboard posters of these could be hung in Clearwater and Hemet…….I think that would throw the COB into a panic!
Seems to me that since there is absolutely no mention of an specific organization/religion/church….it can’t be considered “religious bigotry”….AND since “they” deny an existence of a disconnection policy…….what could they do???
Whoever designed these little scenarios….BRILLIANT!
Scientology LHR says
LHR Text visible only with Superpower on the sandbags – Submerged in the holy shit 🙂
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass says
These should be made into a series of books or mags like LRH Eds or R and D Vols. I would buy a set. These are the only real humor left in Scn. The stuff written by the cult just makes me want to throw up.
Jonathan Mark says
Brilliant as usual
thegman77 says
Somehow never saw this one. Most clevah, as is normally the case with RB. May His Maggotsty swallow an air bubble and spend the next few years burping constantly during his agonizingly long speeches. 🙂
gato rojo says
Really funny! Thanks for digging this one up and posting again!
alcoboyy says
Adherence to LRH tech in its fullness is considered being disrespectful of command intention.
By the way ,RB , great opening shot of the Freewinds sinking.
nomnom says
threefeetback says
The Joker continues to demonstrate his utter inability to complete a cycle of fabricating lies. Truth Runaround? LOL
dorset59 says
Amazing thing is that if this RB article was actually presented by the co$, then people would actually believe it!!
Interested Party says
Hmmmmmm. What an interesting experiment that would be.
Nattering Never-Ins says
It’s almost like being there!
Miss it if you can! LOL
I can see you laughing your keester off writing this! 😀
Dan Locke says
Well done, RB!
Terra Cognita says
Thanks for re-posting this, Mike. Back in January ’15, I was still inside the bubble and had little idea this existed.
Regraded Being: Your satire is soooo elegant and spot-on!
Cindy says
Terra Cognita, Interesting you were still in the bubble drinking the KA in Jan of ’15. Can you tell us some of your story of what got you to leave and what was your “Ah ha” moment? I’d love to know. Do you have relatives still in the church?
Terra Cognita says
Luckily, Cindy, I have no relatives in the church.
My “ah ha” moment–if you could call it that–happened one evening after I got back from the last of a series of insane/maddening/ridiculous “ethics” cycles at an advanced org.
My spouse (let’s call him/her, Chris) greeted me in the bedroom with, “I hope you’re not gonna want to divorce me after what I’ve done.” I could tell she was serious.
“I’m sure the last thing I’m gonna do is divorce you. So…what’d you do?”
“I went on the Internet…and I’ve been reading things…and…oh my god…you won’t believe it…”
“Really…?” I laid down on the bed and kicked off my shoes.
“Have you heard of Mike Rinder or Tony Ortega?”
“Mike Rinder… Isn’t he some high-ranking executive in the church?”
“He used to be. Not anymore.”
“So…what got you to go online?”
She took a deep breath. “They can fuck with me. But when they went after you…no…nobody fucks with my baby.”
For the next hour, Chris regaled me with what they’d uncovered. As much as I was blown away by all the revelations, I wasn’t all that surprised. I’d suspected as much for years. I’d believed the whole “ideal” org program, the Basics, and all the “new” tech releases were off-policy and shams from the start. For years, I’d been following the church’s abysmal stats, both locally, and internationally and had grown to believe David Miscavige was the SP.
I was hugely relieved that we could finally talk about these things openly. One of the main reasons I’d stuck around as long as I did was because I thought Chris was a staunch supporter of the church along with all its tech and policy. Apparently, my spouse was harboring many of the same reservations as I was.
We stayed up for the next two or three hours talking about the church, the Hole, the horrors, and our cognitive dissonances. We passed the laptop back and forth, taking turns reading damning articles. A huge weight lifted off my shoulders.
As well as logging onto Mike and Tony’s every morning, we began visiting other sites. We read books. We listened to Chris Shelton and others on YouTube. We watched “Going Clear.” Slowly but surely, the justifications, rationalizations, and illogical beliefs were stripped away.
Interestingly, no one from the advanced org ever called me back. To this day, I haven’t heard one peep from them–not a phone call, not a letter, not a text, nada. I’ve heard rumors, but haven’t seen anything in writing as to my “condition.”
There’s obviously more to this story. One of these days I’ll reveal all.
clearlypissedoff says
Thanks Terra. Great story. I love happy endings like that. You have a good wife there.
Terra Cognita says
Clearly: One of these days we gotta get together. We have a lot in common. In fact, I think we’re both from the same state.
(Balletlady) says
AWESOME! So delighted you and your spouse got OUT and are now living the good life of freedom from the control of the organization! So happy for both of you!
Harpoona Frittata says
Great story, TC! Thanks for tellin’ it.
You and “Chris” sound like one of those $cilon couples in a Regraded Being comic strip who finally talk to each other about $cn and discover that they’ve both been in doubt for awhile.
I love that magic moment description of finally giving yourself permission to read anything you like!
Terra Cognita says
HF: “You and “Chris” sound like one of those $cilon couples in a Regraded Being comic strip who finally talk to each other about $cn and discover that they’ve both been in doubt for awhile.”
Yep. He could have modeled a good dozen of his strips after us.
Victor says
Thank you Terra, I have almost the same story
Regraded Being says
Thanks TC. I always enjoy your posts and now look forward to Saturdays.
You often remind me that many of my best cognitions were those that I had AFTER leaving the church.
Stephen Hutcheon says
OMG! Hilarious ?
[email protected] says
You’re a funny guy Mike Rinder. I’ve been fascinated by you since the days when you were still in the group. I’ve never been in scientology, never even been tempted, but I was fascinated by people like you who were total believers. I’d watch Tidbits here and there when you were interviewed by different people. Then when I saw Leah’s show and you were on it with her, I was hooked. it has been such a joy to watch you change from that emaciated person to the proud, open, clear headed person you are today. Congratulations! You really found your calling. I don’t think you could be helping as many people as you are today, if you hadn’t gone through everything you have gone through before.
gtsix says
Well damn, sign me up! 9 days with SeeOhhBee… be still my fluttering heart.
Old Surfer Dude says
Where SeeOhBe’s heart should be, you’ll find a lump of coal.
Idle Morgue says
Great post RB and Mike. We would love to have you address what Marty Rathbun is doing. “Keeping Scientology Working” with a blood money gag order buy-out LYING videos to discredit himself so Slappy can keep on Slapping. PLEASE – address this on the A&E Show. Miscavige is deathly afraid of losing his Tax Exempt Status!!
Mike Rinder says
Miscavige should be afraid of losing exempt status. Marty Rathbun has nothing to do with that. Exposing abuses and crimes of scientology is what will bring that about. Not discussion about Marty Rathbun.
Harpoona Frittata says
Change “…what he may so…” in the first paragraph above to “…what he may testify to…”
jim says
Plus what Napoleon said: “Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.”
Marty is busy harming himself and with sworn testimony accessible on the web, he may end up dragging the tiny one into his own deposition regarding the exemption aftermath.
nomnom says
I would think that the IRS agreement is no longer valid as the organization structure under which it was approved no longer exists. There is no Int management to speak of, no ED Int, President, etc. The corporate structure is monolithic and only separate on paper. There is plenty of evidence due to the lack of top CSI executives that the CofS has not abided by the terms.
Shelley Taylor Wilcome Trinh says
Yay Hi Mike this is almost my favorite part of the day when you post things, Family is my most favorite. I’ve looked up Terra Cognita trying to understand the terminology ?? ,
Have a great weekend Mike, I’m so happy that you have a loving family, it’s the most important thing !!! Take care always looking forward for the next post, can’t wait for season 2 Aftermath!
Ann B Watson says
Any Work by RB is cause for me to celebrate the talent, skill and dogged determination that RB pours into every strip. Love to you RB, one of my first online friends. XO ?
BKmole says
Very timely with Maiden Voyage/Propaganda fest for OT VIIIs. More and more these high level cultys live in a bubble. All thanks to the Wizard Of Hub, the man behind the curtain.
eh=eh says
I missed this one so thanks for repeating it. “Breakwinds”…….ha ha ha! All bow to the not so “Honourable Flatulence” COB!
Interested Party says
JPGRingo says
I volunteer to fill air tanks for the dive.
Got a air hose all ready…now let me start the lawnmower to collect the exhaust.
Barbet says
This is hilarious! Absolutely loved this week’s RB cartoons…I actually thought it was real at first…
Michieux says
I had to go over it twice in case I missed something, like the Breakwinds being half submerged, the upside down cross, and the date. Great stuff!
(On a side note, while writing a comment about scientology elsewhere, I realized my spellchecker was showing a false positive if “scientology” was typed without an initial capital. After a stint in the RPF, my spellchecker now happily accepts the lower-case initial cap.)