Oh, man! This is too good! Miscavige’s version of the Stable Datum doctrine! How right on……….
Hold on. Comm particle coming in.
Oh, no! Not him!
To: Alcoboy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: attempted criticism of COB
Any attempts at criticizing my squirreling, I mean, improvements on the tech delivered to us by our beloved founder L. Ron Hubbard will result in a Declaration of Suppressive Person being issued in your name by the International Justice Chief.
Choose your words carefully.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: being declared a Suppressive Person.
You…..you really mean it?
If I criticize you, I get declared?
Now, give me that goldenrod!
If only getting out of Mormonism were that easy.
At least you got a Goldenrod.
After 10 years I have never seen mine nor have I been informed by IJC or any other staff member that I even have one. I found out that I was declared by one of the people that disconnected from me.
At least I got something. I received a death sentence. I was sent off of the Freewinds on Mother’s Day 2002 the day after I tested positive for HIV. I was not informed that I had even been tested for HIV let alone the positive test result. The plane I was sent off on almost crashed on the way to Los Angeles but that was not the Church’s fault. After Dr Denk told me that I had HIV and should go to the AIDS clinic the org instead sent me to a Scn chiro in Sacramento who told me that he had never treated an AIDS patient. He told me to stay away from medical doctors as their meds were “Worse than HIV”. After they held my wife on the ship against her will for 6 months I had AIDS dementia which, worsened to the point that I no longer recognized my wife.
I read online much later that at that stage one has no more than a couple months to live.
When my wife called the ship she was told that she should put me into a hospice to die. I found out later that had she complied with the directive I would never have been treated for the AIDS but just kept drugged until I was dead.
When she brazenly took me to a doctor in utter violation of Command Intention I recovered quickly, if. you overlook the fact that after working a full S.O. schedule with HIV/AIDS my heart had been seriously damaged from the HIV. It only pumps a quarter of the normal amount of blood.
I spent this Thanksgiving Day in the hospital giving thanks to the fact that I am still alive, at least for now. Due to this blog and Mike, I received a pacemaker-defibrilator as when the heart is that badly damaged, a condition called “Cardiac Death” can occur from ventricular fibrillation which is fatal in a few minutes as the heart fails to pump any blood in this state.
Last Dec 30th my defib fired 20 times in a few minutes, each schock of close to 900 Volts delivered from wires implanted in my heart.
Lots of fun. When it finally stopped firing I thought that I was dead.
I don’t know how much time I have left to live. I could die tonight or live another 10 years.
I will spare you any further MUs.
Sorry to hear about your condition. If it’s okay with you I would like to put you on my prayer list. If not, I understand.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and many thanks for not hitting me with more MUs. Dictionaries can be a killer!
I have a better idea, instead of donating to the church, keep the money for yourself to buy yourself something you would like to have, that would increase your havingness and save you lots of money because you would not need auditing if you done that !
Oh please could you explain why you consider today’s strip to be so much better than any of the others?
I must admit all the strips written by this author are truly excellent. Can you please explain why you think this one is so much better than all the others?
I think Hubbard tried to sell various oversimplified solutions. Life is just uncomfortably complex and uncertain, and cults and similar groups typically exploit peoples’ desire for easy answers and reassurance.
To me the “third party law” is another major one, imagining as if every conflict between two people somehow has someone else involved, and to blame – it’s also the sort of scapegoating that paranoid narcissists like Hubbard do.
Very subtle, how it starts with just the occasional donation sprinkled in, which then picks up more and more, until it’s a veritable flurry of donations.
Sorry to go off topic. But Tony Ortega is reporting the jury in the Masterson rape case is saying they are deadlocked and it is impossible to reach a unanimous verdict.
The Hell of this is there are three charges and this jury is saying they are unable to reach a verdict on any one of the three counts.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I smell something fishy.
I don’t know for sure, but my first guess is that someone somehow may have gotten to one of the jurors and they are refusing to vote guilty.
I have no evidence of this. It’s just my intuition. The reason is that after 2 or 3 days, most juries would get really fed up and would just go along with the majority.
But to say they are deadlocked after such a short amount of time is very unusual and it seems very suspicious to me.
I agree. I have been concerned since the beginning that a Scientologist would manage to get on the jury. Now after seeing Tony’s report of a Scientology lawyer taking copious notes while observing the jury, it seems very likely that juror(s) will be bribed, threatened, harassed during Thanksgiving week if they haven’t been already.
I am also worried as it only takes getting to ONE of the jurors. Masterson put on NO defense at all. The fact that there was a woman that was taking copious notes…about the jury not the case and the judge and lawyers spotted this and asked her about it. She stated she was a reader of Tony’s blog and was just an observer. She introduced herself to Tony O and said that the judge had asked her about her note taking. Then a day or so later Tony O was called to a sidebar and asked about the woman. He stated exactly what he wrote at his blog…that she had introduced herself as a reader and that the judge had asked about her notes but she did not give those notes to him nor did he publish any of them. I haven’t parsed all of the thousands of comments on his blog to see if he addressed just exactly who this woman was.
My two cents…it would be a great ‘cover’ for a Scientologist (OSA) to be in the audience and if they get caught taking notes on the jury and not the trial then tell the judge not that they are a Scientologist but that they are instead ‘A reader and fan of Tony Ortega’. Misdirection.
It was after this that several jurors were replaced. One for falling asleep during the trial. One with Covid right before closing arguments. Both perfect covers to get out of a bad situation. If I were a juror and Scientology had found out some dirty laundry about me and was pressuring me what better way to get out of it that to call the court and say I had Covid. Not saying that the person did not really have Covid for gods sake…I’m just saying that if it were me that would have been a good way to get out of the pressure of the whole thing. After seeing the movie ‘Runaway Jury’ I have no doubt that every juror was scrutinized by OSA and Scientology and that the court doesn’t realize just how far Scientology will go.
So now we’re at a deadlock at what I thought would be a cut and dry case. I’m suspicious.
The thing is, there’s a workability to Hubbard’s approach to resolving a confusion. Like all his actual workable “tech”, it’s either drop-dead obvious, or cribbed from elsewhere.
Confusion will be my epitaph
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back and laugh
But I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying
Yes, I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying
Yes, I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying
All confusion can by fixed by the proper payment of a ‘donation’ and a Sec Check,.
That’s “Epitaph” from King Crimson’s first album in 1969. But on ELP’s 1974 live album, you’ll find a passage from the song inserted into another number.
(Sad to say, I know more about pop music from the 50’s 60’s and 70’s than most would consider healthy.)
Constantine, I think that the mission changed as hippie spiritual seekers turned into more materialistic yuppies, which started happening even while Hubbard was still at the helm, with things like “quickie” clears and monthly price increases. Plus the founder, who had always relied on introducing new things to keep up peoples’ interest and distract from the failure of the old ones, and to have something more to sell to old customers, forbade his successor from doing the same, meaning that if the CofS was to survive new ways of bringing in money other than the “tech” would have to be found.
And that is the Achilles heel of Scientology. The doctrine that only LRH could discover and introduce new tech leaves no room for allowing any successors to make new discoveries or improve on prior ones. So poor Tiny Boots is left to keep people happy with crap like GAT I and GAT II as well as the Golden Age of Knowledge. All of which the parishioner has to fork over money for which guarantees a revenue stream.
Well, maybe DM needs some intense audition and cleansing and more auditing and take some vitamins to find out what he did to pull in all this confusing chaos. After all, he is the captain and COB so it has to be his fault. You would think he would have thought of it already.
I was “expelled” from the cult before they were begging for the “out exchange” donations. I always felt that the prices were out of line considering what I was receiving back. I would never have survived after the birth of the IAS.
Oh, man! This is too good! Miscavige’s version of the Stable Datum doctrine! How right on……….
Hold on. Comm particle coming in.
Oh, no! Not him!
To: Alcoboy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: attempted criticism of COB
Any attempts at criticizing my squirreling, I mean, improvements on the tech delivered to us by our beloved founder L. Ron Hubbard will result in a Declaration of Suppressive Person being issued in your name by the International Justice Chief.
Choose your words carefully.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: being declared a Suppressive Person.
You…..you really mean it?
If I criticize you, I get declared?
Now, give me that goldenrod!
If only getting out of Mormonism were that easy.
No love at all,
At least you got a Goldenrod.
After 10 years I have never seen mine nor have I been informed by IJC or any other staff member that I even have one. I found out that I was declared by one of the people that disconnected from me.
At least I got something. I received a death sentence. I was sent off of the Freewinds on Mother’s Day 2002 the day after I tested positive for HIV. I was not informed that I had even been tested for HIV let alone the positive test result. The plane I was sent off on almost crashed on the way to Los Angeles but that was not the Church’s fault. After Dr Denk told me that I had HIV and should go to the AIDS clinic the org instead sent me to a Scn chiro in Sacramento who told me that he had never treated an AIDS patient. He told me to stay away from medical doctors as their meds were “Worse than HIV”. After they held my wife on the ship against her will for 6 months I had AIDS dementia which, worsened to the point that I no longer recognized my wife.
I read online much later that at that stage one has no more than a couple months to live.
When my wife called the ship she was told that she should put me into a hospice to die. I found out later that had she complied with the directive I would never have been treated for the AIDS but just kept drugged until I was dead.
When she brazenly took me to a doctor in utter violation of Command Intention I recovered quickly, if. you overlook the fact that after working a full S.O. schedule with HIV/AIDS my heart had been seriously damaged from the HIV. It only pumps a quarter of the normal amount of blood.
I spent this Thanksgiving Day in the hospital giving thanks to the fact that I am still alive, at least for now. Due to this blog and Mike, I received a pacemaker-defibrilator as when the heart is that badly damaged, a condition called “Cardiac Death” can occur from ventricular fibrillation which is fatal in a few minutes as the heart fails to pump any blood in this state.
Last Dec 30th my defib fired 20 times in a few minutes, each schock of close to 900 Volts delivered from wires implanted in my heart.
Lots of fun. When it finally stopped firing I thought that I was dead.
I don’t know how much time I have left to live. I could die tonight or live another 10 years.
I will spare you any further MUs.
Sorry to hear about your condition. If it’s okay with you I would like to put you on my prayer list. If not, I understand.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and many thanks for not hitting me with more MUs. Dictionaries can be a killer!
Thank you, Alcoboy.
As always, my pleasure.
I have a better idea, instead of donating to the church, keep the money for yourself to buy yourself something you would like to have, that would increase your havingness and save you lots of money because you would not need auditing if you done that !
Oh please could you explain why you consider today’s strip to be so much better than any of the others?
I must admit all the strips written by this author are truly excellent. Can you please explain why you think this one is so much better than all the others?
Thank you.
I think Hubbard tried to sell various oversimplified solutions. Life is just uncomfortably complex and uncertain, and cults and similar groups typically exploit peoples’ desire for easy answers and reassurance.
To me the “third party law” is another major one, imagining as if every conflict between two people somehow has someone else involved, and to blame – it’s also the sort of scapegoating that paranoid narcissists like Hubbard do.
Very subtle, how it starts with just the occasional donation sprinkled in, which then picks up more and more, until it’s a veritable flurry of donations.
I could feel the brain cells dying as I read that drivel.
Confusion = random motion. WHAT?????
Don’t concentrate on the issue at hand, send me money. – WHAT?????
If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with b**ls**t.
Sorry to go off topic. But Tony Ortega is reporting the jury in the Masterson rape case is saying they are deadlocked and it is impossible to reach a unanimous verdict.
The Hell of this is there are three charges and this jury is saying they are unable to reach a verdict on any one of the three counts.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I smell something fishy.
I don’t know for sure, but my first guess is that someone somehow may have gotten to one of the jurors and they are refusing to vote guilty.
I have no evidence of this. It’s just my intuition. The reason is that after 2 or 3 days, most juries would get really fed up and would just go along with the majority.
But to say they are deadlocked after such a short amount of time is very unusual and it seems very suspicious to me.
I agree about it smelling fishy.
Two possibilities quickly come to mind.
First is that at least one of the jurors is a Masterson fan-boy who worked to get on the jury with the sole purpose of getting him acquitted.
Second is more nefarious with certain tax-free funds being utilized to “persuade” one or more jurors to vote “the right way”.
There are other possibilities, but these two are my prime suspects.
I agree. I have been concerned since the beginning that a Scientologist would manage to get on the jury. Now after seeing Tony’s report of a Scientology lawyer taking copious notes while observing the jury, it seems very likely that juror(s) will be bribed, threatened, harassed during Thanksgiving week if they haven’t been already.
I am also worried as it only takes getting to ONE of the jurors. Masterson put on NO defense at all. The fact that there was a woman that was taking copious notes…about the jury not the case and the judge and lawyers spotted this and asked her about it. She stated she was a reader of Tony’s blog and was just an observer. She introduced herself to Tony O and said that the judge had asked her about her note taking. Then a day or so later Tony O was called to a sidebar and asked about the woman. He stated exactly what he wrote at his blog…that she had introduced herself as a reader and that the judge had asked about her notes but she did not give those notes to him nor did he publish any of them. I haven’t parsed all of the thousands of comments on his blog to see if he addressed just exactly who this woman was.
My two cents…it would be a great ‘cover’ for a Scientologist (OSA) to be in the audience and if they get caught taking notes on the jury and not the trial then tell the judge not that they are a Scientologist but that they are instead ‘A reader and fan of Tony Ortega’. Misdirection.
It was after this that several jurors were replaced. One for falling asleep during the trial. One with Covid right before closing arguments. Both perfect covers to get out of a bad situation. If I were a juror and Scientology had found out some dirty laundry about me and was pressuring me what better way to get out of it that to call the court and say I had Covid. Not saying that the person did not really have Covid for gods sake…I’m just saying that if it were me that would have been a good way to get out of the pressure of the whole thing. After seeing the movie ‘Runaway Jury’ I have no doubt that every juror was scrutinized by OSA and Scientology and that the court doesn’t realize just how far Scientology will go.
So now we’re at a deadlock at what I thought would be a cut and dry case. I’m suspicious.
This one is just outstanding!
The thing is, there’s a workability to Hubbard’s approach to resolving a confusion. Like all his actual workable “tech”, it’s either drop-dead obvious, or cribbed from elsewhere.
Confusion will be my epitaph
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back and laugh
But I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying
Yes, I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying
Yes, I fear tomorrow I’ll be crying
All confusion can by fixed by the proper payment of a ‘donation’ and a Sec Check,.
Great song by Emerson, Lake and Palmer
That’s “Epitaph” from King Crimson’s first album in 1969. But on ELP’s 1974 live album, you’ll find a passage from the song inserted into another number.
(Sad to say, I know more about pop music from the 50’s 60’s and 70’s than most would consider healthy.)
Okay RB, You have officially outdone yourself.
This is AMAZING!
Yes Hubbard loved making the bucks, but was too afraid of his own shadow to use those dollars. Died when he was just hiding in an RV.
DM is the same. Same hiding, same manipulations. But since he took over the mission changed.
Hubbard used to have message increase auditing and training. Increase sales by increasing delivery. Kind a made sense.
DM goal get donations for lots of things. Buildings, legal fund, leather bound books, etc, etc, etc. Last on the list is usual service sales.
Hubbard had his rum and pills to numb self of shame and guilt.
DM has his whiskey and…?? I wonder.
When will this fake godless cult cease in it’s harmful abuse of members? I pray it will be soon.
Constantine, I think that the mission changed as hippie spiritual seekers turned into more materialistic yuppies, which started happening even while Hubbard was still at the helm, with things like “quickie” clears and monthly price increases. Plus the founder, who had always relied on introducing new things to keep up peoples’ interest and distract from the failure of the old ones, and to have something more to sell to old customers, forbade his successor from doing the same, meaning that if the CofS was to survive new ways of bringing in money other than the “tech” would have to be found.
And that is the Achilles heel of Scientology. The doctrine that only LRH could discover and introduce new tech leaves no room for allowing any successors to make new discoveries or improve on prior ones. So poor Tiny Boots is left to keep people happy with crap like GAT I and GAT II as well as the Golden Age of Knowledge. All of which the parishioner has to fork over money for which guarantees a revenue stream.
How fitting:
No truer words could be said.
Hooray – finally this piece of teck has been edited in Golden Age style!
I remember reading that people can get control over their lives simply by focusing on one stable data item at a time.
I tried that for hours at a time and all I got was this lousy headache.
This cult’s tech is just full of shit. Or maybe I am just incapable?
Well, maybe DM needs some intense audition and cleansing and more auditing and take some vitamins to find out what he did to pull in all this confusing chaos. After all, he is the captain and COB so it has to be his fault. You would think he would have thought of it already.
Ah, that’s some fine editing right there.
I was “expelled” from the cult before they were begging for the “out exchange” donations. I always felt that the prices were out of line considering what I was receiving back. I would never have survived after the birth of the IAS.
Is there NO end to this regging?
When you have achieved the blessed state of SP, the regges will no longer bother you.
If you are a Scientologist, no.