Sounds so much like the Law of Attraction stuff they peddle.
You can’t attract money because of “limiting beliefs”. But getting rid of those limiting beliefs is as easy as taking the next course, which costs just a little more than the last one that maxed out your credit card.
But you can’t “put out into the universe” what you want to attract as long as those limiting beliefs are there. Trust us, we’ll help you “clear” those limiting beliefs!
And it’s all based on a scientifically proven formula.
Sounds so much like the Law of Attraction stuff they peddle.
You can’t attract money because of “limiting beliefs”. But getting rid of those limiting beliefs is as easy as taking the next course, which costs just a little more than the last one that maxed out your credit card.
But you can’t “put out into the universe” what you want to attract as long as those limiting beliefs are there. Trust us, we’ll help you “clear” those limiting beliefs!
And it’s all based on a scientifically proven formula.
The smartest move for this lady would be to file for divorce immediately. There’s a possibility that might wake hubby up, and if it doesn’t she needs to act before he drains every last cent they have. This guy may even be pre-suicidal though he doesn’t know it yet.
RB, so many indicating items I don’t know which gave the largest blowdown. You are a Master at focused storytelling. I went through it five times, delicious.
Mister Glee-of-Insanity needs to meet with the Ms. and a marriage counselor (non-scieno) and go over separate hats, separate accounts and separate liabilities. She needs to let him do his Icarus flight on his own money/credit. Whether she decides to let him A-E back in her favor is up to her.
Another excellent one RB. I laughed and cringed at the same time. Please do a sequel to this one and let us know how it ends up for him. I predict it won’t end well.
I suspect that when the regges and Ethics are done with them both, they’ll be hitchhiking back to the box they live in, while dressed in barrels, and mumbling incoherently about wins and total freedom.
“I postulate that by Sunday I’ll be Postulating into existance all the money I’ll need to pay for my Case Cracking Intensives I’ll need to do so I can Unstick my flows so I’ll be able to Inflow the money I need to pay for my Superpower Rundown.”
Out of the PARK, RB!
And then: “Its been a while since we agreed to disagree with the physical universe together.”
And the guy’s postulating that he’ll postulate all that money into existence — POOF!
Why not just postulate the money effectively first?
Cause — meet Effect.
“I hear he’s done all three Ls and gives all of his seminars only when he’s three feet behind his own head.”
RB, you have no idea how much I need this laugh!
Thank you!
Sounds so much like the Law of Attraction stuff they peddle.
You can’t attract money because of “limiting beliefs”. But getting rid of those limiting beliefs is as easy as taking the next course, which costs just a little more than the last one that maxed out your credit card.
But you can’t “put out into the universe” what you want to attract as long as those limiting beliefs are there. Trust us, we’ll help you “clear” those limiting beliefs!
And it’s all based on a scientifically proven formula.
Sound familiar?
Divorce his ass.
Sounds so much like the Law of Attraction stuff they peddle.
You can’t attract money because of “limiting beliefs”. But getting rid of those limiting beliefs is as easy as taking the next course, which costs just a little more than the last one that maxed out your credit card.
But you can’t “put out into the universe” what you want to attract as long as those limiting beliefs are there. Trust us, we’ll help you “clear” those limiting beliefs!
And it’s all based on a scientifically proven formula.
Sound familiar?
By the way, Mike, when is the podcast returning?
Three feet behind his head…LOL
The smartest move for this lady would be to file for divorce immediately. There’s a possibility that might wake hubby up, and if it doesn’t she needs to act before he drains every last cent they have. This guy may even be pre-suicidal though he doesn’t know it yet.
RB, so many indicating items I don’t know which gave the largest blowdown. You are a Master at focused storytelling. I went through it five times, delicious.
Mister Glee-of-Insanity needs to meet with the Ms. and a marriage counselor (non-scieno) and go over separate hats, separate accounts and separate liabilities. She needs to let him do his Icarus flight on his own money/credit. Whether she decides to let him A-E back in her favor is up to her.
“…his Icarus flight…”
Nifty phrasing there!
Really nails it 🙂
Another excellent one RB. I laughed and cringed at the same time. Please do a sequel to this one and let us know how it ends up for him. I predict it won’t end well.
I suspect that when the regges and Ethics are done with them both, they’ll be hitchhiking back to the box they live in, while dressed in barrels, and mumbling incoherently about wins and total freedom.
Truly, RB, you have got it DOWN!
“…billionaires into millionaires”
HA. So perfect!
Thank you RB artist
Thank you Mike your book is incredible.
I’m not sure if souls really exist but if they do yours is a beautiful shiny one of love.
Everyone enjoy your day
“Grant Cardone… can turn billionaires into millionaires…”
Way to go, downstat!
Turn billionaires into millionaires…snort..
“I hate having these financially painful Pleasure Moment Wins alone.” Oh my
RB, You’ve done it again!
And then there’s:
“I postulate that by Sunday I’ll be Postulating into existance all the money I’ll need to pay for my Case Cracking Intensives I’ll need to do so I can Unstick my flows so I’ll be able to Inflow the money I need to pay for my Superpower Rundown.”
Out of the PARK, RB!
And then: “Its been a while since we agreed to disagree with the physical universe together.”
Still laughing!
The Dunning-Kruger Effect in action.
Oh, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is a Psych idea….
And the guy’s postulating that he’ll postulate all that money into existence — POOF!
Why not just postulate the money effectively first?
Cause — meet Effect.