RB has been forestalled by Irma. The RB family are fine. So we have a repeat installment this week (and for good measure I have added a bonus). But it says a lot about how timeless RB’s strips are and how scientology cannot change that this could have been penned today.
Insanity In Plain View
Check this out.
These are the people who confront and shatter suppression with the only true tech to save mankind.
These are the people that proclaim themselves defenders of religious freedom (as long as it is their freedom that is in question).
These are the people that rave on about free speech….
Wish I knew where this Target store was, I would go and ask for a copy of people mag.
And a bunch of trained seals tell her what a great job she did.
None of them see the hypocrisy. When you just KNOW you are right about everything, there is NO hypocrisy, only “I am right and you are wrong.”
Just by the way — didn’t feel my reach being cut at all. Actually made me more convinced than ever that the automatons inside the bubble need to be prevented from damaging any more people. Booyah!
Mike, as you are one of the few people currently speaking out who has known Hubbard personally in your past (I know there are others obviously but you know what I mean, even Marty didn’t meet him personally) I was wondering if you think you will ever speak about your personal observations of Hubbard’s character or have you just never felt it was relevant to the specifics at hand. I get it either way but I was just curious cause I don’t think I have ever heard you speak about it.
Marilyn Berdon: Baaaaaaa. Baaa. Baaaaaaaa.
I think the magazine story’s fake because don’t scientologists usually hunt in packs?
RB, yet another winner. I missed this one when it came out. And I’m very glad that you and your family are safe.
Also, “Scientoligists” are apparently the only people who still use the word “Booyah” in the year 2017. Marilyn’s got that “schiznit” going on, fam.
Hope everyone out there dealing with Irma is hanging in there.
Seriously. No one says “booyah” or “shiznit” anymore — at least not for the last 10 years or more.
It’s embarrassing to see them try to sound cool. They’re so out of touch with the real world, it’s laughable.
I say Booyah… when I am going to a Booyah to eat Booyah. Mmmm, booyah.
(It’s a wonderful stew served mostly in MN, WI and the Upper pen in MI).
RB, “Childanon” will never not be funny. One of the best little background details ever.
Blessings to all in Irma’s path! Best wishes on an Emmy win to Mike, Leah, A&E, et al on 9/17! And finally, I don’t believe that Target story one bit! Known liars, the lot of them! KAW – Keep Aftermath Working!
I believe this to be part of some sort of OSA campaign. This posts also don’t seem genuine to me but here is another one: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ScientologyMusiciansShowcase/permalink/1447479435317208/ I’m wondering if this isn’t being done 1. just inspire Scientologists to do it 2. To make people feel like something is being done about the entheta even if they’re too cowardly to do it themselves.
That looks like a version of the same (sloppy) story, where they start off talking about Target but then switch to referring to Walmart.
Either it is the fianceé of the original woman copying her story and making it his, or someone is doing a very sloppy job of trying to distribute slightly different versions of the same story.
From my Google sleuthing, yes he is Marilyn’s fiancé. They were at the Target together and he has cerebral palsy. I don’t think what they did is an “OSA campaign” but more of an attempt to get praise and acknowledgements from other Scientologists. There is an insecurity and neediness that comes through in her post. Scientologists need to tell each how great they are doing, how happy they are, and how well they are “confronting” life, in order to feel fulfilled / that Scientology is working for them. Unfortunately, she has been one for 30 years and has not gotten past the Purif or Student Hat.
Did you notice he started out with “Target”, but ended up with Walmart?
Oh, dear lord. What a bunch of bullshit.
Whoever wrote that post can’t even get their lies straight. First this person starts off by talking about Target then rambles on about emailing the corporate office of Walmart about Leah’s “discrimination”. So which one is it?
Discrimination?? That shit kills me every time. Perhaps if any of these idiots actually WATCHED a single episode, they’d realize how stupid they sound calling people’s personal horror stories “discrimination”.
I am sure the manager heard the person out. But they would not pull anything off the shelves because one person didn’t like it. Products are bought on a company wide basis. The best the manager could do would be to tell the *insulted* person to take it up with Corporate.
One more thought, if the person was that insulted, he could have bought every issue and made s’mores while burning them.
Maybe the manager would give him a bulk discount if he bought them all.
That Target scenario is total bullshit. Store managers are trained in providing address of corporate office to file a complaint on store merchandising. They are under contract with merchandiser to display their products and the costs to violate are substantial. Unless a product is identified as a hazard to public safety, those magazines stay on the shelf.
My response would have been..”You are welcome to avoid reading or viewing products you find offensive by shopping on-line or purchasing our entire inventory and destroying them at your leisure. God Bless you and have a lovely day.”
Good point Teen. Probably true. Maybe it was a manipulation to get others to do the same, or just, like you said, PR for the dwellers.
It might be a made up story, sorta sounds that way to me. Anyway, as I remember, the fireman in Fahrenheit 451 started as a thoughtless book-burner, then had an amazing life turnaround, which set him on the road to change, eventually becoming an avid reader and conserver of all books.
Here’s best wishes for the award ceremony, the whole crew deserves recognition at the highest levels. The show is informative and compelling – I anxiously await each new episode.
If I was the store mgr. and someone took the liberty of removing magazines from my store shelves, I’d call the cops. At the very least I’d tell this person to leave the store and not come back. Shelf space in these stores is highly prized. Doesn’t really matter though, Scientologists acting like this just makes more people interested in why they’re doing this shit. So….more magazines sold, more A and E great ratings, and of course, more people aware of the Scientology B.S. that’s going on.
I think Leah said it best in one of her sound bites ” If your religion is so great it should stand up to some questioning”. I may be off a few words but you get the point. I find it highly unlikely this happened ( people magazine really now) but if it did like so many have said you know it was back on the stand not long after.
On a different note I am glad that you and your family are safe Mike.
I love this one RB & how I wish with all my heart that scraping asbestos is better than what is going on out there. If I was in the situation portrayed I might feel that way too. Unfortunately those blue tiny fibers stick around to cause damage as badly as those BTs do. I wish I had said no to hours of blue dust work in Sea Org. But hey, I am still here! ?
The asbestos isn’t a joke? You have to be joking? I find out something worse than the day before. Every. SINGLE. Day.
If I had been that store manager in such a situation I would have handled it the same way. A customer’s religious or whatever sensibilities are offended. I don’t really understand but she’s upset and voluble. I immediately neutralize the situation by making her right in soothing friendly concerned tones. I get her away from the other customers and appease her by pulling the offending magazines. Appeased, she shuts up and leaves. Retail people in these chain stores are trained to handle people who act up in protest about merchandise including magazine covers to which customers take offense (nudity, politics, etc.)
My hunch, though, is that this woman is telling a story based on some truth but with some stretchers, as my southern relatives would cay.
And I’m thinking also, a store like Target is no Mom & Pop operation wherein a store manager (who could likely be the owner as well) would have the authority to remove People Magazine off the display shelves. This was a ploy to pacify and keep quiet a nut job.
Years ago Clearwater Scientologists would go to the newspaper vending machines and steal the all of the “St. Petersburg Times” papers when a critical story came out. I don’t know if they do this anymore or not.
When Jon Atack’s Piece of Blue Sky was released SCN sent out members and SO to book stores to hide them. I actually watched people enter the store…wander over, consider the book and then pick it up like they were going to buy it. Then they walked around, browsing the store. Then they would leave without buying anything. The manager commented that this had been going on all day long and then she’d have to go find where the books had been hidden. There was a Walden Books in the Glendale Galleria that was constantly having to combat the Scientologists.
Interesting that back then, they understood that they could not inhibit free speech. The idiot at the Target apparently has no clue how our society works AND that free speech is what allows SCN to continue. Leah and Mike have the SAmE right to free speech.
If this really happened-which I doubt-the new People comes out Fri. or Sat. And if it ws in Fl. I doubt anybody will be there because of Irma !
It came out last week and there are a hell of a lot of us still here. I don’t normally read that magazine, but could not resist buying it and bringing it home to my lady. We both enjoyed the writing and Leah’s answers to good questions. As to Miscavige, two words: NO CONFRONT!
exccla, this woman lives in Sacramento or a suburb of it.
Cool! I’ll ask my sister to visit a few Targets in the Sacto area and be sure to ask about People Magazine!
The best part is she has a completely public Facebook profile. It’s worth a look. She is a huge nutcase.
Looks like she’s a member of San Jose mission
Just read her Facebook. On an empty stomach, thank God.
A little digging has been done. Our Marilyn lives in the 95812 area code. Google lists 3 Targets in the Sacramento area; Southport Town Center 916-384-0977; Laguna Crossroads 916-683-5356 and Sacramento 916-444-0993.
Now, as she shared that she did this at her “local” target its safe to assume that its one of these 3.
If you call, to mention what you’ve read on the internet, be sure to PRAISE THE STORE MANAGER for her totally professional, calm and efficient handling of a deranged nut job cultist while expressing your fondness tor the magazine and your sincere desire for Target to continue to stock it ven though the Church of Scientology doesn’t want them too.
Awesome. A good friend’s sister in law happens to be an Asst Mgr at the Sacto store! I’ll make a call tomorrow. Nice work Aqua.
Clever bit of work there Aqua.
That’s amazing Aquamarine. Please update us on this latest scientology foot bullet!
You can not make comments on this woman’s page so I sent her a message. She has posts from other sites about loving everyone despite their colour, race, religion and yet she is spewing hate against Leah. ??? Is she truly a scientologist? If so, why is she on FB and how is she able to post the things she does. Is this not against the cult?
Wendy Cole, I just went to her Facebook page and she has a rant about your private message. Poor thing, she can dish it out but can’t take it.
These are my two messages: She lied about what I said, but I guess that is to be expected. I have now been blocked but have these messages still.
For a person that is posting about not hating on people for race, religion, colour, etc. , you have a real hate on for Leah Remini. A little two faced don’t you think? You got your 2 minutes of fame on Mike Rinder’s post. Are you a scientologist?? If you are, then you are going against your own preaching, and if your not, then you have no right to criticize a cult you don’t have the inside scoop on.
If you’re posting about me, I did not tell you were a sick miserable human being and should hang your head in shame. I’m referring to your post about the magazines in Target. Post what I really wrote. P.S. You kiss your kids with that filthy mouth???
Nice touch with the asbestos, RB!
“Child Anon”… I dopn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Mike, when are you going to allow for editing?? Spelling errors suck.
eliminate any spell check or auto correct as the ‘Post Comment’ button is pressed, no mystery fixes, LOL
That Target store incident was obviously fabricated.
But if scientologists advocate pulling any material that is critical of their religion, then clearly a world of scientology would entail purging of critical literature, modern book-burnings.
I wonder if any other loathed group in recent history practiced book-burnings and the silencing of those critics? Hmm, maybe there is a valid comparison there, yes?
(At the risk of plagiarizing the comedy of Mitchell and Webb) … have you ever woken up, looked around, and suddenly realized, “Hey, are we the baddies?” This is the kind of epiphany any reasonable scientologist will likely have at some point.
I think it’s plausible that an overwhelmed or inexperienced manager (or assistant) placated an irate and fanatically insistent customer by setting aside the magazines that had been pulled down, and then consulted with their higher-ups about what to do. But given scientologists’ penchant for lies and delusional behavior, anything is possible.
p.s. It’s worth remembering the bit of history that in the pre-internet days, Scientology had an organized campaign to get local members to go to public libraries, steal books critical of Scientology off the shelves, and cut critical articles out of newspapers and magazines – I can’t remember if that extended to stealing books out of stores, as well. One reason some people got involved in Scientology who might otherwise have been warned away, was that they did try to look into it, couldn’t find the references that should have been available, and decided just to go ahead and check it out anyway.
Right! Its a covert “Call To Arms”. I bet the dumb sheeple reading it will attempt this. How I’d love to see it tried in my neighborhood. Wouldn’t work because people would just shrug and ignore the rucus. We’re used to nut jobs around here. ::)
They often would not risk breaking the law. They usually just hid the books in question.
Please Y’all stay safe and I am so glad RB & family are OK & that you and yours are in LA for Emmys! Love Love to All.????
Glad Mike and his family, and RB and his are all out of harms way. Irma’s almost here. Wishing all our friends in Florida good luck, get out if you are able. If not stay safe. We’re thinkin of ya. Lots of free WiFi is now available through Concast, even if you don’t use their services. Batten the hatches, here she comes.
I have been watching the show from the inception and every week seems to just amaze me on how this so called “religion” is able to get away with what it is doing. I find it intriguing yet disturbing that sooooo many people have gotten into Scientology and cannot really see what it REALLY is. People, wake up! They are stealing everything from you and you are just giving it to them willingly. I really do hope for the good of mankind that the obliteration of Scientology happens one day and it all falls apart. We can only hope. Oh what has Scientology done lately anyway.. Keep up the good work Mike and Leah, I have confidence that it will all pay off at the end!
Cheryl, anything that legally falls into the category of religious practice in this country is strongly protected.by our Constitution and its First Amendment. Fleecing members for every last dime they have, disconnecting families and, last but not least, smearing those who publicly leave the cherch with lies and insults are considered “religious practice” in the Church of Scientology. Incredible, I know.
The magazine incident as described at Target is a total lie. A retailer would never forego sales because one customer is offended by People Magazine. Christ, what a joke these scientologists are telling dumb lies like this to try to get more status. Pfffftt!
I agree, Alice. They’d have to remove the entire magazine inventory, not just People, since someone is always offended. I would have called security and had her escorted out for her behavior. For every one cult member who is offended there is a 100 non-cult members that are not. I think they can do the math…
Also bearing in mind that Target buys those magazines from the publisher so I don’t think that a smart store manager would pull hundreds of dollars of merchandise off the shelves or magazine racks because someone got offended.
From watching the Aftermath series, now when I read any of Mike’s entries at this site I hear his words in that lovely Australian accent. Nice little unexpected perk of watching this series!
“Just by the way — didn’t feel my reach being cut at all.”
Me either, but just imagine if only half of the ten million + scientologists out there did something similar — that would really start creating effects that we’d all feel PDQ!
But why stop there? Why not organize that vast army of scientologists and start doing some real activism out here in the larger world? Btw, where’s TC, JT, Krustie and the rest of the celebs to lead that movement?
Correct answer: Nowhere to be seen…just like those other ten million scientologists who’re so quiet and invisible that it sure makes you start to wonder if they exist at all 😉
Krustie could easily get herself in the Enquirer or Star giving the finger to Target. Nothing new. Her usual photo op. Just her In front of her local Target dressed like a suburban slattern, with her trademark sneer, eating a Twinkie with half of it all over her face, flipping the bird. Lethal, just lethal. Better sell your Target stock, The whole chain may fold. This is a dame who knows a thing or two about how to confront and shatter suppression.
I totally agree — this lunatic has either made up this story to make herself look good to her bubble-dwelling friends & family or the manager was just placating an obviously unhinged woman.
It just kills me that she thinks taking some magazines off of shelves is somehow going to make one bit of difference. It’s a national publication with a readership of over 45 million. What a putz.
If this actually did happen — which seems so unlikely — I’d love to know who this manager is. She’d get an earful, to say the least.
Mike — good to hear you’re safe here in L.A. (for the Emmy’s, so cool!). Sending well wishes to all affected by Hurricane Irma.
That’s sound logic, I agree with you that it’s unlikely to have happened the way she said for various reasons. I was angry about this at first, but after giving it more thought and talking with a friend of mine who used to work in retail business administration, I am convinced that there are factors that make this not as believable.
One of the considerations is that the news agency publishers/distributors actually pay the store for premium product placement, including having magazines displayed on racks at eye level, or on aisle endcaps and by registers, which make them more likely to be sold. The store manager would be violating the terms of their contract by removing them from their premium positions. My guess is that the manager temporarily relocated whatever the lady had in her cart to get rid of her, then replaced them where they were supposed to be.
On another note, I feel sorry for the woman who posted. Imagine being the subject of ‘aversion training’ to the point where you now, without questioning, keep yourself in a state of constant suppressed thinking and self-censoring, where you not only cannot read an article in a major publication if it talks about your group, but cannot even look at the cover… and to go so far and to try to censor others from reading it as well, it’s just a very sad situation.
I personally read (and watch videos) and talk to others about any and everything I have an interest in and want to learn more about. A questioning mind is a good thing, in my opinion. I teach my kids the same, and to be cautious of accepting things with no proof. Be very wary of anyone or any group that tells you not to look into or read about them. Ask yourself, what are they trying to hide? If they are legit, they will stand up to scrutiny.
It would be nice to have her be able to ‘break free’ of her prison of mind control. But there are more sheep than shepherds and more waiters than chefs, more followers than leaders. To some point this is genetic and necessary for society, if everyone was a lone wolf nothing would get done, we would live in a state of anarchy. Many people like to be part of a group – the important thing is to choose a group with real, positive goals to work towards, and to find a leader worthy of following.
Irma is scary, glad RB family is safe. I keep thinking of Irma coming towards Clearwater.
At first I laughed and thought that it would be funny to see all of Flag Land Base wiped out but then realized that David Miscavige would have screamed like a baby and put on his teeny running shoes and skeedaddled from from Florida at the first sign of danger and all those captive Sea Orgers are sitting ducks and I feel quite anxious for their fate.
Besides, if a single blade of grass is destroyed, Miscavige will just use it as an excuse for more fundraising.
Good wishes to all those in Irma’s path.
I double down on those good wishes to all the Sea Org members in her path. I hope they are not forced to sit there and use their “OT Powers” to attempt to force the hurricane to change her path. Have fun at the Emmys Mike. Can’t wait to see Christie all dolled up again.
This is another classic RB. Gotta love all those signs on the buildings.
Prayers for your safety during hurricane Irma and always
Too Funny Mike, this is a timely and suitable substitute for an RB strip.
Assuming this a real event and person, there is a Marilyn Berdon listed in the San Francisco area, that kind of delusional behavior is normal up there. She did write; “I am a Scientoligist(sic).” so I tend to believe she is real and is a Scientologist with perfect memory and vocabulary.
Of course the store manager would be polite, she didn’t want an unstable person going full-on berserk in the check out area of her store. Somehow I figure “Marilyn’s” polite request was really a Tone 40 Command Intention at ashtray volume : That is just the sort of exposure the public needs to see to help Scientology further isolate themselves.
I can hear the store public speaker system now: “Clerks to aisle 9 for clean up of a meltdown.”
As you wrote, insanity on display.
Send a few OTs to stop the hurricanes with tone 40. We read so many wins where OTs pretended to have done exactly that. Where are they? Why are they not doing anything this time? Ha, I know! Me idiot! These OTs have sent the hurricanes to destroy Marty Rathbun ?
The ‘Target’ was imaginary and the action was a postulate, not real in this mest universe. In the real world anyone taking all the magazines would have been stopped and thrown out of the store.
I call bullshite on the whole thing.
RB’s old stuff is never out of date. It works now and will work with a new cult name when ever one pops up.
THIS is what book burnings look like and the insanity of those doing the burning. https://www.google.com/search?q=photos+nazi+book+burning&tbm=isch&imgil=9SmMoBV_t_DaBM%253A%253Bn5Ax7yiLN-iwHM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.gettyimages.com%25252Fdetail%25252Fnews-photo%25252Fcirca-1945-german-boys-pictured-burning-nazi-books-and-news-photo%25252F79658376&source=iu&pf=m&fir=9SmMoBV_t_DaBM%253A%252Cn5Ax7yiLN-iwHM%252C_&usg=__vkPicsM6cu6rIhVQTYucNJrZTVU%3D&biw=1286&bih=813&ved=0ahUKEwiclvqz4pbWAhXESyYKHQzMBEcQyjcIPg&ei=PCuzWZyIKcSXmQGMmJO4BA#imgrc=j_HEvOY34epNkM:
I am incredibly angered and disgusted at the woman who took it upon herself to pull all the magazines from Target, apparently feeling that she alone has the right to decide what people can or cannot read. This brings to mind ‘book burnings’ in totalitarian regimes where the dictator decides what people are allowed to see, read, or talk about. That woman has no right to impose her will on others – people have the right to read and think about whatever they choose. Shame on the store manager who folded under her undue pressure instead of standing her ground. There is always going to be someone who does not like or agree with something that is said or printed – that’s part of free speech. One cannot go around censoring what others can read about. The magazine and book aisles would be totally empty if this was the case.
If Scientology is a good, workable system, as that woman seems to feel it is – then it should hold up under questioning and scrutiny. It should not depend upon people being kept in the dark and not allowed to freely examine it, and its policies.
People have the right to read anything and everything about it, then make up their own minds, and one woman does not have the right to go into a store and demand they remove reading material because she doesn’t like it or agree with it. Really, Target manager, what the heck is up with that? Give me my People magazine! I won’t be a brainwashed sheep or kept in the dark. I WILL read and talk about every and any thing that I choose to learn about.
Final word: Leah Remini is not an awful person, she is a compassionate, intelligent, caring woman who is helping people to tell their stories of what they have personally experienced in the ‘church’ of Scientology. Thank you Mike Rinder and Leah Remini.
And it’s virtually certain that had the situation been reversed, and someone had been pulling Dianetics and other Hubbard works off the shelves of a bookstore, scientologists would have been screaming bloody murder about discrimination and having their rights trampled upon – and adding it to their list of supposed hate crimes.
Exactly right. Or a magazine with Cruise on the cover? What if people starting demanding they be taken off the shelves because they find his support of a cult offensive. Ed Parkin and the STAND fools would be going berserk.
Where I live, if some woman started pulling magazines off the shelves she’d be disposed of quietly and without sorrow. She’d be escorted outside by store security. She’d get about 15 seconds of attention from her fellow customers before shrugging and resuming their shopping. No one would think much about it.
It would be awesome if you guys won an Emmy!!!! The show sure deserves it!
Please keep yourself and your family safe. Know that I in Arizona will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck!
“Can you imagine if we ALL did that?… just spoke up and it would kick that suppression in the teeth”. Quite so. Kinda makes you wonder why neither David Miscavige nor his ‘big being’ buddy are speaking up. Why not even 1% of the claimed millions of Scientologists are speaking up. Why Scientology Media Productions isn’t confronting the entheta and kicking the suppression in the teeth. Makes you wonder eh?
You know that the mags were put back as soon as the loon left the Target.
quite right. that manager was doing exactly what a good manager is supposed to do: keep the customer quiet and happy until they are gone and then resume normal working conditions. besides, those magazine racks have absolutely nothing to do with Target, WM, or any other big name store. someone from another company comes around at the end of each month and restocks those shelves. which is exactly what that manager did when that crazy woman left the store.
hope everyone in the path of Irma has done everything to keep selves, family, and pets safe. as someone who has lived through hurricanes Lily, Rita, Ike & Harvey, I know what you are going through and you are all in my thoughts. please take care.
Mike Rinder…I just wanted to tell you and your family to please stay safe during Hurricane Irma!
So weird…I know I’m some stranger, but I’m such a fan of your work and when I heard about the hurricane I just instantly worried for you and your family.
I’m sending my most protective vibes your way!
Thank you Kelly. We are all in Los Angeles. Trip had been planned to attend Emmy awards tomorrow, so good timing!
Best wishes – hope you guys win the Emmy!!! 🙂
We’re all rooting for you that you win that Emmy!!!!!
Hi Cindy, I know that you mean that we will all be cheering them on and wishing for the best… but just to clue you in, you’re not supposed to say American slang of “rooting” for you to an Australian. (A college roommate told me this one).
OK, I”ll bite, (I’m cringing as I ask this), but what does “rooting for you” mean to an Australian?
Me too!
Stand tall with Leah at the Emmys. Hoping you ring the bell and DM has a depression Scotch can’t obliterate.
I so want you to win, Mike and Leah!
Mike, just stay in sunny CA until the worst of the hurricane in FL is over.
What’s most notable about the mag story is that these people have not even seen Aftermath. They are simply getting all info from Freedumb mag.
I consider it abusive and willfully ignorant to label Mike and Leah anti religion.
This is the ultimate irony, stupidity and antisocial behavior:
Actually Mike, everytime they express themselves they condemn themselves in the eyes of the public. Scientology’s playbook on critics has lost its power. It’s a wounded animal.
The truth about Scientology poses the greatest existential threat to Scientology.
In the eyes of the bubble dwellers truth is suppressive. This amount of stupidity is not sustainable. “Help…. I’m melting!! Oh what a world, what a world!”
Geeze!….Didn’t the nazi’s start out with……BOOK BURNINGS ! What’s next….Beer Hall Riots?
Those who forget History – are doomed to repeat it!
I don’t believe that story for a minute. A manager would pull all the magazines because one person complained.
Scientologists live in a make believe world, if they think it, or wish it, it’s real to them. The last 48 hours of my life has been spent speaking with good and sensible people connected to Scientologists to try to find out what actually happened in the real world. Boy, I got to tell you my head is spinney. Both the wife & I had to stop as the conversations just went around and around and around. No one had an answer that matched another’s when referring to their conversations with a couple of Scientologists concerning Texas. They said whatever they thought that person needed to hear at their “reality” level. The girl who wrote that article would FN on that subject, like she has many times before on fictitious events or successes. The emeter is about as useful to a scientologist as a pair of shoes are to a fish. It is truly remarkable the self-brainwashing that goes on in a Scientologist’s mind. That incident at the market never happened!
They whine about freedom of speech, then pull something like this? Are you kidding me? What right does this moron have to decide what other people can read?
I hope that, as soon as this moron left (if what this moron is saying is true), the store manager put them right back up on the shelf.
I find this story by this moron to be highly dubious. A bunch of nonsense. In reality, when she asked, the manager (if that’s who she really talked to (if this even happened)) probably told her that she doesn’t have the right to decide what other people can read or see, and if she is offended, we have this thing in the US called “FREEDOM OF SPEECH”.
Again, I think Marilyn is completely making this up. I call BS. She’s as full of it as LRH.
So Gabe,
Are you trying to say that this story has the same flavor as all of them OT success stories?
If Russia has banned the cult how can it get away with putting up that stall? Hope someone calls the polizi!
Gotta hand it to Marilyn (and scientologists in general): they aren’t afraid to look batshit crazy. What must the manager and security staff been thinking as this woman collected a cart full of magazines? How funny it must have been when she introduced herself as a scientologist, I mean, this just gets better and better. OK crazy lady, what’s your deal? Oh, goodness, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’ll contact headquarters and let them know. While we’re at it, we’ll contact People magazine directly, and President Trump, Mr. Obama and the Pope as well. Yes, we just want you to be comfortable in our store (and to leave as soon as possible). OMG!
Ha-ha-ha! So true. She made herself look like a true nut – just like everyone knows they are.
Batshit crazy people are never afraid to look batshit crazy which is why they’re batshit crazy.
When I see some Facebook Rah Rahs for Scientology, no matter how naff, I think, “Well there’s 681 people looking for validation of their religion. It’s not that much further for them to actually google Scientology. Crossies!
And I’ll bet dollars to donuts that shortly after that customer left the Target the ‘offensive’ magazines went right back on the shelf.
I saw this in Aaron’s Twitter feed yesterday and it inspired me to actually go and buy a copy of this week’s People Magazine.
Normally I just wait for a doctor/dentist appointment and catch up on all my People magazine reading there. But I thought it was important to buy a copy this week.
As an aside, People also put out an issue in memory of Glen Campbell, which looks awesome – I flipped through it while waiting in line this morning.
I’m just not sure it’s $15 worth of awesome, you know?
Glad to hear RB is safe after the storm.
Unfortunately, it’s not “after” by a long shot. Miami is just beginning to feel the first/fist of Irma tonight. We’ve a long way to go until this one is behind us. And those living along the US eastern coast line are going to be feeling a huge punch. It’s been downgraded to a category 4 storm, but still is packing one hell of a wallop..
Which Target did you target? Can’t go shopping anywhere without seeing the Magazines on display. More shit is on the way. Go back to your safe space. Boo.
We will see what the corporate office has to say about their contract with the magazine companies. The store manager should be commended on how she handled the cult member. I can only imagine how it would have gone if the situation was reversed!
I am stopping at our local Target tomorrow…should I NOT find People Mag with Leah’s picture on the front, I will demand to see the store Manager AND I will call corporate. I would imagine that AFTER this person LEFT the store, those magazines were placed back on the shelf for customers to purchase. I can hardly believe this story is true.
Other magazines with more graphic pictures & horror stories are on the shelves, people might complain, but those magazine remain on the shelf.
IF this story is TRUE, well, Target, you lost several formerly loyal customers/consumers. I can go to WalMart, the supermarket, & a host of other stores that I’ve seen have this copy of People available on their shelves….I should know…I purchased my copy yesterday.
So glad that Marilyn took responsibility by getting all those pesky People magazines off the stands. I’m sure Ron would be proud of her. This proves that she’s putting in ethics by removing all that ugly information so that those poor, ignorant wogs aren’t exposed to Leah’s vicious campaign to take down the only chance they have of going free and not becoming cinders, even though they haven’t realized that yet. Perhaps she’ll even be featured in a church video. Now, people will only be able to see the magazine if they go to a 7-11, supermarket or hundreds of other outlets. Great handling! You suck, er, rock girl. Bullshit, oops, I mean booyah.
Moxie, you’re killing me here 🙂
Well you know, someone’s gotta support Marilyn. ?
True. That woman is so maligned 🙂
Regarding the Facebook post… two possibilities:
1) The $cilon author is making this story up to impress the other Bubble Sheep. AKA mocking up her own reality.
2) The Target manager deftly calmed down a clearly unhinged maniac by placating her, so as to get her off the premises quickly, then replaced the magazines once the $cilon departed.
Exactly my thought, it’s #2. These managers are trained to calmly deal with lunatics. And this idiot robot didn’t even get it, so much for having your TR’s in.
Right! The store manager was so “theta”. Um, no, Marilyn, appearances to the contrary, she merely spotted you for the whacko you are and handled the situation accordingly. .
When out of the blue a stranger corners you saying he’s Napolean Bonaparte, you say, “How do you do I’ve always wanted to meet you”.
What they usually do is put them back on the shelf with a plastic “shield” in front of them. A lot of stores put them over “Cosmopolitan” mags, for some reason.
Just what I was thinking SP. It’s what I would have done in the same situation. Booyah!
Freedom of Speech? Freedom of Religion? Of course! As long as it is ALL pro-Scientology! I’m sad for this woman. She is so drunk on SCN Kool-aid she can’t see her own hypocrisy.
Where do you find the videos of the church’s reps saying the contributors on the show are liars? Just curious. I too am sad for the people in Scientology that believe the crap spewed out by the church and David Miscavge. Glad to hear Mike and hits family are safe. Keep up the great work by exposing the thieves of Scientolgy.
Mary Beth, the cult does a good job of brainwashing. They instill fear in all their members.
I wonder how long after she left the Target store were the magazines back out on the shelves. I’d bet less than 10 minutes, and the manager now has a great “cray cray customer” story to tell. hahahaha
Every week they have to pull the old magazines off the shelf and put the new ones on. Depending on what day of the week it was, that cray cray may have been doing the manager a favor or she just laughed and put the magazines back thinking yep I can see now how scientologists are THAT crazy.
It’s a shame that the person who posted that doesn’t understand how amazingly bigoted they sound by refusing to allow people to examine things for themselves.
Ha ha!
Yeah, my thoughts too. So much bs is generated in, around and with Scientology it’s a nightmare to look too closely and expect anything like the truth coming from any of them. In just trying to fathom the responses and reactions with the VM call for Texas within my Scientology family connections has opened my eyes up and exposed me to how the Church is really viewed by those who have been silently on the peripheral fringes of Scientologists for a long time. Why Scientology lies so blatantly and adamantly demands money for everything and the effect it creates is stunning. It’s a nasty form of veiled disconnection that leads to horrible speculations, spreading disunity, distrust and further lies. Covering up for them is waning and a type of annoyance is surfacing with the obvious bs they tell and live by getting harder and harder to ignore.
Scientology and the Aftermath series is actually breaking new ground and the confusions and uncertainty people have of Scientology and Scientologists is clearing a pathway at a very domestic level. For the first time open family resentment of Scientology and its effect is beginning to surface within my extended family. I think it may get worse before it gets better, but it is going to get better – and that’s something to look forward to.
I cannot even imagine it really. No one including scientologist have the right to come into a store and DEMAND them to take down magazines, it is ludicrious.
In Moscow International Book Fair stands a booth of New Era, with all body routing sheet attached, but even here they are listening “crazy Zenu folks”, “they believe in a mediocre sci-fi writer as a prophet” and even “where to find about disconnection in this books”
Some photos of this chaps on Facebook (not my photos and not my account)