No wonder LRH hated the world of psychology so much. The term “magical thinking” pretty much sums up at least half his stuff. Muy inconveniente, claro.
I was at the Portland branch today 10-29, for about an hour. In all that time, not one person came in, and the person who was going to evaluate the “Oxford Capacity Analysis, said he would take about 10 minutes or so, I got to look around the place without any escort. They have a blocked off office area for LRH in the back. I was tempted to walk through sit in the chair, and declare I was back and throw DM off the “Passwind.”
I did watch the LRH video of his life. Are you kidding me. LOL. He was a war hero who was wounded, then while he was recovering at a military hospital, he decided to become a doctor. Wait for it, it gets better. OK, so he puts on a uniform, bribes a Marine to say: “Good Morning Doctor” and that was good enough for him to get into the doctor’s library and he was able to study for a year. What a guy. Next, he hears that the “shrinks” are using German prisoners of War to experiment on with Testosterone and other drugs, and good old Ron gets with these guys and they start to respond much to the dismay of the other doctors. WOW!! Onward and upward. Ron is now a semi underground cop, who all the undesirables trust and love. He gets into a hassle while sitting at a bar, as a drunk guy tries to take his gun, (his gun in full uniform)because the drunk wants to shoot his friend. Ron gives the guy a “Mikey Finn” drink of salt and water, and after the guy throws that drink up he confesses to Ronnie that he wants to change his life. OK gang, believe what you want, but there is more and this should convince you that whatever Ronnie says is the whole truth. He is now an engineer for aviation, and is called in to help with a great problem of weight, energy, thrust, drag of aircraft and rocket ships. Those in charge are so dumb that they have to have fuel for their craft, which of course adds weight. To tell the truth, I designed aircraft also, and was a pilot, and had to fuel up before take-off. Boy, was I dumb. I never got to the part where our spacecraft is going to the planets and stars without fuel, because the guy called me for my analysis. I could have spent all day just listening to good old Ron and his life history. I told the guy doing the analysis that LRH was quite a guy, and his reply was: “And he was so humble.” LOL. For God’s sake stop me, I’m on a roll. It has been a very good day, and yes, I did have just too much fun.
I am a curious soul, and had gotten the Oxford Capacity Analysis questionnaire a couple of weeks back and filled in the questions.
This morning I went back to the Portland headquarters, and gave them my filled out questionnaire. There was just the receptionist and the place was totally empty. She called out for a guy to come and give me a read-out of the questionnaire. I am sure that you have all done this about 200 questions yourself.
My readout came out thus: Stable: 10 Happy:80, Composed:30 Certainty:55, Active:50 Aggressive:52 Responsible (causative)80, Correct Estimation: -10, Appreciative-45, Comm level:30.
It comes out that my “state of mind” is very high. “Potential Reach Goals: also quite high, but, relationships (romantic, friends, family) was in the minus sector, along with Loss, betrayal, and difficulty trusting.
I asked about the e-meters, which I actually saw one at the site, but he did not offer to let me use it. Kind of came out that it does so much more than a “lie detector” and can read your thoughts. LOL. Good thing I didn’t go on the “cans,” he would have found that I had quite a few thoughts.
He asked what I wanted to change, and I told him that my life as it is, is perfect. He did say that he thought that the cult would be something that I would enjoy and learn from. I said good-bye and left (with my questionnaire results).
I believe that I am no longer a “Wog” but now am a “Muggle”
Forgive me, but I never did find out, or I overlooked the message, on why Marty went back to the cult. Was he bribed, they had some dark secret, etc.
He was so anti-Scientology and told stories of abuse, and corruption, in public, plus was harassed at his home, that one would think that he would never give in to this cult once out.
It has been said that he is a trully capable auditor. He has good experience with celebrities and the related auditing-protocols.Remember, we all wait for the next PR wave : transcendence through open,public conflict with the church itself, gets you on levels above 8
Are you kidding?? He’d have a special hole built for young LRH with 3 times the fortification so that he could never get out and could never tell anybody, especially Diana and the rest of his living family, that he was back.
If it wasn’t as true as it is, it would be even funnier.
Reminds me of the actual situation, a few years ago now, but where the OT8s in my family were convinced the “thetan” of the dog they had that just died, searched out a new dog body and communicated to them to “come get me!” So they went all the way across LA to a particular pet dealer they knew from the theta transmission had their past theta pooch in a new body and bought it
They are now all one big happy family again.
I’m not joking! I couldn’t believe how serious my sister in law was when she told my wife. I thought she was leading us to some punch line or something but had to go feed the puppy. Oh my…
When the cherch pulled the old OT4-7 courses is when they backed out of demonstratable abilities. That required they rewrite the grade chart abilities to delete ’cause over mest, both mental and physical’.
At least A. Crowley required observable proof from his students . page 369 of Magic in Theory and Practice: ‘Paraphrased’
Physical Clairvoyance:
Have the student take a deck of cards, shuffle, spread out and pick one (face down). Write down red or black with ‘clairvoyance. Turn the card over and record the result. Repeat as many times as needed to ‘see’ the correct color 3 of 4 tries.
Next, have the student shuffle, spread and pull a card. Write down a suit, turn over and continue drilling until 3 of 4 ‘seeings’ are correct.
Next, shuffle, pick a card, write down suit and identity, turn over and record. Continue until correct 3 of 4 times.
Turn in the above results to your superior and be tested as above before progressing to the next step.
I was not privy to all of the reasons but a conclusion several of us on the public lines came to about the cancellation of the OT levels ( as OT drills) was: Someone could be on each level for years before demonstrating the exact ability, the processes would never get someone that ability, AND there would be no money coming in while someone was drilling.
Not true Wynski, I did “old” OTVII and was moving other’s bodies from a distance – in fact your arm has just moved and you have just picked your nose. Many others who did the “old” OT Levels state the same thing – why Hubbard “pulled” them as you say was the fact that the NOTs case hindered the regular practicing of the OT abilities obtained from these levels. I also did the card trick mentioned above once guessing which card was selected. Whoops – your muscles involuntarily twitched again eh!
Just an question about old news now. Does anyone know how the “Way to Happiness” book sales is or was doing to the good people of Las Vegas. Perhaps they can give them out to the homeless wogs to use to warm themselves on cold nights and be used for other paper products that people use each day.
The Las Vegas victims have been helped immeasurably by reading WTH in that they have each cognited on having “pulled in” that lunatic, murderous SP due to their own out -ethics blind spots.
Thanks to WTH they now understand their role in this tragedy and are able to take responsibility.
They know what they should have been doing, and they know what to do from now on in order to safeguard themselves from any possible future such murderous rampages by a mentally ill person with a machine gun.
Each and every one of them now not only brush but floss their teeth after every meal.
Really a huge win
Moreover, they’ve each obtained conceal-carry permits to ensure their portable toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss are always at the ready no matter where they are, particularly when attending large, open air concerts.
Certainly, they’ll be a lot safer now, and I’m told they’re a great deal happier, too.
Just another Success Story and you’ll hear about it in exciting detail at the IAS Event at your local M’org…I mean, org.
I look forward to a new cult poster of the folks from Las Vegas with bright white teeth, saying that they owe their smiles after reading WTH, given their money, time, and lives over to the cult of Scientology, and everyone is going to sign a billion year contract.
Toothbrush Tech has had FAR more beneficial effects on this and other disaster prone groups than mere wog dental health!
Try their LIVES, Lance.
Not to mention their children’s future, the safety and well being of their community and possibly the future of the planet and all civilized societies on it as well.
No worries, this will all be explained by COB at the IAS Event.
In addition to the fact that LRH treated the field of psychiatry like a narcissistic jilted girl angrily reacts to the guy who just “isn’t that into her” (because they were not super impressed by his “scientific” explanation of the universe and self-aggrandizing methods of solving human problems) – it’s obvious he might have had something to worry about if they ever got to know him better.
The terms “magical thinking” and “delusions of grandeur” come to mind. Like those people that wrap their heads in tinfoil. Only he managed to make that gooey center sound all normal and all-American on the crispy, crunchy outside. And no wonder he wouldn’t let anyone inside ask any questions. It does not take much to punch through that wall of slimy reasoning.
“Because I said so” and “questioning me makes you evil” is the ultimate cop out of any dogma. CoS turned that into any Olympic event. What good is being “clear” of anything if it turns you into a nervous zombie?
“ .a narcissistic, jilted girl…” OMG, you nailed it. He never let this rebuff go. Never. Nursed a grudge until his dying day and selected the entire field out as Scientology’s enemy. It made no sense. After all, Scientology famously only treats “the able”, never the insane. Two different “publics”, one would think.
Yeah I think it was a kind of combination of being furious they didn’t fall all over themselves calling him the next Sigmund Freud and handing him a Nobel prize for Figuring Out Everythng, and a deep-seated fear in the back of his head that they might be whispering behind his back that some of his uh, personality disorders, might make him look insane and not just quirky. I’ve known some people who had similar problems who were frantically paranoid that someone would “lock them up” for being insane, even though they were not likely to be. Later on in life, he might have thought that was a possibility. Which may also have been why he booby-trapped everything so nobody could question him ever without being severely punished. When you go around telling people you are Jesus (or whomever), your only defense is to actually make them bow and worship you. Otherwise they might say the emperor is naked. Not a way to consolidate power.
Thanks Aqua. But I’m just a student of humans in general and *gasp* psychology. We all have pretty similar and predictable motivations when it comes down to it. This cult seems like a sort of microcosm of LRH’s deepest seated If I Ruled The World fantasy. Kind of his own personal SIM City of success. And the overall structure and techniques are echoed or replicated in many other places. Without drawing a relevant current parallel, I’d like to say that some people are just wonderful at marketing and terrible at delivering actual results. (Although the world of real estate surprisingly comes up in both.)
Wow! So I’m actually OT! I lose my keys all the time, but, I end up finding them! All hail my Super Powers! If any one of you posters loses their keys, just beam me a thought and I’ll tell you where they are.
So my brother in law, who has MS must be a “natural” OT? He has a handicap tag and always finds parking, even in national parks. He’ll be so excited to hear this!
Handicapped people have Super Powers too! Right on & good for them! You really don’t want to mess with old people. They’ve seen everything and done everything. I give them a wide berth. They can be pretty tough.
Doubt they will attribute their miraculous ability to survive and “pulling in the Navy” to reading a WTH booklet, TC, DM, LRH or courses on the Fleawinds….
Wondering…. Does the Fleawinds ever do any rescue work….? Why didn’t the Sea Org/ Fleawinds see these women in need and pick up on their SOS signals in the “theta universe?”
Ooops, sorry… For a moment there, I was thinking this was a church, actually doing charitable works with soopah powers….
Their lack of “OT-ness” really missed some good rescue PR photo ops. for sure…
can you help me find a pair of tree clippers 2nd pair pretty sure some thief stole 1st pair & at 50.00 each I can’t keep buying them but the last pair is Missing…..smh
What a scream!
If OT were actually a thing, I mean if the bridge really existed, wild horses couldn’t keep people away. I had enough at OT3. My final process went something like this…
“See that door. Walk over to that door. Leave and never come back.”
Whoa! Zola! You have super powers too! You saw that door. You walked over to that door. You opened that door….and you never went back! Now that’s using your Super Powers in the correct order of magnitude. Way to go, Zola!
OTs with telekinesis? Theta can now influence MEST? Oh wait, the last episode of Aftermath says that the Church of Scientology denies any guarantees that gains will be made while on service. It’s on that legal form all Scientologists must sign. Too bad, there are a lot of people out there that want to have Obi-Wan Kanobi powers or Darth Vader’s throat choke.
May the Force be with you.
It’s obvious that there are NO OT powers as promoted by LRH. Don’t you think Miscavige and some other OT8s would get together and “as is” the physical bodies of Rinder, Remini, Ortega and Garcia to make their SP attacks disappear?. Instead he (miscavige) has to use crass MEST techniques like the WOG legal system and “fair gaming’ to handle the threats against $cientology posed by the individual cited above.
john johnson, let me put it this way: if Miscavige’s “handlings” of suppression were comedy, the level would be a skit about someone slipping on a banana peel and having that be hilarious. That’s his level. Crude, rude, obvious , empty-headed – which all together is promoted as being “manly” and “tough”..Miscavige should rejoice as his style seems to be one that’s enjoying a renaissance nowadays.
I love the attention to detail, like the ad on the back cover and those on the side of the truck. Times must be tough if they’re having to accept adverts for that book!
For those challenged by small pictures, and whose OT powers do not include magnification of computer screens, the side of the truck has the International Association of Scientologists logo, plus The Way to Happiness blurb. Opera sings its way to my rescue, again.
Only the mind of a demented, 2nd rate sci-fi writer could come up with this convoluted logic.
And then to convince people to believe it AND pay him?!?
Holy Crap!!!
It’s unbelievable the amount of common sense that flies out the window daily to be replaced by upside-down thinking and tin-plated, antisocial dictators and sadists.
The power of persuasion at work…deny reality because it’s just too painful to accept? I denied it when I was told Santa didn’t really exist until age 35… It’s still painful for me…lol!
Right when I heard about him being a SciFi writer Bells rang & thought wth lol & this was Before I heard about what there about & even after I have I still smh but for a Crazy Mind he’d get an A for confusion & wacky Maps of this Cult & sad ppl give there life & money they’ll need at some point and has be a stressful life always wondering if you said,did ? wrong & Back to school in the Principal’s office in trouble again & wtf dose razor wire & locked in about they shouldn’t have any right to lock anyone up,abuse that’s Criminal & were the Bad ppl Wow…..
Did anyone notice the back page of the Freedom magazine has an ad for Ron Miscaviges’ book “Ruthless” ?
No wonder LRH hated the world of psychology so much. The term “magical thinking” pretty much sums up at least half his stuff. Muy inconveniente, claro.
I was at the Portland branch today 10-29, for about an hour. In all that time, not one person came in, and the person who was going to evaluate the “Oxford Capacity Analysis, said he would take about 10 minutes or so, I got to look around the place without any escort. They have a blocked off office area for LRH in the back. I was tempted to walk through sit in the chair, and declare I was back and throw DM off the “Passwind.”
I did watch the LRH video of his life. Are you kidding me. LOL. He was a war hero who was wounded, then while he was recovering at a military hospital, he decided to become a doctor. Wait for it, it gets better. OK, so he puts on a uniform, bribes a Marine to say: “Good Morning Doctor” and that was good enough for him to get into the doctor’s library and he was able to study for a year. What a guy. Next, he hears that the “shrinks” are using German prisoners of War to experiment on with Testosterone and other drugs, and good old Ron gets with these guys and they start to respond much to the dismay of the other doctors. WOW!! Onward and upward. Ron is now a semi underground cop, who all the undesirables trust and love. He gets into a hassle while sitting at a bar, as a drunk guy tries to take his gun, (his gun in full uniform)because the drunk wants to shoot his friend. Ron gives the guy a “Mikey Finn” drink of salt and water, and after the guy throws that drink up he confesses to Ronnie that he wants to change his life. OK gang, believe what you want, but there is more and this should convince you that whatever Ronnie says is the whole truth. He is now an engineer for aviation, and is called in to help with a great problem of weight, energy, thrust, drag of aircraft and rocket ships. Those in charge are so dumb that they have to have fuel for their craft, which of course adds weight. To tell the truth, I designed aircraft also, and was a pilot, and had to fuel up before take-off. Boy, was I dumb. I never got to the part where our spacecraft is going to the planets and stars without fuel, because the guy called me for my analysis. I could have spent all day just listening to good old Ron and his life history. I told the guy doing the analysis that LRH was quite a guy, and his reply was: “And he was so humble.” LOL. For God’s sake stop me, I’m on a roll. It has been a very good day, and yes, I did have just too much fun.
Hello everyone.
I am a curious soul, and had gotten the Oxford Capacity Analysis questionnaire a couple of weeks back and filled in the questions.
This morning I went back to the Portland headquarters, and gave them my filled out questionnaire. There was just the receptionist and the place was totally empty. She called out for a guy to come and give me a read-out of the questionnaire. I am sure that you have all done this about 200 questions yourself.
My readout came out thus: Stable: 10 Happy:80, Composed:30 Certainty:55, Active:50 Aggressive:52 Responsible (causative)80, Correct Estimation: -10, Appreciative-45, Comm level:30.
It comes out that my “state of mind” is very high. “Potential Reach Goals: also quite high, but, relationships (romantic, friends, family) was in the minus sector, along with Loss, betrayal, and difficulty trusting.
I asked about the e-meters, which I actually saw one at the site, but he did not offer to let me use it. Kind of came out that it does so much more than a “lie detector” and can read your thoughts. LOL. Good thing I didn’t go on the “cans,” he would have found that I had quite a few thoughts.
He asked what I wanted to change, and I told him that my life as it is, is perfect. He did say that he thought that the cult would be something that I would enjoy and learn from. I said good-bye and left (with my questionnaire results).
I believe that I am no longer a “Wog” but now am a “Muggle”
Quick now Marty, put the top of your suit and interview yourself. I expect your thoughts in no less than 30 separate videos!
That made me laugh…that’s exactly what he did! It’s insane
Forgive me, but I never did find out, or I overlooked the message, on why Marty went back to the cult. Was he bribed, they had some dark secret, etc.
He was so anti-Scientology and told stories of abuse, and corruption, in public, plus was harassed at his home, that one would think that he would never give in to this cult once out.
Thanks for any information.
It has been said that he is a trully capable auditor. He has good experience with celebrities and the related auditing-protocols.Remember, we all wait for the next PR wave : transcendence through open,public conflict with the church itself, gets you on levels above 8
Classic! Love it!???
so if RLH came back on his Bday would DM step down w.o a fight??????
Hell, no!
Are you kidding?? He’d have a special hole built for young LRH with 3 times the fortification so that he could never get out and could never tell anybody, especially Diana and the rest of his living family, that he was back.
The Sphincter which is Sct right there in there Mag….
I completely lost it with the DC-8. Hysterically hilarious…
Truck driver my ass…
I dedicate this to David Miscavige and the Co$.
If it wasn’t as true as it is, it would be even funnier.
Reminds me of the actual situation, a few years ago now, but where the OT8s in my family were convinced the “thetan” of the dog they had that just died, searched out a new dog body and communicated to them to “come get me!” So they went all the way across LA to a particular pet dealer they knew from the theta transmission had their past theta pooch in a new body and bought it
They are now all one big happy family again.
I’m not joking! I couldn’t believe how serious my sister in law was when she told my wife. I thought she was leading us to some punch line or something but had to go feed the puppy. Oh my…
That is hilarious!
This has to be the best RB so far… retro or not!
When the cherch pulled the old OT4-7 courses is when they backed out of demonstratable abilities. That required they rewrite the grade chart abilities to delete ’cause over mest, both mental and physical’.
At least A. Crowley required observable proof from his students . page 369 of Magic in Theory and Practice: ‘Paraphrased’
Physical Clairvoyance:
Have the student take a deck of cards, shuffle, spread out and pick one (face down). Write down red or black with ‘clairvoyance. Turn the card over and record the result. Repeat as many times as needed to ‘see’ the correct color 3 of 4 tries.
Next, have the student shuffle, spread and pull a card. Write down a suit, turn over and continue drilling until 3 of 4 ‘seeings’ are correct.
Next, shuffle, pick a card, write down suit and identity, turn over and record. Continue until correct 3 of 4 times.
Turn in the above results to your superior and be tested as above before progressing to the next step.
Jim, the church did no such thing. El Con pulled those levels in favor of “NOTs” AKA NUTs because no one got any abilities from the original levels.
I was not privy to all of the reasons but a conclusion several of us on the public lines came to about the cancellation of the OT levels ( as OT drills) was: Someone could be on each level for years before demonstrating the exact ability, the processes would never get someone that ability, AND there would be no money coming in while someone was drilling.
Not true Wynski, I did “old” OTVII and was moving other’s bodies from a distance – in fact your arm has just moved and you have just picked your nose. Many others who did the “old” OT Levels state the same thing – why Hubbard “pulled” them as you say was the fact that the NOTs case hindered the regular practicing of the OT abilities obtained from these levels. I also did the card trick mentioned above once guessing which card was selected. Whoops – your muscles involuntarily twitched again eh!
Ha, ha!
Just an question about old news now. Does anyone know how the “Way to Happiness” book sales is or was doing to the good people of Las Vegas. Perhaps they can give them out to the homeless wogs to use to warm themselves on cold nights and be used for other paper products that people use each day.
The Las Vegas victims have been helped immeasurably by reading WTH in that they have each cognited on having “pulled in” that lunatic, murderous SP due to their own out -ethics blind spots.
Thanks to WTH they now understand their role in this tragedy and are able to take responsibility.
They know what they should have been doing, and they know what to do from now on in order to safeguard themselves from any possible future such murderous rampages by a mentally ill person with a machine gun.
Each and every one of them now not only brush but floss their teeth after every meal.
Really a huge win
Moreover, they’ve each obtained conceal-carry permits to ensure their portable toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss are always at the ready no matter where they are, particularly when attending large, open air concerts.
Certainly, they’ll be a lot safer now, and I’m told they’re a great deal happier, too.
Just another Success Story and you’ll hear about it in exciting detail at the IAS Event at your local M’org…I mean, org.
I look forward to a new cult poster of the folks from Las Vegas with bright white teeth, saying that they owe their smiles after reading WTH, given their money, time, and lives over to the cult of Scientology, and everyone is going to sign a billion year contract.
Their smiles? Flunk!
Toothbrush Tech has had FAR more beneficial effects on this and other disaster prone groups than mere wog dental health!
Try their LIVES, Lance.
Not to mention their children’s future, the safety and well being of their community and possibly the future of the planet and all civilized societies on it as well.
No worries, this will all be explained by COB at the IAS Event.
In addition to the fact that LRH treated the field of psychiatry like a narcissistic jilted girl angrily reacts to the guy who just “isn’t that into her” (because they were not super impressed by his “scientific” explanation of the universe and self-aggrandizing methods of solving human problems) – it’s obvious he might have had something to worry about if they ever got to know him better.
The terms “magical thinking” and “delusions of grandeur” come to mind. Like those people that wrap their heads in tinfoil. Only he managed to make that gooey center sound all normal and all-American on the crispy, crunchy outside. And no wonder he wouldn’t let anyone inside ask any questions. It does not take much to punch through that wall of slimy reasoning.
“Because I said so” and “questioning me makes you evil” is the ultimate cop out of any dogma. CoS turned that into any Olympic event. What good is being “clear” of anything if it turns you into a nervous zombie?
Jilted girl!! Perfect.
“ .a narcissistic, jilted girl…” OMG, you nailed it. He never let this rebuff go. Never. Nursed a grudge until his dying day and selected the entire field out as Scientology’s enemy. It made no sense. After all, Scientology famously only treats “the able”, never the insane. Two different “publics”, one would think.
Yeah I think it was a kind of combination of being furious they didn’t fall all over themselves calling him the next Sigmund Freud and handing him a Nobel prize for Figuring Out Everythng, and a deep-seated fear in the back of his head that they might be whispering behind his back that some of his uh, personality disorders, might make him look insane and not just quirky. I’ve known some people who had similar problems who were frantically paranoid that someone would “lock them up” for being insane, even though they were not likely to be. Later on in life, he might have thought that was a possibility. Which may also have been why he booby-trapped everything so nobody could question him ever without being severely punished. When you go around telling people you are Jesus (or whomever), your only defense is to actually make them bow and worship you. Otherwise they might say the emperor is naked. Not a way to consolidate power.
Summed up with your customary acuity, Cecybeans. I have to say, for a Never In you have remarkable insight into what made/makes this cult tick.
Thanks Aqua. But I’m just a student of humans in general and *gasp* psychology. We all have pretty similar and predictable motivations when it comes down to it. This cult seems like a sort of microcosm of LRH’s deepest seated If I Ruled The World fantasy. Kind of his own personal SIM City of success. And the overall structure and techniques are echoed or replicated in many other places. Without drawing a relevant current parallel, I’d like to say that some people are just wonderful at marketing and terrible at delivering actual results. (Although the world of real estate surprisingly comes up in both.)
Wow! So I’m actually OT! I lose my keys all the time, but, I end up finding them! All hail my Super Powers! If any one of you posters loses their keys, just beam me a thought and I’ll tell you where they are.
The MOST OT people are the ones with the Handicapped Parking Tags. They find parking spaces EVERY SINGLE TIME. How OT is that?
So my brother in law, who has MS must be a “natural” OT? He has a handicap tag and always finds parking, even in national parks. He’ll be so excited to hear this!
I guess I need further auditing or something. I have a handicap Tag and I couldn’t find an available space at the grocery store today….
Handicapped people have Super Powers too! Right on & good for them! You really don’t want to mess with old people. They’ve seen everything and done everything. I give them a wide berth. They can be pretty tough.
Especially the ones who wear flip flops and carry surfboards.
I can’t imagine who that may be…
An old guy like myself with cane can be dangerous.
As in Miracle On 34th St where the ball buster guy got bopped on the head with the cane owned by “Santa Clause” (Kris Kringle)……
That must be one of your super powers. Cane man! He’s old, but he’s dangerous.
All men are dangerous. The older ones more so in that they have more experience 🙂
An old mean one beats a young mean one any time. LOL.
Oh, God….hahahahaha…
Here is real “OT” in action…
Doubt they will attribute their miraculous ability to survive and “pulling in the Navy” to reading a WTH booklet, TC, DM, LRH or courses on the Fleawinds….
Wondering…. Does the Fleawinds ever do any rescue work….? Why didn’t the Sea Org/ Fleawinds see these women in need and pick up on their SOS signals in the “theta universe?”
Ooops, sorry… For a moment there, I was thinking this was a church, actually doing charitable works with soopah powers….
Their lack of “OT-ness” really missed some good rescue PR photo ops. for sure…
can you help me find a pair of tree clippers 2nd pair pretty sure some thief stole 1st pair & at 50.00 each I can’t keep buying them but the last pair is Missing…..smh
What a scream!
If OT were actually a thing, I mean if the bridge really existed, wild horses couldn’t keep people away. I had enough at OT3. My final process went something like this…
“See that door. Walk over to that door. Leave and never come back.”
Whoa! Zola! You have super powers too! You saw that door. You walked over to that door. You opened that door….and you never went back! Now that’s using your Super Powers in the correct order of magnitude. Way to go, Zola!
Ha ha ha! I like that process!
What a TR:
Walk over to that door.
Open that door
Step through that door.
Close that door behind you.
Walk home now.
Never return.
End of TR.
Hoping all’s well with you, RB, because I’m really looking forward to a hiatus to your present hiatus!
OTs with telekinesis? Theta can now influence MEST? Oh wait, the last episode of Aftermath says that the Church of Scientology denies any guarantees that gains will be made while on service. It’s on that legal form all Scientologists must sign. Too bad, there are a lot of people out there that want to have Obi-Wan Kanobi powers or Darth Vader’s throat choke.
May the Force be with you.
well your fault for not using the Invisible Ink & a Million Contract hell No be like a Mill car payments or house so Not w.o My Ink……
Love the small detail – ad for “Ruthless” on the back!!
I saw that too! That’s hysterically funny
That is hilarious!
Also, the initials of the OT writing the success story….BS.
Yes, that cracked me up too! I love RB’s semi-hidden satire.
Is that a not so subtle a hint. Bullshit. Aka BS.
Very good, OSD. That’s a pass. Tomorrow we start long division. Be well rested and well fed and don’t forget the ganga.
Please bring enough to share with all, Dude.
Believe me, I have enough for everyone.
I like the tractor trailer hauling WTH booklets that the aliens try to thwart with tractor beam ice!
It’s obvious that there are NO OT powers as promoted by LRH. Don’t you think Miscavige and some other OT8s would get together and “as is” the physical bodies of Rinder, Remini, Ortega and Garcia to make their SP attacks disappear?. Instead he (miscavige) has to use crass MEST techniques like the WOG legal system and “fair gaming’ to handle the threats against $cientology posed by the individual cited above.
ROTFLMAO! Absolutely brilliant John, having to use Mest techniques like the WOG legal system! LOL LOL LOL
john johnson, let me put it this way: if Miscavige’s “handlings” of suppression were comedy, the level would be a skit about someone slipping on a banana peel and having that be hilarious. That’s his level. Crude, rude, obvious , empty-headed – which all together is promoted as being “manly” and “tough”..Miscavige should rejoice as his style seems to be one that’s enjoying a renaissance nowadays.
OT in my world mean Over Time not in RLH time here 🙂
Eyes watering. Cult members really believe this crap.
They have to. That’s what their hanging on to. The carrot at the end of the stick. But, they can never reach it.
Carrots are yummy. Ever see a blind rabbit?
I love the attention to detail, like the ad on the back cover and those on the side of the truck. Times must be tough if they’re having to accept adverts for that book!
For those challenged by small pictures, and whose OT powers do not include magnification of computer screens, the side of the truck has the International Association of Scientologists logo, plus The Way to Happiness blurb. Opera sings its way to my rescue, again.
Only the mind of a demented, 2nd rate sci-fi writer could come up with this convoluted logic.
And then to convince people to believe it AND pay him?!?
Holy Crap!!!
It’s unbelievable the amount of common sense that flies out the window daily to be replaced by upside-down thinking and tin-plated, antisocial dictators and sadists.
The power of persuasion at work…deny reality because it’s just too painful to accept? I denied it when I was told Santa didn’t really exist until age 35… It’s still painful for me…lol!
Right when I heard about him being a SciFi writer Bells rang & thought wth lol & this was Before I heard about what there about & even after I have I still smh but for a Crazy Mind he’d get an A for confusion & wacky Maps of this Cult & sad ppl give there life & money they’ll need at some point and has be a stressful life always wondering if you said,did ? wrong & Back to school in the Principal’s office in trouble again & wtf dose razor wire & locked in about they shouldn’t have any right to lock anyone up,abuse that’s Criminal & were the Bad ppl Wow…..
This is definitely one of the top 5 RBs ever, on the whole track even!
Silwy Wabbits.
Trix are for kids?
So funny
So true
So sad