OMG! An RB with a happy ending! I didn’t think that was possible. I am honestly a little giggly about it. Keep up the great work. Your comics sometimes kick me in the emotional balls but it is worth it.
Hi OSD,Aqua is a Sea Angel and an angel can be male female both or neither at least ones I have known are so bright no body needed.You & Aqua are wonderful sprites & very strong spirits.XO Ann B.
Regraded, others have said it already but I still want to personally thank you for this happy ending. I’m looking at it as a postulate for many – ideally all – of the still ins.
What a fantastic Regraded Being today. Such depth in the first three panels. The fact that it’s a toon makes the tsunami of truth so much stealthier and perfect.
The first thing I noticed (and liked) about the last panel was the subtle rainbow-ish colors. I was then a bit confused at the materialistic words. Then I got RB’s point, which is obviously freedom from the sci psycho hamster wheel and doing what you want with your money. But it still seems vaguely miscavige-like, the glee at fancy things .. “yay we’re off that crazed Hubbard hamster wheel, whee, we’re now free to be on the bigger dumbass hamster wheel of brands and mindless consumption”.. um. Ok.
So, for me, sorta fail on the last panel. For a split second I actually thought they’d been implanted with some miscavige-esque virus. Anyway still love you RB.
Hi worstcultever,Very good to meet you.I like MEST as well as any 64 yr old who has made it this far,but here is my spin I never have worshiped or chased after MEST as a way to puff myself up or compete.If I we can easily afford our Lexus GX 460,then at our age it is a beautiful and safe vehicle,although I love to confuse Siri by putting in Cajun French place names in Louisiana,she gets really paranoid she can’t get the pronunciation.But you know I just had a thought that some of the young SO Members who do manage to get out might be enticed by all the shiny new MEST things because they never had any in SO.Some of us long-agoers already had MEST when we joined and like me willingly gave it all up for Ron.So now on the other side,It is around us but not of my spirit or daily routines.RB is so brilliant with subtleties that I can go back to earlier strips & find new cognitions.That ability that RB has so very special and True.Take Care Ann B.
i once met a beautiful girl whom i loved very much and because i refused to turn into a scientologist (im a christian) her parents declared me an sp and well u can guess the rest
George, I understand, and that must have given you a lot of pain, to lose her and be treated that way by her parents. But my opinion is that there was an angel over your shoulder, and you dodged a deadly bullet. She could have become your wife and the mother of your children and then, if you had disagreements…you get the idea.
Hi Geore, sorry to hear of your loss. In all fairness, when I was a Scientologist I was completely open to dating or marrying a non Scientologist. But my Christian girl friend wasn’t as open minded and left me because I was not into Christianity.
Thanks, Regraded, for this spot-on satire of the Still-Ins’ dilemma, i.e. how they can get their own cases handled and go up the Bridge while at the same time buying a building so that the cult can audit them.
Thank you Mike and thank you all who post here. Hearing exes talk of there experience in and out of the church is very helpful to me. I didn’t make it far up the bridge and for a long time while I was out I assumed Scientology was all it claimed it was and I just didn’t get far enough up the bridge to gain all the miraculous abilities. Reading comments here from people who obviously made it farther then me sheds new light on my experience. Thank you all. God bless.
Hi Good People. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in scientology or where you are at on the bridge, all of your porblems will be solved and all your wildest dreams will come true with the “next action”. Don’t take my word for it. Go ask your local registrar.
Hi RB,A great post. And that is really in my opinion what registrars do best,set their mark up and pull the trigger.Ann you did that for over three years until you were given other duties that made it impossible to do all the letters out in that I had been doing.Hard to dictate when your face is swollen.Always Ann B.
You’re welcome, Good People. Nice to have you here. I didn’t make it that far up the Bridge either. The auditing I did get was pretty terrific 20 years ago but then I stopped due to finance concerns. Now, I’m looking forward to getting auditing and training in the Indie Field. (Note to John Locke: I know you don’t want to hear this, but don’t be too hard on me, OK? I’m already saying, “Ouch” 🙂
Hi Aquamarine,I will still always adore you.You have to follow your heart.If you’d like give me a post on how you progress.I’m too hurt by GOI twists with the tech to follow your exact path,but I will cheer you on every step you want to take.Just be yourself & don’t do any thing that does not feel good to you.Lone Always Ann B.
Hi Aqua, I agree with you about the auditing, I loved it. I think there is some part of Scientology that has value. Unfortunately it seems to be inextricably attached to an OPPRESSIVE CULT. I’m currently looking into Idenics. I think John Galusha may have isolated the good part of Scientology from the rest of the oppressive soul control crap.
This whole “you must not have in order to be a team member” thing is one of the flags that got me to look at the real scene in scamology. El Con ran the typical Cult leader game of members having to sacrifice all while the “leader” lived like royalty. It all flowed from hisself down the “org board”.
John, would you mind clarifying the pronoun “it” in your last sentence? It’s been a loooonnnng week, and my melted brain is painting all sorts of, ahem, unpleasant pictures.
Thanks, and happy weekend everyone! Hope you have plenty of whatever floats your Boston Whaler!
Grace, “It” all flowed….” It being the practice of demanding that scientologists abandon adequate food, housing, time off, goods above poverty level, etc. in order to give everything to the cause of scientology.
Hi John Locke,Thankyou,for tears,fears.cancers,dream smashed,I am so so happy to be free.Freedom makes it all worth while.I never truly appreciated it until I gave it to SO.Love U Ann B.
That’s like saying you should prick yourself over and over again with a pin because it is such a relief when it stops. Best advice is to listen to those who have experienced the cult first hand and trust that it is not something you ever want to experience.
If you are ever curious about them buy a book from an established book shop, never from an individual and especially not the cult itself, they will add your details to their files and never leave you alone.
An in-the-trenches update on your Vulture Culture:
It was a great day to be having an iced coffee at Starbucks in Studio City.
A young starlet sat down at a nearby table with her iced latte. She looked about, expecting to meet someone.
Soon, a male and a female (wearing uniforms) joined her with their iced drinks. Initially, the silver vested male and female spoke softly and leaned into the table while glancing around the area over their shoulders to see if they recognized anyone. Before long, they were speaking in much louder voices about “going to Flag” and how great things are going at “Flag”.
The vested vultures pried into her financial picture and informed her that she needed to be on her way to Flag “tonight”. She explained to them why she wasn’t going “tonight”. She explained that she would complete the services that she had already paid for before coughing up any more money. She told them that she was anticipating doing a TV commercial and would get a sizable chunk of cash for it.
The male and female silver vested vultures took turns going off to get their second Starbucks fixes and tag-teaming her for as much personal information as they could yank out of her. She continued to dig in the heels of her Nikes, explaining that she needed to leave soon to feed her dog.
The male vulture wanted to go with her to her place to help her pack her bags to go to Flag.
Then the female vulture ‘jokingly’ flipped off the young starlet for one of her resistive comments.
Panic set in for the vultures. The male silver vested vulture paced the patio while speaking on his cell phone. It was obvious that he was getting an ear full of obscenities. He looked as though his senior had told him that his testicles would be put in a vise if he returned to the office without sending his prey off to Flag “tonight”. The female silver vested vulture was in shock and looked like the classic deer in the headlights.
The young starlet extracted herself form the ensuing train wreck with the need to go feed her dog.
The obvious ‘one shot clear’ was to provide her with the URL to Mike’s blog.
NOTICE OF CLARIFICATION: Regraded Being does agree with Joe that both Audi and Boston Whaler make fine products as does Adidas. We do not, however, promote or recommend any company as a financial investment. Joe’s decision to possibly invest in Adidas is slanted more towards a spiritual return on investment. Google the words Scientology and Adidas together to see just how much research Joe had to do before determining Adidas might be a good place for him to invest. We urge the reader to do their own research and use their own judgement before investing in any entity that does not offer Status in return for money.
The over-use of the phrase, “you need to”, and its even more obnoxious cousin, “I need you to”, were always so inspiring to me and really helped motivate me.
Inspired me to say, “fuck this”, and helped motivate me to get the hell out.
Welcome to the real world, Mr. And Mrs. Joe. It’s mighty fine out here.
And thanks RB for the cartoon today. It’s a good reminder!
I always loathed hearing “you need to”, or “we really need you to”. So manipulative. I always wanted to snap back, “Who the hell are you to tell me what I need to do?”. Grrr!
Hi jrfool,Good to meet you I say you did great! Love those Amends Projects straight 100% ammonia, no face masks scrapping rubber tiles up off the floors of the entrance hall to Big Blue with a screwdriver for hours.Happy you missed that party.Always Ann B.
What I love about RB is how it hits the nail on the head – every time. And it does so with insouciance, light heartedness and one hell of a dose of FUNNY.
I find myself wanting to “like” comments on this blog – I even looked for a “like” button on this thread – duh. Anyone else feel the same?
Thanks RB for ending my week on such a high note – perfect kick-off to an awesome, fundraising-free, other fish to fry, dilettante & lackadaisical weekend. Yee-ahh! 🙂
Looks to me like Dapper Dave inadvertently released OT IX and X – the “Severe Dynamic Alignment Session” must be related to the “Severe Reality Adjustment” so effectively piloted on the Int Base. It was so powerful in the interaction shown that the PC achieved the EP merely by receiving the R-Factor.
OT IX EP – Complete brain fuse when you realize the Bridge leads only to money for nothing and there is no officially sanctioned way out.
OT X EP – You realize you don’t have to wear no stinkin’ badges. You don’t have to listen to fast-talking regges. All they want is your money!
At that point the PC sidesteps out of the squirrel cage of SRD – OTVIII – SRD again and emerges in the light of true freedom. Just where he started before his first session, but forever impervious to the blandishments of Registrars near and far. Utter and complete total freedom – from Scientology. You can do it too.
I should write a Success Story.
Apologies to the never-ins who may see this massive concatenation of Scio-speak, just pray that you are never so desperate that you really need to understand it.
Thanks Regraded Being, and you have my full permission and blessing to use the materials of OT IX and X as revealed here in any way that tickles your fancy.
Hi Bruce Ploetz, Good to meet you.Great post! RB is lightning in an artists’ bottle.How every week the strips just flow.Love it! Yes your Sucess Story will spice things up! Take Care Ann B.
If it’s not on the grade chart, then it can’t used as a charitable contribution for tax purposes. Usually they cram new stuff in the corners of the chart to make it okay with the IRS.
Perfect illustration of the current state of CO$. In the past, ‘staff’ would get together and decide how much to get, paying close attention to what the marks income and credit limit and current state of mind would allow. Selling future ‘courses’ would be the first priority of any mission or Org.
Now comes the IAS and those demands to ‘clear the planet’. No exchange, no money for the mission or org, just straight gimme, gimme. That is or was a violation of Lron’s commandments. And every old timer (first and second generation ) knows that. That dichotomy is driving the old timers out and it makes the clams depend on the new meat. New meat that is not showing up in numbers large enough to keep the cash flow healthy.
Does Mr. ‘Let him die’ care? No, this marketing technique is very much his design. He thinks that the scampire can subsist on the current cash flow. I think he is very mistaken.
The way out is indeed the closest door. This RB should be printed out and handed to every clam.
No looking back now! That’s yesterdays news (or “old news” as the cult calls it). M Green, you’re out. Just think about the meaning of those two words for a minute. YOU’RE OUT! YOUR FREE! AND YOU’LL NEVER, EVER BE IN THAT CULT AGAIN. That alone should give you ‘case gain.’
Hi TommyJ, I know isn’t it hysterical how all these paths have converging points & recalls! RB does a masterful job picking thru trash at a distance.That RB is so good for the soul.Always love all your posts.XO Ann B.
But M Greene, look at the knowledge you now have! You you want someone to have similar gains to yours?
Let’s waste no more time in getting the word out on where the real gains are. Most still-ins are nothing more than smoking hulks waiting for one last push to go over the edge and under the radar. I say we all consider one last effort to pull the air cover from der leader and His Cult of Doom.
As our beloved TC might say ‘ Should be a walk in the park … Kazansky!’
Yo Dave,
We own your grody ass but don’t want it. You keep it good buddy. And all of your untrustworthy minions, they are us too. Tick – tock …. Dave.
RB – thanks for the “Boston Whaler” line – I had one of those when I was a teen. The fish, crabs and clams (no pun intended) I caught on that bad boy!! Great memories. #FridaysRule
Me too on the BW. We had one with an Johnson outboard. It was my car when I was a kid as we lived on an island. Used to love taking it straight out to open ocean, shut off the outboard and float on the swells and play my Bob Dylan on the mini-reel-to-reel player.
One of the first items I searched to purchase when I left staff. Even a used 1970 one cost more then when new. Good product.
Hi Cece,Great to meet you.Sounds like heaven to me,those days of True Freedom before I ran into DMSMH & off to SO World I went!At least I found my way out of the maze and for that I am forever grateful.XO Ann B.
Hi OSD,Here is an Ann B question.Do y’all have to wax your surf boards like back in Ancient Days? I had to wax my snow skis constantly so I was thinking if anyon in your Surf Church in conjunction with your other congregation gives you grief,well waxing for awhile should calm them right down.Love U Ann B.
Hi Jose Chung,Like your post.Grew up with Boston Whalers in the summer in Maine.They came out there in the 60s.Very important back then as we were on an island one hour from the Maine Coast and there water is so ***** cold one BW could get to the mainland in under 30 min for emergencies.Great case gain on those suckers.Wonder if Ron had them or Zodiacs or old life boats pre 1948. Laughter.Take Care,Ann.
When I paddle out on a nice 6 ft day with my surf buddies, I get IMMENSE case gain! When we’re finally exhausted and head out to have breakfast together, I get even more case gain.
Hey, maybe I should start my own religion! “The Church of the Magical Surfboard…one ride and your hooked.”
LMAO!!!! Aqua, you’re even more awesome than I thought you were! And I ALWAYS thought you were WAY awesome! False Porpoise Rundown! Instant Classic! Can’t wait to tell my surf buddies!
Regraded Being understands the mistakes the church is making that is causing its members to blow. Going OT and clearing the planet are the peanut butter and jelly of LRH’s stated purpose to raise mankind, the world and the universe out of the mud. I don’t think Ron intended for us to have to choose between the two yet this is what it’s come to. Ron wants us to have both peanut butter AND jelly at the same time! Adding cream cheese to the mix is nirvana in my opinion but I’m straying from my point which I tend to do when I’m speaking metaphorically on an empty stomach. But I’m right about that, aren’t I? The cream cheese I mean.
Hi Roger Hornaday,OK I thought I was the last cream cheese peanut butter and jelly freak! Nirvana indeed.After SO good here is a good one! Cottage cheese mixed with nuts a little Greek Yogurt and spicy Tobasco Ketchup.That will wake me up!Love Always Ann B.
Hi civmar, Good to meet you.Thank you for bananas & sour cream- will do.The clams celebs & whales have nothing on the fab food combos we have right here on Mike’s Blog!Long live real eggs too those green warm powdered ones on Excalibur did me in! XO Ann B.
“Regraded Being understands the mistakes the Church is making that is causing his members to blow”.
Does he ever!
And the Lingo – a perfect duplication.
Thank you Regraded Being! What a fantastic story, with an incredibly happy ending. Let’s hope that there many Scientologists have happy endings like that in the year of Regraded Being and Going Clear.
The best part is that they still had money left over for cars, boats, investments and vacation cruises. Looks like they got their dynamic alignment just in time.
Next time Regraded Being might want to include the Reg utilizing session data in her pitch. I can attest from experience at flag this happens. One day in session I was pressed to give up a withhold and finally divulged I had over a million dollars I’d never told any Reg about. You know how Reges try to learn everything about one’s financial condition. Well I just wouldn’t tell him. Anyway, about an hour after that session some chick found me at lunch and started hammering on me to give $50k to some 4th dynamic campaign/scam. I replied I had already given everything I had and there was no more money. She gave me one of those “knowing” stare you in the eye glares and said “come on Glenn, you and I both know you have it.” I got up and walked away and in time finally put two and two together remembering those little cameras in the auditing rooms. I wonder if the Russian government would like to hear from me?
Question, Glenn. How long after that incident did you put two and two together? Did you exit the cult before, at the time of, or some time after that realization?
Hi Glen,Wow very good to meet you.Don’t you just love how regges get their fish hooks in and keep hauling you in no matter what? I sure did that thru letters I apologise it does become second nature when one is looking at Thurs 2:00 PM, still no excuse for what I did also.Man I would not stand for those cameras in auditing rooms now.I really could make them mess up and I would go to,town with that.I also mess up elevators,cash registrars,anything electrical really.We had to have a super laser ceiling wireless router put in our house because the wireless reg router if I thought about it messing up it would.I am strangely wired that is for sure.Luckily with all the new computer chip car engines I don’t stop those yet!Keep that million safe from predator regges.Take Care,Ann B.
Hi Aquamarine, Love your invite to the OSA.If it is chilly when they drop by clam chowder will warm the black hearts and between popcorn and all the other goodies,lots of cheese to dip in the KoolAid and cake in KoolAid as well.Yummy then give them the wrong directions when they leave and get someone to mess with the GPS in their cars.XO Ann B.
Good observation, without exception, every ‘still in’s’ house I’ve been to looks shabby – can’t be indulging the 1st dynamic now can we. Might get visited by regges who think you have a secret stash somewhere.
Hi Gimpy, Good to meet you. I call that shabby-chic and it the reg is super good they will find the out point in one’s portfolio at least they used to be able to.I am so glad they got my money years ago.No do-overs David! Take Care,Ann B.
Does strike me as being a little ironic that you replace your spiritual enlightenment with tacky consumer durables. The last bit about a holiday is probably going to do you more good than some mass produced audi that gives you some status in the car park but not your soul.
dyir, it is my experience that spiritual enlightenment is inclusive of tacky consumer durables, not exclusive of them. Unless of course you prefer it that way.
I think you missed the point. Before the cartoon “Joe” wasn’t able to have that option of choice. Regardless if it’s an Audi or any other material option – say a can of juice instead of an Audi. Now “Joe” can spend his money anyway he sees fit. That aside –
Why is his spiritual enlightenment at risk because he purchased an Audi? Last I checked, Your soul doesn’t have a bar code, and/or a price tag associated with the amount of $ required to ensure your soul is safe. Who makes that decision on what items are acceptable spiritual enlightenment purchases?
The ability to make your own choices is part of the above cartoon take away IMO. One may enjoy life, enjoy spiritual enlightenment and have a soul with or without material items. They aren’t mutually exclusive concepts unless someone has a belief system that they either freely believe results in that mutually exclusive nature, or are shamed, bullied, told, advised, or guilted (or other descriptor of choice) into buying into the idea that it is mutually exclusive. If a soul has a price tag…I think that defies the whole concept of a soul.
Besides, it’s not a crime to work, earn and spend your money as you see fit as long as it is legal. How is having an Audi jeopardizing “Joe’s” spiritual enlightenment? Because it wasn’t spent as someone else sees fit? If that’s the case it really isn’t “Joe” making that choice in the long term is it? Someone is making it for him.
I’m fairly certain that you can drive an Audi without fear of your eternity being yanked…unless of course your eternity is tied to a program that states YOUR own money is really not yours from jump street. It really is supposed to go somewhere else in order to buy your eternity/soul. And if that is the case, I’d reconsider. You can buy an Audi, you can’t buy a soul or eternity. And if someone truly has faith that you can buy a soul, spiritual enlightenment or enternity, IMO you’re actually buying into something that is far more detrimental than an Audi.
It’s a frightening mindset.
Sorry people, may want to check your gross income to see if you’ve passed into the soul saved bracket yet.
Hey, if a soul/eternity does have an intrinsic dollar value – does that mean that once your paid you can do anything, no matter how detrimental, and still have spiritual safety/enlightenment?
Whatever your beliefs are, equating money to a spiritual status defies the whole nature of a soul. I believe anyone who tries to argue otherwise is attempting to have someone secure their own soul by paying for it. And that is one of the worst types of matter/mind/deceit traps around.
In case I’m wrong, please provide the mailing address and amount needed to secure my own soul/spiritually please? I’m curious what the going rate is for spiritual eternity and soul salvation today. Are there discounts? Also, is it tax deductible? And can you please give me an idea on where the money one would pay for spiritual enlightenment/soul salvation will be spent or deposited? That way in case I want to articulate the idea/concept to others when explaining how spirituality is secured via fiduciary means, I’m doing so in concert with correct terms. Also, is this option available in gift certificates or gift cards in the event I’m afraid for another’s soul/spiritual enlightenment?
Last questions: Is there a business model for this? Will anyone earn a commission on the money spent in saving someone’s spiritual eternity or soul?
Ladies and gentlemen, where are your manners? OSA is paying us a visit. We must offer some refreshment to our guest. Make yourself at home, OSA. There’s plenty of popcorn and caek. Don’t rush off. Set a spell.
Very good once again RB.
East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet applies directly to the scientologist and everyone else on this planet. Pretty soon the only scientologists left won’t be able to converse with anyone but themselves. What a bunch of silly people.
Yawn, I’m pretty sure they’re already there, i.e., only talking to one another. Sorry that I’m not willing to furnish the data right now upon which my opinion is based. Sorry to be a tease but from what I’ve observed and experienced lately I know for a fact that at least the staff and public my own former org are paranoid.
This reminds me of when my husband and I left the church. We would luxuriate in not having to put up with anymore insane control and would talk about how terrific it was that we were finally free! We would laugh about having to leave the church that had promised us total freedom to get any real freedom!
It was the first time in the 25 years that I had been a Scientologist that I had real subjective reality on the relief you feel when suppression comes off your lines.
I experienced the same relief. Confronting and shattering suppression is a good statement of what I experienced. The suppression was off and I was free again.
Yep, that’s a very common occurrence, everyone! Especially if you were on staff (like I was) or SO. The insanity is just so over-the-top,that when you leave, the relief you feel is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Pure joy comes close to it but sill doesn’t do it justice. You want stable case gain? All you have to do is leave scientology. It’s as simple as that…
Gail and everyone, just want to chime in with my own Me Too. As a never on staff/always a public I experienced this relief in two ways: subjectively with my own lightheartedness of not having to lie anymore, pretend anymore, go to events anymore, and then, objectively – I stopped being broke. All around it was, and has been, very nice!
This one was a nice happy ending! Yeah, that Audi for her – she’ll enjoy it a lot more than, what’s it worth? About a Cornerstone? And the Boston Whaler – maybe Patron with Honors?
Sure, that’s all MEST, but for that kind of cash, I’d much rather have a nice car and a nice boat over a couple stupid pieces of paper! lol
I experienced the same big relief when some years ago I realized that the suppression of the cofscamology I was suffering was created only by my agreement anche it was enough to change my agreement to feel a sensazione of full freedom.
I experienced the same big relief and it’s an ongoing joy when, almost weekly, I throw off some scn dogma about something or someone and know that I’m no longer bound by it. I can take life at face value a lot of the time and just get on and enjoy it!
I’m enjoying making decisions about where my life is going without including “the bridge” or events or my next course or not upsetting someone because I don’t agree that I should be redoing objectives or student hat or restarting solo one for the third time!
I use that course time to please myself, same with “event time”.
I use my money for things that REALLY benefit me.
I’m strolling around looking at the world, I’m listening to what psychologists say and finding a lot of it makes sense. I no longer have the world on my shoulders as I no longer involve myself with trying to fix it because I no longer believe I have all the solutions – what arrogance!
I no longer analyse people or myself especially if I trip (because I wasn’t looking where I was going) or make a mistake! Shit happens!
I no longer rush to complete things but take my time and a lot of the time, procrastinating until I feel like doing it. It works.
It’s freedom, too, from some of the most horrible people I’ve ever encountered!
OMG! An RB with a happy ending! I didn’t think that was possible. I am honestly a little giggly about it. Keep up the great work. Your comics sometimes kick me in the emotional balls but it is worth it.
Hi OSD,Aqua is a Sea Angel and an angel can be male female both or neither at least ones I have known are so bright no body needed.You & Aqua are wonderful sprites & very strong spirits.XO Ann B.
You such a good soul, Aqua! Always thinking of others.
Regraded, others have said it already but I still want to personally thank you for this happy ending. I’m looking at it as a postulate for many – ideally all – of the still ins.
What a fantastic Regraded Being today. Such depth in the first three panels. The fact that it’s a toon makes the tsunami of truth so much stealthier and perfect.
The first thing I noticed (and liked) about the last panel was the subtle rainbow-ish colors. I was then a bit confused at the materialistic words. Then I got RB’s point, which is obviously freedom from the sci psycho hamster wheel and doing what you want with your money. But it still seems vaguely miscavige-like, the glee at fancy things .. “yay we’re off that crazed Hubbard hamster wheel, whee, we’re now free to be on the bigger dumbass hamster wheel of brands and mindless consumption”.. um. Ok.
So, for me, sorta fail on the last panel. For a split second I actually thought they’d been implanted with some miscavige-esque virus. Anyway still love you RB.
Hi worstcultever,Very good to meet you.I like MEST as well as any 64 yr old who has made it this far,but here is my spin I never have worshiped or chased after MEST as a way to puff myself up or compete.If I we can easily afford our Lexus GX 460,then at our age it is a beautiful and safe vehicle,although I love to confuse Siri by putting in Cajun French place names in Louisiana,she gets really paranoid she can’t get the pronunciation.But you know I just had a thought that some of the young SO Members who do manage to get out might be enticed by all the shiny new MEST things because they never had any in SO.Some of us long-agoers already had MEST when we joined and like me willingly gave it all up for Ron.So now on the other side,It is around us but not of my spirit or daily routines.RB is so brilliant with subtleties that I can go back to earlier strips & find new cognitions.That ability that RB has so very special and True.Take Care Ann B.
i once met a beautiful girl whom i loved very much and because i refused to turn into a scientologist (im a christian) her parents declared me an sp and well u can guess the rest
George, I understand, and that must have given you a lot of pain, to lose her and be treated that way by her parents. But my opinion is that there was an angel over your shoulder, and you dodged a deadly bullet. She could have become your wife and the mother of your children and then, if you had disagreements…you get the idea.
Hi Geore, sorry to hear of your loss. In all fairness, when I was a Scientologist I was completely open to dating or marrying a non Scientologist. But my Christian girl friend wasn’t as open minded and left me because I was not into Christianity.
George, you dodged a bullet! Congrats! Whew! That was a close one!
Thanks, Regraded, for this spot-on satire of the Still-Ins’ dilemma, i.e. how they can get their own cases handled and go up the Bridge while at the same time buying a building so that the cult can audit them.
Hi Aquamarine,You know I meant LOVE XO Ann.
Thank you Mike and thank you all who post here. Hearing exes talk of there experience in and out of the church is very helpful to me. I didn’t make it far up the bridge and for a long time while I was out I assumed Scientology was all it claimed it was and I just didn’t get far enough up the bridge to gain all the miraculous abilities. Reading comments here from people who obviously made it farther then me sheds new light on my experience. Thank you all. God bless.
Hi Good People. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in scientology or where you are at on the bridge, all of your porblems will be solved and all your wildest dreams will come true with the “next action”. Don’t take my word for it. Go ask your local registrar.
Hi RB,A great post. And that is really in my opinion what registrars do best,set their mark up and pull the trigger.Ann you did that for over three years until you were given other duties that made it impossible to do all the letters out in that I had been doing.Hard to dictate when your face is swollen.Always Ann B.
You’re welcome, Good People. Nice to have you here. I didn’t make it that far up the Bridge either. The auditing I did get was pretty terrific 20 years ago but then I stopped due to finance concerns. Now, I’m looking forward to getting auditing and training in the Indie Field. (Note to John Locke: I know you don’t want to hear this, but don’t be too hard on me, OK? I’m already saying, “Ouch” 🙂
Hi Aquamarine,I will still always adore you.You have to follow your heart.If you’d like give me a post on how you progress.I’m too hurt by GOI twists with the tech to follow your exact path,but I will cheer you on every step you want to take.Just be yourself & don’t do any thing that does not feel good to you.Lone Always Ann B.
Hi Aqua, I agree with you about the auditing, I loved it. I think there is some part of Scientology that has value. Unfortunately it seems to be inextricably attached to an OPPRESSIVE CULT. I’m currently looking into Idenics. I think John Galusha may have isolated the good part of Scientology from the rest of the oppressive soul control crap.
Aqua just be careful as the upper part of the “bridge” is pretty damaging to ones ability to reason.
Hi John Locke,Thank you from this heart for your wise post.Always Ann B.
This whole “you must not have in order to be a team member” thing is one of the flags that got me to look at the real scene in scamology. El Con ran the typical Cult leader game of members having to sacrifice all while the “leader” lived like royalty. It all flowed from hisself down the “org board”.
John, would you mind clarifying the pronoun “it” in your last sentence? It’s been a loooonnnng week, and my melted brain is painting all sorts of, ahem, unpleasant pictures.
Thanks, and happy weekend everyone! Hope you have plenty of whatever floats your Boston Whaler!
Grace, “It” all flowed….” It being the practice of demanding that scientologists abandon adequate food, housing, time off, goods above poverty level, etc. in order to give everything to the cause of scientology.
Hi John Locke,And I certainly did all the above willingly!XO Ann B.
Yes Ann B. So many of us did. I hope you are enjoying NOT having to do that now. 🙂
Hi John Locke,Thankyou,for tears,fears.cancers,dream smashed,I am so so happy to be free.Freedom makes it all worth while.I never truly appreciated it until I gave it to SO.Love U Ann B.
Great post , dear RB : great post indeed!
There is a good reason for becoming a Scientologists. Because it feels so good when you stop.
That’s like saying you should prick yourself over and over again with a pin because it is such a relief when it stops. Best advice is to listen to those who have experienced the cult first hand and trust that it is not something you ever want to experience.
If you are ever curious about them buy a book from an established book shop, never from an individual and especially not the cult itself, they will add your details to their files and never leave you alone.
Hey Gimpy, joke man! Just a joke.
An in-the-trenches update on your Vulture Culture:
It was a great day to be having an iced coffee at Starbucks in Studio City.
A young starlet sat down at a nearby table with her iced latte. She looked about, expecting to meet someone.
Soon, a male and a female (wearing uniforms) joined her with their iced drinks. Initially, the silver vested male and female spoke softly and leaned into the table while glancing around the area over their shoulders to see if they recognized anyone. Before long, they were speaking in much louder voices about “going to Flag” and how great things are going at “Flag”.
The vested vultures pried into her financial picture and informed her that she needed to be on her way to Flag “tonight”. She explained to them why she wasn’t going “tonight”. She explained that she would complete the services that she had already paid for before coughing up any more money. She told them that she was anticipating doing a TV commercial and would get a sizable chunk of cash for it.
The male and female silver vested vultures took turns going off to get their second Starbucks fixes and tag-teaming her for as much personal information as they could yank out of her. She continued to dig in the heels of her Nikes, explaining that she needed to leave soon to feed her dog.
The male vulture wanted to go with her to her place to help her pack her bags to go to Flag.
Then the female vulture ‘jokingly’ flipped off the young starlet for one of her resistive comments.
Panic set in for the vultures. The male silver vested vulture paced the patio while speaking on his cell phone. It was obvious that he was getting an ear full of obscenities. He looked as though his senior had told him that his testicles would be put in a vise if he returned to the office without sending his prey off to Flag “tonight”. The female silver vested vulture was in shock and looked like the classic deer in the headlights.
The young starlet extracted herself form the ensuing train wreck with the need to go feed her dog.
The obvious ‘one shot clear’ was to provide her with the URL to Mike’s blog.
Another great dose of humor for the week. Thank you RB!
You mean “6th Dynamic”.
You’re right Scott. It’s actually a win to realize that I’m beginning to forget some of that stuff. Thanks for pointing it out.
I love happy endings ! Great one RB.
NOTICE OF CLARIFICATION: Regraded Being does agree with Joe that both Audi and Boston Whaler make fine products as does Adidas. We do not, however, promote or recommend any company as a financial investment. Joe’s decision to possibly invest in Adidas is slanted more towards a spiritual return on investment. Google the words Scientology and Adidas together to see just how much research Joe had to do before determining Adidas might be a good place for him to invest. We urge the reader to do their own research and use their own judgement before investing in any entity that does not offer Status in return for money.
Now THAT is awesome!!
Adidas really don’t like them do they? Didn’t know that.
Substitute “The world” for “Adidas” and you get much closer to the truth.
“Joe, you really need to do this now.”
The over-use of the phrase, “you need to”, and its even more obnoxious cousin, “I need you to”, were always so inspiring to me and really helped motivate me.
Inspired me to say, “fuck this”, and helped motivate me to get the hell out.
Welcome to the real world, Mr. And Mrs. Joe. It’s mighty fine out here.
And thanks RB for the cartoon today. It’s a good reminder!
I always loathed hearing “you need to”, or “we really need you to”. So manipulative. I always wanted to snap back, “Who the hell are you to tell me what I need to do?”. Grrr!
I got my rear in deep s**t at AOLA when I replied to one of those “we need you…..”
I said how can it be that caseless beings (SO) like you have a need from anybody else? just mock up your need, or run a create process…..
Thank goodness I was public and on an OT level, otherwise I would still be on amends projects from 1976.
Hi jrfool,Good to meet you I say you did great! Love those Amends Projects straight 100% ammonia, no face masks scrapping rubber tiles up off the floors of the entrance hall to Big Blue with a screwdriver for hours.Happy you missed that party.Always Ann B.
What I love about RB is how it hits the nail on the head – every time. And it does so with insouciance, light heartedness and one hell of a dose of FUNNY.
I find myself wanting to “like” comments on this blog – I even looked for a “like” button on this thread – duh. Anyone else feel the same?
Thanks RB for ending my week on such a high note – perfect kick-off to an awesome, fundraising-free, other fish to fry, dilettante & lackadaisical weekend. Yee-ahh! 🙂
Looks to me like Dapper Dave inadvertently released OT IX and X – the “Severe Dynamic Alignment Session” must be related to the “Severe Reality Adjustment” so effectively piloted on the Int Base. It was so powerful in the interaction shown that the PC achieved the EP merely by receiving the R-Factor.
OT IX EP – Complete brain fuse when you realize the Bridge leads only to money for nothing and there is no officially sanctioned way out.
OT X EP – You realize you don’t have to wear no stinkin’ badges. You don’t have to listen to fast-talking regges. All they want is your money!
At that point the PC sidesteps out of the squirrel cage of SRD – OTVIII – SRD again and emerges in the light of true freedom. Just where he started before his first session, but forever impervious to the blandishments of Registrars near and far. Utter and complete total freedom – from Scientology. You can do it too.
I should write a Success Story.
Apologies to the never-ins who may see this massive concatenation of Scio-speak, just pray that you are never so desperate that you really need to understand it.
Thanks Regraded Being, and you have my full permission and blessing to use the materials of OT IX and X as revealed here in any way that tickles your fancy.
Hi Bruce Ploetz, Good to meet you.Great post! RB is lightning in an artists’ bottle.How every week the strips just flow.Love it! Yes your Sucess Story will spice things up! Take Care Ann B.
Hi TommyJ,I meant yours….XO Ann B.
If it’s not on the grade chart, then it can’t used as a charitable contribution for tax purposes. Usually they cram new stuff in the corners of the chart to make it okay with the IRS.
Perfect illustration of the current state of CO$. In the past, ‘staff’ would get together and decide how much to get, paying close attention to what the marks income and credit limit and current state of mind would allow. Selling future ‘courses’ would be the first priority of any mission or Org.
Now comes the IAS and those demands to ‘clear the planet’. No exchange, no money for the mission or org, just straight gimme, gimme. That is or was a violation of Lron’s commandments. And every old timer (first and second generation ) knows that. That dichotomy is driving the old timers out and it makes the clams depend on the new meat. New meat that is not showing up in numbers large enough to keep the cash flow healthy.
Does Mr. ‘Let him die’ care? No, this marketing technique is very much his design. He thinks that the scampire can subsist on the current cash flow. I think he is very mistaken.
The way out is indeed the closest door. This RB should be printed out and handed to every clam.
Being able to enjoy life without guilt..Such wasted years.
No looking back now! That’s yesterdays news (or “old news” as the cult calls it). M Green, you’re out. Just think about the meaning of those two words for a minute. YOU’RE OUT! YOUR FREE! AND YOU’LL NEVER, EVER BE IN THAT CULT AGAIN. That alone should give you ‘case gain.’
Hi TommyJ, I know isn’t it hysterical how all these paths have converging points & recalls! RB does a masterful job picking thru trash at a distance.That RB is so good for the soul.Always love all your posts.XO Ann B.
But M Greene, look at the knowledge you now have! You you want someone to have similar gains to yours?
Let’s waste no more time in getting the word out on where the real gains are. Most still-ins are nothing more than smoking hulks waiting for one last push to go over the edge and under the radar. I say we all consider one last effort to pull the air cover from der leader and His Cult of Doom.
As our beloved TC might say ‘ Should be a walk in the park … Kazansky!’
Yo Dave,
We own your grody ass but don’t want it. You keep it good buddy. And all of your untrustworthy minions, they are us too. Tick – tock …. Dave.
+1! Great post!
Hi Newcomer, Your post is perfect.David those clocks never run down until your zero hour..XO Ann B.
RB – thanks for the “Boston Whaler” line – I had one of those when I was a teen. The fish, crabs and clams (no pun intended) I caught on that bad boy!! Great memories. #FridaysRule
HinTommyJ,Please see my prior post,I knew you and your were my long lost kin!!! XXOO Ann B.
Me too on the BW. We had one with an Johnson outboard. It was my car when I was a kid as we lived on an island. Used to love taking it straight out to open ocean, shut off the outboard and float on the swells and play my Bob Dylan on the mini-reel-to-reel player.
One of the first items I searched to purchase when I left staff. Even a used 1970 one cost more then when new. Good product.
Hi Cece,Great to meet you.Sounds like heaven to me,those days of True Freedom before I ran into DMSMH & off to SO World I went!At least I found my way out of the maze and for that I am forever grateful.XO Ann B.
LOL Anne there is no doubt! Hysterical that we connected on the Boston Whaler and of course Regraded Being has been picking thrum my trash again!
Dead on RB! As usual. Imagine the relief that will be felt by mankind when El Con’s Cult is DEAD!
Hi OSD,Here is an Ann B question.Do y’all have to wax your surf boards like back in Ancient Days? I had to wax my snow skis constantly so I was thinking if anyon in your Surf Church in conjunction with your other congregation gives you grief,well waxing for awhile should calm them right down.Love U Ann B.
Best one yet Regraded Being! Now that’s case gain you can’t argue with!
Real ending, One Boston Whaler will give you more case gain than the “L’s”
and OT 8. The RB ‘Hanna’ was trained by Louis Swartz .
Hi Jose Chung,Like your post.Grew up with Boston Whalers in the summer in Maine.They came out there in the 60s.Very important back then as we were on an island one hour from the Maine Coast and there water is so ***** cold one BW could get to the mainland in under 30 min for emergencies.Great case gain on those suckers.Wonder if Ron had them or Zodiacs or old life boats pre 1948. Laughter.Take Care,Ann.
Hi Rogef Hornaday,This IPad! I meant after SO food.XO Ann B.
Agreed Jose. I spent many awesome hours on a Whaler as a teen. The huge fish I caught still makes me tingle when I think of them.
When I paddle out on a nice 6 ft day with my surf buddies, I get IMMENSE case gain! When we’re finally exhausted and head out to have breakfast together, I get even more case gain.
Hey, maybe I should start my own religion! “The Church of the Magical Surfboard…one ride and your hooked.”
Hey, OSD, Founder of the Church of the Magical Surfboard, I’m joining, OK? Please sign me up for the False Porpoise Rundown.
LMAO!!!! Aqua, you’re even more awesome than I thought you were! And I ALWAYS thought you were WAY awesome! False Porpoise Rundown! Instant Classic! Can’t wait to tell my surf buddies!
Regraded Being understands the mistakes the church is making that is causing its members to blow. Going OT and clearing the planet are the peanut butter and jelly of LRH’s stated purpose to raise mankind, the world and the universe out of the mud. I don’t think Ron intended for us to have to choose between the two yet this is what it’s come to. Ron wants us to have both peanut butter AND jelly at the same time! Adding cream cheese to the mix is nirvana in my opinion but I’m straying from my point which I tend to do when I’m speaking metaphorically on an empty stomach. But I’m right about that, aren’t I? The cream cheese I mean.
Hi Roger Hornaday,OK I thought I was the last cream cheese peanut butter and jelly freak! Nirvana indeed.After SO good here is a good one! Cottage cheese mixed with nuts a little Greek Yogurt and spicy Tobasco Ketchup.That will wake me up!Love Always Ann B.
Bananas and sour cream. A delight.
Hi civmar, Good to meet you.Thank you for bananas & sour cream- will do.The clams celebs & whales have nothing on the fab food combos we have right here on Mike’s Blog!Long live real eggs too those green warm powdered ones on Excalibur did me in! XO Ann B.
“Regraded Being understands the mistakes the Church is making that is causing his members to blow”.
Does he ever!
And the Lingo – a perfect duplication.
Great comment, Aqua!
Thank you Regraded Being! What a fantastic story, with an incredibly happy ending. Let’s hope that there many Scientologists have happy endings like that in the year of Regraded Being and Going Clear.
The best part is that they still had money left over for cars, boats, investments and vacation cruises. Looks like they got their dynamic alignment just in time.
hgc10, now that’s what I call being on source!
Next time Regraded Being might want to include the Reg utilizing session data in her pitch. I can attest from experience at flag this happens. One day in session I was pressed to give up a withhold and finally divulged I had over a million dollars I’d never told any Reg about. You know how Reges try to learn everything about one’s financial condition. Well I just wouldn’t tell him. Anyway, about an hour after that session some chick found me at lunch and started hammering on me to give $50k to some 4th dynamic campaign/scam. I replied I had already given everything I had and there was no more money. She gave me one of those “knowing” stare you in the eye glares and said “come on Glenn, you and I both know you have it.” I got up and walked away and in time finally put two and two together remembering those little cameras in the auditing rooms. I wonder if the Russian government would like to hear from me?
Question, Glenn. How long after that incident did you put two and two together? Did you exit the cult before, at the time of, or some time after that realization?
HGC10. Was on the way out at the time but that little incident really greased the way. Was “gone” shortly afterwards.
Hi Glen,Wow very good to meet you.Don’t you just love how regges get their fish hooks in and keep hauling you in no matter what? I sure did that thru letters I apologise it does become second nature when one is looking at Thurs 2:00 PM, still no excuse for what I did also.Man I would not stand for those cameras in auditing rooms now.I really could make them mess up and I would go to,town with that.I also mess up elevators,cash registrars,anything electrical really.We had to have a super laser ceiling wireless router put in our house because the wireless reg router if I thought about it messing up it would.I am strangely wired that is for sure.Luckily with all the new computer chip car engines I don’t stop those yet!Keep that million safe from predator regges.Take Care,Ann B.
Hi Aquamarine, Love your invite to the OSA.If it is chilly when they drop by clam chowder will warm the black hearts and between popcorn and all the other goodies,lots of cheese to dip in the KoolAid and cake in KoolAid as well.Yummy then give them the wrong directions when they leave and get someone to mess with the GPS in their cars.XO Ann B.
Reminds me of when my 2D went UTR. I’ve never seen so much shiny new MEST in anyone’s house in my life.
Good observation, without exception, every ‘still in’s’ house I’ve been to looks shabby – can’t be indulging the 1st dynamic now can we. Might get visited by regges who think you have a secret stash somewhere.
Hi Gimpy, Good to meet you. I call that shabby-chic and it the reg is super good they will find the out point in one’s portfolio at least they used to be able to.I am so glad they got my money years ago.No do-overs David! Take Care,Ann B.
Does strike me as being a little ironic that you replace your spiritual enlightenment with tacky consumer durables. The last bit about a holiday is probably going to do you more good than some mass produced audi that gives you some status in the car park but not your soul.
Rather have the Audi then some stupid ias trophy. Nice try.
HiHellOSA,I love your post.Thank you. Ann B.
Hi Good People, Your post is heartfelt and I am glad you found this blog.Saved me a time or two.XO Ann B.
dyir, it is my experience that spiritual enlightenment is inclusive of tacky consumer durables, not exclusive of them. Unless of course you prefer it that way.
dyir what spiritual enlightenment? Scamology? That’s like saying being sent to Josef Mengele for treatment is like a day of luxury spa treatment.
An Audi is a fairly nice ride. I wouldn’t call it tacky.
Tacky is being a 55 year-old IAS Patron with Honors and driving a 22 year-old car that might break down at any moment. Again.
Somehow I couldn’t find the purchasing of tacky empty buildings to be very spiritually enlightning. Maybe it’s just me……
I think you missed the point. Before the cartoon “Joe” wasn’t able to have that option of choice. Regardless if it’s an Audi or any other material option – say a can of juice instead of an Audi. Now “Joe” can spend his money anyway he sees fit. That aside –
Why is his spiritual enlightenment at risk because he purchased an Audi? Last I checked, Your soul doesn’t have a bar code, and/or a price tag associated with the amount of $ required to ensure your soul is safe. Who makes that decision on what items are acceptable spiritual enlightenment purchases?
The ability to make your own choices is part of the above cartoon take away IMO. One may enjoy life, enjoy spiritual enlightenment and have a soul with or without material items. They aren’t mutually exclusive concepts unless someone has a belief system that they either freely believe results in that mutually exclusive nature, or are shamed, bullied, told, advised, or guilted (or other descriptor of choice) into buying into the idea that it is mutually exclusive. If a soul has a price tag…I think that defies the whole concept of a soul.
Besides, it’s not a crime to work, earn and spend your money as you see fit as long as it is legal. How is having an Audi jeopardizing “Joe’s” spiritual enlightenment? Because it wasn’t spent as someone else sees fit? If that’s the case it really isn’t “Joe” making that choice in the long term is it? Someone is making it for him.
I’m fairly certain that you can drive an Audi without fear of your eternity being yanked…unless of course your eternity is tied to a program that states YOUR own money is really not yours from jump street. It really is supposed to go somewhere else in order to buy your eternity/soul. And if that is the case, I’d reconsider. You can buy an Audi, you can’t buy a soul or eternity. And if someone truly has faith that you can buy a soul, spiritual enlightenment or enternity, IMO you’re actually buying into something that is far more detrimental than an Audi.
It’s a frightening mindset.
Sorry people, may want to check your gross income to see if you’ve passed into the soul saved bracket yet.
Hey, if a soul/eternity does have an intrinsic dollar value – does that mean that once your paid you can do anything, no matter how detrimental, and still have spiritual safety/enlightenment?
Whatever your beliefs are, equating money to a spiritual status defies the whole nature of a soul. I believe anyone who tries to argue otherwise is attempting to have someone secure their own soul by paying for it. And that is one of the worst types of matter/mind/deceit traps around.
In case I’m wrong, please provide the mailing address and amount needed to secure my own soul/spiritually please? I’m curious what the going rate is for spiritual eternity and soul salvation today. Are there discounts? Also, is it tax deductible? And can you please give me an idea on where the money one would pay for spiritual enlightenment/soul salvation will be spent or deposited? That way in case I want to articulate the idea/concept to others when explaining how spirituality is secured via fiduciary means, I’m doing so in concert with correct terms. Also, is this option available in gift certificates or gift cards in the event I’m afraid for another’s soul/spiritual enlightenment?
Last questions: Is there a business model for this? Will anyone earn a commission on the money spent in saving someone’s spiritual eternity or soul?
Ladies and gentlemen, where are your manners? OSA is paying us a visit. We must offer some refreshment to our guest. Make yourself at home, OSA. There’s plenty of popcorn and caek. Don’t rush off. Set a spell.
On ESMB someone once defined Co$ as hijacking your soul and selling it back to you in installments.
At least the Audi dealers let you keep your soul when they put you on a payment plan.
LOL! Purrrrrfect RB!! For once the good little beings triumph! Hooray for all of us little free beings on the planet.
Yo Dave and perps,
Bye Bye 🙂
Fucking hilarious , good for them .
“Blew a brain fuse”
To funny ?
Very good once again RB.
East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet applies directly to the scientologist and everyone else on this planet. Pretty soon the only scientologists left won’t be able to converse with anyone but themselves. What a bunch of silly people.
Yawn, I’m pretty sure they’re already there, i.e., only talking to one another. Sorry that I’m not willing to furnish the data right now upon which my opinion is based. Sorry to be a tease but from what I’ve observed and experienced lately I know for a fact that at least the staff and public my own former org are paranoid.
Very good, TKU
Brilliant! Love the book he’s reading too!
Made me laugh out loud. So perfect.
I hadn’t noticed the book until you pointed it out. Love it!
Now that’s a happy ending.
Yes indeed.
Great post.
This reminds me of when my husband and I left the church. We would luxuriate in not having to put up with anymore insane control and would talk about how terrific it was that we were finally free! We would laugh about having to leave the church that had promised us total freedom to get any real freedom!
It was the first time in the 25 years that I had been a Scientologist that I had real subjective reality on the relief you feel when suppression comes off your lines.
I experienced the same relief. Confronting and shattering suppression is a good statement of what I experienced. The suppression was off and I was free again.
WTF, me too!!!!!!!
Yep, that’s a very common occurrence, everyone! Especially if you were on staff (like I was) or SO. The insanity is just so over-the-top,that when you leave, the relief you feel is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Pure joy comes close to it but sill doesn’t do it justice. You want stable case gain? All you have to do is leave scientology. It’s as simple as that…
Gail and everyone, just want to chime in with my own Me Too. As a never on staff/always a public I experienced this relief in two ways: subjectively with my own lightheartedness of not having to lie anymore, pretend anymore, go to events anymore, and then, objectively – I stopped being broke. All around it was, and has been, very nice!
This one was a nice happy ending! Yeah, that Audi for her – she’ll enjoy it a lot more than, what’s it worth? About a Cornerstone? And the Boston Whaler – maybe Patron with Honors?
Sure, that’s all MEST, but for that kind of cash, I’d much rather have a nice car and a nice boat over a couple stupid pieces of paper! lol
I experienced the same big relief when some years ago I realized that the suppression of the cofscamology I was suffering was created only by my agreement anche it was enough to change my agreement to feel a sensazione of full freedom.
I experienced the same big relief and it’s an ongoing joy when, almost weekly, I throw off some scn dogma about something or someone and know that I’m no longer bound by it. I can take life at face value a lot of the time and just get on and enjoy it!
I’m enjoying making decisions about where my life is going without including “the bridge” or events or my next course or not upsetting someone because I don’t agree that I should be redoing objectives or student hat or restarting solo one for the third time!
I use that course time to please myself, same with “event time”.
I use my money for things that REALLY benefit me.
I’m strolling around looking at the world, I’m listening to what psychologists say and finding a lot of it makes sense. I no longer have the world on my shoulders as I no longer involve myself with trying to fix it because I no longer believe I have all the solutions – what arrogance!
I no longer analyse people or myself especially if I trip (because I wasn’t looking where I was going) or make a mistake! Shit happens!
I no longer rush to complete things but take my time and a lot of the time, procrastinating until I feel like doing it. It works.
It’s freedom, too, from some of the most horrible people I’ve ever encountered!