It’s so sad that nothing new will ever come out of the cult again until if finally fades out of existence (probably through existing orgs slowly becoming more independent after Miscavige dies in the 2050s).
Nothing original, insightful or even interesting, ever again. Except better special effects at a Miscavige rally or a Superbowl commercial.
Perhaps some Ron references will be taken out of context where he seems to support gays, and claiming it was always that way.
That’s why the events in this comic could only happen in a dream or nightmare.
Mike Rinder has always come across to me as a lost little boy and still living as a lost little boy in an older body. There is something there where he had a great lost as little boy and it was never addressed. Coming to the present, Mike is also sitting in an image that has him playing victim. He has a lot of hidden anger under his skin that he cannot control. If he still wonders why his family (still in Scientology) wants nothing to do with him well, just listen to his tone. My advice to him is stop the blame game and come to present time. Let others learn about Scientology on their own and come to their own decision. Why would you want to stop another person from doing their own calculations? Mike does not realize how much he is hurting himself. There is pain within and it shows on his face. Live and and Live dude.
On another note have you ever noticed how unhappy those who attack Scientology are? It is sad. Why not use that energy to help a cause and not hurt?
That comment by “Guy Vogel” strikes me more as an attempt by someone asking chatgpt (or one of the increasing number of ground level experimental “AI’s) to create a short piece about Mike’s supposed problems.
Your comments indicate that you have the same low level of education as does David Miscavige. You should have read this ‘out loud’ before publishing it. I suspect your description of others reflects your own situation.
“…Let others learn about Scientology on their own and come to their own decision…..”
I’ve given Scientology 27 years in Sea Org (all the way up to working in Author Services Inc), and I’ve stayed tuned in the ex member community chat sites for the last 20 years now.
I’d say I’ve given it a lot of consideration, and there are some very broad conclusions:
a) Those within the strict Hubbard guidelines are incapable of being concise or accurate in defining what Scientology is.
b) Hubbard crippled literally all in Scientology, and the outside world, from really concisely summarizing Scientology, due to Hubbard never concisely summarizing it himself, and neither allowing his members even discuss Scientology concisely.
c) The “solution” to tell outsiders to look into Scientology sufficiently to judge Scientology in a balanced way, is futile and a fool’s errand.
Have you studied Scientology and found a good concise definition of it? What is your concise definition of Scientology, I’ll give you a long paragraph worth of space.
I think the Thetan Smoking has gone to your tiny brain. Please go self-flagellate and shut up. I cannot believe you took time out of your Higher Existance to write that droll diatribe.
Re: “Let others learn about Scientology on their own and come to their own decision.”
To Anyone Who Has Never Been in Scientology:
You will never be given a chance to “learn about Scientology” on your own, nor will you be given the opportunity to come to your own decision about it.
Let’s say you’re going to a doctor’s appointment near the corner of Sunset and Vermont in Los Angeles. You’re so green to scientology, you don’t know what it is if anyone asked you about.
Well, that’s all right because scientology has highly trained Body Routers planted between that major intersection and their Scientology organization, just two blocks away.
When a Body Router approaches you and starts a conversation, the BR will never mention the word “scientology” or “L. Ron Hubbard,” it’s “founder.” Instead, the BR will have shiny, colorful “tickets” for a “free” movie or personality test. (That movie, by the way, may be for something called “dianetics,” something that the psychological profession warned the public about in 1950. Yes, that’s right: 73 years ago. And I don’t think they’ve changed their mind about it.)
Body Routers have been perfecting their trade for decades. Back in their org, they spend countless hours drilling each other on how to (1) entice and (2) deceive you.
Once a BR entraps you, you’ve become their prey. Know it or not, they’re to going to haul you into their org. Once there, they’re going to talk you into giving them your name, your phone number, your address. Then they’ll trick you into buying a book, a course or even some counseling (“auditing”).
A Body Router and their associates will “love bomb” you. They’ll make you feel welcomed, cared for and appreciated. The agreement between the two of you may become so significant that nothing, short of this warning, will be able to pull you away.
Don’t do it. Run away, don’t walk, from scientology and dianetics.
Someone scientology suckered some 43 years ago.
Guy Vogel:
You are everything a scientologist shouldn’t be: invalidating, critical, mean and evaluating.
Oh, but Mike and other former Scientologists DO use their energy to help a cause and do good in the world. He’s very active with the Aftermath Foundation.
The Aftermath Foundation exists to help those who want to leave Scientology and the Sea Organization,
but lack a system of support they can rely on while getting on their feet in the outside world.
Former Sea Org members tend to be industrious workers but many have no employment history nor family outside of Scientology. Further, many have no formal education, bank account, driver’s license or credit history.
The challenges one encounters when leaving Scientology and the Sea Org are many. The Aftermath Foundation is devoted to providing resources, support, and advocacy to those who leave so they can gain their independence and make their way in the world.
It is a very honorable cause! If you or anyone you know is looking to leave Scientology or the Sea Org, and are not sure what to do, the Aftermath Foundation is there to help. You can learn more at
Take care Guy! Hope you’re having a wonderful day.
I guess I will have to become a Scientologist to get one of these. In fact, just reading about it (despite the warnings) makes me feel like a freeloader.
There are rumors that COB has allowed Tom Cruise to test the new version that uses implants and contact lenses. Reportedly it will take Mission Impossible to new levels.
Not particularly related to post. More related to Masterson trial and Scientology attacks on police and DAs. Scientology and Scientologists as part of conditions always have to do something, take action. They can never not attack back. So while a rational human being might just decide to ignore some things rather than stirring up a hornets nest, Scientology by its nature requires you act. They never seem to realize that the actions they take often create more bad PR for themselves. Many exes probably would not have written books or started youtube sites if they were just left alone, but Scientology had to force disconnection, had to create hate websites, has to interfere in Masterson trial. They can also never apologize. They just can’t see that their own “effective” actions against their perceived enemies is backfiring and they can’t stop because they have to listen to LRH no matter how damaging the consequences.
I think if one takes a good look at what you just said, that is the game plan of organised Scientology. If they are considered as a result based pursuit, and they have being playing their game for a very long time, the evidence points only in one direction.
The effects and results they create simply reflect a Scientologists adherence to their orders. They use the compassion and aspirations of the humanities as a angler uses a worm.
Their victim’s truth is meaningless to them. Another way of viewing this is that a farmer doesn’t go into diplomatic relations with chickens.
They haven’t twigged that sometimes it’s best to ignore irrelevant events that aren’t going to bother you anyway. Attacking the WRONG targets just gets them annoyed and makes enemies you don’t know how to handle, which is scientology’s only working technique: pissing off the wrong people who then need to be “handled”.
And THEN they forget important stuff, like Ron’s real birthday (this lifetime that is), Book 1’s publication date and that they’re supposed to be a “*religion*”, not a military force.
I got your point but you are missing something vital. If someone was attacking you or a loved one, would you just stand there and take it? It is healthy to fight back. Sooner or later the bullies will get the message. Stand up, stand your ground and fight back – at all cost if needed. Dianetics and Scientology still helps others in their daily lives. Why do those who have taken a lost on it get enjoyment diminishing it? Well, I know the ‘why’ but that is for some other time. Let others make their own decisions about what they want to do. I have learned two things. 1.) Scientology may not work for everyone. And 2.) when it does work for someone that person will make great gains. But (and this is interesting) there may come a time when that person will walk away because they observed that they got everything they ‘ever wanted’ out of studying the tech. Others may say the following: they got everything ‘they will ever get’ out of the tech – and so they too walked away. Why hang around? But I certainly would not be disloyal about what helped me to the point where I would be hurting others. There is something special about loyalty to one’s, a friend or even your fellow man – as hard as that may be today. Believe me I feel it too.
Rinder has children. Remini is a mother. If they sincerely care about them then the following may give them some insight. Perhaps they know other children in their lives or other parents who have children who may need attention with the following: some children are born with a life long study issue, a life long speech impediment, social issues, communication concerns, low confidence or just a ‘bug of a hang-up’ that won’t go away. Believe me, many of us were there. The child or even the parent just can’t figure it out. Well, I feel that the lower levels of Scientology may help a parent or those children with such concerns. When Rinder and Remini exert such energy and scatter it out into the public concerning ‘their’ losses, upsets and bad experiences on a topic they are no longer a part of well, what’s the point? They supported it for many years. They must have gotten something out of it after all those years. And now they left. This is how life works. But is it really necessary to complain about it negatively to the public while no longer a part of it? That to me is setting oneself up to be hit with some heavy bad karma. It comes when you least expect it. Believe me. Why not just breath and move on? If anything they are creating destruction toward something that may help another man or woman with an issue that is affecting them or a child who is searching for something that may help them through life. That is one area I would not partake in. I myself would wonder how long could I get away with this before paying a heavy price. I am sharing this with Rinder and Remini because I feel it is the right thing to do. I am not in favor of what they are doing mainly because I do not think there is much else out there that may help those who are searching for something to address their life concerns that they may be faced with. Let life take its own course. That part usually works out. Let others make their own decisions for themselves without the outside interference.
I don’t think most former members would be sharing their experiences if they had not been subjected to horrible abuse and forced disconnection. You seem to think that one shouldn’t speak badly about abusive behavior because that person may have gotten some positive things out of Scientology. Should Catholics, Souther Baptists, Jehovah Witnesses, silent about the abuse they received from their churches? Should women be silent about sexual abuse they receive because it was by husband or boyfriend?
Do you agree with the fair game tactics (and don’t say that was cancelled as only the use of the team was cancelled)? Do you think the number of Scientologists who have had to declare bankruptcy due to abusive regging is right? Do you think the thousands of forced abortions in the Sea Org is something that people should be silent about?
So much abuse was hidden behind the requirement that people be silent (not just Scientology abuses) and finally people are speaking out and that is a good thing. I never imagined Scientology would protect rapists and child molesters, but they do and that is unforgivable. Any group which protects pedophiles or rapists should be exposed.
They should be real men and learn to say No and then follow through at their own pace.
Those who object to self betterment may want to be more effective and rent a few charter buses and then peacefully protest in front of Flag, AOLA and Asho. The effect created would be much greater. They may even release some of their by- passed charge stemming from possible hidden overts.
The tech works for those who are capable and wise enough to use it. We are blessed!
Ask Rinder if he still has Scientology sessions. I can tell that he does. How hypocritical is that?
A valid point but not back in my day. I cannot control what others ‘pull in’ or are subject too – both good and bad. Perhaps some of it is true. I do not know. I’ve not had to deal with it and I have not seen it. I do great with the tech and have been for years. It is a gift. It works for us. We are blessed. I got what you said though. We have also been messed with more than one would imagine – over the years. But is that any different from outside world experiences? I weigh out the good with the bad and I get more good than bad. You will always be disappointed with whatever you do in life one way or another by who you let into your life. The key is for me to stand up and fight back if need be and handle a situation at that moment and not let it lurk over me – wherever it may come from inside or out in the world. That is your right and that is integrity. On another note I do not accept Scientology as a church. I do not see it as a religion and I never did over all my years in it. It is an applied philosophy and nothing more.
I’ve returned to atheism after quitting Sea Org/Scientology.
I’d counter your arguments by simply saying read books, get up to reading books, and read more books in life.
Read other subjects, and continue your adult education. Hubbard will never attract worldwide acceptance, when you finally compare what he output compared to the rest of human knowledge. And you only learn that, by reading widely outside of Scientology.
Read yourself away from Hubbard’s nonsense. (“The Great Books” is a start)
Yeah, nah… That’s not how indoctrination works, mate. If this was a good business that helped people, it would be free to be on whatever weird arsed, made up bridge bullshit and there wouldn’t be punishments and ostracism. Just stop it. You sound unhinged.
The big difference between people such as Mr. Vogel and myself is the fact that I’ve walked away from Scientology and have seen the light, while Mr. Vogel, unfortunately, hasn’t.
Whether you’re still in Scientology or not, please show some respect: it is MISTER Rinder and MS. Remini.
The world outside scientology and dianetics is geared up to help mankind, not hurt it. Overall, Scientology and dianetics are crap shoots.
Scientology kept from publication for 27 years the L. Ron Hubbard biography by Russell Miller: “Bare-Faced Messiah.”
Right. Hubbard himself just never could admit he was wrong about his quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism subject he’d created. It’s just a huge long false promising lineup of quackery.
So, Hubbard’s solution is have the members straitjacketed in a rules system that blames them for failing to make the quackery succeed, and blame then “SPs” in the outside world, who even per Keeping Scientology Working policy, the “SPs” are not to be blamed, but instead the followers are to blame and correct one another in becoming more orthodox and proficient at the quackery (the “tech”).
Scientologists are stuck on Hubbard’s mobius strip of self blaming if they fail performing Hubbard’s quackery.
Hubbard wanted his captive audience to subsist and succeed as an author, and he built this followship of his quackery stuck holding Hubbard’s bag. “….quit fast….” Hubbard did allow, as a taunt though, in Keeping Scientology Working.
Not researched but innately agreed, is the number of Scientology quitters. There are more quitters than there are followers, by likely 100X.
Scientology’s creating more quitters of Scientology, that’s their only growth. More quitters.
I was part of the testing of the prototypish mark 1 and can attest to COB’s expertise as true to RON 1.0’s visionionarieness. COB’s marvelous invention extended my awareness 47X beyond reality and into unfestered abysmial depths undreamed of until now. COB is the goto man to get it done, as he so often screams from over his 5 foot 3 inch desk.
I can also reveal truth that a DOS Omega draft program is in the works to Telstar satellite link the Mark 11 Locator to your newly purchased Mark IX meter that is in development from the ever brilliant mind of COB. With this combo you will finally see the end to the end of the other end of those endless ticks on the needle with the sensitivity set at 1048 and Astounding Sensibility. It is likely you will need to build a Faraday Cage in which to do your auditing as at these extreme sensitivity settings you will be getting reads from Uranus and/or Coltis.
I got your point but you are missing something vital. If someone was attacking you or a loved one, would you just stand there and take it? It is healthy to fight back. Sooner or later the bullies will get the message. Stand up, stand your ground and fight back – at all cost if needed. Dianetics and Scientology still helps others in their daily lives. Why do those who have taken a lost on it get enjoyment diminishing it? Well, I know the ‘why’ but that is for some other time. Let others make their own decisions about what they want to do. I have learned two things. 1.) Scientology may not work for everyone. And 2.) when it does work for someone that person will make great gains. But (and this is interesting) there may come a time when that person will walk away because they observed that they got everything they ‘ever wanted’ out of studying the tech. Others may say the following: they got everything ‘they will ever get’ out of the tech – and so they too walked away. Why hang around? But I certainly would not be disloyal about what helped me to the point where I would be hurting others. There is something special about loyalty to one’s, a friend or even your fellow man – as hard as that may be today. Believe me I feel it too.
Rinder has children. Remini is a mother. If they sincerely care about them then the following may give them some insight. Perhaps they know other children in their lives or other parents who have children who may need attention with the following: some children are born with a life long study issue, a life long speech impediment, social issues, communication concerns, low confidence or just a ‘bug of a hang-up’ that won’t go away. Believe me, many of us were there. The child or even the parent just can’t figure it out. Well, I feel that the lower levels of Scientology may help a parent or those children with such concerns. When Rinder and Remini exert such energy and scatter it out into the public concerning ‘their’ losses, upsets and bad experiences on a topic they are no longer a part of well, what’s the point? They supported it for many years. They must have gotten something out of it after all those years. And now they left. This is how life works. But is it really necessary to complain about it negatively to the public while no longer a part of it? That to me is setting oneself up to be hit with some heavy bad karma. It comes when you least expect it. Believe me. Why not just breath and move on? If anything they are creating destruction toward something that may help another man or woman with an issue that is affecting them or a child who is searching for something that may help them through life. That is one area I would not partake in. I myself would wonder how long could I get away with this before paying a heavy price. I am sharing this with Rinder and Remini because I feel it is the right thing to do. I am not in favor of what they are doing mainly because I do not think there is much else out there that may help those who are searching for something to address their life concerns that they may be faced with. Let life take its own course. That part usually works out. Let others make their own decisions for themselves without the outside interference.
Curiosity got the better of me and I read the piece without the proper clearances so now I feel the pneumonia coming on, which proves once again that Ron was right all along just like he told us in KSW. We should take heed of his words of wisdom lest we suffer a similar fate such as I am currently experiencing. May my high crime and dereliction of duty serve as a warning to all those with the misguided notion that they know better than Source. Like Tom says, “It’s a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist. You have to earn it.” I would therefore encourage everyone to purchase the new Mark II Ultra Clearvision CBT Locator to fully support command intention and keep those 1.1 BTs and clusters at bay so as to continue going up the Bridge and salvaging this sector of the universe. Low scale beings pray, high scale ones pay.
It’s so sad that nothing new will ever come out of the cult again until if finally fades out of existence (probably through existing orgs slowly becoming more independent after Miscavige dies in the 2050s).
Nothing original, insightful or even interesting, ever again. Except better special effects at a Miscavige rally or a Superbowl commercial.
Perhaps some Ron references will be taken out of context where he seems to support gays, and claiming it was always that way.
That’s why the events in this comic could only happen in a dream or nightmare.
A Registrar told me that a CBT Locator can improve my Canasta game 47X!
Mike Rinder has always come across to me as a lost little boy and still living as a lost little boy in an older body. There is something there where he had a great lost as little boy and it was never addressed. Coming to the present, Mike is also sitting in an image that has him playing victim. He has a lot of hidden anger under his skin that he cannot control. If he still wonders why his family (still in Scientology) wants nothing to do with him well, just listen to his tone. My advice to him is stop the blame game and come to present time. Let others learn about Scientology on their own and come to their own decision. Why would you want to stop another person from doing their own calculations? Mike does not realize how much he is hurting himself. There is pain within and it shows on his face. Live and and Live dude.
On another note have you ever noticed how unhappy those who attack Scientology are? It is sad. Why not use that energy to help a cause and not hurt?
Sounds like someone is trying to work their way up through the lower ethics conditions.
That comment by “Guy Vogel” strikes me more as an attempt by someone asking chatgpt (or one of the increasing number of ground level experimental “AI’s) to create a short piece about Mike’s supposed problems.
Your comments indicate that you have the same low level of education as does David Miscavige. You should have read this ‘out loud’ before publishing it. I suspect your description of others reflects your own situation.
“…Let others learn about Scientology on their own and come to their own decision…..”
I’ve given Scientology 27 years in Sea Org (all the way up to working in Author Services Inc), and I’ve stayed tuned in the ex member community chat sites for the last 20 years now.
I’d say I’ve given it a lot of consideration, and there are some very broad conclusions:
a) Those within the strict Hubbard guidelines are incapable of being concise or accurate in defining what Scientology is.
b) Hubbard crippled literally all in Scientology, and the outside world, from really concisely summarizing Scientology, due to Hubbard never concisely summarizing it himself, and neither allowing his members even discuss Scientology concisely.
c) The “solution” to tell outsiders to look into Scientology sufficiently to judge Scientology in a balanced way, is futile and a fool’s errand.
Have you studied Scientology and found a good concise definition of it? What is your concise definition of Scientology, I’ll give you a long paragraph worth of space.
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org (1975 to 2003)
I think the Thetan Smoking has gone to your tiny brain. Please go self-flagellate and shut up. I cannot believe you took time out of your Higher Existance to write that droll diatribe.
Sad that there’s no known cure or deodorant for brown nose disease.
Bahahahahaha!!! If you could hear how silly you sounded lol.
Okay, bro. Whatever you reckon. Clearly haven’t actually listened to Mike at all since he has left. Call your Dad, man. You’re in a cult.
Re: “Let others learn about Scientology on their own and come to their own decision.”
To Anyone Who Has Never Been in Scientology:
You will never be given a chance to “learn about Scientology” on your own, nor will you be given the opportunity to come to your own decision about it.
Let’s say you’re going to a doctor’s appointment near the corner of Sunset and Vermont in Los Angeles. You’re so green to scientology, you don’t know what it is if anyone asked you about.
Well, that’s all right because scientology has highly trained Body Routers planted between that major intersection and their Scientology organization, just two blocks away.
When a Body Router approaches you and starts a conversation, the BR will never mention the word “scientology” or “L. Ron Hubbard,” it’s “founder.” Instead, the BR will have shiny, colorful “tickets” for a “free” movie or personality test. (That movie, by the way, may be for something called “dianetics,” something that the psychological profession warned the public about in 1950. Yes, that’s right: 73 years ago. And I don’t think they’ve changed their mind about it.)
Body Routers have been perfecting their trade for decades. Back in their org, they spend countless hours drilling each other on how to (1) entice and (2) deceive you.
Once a BR entraps you, you’ve become their prey. Know it or not, they’re to going to haul you into their org. Once there, they’re going to talk you into giving them your name, your phone number, your address. Then they’ll trick you into buying a book, a course or even some counseling (“auditing”).
A Body Router and their associates will “love bomb” you. They’ll make you feel welcomed, cared for and appreciated. The agreement between the two of you may become so significant that nothing, short of this warning, will be able to pull you away.
Don’t do it. Run away, don’t walk, from scientology and dianetics.
Someone scientology suckered some 43 years ago.
Guy Vogel:
You are everything a scientologist shouldn’t be: invalidating, critical, mean and evaluating.
Oh, but Mike and other former Scientologists DO use their energy to help a cause and do good in the world. He’s very active with the Aftermath Foundation.
The Aftermath Foundation exists to help those who want to leave Scientology and the Sea Organization,
but lack a system of support they can rely on while getting on their feet in the outside world.
Former Sea Org members tend to be industrious workers but many have no employment history nor family outside of Scientology. Further, many have no formal education, bank account, driver’s license or credit history.
The challenges one encounters when leaving Scientology and the Sea Org are many. The Aftermath Foundation is devoted to providing resources, support, and advocacy to those who leave so they can gain their independence and make their way in the world.
It is a very honorable cause! If you or anyone you know is looking to leave Scientology or the Sea Org, and are not sure what to do, the Aftermath Foundation is there to help. You can learn more at
Take care Guy! Hope you’re having a wonderful day.
I’ve got a bit of slack on my CC. I’ll take a garage full.
Oh, only if they work on cats too, he’s always scratching at something.
I guess I will have to become a Scientologist to get one of these. In fact, just reading about it (despite the warnings) makes me feel like a freeloader.
There are rumors that COB has allowed Tom Cruise to test the new version that uses implants and contact lenses. Reportedly it will take Mission Impossible to new levels.
Not particularly related to post. More related to Masterson trial and Scientology attacks on police and DAs. Scientology and Scientologists as part of conditions always have to do something, take action. They can never not attack back. So while a rational human being might just decide to ignore some things rather than stirring up a hornets nest, Scientology by its nature requires you act. They never seem to realize that the actions they take often create more bad PR for themselves. Many exes probably would not have written books or started youtube sites if they were just left alone, but Scientology had to force disconnection, had to create hate websites, has to interfere in Masterson trial. They can also never apologize. They just can’t see that their own “effective” actions against their perceived enemies is backfiring and they can’t stop because they have to listen to LRH no matter how damaging the consequences.
Well said, and quite right. I have nothing to add.
I think if one takes a good look at what you just said, that is the game plan of organised Scientology. If they are considered as a result based pursuit, and they have being playing their game for a very long time, the evidence points only in one direction.
The effects and results they create simply reflect a Scientologists adherence to their orders. They use the compassion and aspirations of the humanities as a angler uses a worm.
Their victim’s truth is meaningless to them. Another way of viewing this is that a farmer doesn’t go into diplomatic relations with chickens.
Something like an Untouchables group may be necessary to deal with Scientology.
They haven’t twigged that sometimes it’s best to ignore irrelevant events that aren’t going to bother you anyway. Attacking the WRONG targets just gets them annoyed and makes enemies you don’t know how to handle, which is scientology’s only working technique: pissing off the wrong people who then need to be “handled”.
And THEN they forget important stuff, like Ron’s real birthday (this lifetime that is), Book 1’s publication date and that they’re supposed to be a “*religion*”, not a military force.
I got your point but you are missing something vital. If someone was attacking you or a loved one, would you just stand there and take it? It is healthy to fight back. Sooner or later the bullies will get the message. Stand up, stand your ground and fight back – at all cost if needed. Dianetics and Scientology still helps others in their daily lives. Why do those who have taken a lost on it get enjoyment diminishing it? Well, I know the ‘why’ but that is for some other time. Let others make their own decisions about what they want to do. I have learned two things. 1.) Scientology may not work for everyone. And 2.) when it does work for someone that person will make great gains. But (and this is interesting) there may come a time when that person will walk away because they observed that they got everything they ‘ever wanted’ out of studying the tech. Others may say the following: they got everything ‘they will ever get’ out of the tech – and so they too walked away. Why hang around? But I certainly would not be disloyal about what helped me to the point where I would be hurting others. There is something special about loyalty to one’s, a friend or even your fellow man – as hard as that may be today. Believe me I feel it too.
Rinder has children. Remini is a mother. If they sincerely care about them then the following may give them some insight. Perhaps they know other children in their lives or other parents who have children who may need attention with the following: some children are born with a life long study issue, a life long speech impediment, social issues, communication concerns, low confidence or just a ‘bug of a hang-up’ that won’t go away. Believe me, many of us were there. The child or even the parent just can’t figure it out. Well, I feel that the lower levels of Scientology may help a parent or those children with such concerns. When Rinder and Remini exert such energy and scatter it out into the public concerning ‘their’ losses, upsets and bad experiences on a topic they are no longer a part of well, what’s the point? They supported it for many years. They must have gotten something out of it after all those years. And now they left. This is how life works. But is it really necessary to complain about it negatively to the public while no longer a part of it? That to me is setting oneself up to be hit with some heavy bad karma. It comes when you least expect it. Believe me. Why not just breath and move on? If anything they are creating destruction toward something that may help another man or woman with an issue that is affecting them or a child who is searching for something that may help them through life. That is one area I would not partake in. I myself would wonder how long could I get away with this before paying a heavy price. I am sharing this with Rinder and Remini because I feel it is the right thing to do. I am not in favor of what they are doing mainly because I do not think there is much else out there that may help those who are searching for something to address their life concerns that they may be faced with. Let life take its own course. That part usually works out. Let others make their own decisions for themselves without the outside interference.
I don’t think most former members would be sharing their experiences if they had not been subjected to horrible abuse and forced disconnection. You seem to think that one shouldn’t speak badly about abusive behavior because that person may have gotten some positive things out of Scientology. Should Catholics, Souther Baptists, Jehovah Witnesses, silent about the abuse they received from their churches? Should women be silent about sexual abuse they receive because it was by husband or boyfriend?
Do you agree with the fair game tactics (and don’t say that was cancelled as only the use of the team was cancelled)? Do you think the number of Scientologists who have had to declare bankruptcy due to abusive regging is right? Do you think the thousands of forced abortions in the Sea Org is something that people should be silent about?
So much abuse was hidden behind the requirement that people be silent (not just Scientology abuses) and finally people are speaking out and that is a good thing. I never imagined Scientology would protect rapists and child molesters, but they do and that is unforgivable. Any group which protects pedophiles or rapists should be exposed.
They should be real men and learn to say No and then follow through at their own pace.
Those who object to self betterment may want to be more effective and rent a few charter buses and then peacefully protest in front of Flag, AOLA and Asho. The effect created would be much greater. They may even release some of their by- passed charge stemming from possible hidden overts.
The tech works for those who are capable and wise enough to use it. We are blessed!
Ask Rinder if he still has Scientology sessions. I can tell that he does. How hypocritical is that?
Guy Vogel
Scientology sessions????
You really are delusory. Your “certainty” and “knowingness” are leading you astray.
A valid point but not back in my day. I cannot control what others ‘pull in’ or are subject too – both good and bad. Perhaps some of it is true. I do not know. I’ve not had to deal with it and I have not seen it. I do great with the tech and have been for years. It is a gift. It works for us. We are blessed. I got what you said though. We have also been messed with more than one would imagine – over the years. But is that any different from outside world experiences? I weigh out the good with the bad and I get more good than bad. You will always be disappointed with whatever you do in life one way or another by who you let into your life. The key is for me to stand up and fight back if need be and handle a situation at that moment and not let it lurk over me – wherever it may come from inside or out in the world. That is your right and that is integrity. On another note I do not accept Scientology as a church. I do not see it as a religion and I never did over all my years in it. It is an applied philosophy and nothing more.
I’ve returned to atheism after quitting Sea Org/Scientology.
I’d counter your arguments by simply saying read books, get up to reading books, and read more books in life.
Read other subjects, and continue your adult education. Hubbard will never attract worldwide acceptance, when you finally compare what he output compared to the rest of human knowledge. And you only learn that, by reading widely outside of Scientology.
Read yourself away from Hubbard’s nonsense. (“The Great Books” is a start)
Or maybe read Mike’s book and other books by exes? 🙂
Or read the stories in the big list?
(Hey – I can’t help it.)
Yeah, nah… That’s not how indoctrination works, mate. If this was a good business that helped people, it would be free to be on whatever weird arsed, made up bridge bullshit and there wouldn’t be punishments and ostracism. Just stop it. You sound unhinged.
The big difference between people such as Mr. Vogel and myself is the fact that I’ve walked away from Scientology and have seen the light, while Mr. Vogel, unfortunately, hasn’t.
Whether you’re still in Scientology or not, please show some respect: it is MISTER Rinder and MS. Remini.
The world outside scientology and dianetics is geared up to help mankind, not hurt it. Overall, Scientology and dianetics are crap shoots.
Scientology kept from publication for 27 years the L. Ron Hubbard biography by Russell Miller: “Bare-Faced Messiah.”
Read it. See the light.
Right. Hubbard himself just never could admit he was wrong about his quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism subject he’d created. It’s just a huge long false promising lineup of quackery.
So, Hubbard’s solution is have the members straitjacketed in a rules system that blames them for failing to make the quackery succeed, and blame then “SPs” in the outside world, who even per Keeping Scientology Working policy, the “SPs” are not to be blamed, but instead the followers are to blame and correct one another in becoming more orthodox and proficient at the quackery (the “tech”).
Scientologists are stuck on Hubbard’s mobius strip of self blaming if they fail performing Hubbard’s quackery.
Hubbard wanted his captive audience to subsist and succeed as an author, and he built this followship of his quackery stuck holding Hubbard’s bag. “….quit fast….” Hubbard did allow, as a taunt though, in Keeping Scientology Working.
Not researched but innately agreed, is the number of Scientology quitters. There are more quitters than there are followers, by likely 100X.
Scientology’s creating more quitters of Scientology, that’s their only growth. More quitters.
Hilarious RB, just freaking hilarious. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but you could easily be Marketing Director for the CO$.
OMG!!! RB I split coffee reading your post
I was part of the testing of the prototypish mark 1 and can attest to COB’s expertise as true to RON 1.0’s visionionarieness. COB’s marvelous invention extended my awareness 47X beyond reality and into unfestered abysmial depths undreamed of until now. COB is the goto man to get it done, as he so often screams from over his 5 foot 3 inch desk.
I can also reveal truth that a DOS Omega draft program is in the works to Telstar satellite link the Mark 11 Locator to your newly purchased Mark IX meter that is in development from the ever brilliant mind of COB. With this combo you will finally see the end to the end of the other end of those endless ticks on the needle with the sensitivity set at 1048 and Astounding Sensibility. It is likely you will need to build a Faraday Cage in which to do your auditing as at these extreme sensitivity settings you will be getting reads from Uranus and/or Coltis.
Hip Hip Hippie Hooray
I got your point but you are missing something vital. If someone was attacking you or a loved one, would you just stand there and take it? It is healthy to fight back. Sooner or later the bullies will get the message. Stand up, stand your ground and fight back – at all cost if needed. Dianetics and Scientology still helps others in their daily lives. Why do those who have taken a lost on it get enjoyment diminishing it? Well, I know the ‘why’ but that is for some other time. Let others make their own decisions about what they want to do. I have learned two things. 1.) Scientology may not work for everyone. And 2.) when it does work for someone that person will make great gains. But (and this is interesting) there may come a time when that person will walk away because they observed that they got everything they ‘ever wanted’ out of studying the tech. Others may say the following: they got everything ‘they will ever get’ out of the tech – and so they too walked away. Why hang around? But I certainly would not be disloyal about what helped me to the point where I would be hurting others. There is something special about loyalty to one’s, a friend or even your fellow man – as hard as that may be today. Believe me I feel it too.
Rinder has children. Remini is a mother. If they sincerely care about them then the following may give them some insight. Perhaps they know other children in their lives or other parents who have children who may need attention with the following: some children are born with a life long study issue, a life long speech impediment, social issues, communication concerns, low confidence or just a ‘bug of a hang-up’ that won’t go away. Believe me, many of us were there. The child or even the parent just can’t figure it out. Well, I feel that the lower levels of Scientology may help a parent or those children with such concerns. When Rinder and Remini exert such energy and scatter it out into the public concerning ‘their’ losses, upsets and bad experiences on a topic they are no longer a part of well, what’s the point? They supported it for many years. They must have gotten something out of it after all those years. And now they left. This is how life works. But is it really necessary to complain about it negatively to the public while no longer a part of it? That to me is setting oneself up to be hit with some heavy bad karma. It comes when you least expect it. Believe me. Why not just breath and move on? If anything they are creating destruction toward something that may help another man or woman with an issue that is affecting them or a child who is searching for something that may help them through life. That is one area I would not partake in. I myself would wonder how long could I get away with this before paying a heavy price. I am sharing this with Rinder and Remini because I feel it is the right thing to do. I am not in favor of what they are doing mainly because I do not think there is much else out there that may help those who are searching for something to address their life concerns that they may be faced with. Let life take its own course. That part usually works out. Let others make their own decisions for themselves without the outside interference.
Cut and Paste?
Just one stat for your ‘package’ dude no matter how many times you repeat it.
Curiosity got the better of me and I read the piece without the proper clearances so now I feel the pneumonia coming on, which proves once again that Ron was right all along just like he told us in KSW. We should take heed of his words of wisdom lest we suffer a similar fate such as I am currently experiencing. May my high crime and dereliction of duty serve as a warning to all those with the misguided notion that they know better than Source. Like Tom says, “It’s a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist. You have to earn it.” I would therefore encourage everyone to purchase the new Mark II Ultra Clearvision CBT Locator to fully support command intention and keep those 1.1 BTs and clusters at bay so as to continue going up the Bridge and salvaging this sector of the universe. Low scale beings pray, high scale ones pay.
$17,847.39 sounds like a really good bargain
A divorce is really needed here.
Ha ha ha!!! This must be one of the best so far. Couldn’t stop laughing.
Nice for playing poker too, I see.