I can identify with this RB! You can relate a long story in relatively few words – its a true talent you have. Thank you – this one struck home for me.
Thank you Regraded, the panel of Alan recognizing the truth about this group is great. IMO the character “Alan” is an extremely rare person…. I must have been the luckiest student and PC. I can say I changed completely after a jo berg, and the floating T/A’s that occurred during the confessional. While I have never been known for being either nice or tolerant, after the confessional I became a real professional at putting across my F You’s with intention, particularly when in close proximity to HCO. In fact I tracked down the MAA that ordered me to the jo berg, told him what a fine person that I thought he could become in a few life times.
Then I stumbled into the PDC lectures, originals on reel to reel without all the copyright drivel. I can say that the confessional changed this life. The PDC’s changed my future. I have no interest in attempting to change anyone’s opinion about their experience. As I stated earlier I must have been the luckiest student and PC, I have no horror stories about failed courses or sessions or psycho Sups. The parts of scientology I have been exposed to work. A few of the people I have met in scientology… (well, everyone was someone before they walked in the door of the COS) shouldn’t be allowed to own an ugly dog.
The problem is, who do you trust? Obviously LRH was overwhelmed from 71 onwards, add to the mix the GO, then of course there was Jane Kember and her complete personality change after a visit to a “doctor”, followed by Quentin’s passing. The raids, the criminal trials, the law suits, threats of losing the church to receivership, then OSA( I have a great story about coby knight, for another post), Mr. Mayo, a little fooling around with power struggles, and finally the Shrimp. Who do you trust? Who has the size 14 balls and the common sense to wield that power? The right person could change the religion(NOT THE CHURCH) in a year, we’ve all seen what the wrong person has done. I don’t have a solution, but I think a little blog like this could be just the place to find one. Thanking you in advance for your kind attention, Henry
Hi Henry James, Thank you for your post.I always knew that there would be a lucky and blessed traveler who had not been completely bent out of shape by forces and changes to Sci as you posted.I am glad that you found parts of Scientology that really work for you.I loved Ron as a father for my years in the Sea Org until I realized there was something highly amiss within The SO which was creating beings who had decided they would form their own rouge group against whoever they picked.Did Ron know? Maybe not at the moment but after months of the former treatment I feel he knew something and let it run.I too feel very strongly that Mike’s Blog on the fringes of the Internet has the power to communicate forever and the solution you seek may appear amongst all our posts at any time.Please keep posting.I find hidden facets a good gems from all here always.Thank you for your shining self.Ann B.
I wonder how long it takes a typical $cientologist to change after being exposed to truth ( with all the stages of disillusionment depicted as shown in Regraded’s cartoon of the guy looking at Materials online )..
I suppose it is different for each person, and depends how “hardcore” a believer one may be….
From my experience it depends mostly on how unwilling the person is to admit to themselves that they have been fooled. I have not seen that intelligence range is a major factor, one way or another.
People who have done “OT levels” seem to take a lot longer to come around. I mean, if one doesn’t run screaming (laughing?) when you open the OT 3 pack for the 1st time, you are likely pretty heavily brainwashed already.
Hi John Locke, Like your post.Or in my case plain pigheaded stubbornness made it harder for me to admit I was in deep #### with the Intel Guardians,once I saw that a lot more cognition followed.But Emotional as I still can be it is still going to be years of unlocking all of the garbage so I can absolutely cut all the chains of “did I Cause all that to happen to me”? I now know I did not I did my utmost best I could possibly do in SO and I got toasted to a crisp!Always Ann B
Hi Ann. Yes, El Con set it up that way to keep the flock introverted so as to not spot that he was a criminal. He wrote some accurate materials about sociopaths (SP’s) as he was one and knew his own thought processes. He even wrote ethics policy that if anyone pointed at a senior management terminal or hisself as being SP they were to be labeled Type 2 PTS.
Hi John Locke,A really good post.Oh yes PTS2 I got all the PTSes that were to be gotten back then.I was called PTS for being labeled PTS.I dreamt in PTS.Glad we are out! XO Ann B.
Bruce, for me it was listening to reg’s talk about what they were doing. In one way or another I have been involved in sales for a long time. I won’t offer for sale anything that creates a withhold on my part. Hearing the reg’s go on about taking their public’s money was the point at which I began to “look”. By ’86 I had concluded I would have to wait for the religion to right itself. I came back in and got a tailor maid confessional
in 95, something like 18 hours into it got out on a Floating T/A, stayed there for weeks, finally ended the tailor made within another hour. After that I started on the PDC lectures without need or want of an Org. I have been happy as a “Clam” for an extended period of time without any desire to see the inside of an Org again. As I’ve stated elsewhere, I must be the luckiest PC and student in the history of the religion. Henry
Love it RB! I love the part where Frank tells Alan to get Jack on the F’ing phone so “we can help you keep him from destroying himself”. LOL
They actually believe we are destroying ourselves bcuz we dumped them from our lives. Such arrogance and lunacy all rolled into a big ugly ball of poo.
I want to state that I have observed that LRH was a decent being who wanted to free man of his aberrations
and was done in by DLMDM and his minions. I’m sure there are others who share my view. I’m a CL6 who gets great results on my PC’s and they are winning in life because of LRH’s tech applied to them. I really appreciate your comic strip Regraded Being for showing so clearly the implant tech of DLHDM and its results.
A decent man would not have condemned homosexuals to death six years after the Nazi concentration camps were freed, the same concentration camps where a half million of my tribe were exterminated because they dared to love the same gender. A decent man would not have falsely described himself as a nuclear physicist and promoted a way to “clear the body of radiation”, which led to the abomination known as the Putrif. A decent man would not have said that he won 27 medals during WWII when he won four.
Willie Phelps, using the word, “decent” to describe Ron Hubbard is about as offensive to me as if you had called somebody a “nigger”. But that’s okay, I don’t consider being offended a serious setback. Your use of the word, “wins”, is one I criticize because the word has no specific meaning. I have wins every moment of my life what is so special about having wins for crying out loud?
Hi Marc Headley,I completely mangled your name in one of my posts! Those gremlins.Have just finished your book.Thank you,loved it.RB and you and Mike and all those who have written about their COS-SO-OSA experiences are solid moorings for those like me that tend to sometimes get trapped in the maze of memories re: SO Ron etc.But then I think,look what I have now that no bad recall can destroy.Freedom and free will and that is priceless.With Admiration, Ann B.
I have friends that have disconnected from me that use this “logic” as their justification for disconnecting and their justification for NOT reading the internet, etc. One ACTUALLY said to me that one shouldn’t read this “stuff” on the internet or books because it will just gets people to start thinking negatively about the church. LOL Oh my.
Ive come to the conclusion that regraded being either has a spy network better than MI6 and CIA or astral travels at night to give us this recon data by direct observation. It cuts to the bone everytime. What a mind warped kicked in the head society corporate Scn has become. I would not trade places with those poor souls for any lottery winning ticket, ever!
Hi sheeplebane,Good to meet you.I’m right behind you.I would never trade places with any poor soul in The Sea Org either not now..But if I won all the lotteries I’d pay the still ins to leave and set up help for those who have nothing left.The Sea Org is a cruel Master to any who question at all.Always Ann B.
Absolutely SJ.. And We all know some are reading.. and waking up.. It is the age of the internet. Old Hubs didn’t count on that. People are leaving as I type.
SJ, I really hope so. I know they made their own beds, but, I wouldn’t want anyone trapped in this evil, vicious, toxic, militant cult. And, as babybunker posted, “People are leaving as I type this.” Yes, yes they are bb. Hip, hip………
Standing ovation! Scientology begins with KSW and it’s KSW where you as a self-determined and self-confident person begin to die. KSW informs you that Ron Hubbard is the source of the only workable and valuable knowledge there is. Nobody can contribute to that knowledge either. (Outside contributions and collaborations ALWAYS failed!) KSW is where you are introduced to Hubbard’s messianic vision of grandeur and accept him subliminally as the greatest person who ever lived. In KSW Hubbard refers to his ‘scientology’ as TECHNOLOGY over and over again until you think of his half-baked malarky as rooted in scientifically sound principles which it is NOT. (It is rooted in his imagination and fanciful interpretations of valid knowledge that preceded him.) KSW begins a scientologist’s journey into a species of madness where Hubbard’s selfish and narcissistic values are adopted, turning everybody into the same delusional, unfeeling, non-REASONING person. A clone. It is due to common human foibles that we fall for this stuff and it’s due to integrity, also common to our human nature, that we extricate ourselves from it.
SO TRUE. Even at my ‘most in’ point, I never liked KSW. As soon as I was checked out on it, I would always skip it on future check sheets. Major cognitive dissonance! Wish I had listened to my inner voice, instead of demonizing it.
+1,000 Roger. He made it all up as he went along. Hey, I’ll give him props for being an outstanding story teller, but, that’s where it ends. Telling fictional stories.
And this is why some of us Antis get a little frustrated with certain Indies and Exes out there. It all stems from KSW condition #1: Knowing you have the right technology. We Antis know that the answer to that is “No, you don’t. The Tech is a fraud. It’s a fraud from Engrams through to the R6 Implants.” Yet there’s that brigade that can’t get beyond this point and think that Red On White is unerring truth. It all stems from KSW condition #1. Get them to stop believing that, and the whole house of KSW cards falls down.
My dividing line between ally and enemy is simple: Do you believe in the Tone Scale as written and do you believe in KSW #1? If the answer to either of those is “yes”, they’re on my enemy list.
Very true, if you look up KSW on Wikipedia it gives a great example of why Germany has designated scn as a Totalitarian Ideology: “We’d rather have you dead than incapable.” This last sentence has been cited in a report by the state government of Baden-Württemberg, as evidence that Scientology represents a totalitarian ideology.” When you step outside the bubble you can see the German’s point of view, Hubbard is not talking about being generally incapable, but saying he would rather you were dead if you fail to follow his doctrine, you can bet that miscavige would follow this to the letter if he could get away with it.
Judging by how long its taking CC to fix up that shitty apartment building they bought (the one on Bronson immediately south of the parking lot, at the NW corner of Bronson & Yucca St), I’d say they should all just go commit mass seppuku. It’s been two years they’ve been working on it. That fucking job site is like Amateur Hour. I’ve heard their fire alarms still keep going off. Talk about incapable.
But still, I wonder what the hell they’re gonna use it for? I was down in LA this week and I always do a drive-by… All I can really see in the place is the ceiling fans, and they are way too nice for them to be using this shithole for berthing. But the place is a crappy mid-50’s motor hotel looking thing… and after two years it still looks like a crappy mid-50’s motel.
Are they going to use it as part of the hotel? Like cheaper rooms for longer-stay people? But who travels to CC for services? It’s just a Cl V org, you can get that at any of that asshole Miscavige’s lovely Ideal palaces.
Maybe it’s for ASHO public to stay at while they are doing the BC. Oh, wait. You can’t do the BC, because Midget Dave is busy fixing Ron’s fuckups so He can re-release it. I’m mystified.
I could write a RB cartoon myself when Flag exiled
me to the SWAMP ( Clearwater has a SWAMP)
Today is the more tame story that happens less and less
because there are no more public.
A Money feeding frenzy on a few with no money
that has gone on way too long.
So glad you’re out, Jose. This RB, as they all are, is outstanding! And…it’s reality too. Der Dwarfen Fuhrer is just that. I can see him clearly as an SS colonel. Not only are people flooding the sidewalks of any street the cult has a building on by leaving, there’s another large group that is UTR and plans to stay that way. New Public? Fagetaboutit!!!
Funny you should say that. When I was staff I was tasked with cleaning up
this kid to be routed out. Long story short it took a couple days off my post.
Another staff had been looking for me and I told him about cleaning up the Kid..
He asked who it was and I told him. The guy went berzerk and near convulsions
then told me the Kid was a former infamous Nazi in his past life, not Hitler but close enough !!
True story
This is one of the best RB ever. Though Alan is a fictional character (is he?), I really admire his integrity. “… Jack is my friend which is exactly why I’m not going to bother him for something someone else wants.” That’s a testament to the quality of the writing.
Isn’t ‘Gimme money, and if you don’t have any, find someone who does!’, the real mantra of $cientology?
From selling pallet loads of the Basics to buying the huge gold cross that adorns the Stupor Powerz building in Clearwater, ‘show me the money’ is the real raison d’être of the clampire. And it does produce a lot of Alan’s and Jacks every year.
The Dwarfenführer has taken a 100 thousand plus flock and driven it down to 25-30 thousand. If $cientology were a mega church, Pastor Dave would out in the streets panhandling and Creflo Dollar would be running the show.
“Gimme money, and if you don’t have any, find someone who does!’ If you look up scientology in the dictionary, it will have that line. Having been out for over 3 decades, it’s interesting to me how the sheeple are, well, just sheeple. Remember the line: “Think for yourself.” Well, the sheeple do just the opposite. They take on the valence of Hubbard and all his sickness…
“Isn’t ‘Gimme money, and if you don’t have any, find someone who does!’, the real mantra of $cientology?”
Yes, that would be correct. El Con set that up as the true measure of the top of International Management. The acquisition of vast wealth above EVERYTHING else.
It is funny, and sad, to see Indies who still are in denial about this documented (via the Admin Scale Flubbard wrote) and irrefutable fact.
Frankly it gets even more insidious than that. If you don’t have the money, their financial wizards will lift your confidential information from your file and use it to apply for credit under your name…credit cards, equity loans, even taking out a second mortgage on your home…then they will “surprise” you with the “fantastic” news that you have more money and credit to your name than you had believed…and aren’t you just so happy now that you can keep paying your way up the bridge?
Hi Annie,Good to meet you.I did a lot in Sea Org with registering public for all sorts of auditing and training at Asho F and yes I did twist some arms to take out second mortgages or ask parents or granny etc for money.Not proud of that at all. However with all I went through I never was asked to change personal financial info on public to make them feel they had more money than they did.Disgusting and so typical of the cos-cult money machine of today.That was always there of course but it has been slammed to a whole new floor with the blood money grubbing going on in 2015.Always Ann B.
Sounds like a straight-forward police matter. The criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology can hide a lot behind contracts, but I would be shocked to find that applying for credit cards in the name of others falls under even those contracts.
I can identify with this RB! You can relate a long story in relatively few words – its a true talent you have. Thank you – this one struck home for me.
Thank you Regraded, the panel of Alan recognizing the truth about this group is great. IMO the character “Alan” is an extremely rare person…. I must have been the luckiest student and PC. I can say I changed completely after a jo berg, and the floating T/A’s that occurred during the confessional. While I have never been known for being either nice or tolerant, after the confessional I became a real professional at putting across my F You’s with intention, particularly when in close proximity to HCO. In fact I tracked down the MAA that ordered me to the jo berg, told him what a fine person that I thought he could become in a few life times.
Then I stumbled into the PDC lectures, originals on reel to reel without all the copyright drivel. I can say that the confessional changed this life. The PDC’s changed my future. I have no interest in attempting to change anyone’s opinion about their experience. As I stated earlier I must have been the luckiest student and PC, I have no horror stories about failed courses or sessions or psycho Sups. The parts of scientology I have been exposed to work. A few of the people I have met in scientology… (well, everyone was someone before they walked in the door of the COS) shouldn’t be allowed to own an ugly dog.
The problem is, who do you trust? Obviously LRH was overwhelmed from 71 onwards, add to the mix the GO, then of course there was Jane Kember and her complete personality change after a visit to a “doctor”, followed by Quentin’s passing. The raids, the criminal trials, the law suits, threats of losing the church to receivership, then OSA( I have a great story about coby knight, for another post), Mr. Mayo, a little fooling around with power struggles, and finally the Shrimp. Who do you trust? Who has the size 14 balls and the common sense to wield that power? The right person could change the religion(NOT THE CHURCH) in a year, we’ve all seen what the wrong person has done. I don’t have a solution, but I think a little blog like this could be just the place to find one. Thanking you in advance for your kind attention, Henry
Hi Henry James, Thank you for your post.I always knew that there would be a lucky and blessed traveler who had not been completely bent out of shape by forces and changes to Sci as you posted.I am glad that you found parts of Scientology that really work for you.I loved Ron as a father for my years in the Sea Org until I realized there was something highly amiss within The SO which was creating beings who had decided they would form their own rouge group against whoever they picked.Did Ron know? Maybe not at the moment but after months of the former treatment I feel he knew something and let it run.I too feel very strongly that Mike’s Blog on the fringes of the Internet has the power to communicate forever and the solution you seek may appear amongst all our posts at any time.Please keep posting.I find hidden facets a good gems from all here always.Thank you for your shining self.Ann B.
I figured out what OT power SO members have. Smelling currency at 100 yards away!
Hi MostEthicalPimp,Definitely SOers have that OTPower.Not only smell currency but allow it to levitate directly into the registrars paws.Always Ann B.
Good stuff, RB!
I wonder how long it takes a typical $cientologist to change after being exposed to truth ( with all the stages of disillusionment depicted as shown in Regraded’s cartoon of the guy looking at Materials online )..
I suppose it is different for each person, and depends how “hardcore” a believer one may be….
Any thoughts, everyone?
From my experience it depends mostly on how unwilling the person is to admit to themselves that they have been fooled. I have not seen that intelligence range is a major factor, one way or another.
People who have done “OT levels” seem to take a lot longer to come around. I mean, if one doesn’t run screaming (laughing?) when you open the OT 3 pack for the 1st time, you are likely pretty heavily brainwashed already.
Hi John Locke, Like your post.Or in my case plain pigheaded stubbornness made it harder for me to admit I was in deep #### with the Intel Guardians,once I saw that a lot more cognition followed.But Emotional as I still can be it is still going to be years of unlocking all of the garbage so I can absolutely cut all the chains of “did I Cause all that to happen to me”? I now know I did not I did my utmost best I could possibly do in SO and I got toasted to a crisp!Always Ann B
Hi Ann. Yes, El Con set it up that way to keep the flock introverted so as to not spot that he was a criminal. He wrote some accurate materials about sociopaths (SP’s) as he was one and knew his own thought processes. He even wrote ethics policy that if anyone pointed at a senior management terminal or hisself as being SP they were to be labeled Type 2 PTS.
Hi John Locke,A really good post.Oh yes PTS2 I got all the PTSes that were to be gotten back then.I was called PTS for being labeled PTS.I dreamt in PTS.Glad we are out! XO Ann B.
Bruce, for me it was listening to reg’s talk about what they were doing. In one way or another I have been involved in sales for a long time. I won’t offer for sale anything that creates a withhold on my part. Hearing the reg’s go on about taking their public’s money was the point at which I began to “look”. By ’86 I had concluded I would have to wait for the religion to right itself. I came back in and got a tailor maid confessional
in 95, something like 18 hours into it got out on a Floating T/A, stayed there for weeks, finally ended the tailor made within another hour. After that I started on the PDC lectures without need or want of an Org. I have been happy as a “Clam” for an extended period of time without any desire to see the inside of an Org again. As I’ve stated elsewhere, I must be the luckiest PC and student in the history of the religion. Henry
Love it RB! I love the part where Frank tells Alan to get Jack on the F’ing phone so “we can help you keep him from destroying himself”. LOL
They actually believe we are destroying ourselves bcuz we dumped them from our lives. Such arrogance and lunacy all rolled into a big ugly ball of poo.
🙂 A shrinking “ugly ball of poo.”
I want to state that I have observed that LRH was a decent being who wanted to free man of his aberrations
and was done in by DLMDM and his minions. I’m sure there are others who share my view. I’m a CL6 who gets great results on my PC’s and they are winning in life because of LRH’s tech applied to them. I really appreciate your comic strip Regraded Being for showing so clearly the implant tech of DLHDM and its results.
A decent man would not have condemned homosexuals to death six years after the Nazi concentration camps were freed, the same concentration camps where a half million of my tribe were exterminated because they dared to love the same gender. A decent man would not have falsely described himself as a nuclear physicist and promoted a way to “clear the body of radiation”, which led to the abomination known as the Putrif. A decent man would not have said that he won 27 medals during WWII when he won four.
In other words, fuck LRH and all his works.
Willie Phelps, using the word, “decent” to describe Ron Hubbard is about as offensive to me as if you had called somebody a “nigger”. But that’s okay, I don’t consider being offended a serious setback. Your use of the word, “wins”, is one I criticize because the word has no specific meaning. I have wins every moment of my life what is so special about having wins for crying out loud?
Totally agree Roger.
Hi Marc Headley,I completely mangled your name in one of my posts! Those gremlins.Have just finished your book.Thank you,loved it.RB and you and Mike and all those who have written about their COS-SO-OSA experiences are solid moorings for those like me that tend to sometimes get trapped in the maze of memories re: SO Ron etc.But then I think,look what I have now that no bad recall can destroy.Freedom and free will and that is priceless.With Admiration, Ann B.
🙂 You have it down RB. The whole mindset.
I have friends that have disconnected from me that use this “logic” as their justification for disconnecting and their justification for NOT reading the internet, etc. One ACTUALLY said to me that one shouldn’t read this “stuff” on the internet or books because it will just gets people to start thinking negatively about the church. LOL Oh my.
Wonderful example of dissemination out here on the fringes of the Internet!
Excellent. 🙂
In the panel in front of the computer , at 5:44am , don’t know if he is laughing or crying….
How about the maniacal look on their faces while talking about their “wins.”
Standard public ‘tech’ to keep the registrars away. While in the church, I became an expert at it and I see that RB has a handle on it too!
Even public who are “in” know inside themselves that the church is always after their money, and that this is the primary target.
Ive come to the conclusion that regraded being either has a spy network better than MI6 and CIA or astral travels at night to give us this recon data by direct observation. It cuts to the bone everytime. What a mind warped kicked in the head society corporate Scn has become. I would not trade places with those poor souls for any lottery winning ticket, ever!
Hi sheeplebane,Good to meet you.I’m right behind you.I would never trade places with any poor soul in The Sea Org either not now..But if I won all the lotteries I’d pay the still ins to leave and set up help for those who have nothing left.The Sea Org is a cruel Master to any who question at all.Always Ann B.
Me likey.
Ha, that’s absolutely brilliant Regraded Being!
Brilliant RB! Don’t know whether to laugh or cry, so I’ll do both.
“Suffice it to say”, Miscavige’s crimes are of “epic proportion”.
Indeed, they are of the correct orders of magnitude!
I think this is very clever. It gives some of the folks still in, who do read this site some ways to handle difficult situations. Love it
Absolutely SJ.. And We all know some are reading.. and waking up.. It is the age of the internet. Old Hubs didn’t count on that. People are leaving as I type.
SJ, I really hope so. I know they made their own beds, but, I wouldn’t want anyone trapped in this evil, vicious, toxic, militant cult. And, as babybunker posted, “People are leaving as I type this.” Yes, yes they are bb. Hip, hip………
Standing ovation! Scientology begins with KSW and it’s KSW where you as a self-determined and self-confident person begin to die. KSW informs you that Ron Hubbard is the source of the only workable and valuable knowledge there is. Nobody can contribute to that knowledge either. (Outside contributions and collaborations ALWAYS failed!) KSW is where you are introduced to Hubbard’s messianic vision of grandeur and accept him subliminally as the greatest person who ever lived. In KSW Hubbard refers to his ‘scientology’ as TECHNOLOGY over and over again until you think of his half-baked malarky as rooted in scientifically sound principles which it is NOT. (It is rooted in his imagination and fanciful interpretations of valid knowledge that preceded him.) KSW begins a scientologist’s journey into a species of madness where Hubbard’s selfish and narcissistic values are adopted, turning everybody into the same delusional, unfeeling, non-REASONING person. A clone. It is due to common human foibles that we fall for this stuff and it’s due to integrity, also common to our human nature, that we extricate ourselves from it.
+100 Roger
SO TRUE. Even at my ‘most in’ point, I never liked KSW. As soon as I was checked out on it, I would always skip it on future check sheets. Major cognitive dissonance! Wish I had listened to my inner voice, instead of demonizing it.
Hi Roger,You tell it brother in arms,love your post.XO Ann B.
+1,000 Roger. He made it all up as he went along. Hey, I’ll give him props for being an outstanding story teller, but, that’s where it ends. Telling fictional stories.
🙂 have a great day Roger.
Excellent summary, Roger.
And this is why some of us Antis get a little frustrated with certain Indies and Exes out there. It all stems from KSW condition #1: Knowing you have the right technology. We Antis know that the answer to that is “No, you don’t. The Tech is a fraud. It’s a fraud from Engrams through to the R6 Implants.” Yet there’s that brigade that can’t get beyond this point and think that Red On White is unerring truth. It all stems from KSW condition #1. Get them to stop believing that, and the whole house of KSW cards falls down.
My dividing line between ally and enemy is simple: Do you believe in the Tone Scale as written and do you believe in KSW #1? If the answer to either of those is “yes”, they’re on my enemy list.
I’m leery of anyone inside or outside Scientology that is certain they have all the answers. Especially if they are vehement about it.
Very true, if you look up KSW on Wikipedia it gives a great example of why Germany has designated scn as a Totalitarian Ideology: “We’d rather have you dead than incapable.” This last sentence has been cited in a report by the state government of Baden-Württemberg, as evidence that Scientology represents a totalitarian ideology.” When you step outside the bubble you can see the German’s point of view, Hubbard is not talking about being generally incapable, but saying he would rather you were dead if you fail to follow his doctrine, you can bet that miscavige would follow this to the letter if he could get away with it.
Judging by how long its taking CC to fix up that shitty apartment building they bought (the one on Bronson immediately south of the parking lot, at the NW corner of Bronson & Yucca St), I’d say they should all just go commit mass seppuku. It’s been two years they’ve been working on it. That fucking job site is like Amateur Hour. I’ve heard their fire alarms still keep going off. Talk about incapable.
But still, I wonder what the hell they’re gonna use it for? I was down in LA this week and I always do a drive-by… All I can really see in the place is the ceiling fans, and they are way too nice for them to be using this shithole for berthing. But the place is a crappy mid-50’s motor hotel looking thing… and after two years it still looks like a crappy mid-50’s motel.
Are they going to use it as part of the hotel? Like cheaper rooms for longer-stay people? But who travels to CC for services? It’s just a Cl V org, you can get that at any of that asshole Miscavige’s lovely Ideal palaces.
Maybe it’s for ASHO public to stay at while they are doing the BC. Oh, wait. You can’t do the BC, because Midget Dave is busy fixing Ron’s fuckups so He can re-release it. I’m mystified.
CSI fully believes they can sell matches to the Devil….. Even “The Devil” wakes up!
— Jackson
David Miscavige sells matches to the Devil.
“Ideal Matches!”
Wait…what? I thought DAVID “LET HIM DIE – PROVABLE BULLSHIT” MISCAVIGE was, in fact, the Devil himself. Am I missing something?
I could write a RB cartoon myself when Flag exiled
me to the SWAMP ( Clearwater has a SWAMP)
Today is the more tame story that happens less and less
because there are no more public.
A Money feeding frenzy on a few with no money
that has gone on way too long.
So glad you’re out, Jose. This RB, as they all are, is outstanding! And…it’s reality too. Der Dwarfen Fuhrer is just that. I can see him clearly as an SS colonel. Not only are people flooding the sidewalks of any street the cult has a building on by leaving, there’s another large group that is UTR and plans to stay that way. New Public? Fagetaboutit!!!
Funny you should say that. When I was staff I was tasked with cleaning up
this kid to be routed out. Long story short it took a couple days off my post.
Another staff had been looking for me and I told him about cleaning up the Kid..
He asked who it was and I told him. The guy went berzerk and near convulsions
then told me the Kid was a former infamous Nazi in his past life, not Hitler but close enough !!
True story
Probably an accurate portrayal of real life. Love the computer monitor panel!
This is one of the best RB ever. Though Alan is a fictional character (is he?), I really admire his integrity. “… Jack is my friend which is exactly why I’m not going to bother him for something someone else wants.” That’s a testament to the quality of the writing.
i wish i could send this to the Scientology cult members; but, No internet use for entheta!
RB, you have shown the key to get rid of those Kool AIDS drinkers!
Perfectly entertaining….Thanks RB!!
Brilliant, RB! And so the dissolution continues.
I love Regraded Being. The panel where Alan is looking at the computer monitor is priceless!
I agree — always love these columns and the set where he is looking at the computer is priceless.
In real life though, when I am looking at pictures of Miscavige, I have to put my screen down low, on the floor, so I can see him.
LMAO!!!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit! Guess I’m set for the weekend now! Thanks, FOTF2012! You made my day!
What ever it takes!
Love this! Makes me think about John Oliver’s “Gimme money, and if you don’t have any, find someone who does!”
Isn’t ‘Gimme money, and if you don’t have any, find someone who does!’, the real mantra of $cientology?
From selling pallet loads of the Basics to buying the huge gold cross that adorns the Stupor Powerz building in Clearwater, ‘show me the money’ is the real raison d’être of the clampire. And it does produce a lot of Alan’s and Jacks every year.
The Dwarfenführer has taken a 100 thousand plus flock and driven it down to 25-30 thousand. If $cientology were a mega church, Pastor Dave would out in the streets panhandling and Creflo Dollar would be running the show.
“Gimme money, and if you don’t have any, find someone who does!’ If you look up scientology in the dictionary, it will have that line. Having been out for over 3 decades, it’s interesting to me how the sheeple are, well, just sheeple. Remember the line: “Think for yourself.” Well, the sheeple do just the opposite. They take on the valence of Hubbard and all his sickness…
“Isn’t ‘Gimme money, and if you don’t have any, find someone who does!’, the real mantra of $cientology?”
Yes, that would be correct. El Con set that up as the true measure of the top of International Management. The acquisition of vast wealth above EVERYTHING else.
It is funny, and sad, to see Indies who still are in denial about this documented (via the Admin Scale Flubbard wrote) and irrefutable fact.
Do they still have this to fall back on?
“Here’s you pallet of Basics”. But I didn’t order any. “Doesn’t matter, give me the fucking money!”
Frankly it gets even more insidious than that. If you don’t have the money, their financial wizards will lift your confidential information from your file and use it to apply for credit under your name…credit cards, equity loans, even taking out a second mortgage on your home…then they will “surprise” you with the “fantastic” news that you have more money and credit to your name than you had believed…and aren’t you just so happy now that you can keep paying your way up the bridge?
Hi Annie,Good to meet you.I did a lot in Sea Org with registering public for all sorts of auditing and training at Asho F and yes I did twist some arms to take out second mortgages or ask parents or granny etc for money.Not proud of that at all. However with all I went through I never was asked to change personal financial info on public to make them feel they had more money than they did.Disgusting and so typical of the cos-cult money machine of today.That was always there of course but it has been slammed to a whole new floor with the blood money grubbing going on in 2015.Always Ann B.
Sounds like a straight-forward police matter. The criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology can hide a lot behind contracts, but I would be shocked to find that applying for credit cards in the name of others falls under even those contracts.
$cientology – the game where you win by leaving…