RB had another commitment, but will be back again next week. To tide us over, this is a reprise of one of my favorites from 2016 (quite prescient about SuMP)…
For at least one episode, I would love to see a Town hall-style event… Perhaps by invitation, followers and contributors of the Aftermath’s first two seasons, among others.
So many have offered their help and compassion to those who are suffering. They should be applauded.
The number of people from whom the cult has extorted money; unduly influenced; gang regged; wire fraud etc. would fill a stadium… it would be an excellent forum for the topic. (So many)!
Put all those people under one roof and let them exercise their right to free speech. Give them the floor to do something they’ve never, ever been able to do at any Scientology event–communicate the truth.
I think it would be extremely therapeutic for many of us who are out…
I can’t speak for everyone but one thing I miss most is having purpose… I really feel robbed of that. That and a sense of community spirit, being with my peers would mean a lot.
Our circumstances are probably far from ideal right now. But at least it’s the real deal.
The reason no one repeats what he says is because no one can remember much of such long monologs…. Or even recognize one good line in amongst all that chaff. Then again, what HE thinks memorable is likely a throwaway to everyone else; such as any phrase which includes words like EPIC & MEMORABLE, or 47X and straight UP(which are so transparently false.
FSB officers raid St. Petersburg Church of Scientology
March 28, 2018
ST. PETERSBURG, March 28 (RAPSI, Mikhail Telekhov) – Searches are conducted at the premises of the Church of Scientology of St. Petersburg, the press service of Federal Security Service’s (FSB) regional directorate reports Wednesday.
The raids are directed to identifying more items and documents confirming the criminality of the religious organization leaders’ actions, according to the statement.
Currently, the Church of Scientology of St. Petersburg leader Ivan Matsitsky and chief accountant of the religious group Sakhib Aliyev are in detention. The organization’s executive director Galina Shurinova, chief of the official matters department Anastasia Terentyeva and her assistance Constance Yesaulkova are under house arrest. They stand charged with illegal business, inciting hatred and enmity, violation of human dignity.
According to investigators, from 2013 to 2016, the organization received over 276 million rubles (about $5 million) for rendering its services. However, the Church of Scientology of St. Petersburg has not been incorporated under the law, an FSB representative said in court earlier.
Dianetics and Scientology are a set of religious and philosophical ideas and practices that were put forth by L. Ron Hubbard in the US in the early 1950s.
The scientific community never recognized it as science.
A resolution passed in 1996 by the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, classified the Church of Scientology as a destructive religious organization.
The Moscow Regional Court ruled in 2012 that some of Hubbard’s books be included on the Federal List of Extremist Literature and prohibited from distribution in Russia.
I am convinced the hypnotic elements were important in getting members on board with Hubbardism. Some outies with long experience still poo-poo the idea that there was any hypnotism going on, and have no idea that ‘Exteriorization’ was Bubbards made-up word for going outside the body. In the psych language it is called ‘dissociation’, the separation of normally related mental processes which in extreme cases leads to disorders such as multiple personality, nose picking, and nail biting. Neither LRH’s exteriorization nor psych’s dissociation are good mental states to try to attain – better to grab an adult beverage of choice and a little Jimmy Buffet island music, or other classical composer of choice, if one wants to kick back and go to their happy place.
I have seen at least one commenter here who flatly denies anything hypnotic ever occurred during any auditing, especially not his sessions, which I’m guessing occurred before the mid-90s. This was because he was a standardly trained auditor who worked with standardly trained PCs in standardly functioning missions, orgs, or broom closets.
But whether auditing is done standardly or dastardly it still has strong a undercurrent of classic command hypnotism, which in unthinking, improperly trained, or crooked hands can be used to basically turn a person over to the regges fully prepared to swallow their spiel hook, line, and anchor.
“Yes, Virginia, you simply must donate to renovate our latest and furtherest southernmest Idle Morg. it is planned for a small, cozy, very private sailing ship, recently re-named “Chaire de Poule” in honor of its former Director L’Amour Pepé Le Pew. It is kept anchored off the south end of sunny Tierra del Fuego, except when the mild seasonal breezes cause it to drag anchor. Normally it is a mere 411.3 miles from Port Charles, The Falklands, and only 6,610.26 miles from the Curacao home port of the fabulous BSS Freewinds, and no more than 8,113.07 miles from Flag in Clearwater, all as the boat floats, which Chaire de Poule will do completely standardly after renovations are completed, they say. Those trips are just minor nautical jaunts on the deep blue sea, or “naughty joints” as the native Columbian dishwashers are fond of saying. The ship “Chaire de Poule”, formerly named “Ise Berhg Bayte” when it was used to haul dead baby seal carcasses, will be a truly amazing experience for one and all, sure to bring chills to every part of your body!
AA, interesting thoughts and observations on something that is somewhat off-topic – so I’m tempted to respond, but will try to keep it brief.
Besides exteriorization, the illusory phenomenon that really hooks people into Scientology is supposed past lives. But as the infamous Bridey Murphy case ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridey_Murphy ) revealed, those really just the impressive-seeming product of the imaginative processes of the mind combined with subtle suggestion, what has since become infamous as false memory syndrome, the mechanism of which has been well-demonstrative in conclusive scientific research. The way that Scientology creates false memories (including probably also of some early childhood events that didn’t really happen), and then gets people to act on them as if they are real, including to the detriment of their present-day personal interests, is probably the closest thing to brainwashing that exists. If something like reincarnation (or, perhaps more likely, collective species memory) does exist, Scientology doesn’t really touch on the truth of it except perhaps rarely, and by accident.
If auditing isn’t hypnotic, or at least equivalent to a light trance (or “reverie,” a term Hubbard used that came from a book he recommended, Hypnotism Comes of Age) with induced suggestibility, then why does the current “Book One” Dianetic procedure start out with a “canceler” statement followed by having the auditor “count slowly and soothingly from 1 to 7” until “the preclear’s eyes close and you notice his eyelids flicker” – all classic, standard methods of hypnotic induction? Hubbard himself said of these that “counting sometimes produces a light hypnosis back of the reverie” and “a pre-clear after he closes his eyes will begin to flutter his eyelids. This a symptom of the very lightest level of hypnotic trance.” The way that hypnosis and trance states work, is that once an individual has become used to going into state under particular conditions – such as sitting down in the environment of an auditing room – they become conditioned to do so even if the induction (such as counting) is no longer used.
Nice read for me on this exchange. My auditing services on the Grades were very popular and I always wondered why because I was not really following “Keeping Scientology Working”. My services were free because I was a student. When I got a PC, the person was either off the streets or in a low wage job. They were so grateful for the attention, they just sort of went into a hypnotic state. In a way this was part of the scam of Scientology – hooking people.
There’s nothing in here NOT LOL-worthy so I’ll just mention COB with his socks and elevator shoes on even when taking a bath! And the SO slave giving him a pedicure with them on! OMG, priceless…I’m in my office at my desk reading and cracking up, reading and cracking up…my people are watching me guardedly…
If there’s a #1 on your Greatest Hits List this one gets my vote.
And, boy did I need some laughs this afternoon!
Thanks so much, RB, and a Happy Easter to you, your family and friends!
Blast from the past I loved it then and still love this RB.
OT: Mike – I watched that Netflix show Wild Wild Country and what a cautionary tale this is, hopefully Clearwater politicians are paying attention. While watching, I had this SCREAMING voice in my head saying, “where the f**k were YOU that you missed this story that was all over the news during the 80’s”? Obviously living under a rock. Then the voice SCREAMED back, “oh yeah, you were living in that scio. Cult bubble, heeding the advice of the cult not to read or watch all that bad news.” There my friends explains some of the reasons so many still remain in the cult. They can’t possibly pay attention to any news let alone the Aftermath.
I was awestruck by this story and it freaked me out. I can’t explain the anger and disgust it stirred up in me. The guru’s right hand “secretary” was and is a true sociopath with no remorse of her misdeeds. Unlike DM she doesn’t have the glaring lunatic vicious stare in the eyes but instead has dead eyes (like Shelly). And her slow mild manner of speech is even scarier than an individual who screams. She is truly insidious and creepy. Anyway, for anyone interested I recommend this show. Get ready though, you won’t be able to stop ‘til the end.
Ha! how the world changes and Scientology doesn’t.
When Hubbard published KSW Scientology begin to die.
The body of the organization is starting to atrophy. And it’s being destroyed from within by the cancer called Miscavinoma.
With all of those billions, even if all of the money stopped coming in and the COS lost tax exempt status, I would think that Miscavige is set for life, and the shrinking world of Scientology – those that remain in – will stay loyal to him.
Still works today. I bet dave’s conversations still run like the above.
What will the third season of Aftermath be? The first was about disconnection, the second about covered up and abuses inflicted and the use of policy to condone them, the third…. What? Financial fraud and extortions? (Tons of stories about that.) How other cults/religions cover up crimes and extort money? Hmmmm.
The whistleblowers such as Mike and Leah must be driving dave’s mind into a frenzy. Not because his church is being affected (he could care less) but because people are finding out about HIM and his cruelties and lies.
dave is trying his best to depict a sterile religion, clean and good – a force for the good of humanity and he is the stand-up guy just trying to help the world. Let’s see, I’ve heard he has stopped beating people, no more RPF, no more “heavy regging” on the ship, lenient course schedules, staff getting paid more, staff getting libs. He’s trying his damnedest to present a better image.
dave, mea maxima culpa. That’s what it’s gonna take. A big mea maxima culpa. I won’t hold my breath.
Good Luck Leah and Mike. May the force be with you.
Did you see that report Dave? One of the charges was forced labor. Remind you of anyone else guilty of that crime? Oh your mind must be worried sick about when the house of cards really starts to fall.
Re Series 3, I’d love to see more conversation with regards scientology’s core trance-inducing techniques such as the TRs and auditing, Hubbard’s misdirection re the subject of hypnosis as well as the key psychological “hooks” such as “exteriorisation” and “past life” recall. How even an atheist, lacking knowledge of trance states, disassociation/depersonalisation and mental conditioning, can have his whole world flipped upside down after just a couple of weekends on a basic comms course… (Derren Brown would be an almighty guest expert on this btw!)
That is why everybody is watching Aftermath. The occult background of LRH would make for a good episode and infuriate the good sunday morning God-fearing folk.
I would also love to see more on the financial fraud and extortion. It was touched upon a little but I want to see a whole show about the specific lavish life style of DM compared to the life style of a sea org member. Tell the audience how on their meager wages they have to buy their own toiletries, gifts for DM, etc., lack of sleep, medical care.
An Easter Prayer, from someone who believes in God and never goes to a church or to any building in order to express this belief:
“Please, please, God, Supreme Being or Whatever anyone wants to call you, or Whatever you would like to be called, as That Power that is not of the this material universe:
PLEASE help these SO slaves to, one by one, cognite (realize) that they are being lied to in that they are NOT saving the planet, they are NOT saving anyONE or anyTHING, that they are slaving for NOTHING except the, pride, creature comforts and continual power of David Miscavige. Please help them realize this HUGE lie being told to them by a monstrous sociopath. Please help them DECIDE TO LEAVE and do it successfully, however they can. Please help!
Now, the truth is, I kind of already KNOW that you WILL, in fact, that you already ARE and HAVE BEEN, helping this way, so THANK YOU now, from the bottom of my heart, for all that you’ve been doing and will do to make these people wake up and leave. Yes, thank you! i am very grateful!”
Well, that’s it, folks. Happy Easter, Mike and family. and everyone here!
3rd season of Aftermath should be … “How to keep stats up by Sec Checking for money”
The ones with Miscavige talking on the phone are my favourites! So funny!
For at least one episode, I would love to see a Town hall-style event… Perhaps by invitation, followers and contributors of the Aftermath’s first two seasons, among others.
So many have offered their help and compassion to those who are suffering. They should be applauded.
The number of people from whom the cult has extorted money; unduly influenced; gang regged; wire fraud etc. would fill a stadium… it would be an excellent forum for the topic. (So many)!
Put all those people under one roof and let them exercise their right to free speech. Give them the floor to do something they’ve never, ever been able to do at any Scientology event–communicate the truth.
I think it would be extremely therapeutic for many of us who are out…
I can’t speak for everyone but one thing I miss most is having purpose… I really feel robbed of that. That and a sense of community spirit, being with my peers would mean a lot.
Our circumstances are probably far from ideal right now. But at least it’s the real deal.
The Cult would be very busy indeed putting up hate websites about every audience member…
The reason no one repeats what he says is because no one can remember much of such long monologs…. Or even recognize one good line in amongst all that chaff. Then again, what HE thinks memorable is likely a throwaway to everyone else; such as any phrase which includes words like EPIC & MEMORABLE, or 47X and straight UP(which are so transparently false.
BUT, such a GREAT RB!
A little light for the uncoming Easter weekend…
FSB officers raid St. Petersburg Church of Scientology
March 28, 2018
ST. PETERSBURG, March 28 (RAPSI, Mikhail Telekhov) – Searches are conducted at the premises of the Church of Scientology of St. Petersburg, the press service of Federal Security Service’s (FSB) regional directorate reports Wednesday.
The raids are directed to identifying more items and documents confirming the criminality of the religious organization leaders’ actions, according to the statement.
Currently, the Church of Scientology of St. Petersburg leader Ivan Matsitsky and chief accountant of the religious group Sakhib Aliyev are in detention. The organization’s executive director Galina Shurinova, chief of the official matters department Anastasia Terentyeva and her assistance Constance Yesaulkova are under house arrest. They stand charged with illegal business, inciting hatred and enmity, violation of human dignity.
According to investigators, from 2013 to 2016, the organization received over 276 million rubles (about $5 million) for rendering its services. However, the Church of Scientology of St. Petersburg has not been incorporated under the law, an FSB representative said in court earlier.
Dianetics and Scientology are a set of religious and philosophical ideas and practices that were put forth by L. Ron Hubbard in the US in the early 1950s.
The scientific community never recognized it as science.
A resolution passed in 1996 by the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, classified the Church of Scientology as a destructive religious organization.
The Moscow Regional Court ruled in 2012 that some of Hubbard’s books be included on the Federal List of Extremist Literature and prohibited from distribution in Russia.
I’m sure this will show up on Scientology TV…because people are curious…
I am convinced the hypnotic elements were important in getting members on board with Hubbardism. Some outies with long experience still poo-poo the idea that there was any hypnotism going on, and have no idea that ‘Exteriorization’ was Bubbards made-up word for going outside the body. In the psych language it is called ‘dissociation’, the separation of normally related mental processes which in extreme cases leads to disorders such as multiple personality, nose picking, and nail biting. Neither LRH’s exteriorization nor psych’s dissociation are good mental states to try to attain – better to grab an adult beverage of choice and a little Jimmy Buffet island music, or other classical composer of choice, if one wants to kick back and go to their happy place.
I have seen at least one commenter here who flatly denies anything hypnotic ever occurred during any auditing, especially not his sessions, which I’m guessing occurred before the mid-90s. This was because he was a standardly trained auditor who worked with standardly trained PCs in standardly functioning missions, orgs, or broom closets.
But whether auditing is done standardly or dastardly it still has strong a undercurrent of classic command hypnotism, which in unthinking, improperly trained, or crooked hands can be used to basically turn a person over to the regges fully prepared to swallow their spiel hook, line, and anchor.
“Yes, Virginia, you simply must donate to renovate our latest and furtherest southernmest Idle Morg. it is planned for a small, cozy, very private sailing ship, recently re-named “Chaire de Poule” in honor of its former Director L’Amour Pepé Le Pew. It is kept anchored off the south end of sunny Tierra del Fuego, except when the mild seasonal breezes cause it to drag anchor. Normally it is a mere 411.3 miles from Port Charles, The Falklands, and only 6,610.26 miles from the Curacao home port of the fabulous BSS Freewinds, and no more than 8,113.07 miles from Flag in Clearwater, all as the boat floats, which Chaire de Poule will do completely standardly after renovations are completed, they say. Those trips are just minor nautical jaunts on the deep blue sea, or “naughty joints” as the native Columbian dishwashers are fond of saying. The ship “Chaire de Poule”, formerly named “Ise Berhg Bayte” when it was used to haul dead baby seal carcasses, will be a truly amazing experience for one and all, sure to bring chills to every part of your body!
AA, interesting thoughts and observations on something that is somewhat off-topic – so I’m tempted to respond, but will try to keep it brief.
Besides exteriorization, the illusory phenomenon that really hooks people into Scientology is supposed past lives. But as the infamous Bridey Murphy case ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridey_Murphy ) revealed, those really just the impressive-seeming product of the imaginative processes of the mind combined with subtle suggestion, what has since become infamous as false memory syndrome, the mechanism of which has been well-demonstrative in conclusive scientific research. The way that Scientology creates false memories (including probably also of some early childhood events that didn’t really happen), and then gets people to act on them as if they are real, including to the detriment of their present-day personal interests, is probably the closest thing to brainwashing that exists. If something like reincarnation (or, perhaps more likely, collective species memory) does exist, Scientology doesn’t really touch on the truth of it except perhaps rarely, and by accident.
If auditing isn’t hypnotic, or at least equivalent to a light trance (or “reverie,” a term Hubbard used that came from a book he recommended, Hypnotism Comes of Age) with induced suggestibility, then why does the current “Book One” Dianetic procedure start out with a “canceler” statement followed by having the auditor “count slowly and soothingly from 1 to 7” until “the preclear’s eyes close and you notice his eyelids flicker” – all classic, standard methods of hypnotic induction? Hubbard himself said of these that “counting sometimes produces a light hypnosis back of the reverie” and “a pre-clear after he closes his eyes will begin to flutter his eyelids. This a symptom of the very lightest level of hypnotic trance.” The way that hypnosis and trance states work, is that once an individual has become used to going into state under particular conditions – such as sitting down in the environment of an auditing room – they become conditioned to do so even if the induction (such as counting) is no longer used.
Nice read for me on this exchange. My auditing services on the Grades were very popular and I always wondered why because I was not really following “Keeping Scientology Working”. My services were free because I was a student. When I got a PC, the person was either off the streets or in a low wage job. They were so grateful for the attention, they just sort of went into a hypnotic state. In a way this was part of the scam of Scientology – hooking people.
Is anybody else reminded of Tony Montana in Scarface, with the monogram above his chair in his opulent office?
Such a suitable comparison, Tony Montana and David Miscavige. Maybe Miscavige snorts lines of Niacin with his nightly scotch.
I’m getting hints of that from Scarface but also hints of Arthur. I would expect the butler to offer to scrub DM’s genitals.
The one, and only Hobson. “Yes, bathing is a lonely business.” Wonderful reference!
I missed this one back in 2016 so its new to me.
And I’m on the floor!
Hilarious, RB!
There’s nothing in here NOT LOL-worthy so I’ll just mention COB with his socks and elevator shoes on even when taking a bath! And the SO slave giving him a pedicure with them on! OMG, priceless…I’m in my office at my desk reading and cracking up, reading and cracking up…my people are watching me guardedly…
If there’s a #1 on your Greatest Hits List this one gets my vote.
And, boy did I need some laughs this afternoon!
Thanks so much, RB, and a Happy Easter to you, your family and friends!
Blast from the past I loved it then and still love this RB.
OT: Mike – I watched that Netflix show Wild Wild Country and what a cautionary tale this is, hopefully Clearwater politicians are paying attention. While watching, I had this SCREAMING voice in my head saying, “where the f**k were YOU that you missed this story that was all over the news during the 80’s”? Obviously living under a rock. Then the voice SCREAMED back, “oh yeah, you were living in that scio. Cult bubble, heeding the advice of the cult not to read or watch all that bad news.” There my friends explains some of the reasons so many still remain in the cult. They can’t possibly pay attention to any news let alone the Aftermath.
I was awestruck by this story and it freaked me out. I can’t explain the anger and disgust it stirred up in me. The guru’s right hand “secretary” was and is a true sociopath with no remorse of her misdeeds. Unlike DM she doesn’t have the glaring lunatic vicious stare in the eyes but instead has dead eyes (like Shelly). And her slow mild manner of speech is even scarier than an individual who screams. She is truly insidious and creepy. Anyway, for anyone interested I recommend this show. Get ready though, you won’t be able to stop ‘til the end.
Ha! how the world changes and Scientology doesn’t.
When Hubbard published KSW Scientology begin to die.
The body of the organization is starting to atrophy. And it’s being destroyed from within by the cancer called Miscavinoma.
This must be one of RB’s best!
It’s way to difficult to choose. Seriously, they are all outstanding. Hey pal, we’re all waiting for your next blockbuster of a post!
The DM above his bed – dreaming moron?
“Damned Moron!’
Like the last grains of sand running through an hourglass, DM’s days are numbered.
With all of those billions, even if all of the money stopped coming in and the COS lost tax exempt status, I would think that Miscavige is set for life, and the shrinking world of Scientology – those that remain in – will stay loyal to him.
I’m just hoping JVB. 🙂
Like, ‘The Days of Our Lives?’
You remembered that show too OSD! 🙂
That’s because I’m OLD!
Still works today. I bet dave’s conversations still run like the above.
What will the third season of Aftermath be? The first was about disconnection, the second about covered up and abuses inflicted and the use of policy to condone them, the third…. What? Financial fraud and extortions? (Tons of stories about that.) How other cults/religions cover up crimes and extort money? Hmmmm.
The whistleblowers such as Mike and Leah must be driving dave’s mind into a frenzy. Not because his church is being affected (he could care less) but because people are finding out about HIM and his cruelties and lies.
dave is trying his best to depict a sterile religion, clean and good – a force for the good of humanity and he is the stand-up guy just trying to help the world. Let’s see, I’ve heard he has stopped beating people, no more RPF, no more “heavy regging” on the ship, lenient course schedules, staff getting paid more, staff getting libs. He’s trying his damnedest to present a better image.
dave, mea maxima culpa. That’s what it’s gonna take. A big mea maxima culpa. I won’t hold my breath.
Good Luck Leah and Mike. May the force be with you.
ENTER….The Frank Report….BOOM!
Do we get to slap the shit out of them? Cuz I really like slapping the shit out of cult members…. it’s so…invigorating!
Did you see that report Dave? One of the charges was forced labor. Remind you of anyone else guilty of that crime? Oh your mind must be worried sick about when the house of cards really starts to fall.
Re Series 3, I’d love to see more conversation with regards scientology’s core trance-inducing techniques such as the TRs and auditing, Hubbard’s misdirection re the subject of hypnosis as well as the key psychological “hooks” such as “exteriorisation” and “past life” recall. How even an atheist, lacking knowledge of trance states, disassociation/depersonalisation and mental conditioning, can have his whole world flipped upside down after just a couple of weekends on a basic comms course… (Derren Brown would be an almighty guest expert on this btw!)
Scientology… Curious?
We thought so.
That is why everybody is watching Aftermath. The occult background of LRH would make for a good episode and infuriate the good sunday morning God-fearing folk.
I would love to see a program about Hubbard’s stint with Jack Parsons. Hubbard was a big fan of the occult.
Hard to beat this one IMO, OSD. No offense to the Aftermath crew.
I would also love to see more on the financial fraud and extortion. It was touched upon a little but I want to see a whole show about the specific lavish life style of DM compared to the life style of a sea org member. Tell the audience how on their meager wages they have to buy their own toiletries, gifts for DM, etc., lack of sleep, medical care.
The contrast between the pampered infant Miscavige and the lowly sea org slave makes for delicious television.
Mike and Leah, Please do that show in detail!
Yes, Ms. P and WAYC, I would too.
An Easter Prayer, from someone who believes in God and never goes to a church or to any building in order to express this belief:
“Please, please, God, Supreme Being or Whatever anyone wants to call you, or Whatever you would like to be called, as That Power that is not of the this material universe:
PLEASE help these SO slaves to, one by one, cognite (realize) that they are being lied to in that they are NOT saving the planet, they are NOT saving anyONE or anyTHING, that they are slaving for NOTHING except the, pride, creature comforts and continual power of David Miscavige. Please help them realize this HUGE lie being told to them by a monstrous sociopath. Please help them DECIDE TO LEAVE and do it successfully, however they can. Please help!
Now, the truth is, I kind of already KNOW that you WILL, in fact, that you already ARE and HAVE BEEN, helping this way, so THANK YOU now, from the bottom of my heart, for all that you’ve been doing and will do to make these people wake up and leave. Yes, thank you! i am very grateful!”
Well, that’s it, folks. Happy Easter, Mike and family. and everyone here!