The reason for the Scientology Merry-Go-Round (A cycle of activity that is complex and difficult to break out of.) is DM’s gargantuan appetite for money… in spite of being such a midget!
Merriam-Webster’s definition:
“Gargantua is the name of a giant king in François Rabelais’s 16th-century satiric novel Gargantua. All of the details of Gargantua’s life befit a giant. He rides a colossal mare whose tail switches so violently that it fells the entire forest of Orleans. He has an enormous appetite – in one memorable incident, he inadvertently swallows five pilgrims while eating a salad. The scale of everything connected with Gargantua gave rise to the adjective “gargantuan,” which since Shakespeare’s time has been used of anything of tremendous size or volume.”
Food for thought… Maybe RB can draw a a huge DM with an enormous belly full of money, with a tiny, tiny head… and send a copy to the IRS.
Tubby’s obsession to always have increasing stats requires that future stats besacrificed to get THIS week’s up. of COURSE the stats will crash, flatlining at or near zero after awhile, but by then the staff will have gotten so depressed that they don’t give a damn. Neither will they get much motivated to do the long-term things necessary to get real stats. Realizing that that was the inevitable end of the rat race was when I started on my way home to the real world. What really set me off was that I couldn’t get any help, not even a friendly ear, from anyone, no matter how I tried. The best they had was the RPF,as if MORE degradation was the way to improve my spirits. Of course, it DID work after a fashion. I got too drpressed for even them to stand, got kicked out, and returned home and got a job that actually produced something valuable, and got paid a decent wage to do it. Felt GOOD! With my improved spirits came some sweeties who didn’t have the hangups of those SO women who were so repressed by the unsane and hypocritical rules Tubby instilled in the ’70s.
Thanos could learn a lesson or two from your typical staff registrar. They could talk him into putting his Infinity Gauntlet on account for a complete Basics set.
Hahaha. This was so spot on in the language. Person says something that staff/SO can’t really give a good answer to. Divert to: “Okay. Thank you for telling me that.” Like uhhh…you’re welcome? Another good one is “tracking”. Okay…cool. Glad we’re uh… tracking together.
The IRS should be utterly embarrassed that a little cult of insignificance has been able to outwit a branch of the United States government. So to you, Miscavige and scientology, a tip of the hat.
Or maybe the all-out-assault has been in the planning for years.
Maybe Trump would be inclined to reverse the exempt status of COS if he knew how much they would be paying in taxes and then he could figure out a way to use that money to do something else….like pay the secret service to go with him on his stupid golf outings!
Mec, as any American who didn’t sleep through basic elementary school classes knows, a PotUS has no such power. education knows, a President cannot do such things by fiat.
Please DO help by finishing grammar school and then contacting your House Rep about the CoS abuses.
And finally (?) to avoid misunderstanding, I am not an Independent Scientologist. I just provide independent news about Scientology. 🙂 As my Twitter profiles states:
“Independent news about Scientology. Not associated with the Church of Scientology or Independent Scientology. Tweets & RTs not endorsements, but simply news.”
Also, to introduce myself, on ESMB and WWP I am, and was previoiusly here, CommunicatorIC. I adopted @IndieScieNews aka IndieScientologyNews aka Independent Scientology New on Twitter because I thought the name communicated better on that platform.
To think the soviet union in 19-freaking-30 was better at espionage than the current “masters of the universe”, scientology, in 2-thousand-and-freaking-eighteen.
“A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.”
Scientology is notorious for this kind of thing… fake front groups comes to mind.
ANYone is better at their jobs than know-it-alls who think that reading a few words and throwing some clay around makes them fully qualified to do something.
The Regg gets her to pay for Super Power Rundowns at Flag…and makes her put down $35,000 – money she does not have.
She goes into deep debt…but is told by the REGG….”this will handle her case for real”….
She gets to FLAG –
They make her wait a WEEK before she see’s the MAA (Standard Operating Procedure to fully enturbulate the thetan…. it ensures a “win” later – ALL part of the scam….
the MAA tells her she is PTS and needs to handle her son and husband BEFORE she can have any auditing…
AND she must leave the Flag Scam Base
On her route out….she is heavily regged by WTHC, IAS and many other front groups….
They get all of her money she had on account
This is what FLAG specializes in…
Another Scientologist financially ruined after being exploited at the Flag Land Base.
GREAT one, RB. I’m not laughing, though. Boy, oh boy, did this ever hit home!
Me, In response to being asked to buy/do/attend something saying, “No”, and then giving the reason why.
Staff acknowledging me with, “I understand”, and then asking me the same question AGAIN.
And again. And again. And again and again and again, and again and again!
Each time with me saying “no”, and getting the same acknowledgement, “I understand”.
Finally, I’d blow a gasket:
Me, “No you DON’T understand! You do NOT understand at all! If you understood you wouldn’t be ASKING me this same thing over and over! If you UNDERSTOOD we’d have been finished with this conversation ten minutes ago!”
Staff:Member: “I understand”.
Me: “You’re just being robotic! You understand NOTHING!”
Staff Member (varying it a little): “I get it.”
Some of them were like that. For years it drove me CRAZY!
NOW I see that they were all afraid. All in fear. They HAD to get their product.
FINALLY, in the end, I learned to say “No” the ONLY way you can say “No” to these people.
They’d punch around for a reason: I’d give them none. “No reason. Just don’t want to”.
Them: “Why? What’s your consideration?”
Me: “No consideration. Just not going to do it. Have to go now. Nice talking to you – Bye!”
Now, once I started handling them this way, I began making THEM crazy!
And, yes, I know there’s an edit button but can I help it if every time I’m in my office ranting to you on this blog about something absolutely vital, either the phone rings, or someone walks in? 🙂 Never fails. Jeesh!
The same thing happened to me. And it was always the same stupid staff member. He drove me crazy asking the same question over and over again for months! At the end I varied my answer and bawled: “Your TR3 restimulates me so hard, that it is hard for me to stay in control. If you ask me that question ever again, I will hit you right in the face and brake your nose!” That shocked him so hard that he never asked me anything ever again. I am small and female and I guess he never met a violent woman before.
“I am small and female and I guess he never met a violent woman before.”.
I am on the tall side and female and having been in my childhood rigidly drilled in WASP politeness I was a sitting duck for these cult creatures because the WORST thing I could do (or so I thought at the time) was be RUDE to anyone (meanwhile, asking someone the same thing over and over and over again when they keep repeatedly saying “No” is VERY rude) but anyway what I wanted to tell you was that some of the toughest people I’ve known have been 2 petite, female friends of mine back in high school. You did NOT mess with these girls! I don’t really understand what was emanating from them to manage this but they were intimidated by NOTHING and they were barely 5 feet tall and optimistically 105 lbs. Thanks for your response and more power to the “violent” women who refuse to be pushed around!
I love it! The old hag staff member who has been on staff since 1970 or so. With the ex-husband who joined the Sea Org sometime in the 80s, hasn’t risen above the rank of Midshipman, and is now about to be offloaded.
BTW, why does the old hag always carry a clipboard?
O/T if I may. Saturday, May 26, 2018: Scientology Freedom Medal Winner / Scientology TV personality Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad (who teaches “America is #1 on God’s list to be destroyed”) speaking at the Church of Scientology of the Valley in Los Angeles, CA.
I’d like to direct a comment to the many “half-in, half-out” lurkers who read this blog: I know that you recognize that Regraded Being is scoring direct bulls-eye hits with these columns, exposing the manipulative behavior and nutty thinking. Perhaps you’re amazed by the uncanny way that these cartoons seem to mirror your own experience. I want you to know that it isn’t just YOU who experienced this stuff. We all did. You’re not alone; there are multitudes just like you, who have left, and gone on to rebuild their lives, without the insane “push-pull” of Scientology coercion. I wish you well in your journey out of the Scientology labyrinth and commend your courage to look.
To: WhatAreYourCrimes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: revealing classified information
How did you find that out? Who told you? Was it Rinder? I demand to know who disclosed that data to you so I can bring you and them to Int Base and throw you both in the Hole for eternity!
“Thank you for telling me that. I totally duplicate what you’re saying”. CLASSIC scio. lingo and the rest is spot on conversation. The “free” arcX bull shit session. They sure have their pattern down in every mission, org., etc. Once again RB, another great one.
Sometimes LIFE requires you to surprise yourself & be stronger than YOU thought you’d ever be….if that means screaming your head off& sitting on the floor, or sitting on your pocket book in a busy bus terminal station or running as fast as you can to escape….because the Devil himself is on your trail….you DO it. .
So many brave people, the decision to leave & have loved ones refuse to join you, is unimaginable…..the heartache continues for so many…….YOU are the BRAVE ONES who continue to speak out despite all the pain that comes your way…..
What I like about the staff members is how they spout all that Scientologyspeak when people don’t agree with them.
Put up with that crap on staff:
Public: This is total bullshit!
Staff member: I totally duplicate that.
Public: No,no! Not another dime!
Staff member: Now, Janice. That’s the bank talking.
Public: I am not going to help out at the book booth!
Staff member: Thank you for sharing that.
Public: You’re not listening, are you?
Staff member: I totally duplicate that. It’s very important that everything we do is for the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.
A saying goes ‘there is no fool like an old fool’. When the gray haired lady shows up in the last panel, complimenting for the slick turnaround to make Thursday stats, and the response is that it will hurt their local future income, it reveals today’s Scientology in a nutshell.
But no one need look further than the Superpower Rundown to see the futility of Scientology. Roaming an area with multiple sensory inputs – sniffing, touching, tasting, spinning – that’s what you do at the State Fair for a few dollars spent on parking, admission, rides, cotton candy, fried food, Tums, and maybe sore feet and a sunburn. But in Scientology the same thing, without the crowds or sunburn, costs twenty grand, plus airfare, plus meals, and lodging for who-knows how long.
Speaking of Orlando (huh?). Anyway, until recently, an old site for Orlando on google sites had a few photos from 2011. One showed a party, maybe a seminar, with 25 attendees. Not bad, the room seemed crowded. But closer inspection showed that 19 of the 25 were fully gray-haired, and none of them looked prematurely gray. The other six all looked 30-35 or older, and that was way back in 2011. So over-50, maybe over-55 was the norm for Orlando Scientology members back in 2011?
BTW, that site was had a little info dated 2012, but most was 2011 – and they were proclaiming loudly how close they were to going Ideal, including a photo of the eventual building. It must have been an off-lines website somehow, because it sat from 2011-2018 with no updating, and some of the photos disappeared a few days ago, after DM yanks his ribbon.
Your post reminded me that I attended the Ideal Org opening of DC org back in 2009. Didn’t think anything of it at the time but now I see that most attendees were bus’sed in. LOTS and LOTS of buses converging on that spot!
Miscavige yanked the ribbon and then I recall the E/D giving a speech in which she shared how thrilled she was that the Org was Ideal – all the potential for their expansion being that the building was only a few blocks from the White House and other important government institutions.
Last but not least I recall her saying, “Saint Hill Size is just around the corner”.
Well, this September it will be 9 years later – has DC gone St Hill size yet? Enquiring minds, etc.
It sure is….”all about the $$$”. Very interesting reading over on TonyO’s site regarding the upcoming auction of LRH letters. If anyone has yet to be convinced that it has always and only been about the money, just read it in the words of ‘source’ himself.
R.B. You TOTALLY hit it with this one! ALL sounded so, amazingly familiar from my too many decades in. You must have had the same trip down the rabbit hole as I. Thanks for all you create on this site.
How about this: Dianetics and Grades are by CO-AUDIT only. All an org needs is a training room, one old-timer supervisor to 2WC the students through the materials, one in-house Auditor for real issues who also runs Power processes. And solo from there on.
Any meter from any era, any materials from any era, twin up and set your own schedule. YOU are after all helping YOU get better. Round table discussions about everything, including the dichotomous writings of Ron are encouraged.
OH!!!! Sorry Demented Midget, there is no money in it for you.
I really got what you wrote. I see where you are coming from and I can appreciate your origination. Thank You, with much love. If you could refocus some of that anger you are holding in and redirect it in getting yourself on your next step in aligning your case with the dynamics…..well, you know we are here to help you get started right now before your eternity runs out and the theta train has left the station with you the last one in the mest universe. (RB! Am I getting the hang of your patter?)
Now: The trouble you might be experiencing with my post to Alcoboy is that Jim did get wins and gains from the auditing and training and am not ashamed to say so. Likewise, over half of the people I knew who got on lines got nothing for their time, money and efforts.So I have no disputes with your fully expressed viewpoint.
Total bullshit. Totally. Except for all those OT’s flying back and forth all over downtown Clearwater, showering the citizenry with little round balls of air poop, made of solid 24k gold. Swishhh, ding, swishhh, ding.
I swear it’s the truth, I had two of them crash through my windshield just yesterday. Those flying gold-pooping OTs are a damn hazard, I tell you.
If I have to cash in one more ball of gold poop to pay for a broke windshield I’m calling the FAA.
No shit, Wyn. I had gone through all the grades. Every single one of them. My auditor, Dave Pettit, was seriously pushing me to attest to Clear. The problem was…nothing had changed. Not a damn thing. I just wish I had asked for my money back! Now that was stupid. But, I’ve been out since ’82.
I went through all the Grades too, plus a whole load of other waste-of-a-life courses. I even went as far as doing a CCRD. Twice!!! It was “ascertained” that I wasn’t “Clear” both times………
Main reason was that by this time I was seriously pi££$d off with scinoland and I think you’d have got more needle reaction out of a block of wood than you would have done out of me……………..
Even when I was “dedicated”,(or as dedicated as I was ever likely to be), I always said to myself “I don’t want to be OT”. Why? Because my mission was run by OT’s who, in my opinion, were the biggest bunch of bell ends I’d ever come across!! Some of the stuff they used to do to “help clear the planet” was laughable at best, and downright grossly immoral/illegal at worst.
“OT’s” that I met elsewhere also seemed to be clueless……. In the immortal words of Jason Beghe “Show me a fucking OT”!!!!
Sorry you never got your money back. A MAJOR consolation is that, as you’ve been out since ’82, at least you got your LIFE back. Nice feeling isn’t it?
Yep! A nice feeling, indeed, exbrit. I used my Super Powers to walk away. And, keep in mind, all of Scientology is nothing more than make believe! Put another way, money for nothing, and the chicks for free.
You got that right! Here’s the old definition of Clear: “A Clear is to a normal person, what a normal person is to the institutionally insane.” I found that to be a huge yawning gap. So I used my Super Powers to walk away.
No kidding, OSD! Dave Pettit? Isn’t he the guy you always see at the Birthday Game event every year showering praise after praise on the Demented Midget? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Dave Petit is a huge phoney baloney. God, what a phoney! Maybe he was a nice guy back in the day, OSD. Maybe he started out sincere and on the level. Very possible. And giving the devil his due, he’s smooth talker with a very friendly and engaging manner. But, wow is he full of shit! A terrific liar! ONe of the best I’ve ever come across, definitely in my Top Five. It was just my good luck that I knew better. Wish I could reveal the precise data.
Janice did a great song about it. “Freedom’s just another word for nothing else to loose…” Should be made into the Scioland’s theme song. (Bobby McGee would agree too).
Gee, I keep forgetting my age (plus just about everything else I need to remember) but here’s Janice’s song for those that weren’t even born before she did it – a classic!
I would trade all my tomorrow’s for one single yesterday…awesome line
Kristofferson and Fred Foster.
The story of Janice Joplin is sad enough with her dying young of drugs and alcohol but that song was released posthumously in 1971 and topped the charts.
The movie “The Rose” played by Bette Midler is the story of Janice Joplin and is a brilliant movie, well worth a look if you’ve never seen it. The voice of Janice was unique and she always sang from the soul.
IT -You win!
Many people think Willie Nelson. What Nelson did write was “Crazy”, made famous by Patsy Cline.
Just a little Sunday Morning Trivia…
I Yawnalotsays
If you really want to extend the Sunday morning trivia to Monday (Aussie time) it’s almost uncomprehending bewildering to realise that another famous chart topping song to be released posthumously was “(sittin on) The Dock of the Bay” by Ottis Redding. One of the most famous tracks ever recorded. Who doesn’t know that song? I think that was 1971 too, or there abouts. He died in a plane crash.
Ok, so let’s focus on abandonment issues. When we’re you first abandoned? How did that make you feel? Did you to punch someone? Did that feel good. Ok! You’re cured!
alfonso esteban says
Definition of merry-go-round:
The reason for the Scientology Merry-Go-Round (A cycle of activity that is complex and difficult to break out of.) is DM’s gargantuan appetite for money… in spite of being such a midget!
Merriam-Webster’s definition:
“Gargantua is the name of a giant king in François Rabelais’s 16th-century satiric novel Gargantua. All of the details of Gargantua’s life befit a giant. He rides a colossal mare whose tail switches so violently that it fells the entire forest of Orleans. He has an enormous appetite – in one memorable incident, he inadvertently swallows five pilgrims while eating a salad. The scale of everything connected with Gargantua gave rise to the adjective “gargantuan,” which since Shakespeare’s time has been used of anything of tremendous size or volume.”
Food for thought… Maybe RB can draw a a huge DM with an enormous belly full of money, with a tiny, tiny head… and send a copy to the IRS.
Jere Lull (38 years recovering come August) says
Tubby’s obsession to always have increasing stats requires that future stats besacrificed to get THIS week’s up. of COURSE the stats will crash, flatlining at or near zero after awhile, but by then the staff will have gotten so depressed that they don’t give a damn. Neither will they get much motivated to do the long-term things necessary to get real stats. Realizing that that was the inevitable end of the rat race was when I started on my way home to the real world. What really set me off was that I couldn’t get any help, not even a friendly ear, from anyone, no matter how I tried. The best they had was the RPF,as if MORE degradation was the way to improve my spirits. Of course, it DID work after a fashion. I got too drpressed for even them to stand, got kicked out, and returned home and got a job that actually produced something valuable, and got paid a decent wage to do it. Felt GOOD! With my improved spirits came some sweeties who didn’t have the hangups of those SO women who were so repressed by the unsane and hypocritical rules Tubby instilled in the ’70s.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
Thanos could learn a lesson or two from your typical staff registrar. They could talk him into putting his Infinity Gauntlet on account for a complete Basics set.
Cousin says
Hahaha. This was so spot on in the language. Person says something that staff/SO can’t really give a good answer to. Divert to: “Okay. Thank you for telling me that.” Like uhhh…you’re welcome? Another good one is “tracking”. Okay…cool. Glad we’re uh… tracking together.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
The IRS should be utterly embarrassed that a little cult of insignificance has been able to outwit a branch of the United States government. So to you, Miscavige and scientology, a tip of the hat.
Or maybe the all-out-assault has been in the planning for years.
Mec Fossette says
Maybe Trump would be inclined to reverse the exempt status of COS if he knew how much they would be paying in taxes and then he could figure out a way to use that money to do something else….like pay the secret service to go with him on his stupid golf outings!
Wynski says
Mec, as any American who didn’t sleep through basic elementary school classes knows, a PotUS has no such power. education knows, a President cannot do such things by fiat.
Please DO help by finishing grammar school and then contacting your House Rep about the CoS abuses.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Wynski, you are my kind of troublemaker, Educated, sophisticated, and fucking formidable. Did I know you in another life?
IndieScientologyNews (@IndieScieNews) says
And finally (?) to avoid misunderstanding, I am not an Independent Scientologist. I just provide independent news about Scientology. 🙂 As my Twitter profiles states:
“Independent news about Scientology. Not associated with the Church of Scientology or Independent Scientology. Tweets & RTs not endorsements, but simply news.”
IndieScientologyNews (@IndieScieNews) says
Also, to introduce myself, on ESMB and WWP I am, and was previoiusly here, CommunicatorIC. I adopted @IndieScieNews aka IndieScientologyNews aka Independent Scientology New on Twitter because I thought the name communicated better on that platform.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Mike Rinder, false flag alert, false flag alert.
Failed secret agent much?
To think the soviet union in 19-freaking-30 was better at espionage than the current “masters of the universe”, scientology, in 2-thousand-and-freaking-eighteen.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
Not completely sure who the false flag is…
WhatAreYourCrimes says
“A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.”
Scientology is notorious for this kind of thing… fake front groups comes to mind.
Jere Lull (37 years recovering come August) says
ANYone is better at their jobs than know-it-alls who think that reading a few words and throwing some clay around makes them fully qualified to do something.
Idle Morgue says
Another scenario…
The Regg gets her to pay for Super Power Rundowns at Flag…and makes her put down $35,000 – money she does not have.
She goes into deep debt…but is told by the REGG….”this will handle her case for real”….
She gets to FLAG –
They make her wait a WEEK before she see’s the MAA (Standard Operating Procedure to fully enturbulate the thetan…. it ensures a “win” later – ALL part of the scam….
the MAA tells her she is PTS and needs to handle her son and husband BEFORE she can have any auditing…
AND she must leave the Flag Scam Base
On her route out….she is heavily regged by WTHC, IAS and many other front groups….
They get all of her money she had on account
This is what FLAG specializes in…
Another Scientologist financially ruined after being exploited at the Flag Land Base.
SOP in Scientology
Aquamarine says
GREAT one, RB. I’m not laughing, though. Boy, oh boy, did this ever hit home!
Me, In response to being asked to buy/do/attend something saying, “No”, and then giving the reason why.
Staff acknowledging me with, “I understand”, and then asking me the same question AGAIN.
And again. And again. And again and again and again, and again and again!
Each time with me saying “no”, and getting the same acknowledgement, “I understand”.
Finally, I’d blow a gasket:
Me, “No you DON’T understand! You do NOT understand at all! If you understood you wouldn’t be ASKING me this same thing over and over! If you UNDERSTOOD we’d have been finished with this conversation ten minutes ago!”
Staff:Member: “I understand”.
Me: “You’re just being robotic! You understand NOTHING!”
Staff Member (varying it a little): “I get it.”
Some of them were like that. For years it drove me CRAZY!
NOW I see that they were all afraid. All in fear. They HAD to get their product.
FINALLY, in the end, I learned to say “No” the ONLY way you can say “No” to these people.
They’d punch around for a reason: I’d give them none. “No reason. Just don’t want to”.
Them: “Why? What’s your consideration?”
Me: “No consideration. Just not going to do it. Have to go now. Nice talking to you – Bye!”
Now, once I started handling them this way, I began making THEM crazy!
Oooh did they NOT like this AT ALL.
But by then I was one foor out the door anyway.
Aquamarine says
Edit: “…one FOOT out the door…”
And, yes, I know there’s an edit button but can I help it if every time I’m in my office ranting to you on this blog about something absolutely vital, either the phone rings, or someone walks in? 🙂 Never fails. Jeesh!
BetaB says
The same thing happened to me. And it was always the same stupid staff member. He drove me crazy asking the same question over and over again for months! At the end I varied my answer and bawled: “Your TR3 restimulates me so hard, that it is hard for me to stay in control. If you ask me that question ever again, I will hit you right in the face and brake your nose!” That shocked him so hard that he never asked me anything ever again. I am small and female and I guess he never met a violent woman before.
Aquamarine says
Ha ha! Cool solution, BetaB.
“I am small and female and I guess he never met a violent woman before.”.
I am on the tall side and female and having been in my childhood rigidly drilled in WASP politeness I was a sitting duck for these cult creatures because the WORST thing I could do (or so I thought at the time) was be RUDE to anyone (meanwhile, asking someone the same thing over and over and over again when they keep repeatedly saying “No” is VERY rude) but anyway what I wanted to tell you was that some of the toughest people I’ve known have been 2 petite, female friends of mine back in high school. You did NOT mess with these girls! I don’t really understand what was emanating from them to manage this but they were intimidated by NOTHING and they were barely 5 feet tall and optimistically 105 lbs. Thanks for your response and more power to the “violent” women who refuse to be pushed around!
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass says
This is why I am glad that I am “Dead Men Tell No Tales”.
Ypu can’t get any more blood from a corpse.
X13 says
So funny, the old lady with glasses reminds me the DCO D&E in CC Paris, same kind of shark !
Alcoboy says
I love it! The old hag staff member who has been on staff since 1970 or so. With the ex-husband who joined the Sea Org sometime in the 80s, hasn’t risen above the rank of Midshipman, and is now about to be offloaded.
BTW, why does the old hag always carry a clipboard?
Peter Norton says
For the same reason anyone in an office situation carries one: to “appear” busy. 🙂
Alcoboy says
Might as well since there’s really nothing else for her to do.
IndieScientologyNews (@IndieScieNews) says
O/T if I may. Saturday, May 26, 2018: Scientology Freedom Medal Winner / Scientology TV personality Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad (who teaches “America is #1 on God’s list to be destroyed”) speaking at the Church of Scientology of the Valley in Los Angeles, CA.
Rick Pyle says
Definition of Insanity – using the same Scientology Tech over and over and expecting different results.
Old Surfer Dude says
Rick, are you saying I’ll never have Super Powers? I’m crushed. Life is meaningless now.
Len Zinberg says
I’d like to direct a comment to the many “half-in, half-out” lurkers who read this blog: I know that you recognize that Regraded Being is scoring direct bulls-eye hits with these columns, exposing the manipulative behavior and nutty thinking. Perhaps you’re amazed by the uncanny way that these cartoons seem to mirror your own experience. I want you to know that it isn’t just YOU who experienced this stuff. We all did. You’re not alone; there are multitudes just like you, who have left, and gone on to rebuild their lives, without the insane “push-pull” of Scientology coercion. I wish you well in your journey out of the Scientology labyrinth and commend your courage to look.
Old Surfer Dude says
Outstanding post, Len! I hope those lurking here realize that they’ve been had.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Breaking news from Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board, Church of Scientology, special announcement…
OT VIX has been revealed. It is so simple, only a great being like LRH could deliver it in one sentence, on the back of a cocktail bar napkin.
Here it is, are you ready?
You better sit down.
“THE TECH DOESN’T WORK.” – L.Ron Hubbard
Wa Wa Wa Waaaaa <- sad-sack horn sound
Old Surfer Dude says
Seriousl? It really doesn’t work? Well, there goes my stable datum…right out the window.
Alcoboy says
To: WhatAreYourCrimes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: revealing classified information
How did you find that out? Who told you? Was it Rinder? I demand to know who disclosed that data to you so I can bring you and them to Int Base and throw you both in the Hole for eternity!
WAYC says
… but… but it was YOU, dear disgusting, I mean, distinguished leader, Mr. DAVID MISCAVIGE… or extinguished… shit, where is my dictionary.
Alcoboy says
To: WhatAreYourCrimes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: that accusation
IT WAS NOT ME! I would never slip up like fat, I mean that I wasn’t tech bulletin…………
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Sherman!! Bwah ha ha ha!
Ms.P says
“Thank you for telling me that. I totally duplicate what you’re saying”. CLASSIC scio. lingo and the rest is spot on conversation. The “free” arcX bull shit session. They sure have their pattern down in every mission, org., etc. Once again RB, another great one.
Vince says
No fucking shit!!!
Balletlady says
Sometimes LIFE requires you to surprise yourself & be stronger than YOU thought you’d ever be….if that means screaming your head off& sitting on the floor, or sitting on your pocket book in a busy bus terminal station or running as fast as you can to escape….because the Devil himself is on your trail….you DO it. .
So many brave people, the decision to leave & have loved ones refuse to join you, is unimaginable…..the heartache continues for so many…….YOU are the BRAVE ONES who continue to speak out despite all the pain that comes your way…..
Aquamarine says
“Sometimes LIFE requires you to surprise ourself & be stronger than YOU thought you’d ever be…”
Ain’t that the truth! And you’re NEVER ready for it, either!
Great post, Balleylady.
Alcoboy says
What I like about the staff members is how they spout all that Scientologyspeak when people don’t agree with them.
Put up with that crap on staff:
Public: This is total bullshit!
Staff member: I totally duplicate that.
Public: No,no! Not another dime!
Staff member: Now, Janice. That’s the bank talking.
Public: I am not going to help out at the book booth!
Staff member: Thank you for sharing that.
Public: You’re not listening, are you?
Staff member: I totally duplicate that. It’s very important that everything we do is for the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.
I’m so glad to be out.
Ammo Alamo says
A saying goes ‘there is no fool like an old fool’. When the gray haired lady shows up in the last panel, complimenting for the slick turnaround to make Thursday stats, and the response is that it will hurt their local future income, it reveals today’s Scientology in a nutshell.
But no one need look further than the Superpower Rundown to see the futility of Scientology. Roaming an area with multiple sensory inputs – sniffing, touching, tasting, spinning – that’s what you do at the State Fair for a few dollars spent on parking, admission, rides, cotton candy, fried food, Tums, and maybe sore feet and a sunburn. But in Scientology the same thing, without the crowds or sunburn, costs twenty grand, plus airfare, plus meals, and lodging for who-knows how long.
Speaking of Orlando (huh?). Anyway, until recently, an old site for Orlando on google sites had a few photos from 2011. One showed a party, maybe a seminar, with 25 attendees. Not bad, the room seemed crowded. But closer inspection showed that 19 of the 25 were fully gray-haired, and none of them looked prematurely gray. The other six all looked 30-35 or older, and that was way back in 2011. So over-50, maybe over-55 was the norm for Orlando Scientology members back in 2011?
BTW, that site was had a little info dated 2012, but most was 2011 – and they were proclaiming loudly how close they were to going Ideal, including a photo of the eventual building. It must have been an off-lines website somehow, because it sat from 2011-2018 with no updating, and some of the photos disappeared a few days ago, after DM yanks his ribbon.
whatareyourcrimes says
I would LOVE to see an age distribution chart of current practicing members of scientology.
My prediction would be a heavy weighting on the gray-haired side of the chart.
Old Surfer Dude says
Ammo, I’m an old fool. Been one for years now. I used to be a young fool.
Ammo Alamo says
OSD – Old fool or young fool, you’re still a cool fool. Or just cool.
Old Surfer Dude says
Oh, no. I’m still a fool. But, a cool one at that.
Peter Norton says
And, usually, a very funny fool. 🙂
Spike says
I’m glad I have been out for 35+ years.
Old Surfer Dude says
Yeah, baby! How sweet it is!
Aquamarine says
Interesting, Ammo.
Your post reminded me that I attended the Ideal Org opening of DC org back in 2009. Didn’t think anything of it at the time but now I see that most attendees were bus’sed in. LOTS and LOTS of buses converging on that spot!
Miscavige yanked the ribbon and then I recall the E/D giving a speech in which she shared how thrilled she was that the Org was Ideal – all the potential for their expansion being that the building was only a few blocks from the White House and other important government institutions.
Last but not least I recall her saying, “Saint Hill Size is just around the corner”.
Well, this September it will be 9 years later – has DC gone St Hill size yet? Enquiring minds, etc.
Alcoboy says
CCNashville yanked it’s ribbon just before DC did. So if Nashville hasn’t gone Saint Hill size by now, then probably neither has DC.
Mike Rinder says
Not a single “ideal” org has reached St Hill Size — though Tampa and Milano have said they were.
Aquamarine says
Thanks for the intel, Alco an Mike, and hey, DC/ED, that’s a pretty looooong corner y’all are turning!
Alcoboy says
Well, all I ‘ve got to say to Tampa and Milano is:
No, wait. They’re probably all fabricated.
I Yawnalot says
The true ‘cycle of action’ in Scientology. Good one RB.
Old Surfer Dude says
“A nice long expensive trip to Flog.” It’s ALL about the money. And nothing more.
Spike says
Hi, Old Surfer Dude!
Old Surfer Dude says
Yo! Sup?
Spike73 says
All good, Dude. You?
Spike says
I’m sometimes Spike and sometimes Spike 73, but anyway I’m the same person LOL!
Old Surfer Dude says
If I were any better…I’d be twins.
Spike says
Riiiiiight … LOL!
OhioBuckeye says
It sure is….”all about the $$$”. Very interesting reading over on TonyO’s site regarding the upcoming auction of LRH letters. If anyone has yet to be convinced that it has always and only been about the money, just read it in the words of ‘source’ himself.
Glenn says
R.B. You TOTALLY hit it with this one! ALL sounded so, amazingly familiar from my too many decades in. You must have had the same trip down the rabbit hole as I. Thanks for all you create on this site.
CO$ Money Doc says
The only thing she needs to handle is the knob on the front door outta there…
Old Surfer Dude says
The knob to freedom. All you have to do is turn the knob, and walk away.
I Yawnalot says
Won’t go there…
Old Surfer Dude says
Go where?
Aquamarine says
Dave F. says
“Free” ? What a bunch of “Parasites” . . . Disgusting !
Razz says
I agree that they are nothing but parasites. Money is all they care about.
Susan says
Spot on as usual.
Wynski says
LOL! If only more people were honest with self they would never purchase anything past Grade 1.
Alcoboy says
Hell, Wynski, if only more people were more honest with themselves, they would never purchase anything past Div 6 courses.
jim says
How about this: Dianetics and Grades are by CO-AUDIT only. All an org needs is a training room, one old-timer supervisor to 2WC the students through the materials, one in-house Auditor for real issues who also runs Power processes. And solo from there on.
Any meter from any era, any materials from any era, twin up and set your own schedule. YOU are after all helping YOU get better. Round table discussions about everything, including the dichotomous writings of Ron are encouraged.
OH!!!! Sorry Demented Midget, there is no money in it for you.
Wynski says
Why bother jim? It is total bullshit no matter how you slice it.
jim says
Wynski ,
I really got what you wrote. I see where you are coming from and I can appreciate your origination. Thank You, with much love. If you could refocus some of that anger you are holding in and redirect it in getting yourself on your next step in aligning your case with the dynamics…..well, you know we are here to help you get started right now before your eternity runs out and the theta train has left the station with you the last one in the mest universe. (RB! Am I getting the hang of your patter?)
Now: The trouble you might be experiencing with my post to Alcoboy is that Jim did get wins and gains from the auditing and training and am not ashamed to say so. Likewise, over half of the people I knew who got on lines got nothing for their time, money and efforts.So I have no disputes with your fully expressed viewpoint.
Ammo Alamo says
Total bullshit. Totally. Except for all those OT’s flying back and forth all over downtown Clearwater, showering the citizenry with little round balls of air poop, made of solid 24k gold. Swishhh, ding, swishhh, ding.
I swear it’s the truth, I had two of them crash through my windshield just yesterday. Those flying gold-pooping OTs are a damn hazard, I tell you.
If I have to cash in one more ball of gold poop to pay for a broke windshield I’m calling the FAA.
Alcoboy says
Works for me. Won’t work for the church .
Old Surfer Dude says
No shit, Wyn. I had gone through all the grades. Every single one of them. My auditor, Dave Pettit, was seriously pushing me to attest to Clear. The problem was…nothing had changed. Not a damn thing. I just wish I had asked for my money back! Now that was stupid. But, I’ve been out since ’82.
jim says
1982 was a fine year. The sun shone, the grapes grew, and the waves had a clean curl. yep, a vintage year.
Old Surfer Dude says
With a young man walking out of the Org.
exbritscino says
I went through all the Grades too, plus a whole load of other waste-of-a-life courses. I even went as far as doing a CCRD. Twice!!! It was “ascertained” that I wasn’t “Clear” both times………
Main reason was that by this time I was seriously pi££$d off with scinoland and I think you’d have got more needle reaction out of a block of wood than you would have done out of me……………..
Even when I was “dedicated”,(or as dedicated as I was ever likely to be), I always said to myself “I don’t want to be OT”. Why? Because my mission was run by OT’s who, in my opinion, were the biggest bunch of bell ends I’d ever come across!! Some of the stuff they used to do to “help clear the planet” was laughable at best, and downright grossly immoral/illegal at worst.
“OT’s” that I met elsewhere also seemed to be clueless……. In the immortal words of Jason Beghe “Show me a fucking OT”!!!!
Sorry you never got your money back. A MAJOR consolation is that, as you’ve been out since ’82, at least you got your LIFE back. Nice feeling isn’t it?
Old Surfer Dude says
Yep! A nice feeling, indeed, exbrit. I used my Super Powers to walk away. And, keep in mind, all of Scientology is nothing more than make believe! Put another way, money for nothing, and the chicks for free.
Aquamarine says
Well, at least you got something out of it OSD 🙂
Old Surfer Dude says
ROTFLMFAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
Wynski says
You were smart enough to get out relatively cheap OSD
Old Surfer Dude says
You got that right! Here’s the old definition of Clear: “A Clear is to a normal person, what a normal person is to the institutionally insane.” I found that to be a huge yawning gap. So I used my Super Powers to walk away.
Alcoboy says
No kidding, OSD! Dave Pettit? Isn’t he the guy you always see at the Birthday Game event every year showering praise after praise on the Demented Midget? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Old Surfer Dude says
That’s a good questio. I know he’s at CC. At some point, I’d like to go there just to see how he’s doing. He was a very nice guy?.
Aquamarine says
Dave Petit is a huge phoney baloney. God, what a phoney! Maybe he was a nice guy back in the day, OSD. Maybe he started out sincere and on the level. Very possible. And giving the devil his due, he’s smooth talker with a very friendly and engaging manner. But, wow is he full of shit! A terrific liar! ONe of the best I’ve ever come across, definitely in my Top Five. It was just my good luck that I knew better. Wish I could reveal the precise data.
Peter Norton says
1982 was one of the great years in scio, the year that THOUSANS walked out.
Spike says
Jere Lull (37 years recovering come August) says
If the Internet had existed all those years ago,MORE folks would have walked out without a second thought. Look at how few can be lured in these days.
Eh=Eh says
Free! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Old Surfer Dude says
What is this ‘free’ word? Does it mean free to hand over all my money?
I Yawnalot says
Janice did a great song about it. “Freedom’s just another word for nothing else to loose…” Should be made into the Scioland’s theme song. (Bobby McGee would agree too).
I Yawnalot says
Gee, I keep forgetting my age (plus just about everything else I need to remember) but here’s Janice’s song for those that weren’t even born before she did it – a classic!
I would trade all my tomorrow’s for one single yesterday…awesome line
Old Surfer Dude says
I’m still older, I Yawn. When I look in a mirror, my thoughts are: Seriously? That’s my face? Age happens…
OhioBuckeye says
Quickly….for one free ‘Supah Power’… who wrote ‘Me and Bobby McGee’?
Old Surfer Dude says
Now that’s a good question. Let know who it is.
I Yawnalot says
Kristofferson and Fred Foster.
The story of Janice Joplin is sad enough with her dying young of drugs and alcohol but that song was released posthumously in 1971 and topped the charts.
The movie “The Rose” played by Bette Midler is the story of Janice Joplin and is a brilliant movie, well worth a look if you’ve never seen it. The voice of Janice was unique and she always sang from the soul.
OhioBuckeye says
IT -You win!
Many people think Willie Nelson. What Nelson did write was “Crazy”, made famous by Patsy Cline.
Just a little Sunday Morning Trivia…
I Yawnalot says
If you really want to extend the Sunday morning trivia to Monday (Aussie time) it’s almost uncomprehending bewildering to realise that another famous chart topping song to be released posthumously was “(sittin on) The Dock of the Bay” by Ottis Redding. One of the most famous tracks ever recorded. Who doesn’t know that song? I think that was 1971 too, or there abouts. He died in a plane crash.
Scazz says
I’m still waiting for my FREE arcx session
John McMaster says
I would like to indicate it was a break in reality.
Mary Kahn says
Old Surfer Dude says
Alright all ready! I’ll give you a free arcx session. But, you need to come to Huntington Beach.
Golden Era Parachute says
I’ll be out there Monday actually. I’m coming for that free arcx session.
Old Surfer Dude says
I’ll be here waiting…
Peabody says
Newcomer says
At this point you would only get a read on abandoned from me.
Old Surfer Dude says
Ok, so let’s focus on abandonment issues. When we’re you first abandoned? How did that make you feel? Did you to punch someone? Did that feel good. Ok! You’re cured!
Peabody says
Good one, LFBDFN
Alcoboy says
You might be waiting a while.